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China 2 rocket, 1971-18B, was launched on 3rd March 1971 into an orbit inclined at 69.9° to the Equator, with an initial perigee height of 265 km. Analysis of its orbit has yielded values of air density at average intervals of 6 days between July 1971 and January 1972. When corrected to a fixed height, the density exhibits a correlation with the geomagnetic index Ap and the solar 10.7-cm radiation. With values of density extending over seven months it is possible to examine a complete cycle of the semi-annual variation at a height near 300 km. The values of density, corrected for the day-to-night variation and for solar and geomagnetic activity, reveal minima in mid-August and late January; at the intervening maximum, in early November, the density is almost 40% higher than at the minima.  相似文献   

The satellite NOAA-B (1980-43A) was launched in May 1980 into an orbit with perigee height near 260 km and apogee height 1440 km, at an inclination of 92.2°.The lifetime was 11 months. The orbit has been determined at 40 epochs between October 1980 and May 1981 from about 3000 radar and optical observations. The average orbital accuracy, radial and cross-track, was about 100 m, with rather better accuracy in the final 14 days.The variation of orbital inclination has been analysed to determine two good values of atmospheric rotation rate, namely 1.10 ± 0.10 rev day?1 at 300 km (average local time) and 1.15 ± 0.06 rev day?1 at 225 km (evening).The effect of atmospheric rotation on the precession of the orbital plane of an actual satellite has never previously been detected; it is clearly apparent for 1980-43A in its last days and conforms to the expected theoretical change.The variation of perigee height has been analysed to determine ten values of atmospheric density scale height, for heights of 280–370 km. These values, accurate to about 3%, exceed by 15% the values indicated by the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere. Solar activity was higher in the years 1980–1981 than at any time since early 1958 and it appears that the CIRA model underestimates the density and density scale height at high levels of solar activity.  相似文献   

We analyze in situ measurements of the solar wind velocity obtained by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) and the Helios spacecraft during the years 1998?–?2012 and 1975?–?1983, respectively. The data mainly belong to solar cycles 23 (1996?–?2008) and 21 (1976?–?1986). We used the directed horizontal-visibility-graph (DHVg) algorithm and estimated a graph functional, namely, the degree distance (D), which is defined using the Kullback–Leibler divergence (KLD) to understand the time irreversibility of solar wind time-series. We estimated this degree-distance irreversibility parameter for these time-series at different phases of the solar activity cycle. The irreversibility parameter was first established for known dynamical data and was then applied to solar wind velocity time-series. It is observed that irreversibility in solar wind velocity fluctuations show a similar behavior at 0.3 AU (Helios data) and 1 AU (ACE data). Moreover, the fluctuations change over the phases of the activity cycle.  相似文献   

Variations in air density have been determined using the orbit of the satellite Cosmos 462, 1971-106A, which entered orbit on 3 December 1971 with an initial perigee near 230 km and inclination 65.75°, and decayed on 4 April 1975. Accurate orbits determined at 85 epochs give perigee height correct to about 200 m throughout the satellite's lifetime. Using these values of perigee height and orbital decay rates from NORAD elements, 604 values of air density at half a scale height above perigee have been evaluated. These densities have been compared with values from the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1972, taking account of variations due to solar activity and geomagnetic disturbances, and day-to-night variations, to reveal the residual variations in density at a series of standard heights, 245, 240, 232 and 213 km.The main residual variation is semi-annual, with maxima usually in April and October, and minima usually in January and July; but it is irregular in phase and shape. The amplitude of the semi-annual variation is remarkably constant from year to year between 1972 and 1975, and considerably greater than that given by CIRA 1972: the April/July density ratio is 1.68, not 1.32 as in CIRA; the October–November maxima are all lower than the April maxima, whereas CIRA gives the opposite; the July minima are 18% lower than the January minima, as opposed to 10% in CIRA.A standardized semi-annual density variation for the early 1970s is presented, with January minimum of 0.94, April maximum of 1.28, July minimum of 0.77 and October–November maximum of 1.22. In addition, three other recurrent variations are recognizable: in each year the density has a subsidiary minimum in May and maximum in June; there are low values in mid November and high values in late December.  相似文献   

The orbit of China 2 rocket, 1971-18B, has been determined at 114 epochs throughout its 5-yr life, using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP 6, with more than 7000 radar and optical observations from 83 stations.The rocket passed slowly enough through the resonances 14:1, 29:2, 15:1 and 31:2 to allow lumped geopotential harmonic coefficients to be calculated for each resonance, by least-squares fittings of theoretical curves to the perturbation-free values of inclination and eccentricity. These lumped coefficients can be combined with values from satellites at other inclinations, to obtain individual harmonic coefficients.The rotation rate of the upper atmosphere, at heights near 300 km, was estimated from the decrease in orbital inclination, and values of 1.15, 1.05, 1.10 and 1.05 rev/day were obtained between April 1971 and January 1976. From the variation in perigee height, 25 values of density scale height were calculated, from April 1971 to decay. Comparison with values from the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1972 shows good agreement between April 1971 and October 1975, but the observational values are 10% lower, on average, than CIRA thereafter.A further 1400 observations, made during the final 15 days before decay, were used to determine 15 daily orbits. Analysis of these orbits reveals a very strong West-to-East wind, of 240 ± 40 ms?1, at a mean height of 195 km under winter evening conditions, and gives daily values of density scale height in the last 7 days before decay.  相似文献   

