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The paper addresses the plane linear problem on generation of an internal wave in a continuously stratified ocean by a moving atmospheric front. The front exhibits air pressure perturbations, as well as the field of tangential wind stress. In the frame of a model for the planetary atmospheric boundary layer, a relationship between the air pressure and wind fields has been derived, generalizing Ackerbloom's formulae for the case of a moving atmospheric anomaly. Using the Fourier transform, a relation has been obtained for the wave's signature in the wake of a moving atmospheric perturbation, and the respective analysis has been performed. Numerical estimates of the internal wave amplitudes have been acquired for the mean density stratification in the Kuril-Kamchatka region. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of wave signature generation by the moving areas of surface pressures and tangential wind stresses has been carried out. It has been demonstrated that the latter field determines the effectiveness of baroclinic wave signature generation. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThompson and Wallace(1998)first found the AOin1998and according to their definition,the spatialpattern of AO from the first EOF mode for the sea lev-el air-pressure(SLP)was that around the North Poleregion there was an oscillation out-of-phase with thatat the mid-latitudes zone.This oscillation had verywide frequency range from interannual to interdecadaltime scales.The AO is similar to the North Atlantic oscilla-tion(NAO)over the Atlantic.As Wallace said,theNAO could be…  相似文献   

本研究利用国际在轨SSMIS、WindSat、AMSR-E、ASMR2和国产HY-2A微波辐射计多源遥感大气柱水汽含量观测数据,基于最优插值算法,生成了2003-2015年全球海洋每日0.25°高分辨率的大气柱水汽含量多源遥感融合产品,以及2012-2015年未使用HY-2A微波辐射计数据的全球海洋每日0.25°遥感融合产品。利用无线电探空仪水汽含量观测数据,对生成的全球海洋大气柱水汽含量融合产品进行精度检验。结果表明,总体上,13年间均方根误差和标准差小于3 mm,平均偏差小于0.6 mm,平均绝对偏差小于2 mm,相关系数大于0.98;使用HY-2A微波辐射计数据产品会使融合结果的精度出现微小的降低;AMSR2和HY-2A微波辐射计数据的联合使用对于替代AMSR-E数据具有积极意义。  相似文献   

New insight into the South China Sea: Rossby normal modes   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
<正>The South China Sea(SCS),the largest marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific Ocean,is characterized by frequent occurrence of energetic mesoscale eddies.The eddy diameters range from 100 to 300 km.The eddy lifespan varies from several days to several months with the longest time of seven months(Zheng et al.,2017).The eddy disturbance reaches down to the ocean bottom layer.  相似文献   

A plane problem of generation of barotropic seiches in a bounded rotating basin by traveling atmospheric fronts is studied within the framework of the linear theory of long waves. The front is characterized by disturbances of the baric field and the corresponding field of tangential wind stresses. We deduce the modified Ackerblom formulas for the wind stresses according to the given anomalies of atmospheric pressure in which the uniform transport of disturbances of the baric field is taken into account. We perform the numerical analyses of the dependences of the amplitudes of oscillations of fluid in the basin on the parameters of the atmospheric front and the choice of the formulas for the tangential wind stresses. The influence of the wind stresses leads to significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the oscillations of fluid in the basin as compared with the case of pure baric action.  相似文献   

In previous studies of the completeness of Rossby normal modes in a closed basin, proofs have been obtained by rather technical methods based on the Green's function for the Laplacian operator or based on the theory of compact self-adjoint operators. This short note (1) gives a much simpler proof by the use of only the norm relations between the sine functions and the Rossby normal modes and (2) clarifies the relations between the two different sets of eigenfunctions and between the ordinary norm and the Dirichlet norm, though the validity of the present method is restricted to a special one-dimensional case. The expansion theorem is also derived from the completeness theorem with the aid of transformation laws, where the assumption about the smoothness of the expanded function is weaker than in the elementary proof of Masuda (1987a). Both the set of Rossby normal modes and that of sine functions are shown to be complete for the Dirichlet norm as well.  相似文献   

