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Major and trace element XRF and in situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of ilmenite in the Tellnes ilmenite deposit, Rogaland Anorthosite Province, SW Norway, constrains a two stage fractional crystallization model of a ferrodioritic Fe-Ti-P rich melt. Stage 1 is characterized by ilmenite-plagioclase cumulates, partly stored in the lower part of the ore body (Lower Central Zone, LCZ), and stage 2 by ilmenite-plagioclase-orthopyroxene-olivine cumulates (Upper Central Zone, UCZ). The concentration of V and Cr in ilmenite, corrected for the trapped liquid effect, (1) defines the cotectic proportion of ilmenite to be 17.5 wt% during stage 1, and (2) implies an increase of D VIlm during stage 2, most likely related to a shift in fO2. The proportion of 17.5 wt% is lower than the modal proportion of ilmenite (ca. 50 wt%) in the ore body, implying accumulation of ilmenite and flotation of plagioclase. The fraction of residual liquid left after crystallization of Tellnes cumulates is estimated at 0.6 and the flotation of plagioclase at 26 wt% of the initial melt mass. The increasing content of intercumulus magnetite with stratigraphic height, from 0 to ca. 3 wt%, results from differentiation of the trapped liquid towards magnetite saturation. The MgO content of ilmenite (1.4–4.4 wt%) is much lower than the expected cumulus composition. It shows extensive postcumulus re-equilibration with trapped liquid and ferromagnesian silicates, correlated with distance to the host anorthosite. The Zr content of ilmenite, provided by in situ analyses, is low (<114 ppm) and uncorrelated with stratigraphy or Cr content. The data demonstrate that zircon coronas observed around ilmenite formed by subsolidus exsolution of ZrO2 from ilmenite. The U-Pb zircon age of 920 ± 3 Ma probably records this exsolution process. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

对阿尔泰北部山区喀纳斯及琼库尔花岗岩体进行锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb定年分别获得398±5Ma(MSWD=2.3)和399±4Ma(MSWD=1.2)的生成年龄,确定其形成于早泥盆世。结合近期研究成果,进一步表明,阿尔泰造山带花岗岩主要形成于早一中古生代,峰期在400Ma左右。这两个花岗岩同阿尔泰其它400Ma左右的花岗岩具有相同或相似的野外产状、岩石学、地球化学特征和同位素组成,如高硅、富钾、铝,轻稀土富集,具有Eu负异常,富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K),具有明显的Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti负异常,具有负的БNd(t)值(-1.5~-0.1)和相对于区内其它花岗岩较老的Nd同位素模式年龄tDM(1.15~1.35Ga),表明这些花岗岩具有钙碱性-高钾钙碱性特征,其物源源除了地幔物质的贡献,可能有更多地壳物质的加入。推断这些花岗岩可能是在洋壳俯冲过程中,可能是熔自深部地壳(可能是弧物质)的岩浆与来源于亏损地幔的镁铁质岩浆发生混合形成的。结合区域地质背景分析,显示喀纳斯、琼库尔岩体形成于陆弧环境,与其它同期花岗岩一起揭示了阿尔泰造山带最为强烈的一次俯冲、裂解和拼合事件。为我们已经提出的构造演化模式提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

