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This paper reports a detailed geochemical study of thermal occurrences as observed in the edifice and on the flanks of Mendeleev Volcano, Kunashir Island in August and September 2015. We showed that three main types of thermal water are discharged there (neutral chloride sodium, acid chloride sulfate, and acid sulfate types); these waters exhibit a zonality that is typical of volcano-hydrothermal island arc systems. Spontaneous and solfataric gases have relatively low 3He/4He ratios, ranging between 5.4Ra and 5.6Ra, and δ13C-CO2 between –4.8‰ and –3.1‰, and contain a light isotope of carbon in methane (δ13C ≈ –40‰). Gas and isotope geothermometers yield relatively low temperatures around 200°C. The isotope compositions in all types of water are similar to that of local meteoric water. The distribution of microcomponents varies among different types. The isotope composition of dissolved Sr varies considerably, from 0.7034 as observed in Kunashir rocks on an average to 0.7052 in coastal springs, which may have resulted from admixtures of seawater. The total hydrothermal transport rates of magmatic Cl and SO4, as observed for Mendeleev Volcano, are 7.8 t/d and 11.6 t/d, respectively. The natural outward transport of heat by the volcano’s hydrothermal system is estimated as 21 MW.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of tephra deposits discharged by the basaltic (52–54% SiO2) explosive eruption of 1973 on Tyatya Volcano (Kunashir I., Kuril Islands). We made maps showing lines of equal tephra thickness (isopachs) and lines of maximum size of pyroclastic particles (isopleths). These data were used to find the parameters of explosive activity using the standard techniques for each of the two phases of this eruption separately. The first, phreatomagmatic, phase discharged 0.008 km3 of tephra during the generation of maars on the volcano’s northern slope. The tephra mostly consisted of fragmented host rocks with admixtures of fragments of low vesiculated juvenile basalt. The phase lasted 20 hours, the rate of pyroclastic discharge was 2 × 105 kg/s; the eruptive plume reached heights of 4–6 km with wind speeds within 10 m/s. The second, magmatic, phase discharged 0.07 km3 of tephra during the generation of the Otvazhnyi scoria cone on the volcano’s southeastern slope. The tephra mostly consisted of juvenile basaltic scoria. The highly explosive Plinian part of this phase lasted 36 hours, the rate of pyroclastic discharge was 8 × 105 kg/s; the eruptive plume reached heights of 6–8 km with wind speeds of 10–20 m/s. The total tephra volume discharged by the eruption was approximately 0.08 km3; the total amount of ejected pyroclastic material (including the resulting monogenic edifices) was 0.11 km3; the volume of erupted magma was 0.05 km3 (the conversion was based on 2800 kg/m3 density); the volcanic explosivity index, or VEI, was 3. The production rate of the Tyatya plumbing system is estimated as 3 × 105 m3 magma per annum.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a comprehensive analysis of geothermal and bathymetric surveys in the Brouton Bay on Simushir I. (Kuril Islands). High heat flow values through the bay bottom are typical of the present-day volcanoes at the Kuril island system. The results of the bathymetric survey were used to develop a digital map and a 3D model for the Bay basin and to detect an underwater volcanic dome. Comparison of geothermal and bathymetric data permitted delineation of the outer and inner ring faults that surround the atrio of Uratman Volcano. This evidence shows that the volcano is active at the present time.  相似文献   

An unusual eruption occurred in 1972 on the Alaid volcano island, which is the largest and the most active in the Kuril Islands. The eruption center was very close to the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. Lava flows were discharged into the sea to build new land. The other notable features of this eruption include the generation of explosion craters, a cinder cone, and a major ash fall. The ash fall destroyed vegetation on much of the island’s area. In 2006 the affected area was investigated and the beginning regeneration of the vegetative cover was studied; as well as the island’s soils were studied for the first time. We show the scale of damage to the vegetation, the main factors that have controlled the character and degree of the damage, as well as outline some features in the recovery changes. On the whole, the vegetative cover has been destroyed or altered over an area of about 8 km2. The vegetative cover on Atlasov I. will have remained altered for a period of a few tens of years to a few hundred years (the ash fall zone), or even a few thousand years (the lava flows). In addition to this damage, the eruption expanded the island’s area, generated new ecosystems, and to some degree increased the diversity of the vegetative cover by adding seral communities to it.  相似文献   