The ambient photoelectron spectrum below 300 km has been studied for a sample of 500 AE-E orbits taken during the period 13 December 1975 to 24 February 1976. During this solar minimum period, the average and maximum Σ Kp were 19 and 35 respectively. The agreement between the measured spectral shape and several recent calculations is extremely good. The daytime photoelectron spectrum below 300 km from 1 to 100 eV is illustrated by a number of spectra. Detailed 0–32 eV spectra are presented at various altitudes and solar zenith angles. High resolution 10–32eV spectra show the widths of the photoelectron lines in the spectrum and the variation of the linewidth and intensity with altitude. Data from the entire 500 orbit sample are combined into plots of the average flux over a number of altitude ranges up to 300 km at various local times and solar zenith angles. The data show that the photoelectron flux below 300 km is remarkably constant (typical variation less than ±50%) over a period of several months. The photoelectron lines between 20 and 30 eV are extremely sharp when the total plasma density is low but broaden significantly at high altitudes as the plasma density builds up during the day. The N2 vibration-rotation excitation dip at 2.3 eV is strongest at the lowest altitudes and decreases with increasing altitude and plasma density. The absolute accuracy of the experiment is discussed in detail and a correction factor for previously published AE-E fluxes is given.  相似文献   

The orbit of Explorer 24 (1964–1976A) has been determined at 18 epochs during the five month period prior to its decay in October 1968, using the RAE orbit refinement computer program PROP6. As a balloon, the satellite was strongly influenced by atmospheric perturbations, despite its high perigee altitude near 490 km. It therefore provided an opportunity of determining atmospheric rotation rates at high altitude. The rotation rate, Λ rev day?1, was estimated from the observed variation in orbital inclination, after the removal of perturbations including those due to solar radiation pressure.The mean rotation rates, averaged over local time, are Λ = 0.98 for 18 May to 18 August 1968 at 542 km; Λ = 1.06 for 18 May to 13 October 1968 at 533 km.For morning conditions, Λ = 0.9 for 22 June to 20 July 1968 at 540 km; Λ = 0.8 during September 1968 at 513 km.For evening conditions, Λ = 1.1 for 18 May to 15 June 1968, and for 26 July to 7 September 1968, at 540 km and 536 km respectively; Λ = 1.3 for 28 September to 13 October 1968 at 484 km.Further, the maximum W to E zonal wind has been estimated to occur at 20.5 h local time, during the period of the analysis.  相似文献   

The polar orbit of HEOS 2 second-stage rocket, 1972-05B, has been determined on each of the final 16 days before its decay in September 1978, using the RAE orbit refinement program, PROP 6, with about 1360 observations. An accuracy of 30–70 m, both radial and across track, was achieved.Eleven values of density scale height have been determined from the decrease in perigee height, with a 2% error; seven of these values are within 6% of the CIRA 1972 reference-atmosphere values, the rms value being 4% higher than CIRA.The rotation rate of the upper atmosphere, A, was determined from the decrease in orbital inclination as Λ = 1.40 ± 0.05 rev day?1; i.e. a strong west-to-east zonal wind of 160 ± 20m s?1, at a mean height of about 240 km. The local time was 01–02 h; solar activity was high; and the latitude of perigee moved steadily from 10°N to 67°S.  相似文献   

Helium abundance variations in the solar wind have been studied using data obtained with Los Alamos plasma instrumentation on IMP 6, 7, and 8 from 1971 through 1978. For the first time, average flow characteristics have been determined as a function of helium abundance, A(He). Low and average values of A(He) are each preferentially identified with a different characteristic plasma ‘state’ these correspond to what have previously been recognized as the signatures of interplanetary magnetic field polarity reversals and high speed streams, respectively. Helium enhancements at 1 AU also can be identified with a characteristic plasma state, which includes high magnetic field intensity and low proton temperature. This is further evidence that such enhancements are a signal of coronal transient mass ejections. Long-term averages of A(He) at least partially reflect the relative frequency with which coronal streamers, holes, and transients extend their influence into the ecliptic plane at 1 AU. As a result, there is a real and pronounced solar cycle variation of solar wind H(He).  相似文献   

