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Jupiter's field is strongly dipolar but with relatively large high order moments compared to the Earth's. In situ magnetic field data allow us to interpret most of the Earth-based microwave observations of Jupiter, with the exception of Branson's hot spot. Decametric emissions have a complex rotational pattern which has been stable since 1950; their agreement with the spacecraft magnetic fields is much less satisfactory than that of the microwaves. We conclude that the extrapolation of magnetic fields from the spacecraft to the surface of Jupiter is in error by 40% in the Southern Hemisphere.Saturn's radio emissions show complexities similar to Jupiter's. They are strongly asymmetric about the rotational axis, although Saturn's Field is nearly axisymmetric. Their strong asymmetry suggests strong longitudinal variations in the magnetic field a few thousand kilometers from the cloud tops, in conflict with the field measured aboard Pioneer 11.The magnetic fields within a few thousand kilometers of either Jupiter's or Saturn's cloud tops are probably unknown. It is discouraging that more is not known about the fields after a total of 7 encounters. Perhaps the Galileo probe can test usefully models of the Jupiter field, even if its measurements refer to just one trajectory through the clouds. An arguable case can be made that the giant planets exhibit complexity of magnetic structure similar to the Sun.  相似文献   

An expression for the inviscid horizontal velocity field at the surface of the Earth's core necessary to account for the poloidal main magnetic field and its secular variation seen at the Earth's surface is derived for an insulating mantle in the limit of infinite core conductivity. The starting point of derivation is Ohm's law rather than the magnetohydrodynamic induction equation. Maps of the resulting motion for epoch 1965.0 at different truncation levels are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A simple new method is described for extracting, from magnetic observations taken at Earth's surface, the vertical growth rate of vertical motion, ?u/?r, at special isolated points on the top surface of Earth's liquid core. The technique utilizes only the radial component of the frozen-flux induction equation and it requires information only on the radial magnetic field, Br, its horizontal gradient, and its secular variations, ?Br/?t, at the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic data indicate that there is a north-south asymmetry in the time-averaged magnetic field and that there are small but significant differences between the normal and reverse polarity states. The geographical variation is most likely due to spatial variation in the boundary conditions at the core-mantle interface. The difference in the magnetic fields of the reverse and normal polarity states can be modeled in terms of a “standing field”. The paleomagnetic data are insufficient to determine whether or not this “standing field” is of core origin. However, consideration of mechanisms, including thermoelectric currents, indicates that there probably are important differences in core processes between the two polarity states. At first glance this interpretation is difficult to reconcile with the fact that the magnetic induction equation is antisymmetric with respect to the magnetic field. A way around this problem is the possibility that only certain transitions are allowed between acceptable eigenstates in dynamo models of the Earth's magnetic field.  相似文献   

The composition of the upper mantle is of great significance to our understanding of plate tectonics and global evolution. Information about the physical properties of the Earth at upper mantle depths, including lateral variations in electrical conductivity, can be deduced from measurements of the electric and magnetic fields at the Earth's surface. Electromagnetic methods appear to give poorer resolution than do some other methods, for example seismics, but as they are sensitive to quite different properties of a medium they provide a different and complementary class of information.The basic theory of electromagnetic sounding methods is briefly reviewed below, and evidence regarding lateral conductivity inhomogeneities in the Earth's upper mantle is examined. While lateral electrical conductivity inhomogeneities appear to be the rule rather than the exception, the interpretation of electromagnetic data still presents difficulties and the results from many regions are not as yet unambiguous. Where the data are of sufficient resolution, a rapid increase in electrical conductivity can usually be identified within the upper mantle. The depth to this highly conductive zone is different in different tectonic environments, but is broadly consistent between analogous but widely separated tectonic environments. A comparatively shallow conducting region is found beneath the ocean lithosphere. The depth of this region is dependent on lithospheric age. Many of the more shallow conducting regions in both continental and oceanic environments are associated with high heat flow values and seismic low velocity zones. These highly conducting regions may be zones of partial melt.  相似文献   

Upwelling flows in the Earth's mantle are accompanied by mass, momentum and energy transports from deep to upper layers. Those flows beneath the mid-ocean ridges give rise to sea-floor spreading. Mantle plumes, on the other hand, cause hot spots to be formed on the Earth's surface. Using the basic equations of fluid dynamics, temperature and velocity distributions in two-dimensional upwelling and cylindrical plumes can be obtained by an integral-relation method. Then the mass, momentum and energy transported to the lithosphere by these upwelling flows can readily be calculated. Based on those results we can more thoroughly discuss problems of plate dynamics, such as the driving mechanism of plate motion, the causes of formation of rift valleys over mid-ocean ridges, and the effect of mantle plumes on sea-floor spreading.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with some new problems of the dynamics and energetics of the Earth's core. The model of the so-called gravitationally-powered dynamo is investigated under the assumption of liquid immiscibility in the FeS system as a possible core material. In this way the growing inner core causes nucleation of small FeS-droplets that ascend under the release of gravitational potential energy. This energy is enough to drive a dynamo with a toroidal magnetic field of mean size.  相似文献   

