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This paper describes the development of a numerical model for wave overtopping on seadikes. The model is based on the flux-conservative form of the nonlinear shallow water equations (NLSW) solved with a high order total variation diminishing (TVD), Roe-type scheme. The goal is to reliably predict the hydrodynamics of wave overtopping on the dike crest and along the inner slope, necessary for the breach modelling of seadikes. Besides the mean overtopping rate, the capability of simulating individual overtopping events is also required. It is shown theoretically that the effect of wave breaking through the drastic motion of surface rollers in the surfzone is not sufficiently described by the conventional nonlinear shallow water equations, neglecting wave setup from the mean water level and thus markedly reducing the model predictive capacity for wave overtopping. This is significantly improved by including an additional source term associated with the roller energy dissipation in the depth-averaged momentum equation. The developed model has been validated against four existing laboratory datasets of wave overtopping on dikes. The first two sets are to validate the roller term performance in improving the model prediction of wave overtopping of breaking waves. The last two sets are to test the model performance under more complex but realistic hydraulic and slope geometric conditions. The results confirm the merit of the supplemented roller term and also demonstrate that the model is robust and reliable for the prediction of wave overtopping on seadikes.  相似文献   

基于1∶1的大型水槽试验结果,分析了波浪溢流过程中位于海堤内坡的高性能加筋草皮护面的侵蚀特征。试验观察表明试验期间有一定土壤的损失,但护坡无明显的破坏;土面高度测量表明,当土壤流失发展到一定深度后,如果水动力强度变化不大,侵蚀趋于逐渐停止,这种现象称为侵蚀上限;结合试验现象对侵蚀上限进行了初步解释,并讨论了侵蚀上限达到前的侵蚀速率特征;植株密度监测表明,试验期间的草茎密度基本不变,草叶密度在开始几次试验期间持续减小,而后达到一个稳定值,这对于海堤的可持续防护有重要意义。研究成果能够为波浪溢流期间海堤内坡防御的相关研究和工程措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

A numerical wave flume is used to investigate the discharge characteristics of combined overflow and wave overtopping of impermeable seawalls. The numerical procedure computes solutions to the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations and includes the generation of an irregular train of waves, the simulation of wave breaking and interaction with a sloping, impermeable wall. The numerical model is first tested against published experimental observations, approximate analytical solutions and empirical design formulae for the cases of pure overflow and pure overtopping. A sequence of numerical experiments simulating combined overflow and overtopping are described. The results are used to determine empirical discharge formulae of the form used in current practice.  相似文献   

波浪溢流现象使得海堤受到了越浪和溢流的联合作用,复杂的水动力过程会引起海堤后坡产生严重的侵蚀破坏。基于FLUENT软件建立了二维数值波浪溢流水槽模型,该模型运用UDF速度边界造波法分析在不同超高条件下海堤后坡流量和水流厚度的水力学特性。结果表明数值模拟结果与前人物理模型试验结果吻合,该模型可以真实地模拟出海堤波浪溢流现象。在此基础上进一步研究了波浪溢流中越浪和溢流在不同相对超高条件下的主导性作用,而后建立了十分准确的波浪溢流海堤后坡稳定水流厚度计算公式。  相似文献   

In the context of global climate change,the impact of group-occurring ocean dynamic disasters on China's offshore areas is becoming more and more intense.The study of the effect of existing ocean dynamic disasters on offshore hazard-bearing bodies mostly focuses on the effect of single disaster-causing factors,and it is still insufficient to study storm surge and dynamic wave coupling&reinforcement effects as well as the process of the dynamic response of such hazard-bearing bodies as seawalls.This study firstly realized the synchronous process of water level and wave through continuous tide generation and wave generation by the wave maker and tide generating device,so as to realize the dynamic coupling simulation of storm surge and wave in the laboratory.Then the physical model test of the typical seawall section was carried out under the dynamic coupling of storm surge and wave as well as at a conventional fixed water level respectively.In the process of test wave overtopping discharge and the damage process of the levee crown and backwall of seawalls were observed and compared,and their damage mechanism was also studied.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of overtopping is traditionally studied for well-emerged harbour structures and often focuses on safety and stability. In this paper laboratory tests are presented and analysed to sharpen the hypothesis that overtopping is capable of changing the horizontal circulation pattern around low-crested structures. A unique data set from laboratory experiments was acquired in the wave basin at Delft University of Technology. The experiments were performed using an emerged impermeable low-crested structure (three freeboards and three different wave conditions for each freeboard) and yielded nine different combinations of set-up and overtopping driving forces. Using this information it was possible to quantify the changes in cross-shore and longshore velocity induced by the overtopping and the set-up changes under the different freeboard and wave conditions described. It is found that overtopping enhances the outgoing flows (longshore velocities parallel to the structure) away from the lee side of the structure and dampens the water level gradient driven flow towards the structure.  相似文献   

