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Access to water resources is one of the major challenges being faced worldwide. Water scarcity, particularly groundwater resource, is the major ubiquitous concern for the country. Almost half of the country is reeling under severe ground water crisis due to anthropogenic and natural reasons (basalt rock surface). Agra region situated in the western part of Uttar Pradesh state of India has a semi-arid climate. The study area, which has a history of water scarcity since medieval ages, has seen a spurt of acute water shortage in recent times owing to the expansion of a very dense built-up area and excessive haulage accompanied by decline in rainfall. A study was under taken for identifying the trends in pre- and post-monsoon groundwater levels for Agra city, Uttar Pradesh. Pre-monsoon and post-monsoon groundwater depth data of 16 observation wells for the 2007–2016 period were collected and analyzed using ARC GIS 10.2 software. The rainfall trend during the study period was also studied to understand its role in groundwater fluctuation level. Statistical tests like Mann-Kendall, Sen’s slope estimator, and linear regression model were applied to understand the trend and rate of change in groundwater level. The land use/land cover map of the study area was integrated with groundwater map to have a primary understanding of the spatial trend of groundwater scenario of the study area. The result obtained is quite alarming for the city’s groundwater scenario. Results showed that the groundwater levels had significantly declined during 2007–2016. Average rates of water level decline were 0.228 and 0.267 m/year during pre- and post-monsoon seasons, respectively. There was a rapid decline in water level between 2008 and 2009 and between 2013 and 2014. The average rate of decline of pre- and post-monsoon groundwater level in the city during this period is 0.32 and 0.30 m/year, respectively. Significant decrease in groundwater level is found in 84.21% of wells for pre- and post-monsoon as obtained through Mann-Kendall analysis at 95% confidence level. During pre-monsoon season, the rate of decline according to Sen’s slope estimator varied between 0.74 and 2.05 m/year. Almost similar picture of decline is portrayed through linear regression slope wherein the computed rate of decline varied between 0.75 and 2.05 m/year. During post-monsoon, the rate of decline according to Sen’s slope varied between 0.13 and 1.94 m/year. Similar trend statistic is obtained through linear regression method where the declining rate is between 0.14 and 1.91 m/year. Comparison of the three statistical tests indicates similar nature of declining trend. The result of this research raises concern about the future of groundwater resources in Agra city. The findings of this study will assist planners and decision-makers in developing better land use and water resource management.  相似文献   

Seven pockets of variable dimensions of strata-bound sparry magnesite within the Middle Proterozoic Gangolihat Formation around Bauri in the Almora district, Kumaun, Lesser Himalaya, have been investigated petrographically and geochemically. The lenses and pockets of megacrystalline, bladed, occasionally stellate, magnesite aggregates invariably enclosed by stromatolitic or massive dolostones, often exhibit a concordant relationship with the latter. Besides the sharp contrast in crystal-linity of magnesite and dolostones and the patches of the latter in the former, relict features such as layers of chert, cryptocrystalline silica veins and stromatolitic structures are discernible in the magnesite. There is a gradual increase in MgO and FeO with a corresponding decrease in CaO, and a striking depletion in Sr from dolostone to magnesite but no noteworthy variation in other major or minor elements nor in insoluble contents. Both the dolostones and magnesites are characterised by the same range of oxygen isotope ratios. However, a marked enrichment of lighter carbon isotopes in magnesites is noted. Based on these observations, it is inferred that the magnesite around Bauri is a product of diagenetic magnesitisation of penecontemporaneous dolomite in a restricted biohermal tidal flat environment.  相似文献   

