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该文在总结了北京市地质矿产勘查开发局多年地质工作的基础上,针对公益性地质工作与商业性地质工作的不同特点和要求,提出了今后几年地质工作的发展方向。  相似文献   

地质环境与城市发展研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文概述了城市地质环境与城市发展国内外研究现状,指出了我国城市工程地质工作存在的问题,论证了地质环境与城市发展中主要问题的解决途径,提出了地质环境与城市发展研究与工作的一些建议。论文还介绍了与地质环境与城市发展密切相关的我国工程地质专业设置现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

王峰  张波 《山东地质》2011,(12):70-70
2011年以来,泰安市国土资源局泰山分局高度重视党务公开工作,把党务公开工作与日常工作共同开展,同步推进,工作扎实有力,措施行之有效,重点加强了3个方面的工作。  相似文献   

上海城市地质工作服务经济社会发展机制与模式探索   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
上海作为一个临江滨海的特大型城市,地质工作承担着服务城市发展、保障城市安全的双重责任。形成地质工作更加积极主动地参与、融入经济社会建设的制度与机制,是国土资源部与上海市政府合作开展"上海市三维城市地质调查"项目的初衷。上海城市地质调查中,注重了城市规划、建设和管理对地质工作需求的把握,围绕社会需求主线,在开展三维地质结构调查、地面沉降控制、地球化学环境评价等工作同时,重点推进了海量地质资料信息化和社会共享,促进了地质资料汇交制度的建立和落实,研发了三维可视化的上海城市地质信息管理与综合服务系统。工作中探索建立了中央与地方联动,国家战略部署和地方公益性地质工作合理分工、有机衔接的城市地质调查新机制;探索并实践了一个紧紧依托行政管理平台、充分发挥多学科、多专业、多区域融合优势及现代化信息技术深入应用的工作新方法。  相似文献   

上海地质勘查工作“十二五”规划概要   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据上海经济发展与城市功能定位,提出了"十二五"期间上海地质勘查工作的重点领域与工作实施的规划部署。  相似文献   

海南省海洋地质调查主要进展与成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中央和地方的共同推动下,海南省海洋地质调查工作取得了长足的进步。为进一步提升海南省海洋地质工作效果,对近年来实施的海洋地质调查工作的主要进展进行了综述,其成果可分为4个方面,即海洋区域地质调查、海岸带与海湾地质环境综合调查与评价、海砂资源调查与评价和岛礁综合地质调查。其中: 1∶100万的海洋区域地质调查已实现了全覆盖,1∶25万的已开展3个图幅工作; 海岸带与海湾地质环境综合调查与评价工作已全面开展,基本查明了本岛沿岸20 m水深以浅的地质概况,重点岸段调查比例尺可达1∶5万,较系统地梳理了海岸带的地质资源与环境现状; 海砂资源调查与评价主要针对锆、钛砂矿和建筑用海砂开展,初步查明了海南岛周边陆架区沉积物类型和海砂潜力分布区,对成矿条件较好的海域开展了详细勘查,圈定了多个海砂开发矿产地; 岛礁综合地质调查工作主要查明了其基础地质条件和开发利用现状,对海岛的进一步开发和管理提出了建议,同时系统地开展了西沙群岛的海陆统筹地质调查工作,掌握了大比例尺的基础地质数据,并研究了其形成和演化过程,为三沙的海岛建设提供了依据。通过地质调查,获得了海南省基础海洋地质数据,查明了海洋资源和环境概况,为海南省的海洋经济发展提供了可靠的地质支撑。  相似文献   

本刊讯为了落实中国勘察设计协会工程勘察与岩土分会第六届理事会任期工作要点及工作计划,工程勘察与岩土分会近日在河北石家庄举办了行业发展工作部成立暨六届一次工作会议。中国勘察设计协会副秘书长齐继禄,工程勘察与岩土分会会长沈小克、秘书长严金森,河北省勘察设计协会会长刘宝才等出席会议。齐继禄在发言中强调,工作机构是协会工作落地  相似文献   

我国矿山地质环境监测工作方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以省为单元的全国矿山地质环境调查与评估工作已经结束,通过调查摸清了我国矿山地质环境现状,查明了矿山环境地质问题。然而,调查成果存在局限性,它不能反映全国矿山地质环境动态发展变化情况。文章在全国矿山地质环境调查综合研究的基础上,开展了全国矿山地质环境监测工作方法研究,提出了一套包括监测技术路线、监测内容与指标、监测方法、工作程序、监测组织与管理、质量控制、监测资料整理分析等内容的监测工作方法。鉴于矿山地质环境监测的必要性和复杂性,提出此文与同仁探讨。  相似文献   

