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Auroral radar studies of ULF pulsations have proved useful in determining the spatial characteristics of resonant oscillations. A particular class of ringing or transient pulsations has been identified in the radar data as toroidal mode eigenoscillations. We have considered a total of 64 events of this type recorded by either the STARE radar in Scandinavia, or the Slope Point radar in New Zealand, giving a combined latitudinal coverage of approx. 12°. These events are interpreted as toroidal mode eigenoscillations; the periods for individual events and the mean periods increase with geomagnetic latitude. Use of hydromagnetic resonance theory allows the equatorial ion mass density to be determined. The densities obtained are appropriate to the plasmatrough and range from ~ 10 to 100 a.m.u. cm?3 near geosynchronous orbit. The radial variation in the equatorial plane is typically R?5 in the midnight-noon sector and R?3 in the noon-midnight sector. To reconcile these pulsation periods with in situ electron density measurements implies that H+ ion densities in the range ~ 1–10 cm?3 and ~50% O+ ions are required.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic resonance theory is used to model the structure of the magnetospheric and ionospheric electric and magnetic fields associated with Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations. In this paper the variation of the fields across the invariant latitude of the resonance are computed. The results are combined with calculations of the variation along a field line to map the fields down to the ionosphere. In one case the results are compared with measurements obtained by the STARE auroral radar and show good agreement. The relationship between the width of the resonance region and ionospheric height-integrated Pedersen conductivity is computed and it is shown how auroral radar measurements of Pc5 oscillations could be used to determine ionospheric height-integrated Pedersen conductivity. It is pointed out that from these calculations it would be possible to identify the field line on which a satellite was located by comparing a Pc5 pulsation observed by the satellite, and the same pulsation observed by STARE.  相似文献   

A unified theory of low frequency instabilities in a two component (cold and hot) finite-β magnetospheric plasma is suggested. It is shown that the low frequency oscillations comprise two wave modes : compressional Alfvén and drift mirror mode. No significant coupling between them is found in the long-wave approximation. Instabilities due to spontaneous excitation of these oscillations are considered. It is found that the temperature anisotropy significantly influences the instability growth rate at low frequency. A new instability due to the temperature anisotropy and density gradient appears when the frequency of compressional Alfvén waves is close to the drift mirror mode frequency. The theoretical predictions are compared in detail with the Pc5 event of 27 October 1978 observed simultaneously by the GEOS 2 satellite and the STARE radar facility. It is shown that the experimental results can be interpreted in terms of a compressional Alfvén wave driven by the drift anisotropy instability.  相似文献   

Photoelectrons of ionospheric origin have been observed for the first time at high altitudes (up to 7RE geocentric distance) using the suprathermal plasma analysers (SPA) on the GEOS satellites. At such high altitudes the photoelectron flux is confined within a few degrees of the magnetic field direction. We show how this flux may be identified and extracted from the background which is a combination of locally produced photoelectrons and ambient plasma. GEOS-2 results are presented to illustrate the “turn-on” of the photoelectron flux at dawn in the ionosphere. Data from GEOS-1 are used to study the behaviour of the photoelectron flux with equatorial geocentric distance from 3 to 7RE. The results compare favourably with theoretical models and with ionospheric observations at mid latitudes.  相似文献   

Complex demodulation has been described in detail and applied to Pi2 pulsations in a previous paper by Beamish et al. (1979). The technique is now extended to demonstrate spatiotemporal variations in the fundamental characteristics of Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations along a meridional profile extending from the U.K. to Iceland. With the exception of a high latitude Pc4 coupled resonance the results are consistent with a ?90° Hughes rotation (introduced by the ionosphere) of magnetospheric toroidal line resonances. Furthermore, the ionosphere appears capable of smoothing away the polarisation reversal which would be expected across such amplitude maxima within the plasmasphere. However, a toroidal line resonance in the Pc3 period range about which a sense of polarisation reversal is clearly observed on the ground is suggested as occurring at the plasmapause. This is accounted for in terms of the width of the resonance structure.  相似文献   

