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能够在自己的国土上,连续两年都看到日全食,真的是非常幸运!2008年8月1日,我去了新疆伊吾,有幸平生第一次看到日全食,当时忙于调整望远镜拍摄,在两分钟的全食阶段,连亲眼向天上望一眼的时间也没有。2009年7月22日,月影又在广大的长江流域造就观看日全食的机会,这次全食带扫过云南的西北角,我住在昆明,老家在成都。观日食地点起初我看好四川的得荣县,那里有个太阳谷,历年来降雨量很少,而且景色美,但最后去了云南省迪庆州德钦县。  相似文献   

斗转星移,时光飞逝,转眼已到2014年7月。日落后,如果天气晴朗,就向西方天空看,那里有狮子座。靠近头顶附近,可以找到北斗七星,顺着斗柄连出曲线,会遇到一颗亮星,那是牧夫座中最亮的星——大角星。继续延伸,会遇到两颗亮星,发出蓝白色光,稍微暗些的星,是室女座中最亮的星——角宿一,角宿一附近那颗红色亮星,就是著名的火星。在曲线下方,有颗橘黄色亮星,那是著名的土星。  相似文献   

2010年1月15日将在青岛发生日环食带食入海的美丽景象,日食全过程长达90多分钟,环食时间最长可达7分08秒,而且发生的时间是在日落前不久,此时一轮金环从海平面缓缓落下,可以欣赏到“带食而落”的奇妙景象,这是近年来青岛最为壮观的一次天象,可谓百年相约,千年相会。因此,青岛观象台在上级领导的大力支持下,从几个月前就开始了前期的准备工作,  相似文献   

利用观测得到的测角资料确定目标星的轨道,具有非常重要的应用价值.为了解决该问题,首先给出了最优化数学模型STSM,其次,利用测角资料进行多项式拟合,给出求解最优化模型STSM所必需的初始值计算方案,再次,对STSM目标函数的性态进行了详细地分析,并据此给出了求解该优化问题的基本方法.最后,将上面的方法付诸实施,进行了大量的仿真计算,并对仿真结果进行了初步地分析.计算结果表明,在一定的精度和稀疏度的限制之下,根据方案使用天基测角数据确定目标星的轨道根数既可行又稳健.  相似文献   

我们每个人,无论是白天夜晚,当抬头遥望浩渺的太空时,可能都会发出这样的设想:如果能上天遨游一番,体验一下飞天的感觉,该是怎样?今天,人类在现代科学技术的武装下,可以通过造价高昂、耗能巨大的宇宙飞船来实现这一梦想,而在古代,这种梦想则只能寄托于神话和幻想了。古代关于飞天的幻想非常多,这里只讲两个与牛郎织女有关的故事。  相似文献   

到过天文馆的人都知道,天象节目虽然生动、精彩、有趣,但由于天文学本身需要一定的知识基础和理解能力,多数天文馆,尤其是大型天文馆的天象节目对学龄前和小学低年级的小朋友来说,未免过于深奥难懂,有时还有点枯燥。坐在黑乎乎的天象厅里,仰头望着平常从没见到过的星空,虽然很新鲜,又难免害怕;在星空中穿梭,  相似文献   

通过专门的望远镜可看到,太阳的光球层上有一些旋涡状的气流,像是一个浅盘,其中间下凹,看起来是黑色的,这些带有强磁场的旋涡状气流就是太阳黑子,人类发现黑子已经有几千年了。黑子数目的多寡变化具有周期性,平均周期约为11年。黑子本身并不黑,之所以看得黑是因为比起光球来,它的温度要低一、二千度,在更加明亮的光球衬托下,它就成为看起来像是没有什么亮光的、暗黑的黑子了。  相似文献   

提起《世界之战》,科幻迷们一定不会感到陌生。这是19世纪末两大科幻大师之一的H·G·威尔斯的代表作,描写火星人入侵地球的故事。这部作品于1898年出版,当时就引发了阅读狂潮。此后的1938年,又被一位名叫奥森·威尔斯的人改编成了广播剧在美国播出,由于采用了新闻式的播出形式,加上其高超的演播水平,令许多美国人信以为真,引发了一场社会恐慌,许多人甚至逃出城市到乡间避难。后来,这部作品又被多次搬上大银幕,因此在西方可谓家喻户晓,即使在今天也有很高的知名度,这次给大家介绍的这部同名影片是最新拍摄的版本,因其独特的切入点而受到许多资深影评人的肯定。  相似文献   

朋友,你亲眼见过一直延伸到地平线下的银河吗? 那一夜,在辽阔广袤的巴里坤大草原上,我度过了一个不眠之夜。浩瀚深邃的天穹,繁星璀璨的夜空,一条乳白色的飘带将天与地巧妙地融为一体。在星空下,我们忘却了一切的烦恼与忧愁,星空架起了一座通向宇宙的桥梁,星空下的我们显得那么的渺小。  相似文献   

