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Heavy metals on tidal flats in the Yangtze Estuary, China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Five short cores were used to examine heavy metals on tidal flats in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Statistically insignificant trends in lead-210 and most metals with core depth are primarily due to high sedimentation rates. Metal contents are correlated with percent aluminum, which reflects the clay contents in the sediment, and they are also affected by proximity to sewage outlets and local industry. National standards for copper are exceeded in four cores, zinc in one core, and arsenic in all cores. Heavy metal contents are generally lower on the Yangtze tidal flats compared to most other estuaries because high sediment loads dilute metal inputs. Received: 1 June 1999 · Accepted: 15 August 2000  相似文献   

The concentrations and speciation of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the sediments of the nearshore area, river channel and coastal zones of the Yangtze estuary, China, were systematically investigated in this study. The concentrations of all heavy metals except Ni in the sediments of the nearshore area were higher than those of the river channel and coastal zones. In the nearshore area, the concentrations of most heavy metals except Hg in the sediments of the southern branch were higher than those of the northern branch because of the import of pollutants from the urban and industrial activities around. When compared with the threshold effect level (TEL) and geochemical background levels, Cr, Ni and As accumulated and posed potential adverse biological effects. The speciation analysis suggested that Cd, Pb and Zn in the sediments of the three zones showed higher bioavailability than the other heavy metals, and thus posed ecological risk. Significant correlations were observed among Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn (r > 0.77) in the nearshore area, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb (r > 0.85) in the river channel and Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn (r > 0.75) in the coastal zone. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the discharge of unban and industrial sewage, shipping pollution and the properties of the sediments (contents of Fe, Mn, Al, TOC, clay and silt) dominated the distribution of heavy metal in the nearshore area, river channel and coastal zones of the Yangtze estuary.  相似文献   

Sediment-bound polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) measured at several sites in the lower Hudson River Estuary are above equilibrium with the overlying water, providing a thermodynamic driving force for exchange from sediment to water. The fluxes of PCB congeners are estimated for a number potential processes: diffusive release of dissolved and colloidal PCBs from the bed, resuspension and subsequent desorption from resuspended particles, and sediment accumulation and burial. All processes are potentially significant, at least for some congeners. The sediment exchange fluxes of PCB solutes for five sites between Governors Island and Haverstraw Bay are estimated to be 20–860 μm m?2 d?1, which is between 2 and 100 times more than the flux of dissolved PCBs coming down the river at Haverstraw Bay. Much of the exchange from sediment to water may be balanced by burial of sorbed PCBs by sediment accumulation. Advection down the river and sediment exchange dominate other potential sources of PCBs to the lower estuary under current loading conditions. The magnitude of the calculated fluxes is consistent with the nonconservative behavior of PCBs in the same region but is higher than earlier modeling estimates that employed different assumptions.  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples were collected from 20 location of the Buriganga river of Bangladesh during Summer and Winter 2009 to determine the spatial distribution, seasonal and temporal variation of different heavy metal contents. Sequential extraction procedure was employed in sediment samples for the geochemical partitioning of the metals. Total trace metal content in water and sediment samples were analyzed and compared with different standard and reference values. Concentration of total chromium, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt and arsenic in water samples were greatly exceeded the toxicity reference values in both season. Concentration of chromium, lead, copper and nickel in sediment samples were mostly higher than that of severe effect level values, at which the sediment is considered heavily polluted. On average 72 % chromium, 92 % lead, 88 % zinc, 73 % copper, 63 % nickel and 68 % of total cobalt were associated with the first three labile sequential extraction phases, which portion is readily bioavailable and might be associated with frequent negative biological effects. Enrichment factor values demonstrated that the lead, cadmium, zinc, chromium and copper in most of the sediment samples were enriched sever to very severely. The pollution load index value for the total area was as high as 21.1 in Summer and 24.6 in Winter season; while values above one indicates progressive deterioration of the sites and estuarine quality. The extent of heavy metals pollution in the Buriganga river system implies that the condition is much frightening and may severely affect the aquatic ecology of the river.  相似文献   