新构造、活动构造与地震地质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新构造、活动构造和地震地质研究都是开展地震危险性评价的重要基础性地质工作。在综述新构造、活动构造和地震地质的基本含义、相互联系与区别、主要工作内容及方法的基础上,简要回顾了国内外在相关研究领域的主要进展,提出了中国活动构造与地震地质工作中应注意的主要问题和对未来工作的几点建议。最后,重点介绍了青藏高原东南缘开展活动构造体系和玉树地区活动断裂与地震地质调查研究工作所取得的主要进展与成果。  相似文献   

卓雅 《甘肃地质》2014,23(4):89-91
地质资料是地质资源信息的宝库,它包含着巨大的社会经济价值。依法归档与汇交地质资料是地质工作者的责任与义务。本文通过阐述地质资料归档与汇交工作的意义与具体要求,剖析了归档与汇交工作中常出现的资料格式不符合规范、电子文档制作系统的使用不够熟练等问题,并提出了解决办法,对该项工作规范、高效的完成具有参考意义。  相似文献   

湖南省探矿权、采矿权市场现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探矿权、采矿权市场是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分.培育和规范探矿权、采矿权市场不仅是实现矿产资源利用方式和管理方式转变的根本途径,更是推动矿业经济全面开放。走向健康有序发展的强大动力.湖南省的探矿权、采矿权市场还不发育,与我国市场体制的发展进程和其他各类市场的建设进程相比,很难适应入世的需要.在对湖南省探矿权、采矿权市场现状进行深入分析的基础上,提出了解放思想、整顿秩序、明确政策、加强勘探。严格规划、加强领导等项措施来培育和规范我省探矿权、采矿权市场.  相似文献   

Continental sediments of the Cloverly and Lakota Formations (Lower Cretaceous) in Wyoming are subdivided into three depositional systems: perennial to intermittent alluvial, intermittent to ephemeral alluvial, and playa. Chert-bearing sandstones, conglomerates, carbonaceous mudrocks, blocky mudrocks, and skeletal limestones were deposited by perennial to intermittent alluvial systems. Carbonaceous mudrocks contain abundant wood fragments, cuticle and cortical debris, and other vascular plant remains representing deposition in oxbow lakes, abandoned channels, and on floodplains under humid to seasonal conditions. Intraformational conglomerates, sandstones, bioturbated and blocky mudrocks with caliche nodules, and bioturbated limestones characterize deposition in intermittent to ephemeral alluvial systems. Bioturbated limestones are encased in bioturbated mudrocks with abundant pseudo-slickensides. The presence of caliche nodules in some of the blocky to bioturbated mudrocks is consistent with supersaturation and precipitation of calcium carbonate from groundwater under semi-arid conditions. Caliche nodules, pseudo-slickensides, and carbonate-rich floodplain sediments are interpreted to have been deposited by intermittent to ephemeral alluvial systems under seasonal to semi-arid climatic conditions. Laminated mudrocks, siltstones, vuggy carbonates, bedded to nodular evaporites, pebbly mudrocks, and diamictites were deposited in evaporative alkaline lakes or playas. Pebbly mudrocks and diamictites are interpreted to represent deposition from channelized and unchannelized hyperconcentrated flows on a playa, resulting from intense rain events within the basin.The areal abundance and distribution of these depositional systems change systematically across the overfilled portion of the Early Cretaceous Cordilleran foreland basin in Wyoming. The lower part (A-interval) of the Cloverly and Lakota Formations is characterized by deposits of perennial to intermittent rivers that existed 300 to 1000 km east of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. Proximal to the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt, the A-interval of the Cloverly Formation and upper Ephraim Formation of the Gannett Group are typified by deposits of intermittent to ephemeral rivers and their associated floodplains. In the middle part (B-interval) of the Cloverly Formation, intermittent to ephemeral alluvial systems expand to 600 km into the basin. The upper part (C-interval) of the Cloverly Formation is characterized by playa deposits in the Bighorn and Wind River Basins and intermittent to ephemeral alluvial deposits along the front of the ancestral Sevier Mountains. Deposits of perennial to intermittent alluvial systems in the C-interval of the Cloverly and Lakota Formations are restricted to the Black Hills region, almost 900 km to the east of the Sevier Mountains. The change in the areal distribution of depositional systems through time within this continental foreland basin may be attributed to the development of a rain shadow associated with the uplift of the Sevier Mountains in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

