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The results of an investigation of XY Per based on photoelectric observations in the Strömgren system are presented. It is shown that the brighter component in the binary system XY Per AB, classified earlier as A2 II, is a variable of the Herbig Ae/Be type. At the same time, our estimates gave M V (XY Per A) = +1.25. An analysis of the variation of the indices and c showed that XY Per A is a typical shell star: along with intense hydrogen absorption lines it displays an appreciable emission deficit in the Balmer continuum. The most noteworthy are the results of observations indicating that as the brightness decreases, the opacity of the shell increases both in lines and in the Balmer continuum. This observational fact can scarcely be explained in terms of the model of brightness variation due to dust clouds revolving around the star.  相似文献   

Two CCD spectra of the star BM Ori were obtained with the echelle spectrograph of the 6-m telescope. In one of the spectra, a large proportion of lines are distorted by emission. The emission component is blueshifted by 50 km s?1, suggesting hot-gas outflow from the atmosphere. The equivalent-width ratio of measured lines in the spectra outside and during eclipse is consistent with the assumption that ~2/3 of the primary star’s area is obscured during eclipse, as follows from light curves. Measured line equivalent widths were used to estimate atmospheric parameters of the secondary star, T eff=7300 K, log g=5.2, and microturbulence ξt=6 km s?1, and to determine its chemical composition. The C, Na, Al, Si, S, Ca, Fe, Ni, and Zn abundances are solar, within the error limits. Li, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Y are overabundant, while Mg, Cu, and Ba are underabundant. In general, the secondary is similar in chemical composition to the star V 1016 Ori. Based on the secondary’s mass determined by solving the radial-velocity curve and on log g estimated spectroscopically from iron ionization equilibrium, we calculated its photospheric radius, R 2 = 0.5R . However, the spectroscopic log g=5.2 disagrees with log g=3.5 calculated from the luminosity and effective temperature and with log g=3.0 calculated from light and radial-velocity curves. If the secondary’s photospheric radius is indeed small; this argues for the hypothesis that the eclipsing body is a dust envelope. The radial velocities measured from the two spectra are systematically higher than those calculated from the radial-velocity curve by +34 and +24 km s?1. It is likely that the secondary’s atmosphere occasionally shrinks.  相似文献   

Having analyzed the light curve for the Herbig Ae star BF Ori, we justify the hypothesis of a giant protocomet, GPC I BF Ori, with a period of 6.3 years and semimajor axis a = 10 ± 3 AU. Passing through periastron, such a giant protocomet partially breaks up. During each passage through periastron, the protocomet and the fragments that follow it supply dust to circumstellar space for a certain period of time. This hypothesis can account for the entire complex of observable phenomena of cyclic Algol-like activity in Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauri stars. Conditions in a protoplanetary disk after cocoon breakup are discussed. We adduce arguments for the absence of a dust disk and for the weak effect of objects other than comets on cyclic large-scale variability.  相似文献   

We present our JHKLM photometry for R Cas performed during 1988–2000. The pulsation period of R Cas is $P \approx 429\mathop .\limits^d 6$ , with the maximum IR brightness lagging behind the maximum visual brightness by ~0.2 P. The amplitude of light variations appreciably decreases with increasing wavelength at λ≤3 μm. At λ>3 μm, this decrease virtually ceases. There is a step on the ascending branch of IR JHK brightness. The K-L color index increases linearly with K magnitude: $K - L = 0.304K + 1\mathop .\limits^m 20$ . The color temperature dependence, T K-L =f(K), is also linear: T K?L = ?622K + 1100 K. In going from minimum to maximum, the K flux (as well as the bolometric flux) from the star and its color temperature T K-L increase by a factor of ~2.2 and ~1.3, respectively.  相似文献   

The transfer of polarized radiation in inhomogeneous circumstellar shells with a spheroidal spatial distribution of porous dust particles is computed. The grains are modeled by an MRN mixture of silicate and graphite particles. The optical properties of porous particles (considered separately in the Appendix) are computed by using effective medium theory and Mie theory. The following observational characteristics have been computed for WW Vul, a typical Herbig Ae star with Algol-like minima: the spectral energy distribution from the ultraviolet to the far infrared, the color-magnitude diagrams, the wavelength dependence of linear polarization, and the shell brightness distribution. The effect of grain porosity on the results is considered. It has been found that only moderate particle porosity (the volume fraction of matter is f ~0.5) can explain available observational data in terms of the approach used. Since radiation pressure must rapidly sweep submicron-sized grains out of the vicinity of Herbig Ae/Be stars, we briefly discuss how particle porosity can affect this process.  相似文献   