西藏当雄南部约54Ma辉长岩-花岗岩杂岩的岩石成因及意义   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
近年来在拉萨地块南部识别的多处基性岩浆活动对揭示地幔源区成分和相关动力学问题提供了重要线索.本文对拉萨-当雄一带原认为是早白垩世茶苍卡辉长岩-浦迁花岗岩杂岩中获得了始新世幔源岩浆活动记录.研究区出露的3种岩石类型及其U-Pb锆石年龄分别是正长闪长岩、碱性角闪二长花岗岩(54.0±0.3Ma)和钾玄质碱性辉长岩(53.8±0.4Ma).其中辉长岩锆石εHf(t)值为-6.6~ -4.2、Hf模式年龄t(O)M为0.88 ~0.97Ga;二长花岗岩εHf(t)为-10.2~ -6.5,Hf地壳模式年龄tDMC为1.5 ~ 1.7Ga.三类岩石都具有富碱、富钾特征,它们具相似的稀土和微量元素含量,均显示大离子亲石元素和Pb富集、高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti和P亏损等特征.闪长岩和花岗岩的Sr和Nd同位素特征相似,87Sr/86 Sr比值为0.711 ~0.712,εNd(t)为-9.1 ~ -7.1;而辉长岩分别是0.708和-4.8~ -4.9.本文与拉萨地块南部和中部已有结果共同表明,新生代岩浆岩的分布与成分显示了与俯冲带极性吻合的规律性变化特征,即从雅鲁藏布缝合带向北,岩石的富集组分逐渐增加,越过洛巴堆-米拉山断裂带进入具有地壳基底的中部拉萨地块后,岩石则明显增加了地壳富集组分,很好显示了基底成分对岩浆作用的控制.拉萨地块南部大约47Ma开始出现的富集组分,很可能是中部拉萨地块富集的古老地壳基底物质参与和控制的结果,而与印度大陆地壳物质的俯冲无关.茶苍卡辉长岩可能来源于受到早期俯冲来源流体交代的富集岩石圈地幔物质的部分熔融,而茶苍卡角闪二长花岗岩主要来源于古老地壳物质的重熔,但是有幔源物质参与.茶苍卡辉长岩不同于典型岛弧玄武岩,而与板内玄武岩或伸展背景下形成的玄武质岩石类似,其成因很可能与大约52Ma的特提斯洋壳板片断离和岩浆大爆发有关.  相似文献   

张娟  程昭  张宏福  杨港 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):55-73



The Wentworth plutonic complex, consisting of gabbro and granite, was emplaced in the earliest Carboniferous in the Cobequid shear zone of the northern Appalachians. The plutonic complex is coeval with a 5-km-thick pile of volcanic rocks. Early alkalic A-type granite correlates with thick felsic pyroclastics and minor basalt, which are overlain by 1.5-km-thick basalts that correlate with a large gabbro pluton that is intruded, in turn, by late granites. The basalt and gabbro are Fe-rich tholeiites. The geochemistry of the late granites suggests that they formed by differentiation of a granodioritic magma resulting from assimilation of early granite by the gabbroic magma. The Wentworth plutonic complex lies on the north side of the dextral Rockland Brook fault, near the western tip of wedge-shaped basement block of the Avalon terrane. Field observations of mesoscopic structures and map contacts show that the plutonic bodies at all structural levels are related to transpressive strike–slip faults. Dykes parallel to the mylonitic foliation in the Rockland Brook fault zone and at the contacts between igneous phases suggest that the plutons developed largely through dyke to pluton construction. The plutonism was initiated by dyking related to major faults under transpression that was partitioned into shear zone-bounded blocks, while the sinking of those blocks finally provided the space for mafic magma emplacement. Dyking was active over at least a 10-Ma time period. The overall location of plutonism in the Cobequid shear zone appears related to its position at the intersection of the shear zone bounding the southwestern margin of the Magdalen basin and the E–W transpressional contact of the Avalon and Meguma terranes. Magmatism enabled thermomechanical softening of the crust and the vertical and lateral extrusion of the wedge-shaped basement blocks, whose movement controlled the localisation of the voluminous magmatic activity.  相似文献   

The Mesoarchean (ca. 3075 Ma) Ivisaartoq greenstone belt contains well-preserved primary magmatic structures, such as pillow lavas, volcanic breccias, and clinopyroxene cumulate layers (picrites), despite the isoclinal folding and amphibolite facies metamorphism. The belt also includes variably deformed gabbroic to dioritic dykes and sills, actinolite schists, and serpentinites. The Ivisaartoq rocks underwent at least two stages of post-magmatic metamorphic alteration, including seafloor hydrothermal alteration and syn- to post-tectonic calc-silicate metasomatism, between 3075 and 2961 Ma. These alteration processes resulted in the mobilization of many major and trace elements. The trace element characteristics of the least altered rocks are consistent with a supra-subduction zone geodynamic setting and shallow mantle sources. On the basis of geological similarities between the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt and Phanerozoic forearc ophiolites, and intra-oceanic island arcs, we suggest that the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt represents a relic of dismembered Mesoarchean supra-subduction zone oceanic crust. This crust might originally have been composed of a lower layer of leucogabbros and anorthosites, and an upper layer of pillow lavas, picritic flows, gabbroic to dioritic dykes and sills, and dunitic to wehrlitic sills.