土工格栅加筋垫层加固软土地基模型试验分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
王伟  王俭  薛剑豪  薛震  偶丹萍 《岩土力学》2005,26(12):1885-1891
基于压缩、剪切、拉拔、抗拉试验结果分析了土工格栅加筋土的力学特性。通过室内模型试验研究了加土工格栅和不加土工格栅地基土的侧向位移和竖向位移随深度的变化规律、位移场、应力场、应变场。结果表明,土工格栅加筋垫层能有效地改变和阻止塑性区的形成和发展,对下卧软土地基起到扩散应力、均化应力的作用,控制软土地基塑性变形,增强地基延性和刚度,有效地控制地基竖向位移和侧向位移,增强地基的抗剪强度,增强整个地基的稳定性,提高了加筋土体的承载能力,为实际工程应用提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

Based on empirical evidence, the article looks at the implications of private sector participation (PSP) for the delivery of water supply and sanitation to the urban and peri-urban poor in developing countries, with particular reference to Africa and Latin America. More precisely, the article addresses the impact produced by multinational companies’ (MNCs) strategies, in light of the pursuit of profitability, on the extension of connections to the pipeline network. It does so by questioning the assumptions that greater private sector efficiency and innovation, together with contract design, will enable the sustainable extension of service coverage to low income dwellers. The strategies of the major water MNCs are considered both in relation to the global expansion of their operations and the adjustment of local strategies to commercial considerations. The latter might result in identifying profitable markets, modifying contractual provisions, attempting to reduce costs and increase income, reducing risks and exiting from non-performing contracts. The evidence reviewed allows for re-assessing the relative roles of the public and private sectors in extending and delivering water services to the poor. First, the most far reaching innovative approaches to extending connections are more likely to come from communities, public authorities and political activity than from MNCs. Secondly, whenever MNCs are liable to exit from non-profitable contracts, the public sector has no other option than to deal with external risks affecting continuity of provision. Finally, market limitations affecting MNCs’ ability to serve marginal populations and access cheap capital do not apply to well-organised, politically led public sector undertakings.  相似文献   

谢树成  罗根明  朱秀昌  王灿发  袁松虎  邱轩  纪建达  阮小燕 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062039-2022062039
“四深”微生物是指深海、深地、深空和深时环境的微生物,特别是细菌、古菌、真菌、病毒等。人们对“四深”微生物的了解非常有限,是亟待突破的地球生物学前沿领域。“四深”微生物的研究对理解地球生命起源、界定生物圈的边界条件、促进地球科学与生命科学以及行星科学之间的交叉融合具有不可替代性的贡献。随着我国深海、深空、深地等重大工程计划的推进,一系列与“四深”微生物有关的前沿科学问题不断提出,包括地质微生物与气候环境的相互作用、地质微生物的生物安全与生态安全、地质微生物参与的隐匿地质过程等。特别是,“四深”环境活性氧自由基对微生物的影响、地质病毒对生物演化和地质过程的影响等前沿领域都亟待突破。活性氧自由基能对生物分子、细胞、组织和器官,乃至整个生物圈的演化以及微生物地质作用都产生重要影响。病毒引发了现代和近代诸多全球性疫情爆发,地质病毒则可能对生物的背景灭绝和大灭绝以及一些地质过程产生影响。  相似文献   

二十一世纪是我国全面推进工作化、市场化、科技化和国际化进程的时期,作为国民经济与社会发展基础的非金属矿产资源的调查评价、开发利用与保护面临新的机遇和挑战,存在着资源的有效供给、综合利用、深度加和环境保护等方面的矛盾,为此,本文通过对非金属矿产资源的特性和国内外开发研究现状等方面的分析,提出了进一步工作的建议;开放新资源,探索新用途,提出资源的综合利用程度;重视非金属矿产地质工作,增强矿产资源战略储备,加强非金属矿产资源管理,实现矿产秩序根本好转;搞好矿山生态环境建设,促进资源开发与环境保护协调发展;依靠科学技术进步,提高矿产资源利用效率。  相似文献   

苏维词  张军以 《中国岩溶》2010,29(4):445-450
三峡大坝建成及水库蓄水运行后将出现一个落差高达30m的消落带,形成一个巨大的河道型的周期性湿地生态系统。根据三峡水库的蓄水规划及河道型消落带的特殊性,有针对性地探讨了在三峡水库(重庆段)运行过程中消落带产生的一系列生态环境问题,如消落带土地利用导致的水体富营养化,回水顶托区形成近岸污染带,船舶航行造成的水体污染等,并针对这些问题产生的原因、时空分布特征及发展趋势,提出了消落带土地利用适宜性评价,梯度开发,建设生态屏障带;实施城镇污水、工业污染和生活垃圾控制工程,发展环境友好型循环生态农业;建立基于3S技术的消落带生态环境问题监测预警系统等防治措施。   相似文献   

