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Statistical distributions of extreme dry spell in Peninsular Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Statistical distributions of annual extreme (AE) series and partial duration (PD) series for dry-spell event are analyzed for a database of daily rainfall records of 50 rain-gauge stations in Peninsular Malaysia, with recording period extending from 1975 to 2004. The three-parameter generalized extreme value (GEV) and generalized Pareto (GP) distributions are considered to model both series. In both cases, the parameters of these two distributions are fitted by means of the L-moments method, which provides a robust estimation of them. The goodness-of-fit (GOF) between empirical data and theoretical distributions are then evaluated by means of the L-moment ratio diagram and several goodness-of-fit tests for each of the 50 stations. It is found that for the majority of stations, the AE and PD series are well fitted by the GEV and GP models, respectively. Based on the models that have been identified, we can reasonably predict the risks associated with extreme dry spells for various return periods.  相似文献   

Trends in extreme rainfall events of Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that urbanization in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in southern China can have significant effect on the land-sea breeze circulation in the region. In this study, some characteristics of this urban heat island (UHI) effect are further investigated by some idealized numerical experiments. This study focuses on three aspects of the UHI effects. Firstly, the interaction of UHI effects associated with different city clusters in the PRD region. Secondly, the UHI effect and the strength of the background wind field. Thirdly, seasonal variation of the UHI effect. Experiment results suggest that the interaction of the UHI effects due to the closely distributed city clusters in the PRD region is not significant, while the UHI effect in the region may depend on the strength of the background wind. The seasonal-mean UHI effect in the region shows a significant variation associated with the change of seasons.  相似文献   


Extreme rainfall events have serious implications for economic sectors with a close link to climate such as agriculture and food security. This holds true in the Central Rift Valley (CRV) of Ethiopia where communities rely on highly climate-sensitive rainfed subsistence farming for livelihoods. This study investigates changes in ten extreme rainfall indices over a period of 40 years (1970–2009) using 14 meteorological stations located in the CRV. The CRV consists of three landscape units: the valley floor, the escarpments, and the highlands all of which are considered in our data analysis. The Belg (March–May) and Kiremt (June–September) seasons are also considered in the analysis. The Mann-Kendall test was used to detect trends of the rainfall indices. The results indicated that at the annual time scale, more than half (57 %) of the stations showed significant trends in total wet-day precipitation (PRCPTOT) and heavy precipitation days (R10mm). Only 7–35 % of stations showed significant trends, for the other rainfall indices. Spatially, the valley floor received increasing annual rainfall while the escarpments and the highlands received decreasing annual rainfall over the last 40 years. During Belg, 50 % of the stations showed significant increases in the maximum number of consecutive dry days (CDD) in all parts of the CRV. However, most other rainfall indices during Belg showed no significant changes. During Kiremt, considering both significant and non-significant trends, almost all rainfall indices showed an increasing trend in the valley floor and a decreasing trend in the escarpment and highlands. During Belg and Kiremt, the CDD generally showed increasing tendency in the CRV.



基于赣江流域1964-2013年13个水文站的日降水资料,采用AM抽样和POT抽样相结合的方法,对极端降水序列,选定日最大降水量(RX1)、极端降水量(R95)、极端降水天数(RD95)和极端降水强度(RI95)四个指标,利用Mann-Kendall趋势分析方法、Pettitt变点检验法分别对赣江流域极端降水进行时间变化趋势和突变的分析,并利用普通克里金插值,对各指标进行空间分布的分析。研究结果表明,时间变化上,赣江流域RX1、R95和RD95均表现出一定的增加趋势,但RI95变化不大,各指标在过去50 a没有发生显著突变;空间分布上,RX1、R95和RI95沿着赣江流向从西南向东北增加,而RD95的空间分布没有明显的变化规律,存在多个极大极小值中心。