The Sm–Nd and U–Pb isotope systems have been disturbed in strongly altered actinolite schists. In addition, the U–Pb isotope system in pillow basalts appears to have been partially open during seafloor hydrothermal alteration. Gabbros and diorites have the least disturbed Pb isotopic compositions. In contrast, the Sm–Nd isotope system appears to have remained relatively undisturbed in picrites, pillow lavas, gabbros, and diorites. As a group, picrites have more depleted initial Nd isotopic signatures (εNd = + 4.23 to + 4.97) than pillow lavas, gabbros, and diorites (εNd = + 0.30 to + 3.04), consistent with a variably depleted, heterogeneous mantle source.

In some areas gabbros include up to 15 cm long white inclusions (xenoliths). These inclusions are composed primarily (> 90%) of Ca-rich plagioclase and are interpreted as anorthositic cumulates brought to the surface by upwelling gabbroic magmas. The anorthositic cumulates have significantly higher initial εNd (+ 4.8 to + 6.0) values than the surrounding gabbroic matrix (+ 2.3 to + 2.8), consistent with different mantle sources for the two rock types.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(9-10):233-243
In northern Portugal, large volumes of granitoids were emplaced during the last stage (D3) of the Variscan orogeny and display a wide range of petrological signatures. We studied the morphologies and internal structures of zircons from syn-, late- and post-D3 granitoids. The sin-D3 granitoids include the Ucanha–Vilar, Lamego, Felgueiras, Sameiro, and Refoios do Lima plutons, the late- and post-D3 granitoids are represented by the Vieira do Minho and the Vila Pouca de Aguiar plutons, respectively. Typological investigations after Pupin (1980) along with scanning electron microprobe imaging reveal that the external morphology of zircon changes consistently with a decrease in the crystallization temperature. Zircon populations from the Refoios do Lima and the Vieira do Minho granites show gradual changes in the internal morphologies and their typologic evolution trends are consistent with their mainly crustal origin. The Sameiro, Felgueiras, Lamego and Ucanha-Vilar granites have more complex internal and external morphology and typological evolution trends that cross the domain of the calc-alkaline to the aluminous granites compatible with a mixing process. Finally, the morphological types of the Vila Pouca de Aguiar granites are found both in calc-alkaline and sub-alkaline granites and their typological evolutionary trends follow the calc-alkaline/sub-alkaline trend, suggesting crustal sources with some mantle contribution.  相似文献   

Zircons in basement rocks from the eastern Wyoming province (Black Hills, South Dakota, USA) have been analyzed by ion microprobe (SHRIMP) in order to determine precise ages of Archean tectonomagmatic events. In the northern Black Hills (NBH) near Nemo, Phanerozoic and Proterozoic (meta)sedimentary rocks are nonconformably underlain by Archean biotite–feldspar gneiss (BFG) and Little Elk gneissic granite (LEG), both of which intrude older schists. The Archean granitoid gneisses exhibit a pervasive NW–SE-trending fabric, whereas an earlier NE–SW-trending fabric occurs sporadically only in the BFG, which is intruded by the somewhat younger LEG. Zircon crystals obtained from the LEG and BFG exhibit double terminations, oscillatory zoning, and Th/U ratios of 0.6±0.3—thereby confirming a magmatic origin for both lithologies. In situ analysis of the most U–Pb concordant domains yields equivalent 207Pb/206Pb ages (upper intercept, U–Pb concordia) of 2559±6 and 2563±6 Ma (both ±2σ) for the LEG and BFG, respectively, which constrains a late Neoarchean age for sequential pulses of magmatism in the NBH. Unzoned (in BSE) patches of 2560 Ma zircon commonly truncate coeval zonation in the same crystals with no change in Th/U ratio, suggesting that deuteric, fluid-assisted recrystallization accompanied post-magmatic cooling. A xenocrystic core of magmatic zircon observed in one LEG zircon yields a concordant age of 2894±6 Ma (±2σ). This xenocryst represents the oldest crustal material reported thus far in the Black Hills. Whether this older zircon originated as unmelted residue of 2900 Ma crust that potentially underlies the Black Hills or as detritus derived from 2900 Ma crustal sources in the Wyoming province cannot be discerned. In the southern Black Hills (SBH), the peraluminous granite at Bear Mountain (BMG) of previously unknown age intrudes biotite–plagioclase schist. Zircon crystals from the BMG are highly metamict and altered, but locally preserve small domains suitable for in situ analysis. A U–Pb concordia upper intercept age of 2596±11 Ma (±2σ) obtained for zircon confirms both the late Neoarchean magmatic age of the BMG and a minimum age for the schist it intrudes. Taken together, these data indicate that the Neoarchean basement granitoids were emplaced at 2590–2600 Ma (SBH) and 2560 Ma (NBH), most likely in response to subduction associated with plate convergence (final assembly of supercontinent Kenorland?). In contrast, thin rims present on some LEG–BFG zircons exhibit strong U–Pb discordance, high common Pb, and low Th/U ratios—suggesting growth or modification under hydrothermal conditions, as previously suggested for similar zircons from SE Wyoming. The LEG–BFG zircon rims yield a nominal upper intercept date of 1940–2180 Ma, which may represent a composite of multiple rifting events known to have affected the Nemo area between 2480 and 1960 Ma. Together, these observations confirm the existence of a Paleoproterozoic rift margin along the easternmost Wyoming craton. Moreover, the 2480–1960 Ma time frame inferred for rifting in the Black Hills (Nemo area) corresponds closely to a 2450–2100 Ma time frame previously inferred for the fragmentation of supercontinent Kenorland.  相似文献   

