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The case study based on Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province of China, in virtue of the information from TM image, classifies the land types and analyzes their spatial and temporal differential law, and puts forward three structural patterns of land types in mountainous areas, namely, spatial, quantitative and qualitative structures of mountainous land types. Furthermore, it has been noticed that the analysis of structural patterns can disclose the heterogeneity and orderliness of combination of land types, which can lay the theoretic foundation for comprehensively recognizing ecological characteristics and succession law of structure and function of land types. After the all-around comparative analysis, an optimal allocation of land use in Qinling Mountains has been put forward according to the principle of sustainable development and landscape ecology, which can lay the scientific foundation in practice for the structural adjustment and distribution optimization from the macro level to micro level.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionMountains,as one of the huge ecosystems in the world, play a significant role during human evolution and development[1]. As the treasury of ecological resources[2], mountains have faced the challenge of the degradation of their eco-environment and the difficulty in their regional poverty relief because of human unsuitable exploitation. The 53rd Conference of United Nations has claimed the year 2002 as the International Mountains Year and called on each country to pay attention…  相似文献   

In response to the strong drive for social and economic development, local governments have implemented urban master plans, providing measures and timeframes to address the continuous demand for land and to alleviate urban problems. In this paper, a multi-objective model was constructed to discuss the problem, including economic benefits and ecological effectiveness, in terms of land use optimization. A genetic algorithm was then adopted to solve the model, and a performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis were conducted using Pareto optimality. Results showed that a set of tradeoffs could be acquired by the allocation of land use. In addition, the Pareto solutions proved the model to be efficient; for example, a limit of 13,500 ha of urban area conformed to plan recommendations. The reduction in crop land, orchard land, grassland, and unused land provided further efficiencies. These results implied that further potential regional land resources remain and that the urban master plan is able to support sustainable local development in the years to come, as well as verified that it is feasible to use land use allocation multi-objective modeling and genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

In response to the strong drive for social and economic development, local governments have implemented urban master plans, providing measures and timeframes to address the continuous demand for land and to alleviate urban problems. In this paper, a multi-objective model was constructed to discuss the problem, including economic benefits and ecological effectiveness, in terms of land use optimization. A genetic algorithm was then adopted to solve the model, and a performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis were conducted using Pareto optimality. Results showed that a set of tradeoffs could be acquired by the allocation of land use. In addition, the Pareto solutions proved the model to be efficient; for example, a limit of 13,500 ha of urban area conformed to plan recommendations. The reduction in crop land, orchard land, grassland, and unused land provided further efficiencies. These results implied that further potential regional land resources remain and that the urban master plan is able to support sustainable local development in the years to come, as well as verified that it is feasible to use land use allocation multi-objective modeling and genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

东北地区土地利用多功能性演化的时空格局   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
土地利用多功能性是根据社会经济目标进行土地利用的过程,是确保社会经济与生态环境协调发展的关键。本文通过构建“社会—经济—生态”三维土地利用多功能性评价指标体系,对1990-2013年东北地区土地利用多功能性进行综合评价,旨在阐释其土地利用多功能性演化的时空格局。研究表明:1990-2013年东北地区土地利用功能值均呈现上升态势但增速有所差异,黑龙江、吉林、辽宁土地利用功能发展程度依次递增,其年均增长率分别为2.976%、2.725%、2.261%;黑龙江和吉林社会功能值呈现波动性增长,辽宁则表现为阶段性变化;黑龙江经济系统功能值逐渐增大,而吉林和辽宁经济功能值总体呈现上升趋势,但在2000-2005年有所波动;黑龙江与吉林生态系统功能值呈现由基本稳定转变为波动增长的趋势,而辽宁则始终具有较大波动性;经济功能中的土地的生产功能与交通功能对东北地区省域土地利用功能均有较大影响,经济和社会因素对黑龙江与吉林土地利用功能多样性影响较大,生态因素则对其影响较小,而经济、社会和生态因素对辽宁土地利用功能均有较大影响。  相似文献   