历法从起源到发展成熟完善的过程,首先是建立纪日制度,进而确立规范的纪月法,最后完成的才是纪年法.从3个少数民族历法发展的形态看,这种历法发展进程的模式,虽不能断言都必然如此,但至少这是一种发展模式.  相似文献   

太阳总辐照是指在地球大气层顶接收到的太阳总辐射照度,也叫"太阳常数",但它实际上并非常数。太阳总辐照随波长的分布即为太阳分光辐照。太阳辐照变化的研究,对理解太阳表面及内部活动的物理过程、机制,研究地球大气、日地关系,解决人类面临的全球气候变暖的挑战等,都具有重要意义。首先简单介绍了太阳辐照,回顾了太阳辐照的空间观测;接着介绍了观测数据的并合,以及对合成数据的一些研究;然后讨论了太阳辐照变化的原因,简述了太阳总辐照的重构及其在气候研究上的一些应用,并进行必要的评论;最后对未来的研究方向提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了为将已有的日食光谱仪主要部件用于1997年漠河日全食光谱观测而做的三种仪器设计方案,涉及定天镜位置、成象系统和光谱仪的光路安排。并与1983年日全食的情况对比,讨论其可行性及对观测和结果的影响。最后根据实际情况决定了观测采用的方案。  相似文献   

The SOHO mission: An overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a space mission that forms part of the Solar-Terrestrial Science Program (STSP), developed in a collaborative effort by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The STSP constitutes the first cornerstone of ESA's long-term programme known as Space Science — Horizon 2000. The principal scientific objectives of the SOHO mission are a) to reach a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of the solar interior using techniques of helioseismology, and b) to gain better insight into the physical processes that form and heat the Sun's corona, maintain it and give rise to its acceleration into the solar wind. To achieve these goals, SOHO carries a payload consisting of 12 sets of complementary instruments. SOHO is a three-axis stabilized spacecraft with a total mass of 1850 kg; 1150 W of power will be provided by the solar panels. The payload weighs about 640 kg and will consume 450 W in orbit. SOHO will be launched by an ATLAS II-AS and will be placed in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrangian point where it will be continuously pointing to Sun centre with an accuracy of 10 arcsec. Pointing stability will be better than 1 arcsec over 15 min intervals. The SOHO payload produces a continuous science data stream of 40 kbits/s which will be increased by 160 kbits/s whenever the solar oscillations imaging instrument is operated in its highrate mode. Telemetry will be received by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN). Planning, coordination and operation of the spacecraft and the scientific payload will be conducted from the Experiment Operations Facility (EOF) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).  相似文献   

We analyze the observations of the hard (ACS SPI, > 150 keV) and soft (GOES, 1–8 Å) X-ray emissions and the microwave (15.5 GHz) emission in the solar flares on September 7, 2005 and December 6 and 13, 2006. The time profiles of the nonthermal emission from these flares had a complex structure, suggesting that active processes in the flare region continued for a long time (more than an hour). We have verified the linear relationship between the nonthermal flux and the time derivative of the soft X-ray flux (the Neupert effect) in the events under consideration. In the first two cases, the Neupert effect held at the time of the most intense nonthermal emission peak, but not at the decay phase of the soft X-ray emission, when the intensity of the nonthermal emission was much higher than the background values. At the same time, the hard X-ray emission was suppressed compared to the main peak, while the microwave emission remained approximately at the same level. In the December 13, 2006 event, the prolonged hard X-ray emission was difficult to observe due to the fast arrival of solar protons, but the Neupert effect did not hold for its main peak either. At comparable intensities of the microwave emission on December 6 and 13, the intensity of the hard X-ray emission on December 13 at the time of the main peak was suppressed approximately by an order of magnitude. These observational facts are indicative of several particle acceleration and interaction episodes under various physical conditions during one flare. When the Neupert effect did not hold, the interaction of electrons took place mainly in a low-density medium. An effective escape of accelerated particles into interplanetary space rather than their precipitation into dense layers of the solar atmosphere may take place precisely at this time.  相似文献   

We consider the relationship of electromagnetic radiation in the three most intense flares of solar cycle 23, more specifically, those of October 28, 2003, January 20, 2005, and September 7, 2005, to the acceleration and release of protons into interplanetary space. The impulsive phase of these flares lasted ~ 20 min and consisted of at least three energy release episodes, which differed by their manifestation in the soft (1–8 Å, GOES) and hard (>150 keV, INTEGRAL) X-ray ranges as well as at radio frequencies of 245 MHz and 8.8 GHz. The protons and electrons were accelerated in each episode, but with a different efficiency; the relativistic protons were accelerated only after 5–6min of impulsive-phase development after the onset of a coronal mass ejection. It is at this time that maximum hard X-ray fluxes were observed in the September 7, 2005 event, which exceeded severalfold those for the other two flares considered. We associate the record fluxes of protons with energies > 200MeV observed in the heliosphere in the September 7, 2005 event with the dynamics of the impulsive phase. The extreme intensities of the microwave emission in the October 28, 2003 and January 20, 2005 events were probably attributable to the high-energy electron trapping conditions and did not reflect the acceleration process.  相似文献   

