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滑坡治理中格构式锚杆框架结构设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
结合略阳县城狮子山滑坡的治理,讨论了格构式锚杆框架结构治理松散堆积体滑坡设计的全过程。根据防治区的工程地质情况和相应的规范要求,确定了防治工程的安全等级。利用格构式锚杆框架结构所采用的小间距、小吨位锚杆及连续格构梁柱.从而使格构梁柱受力较均匀,适合松散堆积体滑坡治理的需要,即同时满足深层抗滑和浅层护坡。给出了坡面推力的计算模型和计算公式.对于格构式锚杆框架结构中的格构梁柱、锚杆和框架间面板也分别给出了相应的结构设计方法和公式.再就施工中应注意的事项给出了明确的建议和要求。 相似文献
Micromorphology of landslide soil——Case study on the Jibazi landslide in Yunyang in the Three Gorges Region, China 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
HE Yurong CUI Peng LIAO Chaolin ZHANG Baohua ZHAO Yu 《山地科学学报》2006,3(2):147-157
Introduction The studies on landslides in the Three Gorges Region were conducted, e.g., those on affecting factors and forming mechanism of landslide (YIN Kunlong et al. 1998, DENG Qinglu et al. 2000, CHEN Yongbo et al. 2003, XU Qiang et al. 2003), on ris… 相似文献
复杂地形下冰雹预报的数值试验研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
充分考虑贵州低纬、高原山区特色,首先模拟由于下垫面的热力和动力不均匀造成的强对流云的初始扰动.在此初始扰动的基础上,用完全弹性三维冰雹云数值模式,模拟雹云的发生发展过程,对冰雹进行数值预报研究.通过现场试验和个例分析,发现模式能反映雹云的发生、发展等变化规律,并能对冰雹天气作预报,预报概括率为81%. 相似文献
介绍了316国道K25 040~ 140段滑坡治理工程中的抗滑桩设计过程,讨论了抗滑桩设计中滑推力的计算方法及公式、抗滑桩的结构设计及配筋,将抗滑桩的内力计算简化成较为实用的公式来计算。还介绍了抗滑桩间土体的排水设计,对排水管的具体做法作了详尽地阐述。 相似文献
Geophysical exploration methods are important tools for landslide disaster assessment, landslide treatment scheme design, and landslide prevention engineering. Seismic exploration, as an important geophysical exploration method, plays an critical role in geological disaster evaluation. Traveltime is one of the most frequently used seismic attributes. Among many different traveltime calculation methods, the fast marching method(FMM) is featured for its advantages in high efficiency, high accuracy and strong stability. In this paper, the velocity models are established according to the real landslide models, and then the topography FMM is applied to these landslide models. The calculation results show that topography FMM outperforms in calculating the traveltime for landslides. 相似文献
There are many factors influencing landslide occurrence. The key for landslide control is to confirm the regional landslide hazard factors. The Cameron Highlands of Malaysia was selected as the study area. By bivariate statistical analysis method with GIS software the authors analyzed the relationships among landslides and environmental factors such as lithology, geomorphy, elevation, road and land use. Distance Evaluation Model was developed with Landslide Density(LD). And the assessment of landslide hazard of Cameron Highlands was performed. The result shows that the model has higher prediction precision. 相似文献
古滑坡体地球物理调查方法技术的选择对勘探效果至关重要。以吉林省通化市拟建集安-通化高速公路滑坡体为例,采用折射波法和高密度电法,利用二维反演技术进行数据处理。结合地质信息,确定了滑坡体的形态及厚度变化,厚度最大约20 m,滑坡性质为堆积层滑坡。研究结果表明折射波法和高密度电法进行古滑坡勘探,效果较好。 相似文献
There are many factors influencing landslide occurrence. The key for landslide control is to confirm the regional landslide hazard factors. The Cameron Highlands of Malaysia was selected as the study area. By bivariate statistical analysis method with GIS software the authors analyzed the relationships among landslides and environmental factors such as lithology, geomorphy, elevation, road and land use. Distance Evaluation Model was developed with Landslide Density (LD). And the assessment of landslide hazard of Cameron Highlands was performed. The result shows that the model has higher prediction precision. 相似文献
GIS-based earthquake-triggered landslide hazard zoning using contributing weight model 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Earthquake-triggered landslides have aroused widespread attention because of their tremendous ability to harm people's lives and properties.The best way to avoid and mitigate their damage is to develop landslide hazard maps and make them available to the public in advance of an earthquake.Future construction can then be built according to the level of hazard and existing structures can be retrofit as necessary.During recent years various approaches have been made to develop landslide hazard maps using statistical analysis or physical models.However,these methods have limitations.This study introduces a new GIS-based approach,using the contributing weight model,to