Electrostatic charging has given rise to problems on several geostationary spacecraft. This has led to a rigorous electrostatic cleanliness approach in the case of the scientific geostationary satellite GEOS in order to secure correct electric field and low energy plasma measurements. The present paper outlines the relevant charging mechanism, describes a new method for the determination of the equilibrium potential, and reports on actual potential measurements. The potentials observed are very closely related to the actual plasma conditions at the geostationary orbit. It is generally possible to use the potential measurements to characterize the particle population encountered by the spacecraft.Measurements carried out over a period of 4 years are presented by way of examples. A careful analysis shows that the chosen examples are representative and reflect the conditions observed on all other days of the mission. The results lead to the overall conclusion that the equilibrium potential of GEOS in sunlight is always moderately positive and only rarely exceeds + 10 V with respect to ambient space. At no instance in the sunlit portion of the orbit does the spacecraft assume a negative potential. We find that the observed moderate positive equilibrium potential generally is a function of cold plasma density. During the night and early morning part of the orbit we can, however, identify periods where the high energy particle population dictates the equilibrium potential. The electrostatic cleanliness design of GEOS avoids negative charging also under these conditions. In eclipse, a negative potential cannot be avoided but here the electrostatic cleanliness approach chosen for GEOS prevents any differential charging and avoids potentials of several thousand volts which have appeared on other satellites. The cost, in time and effort, of the precautions employed has clearly been justified. The specially developed techniques have since been used on other satellites and the lessons learned have also been applied successfully to operational spacecraft such as METEOSAT 2.  相似文献   

A model is developed to represent a toroidal mode of Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations. It is shown that this model is consistent in its predictions, such as the latitude profiles of amplitude and phase and their dependence on the height integrated Pedersen conductivity, Σp, with those of Walker's (1980) theory. It is also shown that this theory is relatively easily capable of accommodating (i) a variety of field line plasma mass density distributions, (ii) a variety of external excitation schemes, (iii) unequal Σp's at each end of the field lines and (iv) non-dipolar geomagnetic fields. The theory yields the transient as well as the steady state response, an important feature permitting application to short-lived events or to those for which the generator is amplitude modulated. It is shown, for instance, that the amplitude-latitude profile varies during the transient. It is also shown that the steady state latitude profiles of amplitude and phase are the dual of those observed as a function of frequency when the excitation frequency is scanned through a resonance. A more realistic steady state energy flow from a generator along the field lines to the ionosphere is inherent in this theory compared with that from the mode to the ionosphere which is inherent in Walker's theory.  相似文献   

The wave characteristics of Pc5 magnetic pulsations are analyzed with data of OGO-5, ISEE-1 and -2 satellites. The toroidal modes (δBD >δBH) of Pc5 pulsations are observed at a higher magnetic latitude in the dawnside outer magnetosphere. The compressional and poloidal modes (δBz.dfnc;δBH >δBD) of Pc5 pulsations are mostly observed near the magnetic equator in the duskside outer magnetosphere. This L.T. asymmetry in the occurrence of dominant modes of Pc5's in space can be explained by the velocity shear instability (Yumoto and Saito, 1980) in the magnetospheric boundary layer, where Alfvénic signals in the IMF medium are assumed to penetrate into the magnetospheric boundary layer along the Archimedean spiral. The asymmetrical behaviour of Pc5 pulsation activity on the ground across the noon meridian can be also explained by the ionospheric screening effect on the compressional Pc5 magnetic pulsations. The compressional modes with a large horizontal wave number in the duskside magnetosphere are expected to be suppressed on the ground throughout the ionosphere and atmosphere.  相似文献   

Several substorms were observed at Explorer 45 in November and December 1971, and January and February 1972, while the satellite was in the evening quadrant near L = 5. These same substorms were identified in ground level magnetograms from auroral zone and low latitude stations. The satellite vector magnetic field records and rapid run ground magnetograms were examined for evidence of simultaneous occurrence of Pi2 magnetic pulsations. Pulsations which began abruptly were observed at the satellite during 7 of the 13 substorms studied and the pulsations occurred near the estimated time of substorm onset. These 7 pulsation events were also observed on the ground and 6 were identified in station comments as Pi2. All of the events observed were principally compressional waves, that is, pulsations in field magnitude. There were also transverse components elliptically polarized counter-clockwise looking along the field line. Periods observed ranged from 40 to 200 sec with 80 sec often the dominant period.  相似文献   

It is assumed that the original impulse producing Pi-2 pulsations is generated in the ionosphere at the moment of a brightening of aurora. The electric field is known to decrease in the auroral arc almost by an order of magnitude. The electric impulse that appears will be transferred along magnetic field lines and reflected from the ionosphere of the opposite hemisphere, forming the standing Alfvén wave. The electric field impulse of 100 mVm is capable of causing magnetic field oscillations of order of 100 γ. Reflection of the Alfvén impulse from the ionosphere with horizontal inhomogeneities corresponding to different forms of auroras is studied. The following is found: (a) the resonance is possible only for harmonics with the rotating vector of polarization; (b) the resonance periods appear to depend essentially on the ionospheric conductivity; this may bring a significant error into determination of the magnetospheric plasma density from the pulsation periods; (c) the auroral zone exerts a screening influence on the pulsations excited at latitudes higher than the zone itself.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work has predicted the possible existence of “quarter-wave” ULF pulsation resonances, in which the wave electric field has a near-node in one ionosphere and an antinode in the conjugate ionosphere. Eigenvalues are derived for quarter-wave toroidal and guided poloidal resonances for a range of L-values and plasma density distributions. From these eigenvalues, resonant periods can be obtained.Three pulsation events with anomalously long periods (when interpreted as half-waves) are examined in the light of these results. It is decided that only one event is a good candidate for quarter-wave status; this event seems likely to be a driven resonance effectively in the quarter-wave guided poloidal mode.  相似文献   

