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Recognition of the occurrence and extent of hemipelagic and pelagic deposits in turbidite sequences is of considerable importance for environmental analysis (palaeodepth, circulation, distance from land, hemipelagic or pelagic versus turbidite sedimentation rates) of ancient basins. Differentiation between the finegrained parts (E-division) of turbidites and the (hemi-) pelagic layers (F-division of turbidite-pelagite alternations) is facilitated in basins where carbonate turbidites were deposited below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) such as the Flysch Zone of the East Alps but may be difficult in other basins where less compositional contrast is developed between the fine-grained turbidites and hemipelagites. This difficulty pertains particularly in Palaeozoic and older basins. For Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oceans with a relatively deep calcite compensation level three other types of turbidite basins may be distinguished for which differentiation becomes increasingly more difficult in the sequence from (1) to (3): (1) terrigenous turbidite basins above the CCD; (2) carbonate turbidite basins above the CCD; (3) terrigenous turbidite basins below the CCD. Criteria and methods useful for the differentiation between turbiditic and hemipelagic mudstone in the Upper Cretaceous of the Flysch Zone of the East Alps include calcium carbonate content, colour, sequential analysis, distribution of bioturbation, and microfaunal content. In modern turbidite basins clay mineral content, organic matter content, plant fragments, and grain-size (graded bedding, maximum grain diameter) have reportedly also been used as criteria (see Table 3). Deposition of muddy sediment by turbidity currents on weakly sloping sea bottoms such as the distal parts of deep-sea fans or abyssal plains is not only feasible but may lead to the accumulation of thick layers. Contrary to earlier speculation it can be explained by the hydrodynamic theory of turbidity currents, if temperature differences between the turbidity current and the ambient deep water as well as relatively high current velocities for the deposition of turbiditic muds (an order of magnitude higher on mud surfaces than commonly assumed) are taken into consideration. The former add to the capacity of turbidity currents to carry muddy sediment without creating a driving force on a low slope.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary development of part of the lower continental rise off Western Sahara has been determined from an investigation of short (< 2 m) gravity cores collected from a deep-sea channel, the interchannel areas and an abyssal hill, between 30 and 33°N. Stratigraphic analysis is based on systematic variations in abundances of particular coccolith species and pelagic sediment types, referenced to the oxygen isotope time-scale. During the last 73 000 years deposition in the channel has included volcaniclastic sand/silt turbidites and minor marl turbidites as well as pelagic sediments. The interchannel area has fewer turbidites, and the sands present were probably deposited from turbidity currents which spilt over the channel sides. The last‘event’ to give rise to sands in the channel and interchannel area occurred about 45 000 years ago. Although the channel has been inactive as an area of turbidity current deposition for the last 20 000 years, sands were deposited elsewhere on the lower rise, indicating that turbidity current transport routes have varied in time. Turbidity current deposition on the abyssal plain and low-lying continental rise appears to be related to distinct sliding events involving transport of material from various sources. Thin marl turbidites are interbedded with pelagic sediments in the area of sediment drape. There is a strong correlation between these and the thick marl turbidites on the abyssal plain, suggesting that the same turbidity current‘events’, occurring about once every 25 000 years, gave rise to both sets of deposits. The thinner units probably represent deposition from the outer parts or tails of the large turbidity flows. The turbidites occur at glacial/interglacial transitions, suggesting that the slides that created them were triggered by mechanisms related to climatic change. Several volcaniclastic sand/silt units within the channel and in interchannel areas occupy mid-stage stratigraphic positions, perhaps indicating a different triggering mechanism for slides around volcanic islands. A debris flow deposit (debrite), between 30°N, 21°W and 31°N, 24°W, is related to the Saharan Sediment Slide, a major mass movement feature on the continental slope over 1000 km to the southeast. Stratigraphic correlations indicate that this slide produced a large turbidity current as well as a debris flow.  相似文献   