Optimizing land use allocation is a challenging task, as it involves multiple stakeholders with conflicting objectives. In addition, the solution space of the optimization grows exponentially as the size of the region and the resolution increase. This article presents a new ant colony optimization algorithm by incorporating multiple types of ants for solving complex multiple land use allocation problems. A spatial exchange mechanism is used to deal with competition between different types of land use allocation. This multi-type ant colony optimization optimal multiple land allocation (MACO-MLA) model was successfully applied to a case study in Panyu, Guangdong, China, a large region with an area of 1,454,285 cells. The proposed model took only about 25 minutes to find near-optimal solution in terms of overall suitability, compactness, and cost. Comparison indicates that MACO-MLA can yield better performances than the simulated annealing (SA) and the genetic algorithm (GA) methods. It is found that MACO-MLA has an improvement of the total utility value over SA and GA methods by 4.5% and 1.3%, respectively. The computation time of this proposed model amounts to only 2.6% and 12.3%, respectively, of that of the SA and GA methods. The experiments have demonstrated that the proposed model was an efficient and effective optimization technique for generating optimal land use patterns.  相似文献   

21世纪初中国海岸带土地利用空间格局特征   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
侯西勇  徐新良 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1370-1379
基于GIS空间分析技术、条带分割法以及优势度和土地利用程度综合指数,分析了21世纪我国海岸带区域(海岸线向陆30km范围)土地利用的数量、结构、空间格局和集约化特征。研究表明:21世纪我国海岸带土地利用以耕地、林地和建设用地为主。距海远近不同,土地利用的结构特征和空间格局差异显著,水域和建设用地的向海特征最为显著,其次...  相似文献   

基于生态-经济权衡的京津冀城市群土地利用优化配置   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
探索生态保护与经济发展的权衡关系,并利用该权衡关系协调土地利用优化配置是解决城市群经济与生态协调发展难题的重要途径,已成为目前的一个研究热点。论文针对京津冀城市群生态友好型协同发展的需求,设置生态系统服务价值最大化和经济价值最大化2种优化目标,每种目标下再设置“生态保护”“统筹兼顾”“粮食安全”和“经济发展”4种土地利用情景,采用CLUE-S模型模拟2025年京津冀城市群在不同情景下的土地利用空间配置格局,及其生态系统服务价值、经济价值在不同目标的各种情景下的变化。研究结果表明:相比2015年,2025年在不同目标不同情景下,各类土地利用面积的数量变化和空间格局均有较大不同,且生态目标和经济目标下不同情景的土地利用配置不同。生态系统服务价值在生态目标生态保护情景下最大,为14423.58亿元;而经济价值则在经济目标经济发展情景下最大,为96771.49亿元。从土地利用变化的空间分布上来看,生态用地中林地与草地的增加多出现在坝上高原和燕山与太行山山地,水体的增加则主要分布在东部沿海地区。研究认为,生态效益与经济效益间存在权衡关系,基于生态-经济权衡的土地利用优化研究结果对未来京津冀城市群生态实践工作有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   

Jiao  Lei  Yang  Wenhui  Jia  Tian  Maierdang  Keyimu  Chen  Weiliang  Gao  Guangyao  Wang  Shuai  Liu  Jianbo  Wang  Cong 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(4):701-716
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Land use patterns (LUPs) are the form in which various land use types are combined spatially, evidently impacting soil water. However, the influence mechanism by...  相似文献   

Zhang  Bailin  Sun  Piling  Jiang  Guanghui  Zhang  Ruijuan  Gao  Jiangbo 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(10):1713-1730
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The cultivation of mountainous land results in water loss and soil erosion. With rapid urbanization and industrialization in China, labor emigration relieves the...  相似文献   

以1995年、2000年、2005年和2010年四期Landsat TM影像解译数据和社会经济数据为基础,借助ArcGIS分析手段,探讨了期间湖南省的土地利用转型情况.借鉴全球生态系统服务价值的最新研究成果,结合中国实际情况对生态系统服务价值系数进行了修订,进而对湖南省土地利用转型导致的生态系统服务价值变化进行了测度和分析.结果表明:1995-2010年,湖南省土地利用发生明显变化,主要表现为城乡建设用地增加及耕地和草地面积的减少;1995-2000年,湖南省生态系统服务价值略有提升,由8807.8亿元变为8829.5亿元,增加0.25%.但自2000年以后,生态系统服务价值持续下降,由2000年的8829.5亿元降至2010年的8770.9亿元,下降0.66%.最后,提出保障湖南省生态系统服务功能的土地利用优化配置建议.  相似文献   

Zhu  Wenchao  Jiang  Zhimeng  Cen  Luyu  Wu  Hao 《地理学报(英文版)》2023,33(2):266-288
Journal of Geographical Sciences - High-intensity land use and resource overloaded-induced regional land use spatial pattern (LUSP) are essential and challenging for high-quality development. The...  相似文献   