Ground observations of Pi 2 geomagnetic pulsations are correlated with satellite measurements of plasma density for three time intervals. The pulsations were recorded using the IGS network of magnetometer stations and the plasma density measurements were made on board GEOS-1 and ISEE-1. Using the technique of complex demodulation, the amplitude, phase and polarisation characteristics of the Pi 2 pulsations are observed along two meridional profiles; one from Eidar, Iceland (L = 6.7) to Cambridge, U.K. (L = 2.5) and the other from Tromso, Norway (tL = 6.2) to Nurmijarvi, Finland (L = 3.3). The observed characteristics of the Pi 2 pulsations are then compared with the plasma density measurements. Close relationships between the plasmapause position and the position of an ellipticity reversal and a variation in H component phase are observed. A small, secondary amplitude maximum is observed on the U.K./Iceland meridian well inside the position of the projection of the equatorial plasmapause. The primary maxima on the two meridians, in general occur close to the estimated position of the equatorward edge of a westward electrojet. Using the plasma density measurements, the periods of surface waves at the plasmapause for two intervals are estimated and found to be in good agreement with the dominant spectral peaks observed at the ground stations near the plasmapause latitude and within the plasmasphere. The polarisation reversal, together with phase characteristics, spectral evidence and the agreement between the theoretical and observed periods leads to the suggestion that on occasions a surface wave is excited on the plasmapause as an intermediate stage in the propagation of Pi 2 pulsations from the auroral zone to lower latitudes.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional inhomogeneous cylindrical plasma model with the magnetic field, whose field lines are concentric circles and the equilibrium parameters of the magnetic field and a medium change across magnetic shells, has been considered. In the scope of this model, it has been indicated that Alfvén modes can have discrete spectra. Such modes originate when resonators exist across magnetic shells, which can be implemented in the ring current area or near the outer edge of the plasmapause. The characteristics of the implementation of the modes with discrete spectra have been studied. The results are compared with the satellite observations. It has been concluded that poloidallypolarized pulsations in the Earth’s magnetosphere are largely oscillations with discrete spectra. It has been shown that the proposed model, which does not consider many properties of the magnetosphere, makes it possible to explain the main features in the experimentally observed generation of azimuthal small-scale ULF oscillations in the near-Earth plasma. The results can be used to interpret the satellite and SuperDARN radar measurements.  相似文献   

Most measurements of long period ULF pulsations have come from ground based and single satellite observations. The observations have given strong support to the idea that these waves are resonant standing hydromagnetic waves on geomagnetic field lines. Simultaneous ground-satellite observations provide further details of the pulsation structure and are useful for examining the effect of the ionosphere on the transmission of the waves to the ground. Recently, multisatellite observations have been used to provide further insight into the nature of pulsations and we review the results obtained using this technique. Among the results presented are those from the ISEE 1 and 2 spacecraft which are closely spaced in identical orbits, making it possible to distinguish temporal from spatial structure in waves. The ISEE spacecraft have made measurements of resonant region widths and resonance harmonics. In addition, examples are shown of recent multisatellite observations of the global nature of some pulsations and the localization of Pi2 pulsations in space.  相似文献   

During August 1972, Explorer 45 orbiting near the equatorial plane with an apogee of ~5.2 Re traversed magnetic field lines in close proximity to those simultaneously traversed by the topside ionospheric satellite ISIS 2 near dusk in the L range 2.0–5.4. The locations of the Explorer 45 plasmapause crossings (determined by the saturation of the d.c. electric field double probe) during this month were compared to the latitudinal decreases of the H+ density observed on ISIS 2 (by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer) near the same magnetic field lines. The equatorially determined plasmapause field lines typically passed through or poleward of the minimum of the ionospheric light ion trough, with coincident satellite passes occurring for which the L separation between the plasmapause and trough field lines was between 1 and 2. Hence, the abruptly decreasing H+ density on the low latitude side of the ionospheric trough is not a near earth signature of the equatorial plasmapause. Vertical flows of the H+ ions in the light ion trough as detected by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer on ISIS were directed upward with velocities between 1 and 2 km s?1 near dusk on these passes. These velocities decreased to lower values on the low latitude side of the H+ trough but did not show any noticeable change across the field lines corresponding to the magnetospheric plasmapause. The existence of upward accelerated H+ flows to possibly supersonic speeds during the refilling of magnetic flux tubes in the outer plasmasphere could produce an equatorial plasmapause whose field lines map into the ionosphere at latitudes which are poleward of the H+ density decrease.  相似文献   