This study is focused on interpretation of ultrahigh-resolution seismoacoustic data from the northeastern slope of the Ceará Rise (Central Atlantic) acquired using the SES 2000 deep parametric narrow-beam subbottom profiler during cruise 35 of RV Akademik Ioffe in 2011. The geologic nature of most of the detected reflectors is constrained by correlation of the results of seismoacoustic profiling with core data collected in frame of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP site 929A-E). Detailed seismostratigraphic study of the Upper Quaternary deposits in the study area has implications for better understanding of the role of gravity flows and bottom currents in sedimentation on the NE slope of the rise for the past 1.2 Myr.  相似文献   

An integrated geophysical and sedimentological investigation of the Selvage sediment-wave field has revealed that the sediment waves are formed beneath unconfined turbidity currents. The sediment waves occur on the lower continental rise and display wavelengths of up to 1 km and wave heights of up to 6 m. Wave sediments consist of interbedded turbidites and pelagic/hemipelagic marls and oozes. Nannofossil-based dating of the sediments indicates a bulk sedimentation rate of 2·4 cm 1000 years–1, and the waves are migrating upslope at a rate of 0·28 m 1000 years–1. Sediment provenance studies reveal that the turbidity currents maintaining the waves are largely sourced from volcanic islands to the south. Investigation of existing models for sediment-wave formation leads to the conclusion that the Selvage sediment waves form as giant antidunes. Simple numerical modelling reveals that turbidity currents crossing the wave field have internal Froude numbers of 0·5–1·9, which is very close to the antidune existence limits. Depositional flow velocities range from <6 to 125 cm–1. There is a rapid increase in wavelength and flow thickness in the upper 10 km of the wave field, which is unexpected, as the slope angle remains relatively constant. This anomaly is possibly linked to a topographic obstacle just upslope of the sediment waves. Flows passing over the obstacle may undergo a hydraulic jump at its boundary, leading to an increase in flow thickness. In the lower 15 km of the wave field, flow thickness decreases downslope by 60%, which is comparable with results obtained for other unconfined turbidity currents undergoing flow expansion.  相似文献   

A study of six gravity cores from an abyssal plain at the western side of the Madeira-Cape Verde Basin shows that individual turbidites can extend over a distance of at least 35 miles (65 km) in this area of final turbidity current deposition. Cores from the continental rise include relatively thinner turbidites; evidence from one of these indicates some local erosion of the sea floor: this apparently did not exceed 15 cm (as represented in the core).  相似文献   

The Cretaceous (Albian-Turonian) Talme Yafe Formation is a huge prismshaped accumulation (more than 3000 m thick, about 20 km wide, and at least 150 km long) of calcareous detritus at the northwest continental margin of the Arabian Craton (Israel). Its sources of clastic material are biochemical carbonates and skeletal fragments derived from rudistid reefs deposited on the wide epicontinental platform located east of the accumulation site. Transport of the material from the shelf platform over the edge onto the slope was probably done by storms and by tidal and seasonal currents. Downslope movement was by nepheloid layers and by gravity-induced currents (turbidity currents?) whereas contour currents are considered the main dispersing and shaping agent active on the slope proper. No clear-cut evidence indicating turbidites was perceived; however, they would be expected to be found west of the study area, on the abyssal plain where they are usually ponded.  相似文献   

A piston core from the basinal part (depth of 5188 m) of the South Shetland Trench (West Antarctica) yielded a terrigenous mud section 11 m long, which can be subdivided with great precision into turbidite and hemipelagite layers. Mud turbidites (mean bed thickness = 44 cm) alternate regularly with, and are best distinguishable from, their hemipelagite host (mean bed thickness = 17 cm) by the following features: (i) sharp basal contacts; (ii) terrigenous sand-free textures (except basal, well-sorted silt laminae) and the absence of outsized (ice-rafted) components; (iii) a laminated, little to non-bioturbated internal structure; (iv) distinct textural and compositional grading; and (v) marked steps on water-content and sediment-density logs. Mud turbidites recovered from the South Shetland Trench differ from an earlier model mud-turbidite sequence by their: (i) excessive (about six times larger) bed thickness; (ii) complex internal organization, manifested in multiple repetitions (up to four) of the same structural interval(s) in sequential or nonsequential order; (iii) distinctive very fine-grained cap of highly porous clay, rich in fragments of siliceous biogenics; (iv) widespread zones of penesyndepositional deformation; and (v) evidence of flow reversals. These features are interpreted to record deposition from large, muddy turbidity currents subjected to flow transformations, including soliton- and/or seiche-related reversals, induced by ponding and interactions of the flow with the topographical confinements of the trench. It is concluded that‘contained’muddy turbidites cannot be adequately modelled using published sequences. Differentiation of single-model and‘contained’mud turbidites offers obvious advantages in basin analysis and in understanding the plethora of turbidity current-related depositional mechanisms of deep-sea mud.  相似文献   