Soil erosion has become a major global environmental problem and is particularly acute on the Loess Plateau (LP), China. It is therefore highly important to control this process in order to improve ecosystems, protect ecological security, and maintain the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. We compared the effects of rainfall and land use (LU) patterns on soil erosion in different LP watersheds in this study in order to augment and improve soil erosion models. As most research on this theme has so far been focused on individual study areas, limited analyses of rainfall and LU patterns on soil erosion within different- scale watersheds has so far been performed, a discrepancy which might influence the simulation accuracies of soil erosion models. We therefore developed rainfall and LU pattern indices in this study using the soil erosion evaluation index as a reference and applied them to predict the extent of this process in different-scale watersheds, an approach which is likely to play a crucial role in enabling the comprehensive management of this phenomenon as well as the optimized design of LU patterns. The areas considered in this study included the Qingjian, Fenchuan, Yanhe, and Dali river watersheds. Results showed that the rainfall erosivity factor (R) tended to increase in these areas from 2006 to 2012, while the vegetation cover and management factor (C) tended to decrease. Results showed that as watershed area increased, the effect of rainfall pattern on soil erosion gradually decreased while patterns in LU trended in the opposite direction, as the relative proportion of woodland decreased and the different forms of steep slope vegetation cover became more homogenous. As watershed area increased, loose soil and craggy terrain properties led to additional gravitational erosion and enhanced the effects of both soil and topography.  相似文献   

太仆寺旗土地利用变化时空格局的动态模拟   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:33  
本文以太仆寺旗为研究区 ,通过将土地利用驱动因子分解为稳定少动控制因子、年际变动影响因子与社会经济驱动因子 ,求解了太仆寺旗土地利用变化驱动因子作用系数矩阵 ,揭示了不同类型因子驱动土地利用变化的方向与强度。在此基础上 ,以CLUE S模型为框架 ,构建了太仆寺旗土地利用变化时空格局模拟模型 ,通过集成基于太仆寺旗土地利用系统动力学模型获取的土地利用变化及其社会经济驱动因子信息 ,动态模拟了太仆寺旗土地利用变化的时空模式 ,进行了参考模式、生态模式与经济模式下的情景分析。  相似文献   

马雯秋  朱道林  姜广辉 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2615-2630
农村居民点作为乡村地域功能的空间反映,其内部用地功能结构随着经济社会发展发生剧烈变动,“转型”正成为当前中国农村居民点用地结构发展的主要特征。本文以乡村振兴战略需求为切入点,在阐明农村居民点用地结构转型内涵的基础上,依据“过程-类型-机制-优化”的研究思路系统剖析农村居民点用地结构转型规律,将农村居民点用地结构转型研究与乡村振兴战略需求相结合。研究认为,基于农村居民点内部典型地类间组合关系的演变过程,其转型可划分为外向非农化、内生乡村化和空心衰败化三种类型。城镇化、乡村工业化和以乡村振兴战略为主的农业农村现代化通过改变城乡间人口、土地、资本和技术等要素流动和资源配置效率进而影响着居民点转型的方向和结果;同时,合理、有序的农村居民点用地结构也可为乡村振兴的具体实施提供空间基础。未来应以乡村振兴战略需求为导向,从类型转换、效率提升和制度保障等角度优化居民点用地结构转型,以期在理论上创新和完善农村居民点用地转型与优化的研究范式,实践上为村庄规划和乡村振兴提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来全球耕地变化的基本特征及空间格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于全球1982-2011年土地利用/覆被的矢量数据,分析了20世纪80年代以来全球耕地变化的基本特征及空间格局。结果表明:① 20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地面积增加了528.768×104 km2,增加速率为7.920×104 km2/a,呈不显著增加趋势,全球耕地面积以20世纪80年代增速最快。20世纪80年代以来,北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲耕地面积呈显著增加趋势,分别增加了170.854×104 km2、107.890×104 km2、186.492×104 km2,增加速率分别为7.236×104 km2/a、2.780×104 km2/a、3.758×104 km2/a;亚洲、欧洲、非洲耕地面积为减少趋势,分别减少了23.769×104 km2、4.035×104 km2、86.76×104 km2,减少速率分别为-5.641×104 km2/a、-0.813×104 km2/a、 -0.595×104 km2/a。② 20世纪80年代以来,全球增加的耕地主要由草地、林地转化,分别占53.536%、26.148%。新增耕地面积主要分布在非洲南部及中部、澳大利亚东部和北部、南美洲东南部、美国的中部及阿拉斯加、加拿大中部、俄罗斯西部及芬兰北部、蒙古北部等区域。非洲南部的博茨瓦纳为全球耕地增加比例最高区域,增加了80%~90%。③ 20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地换化为其他用地共计1071.946×104 km2,全球减少的耕地主要转化为了草地、林地,分别占比为57.482%、36.000%;全球减少耕地主要分布在非洲中部的苏丹南部、美国中南部、俄罗斯南部及欧洲南部的保加利亚、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚和匈牙利等国,减少最大的区域为非洲南部,减少了60%。④ 各大洲耕地均表现出向高纬扩张的趋势,全球多数国家表现出新增耕地扩张而原有耕地减少的特点。  相似文献   