The twisting of magnetic fields threading an accretion system can lead to the generation on axis of toroidal field loops. As the magnetic pressure increases, the toroidal field inflates, producing a flow. Collimation is due to a background corona, which radially confines this axially growing “magnetic tower”. We investigate the possibility of studying in the laboratory the dynamics, confinement and stability of magnetic tower jets. We present two-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations of radial arrays, which consist of two concentric electrodes connected radially by thin metallic wires. In the laboratory, a radial wire array is driven by a 1 MA current which produces a hot, low density background plasma. During the current discharge a low plasma beta (β < 1), magnetic cavity develops in the background plasma (β is the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure). This laboratory magnetic tower is driven by the magnetic pressure of the toroidal field and it is surrounded by a shock envelope. On axis, a high density column is produced by the pinch effect. The background plasma has >rsim1, and in the radial direction the magnetic tower is confined mostly by the thermal pressure. In contrast, in the axial direction the pressure rapidly decays and an elongated, well collimated magnetic-jet develops. This is later disrupted by the development of m = 0 instabilities arising in the axial column.  相似文献   

Type Pi magnetic-field pulsation bursts were selected for which the associated aurorae were relatively simple and stable and occurred in the ionosphere between College and Fort Yukon in alaska. Power spectral-density traces for College and Fort Yukon HandD were computed and were studied relative to the aurora and to more complex events presented in earlier studies. The power spectral-density traces associated to simpler aurora were found to be consistent with the assumption of simpler 3-dimensional current systems as generators of the Pi waves. The spectra of associated precipitation pulsations had a peak near 10mHz in common with the magnetic field spectra in all events, and also near 3 mHz in one event. The precipitation pulsations at 3 and 10mHz may have enhanced the magnetic field spectra at those frequencies through modulation of the ionospheric resistance to the current.  相似文献   

We present results from the analysis of magnetometer measurements of one of the clearest observations of a double resonance Pc4 pulsation to date. The Pc4, with a period of 55 s, was measured by 18 ground magnetometers and also on board the ATS-6 satellite at geostationary orbit. Using a subsequent observation of a second harmonic guided poloidal mode pulsation at ATS-6, we have been able to estimate the plasma density at geostationary orbit. We then calculated periods of theoretical cavity mode resonances in the plasmatrough and the eigenperiods of different wave modes and harmonics at geostationary orbit. We developed a model of the variation of plasma density, and hence eigenperiods, within the magnetosphere which is consistent with these calculations and with the amplitude, phase and ellipticity observations made over the array of ground observatories. In this model we suggest that hydromagnetic field line resonances occur in the plasmatrough and in the plasmasphcre, which are the second and fundamental harmonic guided toroidal mode resonances, respectively. The model also allows us to evaluate the damping experienced by hydromagnetic standing waves in the magnetosphere. The damping is found to be slightly higher than that previously suggested for daytime conditions.  相似文献   

PL whistlers     
Simultaneous ground and satellite VLF observations together with raytracing studies clearly establishes the existence of ground observed PL whistlers. The dynamic spectrum (?-ν-t shape) of observed PL whistlers may be reproduced exactly by raytracing in TLG magnetospheric models consistent with lower ionosphere, topside ionosphere and equatorial density measurements. The Transition Level Gradient (TLG) model is based on the observation that the transition level altitude increases towards the plasmapause (Titheridge, 1976). PL ground whistlers (i) are observed downgoing over large latitudinal ranges, for up to 2000 km of satellite travel, by ISIS II at 1400 km altitude, (ii) have almost the same dynamic spectrum over the entire latitudinal range observed by ISIS II, (iii) are indistinguishable from ducted whistlers over the observed frequency range (i.e. linear Q for ? < 10 kHz), (iv) have nose frequencies > 16 kHz, (v) at 1400 km altitude have a lower latitudinal cutoff at L ~ 2 and a higher latitudinal cutoff between L ~ 3 and L ~ 4 and (vi) probably only occur at night-time during or immediately following disturbed magnetic activity.  相似文献   

On 9 January 1979 an SI-excited pulsation event was observed by the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array. The pulsation period shows a clear variation with latitude which suggests decoupled oscillations of individual magnetic field shells. The pulsation amplitudes exhibit an e-fold decay with the damping rate γ varying both in longitudinal and latitudinal directions. Assuming Joule heating in the ionosphere as the dominant damping mechanism (and thus γΣ?1p) approximate height-integrated Pedersen conductivity profiles were calculated which fit well with previously observed Σp distributions. This is interpreted as observational evidence for ionosopheric Joule dissipation as the major damping mechanism for high-latitude ULF-pulsations.  相似文献   

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