The development of mudwaves on the levees of the modern Toyama deep‐sea channel has been studied using gravity core samples combined with 3·5‐kHz echosounder data and airgun seismic reflection profiles. The mudwaves have developed on the overbank flanks of a clockwise bend of the channel in the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, and the mudwave field covers an area of 4000 km2. Mudwave lengths range from 0·2 to 3·6 km and heights vary from 2 to 44 m, and the pattern of mudwave aggradation indicates an upslope migration direction. Sediment cores show that the mudwaves consist of an alternation of fine‐grained turbidites and hemipelagites whereas contourites are absent. Core samples demonstrate that the sedimentation rate ranged from 10 to 14 cm ka?1 on the lee sides to 17–40 cm ka?1 on the stoss sides. A layer‐by‐layer correlation of the deposits across the mudwaves shows that the individual turbidite beds are up to 20 times thicker on the stoss side than on the lee side, whereas hemipelagite thicknesses are uniform. This differential accretion of turbidites is thought to have resulted in the pattern of upcurrent climbing mudwave crests, which supports the notion that the mudwaves have been formed by spillover turbidity currents. The mudwaves are interpreted to have been instigated by pre‐existing large sand dunes that are up to 30 m thick and were created by high‐velocity (10°ms?1), thick (c. 500 m) turbidity currents spilling over the channel banks at the time of the maximum uplift of the Northern Japan Alps during the latest Pliocene to Early Pleistocene. Draping of the dunes by the subsequent, lower‐velocity (10?1ms?1), mud‐laden turbidity currents is thought to have resulted in the formation of the accretionary mudwaves and the pattern of upflow climbing. The dune stoss slopes are argued to have acted as obstacles to the flow, causing localized loss of flow strength and leading to differential draping by the muddy turbidites, with greater accretion occurring on the stoss side than on the lee slope. The two overbank flanks of the clockwise channel bend show some interesting differences in mudwave development. The mudwaves have a mean height of 9·8 m on the outer‐bank levee and 6·2 m on the inner bank. The turbidites accreted on the stoss sides of the mudwaves are 4–6 times thicker on the outer‐bank levee than their counterparts on the inner‐bank levee. These differences are attributed to the greater flow volume (thickness) and sediment flux of the outer‐bank spillover flow due to the more intense stripping of the turbidity currents at the outer bank of the channel bend. Differential development of mudwave fields may therefore be a useful indicator in the reconstruction of deep‐sea channels and their flow hydraulics.  相似文献   

