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Lagrangian retention and flushing are examined by advecting neutrally buoyant point particles within a circulation field generated by a numerical ocean model of Tampa Bay. Large temporal variations in Lagrangian residence time are found under realistic changes in boundary conditions. Two 90-day time periods are examined. The first (P1) is characterized by low freshwater inflow and weak baroclinic circulation. The second (P2) has high freshwater inflow and strong baroclinic circulation. At the beginning of both time periods, 686,400 particles are released uniformly throughout the bay. Issues relating to particle distribution and flushing are examined at three different spatial scales: (1) at the scale of the entire bay, (2) the four major regions within the bay, and (3) at the scale of individual model grid cells. Two simple theoretical models for the particle number over time, N(t), are fit to the particle counts from the ocean model. The theoretical models are shown to represent N(t) reasonably well when considering the entire bay, allowing for straightforward calculation of baywide residence times: 156 days for P1 and 36 days for P2. However, the accuracy of these simple models decreases with decreasing spatial scale. This is likely due to the fact that particles may exit, reenter, or redistribute from one region to another in any sequence. The smaller the domain under consideration, the more this exchange process dominates. Therefore, definitions of residence time need to be modified for “non-local” situations. After choosing a reasonable definition, and removal of the tidal and synoptic signals, the residence times at each grid cell in P1 is found to vary spatially from a few days to 90 days, the limit of the calculation, with an average residence time of 53 days. For P2, the overall spatial pattern is more homogeneous, and the residence times have an average value of 26 days.  相似文献   

Hurricane Frances is shown to greatly alter the hydrodynamics within Tampa Bay, Florida, and the exchange of water with the Gulf of Mexico in both observational data and a realistic numerical circulation model of the Tampa Bay estuary. Hurricane Frances hit Tampa Bay on September 5, 2004 with surface winds peaking twice near 22 m s−1. There were three stages to the hydrodynamic effect of Frances on Tampa Bay. The first stage included the approach of Frances up to the first wind peak. The winds were to the south and southeast. During this stage sea level was maintained below mean sea level (MSL) and the residual current (demeaned, detided) was weak. The second stage began as the winds turned to the east and northeast, as the eye passed near the bay, and ended as the second wind peak appeared. During this stage the residual currents were strongly positive (into the bay), raising sea level to 1.2 m above MSL at St. Petersburg. The measured residual circulation peaked at over +0.7 m s−1 near the surface. The model shows this velocity peak yielded a maximum volume flux into the bay of +44,227 m3 s−1, displacing a total volume of 1.5 billion m3 in just a few hours, about 42% of the bay volume. In the third stage a strong negative flow developed as the wind and sea level relaxed to near normal levels. The ADCP measured a peak outflow of −0.8 m s−1 during this time. Model results indicate a maximum flux of −37,575 m3 s−1, and that it took about 50 h to drain the extra volume driven into the bay by Hurricane Frances.  相似文献   

Copper in estuaries has been an issue of concern for its toxicity to marine organisms. The ability to understand the processes that control copper speciation is a key factor towards achieving an improved assessment of the ecological risk it poses in the marine environment. Field measurements were made in August 2000, January 2001, May 2001, and September 2001 to provide a comprehensive view of circulation and water quality both spatially and temporally for the entire San Diego Bay. Rapid, underway, analysis of copper provided a unique, high-resolution view of total and labile copper species. The data show that total copper concentrations in San Diego Bay have been close to or above water quality criteria, increasing gradually from the lowest values in the mouth region (8 nM) to the innermost region (approximately 55 nM) with elevated concentrations existing in the Shelter Island and Commercial Basins. This work indicates that free copper activity lies between 10−11 and 10−13, and declines from the entrance to the head of San Diego Bay, even though the total copper concentration increases, a likely result of complexation with organic and particulate matter. Free copper measurements also show a seasonal dependence with the highest concentrations occurring 2 wk after a winter rain event in January 2001, reaching close to or above toxic levels in some locations.  相似文献   

