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The assessment of hydraulic conductivity of heterogeneous aquifers is a difficult task using traditional hydrogeological methods (e.g., steady state or transient pumping tests) due to their low spatial resolution. Geophysical measurements performed at the ground surface and in boreholes provide additional information for increasing the resolution and accuracy of the inverted hydraulic conductivity field. We used a stochastic joint inversion of Direct Current (DC) resistivity and self-potential (SP) data plus in situ measurement of the salinity in a downstream well during a synthetic salt tracer experiment to reconstruct the hydraulic conductivity field between two wells. The pilot point parameterization was used to avoid over-parameterization of the inverse problem. Bounds on the model parameters were used to promote a consistent Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling of the model parameters. To evaluate the effectiveness of the joint inversion process, we compared eight cases in which the geophysical data are coupled or not to the in situ sampling of the salinity to map the hydraulic conductivity. We first tested the effectiveness of the inversion of each type of data alone (concentration sampling, self-potential, and DC resistivity), and then we combined the data two by two. We finally combined all the data together to show the value of each type of geophysical data in the joint inversion process because of their different sensitivity map. We also investigated a case in which the data were contaminated with noise and the variogram unknown and inverted stochastically. The results of the inversion revealed that incorporating the self-potential data improves the estimate of hydraulic conductivity field especially when the self-potential data were combined to the salt concentration measurement in the second well or to the time-lapse cross-well electrical resistivity data. Various tests were also performed to quantify the uncertainty in the inverted hydraulic conductivity field.  相似文献   

Sinkholes in dolomitic areas are notoriously difficult geophysical targets, and selecting an appropriate geophysical solution is not straightforward. Electrical resistivity imaging, or tomography (RESTOM) is well suited to mapping sinkholes because of the ability of the technique for detecting resistive features and discriminating subtle resistivity variations. RESTOM surveys were conducted at two sinkhole sites near Pretoria, South Africa. The survey areas are located in the dolomites of the Lyttelton Formation, which forms part of the Malamani Subgroup and Chuniespoort Group of the Transvaal Supergroup. The survey results suggest that RESTOM is an ideal geophysical tool to aid in the detection and monitoring of sinkholes and other subsurface cavities.  相似文献   

芦俊  王赟  石瑛 《地球物理学报》2011,54(11):2967-2972
基于煤岩的坚固性、变形模量以及纵、横波速度之间的岩石力学规律,提出用多波地震与测井数据的联合反演定量化预测煤岩的坚固性.根据煤田三维三分量地震采集的特点,建立了PP波与PS波平均入射角部分叠加道集的井约束反演流程;利用煤岩的坚固性系数与变形模量之间的换算关系对目标煤层的坚固性系数空间变化规律进行预测,并划分可能发生煤与瓦斯突出的区域.实际应用结果表明该方法可以为煤矿的安全生产提供有利的评价参数.  相似文献   

重力与地震资料的模拟退火约束联合反演   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
联合反演是综合地球物理研究的重要定量解释手段.本文在总结和分析重力与地震资料联合反演的研究现状基础上,利用改进的全局寻优的快速模拟退火算法,实现了重力和地震资料的约束同步联合反演.针对性地设计了密度和速度界面不完全一致的模型,理论模型的试验说明了方法的效果和适用性.结合最近完成的广东徐闻地区实际资料的处理和解释,表明该方法可准确确定复杂构造物性界面的密度和速度结构,在该地区的油气勘探中发挥了作用.在先验信息约束下,该联合反演方法要明显优于单独的重力反演.  相似文献   




An algorithm for the two-dimensional (2D) joint inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data was developed. This algorithm can be used for the 2D inversion of apparent resistivity data sets collected by multi-electrode direct current resistivity systems for various classical electrode arrays (Wenner, Schlumberger, dipole-diplole, pole-dipole) and radiomagnetotelluric measurements jointly. We use a finite difference technique to solve the Helmoltz and Poisson equations for radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity methods respectively. A regularized inversion with a smoothness constrained stabilizer was employed to invert both data sets. The radiomagnetotelluric method is not particularly sensitive when attempting to resolve near-surface resistivity blocks because it uses a limited range of frequencies. On the other hand, the direct current resistivity method can resolve these near-surface blocks with relatively greater accuracy. Initially, individual and joint inversions of synthetic radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data were compared and we demonstrated that the joint inversion result based on this synthetic data simulates the real model more accurately than the inversion results of each individual method. The developed 2D joint inversion algorithm was also applied on a field data set observed across an active fault located close to the city of Kerpen in Germany. The location and depth of this fault were successfully determined by the 2D joint inversion of the radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data. This inversion result from the field data further validated the synthetic data inversion results.  相似文献   




