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Climate change is one of the main factors that affect runoff changes. In the upstream of Minjiang River, the temperature increased significantly in the last 50 years, while the precipitation decreased on the contrary. In order to analyze the effect of climate change on site runoff, watershed runoff depth and evaporation, nine climate scenarios are assumed based on rainfall and temperature indicators. A SWAT model of Minjiang River is constructed, and runoff simulation is carried out with the nine scenarios. The results show that if precipitation increases or decreases 20 %, the change rate of runoff depth will increase or decrease 28–32 %; if temperature increases or decreases 2 °C, the change rate of runoff depth will decrease or increase 1–6 %; if temperature increases or decreases 2 °C, the change rate of the potential evaporation will increase or decrease 5–16 %, and the actual evaporation rate of variation will increase or decrease 1–6 %. Overall, precipitation variation has greater effect on simulated runoff than temperature variation dose. In addition, temperature variation has more obvious effect on the runoff simulation results in dry years than in wet years. The actual evaporation of watershed depends on evaporation capacity and precipitation and increases with the increasing of the potential evaporation and precipitation. The study also shows that the climate change scenarios analysis technology, combined with SWAT hydrological model, can effectively simulate the effect of climate change on runoff.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the response of runoff in the area of runoff yield of the upstream Shiyang River basin to climate change and to promote sustainable development of regional water resources and ecological environment. As the biggest tributary of the Shiyang River, Xiying River is the only hydrological station (Jiutiaoling) that has provincial natural river and can achieve long time series monitoring data in the basin. The data obtained from this station is representative of natural conditions because it has little human activites. This study built a regression model through identifying the characteristics of runoff and climate change by using Mann-Kendall nonparametric statistical test, cumulative anomaly, and correlation analysis. The results show that the average annual runoff is 320.6 million m3/a with the coefficient of variation of 0.18 and shows slightly decrease during 1956–2020. It has a significant positive correlation the average annual precipitation (P<0.01). Runoff is sensitive to climate change, and the climate has becoming warm and wet and annual runoff has entering wet period from 2003. Compared to the earlier period (1955–2000), the increases of average annual temperature, precipitation and runoff in recent two decades were 15%, 9.3%, and 7.8%, respectively. Runoff in the Shiyang River is affected by temperature and precipitation among climate factors, and the simulation results of the runoff-climate response model (R = 0.0052P ? 0.1589T + 2.373) indicate that higher temperature leads to a weakening of the ecological regulation of surface runoff in the flow-producing area.  相似文献   

海河流域河川径流对气候变化的响应机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用可变下渗容量(Variable Infiltration Capacity,VIC)模型,在海河流域选取了6个典型流域来率定VIC模型的参数。通过模型参数移植技术,建立了全流域的径流模拟平台。根据假定的气候变化情景,分析了海河流域河川径流对气候变化的响应机理。结果表明:在年平均气温升高2℃时,海河流域的径流量将减少6.5%;当年降水量增加或者减少10%时,海河流域的径流量将分别增加26%和减少23%;当汛期降水占年降水量的比例分别增加或者减少10%时,全流域的径流量将会增加12%或者减少7%;在空间上,在年平均气温升高和年降水量变化的情景下,海河流域西北部的河川径流比东南部更敏感;在降水年内分配变化的情景下,海河流域东南部的河川径流比西北部更敏感。总体上,年降水量越大,径流量对降水量的敏感性越小,对平均气温的敏感性也越小,而对降水年内分配的敏感性越大。  相似文献   

气候变化情景下渭河流域潜在蒸散量时空变化特征   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
根据渭河流域20个气象站1959~ 2008年逐日气象资料,以FAO Penman-Monteith法计算的各站逐日潜在蒸散量作为标准值,对基于气温的Hargreaves法进行参数校正以使其适用于渭河流域.应用统计降尺度模型SDSM将HadCM3输出数据降尺度到各站点,生成A2,B2两种情景下各站未来日最高、最低气温数...  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江流域气候和下垫面变化对径流的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
典型高原寒区雅鲁藏布江流域径流变化是反映该区域气候和下垫面变化的重要指标。在全球升温背景下,由于观测资料稀缺,导致缺乏针对整个流域的气候和下垫面变化对径流影响的研究。因此,本研究基于1986—2010年的气象数据和奴下水文站月尺度、动态土地利用数据等,利用改进的水文模型并结合不同的模拟策略厘清了流域1991—2010年不同时段间气候和下垫面变化对径流的影响。结果表明:在1991—2010年期间,不同时段间气候和下垫面变化对径流变化的贡献率差异较大,气候变化对径流变化的贡献率高于下垫面变化,且使径流量增加。从空间上看,气候变化对流域产流的贡献率在上游和中游都较大,在下游东北部的贡献率较小,而在该区域下垫面变化的贡献率较大。雪冰融水径流呈增加的趋势,对年径流的平均贡献率在21.1%~48.6%范围内,多年平均贡献率为33.6%;雪冰融水径流一般从4月开始增大,8月达到最大,10月达到消融末期。本研究的开展和发现既是雅鲁藏布江流域水文、水资源基础性研究的需要,具有重要的理论研究意义,同时也可为该流域的水资源保护、规划与管理提供科学理论和决策依据,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