Restoration and preservation of riparian forests and coastal marshes provides nutrient removal and other biochemical and physical functions which may preclude, reduce, or delay the need for additional water treatment, while also protecting human health. We examined the ecosystem goods and related potential cost savings for the Tampa Bay community from seagrass expansion (more than 3,100 ha since 1990), coastal marsh, and mangrove restoration/recovery (more than 600 ha since 1990), and habitat that has been maintained or preserved. Habitats in and around Tampa Bay provide nutrient reductions equivalent to just over US$22 million per year in avoided wastewater treatment plant costs. Future accrual of value associated with maintaining the ecosystem good of usable clean water could rapidly increase to as high as ~US$3 billion per year, when one takes into account the additional costs of water treatment and storm water diversion infrastructure that is likely as the region’s population continues to grow. There is additional value accrual close to a quarter million dollars per year based on avoided social costs to the global community due to greenhouse gases sequestered by bay habitats. Most human beneficiaries associated with the maintenance of usable clean water in Tampa Bay are part of the surrounding regional community. The large current and future cost savings for the community surrounding Tampa Bay and additional benefits for the global community speak to the value of maintaining a healthy bay through past and continued restoration and preservation efforts.  相似文献   

In implementing into a molecular dynamics simulation code a simple interionic potential developed to describe the nine component system K2O-Na2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2 (KNCMFATS), it has been possible to reproduce satisfactorily a number of thermodynamic, structural and transport properties of a representative set of natural silicate melts. An important conclusion reached in this study is the good transferability of the potential from felsic to ultramafic compositions although this transferability becomes less accurate with high silica contents (rhyolitic composition and beyond) and with very iron-rich silicates (e.g. fayalite). A key feature of the simulation is to make the link between macroscopic properties of the melt and its microscopic structure and dynamics. We thus obtain a relationship between the molar volume of the melt, the number of network modifiers and the oxygen coordination number. The simulation also allows one to quantify the coordination environment around the cations as function of the melt composition. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity of the high temperature liquid is investigated.  相似文献   

Dam-break floods have been of increasing concern to safety engineers and decision makers. The presence of complex terrain in inundation areas multiplies the simulation difficulty of flood routing. In previous studies, representing the flood routing parameters empirically does not reflect the characteristics of flood routing, which strongly influences the accurate assessment of the dam-break consequences. The basis for carrying out dangerous reservoir reinforcement is just engineering safety, without considering the actual situation of downstream areas. In this study, a comprehensive risk analysis of the dam-break flood was implemented based on the numerical simulation of flood routing. First, coupled with the volume of fluid method, a three-dimensional k? turbulence mathematical model was developed for flood routing in complex inundation areas. Then, based on the flow parameters obtained through computational fluid dynamics modeling, the attribute measure methodology was used for the evaluation of consequences combined with the calculation of the dam-break consequences (loss of life, economic loss, social and environmental influence). Furthermore, a methodology containing the combined weight method and the technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution method was proposed for risk ranking of dangerous reservoirs due to its logical consideration of scalar values that simultaneously account for both the best and worst alternatives. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed to provide information about the stability of risk ranking. The aforementioned model and methodology are applied to a case involving five reservoirs in the Haihe River Basin in China for Part II of this study.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(4):522-529
In recent years, development activities have had a significant impact on the environment of the Jiaozhou Bay, China. To ensure the sustainable economic and social development of the Jiaozhou Bay area, it is necessary to strengthen corresponding control measures. The important prerequisite is to properly understand the environmental conditions laws of natural change, especially the dynamic processes of sediment and the characteristics of landform evolution. Based on the data of continuous observation at 6 stations in Jiaozhou Bay for 25 hours, the Hydrodynamic Eutrophication Model (HEM-3D) was used to simulate the sediment erosion and deposition. The results show that the maximum suspended sediment concentration in the sea area of Jiaozhou Bay is about 40 mg/L, which appears in the northwestern area of the bay top and the Cangkou watercourse area, and the low concentration is located in the area of the central Jiaozhou Bay towards the bay mouth. The suspended sediment is 6–10 mg/L. Affected by a decrease in seawater material, the direction of the prevailing current in the Jiaozhou Bay area is different from that of the sediment transport. The velocity of the flood current is higher than that of the ebb current. However, during flood tide, the flux of resuspended seafloor sediment outside and at the mouth of the bay is limited and cannot contribute significantly to the suspended sediment in the bay. During ebb tide, the resuspended sediment at the shallow-water bay head and the east and west sides spreads toward the bay mouth with the ebb current, although it extends beyond the bay through the bay mouth. The research results can provide scientific support for the Jiaozhou Bay project construction and environmental protection.  相似文献   