Evaluation of major ion chemistry and solute acquisition process controlling water chemical composition were studied by collecting a total of fifty-one groundwater samples in shallow (<25 m) and deep aquifer (>25 m) in the Varanasi area. Hydrochemical facies, Mg-HCO3 dominated in the largest part of shallow groundwater followed by Na-HCO3 and Ca-HCO3 whereas Ca-HCO3 is dominated in deep groundwater followed by Mg-HCO3 and Na-HCO3. High As concentration (>50 μg/l) is found in some of the villages situated in northeastern parts (i.e. adjacent to the concave part of the meandering Ganga river) of the Varanasi area. Arsenic contamination is confined mostly in tube wells (hand pump) within the Holocene newer alluvium deposits, whereas older alluvial aquifers are having arsenic free groundwater. Geochemical modeling using WATEQ4F enabled prediction of saturation state of minerals and indicated dissolution and precipitation reactions occurring in groundwater. Majority of shallow and deep groundwater samples of the study area are oversaturated with carbonate bearing minerals and under-saturated with respect to sulfur and amorphous silica bearing minerals. Sluggish hydraulic conductivity in shallow aquifer results in higher mineralization of groundwater than in deep aquifer. But the major processes in deep aquifer are leakage of shallow aquifer followed by dominant ion-exchange and weathering of silicate minerals.  相似文献   

Sand bars of the three important rivers of the Gangetic Alluvium, namely the Ganga, Yamuna and Son are investigated. Megaripples of undulatory type are the most abundant bed forms present, and are responsible for the development of large-scale cross-bedding, the most common bedding structure present in the area. Giant ripples, with superimposed megaripples are recorded in one sand bar in the Yamuna River. On a steeply sloping point bar in the Ganga River, delta-like lobes have produced foreset bedding oriented towards the main channel, at right angles to the direction of the main flow.  相似文献   

Groundwater with high geogenic arsenic (As) is extensively present in the Holocene alluvial aquifers of Ghazipur District in the middle Gangetic Plain, India. A shift in the climatic conditions, weathering of carbonate and silicate minerals, surface water interactions, ion exchange, redox processes, and anthropogenic activities are responsible for high concentrations of cations, anions and As in the groundwater. The spatial and temporal variations for As concentrations were greater in the pre-monsoon (6.4–259.5 μg/L) when compared to the post-monsoon period (5.1–205.5 µg/L). The As enrichment was encountered in the sampling sites that were close to the Ganges River (i.e. south and southeast part of Ghazipur district). The depth profile of As revealed that low concentrations of NO3 are associated with high concentration of As and that As depleted with increasing depth. The poor relationship between As and Fe indicates the As release into the groundwater, depends on several processes such as mineral weathering, O2 consumption, and NO3 reduction and is de-coupled from Fe cycling. Correlation matrix and factor analysis were used to identify various factors influencing the gradual As enrichment in the middle Gangetic Plain. Groundwater is generally supersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite in post-monsoon period, but not in pre-monsoon period. Saturation in both periods is reached for crystalline Fe phases such as goethite, but not with respect to poorly crystalline Fe phases and any As-bearing phase. The results indicate release of arsenic in redox processes in dry period and dilution of arsenic concentration by recharge during monsoon. Increased concentrations of bicarbonate after monsoon are caused by intense flushing of unsaturated zone, where CO2 is formed by decomposition of organic matter and reactions with carbonate minerals in solid phase. The present study is vital considering the fact that groundwater is an exclusive source of drinking water in the region which not only makes situation alarming but also calls for the immediate attention.  相似文献   

Gradient profiling (GP) has been successfully utilized as a preliminary tool to identify fractured zones saturated with groundwater in hard-rock areas of Robertsganj, Sonebhadra district, Uttar Pradesh, India. Conducting geoelectrical sounding at randomly selected places may not provide fruitful results since fractures are sparsely distributed in hard rocks. In gradient profiling, current electrodes with large separation remain fixed while the potential dipole is moved between the current electrodes in the central one-third portion of the profile at a small station interval. A GP survey was conducted along seven profiles having different lengths in two small sectors of the study area. Low resistive zones have been identified which correspond to the fractured zones. A few geoelectrical soundings were carried out to investigate the depth and thickness of the fractured zones. Two test boreholes, one drilled in each sector, yielded continuous discharge of fresh water (18,000–24,000 L/h). The present study confirms the findings of previous work that the GP survey is a powerful initial technique that identifies the presence of a fractured zone, especially in a hard-rock area covered with a thin soil layer.  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability assessments calculate the sensitivity of quality of groundwater to an imposed contaminant load which is essential element of the aquifer management plans. Seventy five groundwater samples have been analyzed for different chemical parameters to understand the groundwater quality of the lower Varuna river basin, Uttar Pradesh, India. The intrinsic groundwater vulnerability map of the lower Varuna catchment area in the north of the city of Varanasi (India) shows a high dependency on the depth to groundwater. The topmost layer of alluvial silty clay, protects the groundwater against contamination in this urban area, but the retention time in the unsaturated zone can be estimated to several months only. The input dataset is very sparse i.e. groundwater levels were measured twice (pre- and post-monsoon 2009) and the geological map shows only alluvium as the outcrop. Several boreholes in this area show, that the alluvium has a thickness of about 4 m and below that are fine grained sands. The surface information does not allow the development of a risk map since land use changes very fast and contamination areas can not be identified accurately. The vulnerability maps developed in this study have become important tools for environmental planning and predictive management of the groundwater resources in the fast urbanizing region in the Varanasi area.  相似文献   