Shishaldin Volcano, in the central Aleutian volcanic arc, became seismically restless during the summer of 1998. Increasing unrest was monitored using a newly installed seismic network, weather satellites, and rare local visual observations. The unrest culminated in large eruptions on 19 April and 22-23 April 1999. The opening phase of the 19 April eruption produced a sub-Plinian column that rose to 16 km before rapidly dissipating. About 80 min into the 19 April event we infer that the eruption style transitioned to vigorous Strombolian fountaining. Exceptionally vigorous seismic tremor heralded the 23 April eruption, which produced a large thermal anomaly observable by satellite, but only a modest, 6-km-high plume. There are no ground-based visual observations of this eruption; however we infer that there was renewed, vigorous Strombolian fountaining. Smaller low-level ash-rich plumes were produced through the end of May 1999. The lava that erupted was evolved basalt with about 49% SiO2. Subsequent field investigations have been unable to find a distinction between deposits from each of the two major eruptive episodes.  相似文献   

This study focuses on a pyroclastic sequence related to a large-scale paroxysm that occurred during the seventeenth century ad and which can be considered one of the most powerful and hazardous explosive events at the volcano in the past few centuries. Paroxysms are energetic, short-lived explosions which sporadically interrupt normal Strombolian activity at Stromboli and commonly erupt a deep-derived, volatile-rich crystal-poor high-potassium basalt (“low porphyricity” (LP)), together with a shallow, degassed crystal-rich high-potassium to shoshonitic basalt (“high porphyricity” (HP)), which feed normal activity at the volcano. The studied deposit, crops out along the flanks of Sciara del Fuoco and, from base to top, consists of: (1) a layer of HP and LP ash and lapilli; (2) an unwelded layer of coarse HP lapilli and flattened dark scoriae; (3) weakly welded spatter made up of dense HP pyroclasts at the base, overlain by strongly vesicular LP clasts. The textural and chemical zoning of minerals and the glass chemistry of the LP products record repeated mafic recharge events, mixing with an old mushy body and episodes of rapid crystallization due to sudden degassing. Collapse of a foam layer originated by deep degassing probably triggered this large-scale, spatter-forming paroxysm. Decompression induced rapid degassing and vesiculation of the deep volatile-rich magma. The rapid ascent of the foamy magma blob pushed the shallow HP magma out and finally produced a fire fountain that emplaced the LP portion of the spatter.  相似文献   

The Puu Oo eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii is one of its largest and most compositionally varied historical eruptions. The mineral and whole-rock compositions of the Puu Oo lavas indicate that there were three compositionally distinct magmas involved in the eruption. Two of these magmas were differentiated (<6.8 wt% MgO) and were apparently stored in the rift zone prior to the eruption. A third, more mafic magma (9–10 wt% MgO) was probably intruded as a dike from Kilauea's summit reservoir just before the start of the eruption. Its intrusion forced the other two magmas to mix, forming a hybrid that erupted during the first three eruptive episodes from a fissure system of vents. A new hybrid was erupted during episode 3 from the vent where Puu Oo later formed. The composition of the lava erupted from this vent became progressively more mafic over the next 21 months, although significant compositional variation occurred within some eruptive episodes. The intra-episode compositional variation was probably due to crystal fractionation in the shallow (0.0–2.9 km), dike-shaped (i.e. high surface area/volume ratio) and open-topped Puu Oo magma reservoir. The long-term compositional variation was controlled largely by mixing the early hybrid with the later, more mafic magma. The percentage of mafic magma in the erupted lava increased progressively to 100% by episode 30 (about two years after the eruption started). Three separate magma reservoirs were involved in the Puu Oo eruption. The two deeper reservoirs (3–4 km) recharged the shallow (0.4–2.9 km) Puu Oo reservoir. Recharge of the shallow reservoir occurred rapidly during an eruption indicating that these reservoirs were well connected. The connection with the early hybrid magma body was cut off before episode 30. Subsequently, only mafic magma from the summit reservoir has recharged the Puu Oo reservoir.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the time relation of the expansion of a gas pocket and failure of its overlying plug of lava during Vulcanian eruptions, infrasound records and video images of the Vulcanian eruption that occurred at Sakurajima volcano on January 2, 2007 were analyzed with respect to their origin times. Weak (≤3 Pa) and slowly increasing air pressure preceded the impulsive compression phase by 0.25–0.32 s, and a longer-period rarefaction phase of infrasound waves was recognized at all microphone stations. The velocity of the compression phase was assumed to be supersonic (ca. 400 m/s) up to 850 m above the crater bottom from other recent explosions. On the other hand, the propagation velocity of the preceding weak signal was regarded to be similar to the air sound velocity because the lack of impulsiveness is unlikely to be related to the main compression phase. Therefore, the estimated origin time of the main compression phase was delayed by 0.5–0.7 s from the preceding phase. The origin time of the preceding phase coincided with the onset of the isotropic expansion process of the pressurized gas pocket, which was obtained by the waveform inversion of the explosion earthquake. In contrast, the origin time of the main impulsive phase coincided with the time when the expansion rate reached its peak. This observation suggests that the volumetric increase of the gas pocket caused swelling of the surface of the crater bottom and its subsequent failure. When the expansion velocity exceeded a threshold level, the main impulsive compression phase radiated with a high velocity by the sudden releases of the pressurized gases. The volumetric change at the source was estimated to be 280–560 m3 from the preceding phase of the infrasound. This volume change indicates that the vertical displacement of the swelling ground was on the order of 1.0 m, assuming the radius of the lava plug was ca. 10 m.  相似文献   