Zhang  Jiquan  Okada  Norio  Tatano  Hirokazu  Hayakawa  Seiji 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(1):209-232
Agro-meteorological hazards such as drought, waterlogging and cool summer occur with very high frequency and affect maize production and social-economic development in the maize-growing region of Songliao Plain, China. Moreover, both the frequency of these hazards and loss from them are considered to be increasing with global warming. The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively analyze the relationships between the fluctuation of maize yield and drought, waterlogging and cool summer, and to evaluate the consequences of these hazards in the maize-growing area of Songliao Plain, taking Lishu county as a case study area based on GIS (Geographic Information System). Crop yield-climate analysis and regression analysis were employed to analyze and quantify relationships between the fluctuation of maize yield and drought, waterlogging and cool summer, and to evaluate the consequences of these hazards. The parameters and model of damage evaluation were presented using weighted comprehensive analysis, and the degree of damage of drought, waterlogging and cool summer to maize production was comprehensively evaluated and regionalized. It is shown that from 1949 to 1990, the negative value years of the fluctuation of maize yield due to meteorological hazards accounted for 55% of seasons, of which 14% was caused by drought, 30% by waterlogging, 4% by cool summer and drought, 9% by cool summer and waterlogging, 13% by drought and waterlogging, 30% by drought, waterlogging and cool summer. Studies on the instability and spatial variation of the fluctuations in maize yield in Lishu county showed that the middle plains are stable areas to climatic influence, while southeastern hills and low mountains, the low lands of the plains along the East Liao River and the western plain are unstable areas in terms of areas in maize yield. The synthetic index of the degree of damage to maize of drought, waterlogging and cool summer showed a strong positive correlation with the ratio of the amount damaged to the normal yield of maize. This suggests that this index can be used to evaluate such damage. The degree of damage of drought, waterlogging and cool summer to maize in Lishu county shows the regional characteristics, which increase gradually from the center to the west and east, this being almost identical with the spatial distribution of the fluctuation of maize yield due to these hazards. This study can be expected to provide the basis for developing strategies to mitigate agro-meteorological hazards and reducing the losses from them, and adjust the medium and long-term distribution of agricultural activities so as to adapt to environmental changes.  相似文献   

甘肃天水市北山地质灾害类型及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在深入分析天水市北山地质灾害发育现状的基础上,通过野外调查、实验数据和已有成果资料综合分析的方法,系统研究了天水市北山地质灾害的主要类型及成因。通过对研究区地质灾害的形成机制分析和探讨,揭示了该地区地质灾害发育的物质基础、力学性质、自然因素和人为因素,可为进一步治理该区的各类地质灾害提供理论指导,同时对预测研究区未来地质灾害发生、发展具有积极的指导作用和实际意义。研究区突发性地质灾害的类型主要有滑坡、崩塌、不稳定斜坡、地面塌陷和泥石流沟等五种类型,其地质灾害主要分布在北山的阳坡,形成了数条滑坡群沟。滑坡类型以混合式、中层、小型黄土滑坡为主;崩塌类型以人为黄土崩塌为主;不稳定斜坡主要属黄土型,主要位于滑坡或阶地前缘以及人类居住区;地面塌陷主要分布在滑坡体上;泥石流沟灾害,按物质组成属于泥流沟,按流域形态属于山坡型,按流体性质属于稀性,按水动力条件属于暴雨型。  相似文献   

The climatic processes of heating and cooling, wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing affect the disintegration characteristics of clay-bearing rocks (shales, claystones, mudstones, and siltstones) to varying degrees. Although heating and cooling, wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing are known to be the main processes responsible for physical disintegration of rocks under natural conditions, most of the previous investigators have used methods based only on water content variations (e.g., jar slake, slake index, and slake durability index tests) to assess the disintegration of clay-bearing rocks. Such assessments may not be adequate to explain the field behaviour of clay-bearing rocks subjected to a full range of climatic processes. In order to evaluate the combined effects as well as relative contributions of various climatic processes on the disintegration behaviour, samples of selected clay-bearing rocks, consisting of 5–6 particles, each weighing 85–150 g, were subjected to multiple cycles of heating and cooling, wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing. These treatments resulted in fragmentation of samples with fragments ranging from 50 to 2 mm and finer in dimensions. A new approach, referred to as the disintegration ratio, and defined as the area under the grain size distribution curve of the disintegrated material to the total area encompassing all grain size distribution curves of the samples, was used to account for fragmentation into varying sizes. Statistical analyses were performed to investigate the relationship between fragmentation, mineralogical composition, and physical properties.  相似文献   

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