气候变化对挠力河径流量影响的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
三江平原位于黑龙江省东北部,是中国沼泽湿地集中分布区且面积最大的区域,挠力河作为该区域的一条典型沼泽性河流,其径流演变过程受到气候变化和人类活动的双重影响.文中利用水量平衡法和降水-径流经验模型,定量分析了变化期气候变化对径流的影响,并比较了两种方法的优劣性,研究结果表明:50年来挠力河变化期(1968~2005年)内的年径流量的变化大约40%是由气候变化引起.气候变化对径流量影响的主导因素是降水量的变化,降水量变化对宝清站和菜嘴子站径流量减少的贡献率分别为43%和35%,蒸发量变化对两水文站径流量减少的贡献率为10%左右.利用水量平衡法研究气候变化对河流径流量的影响,其研究结果要优于一般的降水-径流经验模型法,但经验模型也不失为一种快速且简便的方法.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on the Himalayan region, which may ultimately affect the water security and agriculture productivity in the region. Investigations of hydrologic regimes and their linkage to climatic trends are therefore gaining importance to reduce vulnerability of growing implications in the region. In the present study, the eWater source software implementation of GR4JSG snow melt model was used for snow melt runoff modeling of the Astore river basin, western Himalayas. The model calibration and validation indicated a close agreement between the simulated and observed discharge data. The scenario of 0.9 °C increase in temperature indicated 33% rise in the river discharge, while an increase of 10% in precipitation may exaggerate the river flows by 15%. The scenario of 100% increase in glaciated area showed 41% increase in the Astore river discharge. On the other hand, reduction of 50% glacier cover may result in 34% decline in the river discharge, while 0% glacier coverage may reduce the river discharges by 49% from that of the base year 2014. It is essential to develop a long-term water resource monitoring process and adapt water management systems taking into account the socio-economic and ecological complexities of the region.  相似文献   

基于Budyko假设预测长江流域未来径流量变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于Budyko水热耦合平衡假设,推导了年径流变化的计算公式,分析了长江流域多年平均潜在蒸发量、降水量、干旱指数和敏感性参数的空间变化规律。选用BCC-CSM1-1全球气候模式和RCP4.5排放情景,把未来气候要素预估值与LS-SVM统计降尺度方法相耦合,预测长江流域未来的气温、降水和径流变化情况。采用乌江和汉江流域的长期径流观测资料,分析验证了基于Budyko公式计算年径流变化的可靠性。结果表明:降水量变化是影响径流量变化的主导因素;长江各子流域未来径流相对变化增减不一,最大变幅10%左右;在未来2020s(2010—2039年)、2050s(2040—2069年)和2080s(2070—2099年)3个时期内,长江南北两岸流域的径流将出现"南减北增"现象,北岸径流变化增幅逐渐升高,南岸径流变化减幅逐渐降低。  相似文献   

IPCC AR4气候情景下长江流域径流预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过评估IPCC第四次评估公开发布的22个全球气候模式对长江流域降水和气温的模拟性能,选取了BC-CR-BCM2.0等7个气候模式,利用这些GCM s在A1B、A2和B1三种典型排放情景下的未来气温和降水预测结果,结合BP神经网络模型,在对模型验证效果良好的基础上,预测未来气候变化下长江流域径流变化趋势.结果表明,长江流域未来年平均径流量呈减少趋势,宜昌水文站以枯水年减少为主,未来年平均流量比历史年平均流量减少了520 m3/s;大通水文站则以平水年减少为主,比历史年平均流量减少了250 m3/s,水量的减少对南水北调东中线的调水规模和调配、管理提出了较大的挑战.长江流域多年平均月流量增加将主要发生在1~6月,而7~12月将以减少趋势为主.宜昌站和大通站的1~6月份平均增加幅度分别为29.6%和13.8%,7~12月份的平均减少幅度分别为-18.2%和-11.0%,宜昌站的变幅要高于大通站.宜昌站汛期呈减少趋势,平均为-8.5%,非汛期略有增加.大通站变化趋势与宜昌站相反,汛期呈增加趋势,平均为2.3%,非汛期略有减少.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on an assessment of the impact of future water demand on the hydrological regime under land use/land cover (LULC) and climate change scenarios. The impact has been quantified in terms of streamflow and groundwater recharge in the Gandherswari River basin, West Bengal, India. dynamic conversion of land use and its effects (Dyna-CLUE) and statistical downscaling model (SDSM) are used for quantifying the future LULC and climate change scenarios, respectively. Physical-based semi-distributed model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is used for estimating future streamflow and spatiotemporally distributed groundwater recharge. Model calibration and validation have been performed using discharge data (1990–2016). The impacts of LULC and climate change on hydrological variables are evaluated with three scenarios (for the years 2030, 2050 and 2080). Temperature Vegetation Dyrness Index (TVDI) and evapotranspiration (ET) are considered for estimation of water-deficit conditions in the river basin. Exceedance probability and recurrence interval representation are considered for uncertainty analysis. The results show increased discharge in case of monsoon season and decreased discharge in case of the non-monsoon season for the years 2030 and 2050. However, a reverse trend is obtained for the year 2080. The overall increase in groundwater recharge is visible for all the years. This analysis provides valuable information for the irrigation water management framework.  相似文献   