This letter reports the discovery of a relation between the moments of inertia of the mascons (taken about the moon's center) and the moon's moments of inertia. It is found that the principal axes of the mascons alone are nearly parallel to those of the moon. Possible explanations of this parallelism are discussed. If the mascons are associated with a layer of uncompensated basalt on the moon's nearside, then the parallelism can be adequately explained on the grounds that the mascons and basalts together determined the moon's orientation. On the other hand, the third-order harmonics of the moon's gravity field indicate that the excess mass controlling the moon's orientation is on the farside. It thus appears that the mascons have been emplaced in special sites whose position was controlled by the processes which produced the farside highlands.  相似文献   

The study of Poisson's ratio (σ) behaviour in various crystalline rocks under different temperatures and pressures shows this parameter to depend upon the rock composition rather than upon P-T conditions. The results of this study are presented in the form of a comparison of σ(z) distributions within the consolidated crust and continental upper mantle and the specific variations of σ in crust and mantle rocks underlying the Voronezh crystalline massif (VCM). These investigations, which are based upon seismic and seismological data as well as high pressure experiments, should clarify in particular the composition and petrology of the Earth's interior.  相似文献   

The pluri-annual variations of the earth's magnetic field in France increase their range of influence from East to West. This leads to presume a discontinuity of electric conductivities at the transition from the continental to the oceanic area.  相似文献   

The case is presented that the efficiency of variable viscosity convection in the Earth's mantle to remove heat may depend only very weakly on the internal viscosity or temperature. An extensive numerical study of the heat transport by 2-D steady state convection with free boundaries and temperature dependent viscosity was carried out. The range of Rayleigh numbers (Ra) is 104?107 and the viscosity contrast goes up to 250000. Although an absolute or relative maximum of the Nusselt number (Nu) is obtained at long wavelength in a certain parameter range, at sufficiently high Rayleigh number optimal heat transport is achieved by an aspect ratio close to or below one. The results for convection in a square box are presented in several ways. With the viscosity ratio fixed and the Rayleigh number defined with the viscosity at the mean of top and bottom temperature the increase of Nu with Ra is characterized by a logarithmic gradient β = ?ln(Nu)/? ln(Ra) in the range of 0.23–0.36, similar to constant viscosity convection. More appropriate for a cooling planetary body is a parameterization where the Rayleigh number is defined with the viscosity at the actual average temperature and the surface viscosity is fixed rather than the viscosity ratio. Now the logarithmic gradient β falls below 0.10 when the viscosity ratio exceeds 250, and the velocity of the surface layer becomes almost independent of Ra. In an end-member model for the Earth's thermal evolution it is assumed that the Nusselt number becomes virtually constant at high Rayleigh number. In the context of whole mantle convection this would imply that the present thermal state is still affected by the initial temperature, that only 25–50% of the present-day heat loss is balanced by radiogenic heat production, and the plate velocities were about the same during most of the Earth's history.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the ancient intensity of the Earth's magnetic field in Tamilnadu, India is presented using pottery, bricks, tiles etc., obtained from the excavations that have been carried out at some of the important places of historical and archaeological interest. An attempt is made to reconstruct the secular variation of the geomagnetic field intensity. The results reported here reveal considerable changes in the Earth's magnetic field in this region during the past 2400 y. It is observed that the intensity of the geomagnetic field has been previously 57% greater than at present.  相似文献   

Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field have been claimed to correlate with ice ages, tectonic events and falls of tectites. A physical mechanism is needed to relate reversals with the other events before these correlations can be taken seriously. One possible connection lies through changes in pressure in the core. If events high up in the mantle were to lead to changes in core pressure, this would affect the rate of freezing of the liquid core and modify the power supplied to the dynamo. A sufficiently large modification could set off a reversal or perhaps change the mode of operation of the dynamo from a non-reversing to a reversing state.The model of Gubbins et al., allows a quantitative calculation to be made for the effect of a pressure change on the energy release. Any sufficiently sudden pressure change would change the power, but it seems unrealistic to consider less than a 1000 year time scale. Relaxation of shear forces in the mantle, overturning of core fluid, and changes in magnetic fields all take place on about this time scale. According to the model, a pressure change of 0.1 bar over a 1000 years could change the power supply drastically.A continuous process of mantle differentiation leading to the formation of the upper mantle from an initially homogeneous mantle can only provide 10% of the required pressure change, but the effect cannot be ruled out as a power source for the dynamo because uncertainties in the calculations can amount to at least an order of magnitude. The other effects produce changes of up to 1% in the power supply, which may be sufficient to alter the characteristics of the dynamo and produce reversals or a change in reversal behaviour. Further speculation must await a better understanding of the dynamics of reversals, and of mantle processes.  相似文献   

