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8—10m级光学/红外望远镜的高分辨率光谱仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱永田 《天文学进展》2001,19(3):336-345
介绍并比较Keck、Subaru、VLT、HET及Gemini中的5架8~10m天文望远镜的高分辨率光谱仪,分析这些仪器与2~4m级望远镜的阶梯光栅光谱仪或Coudé光谱仪相比所采用的新设计思想和新技术.  相似文献   

光学/红外望远镜和技术的进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
天文望远镜和技术在20世纪末取得了空前的辉煌成就,并将取得更辉煌的成就(1)大型望远镜的研制口径10m的两架Keck望远镜已分别在1994年和1996年投入工作.ESOVLT四架8m望远镜中的第一架已在1998年Firstlight,最后一架也将在今年内Firstlight.两架Gemini8m中的一架和一架Subaru8m望远镜都已完成.HET9m望远镜正在最后调试.由两个8m望远镜组成的LBT将于2004年完成,一架10m(复制的Keck)和一架9m(复制的HET)望远镜正在研制中.这些望远镜已配备或将配备先进的光学、红外CCD照相机和光谱仪,如Keck的NIRSPEC、VLT的FORS、ISAAC等.巡天计划中SDSS、2dF、2MASS和DENIS仪器已完成,都已投入观测.LAMOST正在积极研制中,VISTA即将开始研制.现在CalTech等已开始研制口径30m的极大望远镜(ELT),ESO和NOAO已开始了口径100m望远镜的预研,中国和英国也提出了很好的ELT方案.(2)探测器的改进当前CCD的量子效率QE蓝片已达70%~80%,红片已达90%,已投入使用的最大的拼接的CCD为12k×8k,几个8k×8k的CCD已用在望远镜上.当前20k×18k的拼接的CCD正在研制中.天文观测上CCD已取代了照相机底片.红外波段HgCdTe1k×1k的CCD已投入工作,2k×2k的正在研制中.(3)光干涉系统的进展多个光干涉系统已投入观测并取得了一系列天文成果,如GI2T,COAST、IOTA,NPOI,PTI、ISI、SUSI、MIRA;一些光干涉系统正在发展中,如CHARA、MRO、LBT;特别是两架Keck望远镜、四架VLT都配以一些较小的望远镜组成巨大的干涉阵,前者最长基线140m,后者200m,将在今后的数年内完成并投入观测.(4)自适应光学系统的应用许多3~4m级的望远镜已配置或正在研制相应的自适应光学系统,红外和可见光波段的衍射极限的像已在3~4m级的望远镜上获得,Keck和ESO都正在发展用于10m和8m望远镜的自适应光学系统.正在研制和预研中的30m到100m口径的望远镜也都配有自适应光学和光干涉系统.注本报告以McleanIS等执笔的IAUCommission9三年进展报告(见ReportsonAstronomy1996~1999,IAUTransaction,Vol.24A,p.316~327)为蓝本,补充扩大而成.  相似文献   

结合中国的实际情况提出了一 新的中国21世纪的10米光学/红外望远镜的方案,它是属于一种非常规概念设计的望远镜。这种新的大望远镜方案吸收了或主要参考了Arecibo射电望远镜、美国的HobbyEberly9米望远镜和LAMOST方案的前身一光谱巡天望远镜方案。它的主镜是六角形子镜拼成的球面,在观测过程中主镜不动,由焦面的改正镜做跟踪,造价约为同样口径的常规设计望远镜的五分之一,并能满足绝大部分天文  相似文献   

宽视场多目标光谱仪具有宽波段、多分辨率模式和高通光效率的特点,是极大望远镜终端仪器使用率最高的通用型仪器. 30 m级望远镜的宽视场多目标光谱仪因体量和成本急剧增加而面临重要挑战,同时天文学的不断发展对天文新技术的发展提出了更高的要求,尤其是多个巡天项目对于多目标光谱后随观测的迫切需求.综述了几类宽视场多目标光谱仪的发展现状,介绍了国际3架30 m望远镜宽视场多目标光谱仪概念设计的最新进展和仪器特点,着重介绍了中国参与研制的30 m望远镜(TMT)中的宽视场多目标光谱仪的相关进展.  相似文献   

