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Shear modulus and damping ratio of grouted sand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An experimental comparative study of three different grouted sands in terms of their effects on the values of two dynamic properties is presented. The dynamic properties studied are the shear modulus and the damping ratio which are determined with resonant column tests and cyclic triaxial tests. The behaviour of a pure Fontainebleau sand is compared with the behaviour of a Fontainebleau sand grouted with a silicate grout, a micro-fine cement grout and a mineral grout. The effects of the grouting treatment, the type of grout, the confining pressure, and the strains, on the shear modulus and the damping ratio are studied. The test results have shown that grouting improves the stiffness of the sand especially for small strains. Whatever the type of material, confining stress improves the shear modulus whereas it has a negligible effect on the damping ratio. When strain increases, the shear modulus decreases and the damping ratio increases.  相似文献   

武汉砂土动剪切模量与阻尼比的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以武汉地铁4号线二期工程越江段饱和砂土为研究对象,通过室内GDS动力三轴试验,较为系统地研究了在单向循环荷载作用下砂土的动剪切模量和阻尼比规律特性及其影响因素。试验结果表明:动剪切模量、阻尼比与动剪应变的关系可以用Hardin-Drnevich双曲线模型进行描述;动剪切模量随动应变的增大而减小,随围压和固结比的增大而增大,而阻尼比的变化规律与动剪切模量相反。从而为工程建筑物的抗震设计提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

南京地区新近沉积土的动剪切模量和阻尼比的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文通过对南京地区两个工程场地漫滩相成因的砂土和淤泥质粉粘土与粉砂互层土的自振动柱试验结果进行分析,探讨了围压对剪切模量G及阻力比λ的影响,通过与Seed和Idriss建议的砂土G/Gmax-γ和λ-γ曲线变化范围的对比,认为不能简单地把淤泥质粉质粘土与粉砂层土当作砂土或粉质粘土对待。  相似文献   

土的动模量和阻尼比研究述评   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
总结和评述了土的动模量和阻尼比的国内外研究现状,分析了现有工作不完善和存在缺陷的原因,提出了今后的研究设想。  相似文献   

土动剪切模量和阻尼比的推荐值和规范值的合理性比较   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
参照目前国内外试验测得的土的动剪切模量和阻尼比,以及多种土层工况和实际地震动输入下土层地震反应分析计算结果,对袁晓铭等给出的推荐值和《工程场地地震安全性评价工作规范》中给出的数值的合理性进行了对比研究。结果表明,与规范值相比,推荐值与国内外结果更相接近,特别是与国内结果相差不大,且避免了土层地震反应中地表反应谱“矮、粗、胖”现象,较符合客观实际情况,可供无试验资料情形和今后修订规范时参考。  相似文献   

陕北榆林地区位于鄂尔多斯地块内部,其沉积地层主要为细砂。基于该地区大量的工程场地地震安全性评价报告,本文共收集了83组砂样动三轴试验数据,并分类统计分析了松散~稍密、中密和密实三种密实程度的砂土在8个典型剪应变下的动剪切模量比和阻尼比统计值。选取一个典型钻孔,建立土层地震反应模型,分别以本文"统计值"、"规范值"和"推荐值"作为模型参数进行土层地震反应计算,并对反应得到的地面峰值加速度与反应谱进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

动剪切模量比和阻尼比是土体重要的动力特性参数,这两种参数取值的合理性对场地地震响应分析的结果有重要影响.为进一步完善黏性土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比随剪应变的变化关系的研究,给出了新的计算模型和推荐曲线.新曲线的计算模型基于Davidenkov模型和新的阻尼比计算模型,通过对搜集的大量黏性土数据进行非线性回归分析后得到.将分析结果与已有国内外学者的成果进行对比,验证了新计算模型具有较好的可靠性和工程实用性.  相似文献   

A series of cyclic triaxial tests on clayey sands was carried out and attempts were made to evaluate the strain dependency of shear modulus and damping. Strain dependencies of shear modulus and damping were simply modeled. It was shown that the change in the effective confining stress with loading cycles in the undrained shear test needed to be considered particularly in the large strain range. The consideration could be made by normalizing G with G0=AF(e)(σ′mmr)n, the initial shear modulus for the effective confining stress of that particular loading cycle, instead of using G0. G/G0 was expressed by a function of γ as G/G0=1/(1+bgγ) which was almost stress level independent for clayey sands used in this study. The damping ratio was not much affected by the confining stress. The strain dependency of the damping ratio was modeled by h=ahγ/(1+bhγ). Effects of load irregularity on the shear modulus were also investigated. The excess pore pressure and the residual strain were generated especially when the major peaks in the irregular loading were applied to the specimen. However, G/G0 for the irregular loading could be represented reasonably well by the average curve for the uniform cyclic loading, if the excess pore water pressure and the residual strain were taken into account.  相似文献   

