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A new criterion is proposed for a more efficient assessment of free-surface particles in a particle-based simulation. Enhanced wave impact simulations are carried out by improved Incompressible SPH (ISPH) methods. The first improvement is the same as that in the Corrected ISPH (CISPH; [Khayyer A, Gotoh, H, Shao SD. Corrected incompressible SPH method for accurate water-surface tracking in breaking waves, Coast Eng 2008; 55 (3): 236–250]) method and is proposed for the improvement of momentum conservation. The second improvement is achieved by deriving and employing a higher order source term based on a more accurate differentiation to obtain a less fluctuating and more accurate pressure field. The enhanced performance of improved ISPH methods is demonstrated through the simulation of several fluid impact simulations in comparison with the experimental data and simulation results by other numerical methods.  相似文献   

A shared-memory parallelization is implemented to the recently developed Consistent Particle. Method (CPM) for violent wave impact problems. The advantages of this relatively new particle method lie in four key aspects: (1) accurate computation of Laplacian and gradient operators based on Taylor series expansion, alleviating spurious pressure fluctuation and being able to model two-phase flows characterized by large density difference, (2) a thermodynamics-based compressible solver for modelling compressible air that eliminates the need of determining artificial sound speed, (3) seamless coupling of the compressible air solver and incompressible water solver, and (4) parallelization of the numerical model based on Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) and a parallel direct sparse solver (Pardiso) to significantly improve computational efficiency. Strong and weak scaling analyses of the parallelized CPM are conducted, showing an efficiency speedup of 100 times or more depending on the size of simulated problem. To demonstrate the accuracy of the developed numerical model, three numerical examples are studied including the benchmark study of wave impact on seawall, and our experimental studies of violent water sloshing under rotational excitations and sloshing impact with entrapped air pocket. CPM is shown to accurately capture highly deformed breaking waves and violent wave impact pressure including pressure oscillation induced by air cushion effect.  相似文献   

Breaking waves on coastal structures cause high magnitude impact pressures which may be important for the structural stability. In estimating the impact pressure distribution on the wall, there have been a lot of theoretical and experimental work. The present study is concerned with a theoretical approach which is based on the pressure impulse, to find the impact pressures on vertical wall. The numerical solution of the governing equation is carried out using the boundary element method. The theoretical impact pressures are determined using the experimental values of impact pressure rising time. The computational results of the impact pressures from the pressure impulse model are found to agree well with the experimental data of an earlier study.  相似文献   

A nonlinear sloshing problem is numerically simulated. During excessive sloshing, the sloshing-induced impact load can cause a critical damage on the tank structure. Recently the problem becomes an important research topic in LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Tanker and FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) design. In this study, the wave impact load on the structure is obtained numerically by imposing the exact nonlinear free surface conditions and compared with that predicted by Morison's formula. As a theoretical model, a three-dimensional free surface flow in a tank is formulated in the scope of potential flow theory with the exact nonlinear free-surface conditions. A finite-element method based on Hamilton's principle is employed as a numerical method. The problem is treated as an initial-value problem. The nonlinear problem is numerically solved through an iterative scheme at each time step.  相似文献   

From the experimental studies in recent years, it has become known that when a wave breaks directly on a vertical faced coastal structure, high magnitude impact pressures are produced. The theoretical and experimental studies show that the dynamic response of such structures under wave impact loading is closely dependent on the magnitude and duration of the load history. The dynamic analysis and design of a coastal structure can be succeeded provided the design load history for the wave impact is available. Since these types of data are very scarce, it is much more convenient to follow a method which is based on static analysis for the dynamic design procedure. Therefore, to facilitate the dynamic design of a vertical plate that is exposed to breaking wave impact, a multiplication factor called “dynamic magnification factor” is herein presented which is defined as the ratio of the maximum value of the dynamic response to that found by static analysis. The computational results of the present study show that the dynamic magnification factor is a useful ratio to transfer the results of static analysis to the dynamic design of a coastal plate for the maximum impact pressure conditions of pmaxH0≤18.  相似文献   

This study investigates the applicability of neural networks to predict whether impact wave force will act on the upright section of a composite breakwater. We employ a three-layered neural network whose units of input layer are h/L, H/h, d/h and BM/h (h: the total water depth; L: the wavelength; H: the wave height; d: the water depth above the mound; BM: the horizontal distance from the shoulder of mound to the caisson). Teach signals are 0.99 and 0.01 according to the cases of occurrence and absence of impact wave force, respectively. The neural network whose parameters are determined through self-learning can accurately predict whether impact wave force occurs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a procedure to calculate the design pressure distributions on the hull of a wave energy converter (WEC). Design pressures are the maximum pressure values that the device is expected to experience during its operational life time. The procedure is applied to the prototype under development by Martifer Energy (FLOW—Future Life in Ocean Waves).A boundary integral method is used to solve the hydrodynamic problem. The hydrodynamic pressures are combined with the hydrostatic ones and the internal pressures of the large ballast tanks. The first step consists of validating the numerical results of motions by comparison with measured experimental data obtained with a scaled model of the WEC. The numerical model is tuned by adjusting the damping of the device rotational motions and the equivalent damping and stiffness of the power take-off system. The pressure distributions are calculated for all irregular sea states representative of the Portuguese Pilot Zone where the prototype will be installed and a long term distribution method is used to calculate the expected maximum pressures on the hull corresponding to the 100-year return period.  相似文献   