Surface sediments collected at the Tirumalairajan river estuary and their surrounding coastal areas were analyzed for the bulk metal concentration. The sediments were collected from post- and premonsoon seasons. Dominances of heavy metals are in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cu in both seasons from estuary and coastal area. The results reveal that Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Zn demonstrated an increased pattern from the estuary when compared to the coastal area. The heavy metal pattern of the sediments of the Tirumalairajan river estuary and its surrounding coastal area offered strong evidence that the coastal area was a major source of heavy metals to the estuarine region. For various metals, the contamination factor and geoaccumulation index (I geo) have been calculated to assess the degree of pollution in sediments. The contamination factor and geoaccumulation index show that Zn, Pb, and Cu unpolluted to moderately pollute the sediments in estuarine part. This study shows the major sources of metal contamination in catchment and anthropogenic ones, such as agriculture runoff, discharge of industrial wastewater, and municipal sewage through the estuary and adjoining coastal area.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in sediments of the Tecate River, Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ten sites along the Tecate River, Mexico were sampled to evaluate the cadmium, lead, nickel and chromium concentrations in sediments. The result shows contamination for cadmium in most of the sites, where two sites were class 4 (polluted to strongly polluted) according to geoaccumulation index proposed by Muller. Two sites were found polluted for all the heavy metals analyzed (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni), indicating the effect of anthropogenic activities. A correlation between Ni and Cd concentration had been found indicating a common source. These metals are usually used in electroplating industry. The results of this study can be used for decision makers to prioritize measures to control the pollution for these metals.  相似文献   

Heavy metal distribution patterns in river sediments aid in understanding the exogenic cycling of elements as well as in assessing the effect of anthropogenic influences. In India, the Subernarekha river flows over the Precambrian terrain of the Singhbhum craton in eastern India. The rocks are of an iron ore series and the primary rock types are schist and quartzite. One main tributary, the Kharkhai, flows through granite rocks and subsequently flows through the schist and quartzite layers. The Subernarekha flows through the East Singhbhum district, which is one of India’s industrialised areas known for ore mining, steel production, power generation, cement production and other related activities. Freshly deposited river sediments were collected upstream and downstream the industrial zone. Samples were collected from four locations and analysed in <63-μm sediment fraction for heavy metals including Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu by anodic stripping voltammetry. Enrichment of these elements over and above the local natural concentration level has been calculated and reported. Sediments of the present study are classified by Muller’s geo-accumulation index (I geo) and vary from element to element and with climatic seasons. During pre-monsoon period the maximum I geo value for Zn is moderately to highly polluted and for Cu and Pb is moderately polluted, respectively, based on the Muller’s standard. Anthropogenic, lithogenic or cumulative effects of both components are the main reasons for such variations in I geo values. The basic igneous rock layer through which the river flows or a seasonal rivulet that joins with the main river may be the primary source for lithogenic components.  相似文献   

The influences of exposure to the atmosphere on ammonium cycle in the intertidal surface sediments were in situ studied with a geochemical approach at a typical station in the Yangtze Estuary during three tidal cycles in September 2003. During an about 8-h emersion period of each diurnal tide, six high-resolution vertical profiles of adsorbed and dissolved ammonium were measured. It was observed that both adsorbed and dissolved ammonium generally had an increasing trend in sediment cores during the exposure. The rate of ammonium regeneration in sediments was estimated using the accumulation amount of ammonium including adsorbed and soluble fractions during the daytime emersion. The calculation result showed that there was relatively high ammonification rate (˜500 nmol N cm−3 day−1), which reflected that organic nitrogen in sediments was quickly decomposed with a residence time of ˜52.7 days. Due to the dramatic temperature difference observed in sediment profiles, free convection was considered an important mechanism of regulating the efflux of produced ammonium into overlying waters. The total estimated amount of regenerated ammonium was ˜1.35×105 t N year−1 in the intertidal flat of the Yangtze Estuary, which occupied 7.6% of the total inorganic nitrogen annually transported to the estuarine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Heavy metals and metalloids in sediments from the Llobregat basin,Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of heavy metals and metalloids (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn) in sediments from the River Llobregat and its tributaries (Anoia and Cardener) was studied. Samples collected at 17 locations during four different periods were analysed by ICP-MS. The heavy metal enrichment at some sites along the rivers reflects the effects of agricultural activities, sewage treatment plant effluents, collectors' discharges and industrial activities. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to describe trends in contamination and to find groupings among the investigated areas. The Llobregat and Cardener sediments appeared to have features of an unpolluted river, even though significant amounts of domestic and industrial wastewater are discharged into these rivers. On the other hand, the sediments from the River Anoia showed high Cr and Hg levels originating from industrial activities. The concentrations of Cr and Hg ranged from 91–540 and 0.28–2.29 µg/g respectively.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1429-1445
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in surface sediments and dated core sediments from the Pearl river and estuary, China, to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of anthropogenic pollutants. The sediments from the sampling stations at the Guangzhou channel have the highest concentrations of PAHs, owing to contributions from the large amount of urban/industrial discharges from the city of Guangzhou. The significant decrease of PAHs concentrations in sediments from the Shiziyang channel is mainly attributed to the increasing degradation and desorption of low molecular weight PAHs and alkyl PAHs, and the dilution by less contaminated water and particles from the East river. The PAH contaminants were concentrated on the western side in the Lingding bay of the Pearl river estuary because of the hydrodynamic and sedimentation conditions. Based on the characteristics of the parent compound distributions (PCDs) and the alkyl homologue distributions (AHDs) of PAHs, the potential source of PAHs in sediments from each sampling station was identified. Results indicated that the pyrogenic (combustion) source, characterized by the abundance of parent PAHs, were predominant in the heavily contaminated station (ZB01) near the aging industrial area, and the petrogenic (petroleum- derived) PAHs were more abundant in the stations (ZB02, ZB03) adjacent to the petrochemical plant and shipping harbor. Sediments from Lingding bay show variable distributions of PAH composition and variety in the proportion of combustion and petrogenic sources for the PAHs in different stations. Perylene, a naturally derived PAH, was found to be highly abundant in less contaminated stations. Analysis of the dated sediments (210Pb) indicates that higher PAH concentrations occurred in the sediments deposited after 1980, and higher fluxes of PAHs discharged to the Pearl river are found after 1990.  相似文献   