evaluate the hazard of seismically-induced landslides.In this study,the city and surrounding area of Dujiangyan was selected as the research area because of its moderate-high seismic activity.The parameters incorporated into the model that related to the probability of landslide occurrence were:slope gradient,slope aspect,geomorphology,lithology,base level,surface roughness,earthquake intensity,fault proximity,drainage proximity,and road proximity.The parameters were converted into raster data format with a resolution of 25×25m2 pixels.Analysis of the GIS correlations shows that the highest earthquake-induced landslide hazard areas are mainly in the hills and in some of the moderately steep mountainous areas of central Dujiangyan.The highest hazard zone covers an area of 11.1% of the study area,and the density distribution of seismically-induced landslides was 3.025/km2 from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.The moderately hazardous areas are mainly distributed within the moderately steep mountainous regions of the northern and southeastern parts of the study area and the hills of the northeastern part;covering 32.0% of the study area and with a density distribution of 2.123/km2 resulting from the Wenchuan earthquake.The lowest hazard areas are mainly distributed in the topographically flat plain in the northeastern part and some of the relatively gently slopes in the moderately steep mountainous areas of the northern part of Dujiangyan and the surrounding area.The lowest hazard areas cover 56.9% of the study area and exhibited landslide densities of 0.941/km2 and less from the Wenchuan earthquake.The quality of the hazard map was validated using a comparison with the distribution of landslides that were cataloged as occurring from the Wenchuan earthquake.43.1% of the study area consists of high and moderate hazardous zones,and these regions include 83.5% of landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake.The successful analysis shows that the contributing weight model can be effective for earthquake-triggered landslide hazard appraisal.The model's results can provide the basis for risk management and regional planning is. 相似文献
基于信息量模型的中国滑坡灾害风险区划研究 总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31
基于信息论发展起来的信息量模型是进行区域滑坡灾害风险评估的一种有效方法。GIS技术为滑坡灾害在不同模型条件下的风险评估提供了有效地技术支持。经过研究,开发出了基于MapGIS软件平台的滑坡灾害风险分析系统。在该系统支持下.采用信息量模型对中国范围内的滑坡灾害进行危险性分析。进而进行区域社会经济易损性分析。并在此基础上进行最终的滑坡灾害风险评估。 相似文献
Wei LU Lei NIE College of Construction Engineering Jilin University Changchun China 《东北亚地学研究》2006,(2)
This study clarified the failure mechanism of a landslide on Ji'an-Dandong highway,through the detailed analysis of its geological condition.Then based on the back analysis of the broken landslide,take limit equilibrium method to evaluate the stability of the potential landslide.The result shows that the landslide is lack of safety stock,so anchor rope is designed to reinforce the landslide. 相似文献
This study clarified the failure mechanism of a landslide on Ji'an-Dandong highway, through the detailed analysis of its geological condition. Then based on the back analysis of the broken landslide, take limit equilibrium method to evaluate the stability of the potential landslide. The result shows that the landslide is lack of safety stock, so anchor rope is designed to reinforce the landslide. 相似文献
Huiming TANG Yiping WU 《东北亚地学研究》2006,9(2):124-130
By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space analysis, the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up. The system is mainly consisted of four subsystems: Information management subsystem, hazard as- sessment subsystem, vulnerability evaluation subsystem and risk prediction subsystem. In the system, landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability evaluation, risk predictions are carried out automatically based on irregular units. At last the landslide hazard and risk map of the study area is compiled. During the whole procedure, Matter-Element Model, Artificial Neural Network, ancl Information Model are used as assessment models. This system provides an effective way for the landslide hazard information management and risk prediction of each district in the Reservoir of Three Gorge Project. The result of the assessment can be a gist and ensure for the land planning and the emigration project in Badong. 相似文献