JOHN A. HOWE 《Sedimentology》1996,43(2):219-234
Two sediment wave fields have been identified in the northern Rockall Trough; one from the north-eastern part of the trough, developed on the flank of an elongate sediment drift, and the other at the distal edge of the Barra Fan. Wavelengths in both areas vary from 1 to 2 km and wave heights from 5 to 20 m. The seismic character of both the wave fields is similar with a lower package of well-layered, medium- to high-intensity reflectors migrating upslope, overlain by a dominantly acoustically transparent unit containing irregular, semicontinuous reflectors. Eight cores have been recovered from the two wave fields, seven from the crest-trough areas of the distal Barra Fan wave field, and a single core from the crest of the sediment-drift waves. Lithologically, the cores show that different processes have been active across the two wave fields. Cores from the Barra Fan field contain thin turbidites with thicker, draped hemipelagites and hemiturbidites, corresponding to the well-layered, reflective seismic units and transparent seismic unit, respectively. These waves have been maintained by turbidity currents, perhaps over older, originally bottom-current-formed waves. The single core from the small sediment-drift wave field recovered hemipelagites and glaciomarine sediments grading upwards into muddy-silty contourite deposits, topped by a sandy contourite. These waves were constructed by contour currents. Dating of cores from these two small wave fields revealed that the sequences of thin turbidite and hemipelagite sediments from the Barra Fan correspond to the Late Glacial-Allerød/Bölling Interstadial with the overlying hemipelagite of Younger Dryas-Holocene age. The contourite deposits from the north-east Rockall Trough wave field have been dated as early Holocene, reflecting increasing bottom-current activity at the changeover from a glacial to an interglacial regime.  相似文献   

Escanaba Trough is the southernmost segment of the Gorda Ridge and is filled by sandy turbidites locally exceeding 500 m in thickness. New results from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1037 and 1038 that include accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates and revised petrographic evaluation of the sediment provenance, combined with high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles, provide a lithostratigraphic framework for the turbidite deposits. Three fining-upward units of sandy turbidites from the upper 365 m at ODP Site 1037 can be correlated with sediment recovered at ODP Site 1038 and Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) Site 35. Six AMS 14C ages in the upper 317 m of the sequence at Site 1037 indicate that average deposition rates exceeded 10 m/k.yr. between 32 and 11 ka, with nearly instantaneous deposition of one approximately 60-m interval of sand. Petrography of the sand beds is consistent with a Columbia River source for the entire sedimentary sequence in Escanaba Trough. High-resolution acoustic stratigraphy shows that the turbidites in the upper 60 m at Site 1037 provide a characteristic sequence of key reflectors that occurs across the floor of the entire Escanaba Trough. Recent mapping of turbidite systems in the northeast Pacific Ocean suggests that the turbidity currents reached the Escanaba Trough along an 1100-km-long pathway from the Columbia River to the west flank of the Gorda Ridge. The age of the upper fining-upward unit of sandy turbidites appears to correspond to the latest Wisconsinan outburst of glacial Lake Missoula. Many of the outbursts, or j?kulhlaups, from the glacial lakes probably continued flowing as hyperpycnally generated turbidity currents on entering the sea at the mouth of the Columbia River.  相似文献   

Two strong sedimentary currents (the Bradano and Adriatic) flow into the abyssal plain of the Ionian Sea. They consist mainly of turbidites of Pliocene-Quaternary age. The solid material of these currents makes up a significant portion of the sedimentation of the Central basin. —Authors.  相似文献   

This study utilized three-dimensional exposures to evaluate how sea-level position and palaeotopography control the facies and geometries of heterozoan carbonates. Heterozoan carbonates were deposited on top of a Neogene volcanic substrate characterized by palaeotopographic highs, palaeovalleys, and straits that were formed by subaerial erosion, possibly original volcanic topography, and faults prior to carbonate deposition. The depositional sequence that is the focus of this study (DS1B) consists of 7–10 fining upward cycles that developed in response to relative sea-level fluctuations. A complete cycle has a basal erosion surface overlain by deposits of debrisflows and high-density turbidity currents, which formed during relative sea-level fall. Overlying tractive deposits most likely formed during the lowest relative position of sea level. Overlying these are debrites grading upward to high-density turbidites and low-density turbidites that formed during relative sea-level rise. The tops of the cycles consist of hemipelagic deposits that formed during the highest relative position of sea level. The cycles fine upward because upslope carbonate production decreased as relative sea level rose due to less surface area available for shallow-water carbonate production and partial drowning of substrates. The cycles are dominated by two end-member types of facies associations and stratal geometries that formed in response to fluctuating sea-level position over variable substrate palaeotopography. One end-member is termed ‘flank flow cycle’ because this type of cycle indicates dominant sediment transport down the flanks of palaeovalleys. Those cycles drape the substrate, have more debrites, high-density turbidites and erosion on palaeovalley flanks, and in general, the lithofacies fine down the palaeovalley flanks into the palaeovalley axes. The second end-member is termed ‘axial flow cycle’ because it indicates a dominance of sediment transport down the axes of palaeovalleys. Those cycles are characterized by debrites and high-density turbidites in palaeovalley axes, and lap out of strata against the flanks of palaeovalleys. Where and when an axial flow cycle or flank flow cycle developed appears to be related to the intersection of sea level with areas of gentle or steep substrate slopes, during an overall relative rise in sea level. Results from this study provide a model for similar systems that must combine carbonate principles for sediment production, palaeotopographic controls, and physical principles of sediment remobilization into deep water.  相似文献   