The Kali-Hindon is a watershed in the most productive central Ganga plain of India. The whole area is a fertile track with sugarcane being the principal crop. Systematic sampling was carried out to assess the source of dissolved ions, impact of sugar factories and the quality of groundwater. Thirty-six samples were collected covering an area of 395 km2. The quality of groundwater is suitable for irrigational purposes but is rich in SO4 which is not best for human consumption. Graphical treatment of major ion chemistry helps identify six chemical types of groundwater. All possible species such as Na–Cl, K–Cl, Na–HCO3, Na–SO4, Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3, Ca–SO4 and Mg–SO4 are likely to occur in the groundwater system. The most conspicuous change in chemistry of groundwater is relative enrichment of SO4. The interpretation of data reveals that SO4 has not been acquired through water–rock interaction. The source of SO4 is anthropogenic. Sugar factories alone are responsible for this potential environmental hazard.  相似文献   

M. Raza 《Lithos》1981,14(4):295-303
Geochemical data on the Chamoli Volcanics of the Garhwal Group suggest their strong affinity with oceanic tholeiites. However, the field relations and other geological information do not support this conclusion and indicate an epicontinental rather than eugeosynclinal environment of eruption. The lack of correlation of chemical data with geological setting precludes the possibility that these basalts are true ocean floor basalts. It is inferred that the Chamoli Volcanics with an oceanic tholeiite affinity were probably erupted as a result of initial rifting in the Proto-Tethys, which at that time was an intercontinental sea. The rifting was started during the depositional regimes of this intercontinental sea in which shallow water sediments were being deposited. Ocean type tholeiitic magma, guided by the rift zone, disrupted the cycle of sedimentation and gave rise to the development of the quartzite-lava sequence of the Chamoli Formation.  相似文献   

Effects of industrial air pollution on the respiratory health of children   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is growing concern regarding to the possible effects of air pollution on respiratory health of children in Eleme industrial area of Port-Harcourt Nigeria. A total of 250 children were sampled from six primary schools with pre-nursery facilities for a period of 18 months. Subjects were divided into two zones (A and B), monitored and examined on weekly basis. The effects of four criteria pollutants (nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter and carbon monoxide) on the respiratory health of the children were examined with reference to symptoms and diseases such as cough, cold, bronchitis, sinusitis and phlegm. Data were obtained from surveys of socioeconomic status of parents of subjects, three air monitoring stations and on-the-spot measurements of these pollutants and their association with symptoms and diseases analyzed. Results showed that there was a strong association between air pollution and symptoms and diseases among children. The effect was strongest among children below 2 years of age (adjusted OR = 3.5, 95%, CI 1.7-8.3) in the highly polluted zone than in the less polluted area. The higher the age of children, the lesser the susceptibility to these pollutants. These general results constitute a starting point for further research on long-term exposure to industrial air pollution and call for an urgent enforcement of regulatory standards to protect the most vulnerable groups in most of the growing metropolises of the country.  相似文献   