主动光学—新一代大望远镜的关键技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对主动光学技术在现代天文光学望远镜中的作用和工作原理作了较全面的介绍和评化,结合作者近十年的工作对薄镜面主动光学技术和拼接镜面主动光学技术的各个关键部分,如波前检测,波前拟合,校正力的确定,共焦和共同的检测作了较详细且深入的讨论和评述,也介绍了我国目前正在研制的同时采用薄镜面主动光学和拼接镜面主动光学技术的大天区面积多目标光纤光镜望远镜的主动光学系统。  相似文献   

在太阳长狭缝光谱观测中,光谱的狭缝方向和色散方向应该分别与CCD探测器的两个边缘平行。但实际上,由于狭缝、光栅、CCD探测器的机械安装精度等原因,会造成他们之间的位置关系不匹配,导致得到的太阳光谱总是存在一定的倾斜和变形。即使有时这些倾斜很微小,也会对太阳光谱的平场计算造成严重影响,从而影响整个光谱数据的处理过程。对抚仙湖1 m新真空红外太阳望远镜多波段光谱仪得到的一组Hα光谱数据的倾斜量做了测量和分析,并讨论了其对太阳光谱平场计算的影响。  相似文献   

2.16m望远镜红外自适应光学系统的误差和性能分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在自适应光学系统中,波前探测器的噪声,未完全补偿湍流所引起的误差以及变形镜的拟合误差是主要的误差源,本针对已经建立2.16m望远镜红外自适应光学系统,从伺服控制系统的角度分析了该系统的闭环噪声,大气湍流引起的误差以及该系统的闭环总体误差,该系统的闭环总体误差是光强及系统闭环带宽的函数,本还分析了该系统的有效性以及对大气湍流不同改善程度情况下的光强与闭环带宽的关系,并在此基础上给出了该系统的最佳  相似文献   

测光系统的流量定标是一项重要和基础的工作,其中影响流量定标的主要因素有探测器响应(测光零点)、颜色改正项和大气质量等.利用新疆天文台南山1 m宽视场光学望远镜对Landolt标准天区J054610+45的测光标准星进行了大气质量不同条件下的U,B,V,R,I多波段观测,根据布格定律求得了大气消光系数;并利用2017年1...  相似文献   

兴隆1m光学望远镜杂散光效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴隆1m光学望远镜采取了加装挡板等基于经验和定性分析的杂散光抑制措施。用Tracepro光学分析软件对圆顶内1m望远镜的杂散光传播路径做了计算和分析,提出了对1m望远镜的杂散光抑制的改进措施,通过在Tracepro中计算的系统杂散光"归一化点源辐照度透过率(PSNIT)"函数对改进措施进行了评价。计算结果表明:对于有效视场外30°范围的杂散源,改进措施可使得1m望远镜的PSNIT全部下降到10-10;模拟1m望远镜在满月条件下对偏月25°的天体观测(R波段、15等星、t=15~150s),1m望远镜观测信噪比可提高约147%。  相似文献   

一个巨型望远镜方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一个有特色的巨型望远镜(FGT)方案.其主镜口径为30米,主焦比为1.2,由1095块圆环形子镜构成.采用地平式装置.光学系统包括Nasmyth系统、折轴(Coude)系统和一个大视场系统.提出一个由4个镜面组成的新的Nasmyth系统,在约10′的视场范围内像斑小于爱里斑,达到衍射极限.比传统的Nasmyth系统的衍射极限视场大得多.可在这样的大视场内同时作好几个小区域的衍射极限的观测.当由Nasmyth系统转换到折轴系统和大视场系统时,采用主动光学技术改变子镜的面形、倾斜和平移,产生一个新的主镜面形,使折轴系统和大视场系统都能得到很好的像质.大视场系统的视场直径25′,场曲轻微,并有可能校正大气色散.给出了子镜面形和位置的公差,并讨论了望远镜的装置和结构,方案中的特色和创新对未来大望远镜的研制有普遍意义.  相似文献   

对LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) 16台低分辨率光谱仪共34块体位相全息光栅(VPHG)的参数进行了系统测试,给出了测试方法和测量结果,测量参数包括光栅的刻线密度、闪耀角、衍射效率曲线以及闪耀角偏差对衍射效率的影响等,测量的数据为LAMOST光谱仪的安装提供了依据.  相似文献   

We develop a new procedure to improve the angular resolution of coded-mask telescopes by the Direct Demodulation Method (DDM). DDM has been applied to both real and simulated data of INTEGRAL/IBIS. The angular resolution of IBIS/ISGRI has been improved from about 13' to 2'.  相似文献   

The raytracing technique was used to derive a suitable design for the HEGRA system of Cherenkov telescopes, which is at present commissioned at La Palma. The reflectors with a diameter of 3.9 m consist of 30 spherical mirrors with focal lengths in the range of 4.88 – 4.94 m. It is shown that 93% of the photons from the Cherenkov light emitted by an extended air shower are contained in the camera pixels, 0.25° in diameter, for the full field of view of = ± 2.5°. The optical performance of the HEGRA design is compared to other layouts.  相似文献   

We present high spatial resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A with the Chandra observations. The X-ray emitting region of this remnant was divided into 38 × 34 pixels of 10″× 10″ each. Spectra of 960 pixels were created and fitted with an absorbed two component non-equilibrium ionization model. From the results of the spectral analysis we obtained maps of absorbing column density, temperatures, ionization ages, and the abundances of Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca and Fe. The Si, S and possibly Ca abundance maps show obvious jet structures, while Fe does not follow the jet but seems to be distributed perpendicular to it. The abundances of Si, S and Ca show tight correlations between one another over a range of about two dex. This suggests that they are ejecta from explosive Oburning and incomplete Si-buming. Meanwhile, the Ne abundance is well correlated with that of Mg, indicating them to be the ashes of explosive C/Ne burning. The Fe abundance is positively correlated with that of Si when the latter is lower than 3 times the solar value, and is negatively correlated when higher. We suggest that such a two phase correlation is due to the different ways in which Fe was synthesized.  相似文献   

A selection of future observing facilities relevant to galaxy evolution science covering the wavelength range from X-rays to the radio regime are summarized. Scientific aspects that can be investigated with these next generation telescopes are briefly discussed. While prospects look bright for highly advanced and innovative future facilities, it will be important to ensure that human resources in observational astronomy and theory – both in terms of expertise, funding, and available positions – are keeping pace with the technological developments. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Gemini Telescopes are being built to exploit the splendid infrared sites of Mauna Kea in Hawaii and Cerro Pachon in Chile. Both telescopes are being designed to deliver 0.1 arcsecond images at 2.2 m to the focal plane. This image size includes all tracking and enclosure effects. To exploit the superb infrared characteristics of the sites and telescopes we will require a new generation of IR instruments which will challenge both instrument designers and infrared array technologies.  相似文献   

The 13.7-m millimeter-wave radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory operates at 3200-m above the sea level near Delingha, Qinghai Province, China. Equipped with a superconducting SIS receiver, the telescope is used in the millimeter-wave band ranging from 85 to 115 GHz. An upgrade procedure is reported here which includes a superconducting SIS receiver, a new phase-locked local oscillator, a dedicated multi-line backend system, and a new control system based on industrial computer with PCI bus. With the dedicated multi-line backend system, the CO and isotopic lines around 110 GHz are obtained simultaneously. In recent years, scientific activities with this telescope have been focused on studies of Galactic molecular clouds and star formation regions, including surveys of molecular lines from IRAS sources and large-scale map of molecular clouds. Other programs include studies of the circumstellar envelope of late-type stars and interaction of Galactic supernova remnants with dense molecular gas.  相似文献   

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