Cosmos 395 rocket (1971-13B) is moving in a near-circular orbit inclined at 74° to the equator. Its average height, near 540 km after launch in February 1971, slowly decreased under the action of air drag and on 24 March 1972 it experienced exact 15th-order resonance, with the successive equator crossings 24° apart in longitude. Its orbit has been determined at 21 epochs between September 1971 and September 1972 using 1100 observations, including 55 from the Malvern Hewitt camera: the mean S.D. in inclination is 0.001° and in eccentricity 0.00001.The variations in inclination i, eccentricity e, right ascension of the node Ω, and argument of perigee ω, near 15th-order resonance are analysed to determine values of lumped 15th-order harmonic coefficients in the geopotential. The inclination yields equations accurate to 4 per cent for coefficients of order 15 and degree 15,17,19..., which are in excellent agreement with those from Cosmos 387 (1970-111A) in an orbit of similar inclination but different resonant longitude. Analysis of the variations in e gives two pairs of equations for the coefficients of order 15 and degree 16, 18..., which are used to obtain tentative values of the (16,15) coefficients. For the first time the resonant variation of other elements (Ω and ω) has also been analysed with partial success.  相似文献   

The orbit of the satellite Cosmos 482 (1972-23A) has been determined at 77 epochs between 8 November 1977 and 18 April 1981 from 5650 optical and radar observations. The computations were made with the RAE orbit determination program PROP 6, and an average accuracy of 150 m radial and cross-track was achieved.Cosmos 482 was a high-drag satellite in an eccentric orbit and, between the first epoch and the last, the orbital period decreased from 157 to 94 min, the eccentricity decreased from 0.32 to 0.04, and the orbital inclination decreased from 52.14° to 51.95° due to the transverse forces caused by atmospheric rotation. The orbit was therefore ideal for determining the atmospheric rotation rate from the decrease in inclination, and seven accurate values of rotation rate have been obtained. The new values strengthen the existing overall picture of upper-atmosphere winds, and are generally in good accord with the previous results.An improved equation has been derived for calculating density scale height H from the decrease in perigee distance, and has been applied to determine seven values of H. The corresponding values of H from the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere are on average 5% lower than the observational values, for 1980–1981.  相似文献   

COSMOS 1009 rocket was launched on 19 May 1978 into an orbit with initial perigee height 150 km and apogee 1100 km: its lifetime was only 17 days. The orbit has been determined daily during the final 14 days of its life, using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP6,with about 1100 observations supplied by NORAD. An average accuracy of about 60 m, radial and cross-track, was achieved.The orbits were analysed to reveal three features of the upper atmosphere at heights between 125 and 175 km. From the decrease in perigee height, five values of density scale height, accurate to ±4%, were obtained. The first three were within 10% of those from CIRA 1972; the fourth, after a magnetic storm, was higher than expected; the fifth gave evidence of the decrease in drag coefficient at heights below 130 km.Atmospheric oblateness produced a change of 4° in perigee position during the last four days of the life. Analysis showed that the ellipticity of the upper atmosphere was approximately equal to that of the Earth, f, for the first two of the four days, and about 12f in the last two.The orbital inclination decreased during the 14 days by about 50 times its standard deviation, and the observed variation was analysed to determine zonal winds at heights of 150–160 km at latitudes near 47° north. The zonal wind was very weak (0±30 m/s) for 23–28 May at local times near 03h; and 90±30 m/s east-to-west for 29 May to 4 June at local times near 01 h.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements of the solar wind speed for the distance range between 13 and 37 R S were carried out during the solar conjunction of the Nozomi spacecraft in 2000?–?2001 using the X-band radio signal. Two large-aperture antennas were employed in this study, and the baseline between the two antennas was several times longer than the Fresnel scale for the X-band. We successfully detected a positive correlation of IPS from the cross-correlation analysis of received signal data during ingress, and estimated the solar wind speed from the time lag corresponding to the maximum correlation by assuming that the solar wind flows radially. The speed estimates range between 200 and 540?km?s?1 with the majority below 400?km?s?1. We examined the radial variation in the solar wind speed along the same streamline by comparing the Nozomi data with data obtained at larger distances. Here, we used solar wind speed data taken from 327 MHz IPS observations of the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL), Nagoya University, and in?situ measurements by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) for the comparison, and we considered the effect of the line-of-sight integration inherent to IPS observations for the comparison. As a result, Nozomi speed data were proven to belong to the slow component of the solar wind. Speed estimates within 30 R S were found to be systematically slower by 10?–?15 % than the terminal speeds, suggesting that the slow solar wind is accelerated between 13 and 30 R S.  相似文献   