Results of investigations of Baikal bottom sediments from a long core (BDP-97) and several short (0–1 m) cores are presented. It has been shown that the Holocene sediments in the Baikal basins consist of biogenic-terrigenous muds, accumulated under calm sedimentation conditions, and of turbidites, formed during catastrophic events. The turbidites can be distinguished from the host sediments by their enrichment in heavy minerals and thus their high magnetic susceptibility. Often, Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom species observed in the Holocene sediments (mainly in the turbidites) point to redeposition of ancient offshore sediments. Our results indicate that deltas, littoral zones, and continental slopes are the source areas of turbidites. The fact that the turbidites occur far from their sources confirms the existence of high-energy turbidity currents responsible for long-distance lateral-sediment transport to the deep basin planes of the lake.  相似文献   

On the basis of the author’s data on the composition of sediments and seismic cross sections, together with literature data, the bottom topography was described and the main structural features of the top 10–100 m thick sedimentary sequence in the Southwestern Atlantic (Brazil Basin) were identified. The presence of a heavy northward flow of Antarctic bottom water (AABW) and its active erosive activity were confirmed. The AABW caused the erosion or redeposition of red pelagic clays and hemipelagic clays, which accumulated in the Brazil Basin in the Holocene and Pleistocene; the clays contain abundant redeposited Pleistocene diatoms and Neogene and Paleogene discoasters. In most of the sediment cores of the Brazil Basin, the red pelagic clays are of Pleistocene age. Contourites and sandy microlayers have been found in the sediments at the foot of the continental slope of South America; this is the effect of the Deep Western Boundary Current on the ocean floor. The AABW transfers Antarctic diatom species along the continental slope of South America to 10°-5° S. The presence of the Equatorial Midocean Channel with a relative depth of 149 m in the western pelagic equatorial part of the Atlantic was confirmed, and new channels, such as Vavilov and Akademik Ioffe, have been found. The AABW flows northward along the Equatorial Mid-Ocean Channel. Apparently, the Akademik Ioffe Channel is not a proper midocean channel. At 20° S (at a depth of 5000 m), Pleistocene diatomic (Ethmodiscus rex) ooze containing up to 74% amorphous SiO2 was detected. On the Amazon-Mid-Atlantic Ridge profile, the AABW flows into the Guyana Basin through only one valley of the Nara Plain, with a depth of 4620 m. Near the Ceara Rise and on the Amazon Fan, no geologic traces of the AABW flow into the Guyana Basin were found. Near the Rio Grande Rise, the AABW might have appeared in the Eocene. The formation of the Vema Channel, which separates the Rio Grande Rise from South America, also began at that time. The AABW flows were the heaviest before the largest glaciations (particularly at isotopic stages 7/6 and 3/2).  相似文献   