Major, trace and rare earth elements of phosphatic rocks around Sonrai block of Paleo-Mesoproterozoic age having phosphatic breccia, quartzite, shale, sandstone, limestone and ironstone, have been determined to evaluate their correlation, relationship with the phosphorus content, the nature of possible substitution of various elements and regional distribution pattern over the area. The study indicates that the number of elements is substituted in the apatite structures; few of them are associated with phosphate and carbonate minerals. The variable concentration of major, trace and rare earth elements in the phosphatic rocks has been influenced by various physico-chemical processes involved during weathering and leaching of the source rocks. The distribution of the major, trace and rare earth elements is controlled by the environmental variations in the sediment water interface. The majority of trace elements were mainly influenced by the principle adsorbents like the phosphate minerals in addition to clay, iron oxides and silicate minerals. The PAAS normalized REE patterns of Sonrai block of phosphorites are characterized by negative Ce anomalies and Positive Eu anomalies. It is inferred from the distribution and interrelationship of major, trace and rare earth elements that the deposition of phosphate minerals might have occurred in highly oxidizing to slightly reducing conditions in supratidal to intertidal continental margins and shallow marine environment. The deposition was controlled by marine upwelling leading to excess charge of phosphate in certain zones of phosphogenic basins, lithologic facies variations in restricted circulations of basinal waters and electrochemical factors such as negative Eh, pH and other factors, which influenced the deposition of phosphates. The replacement, precipitation in voids and fissures and diagenesis were also important mechanisms of phosphate generation in Sonrai basin. The main source for various elements may be the minerals of cratonic mass of Bundelkhand Granitic Complex, a basement of Bijawar Basin, which also provided land derived phosphorus through weathering of the terrestrial cover.  相似文献   

Muzaffarnagar is an economically rich district situated in the most fertile plains of two great rivers Ganga and Yamuna in the Indo-gangetic plains, with agricultural land irrigated by both surface water as well as groundwater. An investigation has been carried out to understand the hydrochemistry of the groundwater and its suitability for irrigation uses. Groundwater in the study area is neutral to moderately alkaline in nature. Chemistry of groundwater suggests that alkaline earths (Ca + Mg) significantly exceed the alkalis (Na + K) and weak acids exceed the strong acids (Cl + SO4), suggesting the dominance of carbonate weathering followed by silicate weathering. Majority of the groundwater samples (62%) posses Ca–Mg–HCO3 type of hydrochemical species, followed by Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3, Na–Ca–Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–Na–HCO3–Cl and Na–Ca–HCO3–SO4 types. A positive high correlation (r 2 = 0.928) between Na and Cl suggests that the salinity of groundwater is due to intermixing of two or more groundwater bodies with different hydrochemical compositions. Barring a few locations, most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation uses. Chemical fertilizers, sugar factories and anthropogenic activities are contributing to the sulphate and chloride concentrations in the groundwater of the study area. Overexploitation of aquifers induced multi componential mixing of groundwater with agricultural return flow waters is responsible for generating groundwater of various compositions in its lateral extent.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeological investigation was carried out in parts of the Central Ganga Plain, India, with the objective of assessing the aquifer framework and its resource potential. The area was studied because of its dual hydrogeological situation, that is water logging and soil salinization in the canal command areas and depletion of aquifers in the western part of the basin. A comprehensive investigation of the aquifer system between the Ganga River and Kali River revealed its lateral and vertical dimensions and hydrogeological characteristics. Moreover, study of the groundwater occurrences, movements and behaviour, in terms of water level fluctuation with time and space, confirms the coexistence of over exploitation as well as water logging in the area.

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Resumen Una investigación hidrogeológica detallada se llevó a cabo en partes de la Llanura de Ganga Central, India, con el objetivo de evaluar la estructura del acuífero y su potencial del recurso. El área fue estudiada por su doble situación hidrogeológica, es decir la saturación con agua y salinización de suelos en las áreas dominadas por el canal y vaciamiento de acuíferos en el la parte occidental de la cuenca. Una investigación completa del sistema acuífero entre el Río Ganga y el Río Kali, reveló sus dimensiones verticales y laterales y las características hidrogeológicas. Además, los estudios sobre la ocurrencia del agua subterránea, sus movimientos y comportamiento, en lo que se refiere al nivel de agua, y a su fluctuación en el tiempo y el espacio, confirma la co-existencia en el área de sobre- explotación así como de saturación con agua.