Present criteria for acceptable grass covered levee overtopping are based on average overtopping values but do not include the effect of overtopping duration. This paper applies experimental steady state results for acceptable overtopping to the case of intermittent wave overtopping. Laboratory results consisting of velocities and durations for acceptable land side levee erosion due to steady flows are examined to determine the physical basis for the erosion. Three bases are examined: (1) velocity above a threshold value, (2) shear stress above a threshold value, and (3) work above a threshold value. The work basis provides the best agreement with the data and a threshold work value and a work index representing the summation of the product of work above the threshold and time are developed. The governing equations for flow down the land side of a levee establish that the flows near the land side levee toe will be supercritical. Wave runup is considered to be Rayleigh distributed with the runup above the levee crest serving as a surrogate for overtopping. Two examples illustrating application of the methodology are presented. Example 1 considers three qualities of grass cover: good, average, and poor. The required levee elevations for these three covers differ by 1.8 m. The results for Example 1 are compared with the empirical criteria of 0.1 liters per second per meter (l/s per m), 1.0  l/s per m, and 10.0  l/s per m. It is found that the required crest elevation by the methodology recommended herein for the “poor” cover is only slightly lower than for the criterion for average overtopping of q=10.0  l/s per m but significantly lower than for the overtopping criterion of 1.0 and 0.1 m/s per m. Example 2 considers two durations of the peak surge with the result that the longer duration peak surge requires a levee that is higher by approximately 0.8 m.  相似文献   

The rate of wave overtopping of a barrier beach is measured and modeled. Unique rate of wave overtopping field data are obtained from the measure of the Carmel River, California, lagoon filling during a time when the lagoon is closed-off with no river inflow. Volume changes are based on measured lagoon height changes applied to a measured hypsometric curve. Wave heights and periods are obtained from directional wave spectra data in 15 m fronting the beach. Beach morphology was measured by GPS walking surveys. Three empirical overtopping models by Van der Meer and Janssen (1995), Hedges and Reis (1998) and Pullen et al. (2007) with differing parameterizations on wave height, period and beach slope and calibrated using extensive laboratory data obtained over plane, impermeable beaches are applied in a quasi-2D manner and compared with the field observations. Three overtopping events are considered when morphology data were available less than 2 weeks prior to the event. The models are tuned to fit the data using a reduction factor to account for beach permeability, berm characteristics, non-normal wave incidence and surface roughness influence. In addition, the run-up model by Stockdon et al. (2006) based on field data is examined and found to underestimate run-up as the calculated values were too small to predict any of the observed overtopping. The three overtopping models performed similarly well with values of 0.72–0.87 for the two narrow-banded wave cases, with an average reduction factor of 0.78. The European model (Pullen et. al., 2007) performed best overall and in particular for the case of the broad-banded, double peaked wave spectrum.  相似文献   

Based on the filtered Navier-Stokes equations and Smagorinsky turbulence model,a numerical wave flume is developed to investigate the overtopping process of irregular waves over smooth sea dikes.Simulations of fully nonlinear standing wave and regular wave’s run-up on a sea dike are carried out to validate the implementation of the numerical wave flume with wave generation and absorbing modules.To model stationary ergodic stochastic processes,several cases with different random seeds are computed for each specified irregular wave spectrum.It turns out that the statistical mean overtopping discharge shows good agreement with empirical formulas,other numerical results and experimental data.  相似文献   

A statistical model is developed to predict wave overtopping volume and rate of extreme waves on a fixed deck. The probability density function for the volume and rate of overtopping water are formulated based on the truncated Weibull distribution with the assumption of local sinusoidal profile for small amplitude waves. Sensitivity to the wave nonlinearity parameter and deck clearance is discussed. The statistical model is compared to laboratory data of the instantaneous free surface elevation measured in front of a fixed deck, and overtopping volume and overtopping rate measured at the leading edge of the deck. The statistical theory compared well with the measured exceedance probability seaward of the deck. The model prediction of the exceedance probability of deck overtopping gave qualitatively good agreement for large overtopping values.  相似文献   

灾害性波浪是中国沿海地区最具破坏性的自然灾害之一。采用开源程序OpenFOAM中interFoam求解器,对低顶海堤(在风暴潮和海平面上升情况下所面临的不利工况)的孤立波越浪特性开展数值模拟研究。通过孤立波冲击海堤的基准算例,验证模型在模拟波浪爬升和越浪过程中大变形波面以及剧烈波浪力方面的精度。基于验证的数值模型,对孤立波在低顶海堤上的越浪特征以及防浪墙高度对越浪的影响开展参数化研究。结果表明堤顶超高减小导致更为剧烈的越浪。针对尚无低顶海堤孤立波越浪量经验公式的问题,提出新的适用于堤顶超高小或为0的孤立波越浪量经验公式。此外,研究发现增加防浪墙高度可有效减少越浪,但防浪墙所受的波浪力也增大。综合考虑防浪墙减少越浪以及自身所受波浪力,针对文中研究采用的海堤截面和波浪条件,建议无量纲防浪墙高度取为1.00。  相似文献   