In this study we present rainfall results from equilibrium 1 ×– and 2 × CO2 experiments with the CSIRO 4-level general circulation model. The 1 × CO2 results are discussed in relation to observed climate. Discussion of the 2 × CO2 results focuses upon changes in convective and non-convective rainfall as simulated in the model, and the consequences these changes have for simulated daily rainfall intensity and the frequency of heavy rainfall events. In doing this analysis, we recognize the significant shortcomings of GCM simulations of precipitation processes. However, because of the potential significance of any changes in heavy rainfall events as a result of the enhanced greenhouse effect, we believe a first examination of relevant GCM rainfall results is warranted. Generally, the model results show a marked increase in rainfall originating from penetrative convection and, in the mid-latitudes, a decline in largescale (non-convective) rainfall. It is argued that these changes in rainfall type are a consequence of the increased moisture holding capacity of the warmer atmosphere simulated for 2 × CO2 conditions. Related to changes in rainfall type, rainfall intensity (rain per rain day) increases in the model for most regions of the globe. Increases extend even to regions where total rainfall decreases. Indeed, the greater intensity of daily rainfall is a much clearer response of the model to increased greenhouse gases than the changes in total rainfall. We also find a decrease in the number of rainy days in the middle latitudes of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. To further elucidate these results daily rainfall frequency distributions are examined globally and for four selected regions of interest. In all regions the frequency of high rainfall events increases, and the return period of such events decreases markedly. If realistic, the findings have potentially serious practical implications in terms of an increased frequency and severity of floods in most regions. However, we discuss various important sources of uncertainty in the results presented, and indicate the need for rainfall intensity results to be examined in enhanced greenhouse experiments with other GCMs.  相似文献   

This study analyzes projected changes in seasonal extreme precipitation intensity and dry spell length in the investigation area (Côte d’Ivoire) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 forcing scenarios. To this end, a multi-model ensemble of fourteen CORDEX-Africa regional climate model simulations is used during the three stages of the West African Monsoon (WAM) season (April–June (AMJ), July–September (JAS), and October–December (OND)). The results indicate that Côte d’Ivoire is subject to a robust increase of cumulative intensity of precipitation associated with an amplification of extreme precipitation events during the WAM. In particular during JAS, a substantial increase in extreme precipitation reaching up to 50–60% compared to the reference mean value prevails in the western and coastal areas in the far future and under the RCP8.5 scenario. In addition, AMJ season is dominated by an increase in dry spell length of about 12% and 17% in the near future and 20% and 30% in the far future in the entire country under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, albeit considerable uncertainties. OND considered as the post-monsoon season is mostly characterized by a robust decrease in dry spell length more marked in the southwest in the RCP8.5 scenario during the far future. These results suggest that agricultural production and particularly cocoa plantations in the southwestern regions could be at the risk of flooding events and that water stress remains a threat for cocoa, coffee, and other cash crop plantations in the eastern regions.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most detrimental natural hazards in Yellow River Basin (YRB). In this research, spatio-temporal variation and statistical characteristic of drought in YRB is studied by using dry spell. Two extreme series, including annual maximum series (AMS) and partial duration series (PDS), are used and simulated with generalized extreme value (GEV), generalized Pareto (GP), and Pearson type III (PE3) distributions. The results show that the northern part is drier than the southern part of YRB. Besides, the maximum dry spell usually starts in October, November, and December. According to the trend analysis, mean maximum length of dry spell (MxDS) shows a negative trend in most stations. From the L-moments and Kolmogorov–Smirnov test method, it can be found that GEV model can better fit AMS while GP and PE3 can better fit PDS. Moreover, the quantiles from optimal model of AMS and PDS depict a similar distribution with values increases from south to north. The spatial distribution of scale and location parameters of GEV model for AMS shows a south-to-north gradient, while the distribution of shape parameter is a little irregularity. Furthermore, based on the linear correlation analysis, there is an evident linear relation between location and scale parameters with mean and standard variation of MxDS, respectively.  相似文献   

华北地区持续性极端暴雨过程的分类特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1960—2015年日降水资料,筛选出华北地区56次持续性极端暴雨过程。基于距平相关系数的客观聚类分析方法和天气学检验,将它们进行分类,并使用NCEP(2.5°×2.5°)再分析资料进行分类合成,对比分析不同环流背景下华北地区持续性极端暴雨过程的基本特征。结果表明,这些持续性极端暴雨事件按照环流背景可分为经向型、纬向型、减弱的登陆热带气旋型和初夏型4类。它们一般都与不同天气系统配置结构下的锋面动力学过程有关,由于锋面结构特征、环境大气层结状态以及与低空急流有关的暖湿气流输送通道和强度不同,造成不同环流形势背景下,暴雨日的高频站点与过程平均累计降水量在空间分布上存在差异。(1)纬向型对应的锋区强度明显强于经向型,但是其对应的层结稳定度与整个夏季状态相当,而经向型存在弱的层结不稳定异常,这表明,纬向型的对流活动一般不如经向型强,持续性锋面降水特征更清晰,造成站点上日降水量超过50 mm的最大频率明显低于经向型,但是过程累计平均最大降雨量却比经向型大。(2)从水汽输送通道来看,源于西太平洋副热带高压南侧的水汽通道只在纬向型环流主导下的华北区域持续性极端暴雨过程中起主导作用。初夏型以及减弱...  相似文献   