大兴安岭东北部早古生代花岗岩属于Ⅰ型花岗岩.锆石的LA-ICPMS U-Pb年代学研究表明,十八站岩体、内河岩体、白银纳岩体的形成年龄分别为499±1、500±1和460±1 Ma,而查拉班河岩体为一多次侵入的杂岩体,其形成年龄在465~481 Ma.结合本区和邻区其它早古生代花岗岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄,限定了大兴安岭东北部地区早古生代花岗岩浆活动的时限为460~500 Ma.锆石的LA-MC-ICPMS Hf同位素研究显示,本区早古生代花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)多数介于+1.5~+3.8之间,二阶段模式年龄介于1.1~1.4 Ga,表明其主要起源于中-新元古代增生的地壳物质.结合兴安地块其它花岗岩的锆石Hf同位素资料,认为额尔古纳地块在中-新元古代时期曾发生一次重要的地壳增生事件,与兴安地块主要为显生宙地壳的特点明显不同.  相似文献   

The Sichevita and Poniasca plutons belong to an alignment of granites cutting across the metamorphic basement of the Getic Nappe in the South Carpathians. The present work provides SHRIMP age data for the zircon population from a Poniasca biotite diorite and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements, Sr–Nd isotopes) of representative rock types from the two intrusions grading from biotite diorite to biotite K-feldspar porphyritic monzogranite. U–Pb zircon data yielded 311 ± 2 Ma for the intrusion of the biotite diorite. Granites are mostly high-K leucogranites, and biotite diorites are magnesian, and calcic to calc-alkaline. Sr, and Nd isotope and trace element data (REE, Th, Ta, Cr, Ba and Rb) permit distinguishing five different groups of rocks corresponding to several magma batches: the Poniasca biotite diorite (P1) shows a clear crustal character while the Poniasca granite (P2) is more juvenile. Conversely, Sichevita biotite diorite (S1), and a granite (S2*) are more juvenile than the other Sichevita granites (S2). Geochemical modelling of major elements and REE suggests that fractional crystallization can account for variations within P1 and S1 groups. Dehydration melting of a number of protoliths may be the source of these magma batches. The Variscan basement, a subduction accretion wedge, could correspond to such a heterogeneous source. The intrusion of the Sichevita–Poniasca plutons took place in the final stages of the Variscan orogeny, as is the case for a series of European granites around 310 Ma ago, especially in Bulgaria and in Iberia, no Alleghenian granitoids (late Carboniferous—early Permian times) being known in the Getic nappe. The geodynamical environment of Sichevita–Poniasca was typically post-collisional of the Variscan orogenic phase.  相似文献   