Ninety-two sediment samples collected at 53 stations in Jamaica Bay from November 1970 to October 1973 were analyzed for Pb, Cr, V, Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni, Co, and percent organic carbon (ORC). Selected samples were analyzed for Hg. The concentrations of all metals correlate with each other and with organic carbon. Vanadium, cobalt, and nickel stand out as a separate component and are enriched relative to other metals in areas affected by petroliferous pollution. The metal concentrations are strongly influenced by the strength of tidal currents and proximity to pollution sources. Amount of rainfall and/or season affects metal concentrations in Grassy Bay (a deep restricted body of water within Jamaica Bay).  相似文献   

Axial surveys were performed in the two river tributaries of the Cochin estuary, SW India during November 1988. Surficial sediments were subjected to sequential chemical extractions to delineate five metal fractions, namely, exchangeable, carbonate bound, easily reducible, organic/sulfide bound, and residual. The results indicated selective accumulation of Mn and Ni in carbonate bound and organic/sulfide forms, along with marginal amounts of Co in the exchangeable fraction. Large portions of Fe and Cr occurred in the residual fraction, whereas composite fractionation of Zn species was noticed. The exchangeable fractions of Fe and Cr as well as of easily reducible cobalt were below detection limits. The levels of Cr and Zn indicate anthropogenic inputs in this estuary, whereas Co and Ni show regional contamination exceeding natural levels. The analytical speciation procedure helps to deduce the sedimental diagenetic processes in the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

 The Oka River basin is located in the Urdaibai National Biosphere Reserve, North Spain. In order to obtain a preliminary view of its environmental conditions, nitric acid extractable Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni and Co, organic matter content (L.O.I.), geochemical fractionation of heavy metals and mineralogical composition were analysed in surficial sediments (fraction <63 μm) collected in October 1991. Relatively high concentrations of metals occurred in a sampling site upstream, due to a local natural enrichment controlled by weathering of volcanic rocks. Geochemical fractionation confirmed the lithogenic origin of metals, which were mainly associated to the detrital phase. The significant increase of heavy metals found in some samples collected in the municipal area of Gernika suggested a pollution effect, related to anthropogenic wastes. Large amounts of metallic slags have been found mixed with the sediments upstream from this locality. Nevertheless, in view of their composition, it is unlikely that these slags constitute a significant source of heavy metals in the studied area. In a second sampling in October 1997 an apparent decreasing trend in some heavy metal levels was noted, particularly for Pb and Cu. Nowadays, enrichment factors relative to background values confirm moderate anthropogenic influence on Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni concentrations. However, heavy metal levels in the Oka river sediments are much lower than those detected in other major rivers of the Basque Country (Nervión, Urumea, Deba). Received: 7 July 1997 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