陈晓  于鹏  张罗磊  李洋  王家林 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2673-2681
在传统的联合反演研究中,地球物理学者往往更多地关注数据拟合,很少涉及正则化理论.本文在电阻率和速度随机分布的大地电磁测深(MT)与地震联合反演研究的基础之上,将正则化思想引入到同步联合反演中,加入先验信息进行模型约束,选取最小模型为稳定泛函,并首次采用自适应正则化算法来确定联合反演的正则化因子.根据以往研究成果,采用非线性模拟退火方法来实现MT视电阻率或相位与地震走时的同步联合反演.此外,为了验证该算法的有效性,在模型对比试验中设计了4种不同方案.通过模型试验的对比分析,我们认为加入有效模型约束的自适应正则化联合反演,可以有效地提高解的稳定性和计算效率,并能在一定程度上解决不同地球物理数据加权系数人为选取问题,模型试验结果也表明了自适应正则化联合反演优于MT单独反演.  相似文献   

基于物性参数耦合的多地球物理数据联合反演方法是21世纪初发展起来的新技术,速度-密度耦合约束下的重震联合反演是其重要分支之一.相比于传统的重震资料综合解释,基于速度-密度耦合的重震联合反演能够减少主观因素的干扰,发挥地震和重力数据的互补作用,产生精度和一致性更高的速度-密度模型.结合国内外现状,本文较为全面地介绍了现有的速度-密度耦合方式,并讨论了速度-密度耦合约束下重震联合反演策略和目标函数的构建及求解等相关问题.不同反演策略和耦合方式的适用性不同,没有绝对的优劣之分.根据研究区的实际情况,在合适的速度-密度耦合约束下开展重震联合反演研究和应用是下一步工作的重点.  相似文献   

多物理场测井数据联合反演研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
联合反演方法在综合地球物理数据分析中应用效果明显,并起着越来越重要的应用,其方法同样也可以应用于多物理场测井数据联合反演.文中阐述了测井联合反演的必要性,综述了测井约束反演和测井数据联合反演的国内外研究现状.根据参与联合反演的数据类型和地层模型的不同,将联合反演进行了分类;研究并举例推导了不同类型测井数据的联合反演方法的原理及具体算法,最后指出了多物理场测井数据联合反演的发展方向.  相似文献   

冯杰  欧洋  赵勇  贾定宇  李洋  高文利 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3686-3698



Many joint inversion schemes use 1D forward modelling in the integrated interpretation of various geophysical data. In extending the joint inversion approach to the investigation of 2D structures, the discretization of the model parameters and the appropriate choice of the forward‐modelling procedure play a very important role. In this paper, a hybrid seismic–geoelectric joint inversion method is proposed for the investigation of 2D near‐surface geological structures. The electric and seismic models are coupled together through the use of common boundaries between the adjacent layers. Assuming a 2D model composed of homogeneous layers with curved boundaries, a fast ray‐tracing algorithm is used for the calculation of refraction seismic traveltime data. In the geoelectric forward modelling, a locally 1D approximation is used. The boundary surfaces are written in the form of series expansion; the inversion algorithms are formulated for the expansion coefficients and the petrophysical parameters as unknowns. Two versions of the inversion method are proposed: in versions A and B, interval‐wise constant functions and Chebyshev polynomials are, respectively, used as basis functions of the series expansion. The versions are tested by means of synthetic and in situ measured data. The tests show that both methods are stable and accurate.  相似文献   