Résumé L'objectif de cette étude hydrogéologique détaillée de portions de la Plaine Centrale du Gange est de déreminer la structure aquifère et la ressource potentielle. L'intérêt de la zone repose sur sa dualité du point de vue hydrogéologique, les zones influencées par le canal présentent une remontée de la nappe avec une salinisation des sols, la portion Ouest du bassin présente une baisse du niveau des aquifères. Par cette étude, le système aquifère compris entre la rivière du Gange et la rivière Kali révèle ses dimensions latérales et verticales ainsi que ses caractéristiques hydrogéologiques. De plus, l'étude des événements, des mouvements et du régime hydrogéologique affectant le niveau phréatique confirme la co-existence de surexploitation et de saturation des sols dans la région.

The present work has been carried out in Moradabad, one of the important cities in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The main focus of the study is to estimate the extent of anthropogenic contamination in shallow groundwater of the area. For this purpose, total 188 groundwater samples collected from handpumps in pre- and post monsoon period of 2012 and 2013 (47 in each season) were analyzed for physico-chemical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) and anions (Cl, HCO3, SO4, NO3 and F). The results of the analysis suggested that groundwater is slightly alkaline, hard to very hard in nature, average TDS values were found to be more than 1000 mg/l, which gives a clear evidence of anthropogenic influences. To estimate the extent of contamination, the information on relatively unpolluted groundwater systems occurring in different terrains including Ganga plain where the groundwater was relatively unaffected by anthropogenic activities is used. The estimated pristine chemical composition of groundwater of different terrains used in the present study was compared with the groundwater of Moradabad city. This comparison showed that Moradabad city with the highest Na, K, Cl, SO4 and NO3 values being 440 mg/l, 96 mg/l, 537 mg/l, 537 mg/ l and 244 mg/l, respectively, is one of the most polluted urban centres within the Ganga plain. It may be suggested that values of > 50 mg/l for Na, > 10 mg/l for K, > 25 mg/l for Cl, > 50 mg/l for SO4 and > 10 mg/l for NO3 have their respective sources in anthropogenic activities such as agricultural in the peripheral region, human and animal wastes, leakages from drains and septic tanks, landfill leachates and industrial effluents.  相似文献   

The complex depositional pattern of clay and sand in most of the areas controlled the vertical and lateral movement of nitrate in groundwater. The variation of nitrate concentration at different groundwater levels and the lateral distribution of nitrate in the groundwater at two sites indicated the filtration of nitrate by clayey formations. A rural agricultural district located in the Vamsadhara river basin, India was selected for studying the lateral and vertical distribution of nitrate in the groundwater and the association of nitrate with other chemical constituents. The nitrate concentrations in the groundwater are observed to vary between below detectable limit and 450 mg NO3/L. The sources for nitrate are mainly point sources (poultry farms, cattleshed and leakages from septic tanks) and non-point sources (nitrogenous fertilisers). The nitrate concentrations are increased after fertiliser applications. However, very high concentrations of nitrate are derived from animal wastes. Relatively better correlations between nitrate and potassium are observed (R = 0.74 to 0.82). The better relationship between these two chemical constituents in the groundwater may be due to the release of potassium and nitrate from both point and non-point sources. The nitrate and potassium concentrations are high in the groundwater from clayey formations.  相似文献   

Either naturally occurring process or human activities may have a significant impact on the quality of sub-surface waters which further limit its use. Multivariate statistical techniques such as factor analysis (FA), cluster analysis (CA) were applied for the evaluation of spatial variations and the interpretation of ground water quality data around Bacheli and Kirandul area. The major anions, cations and heavy metals were determined for each of 20 samples collected in pre-monsoon seasons. Hydrochemical parameters like EC, pH, TDS, TH, TA, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, F-, SO42-, As, Sb, Se, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu were estimated in pre monsoon and post monsoon seasons. Different geochemical controls of the investigated parameters were also assessed. Factor 1 explains 33.47% of the total variance and indicates atmospheric controls and silicate mineral weathering process. Factor 2 explains 13.83% of total variance, indicating silicate mineral weathering process resulting in elevated pH. Generally, water types tend towards magnesium-bicarbonate-chloride.  相似文献   