Factors that govern heavy metal concentration in sediments were examined by a combined analytical, geochemical, and geological approach. The constrains encountered in the determination of the anthropogenic influence are exposed. The region examined was the Krka River estuary located in the typical karst region of the eastern Adriatic, Yugoslavia.Sedimentological research revealed that: the Krka River (main water supplier) is almost free of suspended terrigenous material; the main supplier of suspended terrigenous matter of flysch origin is a small torrent-type Gudua Creek, and that this fine grained terrigenous material is sedimented mostly in the central enlarged part of the estuary, the Prokljan Lake.Three different groups of heavy metals were identified in recent sediments. Increased concentrations of nickel and zinc were found in estuarine sediments due to strongnatural enrichment in source rocks. Manganese and chromium were found to benaturally enriched and depleted in surface layer respectively, due to the different postdepositional geochemical behavior. Lead and copper concentrations were found to be increased in surface sediments in the central part of the estuary, apparently from anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight samples of sediment collected on a variably-spaced grid pattern from Pamlico River Estuary of North Carolina were analyzed for As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Ni, Pb, U, Zn, clay, and organic matter. The major objectives of the study were to determine background and anomalous levels of trace elements in the sediments, and the effects of human activities on concentration and distribution of trace elements in the sediments. Clay and organic matter are more concentrated near the center of the estuary. This causes the highest concentration of trace elements in the sediments to be located there also owing to their preferential uptake of these elements. Highest trace element concentrations were observed in clay and organic matter near industrial sites, housing developments, and tributary mouths that drain areas of human activity. The apparent increase in trace element contents of fine sediments in Pamlico River Estuary owing to human activities is 4 to 1,750 times normal background levels.  相似文献   

Bed sediments were collected from the entire region of the Ganges basin and some parts of the Brahmaputra. In addition, selected stations were sampled for suspended sediments as well. The samples were analysed for a number of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cu, and Zn) by the thin-film energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique. There are pronounced temporal and spatial variations in the heavy metals distributions. Suspended sediments are 5–10 times richer than the bed sediments. None of the tributaries contribute significant heavy metal load, but around urban areas in Yamuna (tributary of Ganges), very high levels due to the distribution from the drainage network are observed. Compared to the Brahmaputra, the distribution and fractionation of heavy metals in the Ganges sediments are more erratic and highly variable. All the metals considered show high correlation among themselves. Given the high flux of suspended sediments from the Himalayan rivers (nearly 20% of the global flux), the worldwide budget for heavy metal transport may need to be suitably revised.  相似文献   

The long-term industrialization and urbanization of Guangzhou city may lead to heavy metal contamination of its aquatic sediment. Nevertheless, only few studies have been published on the distribution and contamination assessment of heavy metals in this urban river sediment. Thus, the major objective of this study was to quantitatively assess contamination of heavy metals and their chemical partitioning in the sediments of the Guangzhou section of the Pearl River (GSPR). Surface sediment samples were collected at 10 sites in the main river and 12 sites in the creeks of the GSPR. The total content of Cd was determined by graphite furnace atomic adsorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), and content of Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The chemical partitioning of these heavy metals in the sediments of the main river was determined by the sequential selective extraction (SSE) method. Results indicated that the average total concentrations of Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn in the sediments of the main river were 1.44, 63.7, 95.5, 253.6 and 370.0 mg/kg, respectively, whereas they were 2.10, 125.5, 110.1, 433.7 and 401.9 mg/kg in the sediments of the creeks. The sediment at M4 and C9 sites was heavily contaminated with about 8 and 11 of toxic unit, respectively. Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn were mostly bound to organic matter and in the residual phase, whereas Cd was mostly associated with the soluble and exchangeable phase and the residual phase. The mobility and bioavailability of Cd, Zn and Cr in the sediments of the main river were relatively higher than Cu and Pb, due to higher levels in the soluble and exchangeable fraction and the carbonate fraction. The potential acute toxicity in the sediments of the main river and creeks was mainly caused by Cu contamination, accounting for 21.7–37.1% and 16.9–46.3% of the total toxicity, respectively, followed by Zn and Pb. Adverse biological effects induced by heavy metals would be expected in the sediments of the GSPR. Therefore, the sediments of the GSPR, especially at M4 and C9 sites, need to be remediated to maintain aquatic ecosystem health.  相似文献   

Heavy metals distribution in core sediments, different size fractions of bed sediments (>212 urn, 90-212 jam, 63–90 urn, 53–63 urn, < 53 urn), and suspended sediments (>30 urn, 20–30 m, 10–20 urn, 2–10 urn, <2 m) have been discussed. Pb, Zn, and Cr have been accumulating in recent years in the sediments. Si, Al, Fe, Ca, and Mg dominate the bed and suspended sediment composition. Metals show increasing concentrations in finer sediments. Applying multivariate analysis to sediment composition, metals have been grouped into different factors depending upon their source of origin. Chemical fractionation studies on suspended and bed sediments show Fe, Zn, Cu, and Pb are associated with the residual fraction and Mn with the exchangeable fraction.  相似文献   

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