Okmok Volcano, in the eastern Aleutian Islands, erupted in February and March of 1997 producing a 6-km-long lava flow and low-level ash plumes. This caldera is one of the most active in the Aleutian Arc, and is now the focus of international multidisciplinary studies. A synthesis of remotely sensed data (AirSAR, derived DEMs, Landsat MSS and ETM+ data, AVHRR, ERS, JERS, Radarsat) has given a sequence of events for the virtually unobserved 1997 eruption. Elevation data from the AirSAR sensor acquired in October 2000 over Okmok were used to create a 5-m resolution DEM mosaic of Okmok Volcano. AVHRR nighttime imagery has been analyzed between February 13 and April 11, 1997. Landsat imagery and SAR data recorded prior to and after the eruption allowed us to accurately determine the extent of the new flow. The flow was first observed on February 13 without precursory thermal anomalies. At this time, the flow was a large single lobe flowing north. According to AVHRR Band 3 and 4 radiance data and ground observations, the first lobe continued growing until mid to late March, while a second, smaller lobe began to form sometime between March 11 and 12. This is based on a jump in the thermal and volumetric flux determined from the imagery, and the physical size of the thermal anomalies. Total radiance values waned after March 26, indicating lava effusion had ended and a cooling crust was growing. The total area (8.9 km2), thickness (up to 50 m) and volume (1.54×108 m3) of the new lava flow were determined by combining observations from SAR, Landsat ETM+, and AirSAR DEM data. While the first lobe of the flow ponded in a pre-eruption depression, our data suggest the second lobe was volume-limited. Remote sensing has become an integral part of the Alaska Volcano Observatory’s monitoring and hazard mitigation efforts. Studies like this allow access to remote volcanoes, and provide methods to monitor potentially dangerous ones.  相似文献   

Local seismic activity consisting of sharp earthquakes accompanied by thunderous noise was reported starting in late December 1985 around Tacaná volcano (15.13°N, 92.10°W). Portable seismic stations were established in the area by late January 1986 and sampling of the only known thermal spring on the volcano flanks started at the same time. A marked increase in SO42− concentration in the spring water preceded by two months the occurrence of a seismic swarm crisis and a small phreatic explosion. A model involving a crystalline basement fractured by tectonic stresses is proposed to explain the chemical and seismic anomalies, and the consequences on risk of volcanic activity are briefly discussed in terms of the observed behaviour.  相似文献   