冯卫兵  张惠  郝青玲 《海洋工程》2012,30(4):97-102
通过莆田试验站实测资料分析和物理模型试验,对单一斜坡护面板的打击力进行了研究,阐述了斜坡上最大相对波压力和波坦、堤坡坡度以及水深的关系,提出了波压力、波压力打击点位置以及波压力沿斜坡分布的计算公式,并给出了不同累积频率下的波压力换算关系。  相似文献   

Spectral observations from pitch-and-roll buoys have been assimilated in a North Sea wave model, in order to study their impact on the wave analysis and forecast. The assimilation is based on Optimal Interpolation (OI) of a limited number of characteristic spectral parameters. In a case study, the propagation of the corrections through the model domain is followed, and it is clarified for which wave conditions the data assimilation has the largest influence on the forecast: this is especially the case for swell waves with long travel times between the assimilation site and the location where validation is carried out. A 1-year test has been carried out in which an analysis and subsequent forecast were produced four times a day. From a statistical analysis of the results a modest but systematic improvement of the 12-h forecast is found. When only swell cases are selected, the impact is more pronounced. It is argued that for shelf seas like the North Sea, more progress is to be expected from extension of the ‘conventional' observations network (buoys and wave radars) than from satellite measurements.  相似文献   

Calibration coefficients incorporated in the modified Weibull distribution are more effective for maximum wave height simulation. The parametric relations are derived there from to estimate various wave height statistics including extreme wave heights. The characteristic function of the Weibull distribution is derived. The Weibull distribution is suggested for the newly defined significant wave height simulation by the method of characteristic function. The statistical tools suggested and developed here for predicting the required wave height statistics are validated against the wave data (both deep and shallow) of eastern Arabian Sea comprising rough monsoon conditions also, giving reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Triple diagram method for the prediction of wave height and period   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many formulations have been developed so far to predict the wave height and period from fetch length and wind blowing duration for a constant wind speed. This study aimed to predict wave parameters from fetch length and meteorological factors by using triple diagram methodology based on Kriging principles. Proposed model results were compared with Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) model which is used so commonly in the ocean and coastal engineering studies. For the implementation of the methodology hourly wave and wind data were obtained from a buoy located in Lake Ontario. Numerical and graphical comparisons demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms the classical formulation.  相似文献   

开孔沉箱式结构内部波浪冲击压力试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究在不同比尺模型下,透空式海洋结构中开孔沉箱内部受力与入射波浪的关系及差异,针对简化的上部开孔箱体海洋结构,选取两组不同尺寸模型进行了多组规则波物理模型试验。首先采用低通滤波方法分析了冲击力的不同组分,然后对比了两组模型内部所受冲击力的分布及波要素与箱体内部受力的关系。研究发现,波面对开口的淹没程度是影响冲击过程的主要因素;当模型尺寸发生变化时,开孔箱体内部所受波浪力与入射波要素的关系也发生了变化。  相似文献   

The experimental investigation of unidirectional random wave slamming on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone is presented. The experiment is conducted in the marine environment channel in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. The test wave is unidirectional irregular wave. The experiments are carried out with perpendicular random waves (β=0°) and oblique random waves (β=15°, 30°, 45°), the significant wave heights H1/3 ranging from 7.5 to 20 cm with 2.5 cm increment, the peak wave periods Tp ranging from 0.75 to 2.0 s with 0.25 s increment, and the clearance of the model with respect to the significant wave height s/H1/3 ranging from 0.0 to 0.5 with 0.1 increment. The statistical analysis results of different test cases are presented. The statistical distribution characteristics of the perpendicular irregular wave impact pressures are compared with that of the oblique irregular wave on the underside of the structure. The effect of the wave direction β on the wave impact forces on the underside of the structure is determined. The relation between the impact forces and the parameters such as the significant wave height, the relative structure width and the relative clearance of the structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, two modified pressure gradient models based on Taylor series expansion are proposed to enhance the higher order source term MPS (MPS-HS) method. The modified models consist of gradient correction matrices applied to the existing (base) pressure gradient models. To validate the modified pressure gradient models first hydrostatic pressure test is simulated and compared to both the base and modified MPS methods. Using the modified models are shown to reduce unphysical pressure oscillations observed in the base models. Second, an evolution of an elliptical drop in a 2D flow field is examined and shown to verify the models. Third, the proposed models illustrated appropriate stability and consistency properties against analytical solutions when an altered gravitational acceleration was superimposed to the hydrostatic pressure test. In addition, an improved performance is observed when Higher order Laplacian (HL) and Error-Compensating Source (ECS) of the Poisson Pressure Equation (PPE) schemes are coupled with the modified pressure gradient models compared to coupling them with the base gradient models. Finally, the modified MPS methods enhanced performances are validated in a free-surface flow simulation for a dam break problem with impact pressure, and a violent sloshing flow in a rectangular tank when compared to the base MPS methods against an existing experimental data.  相似文献   