We present our UBVRI photometry and spectroscopy of AS 338 performed in 1999–2000. Another eclipse of the hot component in this symbiotic binary system, the deepest one ever observed, occurred in September 1999. The U brightness declined by ~2m, the Hβflux decreased by a factor of ~2.3, and the [O III]γ5007 flux did not change. The hot component is eclipsed at orbital phases ?≈0.045–0.057. The U-B color index begins to appreciably fluctuate during an eclipse of the hot component and its circumstellar envelope. About 100 days after a strong outburst of 1995, the mean UBV brightness of AS 338 declined linearly in the ensuing five years at the same rate in all bands (ΔUt≈10?3 mag/day). The brightness of the outer, uneclipsed parts of the circumstellar envelope also decreased, which is attributable to a reduction in the luminosity of the hot component against the rise in its temperature. The appearance of He II lines has not yet been recorded, though the optical brightness of AS 338 has already dropped by ~2m after the outburst.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - We studied the spectroscopic binary HD 116656 (ζ1 UMa) that has previously been suspected to be a Si-type chemically peculiar star. The magnetic field of each individual...  相似文献   

We analyzed the chemical composition of the chemically peculiar (CP) star HD 0221=43 Cas using spectra taken with the NES spectrograph of the 6-m telescope with a spectral resolution of 45 000. The Hβ line profile corresponds most closely to Teff = 11 900 K and log g = 3.9. The rotational velocity is ve sin i = 27 ± 2 km s?1, and the microturbulence is ξt = 1 km s?1. The results of our abundance determination by the method of synthetic spectra show that the star has chemical anomalies typical of SrCrEu stars, although its effective magnetic field is weak, Be < 100 G. For silicon, we obtained an abundance distribution in atmospheric depth with a sharp jump of 1.5 dex at an optical depth of log τ5000 = ?0.3 and with silicon concentration in deep atmospheric layers. Similar distributions were found in the atmospheres of cooler stars with strong and weak magnetic fields. A comparison of the chemical peculiarities in HD 10221 with known CP stars with magnetic fields of various strengths leads us to conclude that a low rotational velocity rather than amagnetic field is the determining factor in the formation mechanism of chemical anomalies in the atmospheres of CP stars.  相似文献   

The statistical parallax technique is applied to a sample of 262 RRab Lyrae variables with published photoelectric photometry, metallicities, and radial velocities and with measured absolute proper motions. Hipparcos, PPM, NPM, and the Four-Million Star Catalog (Volchkov et al. 1992) were used as the sources of proper motions; the proper motions from the last three catalogs were reduced to the Hipparcos system. We determine parameters of the velocity distribution for halo [(U 0, V 0, W 0) = (?9±12, ?214 ±10, ? 10, ?16±7) km s ?1 and (σ U , σ V , σ W ) = (164±11, 105±7, 95±7) km s ?1] and thick-disk [(U 0, V 0, W 0) = (?16±8, ?41±7, ?18±5) km s ?1], and [(σ U , σ V , σ W ) = (53±9, 42±8, 26±5) km s ?1] RR Lyrae, as well as the intensity-averaged absolute magnitude for RR Lyrae of these populations: 〈M V 〉 = 0.77 ± 0.10 and 〈M V 〉 = +1.11 ± 0.25 for the halo and thickdisk objects, respectively. The metallicity dependence of the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae is analyzed (〈M V 〉 = (0.76 ± 0.12) + (0.26 ± 0.26) · ([Fe/H]+1.6)=1.17+0.26 · [Fe/H]). Our results are in satisfactory agreement with the ?M V ?(RR)?[Fe/H]relation from Carney et al. (1992) (〈M V 〉(RR)=1.01+0.15·[Fe/H]) obtained by Baade-Wesselink's method. They provide evidence for a short distance scale: the LMC distance modulus and the distance to the Galactic center are 18.22±0.11 and 7.4±0.5 kpc, respectively. The zero point of the distance scale and the kinematic parameters of the RR Lyrae populations are shown to be virtually independent of the source of absolute proper motions used and of whether they are reduced to the Hipparcos system or not.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet spectra of the stars RY Tau and HD 115043 from the Hubble Space Telescope are analyzed. RY Tau belongs to the classical T Tauri stars, while HD 115043 is a young (t~3×108 years), chromospherically active star. The most intense emission lines were identified, and their fluxes were measured. Low-resolution spectra of RY Tau and HD 115043 in the wavelength range 1160–1760 Å exhibit almost the same set of emission lines. However, first, the luminosity of RY Tau in these lines is approximately a factor of 300 higher than that of HD 115043, and, second, the relative line intensities differ greatly. The intensity ratio of the C IV λ1550, Si IV λ1400, and NV λ1240 doublet components is close to 1: 2 in the spectra of both stars. Judging by the continuum energy distribution, the spectral type of RY Tau is later than that of HD 115043. Synchronous flux variability in the C IV λ1550 and He II λ1640 lines in a time of ~20 min was detected in RY Tau. The flux rise in these lines was accompanied by a redshift of the intensity peak in the profiles by~50 km s?1. Intermediate-resolution spectra are used to study line profiles in the spectrum of RY Tau. In particular, the profiles of (optically thin) Si III]λ1892 and C III]λ1909 lines were found to be asymmetric and about 300 km s?1 in width. The (optically thick) C IV λ1550 doublet lines have similar profiles. The Mg II λ2800 doublet lines are also asymmetric, but their shape is different: they consist of a broad (?750 km s?1 at the base) emission component on which an interstellar absorption line shifted from the line symmetry center by about 20 km s?1 is superimposed. The intensity ratio of the Mg II λ2800 doublet components is?1.4. Whether there are molecular hydrogen lines in the spectrum of RY Tau is still an open question. It is shown that the emission lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of RY Tau cannot originate in a hydrostatically equilibrium chromosphere. It is argued that quasi-steady accretion of circumstellar matter is responsible for the emission.  相似文献   