On 4 March 1999, a shallow ML 5.2 earthquake occurred beneath Unimak Island in the Aleutian Arc. This earthquake was located 10-15 km west of Shishaldin Volcano, a large, frequently active basaltic-andesite stratovolcano. A Strombolian eruption began at Shishaldin roughly 1 month after the mainshock, culminating in a large explosive eruption on 19 April. We address the question of whether or not the eruption caused the mainshock by computing the Coulomb stress change caused by an inflating dike on fault planes oriented parallel to the mainshock focal mechanism. We found Coulomb stress increases of ~0.1 MPa in the region of the mainshock, suggesting that magma intrusion prior to the eruption could have caused the mainshock. Satellite and seismic data indicate that magma was moving upwards beneath Shishaldin well before the mainshock, indicating that, in an overall sense, the mainshock cannot be said to have caused the eruption. However, observations of changes at the volcano following the mainshock and several large aftershocks suggest that the earthquakes may, in turn, have influenced the course of the eruption.  相似文献   

The magmatic system feeding the last eruption of the volcano La Fossa, Vulcano Island, Italy was studied. The petrogenetic mechanisms controlling the differentiation of erupted rocks were investigated through petrography, mineral chemistry, major, trace and rare earth element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic geochemistry. In addition, melt inclusion and fluid inclusion data were collected on both juvenile material and xenolithic partially melted metamorphic clasts to quantify the P-T conditions of the magma chamber feeding the eruption. A regular and continuous chemical zoning has been highlighted: rhyolites are the first erupted products, followed by trachytes and latites, whereas rhyolitic compositions were also found in the upper part of the sequence. The chemical and isotopic composition of the rhyolites indicates that they originated by fractional crystallization from latitic magmas plus the assimilation of crustal material; the trachytes represent hybrid magmas resulting from the mixing of latites and rhyolites, contaminated in the shallow magmatic system. The erupted products, primarily compositionally zoned from latites to rhyolites, are heterogeneous due to syn-eruptive mingling. The occurrence of magmacrust interaction processes, evidenced by isotopic variations (87Sr/86Sr=0.70474±3 to 0.70511±3; 143Nd/144Nd=0.512550±6 to 0.512614±8; 206Pb/204Pb=19.318–19.489; 207Pb/204Pb=15.642–15.782; 208Pb/204Pb=39.175–39.613), is confirmed by the presence of partially melted metamorphic xenoliths, with 87Sr/86Sr=0.71633±6 to 0.72505±2 and 143Nd/144Nd=0.51229±7, in rhyolites and trachytes. AFC calculations indicate a few percentage contribution of crustal material to the differentiating magmas. Thermometric measurements on melt inclusions indicate that the crystallization temperatures of the latites and trachytes were in the range of 1050–1100° C, whereas the temperature of the rhyolites appears to have been around 1000°C at the time of the eruption. Compositional data on melt inclusions reveal that the magmas involved in the eruption contained about 1–1.5 wt.% dissolved H2O in pre-eruptive conditions. Secondary fluid inclusions found in metamorphic xenoliths give low equilibration pressure data (30–60 MPa), giving the location of the higher portions of the chamber at around 1500–2000 m of depth.  相似文献   

Summary An area of significant seismic quiescence is found near Oaxaca, southern Mexico. The anomalous area may be the site of a future large earthquake as many cases so far reported were. This conjecture is justified by study of past seismicity changes in the Oaxaca region. An interval of reduced seismicity, followed by a renewal of activity, preceded both the recent large events of 1965 and 1968. Those past earthquakes have ruptured the eastern and western portions of the present seismicity gap, respectively, so that the central part remaining is considered to be of the highest risk of the pending earthquake.The most probable estimates are: 7 1/2±1/4 for the magnitude and =16.5°±0.5°N, =96.5°±0.5W for the epicenter location. A firm prediction of the occurrence time is not attempted. However, a resumption of seismic activity in the Oaxaca region may precede a main shock.On leave from the Marine Science Institute, University of Texas, USA.  相似文献   

The tsunami generated by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M w = 9.0) reached maximum heights of about 5 m along the coast of the Kuril Islands. The most essential feature of this event was sea ice about 0.5 m thick moved by the ocean water. The tsunami did not cause any essential damage on the Kuril Islands, but significantly affected coastal zones and produced interesting effects. The problem of a tsunami accompanied by marine ice is discussed and illustrated with photos.  相似文献   