When waves break against seawalls, vertical breakwaters, piers or jetties, they abruptly transfer their momentum into the structure. This energy transfer is always spectacular and perpetually unrepeatable but can also be very violent and affect the stability and the integrity of coastal structures. Over the last 15 years, increasing awareness of wave-impact induced structural failures of maritime structures has emphasised the need for a more complete approach to dynamic responses, including effects of impulsive loads. At the same time, movement of design standards toward probabilistic approaches requires new statistical tools able to account for uncertainties in the variability of wave loading processes. This paper presents a new approach to the definition of loads for use in performance design of vertical coastal structures subject to breaking wave impacts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to statistically predict the magnitude of impact pressure (including extreme values) produced by deep water waves breaking on a circular cylinder representing a column of an ocean structure. Breaking waves defined here are not those whose tops are blown off by the wind but those whose breaking is associated with steepness. The probability density function of wave period associated with breaking waves is derived for a specified wave spectrum, and then converted to the probability density function of impact pressure. Impacts caused by two different breaking conditions are considered; one is the impact associated with waves breaking in close proximity to the column, the other is an impact caused by waves approaching the column after they have broken. As an example of the application of the present method, numerical computations are carried out for a wave spectrum obtained from measured data in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Change of shoreline wave climate caused by the installation of a wave farm is assessed using the SWAN wave model. The 30 MW-rated wave farm is called the ‘Wave Hub’ and will be located 20 km off the north coast of Cornwall, UK. Changes in significant wave height and mean wave period due to the presence of the Wave Hub are presented. The results suggest that the shoreline wave climate will be affected, although the magnitude of effects decreases linearly as wave energy transmitted increases. At probable wave energy transmission levels, the predicted change in shoreline wave climate is small.  相似文献   

Freak waves are extreme and unexpected surface waves with huge wave heights that may lead to severe damage to ships and offshore structures. However, few researches have been conducted to investigate the impact underneath fixed horizontal decks caused by freak waves. To study these phenomena, a 2-D numerical wave tank is built in which nonlinear freak waves based on the Peregrine breather solution are generated. As a validation, a regular-wave-induced underneath impact is simulated and compared to the existing experimental measurements. Then the nonlinear freak-wave-induced impact is investigate with different values of deck clearance above the mean free surface. In addition, a comparative simulation of a “large” regular wave based on the 2nd-order Stokes wave theory with the same crest height and wave length of the nonlinear freak wave is carried out to reveal the unique features of the nonlinear freak-wave-induced impact. By applying a fluid–structure interaction (FSI) algorithm in which the bottom deck and front side wall are simplified as Euler beams in 2-D and discretized by the finite element method (FEM), the hydroelastic effects are considered during the impact event. The vertical force acting underneath the bottom deck, the transversal force acting on the front side wall, the structural displacements of the elastic deck and wall are analyzed and discussed respectively, from which meaningful conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

Catastrophic failures of many tsunami barriers along the affected coasts during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami has prompted extensive investigation into improving and revising design codes for tsunami defence structures. To date, researchers and coastal engineers are investigating to understand the failure mechanisms and to find solutions so that the structures merely remain intact in the extreme event such as tsunami. Thus, the present work is motivated to experimentally study tsunami-induced bore pressures exerted on vertical seawalls; a solid vertical wall and a porous vertical seawall that consisted of a perforated front wall and a solid rear wall. Bores with various heights and velocities were generated by using the dam-break method. A porous seawall with 20% porosity of perforated front wall was used in this study. Bore pressures exerted on the solid rear wall and chamber oscillations that occurred in the experiments were also discussed. The experimental results showed that multiple peak pressures were observed during bore run-up phase in the time series of bore impacts. A predictive equation to estimate the maximum bore pressure on a perforated seawall was developed using multiple regression analysis. The proposed equation was also compared with previous empirical formulas.  相似文献   

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