常规土类动剪切模量比和阻尼比试验研究   总被引:54,自引:9,他引:54  
采用共振柱自振试验方法给出国内常规土类动剪切模量比G/Gmax和阻尼比λ变化的平均曲线,推荐值和包线,使用的共振仪是由工种力学研究所原有共振柱改装而成,并经试验验证了改装后仪器的精度可靠性,试验土类包括粘土,粉质土,粉土,砂土,淤泥和淤泥质土,土样来自国内十余个不同地区,采用折线双曲线拟合G/Gmax,λ随γ衰减关系,其中参数a和b由最小二乘法对每次试验结果回归分析得到,对同类土,将所有的a,b 值平均,用均值a和b给出动剪切模量比和阻尼比与剪应变关系,从而得到了此类土G/Gmax,λ随γ变化曲线及推荐值,试验是在两种固结压力下进行,因而得到的结构分别适用于土体埋深小于10m和埋深10m-20m之间的两种情况。  相似文献   

利用铜川市地震小区划项目的大量典型土样动三轴试验结果,采用双曲线模型拟合得到了铜川新区黄土和古土壤在8个典型应变下的动剪切模量比和阻尼比值。根据不同沉积年代和不同土层深度2种方法对黄土、古土壤动剪切模量比和阻尼比随剪应变变化情况进行了统计和对比分析。研究发现:同一剪应变下,黄土、古土壤动剪切模量比随沉积年代和土层深度的增加而增加。二者对黄土动剪切模量比的影响较为显著。  相似文献   

通过室内动三轴试验,研究了西北地区遗址土体的动本构关系,得到了模型参数,分析了遗址土体的动剪模量比和阻尼比的特性,并通过归一化处理得出模型参数,结果表明:遗址土体符合Hardin-Dinevich双曲线模型,其相关系数均大于0.991 7,模型参数a、b与土样密度不存在相关性;在相同荷载下,密度越大,动应变和动残余应变越小,其中陕西定边陡沟子明长城墙体土承受动荷载能力下降较快,而草滩段秦长城墙体、瞭望台台基处初始弹性模量和初始剪切模量较小,三处土体硬度较小,易于遭受病害侵蚀破坏,需进行重点加固维护;遗址墙体所建窑洞处土体强度和硬度明显大于长城墙体,动弹性模量和动剪切模量约为其墙体2倍。草滩段瞭望台土体强度和硬度明显大于同地区长城墙体;遗址土体的动剪切模量G/G0随着动剪应变γd的增加而减小,且密度越大,衰减速度越快,阻尼比D随着动剪应变γd的增长,呈现先缓慢增加-急剧增加-缓慢增加的过程,且密度越大,阻尼比越大。按建造年代、建造形制和用途划分、所处地区对典型遗址进行动力特性的对比分析,为今后土遗址加固保护提供理论基础和参考依据。  相似文献   

动剪切模量和阻尼比是重大工程开展场地地震反应分析必不可少的参数。完成了南京细砂的自振柱和动三轴试验,研究了固结围压、孔隙比、含水量和荷载频率对动剪切模量和阻尼比的影响。试验结果表明:固结围压和孔隙比对最大动剪切模量的影响显著,建立了最大剪切模量与固结围压、孔隙比之间的经验关系,最大剪切模量随细砂中含水量的增加而减小并趋于稳定;固结围压对动剪切模量比具有一定影响,其他3个因素对动剪切模量比和阻尼比的影响不明显;排水条件下泊松比随剪应变幅值的增大而增大,剪应变幅值在1.0×10-4~1.0×10-3范围时,泊松比增大的趋势更加明显;采用自振柱和动三轴试验测试得到的动剪切模量比和阻尼比基本一致。  相似文献   

In this study the effects of frequency on damping behavior of dry sand were examined. To study the effects of frequency, two mechanical models were proposed and evaluated for interpretation of the cyclic torsional shear testing results. Cyclic torsional shear tests were performed on dry sand specimens for the frequency range of 0–1–20 Hz. It is found that the frequency effect on damping properties of sand is relatively significant, and thus the damping appears to be nonhysteretic. Finally, a new combined damping model is proposed for describing the damping behavior of dry sand observed in this research.  相似文献   