斜向和多向不规则波在斜坡堤上的平均越浪量的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过三维物理模型试验研究了在斜坡堤上斜向和多向不规则波在非破碎条件下的平均越浪量与波浪参数及堤参数的关系.着重考察了波浪以小角度(0°~30°)斜向入射时平均越浪量的变化情况,肯定了多向波的越浪量在这一范围内有所谓“小角度斜向增加”的现象,但否定了单向波也具有这一现象.在考察波浪的方向分布影响时发现波浪斜向入射时多向波的越浪量往往要比单向波的大.比较了已有的相关研究成果,给出了适用于混凝土护面和扭工字块体护面斜坡堤上斜向和多向不规则波的平均越浪量的估算公式.  相似文献   

Detailed laboratory measurements were made of the instantaneous free surface elevation in front of a fixed deck and the instantaneous free surface elevation, velocity, and overtopping rate at the leading edge of the deck. The study showed that the exceedance probabilities for the normalized maximum instantaneous overtopping rate and the normalized overtopping volume were predicted by a simple exponential curve. The measured exceedance probability seaward of the deck compared well with the nonlinear theory of Kriebel and Dawson (Kriebel D.L., Dawson T.H., 1993. Nonlinearity in wave crest statistics. In: Proceedings Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis. American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 61–75). Conditional sampling of the crest heights seaward of the deck gave a normalized probability distribution similar to that of the maximum water level measured on the deck for each overtopping event. However, the values used to normalize each distribution were not the same.  相似文献   

Laboratory observations of green water overtopping a fixed deck   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A small-scale laboratory experiment was conducted to quantify a transient wave overtopping a horizontal, deck fixed above the free surface. Detailed free surface and velocity measurements were made for two cases with and without the deck structure to quantify the effect of the deck on the wave kinematics. The study showed that the structure increased the free surface above the leading edge of the deck by 20%. The velocity profile at the leading edge was fairly uniform, and the maximum horizontal velocity was similar to the maximum crest velocity measured without the deck. Immediately below the deck, the maximum velocity was 2.5 times greater than the corresponding velocity without the deck and 2.1 times greater than the maximum crest velocity without the deck. On the deck, the wave collapsed into a thin bore with velocities that exceeded 2.4 times the maximum crest velocity measured without the deck.  相似文献   

The paper presents the comparison between the results of small-scale model tests and prototype measurements of wave overtopping at a rubble-mound breakwater. The specific structure investigated is the west breakwater of the yacht harbour of Rome at Ostia (Italy) and is characterized by a gentle seaward slope (1/4) and by a long, shallow foreshore. The laboratory tests firstly aimed at carefully reproducing two measured storms in which overtopping occurred and was measured. The tests have been carried out in two independent laboratories, in a wave flume and in a wave basin, hence using a two-dimensional (2-D) and a three-dimensional (3-D) setup. In the 2-D laboratory tests no overtopping occurred during the storm reproductions; in the 3-D case discharges five to ten times smaller than those observed in prototype have been measured. This indicates the existence of model and scale effects. These effects have been discussed on the basis of the results of several parametric tests, which have been carried out in both laboratories, in addition to the storm reproductions, varying wave and water level characteristics. Final comparison of all the performed tests with 86 prototype measurements still suggests the existence of scale and model effects that induce strong underestimation of overtopping discharge at small scale. The scale reproduction of wave breaking on the foreshore, together with the 3-D features of the prototype conditions and the absence of wind stress in the laboratory measurements, have been individuated as the main sources of scale and model effects. The paper also provides a comparison between the data and a largely used formula for wave overtopping discharges in the presence of structures similar to the one at hand. The suitable value of a roughness factor that appears in that formula is investigated and good agreement is found with other recent researches on rubble-mound breakwaters.  相似文献   

建立能精确模拟舟山渔港台风暴潮过程的浪潮耦合模型,对渔港防灾减灾具有重要意义。基于Delft3D中的FLOW和WAVE模块,在二重嵌套网格下建立风暴潮和波浪的耦合模型。以9711号台风Winnie为背景,验证耦合模型的可靠性,结果显示,风速、天文潮潮位、风暴潮潮位和有效波高的计算值与实测值吻合良好。利用风暴潮模型与耦合模型分别计算了舟山海域的风暴潮,分析了波浪对风暴潮潮位的抬升影响,定海和镇海站最大波浪增水分别为23 cm和34 cm,耦合模型的模拟精度要高于风暴潮模型。通过模拟9711号台风期间舟山渔港的风暴潮过程,分析了风暴潮的时空分布特征,并给出了浪潮耦合作用对于风暴潮时空分布的影响。  相似文献   