Extreme weather events can have severe consequences for the population and the environment. Therefore, in this study a temporal trend of annual temperatures was built with a time series from 1950 to 2010 for Mexicali, Mexico, and estimates of 5- to 100-year return periods are provided by modeling of summer maximum and winter minimum temperatures. A non-parametric Kendall’s tau test and the Sen’s slope estimator were used to compute trends. The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution was applied to the approximation of block maxima and the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) to values over a predetermined threshold. Due to the non-stationary characteristic of the series of temperature values, the temporal trend was included as a covariable in the location parameter and substantial improvements were observed, particularly with the extreme minimum temperature, compared to that obtained with the GEV with no covariable and with the GPD. A positive and significant statistically trend in both summer maximum temperature and winter minimum temperature was found. By the end of 21st century the extreme maximum temperature could be 2 to 3 °C higher than current, and the winter could be less severe, as the probabilistic model suggests increases of 7 to 9 °C in the extreme minimum temperature with respect to the base period. The foreseeable consequences on Mexicali city are discussed.  相似文献   

疏勒河上游径流组分及其变化特征定量模拟   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
气候变化背景下,西北干旱区内陆河流域的水文过程发生显著变化,制约着地区经济社会和生态建设的稳定发展。定量分析和评估高寒山区径流的变化,有助于加强西北地区水资源的规划管理,实现水资源的可持续利用,保障区域水安全。选取位于青藏高原东北边缘、祁连山西段的疏勒河上游作为研究区,利用包含冰雪消融模块的寒区水文模型分布式SPHY模型(Spatial Processes inHydrology model)对流域的径流过程进行定量模拟,根据模拟结果分析了疏勒河上游近45 a径流组成及径流与各组分的变化特征。结果表明:(1)率定期日径流和月径流模拟的Nash效率系数分别为0.62和0.86,验证期达到0.79和0.95,模拟的月径流与实测月径流过程基本一致;(2)径流由四部分组成,冰川径流占总径流的年平均比例为30.5%,融雪径流的占比为12.9%,降雨径流的占比为13.5%,基流的占比为43.1%;(3)由于气温升高、降水增多,冰川径流与降雨径流均呈增加的趋势,平均增加幅度分别为4.66×106 m3·a-1和2.46×106 m3·a-1,融雪径流呈减少的趋势,平均减少幅度为1.01×106 m3·a-1;(4)近45 a年径流增加了69.6%,冰川融水对流域径流增加的贡献率达到48%,非冰川区降水增加的贡献率达到52%。  相似文献   

应用统计降尺度方法预估江淮流域未来降水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
统计降尺度方法广泛应用于弥补大气环流模式(GCM)模拟区域气候变化能力较弱的不足。利用1960~2009年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和江淮流域52个站点降水观测资料,通过敏感性分析,针对4个季节分别选择10个大尺度预测因子,采用主成分分析(PCA)和支持向量机(SVM)相结合的方法,建立了江淮流域降水统计降尺度模型。检验结果表明,该模型获取的江淮流域降水的偏差显著减小,能够描述降水在月、年尺度的变化,适用于HadCM3输出的大尺度气候场,具有预测未来降水变化的能力。将统计降尺度模型应用于HadCM3在A2情景下输出的2020~2099年大尺度预测因子,分3个时段:2020~2039年,2050~2069年和2080~2099年,从年和季节两个时间尺度分析江淮流域未来降水变化。结果表明,相对1960~1999年,未来3个时段的降水有小幅增加,其中2080~2099年增幅最大,为3.6 mm;在未来3个时段的不同季节,降水变化呈现出不同特征。  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on annual runoff were analyzed on the basis of hydrologic and meteorological data for the past 50 years recorded by six meteorological stations and the Kenswatt Hydrological Station in the headstream of the Manas River watershed. The long-term trends of climate change and hydrological variations were determined in a nonparametric test, and the periodicities were determined employing the extrapolation method of periodic variance analysis. Subsequently, a periodicity-trend superposition model was used to predict future change. The results show that both the climate factors (temperature and precipitation) and runoff have increased considerably and have significant relations; the relation between temperature and runoff is the more significant. There is periodicity of 18 years in the change in annual runoff, and the primary periodicity of changes in temperature and precipitation is, respectively, 3 and 15 years. The runoff variations are affected by climate change in the headstream, but do not shift simultaneously with abrupt changes in temperature and precipitation in the headstream. There is a significant positive relationship in winter between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and runoff, while there are negative correlations annually and in summer for the runoff lagging the NAO by 1 year. The NAO has certain effects on climate change that are mainly due to atmospheric circulation in the Manas River Basin, and thus, the NAO affects the runoff.  相似文献   