We present our 2-year-long photometric (V, R c, I c) observations of the T Tauri star V1184 Tau. They show that the relatively quiet “photometric life” of this object, which ended in 2004 with a sharp brightness decline by four magnitudes, was succeeded by a qualitatively new (in nature) period of activity characterized by high-amplitude irregular photometric variability. Judging by its color variations, the object belongs to the class of UX Ori stars and, hence, variable circumstellar extinction is responsible for its brightness variations. Moreover, the (V?I c)/V color-magnitude diagram for the object is identical to that for UX Ori itself, suggesting that the optical properties of dust grains in the circumstellar space of these stars are similar. At the same time, V1184 Tau is quite dissimilar to UX Ori stars in its light curve, variability amplitude (reaching 4.5 magnitudes in the V band), and some other parameters.  相似文献   

We present the equivalent widths of the Hβ and Hγ absorption lines in the spectrum of V1057 Cyg measured from 1978–1990 spectrograms. The mean equivalent widths of these lines decreased approximately twofold during 1978–1985 and somewhat increased during 1987–1990. Using published UBV photometry, we show that there has been a correlation between the Hβ equivalent width and the ?U-B? color since 1983, with ?W λ(Hβ)? increasing with decreasing?U-B? Based on our spectroscopic and photometric observations in 1978–1990, we assume that V1057 Cyg has passed to a qualitatively new stage of its development after 1985.  相似文献   

We present a new electronic version of the second volume of the fourth edition of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS), which contains data on 13480 variable stars in the constellations Cygnus-Orion (the order of constellations in the Catalogue follows the Latin alphabet). The new version takes into account the Name Lists of Variable Stars from no. 67 to 76 for the same constellations. The main distinctive feature of the new version is that it contains improved equatorial J2000.0 coordinates for 13446 stars (including those for 5052 stars with an allowance made for proper motions), based on the identifications with positional catalogs using finding charts, as well as on our new measurements. We searched for a number of stars on original plates from the collections of several observatories and using digital sky survey images. The new version also includes a file of remarks to the second and third GCVS volumes. Apart from a complete update of the positional information, we took into account several corrections that were found to be necessary after the publication of the second GCVS volume (1985). We present a list of references to new Internet resources.  相似文献   

We present a new electronic version of the first volume of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS), fourth edition, which contains data on 10558 variable stars in Andromeda-Crux (the constellations are ordered in the Catalog according to the Latin alphabet). This version incorporates the name lists of variable stars from no. 67 to no. 76 for the same constellations. The main distinctive feature of the new version is that it provides improved equatorial J2000.0 coordinates for 10349 stars (including those for 4587 stars corrected for proper motions). These are based on identifications with positional catalogs using finding charts and on our new measurements. We searched for a number of stars on original plates from the plate collections of several observatories. The version also includes a file of remarks to the first GCVS volume and a preliminary version of the file of bibliographic references to the entire fourth edition of the GCVS. Apart from a complete update of the positional information, the new version incorporates all the other corrections that were found to be necessary after the first GCVS volume was published (1985).  相似文献   