When the proto-Earth was growing by the accretion of planetesimals and its mass became greater than about 0.1 ME, where ME is the present Earth's mass, an appreciable amount of gas of the surrounding solar nebula was attracted towards the proto-Earth to form an optically thick, dense atmosphere. We have studied the structure of this primordial atmosphere under the assumptions that (1) it is spherically symmetric and in hydrostatic equilibrium, and (2) the net energy outflow (i.e., the luminosity) is constant throughout the atmosphere and is given by GMM/R with M = M/106yr or M/107yr where M and R are the mass and the radius of the proto-Earth, respectively.The results of calculations show that the temperature at the bottom of the atmosphere, namely, at the surface of the proto-Earth increases greatly with the mass of the proto-Earth and it is about 1500°K for M = 0.25 ME. This high temperature is due to the blanketing effect of the opaque atmosphere. Thus, as long as the primordial solar nebula was existing, the surface temperature of the proto-Earth was kept high enough to melt most of the materials and, hence, the melted iron sedimented towards the center to form the Earth's core.  相似文献   

The paper presents a numerical model of a slowly cooling Earth's core. On the boundary conditions selected, cooling alone is too slow to effect convection. Convective motions arise only by the additional release of latent heat of crystallization owing to the growth of the inner core. A fundamental feature of the model is the choice of a subadiabatic initial temperature distribution.This is the reason why the outer core acts as a heat reservoir, that slows down the growing rate of the inner core on an acceptable size. For the whole time convection covers only the lower part of the outer core, the upper part remains stably stratified.  相似文献   

The possibility that conditions on the Sun and in the Earth’s magnetosphere can affect human health at the Earth’s surface has been debated for many decades. This work reviews the research undertaken in the field of heliobiology, focusing on the effect of variations of geomagnetic activity on human cardiovascular health. Data from previous research are analysed for their statistical significance, resulting in support for some studies and the undermining of others. Three conclusions are that geomagnetic effects are more pronounced at higher magnetic latitudes, that extremely high as well as extremely low values of geomagnetic activity seem to have adverse health effects and that a subset of the population (10–15%) is predisposed to adverse health due to geomagnetic variations. The reported health effects of anthropogenic sources of electric and magnetic fields are also briefly discussed, as research performed in this area could help to explain the results from studies into natural electric and magnetic field interactions with the human body.Possible mechanisms by which variations in solar and geophysical parameters could affect human health are discussed and the most likely candidates investigated further. Direct effects of natural ELF electric and magnetic fields appear implausible; a mechanism involving some form of resonant absorption is more likely. The idea that the Schumann resonance signals could be the global environmental signal absorbed by the human body, thereby linking geomagnetic activity and human health is investigated. Suppression of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland, possibly via desynchronised biological rhythms, appears to be a promising contender linking geomagnetic activity and human health. There are indications that calcium ions in cells could play a role in one or more mechanisms. It is found to be unlikely that a single mechanism can explain all of the reported phenomena.  相似文献   

Our investigation of deep-sea climatic and magnetic records showing that high eccentricity of the earth's orbit, low magnetic field intensity and warm climate occur together indicates the relative importance of eccentricity as perhaps the phenomenon which has most consistently modulated both climate and magnetism for at least the past 2,000,000 years. A speculative hypothesis regarding the mechanism which may be responsible for a relationship between the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, geomagnetism, and climate is suggested.  相似文献   

Analytical models of the palaeomagnetic field have been constructed for a number of geological periods (Quaternary Neogene, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian and Permo-Carboniferous) by spherical harmonic analysis using the present-day world map as a basis and (for the earlier periods) using also a palaeogeographic reconstruction. The use of the palaeogeographic chart for the earlier periods simplifies the models, and its use appears to be valid. The low accuracy, small number and uneven distribution of palaeomagnetic data severely limit the conclusions which can be drawn from the analyses. Nevertheless the results for all periods indicate that throughout the past 300 million years the geomagnetic field has maintained its global structure, and has remained similar to the field of a dipole slightly shifted from the Earth's centre. It appears that there have not been any persistent systematic anomalies or variations in the Earth's magnetic field throughout that time, but rather that the field has been oscillating around a mean level not greatly different from that of the present epoch.  相似文献   

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