This work, which was largely a fruit of China's national marine hazard mitigation service, explicitly reveals the major mechanism of sea-dike failure during wave overtopping. A large group of wave-flume experiments were conducted for sea dikes with varying geometric characteristics and pavement types. The erosion and slide of the landward slope due to the combined effect of normal hit and great shear from overtopping flows was identified the major trigger of the destabilization of sea dikes. Once the intermittent hydrodynamic load and swash caused any deformation (bump or dent) of the pavement layer, pavement fractions (slabs or rubble) on the slope started to be initiated and removed by the water. The erosion of the landward slope was then gradually aggravated followed by entire failure within a couple of minutes. Hence, the competent velocity would be helpful evaluate the failure risk if as well accounted in standards or criteria. However, the dike top was measured experiencing the largest hydrodynamic pressure with a certain cap while the force on the wall increased rapidly as the overtopping intensity approached the dike-failure threshold. The faster increase of the force on the wall than on the landward slope yielded the sequencing of loads reaching hypothetic limits before failure as: dike top – top-mounted wall – landward slope. Therefore, beside the slide failure, the fatigue damage due to the instantaneous hydrodynamic impact might be another mechanism of the dike failure, which did not appear in the experiment but should be kept in mind. Instead of the widely adopted tolerable overtopping rate, a 0.117–0.424 m3/(m s) range of overtopping discharge and a 10 m/s overtopping velocity for the failure risk of typical sea dikes along China's coastlines were suggested, which enables the possible failure risk prediction through empirical calculations. The failure overtopping rate was identified strongly dependent on the pavement material, the landward slope and the dike-mounted wall but showed little variation with the width of the dike top. The flat concrete pavement and gentle landward slopes are suggested for the dike design and construction. For given configurations and hydrodynamic conditions in the experiment, the dike without the wall experienced less overtopping volume than those with the 1-m top-mounted wall. Meanwhile, the remove of the wall increased the failure overtopping rate, which means a certain increase of the failure criterion. Thus, care must be taken to conclude that the dike-mounted wall seems not an entirely appropriate reinforcement for the stability and safety of coastal protections. This should be further checked and discussed by researchers and engineers in the future.  相似文献   

李晓亮  俞聿修 《海洋学报》2007,29(6):126-133
通过三维物理模型实验对斜坡堤上斜向和多向不规则波的单波越浪量进行了研究.实验考察了入射方向为0°~45°的斜向波和方向分布宽度为0°~25°的多向波以及混凝土和扭工字块体两种护面形式.在混凝土护面堤上用Weibull分布函数拟合了单波越浪量的累积频率分布,在影响因素不同的条件下确定了分布函数中的系数和越浪比例,给出了计算单波越浪量的公式,同时对扭工字块体护面堤上大约100个波中最大的单波越浪量进行了估算.  相似文献   

本文建立了大亚湾风暴潮涌浪传播数学模型,以任意多边形离散计算海区,每一多边形构成单元,以波浪运动学和动力学守恒方程模拟单元内能量传递,以风暴潮过程模拟边界入射波高过程,用风暴潮涌浪传播基本方程和波能缓坡方程结合模拟湾口巨浪向湾内的传播过程。通过分析大亚湾不同种类岸线反射系数的概率分布,并结合实测波高对模型进行率定,最终确定模型参数。将大亚湾特征点计算波高与统计推荐波高比较进行模型验证,结果显示SE向波高与H_(13%)推荐波高对应较好,可以用于大亚湾海区的波浪预报。计算当大亚湾口分别出现10年一遇、50年一遇及100年一遇的波高时,在E、ESE以及ES向入射波浪条件下大亚湾海域极值波高的分布。分别对风暴潮涌浪在不同类型岸线的爬高以及风暴潮涌浪传播对岸线的作用力进行计算。  相似文献   

张娜  邹国良 《海洋工程》2015,33(2):32-41
为合理确定防浪建筑物的越浪量,基于含非静水压力梯度项的非线性浅水方程建立了近岸波浪越浪数值模型。通过采用域内造波、消波并结合波前静压假定的破碎模型,模拟了规则波和不规则波在斜坡上的波浪传播变形,并在此基础上进行了越浪量数值计算。数值计算结果与物理模型实验结果表明,非静压模型可合理地描述波浪破碎点位置、破碎后的波高、增减水以及斜坡上的堤后越浪量。数值模型具有较高的计算精度和计算效率,可为实际工程防浪建筑物越浪以及堤顶高程的设计提供一种新的数值研究手段。  相似文献   

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