In this study, maximum dry spell length and number of dry spell periods of rainy seasons in the upper Baro-Akobo River basin which is a part of the Nile basin, Western Ethiopia, were investigated to analyse the drought trend. Daily rainfall records of the period 1972–2000 from eight rain gauge stations were used in the analysis, and Mann-Kendall test was used to test trends for significance. Furthermore, the beginning and end of the trend development in the dry spell were also tested using the sequential version of Mann-Kendall test. Results have shown that there is neither clear monotonic trend found in dry spell for the basin nor significant fluctuation in the onset, cession and duration of rainfall in the Baro-Akobo river basin. This sufficiently explains why rain-fed agriculture has suffered little in the western part of Ethiopia. The predictable nature of dry spell pattern may have allowed farmers to adjust to rainfall variability in the basin. Unlike many parts of Ethiopia, the Baro-Akobo basin climate variability is not a limiting factor for rain-fed agriculture productivity which may contribute significantly to national food security.  相似文献   

Regional changes in extreme monsoon rainfall deficit and excess in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With increasing concerns about climate change, the need to understand the nature and variability of monsoon climatic conditions and to evaluate possible future changes becomes increasingly important. This paper deals with the changes in frequency and magnitudes of extreme monsoon rainfall deficiency and excess in India from 1871 to 2005. Five regions across India comprising variable climates were selected for the study. Apart from changes in individual regions, changing tendencies in extreme monsoon rainfall deficit and excess were also determined for the Indian region as a whole. The trends and their significance were assessed using non-parametric Mann–Kendall technique. The results show that intra-region variability for extreme monsoon seasonal precipitation is large and mostly exhibited a negative tendency leading to increasing frequency and magnitude of monsoon rainfall deficit and decreasing frequency and magnitude of monsoon rainfall excess.  相似文献   

Summary From a large data set (1927–1992) of rainfall rate in Barcelona, the relationship between maximum rainfall rates for time intervals between 5 minutes and 24 hours has been investigated. Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves and their master equation for every return period in Barcelona have been obtained. A cluster analysis has yielded four main classes of extreme rainfall events in this area, corresponding to durations shorter than 35 minutes, 1 hour, 2–6 hours and those longer than 6 hours respectively. An index to classify extreme rainfall events has been proposed. This index gives some information about the severity of storms taking into account the contribution of different scales implied in rainfall processes.  相似文献   

Global changes in extreme events: regional and seasonal dimension   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study systematically analyzes the complete IPCC AR4 (CMIP3) ensemble of GCM simulations with respect to changes in extreme event characteristics at the end of the 21st century compared to present-day conditions. It complements previous studies by investigating a more comprehensive database and considering seasonal changes beside the annual time scale. Confirming previous studies, the agreement between the GCMs is generally high for temperature-related extremes, indicating increases of warm day occurrences and heatwave lengths, and decreases of cold extremes. However, we identify issues with the choice of indices used to quantify heatwave lengths, which do overall not affect the sign of the changes, but strongly impact the magnitude and patterns of projected changes in heatwave characteristics. Projected changes in precipitation and dryness extremes are more ambiguous than those in temperature extremes, despite some robust features, such as increasing dryness over the Mediterranean and increasing heavy precipitation over the Northern high latitudes. We also find that the assessment of projected changes in dryness depends on the index choice, and that models show less agreement regarding changes in soil moisture than in the commonly used ‘consecutive dry days’ index, which is based on precipitation data only. Finally an analysis of the scaling of changes of extreme temperature quantiles with global, regional and seasonal warming shows that much of the extreme quantile changes are due to a seasonal scaling of the regional annual-mean warming. This emphasizes the importance of the seasonal time scale also for extremes. Changes in extreme quantiles of temperature on land scale with changes in global annual mean temperature by a factor of more than 2 in some regions and seasons, implying large changes in extremes in several countries, even for the commonly discussed global 2°C-warming target.  相似文献   