The Baoshan block of the Tethyan Yunnan, southwestern China, is considered as northern part of the Sibumasu microcontinent. Basement of this block that comprises presumably greenschist-facies Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks is covered by Paleozoic to Mesozoic low-grade metamorphic sedimentary rocks. This study presents zircon ages and Nd–Hf isotopic composition of granites generated from crustal reworking to reveal geochemical feature of the underlying basement. Dating results obtained using the single zircon U–Pb isotopic dilution method show that granites exposed in the study area formed in early Paleozoic (about 470 Ma; Pingdajie granite) and in late Yanshanian (about 78–61 Ma, Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary; Huataolin granite). The early Paleozoic granite contains Archean to Mesoproterozoic inherited zircons and the late Yanshanian granite contains late Proterozoic to early Paleozoic zircon cores. Both granites have similar geochemical and Nd–Hf isotopic charateristics, indicating similar magma sources. They have whole-rock T DM(Nd) values of around 2,000 Ma and zircon T DM(Hf) values clustering around 1,900–1,800 and 1,600–1,400 Ma. The Nd–Hf isotopic data imply Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic crustal material as the major components of the underlying basement, being consistent with a derivation from Archean and Paleoproterozoic terrains of India or NW Australia. Both granites formed in two different tectonic events similarly originated from intra-crustal reworking. Temporally, the late Yanshanian magmatism is probably related to the closure of the Neotethys ocean. The early Paleozoic magmatism traced in the Baoshan block indicates a comparable history of the basements during early Paleozoic between the SE Asia and the western Tethyan belt, such as the basement outcrops in the Alpine belt and probably in the European Variscides that are considered as continental blocks drifting from Gondwana prior to or simultaneously with those of the SE Asia.  相似文献   


The Barry Granodiorite is a weakly deformed I‐type, and the Sunset Hills Granite is a moderately deformed S‐type, granite. Both granites were passively intruded into an already foliated greywacke and volcanic sequence. Emplacement may have been facilitated by faults related to the oblique opening of the late Early Silurian Hill End Trough. The granites display a dominant foliation which formed during the late Middle Devonian and subsequently was reoriented during the Early Carboniferous. The Barry Granodiorite and Sunset Hills Granite are on the margin of north‐south ductile shear zones related to the Wyangala Batholith. These granites and the adjacent Carcoar Granodiorite have undergone reorientation during movement on ductile shear zones either due to megakinking during late‐stage north‐south shortening, or southeastward movement of the southern margin of the west‐northwest‐trending Lachlan Transverse Zone.  相似文献   

华北克拉通具有3.8Ga以上的演化历史,TTG是其地质记录的最重要载体。华北克拉通太古宙(特别是中太古代以前)地质演化在很大程度上与TTG岩石密切相关。在华北克拉通,始太古代(3.6~4.0Ga)TTG岩石仅在鞍本地区被发现,但冀东地区已在多种变质碎屑沉积岩中发现大量3.6~3.88Ga碎屑锆石;古太古代(3.2~3.6Ga)TTG岩石在鞍本、冀东、信阳地区被识别出来;中太古代(2.8~3.2Ga)TTG岩石在鞍本、冀东、胶东、鲁山等地存在;可把新太古代(2.5~2.8Ga)进一步划分为早期和晚期两个阶段:新太古代早期(2.6~2.8Ga)TTG岩石已在10余个地区被发现,新太古代晚期(2.5~2.6Ga)TTG岩石几乎在每一个太古宙基底岩石出露区都存在。野外地质、锆石定年、元素地球化学和Nd-Hf同位素组成研究表明,中太古代以前TTG岩石局部存在,主要分布于Wan et al.(2015)所划分的三个古陆块中;新太古代TTG岩石广泛分布,是陆壳增生最重要时期岩浆作用的产物。TTG岩石类型随时代变化,3.1~3.8Ga和2.7~2.9Ga TTG岩石分别主要为奥长花岗岩和英云闪长岩;2.5~2.6Ga期间花岗闪长岩大规模出现,并有壳源花岗岩广泛分布,表明这时陆壳已有相当的成熟度。奥长花岗岩轻重稀土分异程度从弱到强的时间出现在~3.3Ga;2.5~3.3Ga的TTG岩石轻重稀土分异程度变化很大,表明其形成条件存在很大差异。TTG岩石主要为新生地壳,但也有相当部分为壳内再循环产物或形成过程中受到陆壳物质影响。华北克拉通中太古代以前的主要构造机制是板底垫托或地幔翻转作用,新太古代晚期板块构造体制可能已起作用。  相似文献   

In situ LAM-ICPMS U-Pb, Hf-isotope and trace-element analyses of zircon have been used to evaluate the relative contributions of juvenile mantle and crustal sources to the intrusive rocks of the mafic to intermediate, gold-poor Tuckers Igneous Complex (TIC), and the spatially and temporally related, felsic Mount Leyshon Igneous Complex (MLIC), which hosts a gold-rich porphyry system.