By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space analysis, the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up. The system is mainly consisted of four subsystems: Information management subsystem, hazard assessment subsystem, vulnerability evaluation subsystem and risk prediction subsystem. In the system, landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability evaluation, risk predictions are carried out automatically based on irregular units. At last the landslide hazard and risk map of the study area is compiled. During the whole procedure, Matter-Element Model, Artificial Neural Network, and Information Model are used as assessment models. This system provides an effective way for the landslide hazard information management and risk prediction of each district in the Reservoir of Three Gorge Project. The result of the assessment can be a gist and ensure for the land planning and the emigration project in Badong. 相似文献
基于信息量模型和数据标准化的滑坡易发性评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以北川曲山-擂鼓片区为研究区,将坡度、坡向、高程、地层、距断层的距离、距水系的距离和距道路的距离作为该区域滑坡易发性评价因子。采用信息量模型计算了各项评价因子的信息量值,并运用4种标准化模型对信息量值进行标准化处理。各评价因子的权重由层次分析法(AHP)确定。在GIS中将权重值和各评价因子的标准化信息量值,进行叠加计算得到区域滑坡总信息量值,并基于自然断点法对其进行重分类,将研究区划分为极高易发区、高易发区、中易发区、低易发区和极低易发区5级易发区。将基于4种标准化模型和信息量模型得到的滑坡易发性评价结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:基于最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价结果的ROC曲线下面积AUC值为0.807,高于其余模型的AUC值,说明最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价效果最好。极高易发区面积占研究区面积的20.03%,离断层和水系较近,主要分布地层为寒武系、志留系和三迭系。研究结果可为区内滑坡风险评价和灾害防治提供参考。 相似文献
XIEMo-wen ZHOUGuo-yun ESAKITetsuro 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2003,13(1):66-72
In this paper ,based on a new Geographic Information System(GIS) grid-based three-dimensional (3D) deterministic model and taken the slope unit as the study object ,the landslide hazard is mapped by the index of the 3D safety factor ,Compared with the one-dimensional(1D) model of infinite slope,which is now widely used for deterministic model based landslide hazard assessment in GIS,the GIS grid-based 3D model is more acceptable and is more adapt-able for three-dimensional landslide.Assuming the initial slip as the lower part of an ellipsoid ,the 3D critical slip surface in the 3D slper stability analysis is obtained by means of a minimization of the 3D safety factor using the Monte Carlo random simulation.Using a hydraulic model tool for the watershed analysis in GIS,an automatic process has been devel-oped for identifying the slope unit from digital elevation model(DEM)data,Compared with the grid-based landslide hazard mapping method ,the slope unit possesses clear topograhical meaning,so its results are more credible,All the calcula-tions are implemented by a computational program,3DSlopeGIS,in which a GIS component s used for fulfilling the GIS spatial analysis function.and all the data for the 3D slope safety factor calculation are in the from of GIS data (the vector and the grid layers).Because of all these merits of the GIS-based 3D landslide hazard mapping method,the complex algo-rithms and iteration procedures of the 3D problem can also be perfectly implemented. 相似文献
彭璐 《国土资源导刊(湖南)》2016,(4):20-24
文章分析了湖南平江县花岗岩地区滑坡,在地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件、滑坡体、滑动面、滑动多期性等方面的典型特征。由于地表水和地下水是花岗岩地区滑坡中的主要影响要素,因此,提出对该类型滑坡应采用排水工程为主,并和其它防治措施相结合的方法进行防治。换言之,排水工程是滑坡防治中单独的一项措施,其效果应在同步进行的滑坡监测中予以验证。在滑坡治理的过程中,滑坡监测始终是滑坡防治的基础,防治的效果也需要监测工作来检验。 相似文献
Environmental, biological, socio-cultural and economic status variation existing in the Central Himalaya have led to the evolution
of diverse and unique traditional agroecosystems, crop species and livestock, which facilitate the traditional mountain farming
societies to sustain themselves. Indigenous agroecosystems are highly site specific and differ from place to place, as they
have evolved along divergent lines. For maintenance of traditional agrodiversity management the farmers of the Central Himalaya
have evolved various types of crop rotations in consonance with the varied environmental conditions and agronomic requirements.