We consider a number of questions pertaining to the famous Gnevyshev-Ohl rule. We discuss various formulations of the rule and show that it is not violated in its exact formulation in the last pair of 11-year cycles 22 and 23. The rule has been found to hold not only for statistical indices of solar activity but also in the context of physical parameters of the solar magnetic field: the sunspot magnetic flux and the open magnetic flux. We have established that the hypothesis by Usoskin et al. (2001) about the “loss“ of one cycle at the end of the 18th century allows the Gnevyshev-Ohl rule, which regulates the behavior of physical parameters of the solar magnetic field, to be made universal, without any exceptions, at least in the last 400 years. Thus, in fact, we can talk about the Gnevyshev-Ohl law of the long-term dynamics of the solar magnetic field, a law that holds at both normal and extreme levels of solar activity.  相似文献   

Helioseismology is a direct and most informative method of studying the structure and dynamics of the Sun. Determining the internal differential rotation of the Sun requires that the frequencies of its eigentones be estimated with a high accuracy, which is possible only on the basis of continuous long-term observations. The longest quasi-continuous series of data have been obtained by the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG). The parameters of each individual mode of solar acoustic oscillations with low spherical degrees l=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are determined by using 1260-day-long series of GONG observations. The mean frequency splitting by rotation for the modes of each radial order n is calculated by using all possible combinations between the eigenfrequencies in multiplets. As a result, it has become possible to statistically estimate the splitting and its measurement errors for the modes of each radial order. The mean splitting for each given degree l=1–6 is presented under the assumption of its independence of oscillation frequency, which holds for the achieved accuracy. The frequencies and splittings for the modes with low spherical degrees l, together with the MDI group results for higher degrees l, are used to invert the radial profile of solar angular velocity. Using the SOLA method to solve the inverse problem of restoring the rotation profile has yielded solutions sensitive to the deepest stellar interiors. Our results indicate that the solar core rotates faster than the surface, and there may be a local minimum in angular velocity at its boundary.  相似文献   

本文利用佘山观象台和江苏省气象局南京气象站所测的近50 年来的太阳全辐射热地面观测资料,进行了分析研究。将这些数据与同期的太阳质子事件资料相对比,分段求出它们之间的相关系数,结果表明:强质子事件的峰值往往对应太阳辐射热的谷值,而且在太阳活动周的不同阶段具有不同的相关性。对此作了简单的解释和讨论。  相似文献   

详细分析了一次太阳低层大气磁场重联触发的喷流事件.这次喷流发生在2014年8月1日,爆发自美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA)活动区12127边缘的一个卫星黑子处.该喷流爆发包括日浪、紫外喷流、极紫外高温和低温喷流.大熊湖太阳天文台(Big Bear Solar Observatory,BBSO)的Goode Solar Telescope (GST)高分辨率氧化钛(TiO)谱线的光球观测显示,喷流爆发过程中,卫星黑子一直衰减.到喷流结束,卫星黑子面积共减少了80%.在此过程中,太阳动力学天文台(Solar Dynamics Observatory, SDO)日球磁场成像仪(Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager, HMI)的视向磁场观测表明,该卫星黑子对应的负极磁场与相邻的正极磁场发生明显对消,产生喷流足部亮点.根据SDO卫星太阳大气成像仪(Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, AIA)的多波段观测,该足部亮点首先出现在紫外1600?波段.待紫外(1600?)喷流从紫外足部亮点顶部向上喷发,在极紫外波段也观测到相应的亮源.随着足点源亮度突然增强,有明显的极紫外低温喷流和日浪从足部亮点侧面喷发.从GST的高分辨率Hα图像上,可见日浪由许多精细纤维组成,这些纤维扎根在足点源的东南侧.根据从光球层过色球层再到日冕层的多波段高分辨率观测,色球中下层的磁场对消触发了这次喷流事件.向上喷发的物质流可以携带能量进入上层大气,并加热上层大气.研究结果表明,低层大气磁重联可能对解决日冕加热问题起重要作用.  相似文献   

太阳磁场、较差自转和内部对流使得日面磁场与磁活动在很大的时间尺度和空间尺度范围均表现得相当复杂.其中最有名的是太阳活动的11年周期,或22年磁周期.在较小时间尺度上,从几秒到几小时,有时太阳大气中会发生一些壮观的爆发事件,如耀斑、日珥爆发、日冕物质抛射等.所有这些形式的事件都与太阳磁场紧密关联.简单评述了太阳磁场起源与观测方法,重点论述了不同尺度太阳磁场的空间分布与演化,介绍了从太阳磁活动现象统计得到的有关太阳磁场的几个典型特征,同时讨论了进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

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