Boron content has been determined in the acid insoluble fraction of the carbonate rocks of the Kajrahat formation. Their comparison with the boron content of the shales of known environment suggests brackish to marine salinity levels during deposition. The dolomites register higher salinity conditions than the limestones. The salinity of the basin may have changed at intervals.  相似文献   

陈龙  赵元艺  常玉虎 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):259-260
戴村位于江西省乐平市,长期受毗邻德兴矿集区内多个矿山开采产生的重金属污染的影响,矿山开采过程中,开采与选冶、矿山尾砂库堆积、露天废石厂淋滤和老窿洞等产生的废渣废水能携带大量重金属元素通过向土壤、地表水、地下水、及生物体中迁移,长此以往可造成严重的重金属污染,进而破坏地区生态环境(刘春阳等,2006;王晓亮等,2013;Liu Guannan et al.,2013;柳建平等,2014)  相似文献   


Progressive developments in industrial and agricultural activities are causing a critical stress on groundwater quality in developing countries. The objective of this paper is to assess and evaluate the contamination level of groundwater caused by leachate in 11 villages of the Gautam Budh Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh, India. We systematically sampled 22 groundwater samples and 13 leachate samples to ascertain the source of pollution on groundwater quality. The standard analytical methods given by the American Public Health Association (APHA) (Standard methods for examination of water and wastewater, 23rd edn. APHA, AWWA, WPCF, Washington, 2017) were used for quantitative estimation of hydrochemical parameters of collected samples. The results of the analysis of groundwater samples indicate that pH values range from 7.31 to 8.97. The mean magnesium concentration in groundwater samples is 58.93 ± 21.44 mg/L. Out of the groundwater samples taken, approximately 41% and 73% of samples analysis results have been found beyond the acceptable limit with respect to the parameters of turbidity and total dissolved solids, respectively, according to the Bureau of Indian Standards (Indian standard specification for drinking water (IS:10500). BIS, Manak Bhawan, New Delhi, 2012) for drinking water. Around 95.4% of groundwater samples and 92.3% of leachate samples have high nitrate concentrations above the standard limit of BIS (45 mg/L), respectively. The Piper plot shows that 50% of the samples belong to the Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 type. Ternary and Durov’s diagrams indicate that the mean concentrations of ions are in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ (for cations) and HCO3> NO3 > Cl > SO42− > CO32− > F (for anions) in groundwater of the study area. The spatial variation of the hydrochemical parameters shows that groundwater is heavily contaminated with respect to nitrate. Analytical results indicate that the groundwater of villages Achheja, Bisrakh road, Dujana, Badalpur and Sadopur is not suitable for drinking.


 Hindustan Polymers Limited was established in the Venkatapuram area in the northwestern part of Visakhapatnam urban agglomeration. Untreated industrial effluent from the plant is discharged with total dissolved solids concentrations reaching up to 6500 mg/l. The groundwater pollution was identified as early as 1981 and a hydrogeologic and water-quality database is available from 1981. The groundwater quality in the plant environs is found to be in the range of 3500–4500 mg/l. Major chemical constituents of industrial-waste waters consist of Na, Cl, and SO4. Some characteristic parameters of the aquifer were estimated. The available hydrogeologic and hydrologic data was analyzed to conceptualize the groundwater regime. A mathematical groundwater flow model was constructed to compute the hydraulic head at the center of finite-difference grid. The computed head distribution and effective porosity of the formations were used to calculate the groundwater flow velocity. The computed velocity field was ultimately used to prognose the pollutant migration in groundwater accounting for the advection and dispersion processes in the mass transport model and for determining the time-dependent pathlines of pollutant. Areal migration of pollutants from the source was predicted up to year 2002. Received: 23 December 1996 · Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

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