Tampa Bay, a large, microtidal, clastic-filled estuary incised into Tertiary carbonate strata, is the largest estuary on Florida’s west coast. A total of 250 surface sediment samples and 17 cores were collected in Tampa Bay in order to determine the patterns and controlling factors governing the recent infilling and modern sediment distribution, and to examine the results in terms of current models of estuarine sedimentation and development. Surficial sediments in Tampa Bay consist of three facies types, each occurring in a distinct zone: modern terrigenous clastic muds occurring in the upper bay and around the bay periphery; relict, reworked-fluvial, quartz-rich sands occupying the open portion of the middle bay; and modern carbonate-rich, marine-derived sands and gravels occupying the lower bay. Factors controlling sediment distribution include: sediment source and supply rate; bathymetry, which is a function of the antecedent topography; and the winnowing effect of wind-generated waves that prohibits modern accumulation in the shallow middle bay. These factors also play a major role in the recent infilling history of Tampa Bay, which has progressed in four stages during the Holocene sea-level rise. Recently developed models of estuarine sedimentation are based primarily on mesotidal to macrotidal estuaries in terrigenous clastic settings in which sedimentation patterns and infilling history are a result of the relative contribution of marine and fluvial processes. Tampa Bay differs in that it was originally incised into carbonate strata, and neither fluvial or marine processes are interpreted to be major contributors to modern sediment distribution. Tampa Bay, therefore, provides an example of an unusual estuary type, which should be considered in future modeling efforts. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY083 00004  相似文献   

美国坦帕湾地区供水策略介析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
世界范围内的水资源和水环境问题越来越突出。首先系统介绍了美国弗罗里达州坦帕湾地区的水资源利用现状和供水管理策略,对该地区的地表水、地下水、海水淡化和废水利用的情况作了详细分析。该地区从以地下水为主的供水方式,改变为地表水、地下水、海水淡化各占1/3的供水方式的规划思想、经济分析以及管理措施具有积极的参考意义。针对我国的客观背景,进一步探讨了城市供水的挖潜途径,雨水直接回收和中水利用是城市节水的两个有效方式,沿海地区则应对海水淡化予以重视;对于广大的农村乡镇,雨水集水塘和小型平原水库则是提高农村供水条件和改善水环境的一种有效措施。  相似文献   

MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) level-3 aerosol data, NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis winds and QuikSCAT ocean surface winds were made use of to examine the role of atmospheric circulation in governing aerosol variations over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) during the first phase of the ICARB (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget) campaign (March 18–April 12, 2006). An inter-comparison between MODIS level-3 aerosol optical depth (AOD) data and ship-borne MICROTOPS measurements showed good agreement with correlation 0.92 (p < 0.0001) and a mean MODIS underestimation by 0.01. During the study period, the AOD over BoB showed high values in the northern/north western regions, which reduced towards the central and southern BoB. The wind patterns in lower atmospheric layers (> 850 hPa) indicated that direct transport of aerosols from central India was inhibited by the presence of a high pressure and a divergence over BoB in the lower altitudes. On the other hand, in the upper atmospheric levels, winds from central and northern India stretched south eastwards and converged over BoB with a negative vorticity indicative of a downdraft. These wind patterns pointed to the possibility of aerosol transport from central India to BoB by upper level winds. This mechanism was further confirmed by the significant correlations that AOD variations over BoB showed with aerosol flux convergence and flux vorticity at upper atmospheric levels (600–500 hPa). AOD in central and southern BoB away from continental influences displayed an exponential dependence on the QuikSCAT measured ocean surface wind speed. This study shows that particles transported from central and northern India by upper atmospheric circulations as well as the marine aerosols generated by ocean surface winds contributed to the AOD over the BoB during the first phase of ICARB.  相似文献   