With the objectives to acquire the fundamental data of the territorial resource,understand the impacts of human activities on the lan use and cover patterns and evaluate the potential of the future exploitation,and intensive land cover classification with and accuracy of 93?has been completed for North Ningxia by remote sensin technique based on the adoption of a combination method composed of texture training,maximum likelihood classification and post-processing such as re-allocation and aggregation.This classification result was incorporated with the contemporaneous socio-economic and meteorological data for cross-sectional regression modelling to reveal the spatial determinants of the land cover patterns and understand the human-environmental relationships.A tentative evaluation on the potential of soil exploitation in the near future was carried out in combination with our land use and cover change detection results aiming at supplying some useful references for the central and local governments in their sustainable land use planning.  相似文献   

With the objectives to acquire the fundamental data of the territorial resource, understand the impacts of human activities on the land use and cover patterns and evaluate the potential of the future exploitation, an intensive land cover classification with an accuracy of 93% has been completed for North Ningxia by remote sensing technique based on the adoption of a combination method composed of texture training, maximum likelihood classification and post-processing such as re-allocation and aggregation. This classification result was incorporated with the contemporaneous socio-economic and meteorological data for cross-sectional regression modelling to reveal the spatial determinants of the land cover patterns and understand the human-environmental relationships. A tentative evaluation on the potential of soil exploitation in the near future was carried out in combination with our land use and cover change detection results aiming at supplying some useful references for the central and local governments in their sustainable land use planning.  相似文献   

通过对样本区域农村居民点布局及土地利用特点的研究 ,从丘陵山地区的自然环境条件和社会经济发展水平的实际出发 ,提出两种土地整理模式 :一是农林综合开发整理模式 ,即居民点闲置土地的复垦利用与抛荒地利用结合 ,与山地区退耕还林等生态建设工程结合 ,进行退宅还林 ;二是新村建设整理模式 ,即由政府对新村统一规划 ,供给道路等基础设施 ,引导农民集中建房的“政府引导型”农村居民点整理模式 ,并对重庆市渝北区新春村的新村建设的运作和效益进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

土地整治与乡村振兴——土地利用多功能性视角   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
长期以来乡村土地利用功能的供需不平衡是造成乡村问题的主要原因之一。论文基于土地利用多功能性视角,以“供给—需求”“要素—结构—功能”为主线,阐释了农村土地整治与乡村振兴的互馈关系,探讨了如何通过农村土地整治实现乡村土地利用功能的供需平衡,进而促进乡村振兴。研究结果如下:① 综合土地整治是一种多功能的土地利用方式,是当前解决乡村问题、促进乡村振兴的重要手段,其本质是从以经济效益为主的生产主义向兼顾社会、经济、环境等的非生产主义的转变。② 乡村土地利用具有生产、生活、生态、文化等4种主要功能,满足乡村振兴在经济、社会、环境、文化等方面的需求,其中生产功能分为农业、商业、工业生产功能,生活功能分为居住、就业和公共服务功能。③ 农村土地整治沿整合土地利用要素、重组土地利用结构、优化土地利用功能的路径,从供给侧因地制宜地平衡乡村发展对土地利用多功能的需求。④ 今后,农村土地整治与乡村振兴的研究应该考虑不同空间尺度下土地整治对于乡村振兴的作用机制与模式,定量分析土地整治影响下土地利用的多功能供给以及不同类型乡村发展对土地利用功能的需求,从而为土地利用和乡村振兴规划的制定和实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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