基于GIS的岷江上游地貌形态初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近些年来,地理信息系统(GIS)在理论及技术方法等方面日臻完善,同时GIS技术被广泛地应用于地质工作的各个领域。以地理信息系统(GIS)为平台,利用矢量化地形高程数据,构建岷江上游地区数字高程模型(DEM),并对数字图像进行了几何校正,镶嵌配准,实现了岷江上游地区地形地貌的三维模拟显示;利用DEM分析探讨地貌形态,生成一系列地貌分析专题图如地貌高程图、地形坡度图等,并进行了初步的讨论分析,得出岷江上游地区主体属于中高山陡崖地貌,地形地貌总体呈现由NW向SE倾斜的分布趋势。而岷江源头地区东侧则由于新构造活动强烈,具有隆升幅度较西侧剧烈的特征。通过对岷江上游地区地貌形态的分析研究,为中国东西部地貌边界带的新构造研究做了有益的补充。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下长江源区径流变化特征及其成因分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
利用1960-2011年历年逐月长江上游通天河流域直门达水文站观测的流量资料、 长江源区气象台站观测资料以及NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料, 研究分析了长江源区径流变化特征及其气候归因. 结果表明: 2005年之前, 长江源区年及夏、 秋、 冬季的平均流量呈持续下降趋势, 2005年以后, 长江源区年及四季的平均流量均呈显著增加趋势. 其中, 以夏季平均流量的增幅最为明显, 年平均流量有4 a左右及12 a左右的变化周期. 高原夏季风、 长江源区夏季7、 8月地面感热、 流域降水量、 蒸发量、 气温及冰川和积雪融水均对长江源区流量变化有明显影响. 2005年以后, 长江源区年及四季的降水量呈明显的增加趋势, 而蒸发量呈明显的减少趋势. 同时, 温度急剧上升导致的冰川和积雪融水增多, 是2005年以来长江源区流量急剧增加的重要原因.  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对长江中游径流量变化影响分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
利用累积距平、Mann-Kendall检验和有序聚类方法,对长江中游5个水文站1961-2014年径流量进行突变检验,并应用降雨-径流多元线性经验模型,定量评估长江中游气候变化和人类活动对径流量变化的贡献率。研究结果表明:径流量多年来呈线性减少的趋势,随降水量的变化而变化。径流突变点为1968年和2006年,1969-2005年枝城、沙市、监利、城陵矶和螺山站控制流域人类活动对径流变化影响的贡献率分别为85.68%、50.89%、84.78%、89.81%和68.39%;2006-2014年人类活动的贡献率分别为88.40%、59.47%、82.86%、80.03%、63.63%,人类活动的贡献率高于气候变化。  相似文献   

Impact of climate change on runoff and uncertainty analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chang  Jianxia  Zhang  Hongxue  Wang  Yimin  Zhang  Lianpeng 《Natural Hazards》2017,88(2):1113-1131
Natural Hazards - It is necessary to analyze the future runoff changes using a more realistic climate classification scheme. This paper investigates the climate changes and runoff variation by...  相似文献   

气候和人类活动对黄河源区径流量变化的贡献率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1961-2015年黄河源区有关台站的观测数据,利用差积分法、累积距平法对黄河源区径流量和气候变化趋势进行了分析,并基于累计量斜率变化率分析方法评估气候和人类活动对黄河源区径流量减少的贡献率。结果表明:黄河源区年径流量、年降水量、年平均最大冻土深度呈减少趋势,源区蒸散量呈增大趋势;与基准时期1961-1989年相比,在不考虑气温影响的情况下,气候和人类活动对黄河源区径流量变化的贡献率在1990-2008年分别为33.12%和66.88%,在2009-2015年分别为73.61%和26.39%;两个时段相比,气候对径流量减少的贡献率上升,而人类活动的贡献率下降,这与气候变暖及2005年黄河源区启动的三江源自然保护区生态保护和建设工程有关。  相似文献   

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