The Grand Banks and the Scotian Shelf regions of the Canadian Atlantic often experience strong winds and high waves associated with the passage of intense storms during the winter months of December to March. These storm waves are identified as a major hazard to shipping, offshore exploration and other marine activities in eastern Canada.In this study, an operational spectral ocean wave model has been used to simulate sea-states associated with selected storm events in the Canadian Atlantic. The wave model operates on a grid (with grid spacing of about 111 km) which covers a major portion of the north Atlantic. A nested fine grid (with grid spacing of about 37 km) has been designed which covers the shelf regions of the Canadian Atlantic. The model employs deep-water physics over the coarse grid while over the fine grid shallow-water processes as represented by wave refraction, wave shoaling, bottom friction and wave number scaling are included. The wave model also includes, as an optional package, the third-generation source terms as represented by the nonlinear wave-wave interaction terms.For two selected storm events, the model generated sea-states are evaluated against available buoy data as well as against hand analyzed operational wave height charts over the northwest Atlantic. The evaluation shows that the various versions of the model can simulate the observed sea-states, reasonably well. The utility of the wave model in providing numerical guidance for offshore activities is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

地下水主要补给来源为大气降水的入渗和地表水体的渗漏.在地下水模拟预报模型中需要预先知道降水量.迄今为止,年降水量的预测仍然是一个不易解决的难题.在模糊均生函数模型(FAFM)基础上,利用其残差数据序列对FAFM进行校正,提出了模糊均生函数残差模型(REMFAF),给出了模型预报精度的检验方法.实例研究表明,REMFAF模型应用于吉林省西部地区地下水数值模拟中的降水量预报,比FAFM的预报精度更高,取得了较为理想的结果.  相似文献   

Sinkhole formation in Florida is a common event. The Florida karst plain is significantly altered by human development and sinkholes cause considerable property damage throughout much of the state. We present in this paper a morphometric analysis of karst depressions in the Tampa Bay area, and the relation with the known distribution of sinkholes. We selected the Tampa Bay area because it is particularly susceptible to the evolution of karst depressions in relation with development of the built-up environment. Karst depressions were mapped from the 1:24,000 USGS topographic maps and a morphometric analysis was performed by using parameters such as shape, circularity index, perimeter, area, length, width, and orientation. Maps showing the distribution of depression density, and the sectors with greatest areas of karst depression were produced using a GIS. These results were compared with data compiled from the database of sinkhole occurrences in Florida maintained by the Florida Geological Survey. Our analysis demonstrates that the distribution of new sinkhole occurrences differs from the distribution of existing sinkholes, indicating that there are processes acting today that are influencing karst landscape formation that are different from those acting in the past.  相似文献   

The fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay include sandy shoals, seagrass meadows, intertidal mud flats, and marshes. A characterization of a fringing ecosystem was conducted to provide initialization and calibration data for the development of a simulation model. The model simulates primary production and material exchange in the littoral zone of lower Chesapeake Bay. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) properties of water and sediments from sand, seagrass, intertidal silt-mud, and intertidal marsh habitats of the Goodwin Islands (located within the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia, CBNERR-VA) were determined seasonally. Spatial and temporal differences in sediment microalgal biomass among the habitats were assessed along with annual variations in the distribution and abundance ofZostera marina L. andSpartina alterniflora Loisel. Phytoplankton biomass displayed some seasonality related to riverine discharge, but sediment microalgal biomass did not vary spatially or seasonally. Macrophytes in both subtidal and intertidal habitats exhibited seasonal biomass patterns that were consistent with other Atlantic estuarine ecosystems. Marsh sediment organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen differed significantly from that of the sand, seagrass, and silt habitats. The only biogeochemical variable that exhibited seasonality was low marsh NH4 +. The subtidal sediments were consistent temporally in their carbon and nitrogen content despite seasonal changes in seagrass abundance. Eelgrass has a comparatively low C:N ratio and is a potential N sink for the ecosystem. Changes in the composition or size of the vegetated habitats could have a dramatic influence over resource partitioning within the ecosystem. A spatial database (or geographic information system, GIS) of the Goodwin Islands site has been initiated to track long-term spatial habitat features and integrate model output and field data. This ecosystem characterization was conducted as part of efforts to link field data, geographic information, and the dynamic simulation of multiple habitats. The goal of these efforts is to examine ecological structure, function, and change in fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Many types of anthropogenic stress to estuaries lead to destruction and conversion of habitats, thus altering habitat landscapes and changing the “arena” in which the life history interactions of native fauna take place. This can lead to decreased populations of valued fauna and other negative consequences. The Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) pioneered a system-wide management framework that develops estuarine habitat restoration and protection goals based on supporting estuarine-dependent species and the habitat landscapes they require (for example, the extent of seagrass beds, mangrove forests, oyster reefs, or oligohaline marshes) within an estuary. We describe this framework and provide related statistics as methods to help managers set system-wide ecological goals using larger conceptual approaches that are easily communicated to stakeholders and the public; we also discuss applications of the approach to existing and evolving paradigms of estuarine management. The TBEP and partners used this framework to combine a simple and unifying vision with a diverse and complex set of management tools, resulting in greatly improved environmental conditions within Tampa Bay.  相似文献   

A large data set obtained by a 1-year monthly determination of water quality from Sanya Bay, South China Sea, was treated by three-way principal component analysis aimed at exploring the spatial and temporal patterns of water quality in Sanya Bay. Tucker3 model of optimum complexity (2, 2, 1) explaining 33.18% of the data variance, allowed interpretation of the data information in three modes. The model explained spatial and temporal variation trends in terms of water quality variables during the study period. Water quality in sampling station (S2) Sanya River was mainly influenced by Sanya River, and water quality in other stations (S1, S3–S10) were mainly influenced by the waters in South China Sea. The results delineated the mouth of Sanya River as critical from pollution point of view. The dry season from October to the next April and rainy season from May to September have different influences on water quality in Sanya Bay. The information extracted by the three-way models would be very useful to regional agencies in developing a strategy to carry out scientific plans for resource use based on marine system functions.  相似文献   

During two years of sampling, 747 larval and 1,379 juvenile spotted seatrout,Cynoscion nebulosus, were collected in Tampa Bay, Florida; 93% were less than 75 mm SL. Length-frequency distributions and otolith analysis showed that spawning took place from early April until late October. Two seasonal spawning peaks (spring and summer) were made up of many smaller peaks, apparently timed with moon phases. Plankton samples contained larvae that measured up to about 7 mm SL (17 d old). Larvae collected from an upper bay station were less numerous and larger than those collected at other stations. The presence of small larvae from middle and lower bay stations indicated that spawning probably took place from the middle bay to nearshore Gulf waters. Juveniles used seagrass beds as their major habitat, but they were also found in unvegetated backwaters. Spotted seatrout grew to about 35 mm SL in 2 months, 84 mm SL in 4 months, and 140 mm SL in 6 months. Eighty-five percent of the alimentary tracts in larvae were empty; those with food contained primarily copepods. Eleven percent of the stomachs of juveniles were empty. Fish and shrimp were the most important food groups in the diets of fish >15 mm SL. Intraspecific comparisons of diets showed high dietary overlap between larval fish and those measuring 8–15 mm SL and among size classes >15 mm SL.  相似文献   