In irrigated flat lands two crops are harvested in a year with negligible fallow period but in rainfed conditions if a cropping
sequence is presumed to be starting after winter fallow phase then four major cropping seasons can be identified namely first
kharif season (first crop season), first rabi season (second crop season), second kharif season (third crop season) and second
rabi season (fourth crop season). Highest crop diversity is present in kharif season in comparison to rabi season. Traditionally
the fields are left fallow after harvest of the second kharif season crop. Important characteristics of agrodiversity management
are the use of bullocks for draught power, human energy as labour, crop residues as animal feed and animal waste mixed with
forest litter as organic input to restore soil fertility levels. Women provide most of the human labour except for ploughing
and threshing grain. The present study deals with assessment of traditional agrodiversity management such as (i) crop diversity,
(ii) realized yield under the traditional practices and (iii) assess the differences of realized yields under sole and mixed
cropping systems. It indicated that crop rotation is an important feature of the Central Himalayan village ecosystem which
helps to continue the diversity of species grown, as are the distribution of crops in the growing period and the management
of soil fertility. The cropping diversity existing and the sequences practiced by the traditional farmers seems to have achieved
high degree of specialization and thus even when the yield/biomass variations are about 60%, the farmers continue to practice
these sequences as they need to maintain diversity and synergistic relationships of crops in addition to manage the food and
labour requirements for crop husbandry. Crop yields are generally higher in irrigated systems than rainfed systems and in
sole cropping as compared with mixed cropping. However, gross biological and economic yields are higher in mixed cropping
than sole cropping systems. 相似文献
局部型地形因子并行计算方法研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着分析区域的扩展及需求精度的提高,数据-计算密集型地形分析亟需通过并行化来满足用户的时间响应需求。局部型地形因子是以一定半径的分析窗口(通常为3×3)计算且具有单元计算结果独立性的地形信息,是数字地形分析的基本参数。本文在分析局部型地形因子串行算法特征的基础上,以坡度算法为样本,对局部型地形因子的并行计算方法进行了深入研究。从数据并行的角度,对并行计算环境下的数据划分粒度、方式及结果融合策略进行了分析,构建了局部型地形因子的并行计算方法。利用SRTM陆地表面地形DEM数据,设计了坡度并行计算的实验以验证其方法的正确性和实用性。实验结果表明,本文提出的并行计算方法顾及了任务、数据及计算环境,可快速对局部型地形因子串行算法进行并行化改造,提高算法的执行效率,具有较好的并行性能。 相似文献
青藏高原北缘公格尔山地区地形梯度的剖析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文以青藏高原北缘西昆仑山脉的公格尔山地区为试验区域,基于SRTM-DEM数据,采用线状地形剖面和带状地形剖面的研究方法,对试验区从公格尔山顶到塔里木盆地的地形梯度进行了研究,并探讨了地形梯度与隆升过程之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)线状地形剖面清晰直观,操作简单;带状剖面法能较好地反映区域的地形起伏状况。若将两种方法联合起来共同进行区域地形研究,则会获得更好效果。(2)从塔里木盆地到公格尔山顶,地形抬升共分3个梯度:分别是从海拔高度2 000m左右上升到约4 500m,从约4 500m上升到将近6 000m,从将近6000m上升到约7500m。地形抬升的不同梯度可能对应着公格尔山晚新生代地貌形成过程的不同隆升过程;而每个抬升梯度的拐点,则对应着不同隆升过程形成海拔高度的分界点。 相似文献