波浪荷载作用下砂土变形特性的模拟试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用新研制的“土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪”模拟波浪荷载作用,对福建标准砂进行了4组三轴一扭转耦合振动剪切试验,以研究海床砂土在波浪荷载作用下的变形特性及其对砂土初始密度和固结压力的依赖性。试验结果表明,应力-应变呈现出良好的双曲线关系,与等效线性模型理论相吻合;阻尼比和模量随应变幅值的变化规律均依赖于土体的初始密度和固结压力;归一化后的E/Emax-ε及G/Gmax-γ曲线对相对密度和固结压力仍具有明显的依赖性;但完全归一化后的E/Emax-ε/εr及G/Gmax-γ/γr的关系曲线则与固结压力无关。  相似文献   

动荷载作用下饱和砂土动剪模量试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在50kPa、100kPa和200kPa 3种固结压力下分别对饱和度为95%、92%、88%和83%的土样进行了循环单剪试验,得到了该土样在4种饱和度、3种固结压力下的最大动剪模量Gdmax以及动剪模量比G/Gdmax-γ归一化曲线。分析得出,同一固结压力下土样的Gdmax和G/Gdmax随着饱和度的增大相对减小;随着固结压力的增大,两者数值上差异逐渐减小。最后对此种现象进行了讨论并分析了其产生的原因。  相似文献   

以邯郸地区的粉土为研究对象,在各种固结压力和相同加载周期及相同剪切应力幅值下,分别进行了室内动单剪试验,得到了该地区粉土在3种固结压力下的G/Gdmax-γ、D-γ归一化曲线以及G/Gdmax-γ和D-γ关系值.试验结果表明:G/Gdmmax随动应变的增大而减小,随固结压力的增大而增大,而阻尼比D的变化规律与动剪切模量相反.所得结果可为本地区工程建筑的抗震设计提供参考.  相似文献   

文中通过收集已完成的近40个海洋平台的工作报告中的钻孔资料,通过室内振动三轴试验,整理出372渤海原状土样动力学测试的原始数据,进行归纳分析,利用数理统计学的方法给出渤海海域内不同类型土体、不同埋深的动剪切模量比和阻尼比随剪应变变化的平均曲线及推荐值。并以三种典型土类为例,将统计值与规范值、推荐值进行比较分析,得到了非常有价值的结论。本文的结果可供渤海海上工作无试验资料和今后修订渤海海上土动力学参数规范值时参考使用,对工程抗震和地震安全性评价也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Effect of consolidation ratios on maximum dynamic shear modulus of sands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The dynamic shear modulus (DSM) is the most basic soil parameter in earthquake or other dynamic loading conditions and can be obtained through testing in the field or in the laboratory. The effect of consolidation ratios on the maximum DSM for two types of sand is investigated by using resonant column tests. And, an increment formula to obtain the maximum DSM for cases of consolidation ratio κc>1 is presented. The results indicate that the maximum DSM rises rapidly when κc is near 1 and then slows down, which means that the power function of the consolidation ratio increment κc-1 can be used to describe the variation of the maximum DSM due to κc>1. The results also indicate that the increase in the maximum DSM due to κc>1 is significantly larger than that predicted by Hardin and Black's formula.  相似文献   

采用共振柱试验方法,研究了固结比对土最大动剪切模量的影响并给出了土最大动剪切模量的建议公式。通过对砂土、粉质黏土和粉土的系统试验,提出了不同固结比下土最大动剪切模量与固结比kc-1呈指数形式的增长模式,不同于Hard in公式最大动剪切模量与固结比kc呈直线形式的增长模式。同时给出了计算不同固结比下砂土、粉质黏土和粉土最大动剪切模量的建议公式,并与Hard in公式进行了对比,结果表明,固结比对土最大动剪切模量影响程度明显比Hard in公式要大,固结比对粉质黏土和粉土最大动剪切模量的影响程度要比对砂土的影响程度更大。  相似文献   

Small strain shear modulus Gmax is an essential parameter in soil dynamics, and it is usually estimated based on the Hardin and Richart equation. However, many previous researches on sands have indicated that the Hardin and Richart equation does not consider the influences of cyclic loading history on Gmax. In this paper, effects of cyclic loading history on Gmax of saturated clays under undrained conditions are studied using a combination device of piezoelectric-ceramic bender element system and cyclic triaxial apparatus. The dynamic pre-loading includes both relatively high amplitudes of cyclic stresses and cyclic strains. Gmax without cyclic loading history is also investigated for the comparison purpose. Test results show that, at the same effective stress, both cyclic strain history and cyclic stress history will induce reduction of Gmax compared to the corresponding Gmax values with non-cyclic loading effects. In strain-controlled tests, the reduction of Gmax is slight and relatively stable; while in stress-controlled tests, the reduction of Gmax increases suddenly and remarkably when the effective stresses degrade to a certain degree. The comparison between double amplitude axial strain and residual excess pore water pressure behaviors show that the remarkable reduction of Gmax can demonstrate the cyclic failure of saturated clays.  相似文献   

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