Some of the Earth's largest submarine debris flows are found on the NW African margin. These debris flows are highly efficient, spreading hundreds of cubic kilometres of sediment over a wide area of the continental rise where slopes angles are often <1°. However, the processes by which these debris flows achieve such long run‐outs, affecting tens of thousands of square kilometres of seafloor, are poorly understood. The Saharan debris flow has a run‐out of ≈700 km, making it one of the longest debris flows on Earth. For its distal 450 km, it is underlain by a relatively thin and highly sheared basal volcaniclastic layer, which may have provided the low‐friction conditions that enabled its extraordinarily long run‐out. Between El Hierro Island and the Hijas Seamount on the continental rise, an ≈25‐ to 40‐km‐wide topographic gap is present, through which the Saharan debris flow and turbidites from the continental margin and flanks of the Canary Islands passed. Recently, the first deep‐towed sonar images have been obtained, showing dramatic erosional and depositional processes operating within this topographic `gap' or `constriction'. These images show evidence for the passage of the Saharan debris flow and highly erosive turbidity currents, including the largest comet marks reported from the deep ocean. Sonar data and a seismic reflection profile obtained 70 km to the east, upslope of the topographic `gap', indicate that seafloor sediments to a depth of ≈30 m have been eroded by the Saharan debris flow to form the basal volcaniclastic layer. Within the topographic `gap', the Saharan debris flow appears to have been deflected by a low (≈20 m) topographic ridge, whereas turbidity currents predating the debris flow appear to have overtopped the ridge. This evidence suggests that, as turbidity currents passed into the topographic constriction, they experienced flow acceleration and, as a result, became highly erosive. Such observations have implications for the mechanics of long run‐out debris flows and turbidity currents elsewhere in the deep sea, in particular how such large‐scale flows erode the substrate and interact with seafloor topography.  相似文献   

Recently several attempts have been made to explain deep-sea sands or flysch-type sandstone beds by normal currents, instead of by turbidity currents. The arguments that are offered against turbidity currents and those in favour of normal currents are inconclusive. Current measurements and calculations indicate 1 m from the bottom on abyssal plains velocities are less than 30 cm/sec. The ubiquitous structures: sole markings, graded bedding, fine-grained ripple mark between a lower and a covering set of horizontal laminae, and convolution, are shown each in turn to be inexplicable on the basis of normal traction currents and the same holds for the uniform bed thickness. On the other hand these features develop readily in a circular flume from overloaded suspension currents. These experiments show that to support a heavy charge of fine sand in a clay suspension a current must exceed 100 cm/sec, and in clear water double that amount is needed. The inadequacy of normal currents both in velocity and kind is thus established. This lends powerful support to the case for turbidity currents. Many authors claim to have found evidence for the deflection of turbidity currents or for currents flowing across the paleo-slope. Explanations offered include the Coriolis force, normal currents, multiple turbidity currents, or surge waves. Analysis shows that all are open to serious doubts. The author suggests, quite tentatively, that the deflections may be only simulated by the development of lamination and grain orientation oblique and perpendicular to the current direction. Sagging of the trough floor may also play a part by confusing the determination of paleo-slope. Another possibility is that the turbidity current deviated from its original direction by “internal slope”, by momentum, by centrifugal force, or by lack of space. Admittedly, a problem remains, for the swift deposition deduced from the climbing ripples is in contradiction with the supposed stretching of the turbidity current inferred from grading.  相似文献   

Most of the Quaternary sediments of the Mozambique Fan have been derived from Africa-Madagascar and deposited by turbidity currents in Pleistocene time. Currents caused by movement of the Antarctic Bottom Water also played a significant role in reworking and redepositing sediments along the marginal areas of the fan. The inner or upper Mozambique Fan is characterized by a single, leveed valley. Due to the effects of the Coriolis force, the natural levees to the east of the valley (left, looking downstream) are higher and contain more terrigenous sediments than those to the west of the valley. The sea floor to the west of the valley returns regular hyperbolic echoes as seen on 3·5 kHz echograms, whereas to the east of the valley, the sea floor is relatively smooth. The sediments on the valley floor are coarse-grained (with median grain up to 2 mm) and poorly sorted, and occur often as massive turbidites, interbedded with hemipelagic sediments. Away from the valley, both to the east and the west, the terrigenous sediments are relatively fine-grained and have been deposited as overbank turbidite sequences. We estimate the maximum velocities of the channelized turbidity currents in the upper fan to have been 8–32 ms?1. The middle fan has several distributary channels with no levees and has a relatively flat sea floor, characterized by lack of acoustic penetration. Thick, sheet-like, turbidite sand beds, deposited primarily by unchannelized turbidity currents, characterize the middle fan. The middle fan grades, towards the margins, into the outer (lower) fan which is relatively free of channels, has good acoustic penetration and contains hemipelagic and pelagic sediments, and thin, fine-sand turbidite and/or contourite beds. A wide zone of sediment waves, formed from the reworking of the turbidity current-fed sediments by the Antarctic Bottom Water, forms part of the outer fan.  相似文献   