Cosmos 373, 1970-87A, was launched on 20 October 1970 into an orbit inclined at 62.9° to the Equator, with an initial perigee height of 472 km. The orbit has been determined at 25 epochs covering a period of just over 4 yr using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP, with over 1500 observations. Observations from the Hewitt camera at Malvern were available for all 25 orbits.The main purpose of the orbit determination was to provide accurate values of the eccentricity for use in determining the odd zonal harmonics in the Earth's gravitational potential. The analysis has resulted in extremely accurate values of e with S.D.'s down to 0.000005 and has indicated an amplitude of the oscillation in eccentricity of 0.0085, equivalent to almost 60 km in perigee height—the largest yet recorded for any near-Earth orbit of high accuracy.  相似文献   

We present Strömgren b (472-nm) and y (551-nm) photometry of Neptune based on photoelectric measurements obtained at every apparition from 1972 to 2000. Neptune has brightened by 11% in b and 10% in y since 1980 with most of the increase occurring after 1990. By appending b data to published B magnitudes measured at Lowell from 1950 to 1966 and transformed to b, we show that Neptune is now brighter than at any time during the past half century. The nature of the year-to-year variations changed around 1990 when a steady rising trend overshadowed what appeared to be an inverse correlation with cyclic solar activity. By matching observations in b and y with near-infrared J (1.2-μm) and K (2.2-μm) photometry before, during, and after Neptune's 1976 infrared outburst, we show that the pattern of visible albedo variation parallels the infrared variation but with an amplitude 20-50 times smaller. A detailed comparison of photometry with ground-based and Voyager images at visible and red wavelengths during the 1989 Voyager encounter shows that small brightness variations occur when large discrete features rotate across Neptune's disk. This provides a rough association between visible features and photometric effects that we use to infer the state of Neptune's atmosphere for years when only photometry was available. A year-by-year analysis of variance of the photometry suggests that the 1976 and 1986-1989 infrared outbursts were isolated episodes of unusually vigorous atmospheric activity. Detrended magnitudes of Neptune are correlated with solar activity over the entire 29-year interval as well as 22-year subintervals, with solar UV now being favored as a causative mechanism rather than solar modulated galactic cosmic rays.  相似文献   

This paper describes occurrence probabilities and patterns of trans-equatorial proton (TEP), deuteron (TED) and helium (TEH) whistler from the ISIS-2 satellite in time compressed dynamic spectra. It is shown that the TEP whistlers have high occurrence probability in an active solar period, while the TED whistler has low occurrence probability. In a quiet solar period, the TEP whistler has a relatively lower occurrence probability than the TED whistler. The TEP whistler in a quiet solar period shows a strong seasonal variation. That is a higher occurrence probability in the winter than in the summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The curve of occurrence probability of the TED whistler has a valley (no occurrence) at the noon in a solar active period. The minimum occurrence probabilities, which depend on geomagnetic activity appear at about KP = 4-5. These phenomena seem to be explained by using the bouncing surface diagram of multicomponent and inhomogeneous plasmas with various proton density. The spectral pattern of trans-equatorial ion whistlers and calculation of an approximate equation with regard to deuteron effect show that relative proton densities to electrons NP/Ne decrease with increasing solar activity.  相似文献   

Our numerical analyses of the velocity and spatial distributions of pickup interstellar helium ions in the region of the solar gravitational cone in the ecliptic plane at a distance of 1 AU show that the ion density maximum must be displaced relative to the neutral helium cone axis in the direction of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun. The solar wind parameters in the numerical model correspond to their observed values during the crossing of the helium cone by the ACE spacecraft in 1998. At these parameters, the calculated angular displacement is 5°. The absence of a similar displacement in the ACE measurements is shown to stem from the fact that the spectrometer onboard ACE records and identifies only a fraction of the pickup helium ions with fairly high magnitudes and certain directions of the velocities.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(9-10):988-998
The Cassini radio and plasma wave science (RPWS) instrument is sensitive to few-micron dust grains impacting on the spacecraft at relative speeds of order 10 km/s. Through the first year or so of operations in orbit at Saturn, the RPWS has made a number of both inclined and equatorial crossings of the E ring, particularly near the orbit of Enceladus. Assuming water ice grains, the typical size particle detected by the RPWS has a radius of a few microns. Peak impact rates of about 50 s−1 are found near the orbit of Enceladus corresponding to densities of order 5×10−4 m−3. The variation of dust fluxes as a function of height above or below the equator is well described by a Gaussian distribution with a scale height of about 2800 km although there is usually some non-Gaussian variation near the peak fluxes suggesting some structure in the core of the ring. Offsets of the peak number densities are typically of the order of a few hundred km from the geometric equator. A near-equatorial radial profile through the orbit of Enceladus shows a sharply peaked distribution at the orbit of the moon. A size distribution averaged over several passes through the orbit of Enceladus is determined which varies as m−2.80. The peak in dust number density at the orbit of Enceladus is consistent with previous optical measurements and strongly supports the suggestion that Enceladus is a primary source for E ring particles.  相似文献   

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