We present our calculations of the spectrum and oscillator strengths for the 4f7?(4f65d+4f66s) Eu III transitions. The calculations were performed with Cowan's RCN-RCG-RCE codes in the single-configuration approximation. A comparison of computed level lifetimes with experimental data for three levels shows that the scale of theoretical oscillator strengths could be overestimated by a factor of 3. The theoretical oscillator strengths of red Eu III lines are two orders of magnitude smaller than their astrophysical oscillator strengths derived by Ryabchikova et al. (1999) from the condition of ionization balance. The new oscillator strengths were tested by analyzing the Eu abundance using Eu II and Eu III lines in the spectra of hot peculiar stars (α2 CVn is a typical representative) and cool peculiar stars (β CrB is a typical representative). First, we computed non-LTE corrections, which proved to be significant for α2 CVn. We also analyzed the Eu II λ6645.11-Å line as well as ultraviolet and optical Eu III lines. We show that the new oscillator strengths together with the non-LTE corrections allow the contradiction between the Eu abundances derived by Ryabchikova et al. (1999) separately from optical Eu II and Eu III lines in α2 CVn to be resolved. The new Eu abundance, log(Eu/N tot)=?6.5, also faithfully describes the blended near-ultraviolet resonance Eu III lines. Using the new Eu III oscillator strengths to analyze the spectrum of the cool Ap star β CrB, we found a significant deviation of the n(Eu II)/n(Eu III) ratio from its equilibrium value. For a chemically homogeneous model atmosphere, to obtain the observed intensity of the Eu III λ 6666.35-Å line, the Eu abundance must be increased by two orders of magnitude compared to that required to describe the Eu II λ 6645.11-Å line. We discuss the possibility of explaining the observed intensities of Eu II and Eu III lines in the spectrum of β CrB by the presence of an inhomogeneous atmosphere with Eu concentrated in its uppermost layers. In such atmospheres, the role of non-LTE effects becomes dominant.  相似文献   

Photoelectric (UBVR) observations of the eclipsing variable EQ Ori are presented. The ephemerides of primary minima are refined, and the range of the star’s light variations is determined. All light curves are solved by Lavrov’s direct method, and highly accurate photometric orbital elements are obtained for the system. The magnitudes and colors of each component are calculated and analyzed in two-color (U-B)-(B-V) and (U-B)-(V-R) diagrams. The system’s primary component is classified as a metallic-line Am star. The absolute parameters of the components are estimated, and the binary is classified as a detached system with a subgiant: A0 V and K2 IV. EQ Ori has a faint physical companion, which causes the epochs of primary minimum to be systematically displaced with a period of about 30 years. The expected parameters of the distant companion are estimated. The system’s components are at a pre-ZAMS evolutionary stage, with their age being 2×106 years. EQ Ori is thought to be a member of the Ori I association.  相似文献   

We analyze ultraviolet spectra of DF Tau, a binary system whose primary component is a classical T Tauri star. The spectra were obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope and the IUE satellite. The stellar emission in the wavelength range covered is shown to originate in an accretion shock wave. The gas infall velocity is ~250 km s?1. The accreted-gas density is typically N 0≤1011 cm?3, but it can occasionally be higher by one and a half orders of magnitude. The continuum intensity near λ=1900 Å was found to be virtually constant for such a significant change in N 0. The star’s photometric variability is probably attributable to variations in accreted-gas density and velocity, as well as to variations in the area of a hot spot on the stellar surface and in its orientation relative to the observer. The mean accretion rate is $\dot M \sim 3 \times 10^{ - 9} M_ \odot yr^{ - 1}$ . The interstellar extinction for DF Tau is $A_V \simeq 0\mathop .\limits^m 5$ , the stellar radius is ≤2R , and the luminosity of the primary component is most likely no higher than 0.3 L . We argue that the distance to DF Tau is about 70 pc. Upper limits are placed on the primary’s coronal emission measure: EM(T=107 K)<3×1054 cm?3 and EM(T=1.3×106 K)<3×1055 cm?3. Absorption lines originating in the stellar wind were detected in the star’s spectrum. Molecular hydrogen lines have essentially the same radial velocity as the star, but their full width at half maximum is FWHM ?50 km s?1. We failed to explain why the intensity ratio of the C IV λ1550 doublet components exceeds 2.  相似文献   

In 1999–2002, we continued our photometric and spectroscopic observations of FG Sge. This star has been in a new R CrB photometric phase since 1992. We constructed the BV RI light curves and studied the behavior of the color indices as a function of the fading amplitude. As previously, all of the three deep minima observed during this period were found to be blue on the descent; this was interpreted as the result of strong stellar light scattering in dust clouds formed on the line of sight. We analyzed the wavelength dependence of extinction in the circumstellar shell outside fadings, which was similar to Whitford's standard reddening law. Low-resolution spectroscopic observations allowed us to study the changes in the intensities of Swan bands and the Na I D doublet during deep and shallow (up to 1m) fadings. We confirmed the reversal of the spectrum of the extended stellar envelope on the descending branches of deep minima.  相似文献   

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