交叉梯度联合反演方法通过对多种地球物理模型实现结构耦合,在岩石物性关系不确定的情况下,既能提高反演结果的可靠性,又能减少反演的多解性,还能减少不同方法解释结果之间的矛盾.当不同的模型观测数据覆盖范围不一致时,交叉梯度联合反演通常需要取出重叠区域数据进行联合反演,并且建模时还要扩展一些模型范围.本文首先提出并实现了部分区域约束下的交叉梯度多重地球物理数据联合反演算法;接着进行了算法的模型试算;最后,我们将该反演算法用于本溪-集安深部地质调查重磁电综合地质地球物理解释中.结果表明:该算法不但能在重叠区域内很好地恢复结构相似的模型,而且在非重叠区域与重叠区域的边界处仍然可以得到平滑变化的模型;在本溪-集安10号剖面所获得的结构上相似的电阻率、密度及磁化率模型较好地反映了该区的深部地质结构,对于确定深部地质体的性质提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   


重力垂直梯度能突出浅部地质目标, 具有较高的水平分辨率, 而重力异常则可以更好地保留较深场源的信息, 重力与重力梯度联合勘探常用来获取不同深度场源的异常特征.本文提出重力及其垂直梯度交叉约束联合密度结构反演方法, 其采用交叉梯度实现重力与重力梯度数据联合反演, 并将二者单独反演结果作为归一化权函数约束联合反演过程.该方法可有效改善不同参量反演结果集中于异常变化较大区域的缺点, 提升不同深度场源的分辨率, 更加准确地揭示深部场源的分布.模型试验结果表明该方法能清晰恢复不同深度场源的密度结构分布特征, 且具有良好抗噪能力.针对辽源采空区勘查开展重力与其垂直梯度联合测量, 利用本文数据联合反演圈定出了6个采空区, 与以往已知矿点位置完全一致, 且与高密度电阻率法解释结果吻合良好, 为区域规划建设提供了准确的依据.此外, 我们还对长白山火山地区卫星重力及其梯度数据进行反演, 估计了岩浆囊的位置和范围, 且与前人地球物理勘探结果较为吻合, 进一步证明了本文方法的实用性.


地震密度反演及地层孔隙度估计   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地层密度直接与孔隙度、孔隙流体类型、饱和度和骨架矿物成分有关.本文通过理论分析和计算,讨论了油气藏储层物性参数变化引起的密度变化及密度变化对地震波速度、阻抗和振幅的影响,提出了基于完全纵波方程的全波形地震密度反演和孔隙度估计方法,克服了常规地震密度反演对地震数据更多处理引起的信号畸变,提高了地震密度反演和地层孔隙度估计的精度.该方法采用波场导数的时间积分和多炮求和,对地震数据中的噪声具有比较强的压制作用.理论模型研究表明该方法是可行的.通过对我国西部某气田实际数据处理、分析和反演,获得了地层密度和孔隙度,结果与测井基本吻合,证明了预测结果的准确性和方法的有效性,从而为后续的有效储层预测和储量计算提供了可靠的数据.  相似文献   







井中磁测和地面磁测资料的单独反演具有一定的局限性,容易造成反演结果的多解性.目前国内外对井中和地面磁测资料的联合反演研究较少.本文通过阐述3D井地磁测联合反演的基本原理、实现步骤及在大冶铁矿的应用,论证了该方法在找矿过程中的良好效果.该方法充分发挥了井中、地面磁测资料的优势和解释人员的经验,克服了单独使用井或地磁测资料作反演的缺陷,能够准确判断地下地质(矿)体的空间形态、位置.  相似文献   

A joint tomographic inversion of local and teleseismic arrival times recorded at 41 seismic stations in southeast Anatolia is conducted to study the 3-D lithospheric velocity structure and its relation to the prevailing tectonic processes. A total of 21300 arrivals from local and teleseismic events are used in the final inversion. The tomographic model reveals prominent lower crustal/uppermost mantle low-velocity anomalies. High-velocity zones are imaged in the western part of the study area. The background seismic activity occurs mainly at the low-velocity areas and to a lesser extent in some high-velocity zones. Large crustal earthquakes occur in average velocity zones, but not in high-velocity areas that can resist stress. Results of the checkerboard resolution test indicate the reliability of the obtained images; while the large hit counts at most depth slices denote reasonable ray-path coverage for most parts of the study area. The obtained velocity anomalies are generally consistent with many previous geophysical measurements and give much deeper understanding of the current seismotectonic processes occurring in the region.  相似文献   

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