Mount Nemrut, an active stratovolcano in eastern Turkey, is a great danger for its vicinity. The volcano possesses a summit caldera which cuts the volcano into two stages, i.e. pre- and post-caldera. Wisps of smoke and hot springs are to be found within the caldera. Although the last recorded volcanic activity is known to have been in 1441, we consider here that the last eruption of Nemrut occurred more recently, probably just before 1597. The present active tectonic regime, historical eruptions, occurrence of mantle-derived magmatic gases and the fumarole and hot spring activities on the caldera floor make Nemrut Volcano a real danger for its vicinity. According to the volcanological past of Nemrut, the styles of expected eruptions are well-focused on two types: (1) occurrence of water within the caldera leads to phreatomagmatic (highly energetic) eruptions, subsequently followed by lava extrusions, and (2) effusions–extrusions (non-explosive or weakly energetic eruptions) on the flanks from fissures. To predict the impact area of future eruptions, a series of morphological analyses based on field observations, Digital Elevation Model and satellite images were realized. Twenty-two valleys (main transport pathways) were classified according to their importance, and the physical parameters related to the valleys were determined. The slope values in each point of the flanks and the Heim parameters H/L were calculated. In the light of morphological analysis the possible impact areas around the volcano and danger zones were proposed. The possible transport pathways of the products of expected volcanic events are unified in three main directions: Bitlis, Guroymak, Tatvan and Ahlat cities, the about 135 000 inhabitants of which could be threatened by future eruptions of this poorly known and unsurveyed volcano.  相似文献   

Five years of geochemical surveillance at Vulcano have shown interesting changes in the physico-chemical characters of the fumaroles at the crater and of the phreatic waters in the surrounding area. In particular, 1) The maximum temperature of the fumaroles, which had been of about 200°C for at least 30 years, rose suddenly to above 300°C: after a period of rather constant values, a decreasing trend has recently been observed; 2) An increase of CO2, S compounds and HF with respect to HCl, B, Br occurred in the gas composition contemporaneous to the rise in temperature. This increase is now gradually declining; 3) Higher concentrations of sulphate ion and silica in phreatic waters accompanied the thermal changes observed at the fumaroles. According to a model previously proposed (Martini et al., 1980), the increase in the above mentioned factors would reflect an increasing magmatic contribution to the volcanic system, which might be due to an increased permeability to fluids at depth. Because a sensible seismic shock occurred in the area a few months after the first chemical and thermal variations had been observed, such variations may be regarded as forerunners of the seismic event, and may be used to forecast some months in advance changes occurring at depth. The work was carried out within the research programme of C.N.R. Centro di Studio per la Mineralogia e la Geochimica dei Sedimenti, Florence, Italy.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山千年大喷发火山碎屑流分布范围广泛,是国内火山碎屑流领域重要的研究对象。前人研究表明:(1)长白山天池火山千年大喷发火山碎屑流搬运堆积机制复杂,且火山碎屑流近源、中源部分一般分布在人迹罕至尚未开发的地方,火山碎屑流相模式尚未系统建立;(2)火山碎屑流是长白山地区主要灾害类型,尚未有专题的灾害区划图;(3)早期粒度分析主要采用人工法测试,精度低,误差大,大量微米级碎屑的动力学信息流失。  相似文献   

A 3D magnetic inversion method using a conjugate gradient method (CG method) was developed for constructing 3D magnetization models of a volcanic edifice and applied to aeromagnetic anomalies of Izu-Oshima Volcano surveyed in 1986 and in 1997. The calculated results of the 1986 data show that the volcanic edifice of Izu-Oshima Volcano has a mean magnetization intensity ranging from 10.4 to 12.1 A/m. The derived 3D magnetic structure shows low magnetization zones beneath the west-northwest of the western caldera rim, beneath the west-southwest of Mt. Mihara and beneath Mt. Shiroishi. These features may be related with demagnetizations, reflecting a high thermal state due to magma activities in the 1986 eruption. The comparison between 3D magnetization models in 1986 and in 1997, indicates meaningful changes beneath the C-craters erupted in 1986, suggesting a recovery process of demagnetizations and a considerable decrease of magnetization intensities in the foot of Mt. Futago, indicative of demagnetizations. A derived magnetization model including Izu-Oshima Volcano and its surrounding sea areas clarifies the submerged volcanic edifices around Izu-Oshima Island, and suggests that the old volcanic edifices of Fudeshima, Gyojyanoiwaya, and Okata Volcanoes have been affected by eastward migrations due to massive intrusions of a dike-like structure inferred at the base of Izu-Oshima Volcano.  相似文献   

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