Traditional fecal coliform bacterial indicators have been found to be severely limited in determining the significance and sources of fecal contamination in ambient waters of tropical and subtropical regions. The bacteriophages that infectBacteroides fragilis have been suggested as better fecal indicators and at least one type may be human specific. In this study, the phages that infectB. fragilis host RYC2056 (RYC), including phage B56-3, and host ATCC 51477-HSP40 (HSP), including the human specific phage B40-8, were evaluated in the drainage basins of Tampa Bay, 7 samples (n=62), or 11%, tested positive for the presence of phages infecting the host HSP, whereas 28 samples, or 45%, tested positive using the host RYC. A survival study was also done to compare the persistence of phages B56-3 and B40-8 to MS2 coliphage in seawater at various temperatures. The decay rates for MS2 were 0.239 log10 d−1 at 10°C, but increased to 0.896 at 20°C and 2.62 log10 d−1 at 30°C. The twoB. fragilis phages persisted much longer in the seawater compared to the coliphage and showed little variation between the temperatures. All sewage influents sampled from area wastewater treatment plants contained phages that infected the twoB. fragilis hosts at levels from 1.2×104 to 1.11×105 pfu 100 ml−1 for host RYC and 67 to 350 pfu 100 ml−1 for host HSP. Of the 7 chlorinated effluent samples tested, 3 were positive for the presence of the phage using the host RYC and the phage enrichment method, with levels estimated to be <10 pfu 100 ml−1. No phages were detected using the host HSP in the treated sewage effluent. Coliphages were found in 3 of the 7 effluent samples at a range of 30 to 1.2×103 pfu 100 ml−1.  相似文献   

It is established that in experimental time series of various geophysical values deterministic (presented by a discrete set of nonsinusoidal periodicities) and chaotic (flicker-noise) components are present. Presence of flicker-noise testifies about presence of deterministic chaos in geophysical system evolution. We managed to observe doubling of frequencies by the Feigenbaum scenario, which is typical for such self-similar systems. Thus, the strongest aftershocks of the Dzhirgatal earthquake in Tadjikistan (M=6.4) were timed to a change of predominated periodicities in aftershock sequence. It may be understood as a catastrophe when the geophysical system transits from one unstable condition into another. High frequency fluctuations of geophysical fields are considered to be used as a criterion for diagnostics of such a transition. The established structure of geophysical fields variations agrees well with a model of active self-organizing geophysical medium.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic, structural and transport properties of natural silicate melts under pressure are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation with the help of a force field recently introduced by us [Guillot B. and Sator N. (2007) A computer simulation study of natural silicate melts. Part I: low pressure properties. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 1249-1265]. It is shown that the simulation reproduces accurately the bulk moduli of a large variety of silicate liquids as evaluated from ultrasonic studies. The equations of state (EOS) of the simulated melts are in good agreement with the density data on mid-ocean ridge basalt, komatiite, peridotite and fayalite as obtained either by sink/float experiments or by shock-wave compression. From the structural point of view it is shown that the population of [5]Al and [6]Al species increases rapidly upon initial compression (0-50 kbar) whereas for Si these highly coordinated species are found in a significant abundance (>5%) only above ∼50 kbar for [5]Si and ∼100-150 kbar for [6]Si. This increase of the coordination of network formers is not the only response of the melt structure to the densification: there is also a large redistribution of the T-O-T (T = Si, Al) bond angles with the pressure and noticeably upon initial compression in rhyolitic and basaltic liquids. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the population of bridging oxygens (BO) and nonbridging oxygens (NBO) points out that the polymerization of the melt generally increases when the pressure increases, the magnitude of this polymerization enhancement being all the more important that the melt is depolymerized at low pressure. The role of triclusters (threefold coordinated oxygens to network former cations) is particularly emphasized in acidic and basaltic liquids. The pressure-induced redistribution of the oxygen atoms through the melt structure is also stressed. Finally, the simulation predicts a nonmonotonic behavior of the diffusivity of network former ions when the pressure increases, a feature with depends on the melt composition. This could have a counterpart in the electrical conductivity at sufficiently high temperature when the viscosity of the liquid is low.  相似文献   

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