The TIC intrusions range in age from 304.2 ± 9.1 Ma to 288.5 ± 6.4 Ma, and the MLIC intrusions from 291.0 ± 4.8 Ma to 288 ± 6 Ma. Cross-cutting relationships define the intrusion sequence from oldest to youngest; Diorite, Monzodiorite, Mafic Granodiorite and Biotite Microgranite within the TIC; Early Dyke, Southern Porphyry and Late Dyke within the MLIC.

Zircons from the earliest rock type within each complex have a wide range in Hf (5.2 to 14.8 for the TIC Diorite, 2.0 to 12.4 for the MLIC Early Dykes) suggesting the mixing of juvenile and crustal magmas. This interpretation is supported by trace-element data that show the presence of two distinct zircon populations in the MLIC Early Dyke. The later intrusive rocks have narrower ranges in Hf (typically < 4 Hf units) and trace-element patterns of zircon. This homogeneity suggests derivation from magmas produced by further mixing and fractional crystallisation of the TIC Diorite and the MLIC Early Dyke magmas respectively. A greater crustal contribution to the gold-rich MLIC is inferred from the range of median Hf (3.2 to 4.5 for the MLIC, 5.4 to 8.7 for the TIC). We suggest that the MLIC was derived by melting of more felsic crustal rocks, and with less input from juvenile mantle, then the TIC; it was not derived by fractional crystallisation of an intermediate to mafic TIC-like magma. Modelling of Hf isotope data yields a mean model age of 1040 ± 10 Ma (at 176Lu/177Hf = 0.015) for the crustal component in both complexes.

Gold was precipitated in the MLIC Breccia during the emplacement of the Late Dykes. The isotopically homogenous nature of the Late Dykes suggests that no additional juvenile-mantle input was involved at the mineralisation stage. This supports a model in which gold and other metals were indigenous to the Late Dykes magma and were concentrated by magma differentiation and fluid-evolution processes.  相似文献   




新疆东天山晚古生代中酸性岩浆活动广泛分布且已有较多研究成果。近年来在该区识别出印支期岩浆作用,然而研究者对其岩石成因、源区性质及相关动力学问题研究较少。白山钼矿区位于东天山康古尔-黄山韧性剪切带东段,是东天山多金属成矿带印支期斑岩型钼矿床,其矿体主要赋存于深部花岗斑岩体外接触带中。本文则对白山钼矿区深部花岗斑岩开展了岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学及Lu-Hf同位素组成研究。SIMS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,白山花岗斑岩体大约侵位于226.8±3.2Ma。岩石地球化学结果表明,花岗斑岩具高Si O2含量(68.87%~72.82%)及全碱含量(6.85%~8.17%),铝饱和指数A/CNK为0.93~1.06,均小于1.1,为准铝质至过铝质I型花岗岩。岩石具有明显的轻重稀土分异和弱的Eu负异常,富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Sr),相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti、Th),具高Sr/Y和La/Yb比值的特点,显示与埃达克质岩石相似的地球化学特征。白山花岗斑岩锆石Lu-Hf同位素数据显示,其具较高的εHf(t)值(+8.0~+11.0)和较年轻的地壳模式年龄tCDM(556~758Ma)。结合岩石地球化学及同位素地球化学特征,本文认为白山花岗岩体可能来源于增厚下地壳物质的部分熔融,并可能混有幔源岩浆物质,形成于东天山碰撞造山作用之后的板内伸展阶段。  相似文献   

五龙沟金多金属矿集区晚二叠世-三叠纪岩浆岩较为发育,花岗岩与金及多金属成矿关系不明,岩石成因,成岩成矿动力学背景仍然存在分歧。本文对该矿集区出露的侵入岩展开详细的年代学和地球化学研究。通过LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,获得花岗闪长岩体、英云闪长岩体、石英闪长玢岩脉年龄分别为244.1±2.0Ma、241.9±0.5Ma、211.5±0.4Ma。岩石地球化学特征表明五龙沟矿集区侵入岩整体为一套高钾钙碱性岩石系列,具有轻稀土富集,富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba、Th),高场强元素出现不同程度的亏损特征,源区由下地壳角闪岩相部分熔融,演化过程中经历了分离结晶作用,岩浆为壳源岩浆与幔源岩浆在不同比例下混合的产物。基于本文最新研究成果及综合前人资料,构筑了五龙沟矿集区晚二叠世-三叠纪成岩成矿年代学格架,区内岩浆活动分为两期,早期260~235Ma,晚期225~210Ma,其中峰值分别为245Ma和220~215Ma;多金属矿化时代与早期岩浆岩活动一致,金成矿与早晚两期岩浆活动密切相关。五龙沟矿集区金及多金属成矿构造环境早期形成俯冲-碰撞转换阶段,晚期为后碰撞伸展。  相似文献   

