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5建设黑龙江漠河长缨-兴安-俄罗斯加林达铁路国际大通道大兴安岭地区地处祖国的北大门,是西部开发和东北老工业基地改造振兴的结合部。繁荣祖国的北大门,扩大对外开放,具有重要的地缘战略意义。从漠河县  相似文献   

今年是“十一五”规划的最后一年,也是谋划“十二五”规划的关键之年。根据国土资源部要求,省级矿产资源总体规划已进行了修改、调整,即将报部审批。浙江经济社会发展的新形势、新情况和矿产资源管理工作面临的新任务、新问题,要求我们抓紧启动并尽快完成新一轮市、县矿产资源规划修编工作。因此,这次座谈会的主要任务是总结交流上一轮规划的实施情况以及新一轮规划修编思路,部署新一轮规划修编工作。  相似文献   

2005年建设工作的指导思想:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻十六大、十六届三中、四中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观,增强落实中央宏观调控措施的自觉性,深入推进各项改革,推动建设事业持续健康发展,维护社会稳定。主要任务:贯彻落实中央宏观调控措施,  相似文献   

Sally A. Weller 《Geoforum》2009,40(2):136-144
This paper uses Australia’s 1980s shift to a new accumulation strategy of ‘international competitiveness’ to examine the role of failure in shaping state strategic projects. The paper argues that the Australian strategy’s gradual shift from an interventionist to a market-led orientation played out in competing representations of failure. Whether particular policies were perceived as failures depended not only on their material effects, but also on the ways in which failure was defined and on the values underpinning those definitions. As representations of failure establish the boundaries between the incremental adaptations that stabilise an accumulation strategy and the more radical failures characteristic of crisis, they illuminate how processes of discursive selectivity ‘fix’ state projects’ temporal, scalar and spatial dimensions.  相似文献   

The road widening carried out along National Highway-40, a strategic road corridor of north-eastern India, to ease the traffic snarls for geopolitical developments in the region. The newly exposed in situ soil slopes along National Highway-40 are on the verge of shear instability, and slope failures occur due to heavy earth cuttings. As a consequence, the road corridor witnesses several geotechnical failures during rainy seasons. The blasting activities initiated and propagated the soil creeps and falls resulting road blockades. Even a small rain shower is enough to undercut and uproot trees and transport boulders and surrounding earth materials up to the corridor. Besides, landslides are also prone to damage demographic areas and settling house units, thus invites for preventive measures towards hill slope management as these slopes make the highway corridor unsafe to the commuters. Therefore, the present study is aimed to investigate the stability of the hill cut soil slopes and to suggest possible stabilisation measures. The study also highlighted that steep soil slopes with high moisture content are prone to landslides mainly due to infiltration, and water flows on the slopes during high and prolonged rainfall. The highly plastic soils rich in silt and clay size particles with high moisture content cause soil/debris slide and flow. The numerical modelling of slopes using Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) codes (version 4.0) indicates failures in excavated high angle cut slopes. The re-excavation and benching of unstable slopes with geonets or bionets or jute matting to promote vegetation growth were suggested as stabilisation measures by field investigation, laboratory studies and numerical analysis of slopes.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The sliding incidences along the mountainous roads in the northern part of Algeria are considered a major hazard, often with huge impacts on infrastructures, causing terrible...  相似文献   

张抗 《地质通报》2004,23(3):208-213
对板块说应持分析态度,既充分肯定它的创见,又要看到其不足。张文佑倡导的断块说强调地质演化中的陆洋地壳转化,即拉张造洋、挤压造陆。近年来提出的开合说,继承了板块说、断块说和新地槽-地台说的合理内核。笔者认为,断块-开合大地构造说是中国大地构造研究中有代表性的思潮。本文概括了其基本观点,强调了开合中的多模式、多旋回和非封闭性、不可逆性。  相似文献   

Summary Among the major causes for failure of roads in the tropics is inadequate compaction during construction. There is, therefore, the need to strictly control the compaction of the pavement layers if the design life of the road is to be attained; thereby eliminating large maintenance costs.This note reports on pavement compaction control studies undertaken on the road bases of service roads in a new settlement area in Ghana. These roads were to be provided with bituminous surfacing immediately after compaction. Studies concerning particle breakdown during field compaction by two contractors executing the works under the same conditions have been made, together with an assessment of contractor efficiency.It was found that the placement moisture contents varied greatly from the optimum. One contractor was compacting the gravels on the dry side of optimum, consequently achieving relatively high densities. The other contractor was compacting on the wet side and achieving lower density levels. This was still the case even after initial test sections were found to have been undercompacted.Compaction levels achieved in the crowns were generally found to be higher than those at the shoulders of the road test sections. The breakdown of coarse particles due to compaction was quite significant. There is therefore the need for highway material engineers to ensure that in addition to meeting the grading requirements, road base materials must adequately meet the requirements on weathering and mechanical strength properties.  相似文献   

姜玉池 《中国岩溶》2009,28(2):I0003-I0006
中国是一个岩溶大国,全国岩溶区面积344万km^2,其中碳酸盐岩出露面积90.7万km^2,占国土面积的9.5%。中国岩溶发育具有四大显著的特点:首先碳酸盐岩古老、坚硬、质纯,出露的碳酸盐岩地层主要为三叠系至前寒武系,使岩溶形态挺拔、陡峭;其次中国岩溶发育主要受到太平洋季风气候的影响,水热配套,有利于碳酸盐岩的溶蚀、沉积,有利于岩溶的发育;再次新生代地壳强烈抬升,[第一段]  相似文献   

The 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report 4 found an average increase in global surface temperature of 0.74°C between 1906 and 2005. There is general agreement in the literature that the frequency of extreme precipitation events in Southeast Asia will increase with global warming. In particular, the potential impact of associated storm hazards will render the densely populated countries in Southeast Asia vulnerable to such changes in precipitation events. One main adaptation strategy given such impending changes is preparedness. Using existing literature and historical meteorological data, this paper establishes that Southeast Asia is indeed experiencing storms of higher intensities and more frequently. Two case of extreme storm event in Southeast Asia, the extreme high rainfall event in December 2006 in Southern Johor and Typhoon Vamei, are presented to consider the implications of the increased storm activities due to global warming. These two examples also discuss the need for preparedness in adapting to the impact of global warming.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes an extensive series of common durability, shape and strength tests carried out on road aggregates from quarries in northern Pakistan by Sharif et al. at the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila. The data from these standard tests have been correlated for a particular aggregate type to show the close relationship between these measured physical characteristics. The paper outlines how, once these relationships have been established for a particular aggregate source, it is feasible to simplify the testing or quality assurance regime and monitor only some of these characteristics to assess the overall quality of the aggregate. The physical characteristics have then been combined into a linear relationship, using coefficients estimated from the extensive data set in the paper, to give a single characteristic for an aggregate type known as the Toughness Index (TI). The TI is therefore based on the main strength and durability characteristics of the aggregates and can be used as an indicator of the overall quality of the aggregate.  相似文献   

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