针对北京地区2012年7月21日(简称“7.21”过程)和2016年7月20日(简称“7.20”过程)极端特大暴雨中的短时强降水,对短时强降水实况、环流形势、地形影响及环境的动力、水汽和热力条件进行了分析,并结合较长时段的历史资料,从单点和区域角度对环境动力、水汽和潜在热力条件的极端性进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1)尽管两次过程中的短时强降水实况差异显著,但均出现在非常有利的天气形势下。(2)针对短时强降水环境的单点动力、水汽和热力条件对比显示,两次过程中的850 hPa动力抬升和整层可降水量(PWAT)均极端偏强,但抬升指数(LI)表征的热力条件差异差别巨大,2012年“7.21”过程中为偏强,2016年“7.20”过程中为偏弱。(3)针对长时间序列资料的标准化偏差异常(SD)显示,两次过程中850 hPa风场和PWAT的SD均超过了3σ,为极端偏强,LI表征的潜在热力条件方面,2012年“7.21”过程中低于-1σ,2016年“7.20”过程中与历史同期持平,表明热力条件的差异是导致两次极端暴雨过程中短时强降水强度巨大差异的重要原因。  相似文献   

Summary Regional dry and wet spell durations within a 15 year period are mapped for the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia for summer and winter. If the number of spells is plotted versus duration a straight-line results on semi-logarithmic paper for most stations. However, a few stations exhibit two or three different slopes showing the effect of local climate. Simple regression equations are proposed for the dry or wet spell duration at any station allowing the mapping of regional variation for the entire study area. Such maps are useful tools in the assessment of the spatial and/or temporal wet and dry period duration for the area between stations. Similar maps could be developed for other parts of the world.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

王彬雁  赵琳娜  许晖  刘莹 《暴雨灾害》2018,11(2):115-123

利用2010—2016年5—9月四川省157个国家自动气象站小时降水资料,采用皮尔逊Ⅲ型概率分布模型对四川全省小时降水进行拟合,给出全省超过不同阈值的降水累积概率空间分布;在此基础上,计算最大小时降水量的概率分布及其重现期极值。结果表明:四川盆地西部沿山一带出现降水频次较少,但易发生较大量级的小时降水,攀西地区东部虽是降水高发区,但出现大量级小时降水的可能性小;50 a一遇小时降水高值中心分布在乐山市北部、遂宁市西北部与绵阳交界处以及达州市北部,其极值可达60 mm以上;100 a一遇小时降水极值分布趋势同50 a一遇的基本一致,其极值达70 mm;小时降水的皮尔逊Ⅲ型概率分布模型偏差系数与降水站点的海拔高度呈对数递减关系,决定系数达0.654 5,表明地形高度对四川小时降水分布有一定影响;此外用k均值聚类法可很好地对四川小时降水进行分区。


Summary In this paper, the annual extreme rainfall series in the time scale of 1 to 3 days duration at 316 stations, well distributed over the Indian region, covering 80-years of rainfall data from 1901 to 1980 were analysed for trend and persistence using standard statistical tests. It has been found that the annual extreme rainfall records of most stations are free from trend and persistence. However, the extreme rainfall series at stations over the west coast north of 12°N and at some stations to the east of the Western Ghats over the central parts of the Peninsula showed a significant increasing trend at 95% level of confidence. Stations over the southern Peninsula and over the lower Ganga valley have been found to exhibit a decreasing trend at the same level of significance. The data series of the stations which showed trends were subjected to a 10-year moving average and the resulting smoothed series have been discussed. It may be said that this increasing or decreasing trend in the annual extreme rainfall events at a few places will have tremendous implications in the hydrologic studies and dam design projects.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - In this study, the performance of the Generalized LInear Modelling of daily CLImate sequence (GLIMCLIM) statistical downscaling model was assessed to simulate...  相似文献   




利用泰勒图客观地评估了贵州省在参照时段1986—2005年8个CMIP5模式试验结果对气温的模拟能力,并采用在等权重系数条件下的集合平均结果计算了贵州省21世纪不同阶段不同情景下未来极端气温指数.研究表明:8个模式的集合平均的模拟效果能较好地模拟用于计算极端气温指数的基础数据,包括日平均气温、日最低气温和日最高气温.根据集合平均的结果,不同RCPs排放情景下21世纪贵州省相对于基准期大于25℃的高温日数(SU)、最低气温的最低值(TNN)和生长季长度(GSL)均表现为增加的趋势,而小于0℃的霜冻日数(FD)则呈现减少的趋势,排放越高,增加或减少的趋势越明显.RCP8.5、RCP4.5和RCP2.6情景下2006—2099年贵州省极端气温指数相对于1986—2005年SU、TNN、FD和GSL的变化速率分别为8.06~1.30 d/(10 a)、0.49~0.07℃/(10 a)、-4.99~-0.97 d/(10 a)和3.33~0.04 d/(10 a).  相似文献   

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