Parameterizations of normal atmospheric modes (NAMs) and orographic gravity waves (OGWs) are implemented into the mechanistic general circulation model of the middle and upper atmosphere (MUA). Numerical experiments of sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events are performed for climatological conditions typical for January and February using meteorological reanalysis data from the UK MET Office in the MUA model averaged over the years 1992–2011 with the easterly phase of quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). The simulation shows that an increase in the OGW amplitudes occurs at altitudes higher than 30 km in the Northern Hemisphere after SSW. The OGW amplitudes have maximums at altitudes of about 50 km over the North American and European mountain systems before and during SSW, as well as over the Himalayas after SSW. At high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, significant (up to 50–70%) variations in the amplitudes of stationary planetary waves (SPWs) are observed during and after the SSW. Westward travelling NAMs have local amplitude maximums not only in the Northern Hemisphere, but also in the Southern Hemisphere, where there are waveguides for the propagation of these modes. Calculated variations of SPW and NAM amplitudes correspond to changes in the mean temperature and wind fields, as well as the Eliassen-Palm flux and atmospheric refractive index for the planetary waves, during SSW. Including OGW thermal and dynamical effects leads to an increase in amplitude (by 30–70%) of almost all SPWs before and during SSW and to a decrease (up to 20–100%) after the SSW at middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are used to assess the potential benefit of the assimilation of tropospheric and stratospheric observations on mesospheric prediction. A simulated atmosphere, taken as truth, is created using the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM). The truth is sampled at the locations of the measurements from the actual observing system to produce observations, which are then assimilated with the CMAM-DAS (Data Assimilation System). Obtained forecasts are compared with the truth, and error statistics are calculated. An assessment based on predictability shows that upward propagation of information resulting from the assimilation of tropospheric and stratospheric observations improves the mesosphere in the largest scales (with horizontal wavenumbers less than approximately 10). At the same time, the principal inability of the system to predict mesospheric small scales is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We calculate the microphysical characteristics of stratospheric aerosol from lidar-sensing data at wavelengths of 355 and 532 nm using a priori information about the aerosol spectra obtained from balloon and aircraft measurement data. We analyze the mode structure of the spectra and its coupling with the integral microphysical characteristics of aerosol. For most implementations, it was shown that two aerosol modes (of background and volcanic natures) make commensurate contributions to integral aerosol characteristics, which makes it difficult to use the traditional method of model estimates. It is more efficient to use an optical model of a statistical character that is based on approximation dependences between the required integral aerosol characteristics and lidar-measured optical characteristics. We found that the area, volume, and effective size of particles and the lidar ratio at a wavelength of 355 nm correlated with the absolute values of backscattering coefficients at wavelengths of 355 or 532 nm and the lidar ratio at the wavelength of 532 nm correlated with the ratio of backscattering coefficients at these wavelengths. We estimate the error in the determination of integral characteristics of aerosol using the model developed. The model efficiency is demonstrated on real data of stratospheric aerosol lidar sensing.  相似文献   

We consider a plane problem of generation of barotropic seiches in the case of motion of a region of disturbances of atmospheric pressure over a bounded basin. The nonlinear system of equations of long waves with regard for the quadratic dependence of bottom friction is solved by the finite-difference method. The calculations are carried out for three basins of variable depth corresponding to rectangular sections of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. It is shown that the passage of the baric anomaly over the basin is accompanied by the generation of the lowest seiches. The oscillations of fluid are especially intense in the shallow-water zones of the basins. Seiches exhibit a trend to intensification as the velocity of motion of the atmospheric disturbance increases. The dependence on the width of the baric anomaly is not monotonic. In the shelf zone, the amplitude of oscillations of the level can be several times higher that the pure hydrostatic response of the sea surface. In the analyzed basins, the influence of nonlinearity on the seiches is weak. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 6, pp. 3–15, November–December, 2007.  相似文献   

A statistical approach is applied to solving the problem of long wave generation due to the ocean bottom shift. Various models of random sources are studied. The dependence of the amplitudinal characteristics of long waves on the time scale of random processes is considered. Results of the solution of the dynamic and random source problems are compared.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

An expansion theorem is derived for Rossby normal modes in a closed rectangular basin and the set of Rossby normal modes is proved to be complete. This theorem provides a general linear solution to the initial value problem as well as to the response problem. In particular, the Green's function is obtained for the instantaneous localized torque anywhere in the basin. Weakly nonlinear versions are solved also by the combination of the general linear solution with the asymptotic expansion in terms of small amplitude. Further, an application is suggested to the spectral method of numerical simulation based on Rossby normal modes relevant to the more nonlinear evolution equation on a-plane, instead ofsin functions or Chebyshev polynomials, which have been employed conventionally for this purpose.  相似文献   