下扬子繁昌地区花岗岩成因:锆石年代学和Hf-O同位素制约   总被引:4,自引:12,他引:4  
下扬子繁昌地区出露的三个规模较大的侵入岩体分别是板石岭岩体、浮山岩体和滨江岩体,岩石类型分别以石英二长岩、钾长花岗岩以及花岗岩为主.三个岩体的锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb定年给出了较为一致的形成年龄,分别为124.9±1.7Ma、126.4±1.7Ma和124.6±4.7Ma(滨江粗粒花岗岩)及123.0±1.8Ma(滨江花岗斑岩).下扬子沿江地区中生代岩浆岩可以划分为三个阶段,这三个岩体的形成时代与下扬子沿江地区其它A型花岗岩一致,均属于第三阶段岩浆活动的产物.三个岩体均表现为轻稀土富集和不同程度的Eu负异常,以及A型花岗岩所特有的Ba和Sr选择性亏损特征.板石岭岩体的锆石εHf(t)值和δ18O值分别为-2.7~-6.3、6.7 ~7.4,其全岩87Sr/86Sr(t)比值和εNd(t)值分别为0.7072和-6.8.浮山岩体的锆石εHf(t)值和δ18O值分别为-1.6 ~ -7.9和7.1~9.1,其全岩87Sr/86Sr (t)比值和εNd(t)值分别为0.7076和-7.7.滨江岩体的锆石εHf(t)值和δ18O值分别为0~ -6.6和8.0 ~10.3,其全岩87Sr/86 Sr(t)比值和εNd(t)值分别为0.7078和-3.4.综合分析表明,滨江岩体为新元古花岗岩形成的中上地壳深熔的产物,板石岭和浮山岩体的岩浆来源于形成滨江岩体的壳源岩浆和幔源岩浆不同比例的混合.下扬子沿江地区三个阶段岩浆岩的成因和岩浆物质来源指示了一个较为清晰在拉张强度逐渐增加背景下的深部地质作用演化过程.  相似文献   

兴蒙造山带的构造演化及古亚洲洋的闭合时限尚存在较大争议,沿缝合带出露的花岗岩的侵位时代和成因对于约束古亚洲洋的演化具有重要意义。乌珠新乌苏花岗岩位于兴蒙造山带西段的索伦缝合带内,其Na_2O+K_2O含量为7.14%~9.36%,Al_2O_3含量为13.18%~13.49%,K_2O/Na_2O为1.10~1.52,属于高钾钙碱性系列岩石。稀土总量富集(174.8×10~(-6)~213.7×10~(-6)),相对富集轻稀土元素,轻重稀土分异中等[(La/Yb)_N=3.68~5.41],Eu负异常明显。乌珠新乌苏花岗岩富集Rb、Th、Hf,亏损Nb、Sr、P、Ti等元素,符合典型高分异A型花岗岩的低Sr、高Yb、Eu负异常的特点,显示后碰撞花岗岩的特征,形成于造山后地壳减薄阶段。乌珠新乌苏花岗岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年显示其~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权平均年龄为279±2.7Ma(MSWD=1.6)和276±1.9Ma(MSWD=0.69)。正的全岩ε_(Nd)(t)值(2.1~2.7)和锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值(7.7~10.2)以及相对年轻的亏损地幔模式年龄(Nd的t_(DM2)为826~874Ma;Hf的t_(DM2)为655~931Ma),表明乌珠新乌苏花岗岩母岩浆可能来源于新元古代新生下地壳的部分熔融。综合花岗岩的地质地球化学、年代学及同位素特征,认为兴蒙造山带西段的乌珠新乌苏地区在早二叠世处于后碰撞的伸展环境。  相似文献   




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