A moving low atmospheric pressure is a main feature of tropical cyclones, which can induce a system of forced water waves and is an important factor that cause water level rise during a storm. A numerical model based on the nonlinear shallow water equations is applied to study the forced waves caused by an atmospheric pressure disturbance moving with a constant velocity over water surface. The effects of the moving speed, the spatial scale and the central pressure drop of the pressure disturbance are discussed. The results show that the wave pattern caused by a moving low-pressure is highly related with its moving speed. The wave pattern undergoes a great change as the moving speed approaches the wave velocity in shallow water. When the moving speed is less than the wave velocity, the distribution of water surface elevation is nearly the same as that of the pressure disturbance, and the maximum of the water surface elevation is located at the center of pressure. When the moving speed is larger than the wave velocity, a triangle shaped wave pattern is formed with a depression occurs in front of the pressure center, and the maximum of the water surface elevation lags behind the center of pressure. As the moving speed increases, the maximum of the water surface elevation firstly increases and then decreases, which reaches a peak when the moving speed is close to the wave velocity. The maximum of water surface elevation is approximately in proportion to the central pressure drop, and slightly affected by the spatial scale of pressure disturbance. Both the central pressure drop and the spatial scale of the pressure disturbance do not significantly affect the forced wave pattern. However, a clear difference can be noticed on the ratio of the maximum water surface elevation in moving pressure situation to that in static situation, when the moving speed is close to the wave velocity. A pressure disturbance with smaller spatial scale and smaller central pressure drop will give a larger ratio when the moving speed is close to the wave velocity.  相似文献   

We perform the numerical analysis of the long-wave response of the free surface of a fluid in a basin of variable depth to the formation of an anomaly of the baric field for a finite period of time. In numerical experiments, we use the distribution of depths typical of the south coast of the Crimea. We also study the dependence of the dynamics of the sea level in the zone of the baric anomaly and in the shelf zone on the space and time scales of local changes in the field of atmospheric pressure in the open part of the basin. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

以松树皮(枝)分别与硫酸盐、金属元素等无机流体成分配制样品,置于恒温箱内,采用室内常压、恒温80℃的条件下长时间反应的模拟实验的方法模拟有机质在沉积后和成岩早期的腐变过程。对模拟实验中的样品进行持续观察,观察无机流体成分对油气生成所产生的影响;并对样品分别进行了族组分分离、分析。结果表明:无机流体成分不同,样品的出油情况也不尽相同,而且会对可溶抽提物产生影响。  相似文献   

Using the data of meteorological information reanalysis, a statistical analysis of dates of the main sudden stratospheric warmings observed in 1958–2014 has been performed and their inhomogeneous distribution in winter months with maximums in the beginning of January, from the end of January to the beginning of February, and in the end of February has been shown. To explain these regularities, a climatological analysis of variations in the amplitudes and vertical components of Eliassen–Palm fluxes created by large-scale planetary waves (PWs), as well as of zonal-mean winds and deviations of temperature from their winter-average values in high northern latitudes at heights of up to 50 km from the surface has been carried out using the 20-year (1995–2014) collection of daily meteorological information from the UK Met Office database. During the aforementioned intervals of observing more frequent sudden stratospheric warmings, climatological maximums of temperature perturbations, local minimums of eastward winds, and local maximums of the amplitude and Eliassen–Palm fluxes of PWs with a zonal wavenumber of 1 in the high-latitude northern stratosphere were found. Distinctions between atmospheric characteristics averaged over two last decades have been revealed.  相似文献   

In a non-linear statement, this paper considers the generation of long waves by periodic atmospheric pressure disturbances in a confined basin of variable depth filled with homogeneous fluids. The study is conducted using a non-stationary finite-difference model. The contribution of dissipative forces to the development and stabilization of fluid oscillations is analysed. The paper also considers how the growth of the amplitude of atmospheric pressure disturbances may enhance the non-linearity of the wave process. It is shown that as the pressure amplitude becomes larger, the number of significant harmonics with multiple frequencies in the spectrum of sea level elevations increases. For the weakly non-linear case, wave velocities and free surface elevations, with oscillations stabilized, are compared with their counterparts derived through the perturbation technique.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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