方念乔 《现代地质》1990,4(1):10-22
通过对恒河深海扇沟道间均质细粒沉积物的氧同位素地层划分,本文讨论了晚更新世以来冰川—气候旋回和海平面变化对印度洋北部大陆坡地带各种活跃的沉积因素(陆源和碳酸盐物质的沉积通量、浊流活动的强度和频度、粘土矿物分布、碳酸盐浓度和钙质生物壳的溶解度)的控制作用和因素间的相互关联。  相似文献   

Isolated, high relief carbonate platforms developed in the intracratonic basin of east-central Mexico during Albian-Cenomanian time. Relief on the platforms was of the order of 1000 m and slopes were as steep as 20–43°. Basin-margin debris aprons adjacent to the platforms comprise the Tamabra Formation. In the Sierra Madre Oriental, at the eastern margin of the Valles-San Luis Potosi Platform, an exceptionally thick (1380m) progradational basin to platform sequence of the Tamabra Formation can be divided into six lithological units. Basinal carbonate deposition that preceded deposition of the Tamabra Formation was emphatically punctuated by an allochthonous reef block 1 km long by 0·5 km wide with a stratigraphic thickness of 95 m. It is encased in Tamabra Formation unit A, approximately 360 m of peloidal-skeletal wackestone and lithoclastic-skeletal packstone that includes some graded beds. Unit B is 73 m of massive dolomite with sparse skeletal fragments and intraclasts. Unit C, 114m thick, consists of structureless skeletal wackestone passing upward into graded skeletal packstone. Interlaminated lime mudstone and fine grained bioclastic packstone with prominent horizontal burrows are interspersed near the top. Unit D is 126 m of breccia with finely interbedded skeletal grainstone and burrowed or laminated mudstone. The breccias contain a spectrum of platform-derived lithoclasts and basinal intraclasts, up to 10 m in size. The breccias are typically grain supported (rudstone) with a matrix of lightly to completely dolomitized mudstone or skeletal debris. Beds are up to several metres thick. Unit E is 206 m of massive, sucrosic dolomite that replaced breccias. Unit F is approximately 500 m of thick bedded to massive skeletal packstone with abundant rudists and a few mudstone intraclasts. Metre scale laminated lime mudstone beds are interspersed. The section is capped by El Abra Formation platform margin limestone, consisting of massive beds of caprinid packstone and grainstone with many whole valves. Depositional processes within this sequence shift from basinal pelagic or peri-platform sedimentation to distal, platform-derived, muddy turbidity currents with a large slump block (Unit A); through more proximal (coarser and cleaner) turbidity currents (Unit B?, C); to debris flows incorporating platform margin and slope debris (Units D, E). Finally, a talus of coarse, reef-derived bioclasts (Unit F) accumulated as the platform margin prograded over the slope sequence. Interspersed basinal deposits evolved gradually from largely pelagic to include influxes of dilute turbidity currents. Units containing turbidites with platform-derived bioclasts reflect flooding of the adjacent platform. Breccia blocks and lithoclasts were probably generated by erosion and collapse of the platform during lowstands. Laminated, black, pelagic carbonates, locally cherty, are interbedded with both breccias and turbidites. At least those interbedded with turbidites may have been deposited within an expanded mid-water oxygen minimum zone during relative highstands of sea level. They are in part coeval with mid-Cretaceous black shales of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

碎屑流与浊流的流体性质及沉积特征研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
受浊流沉积模式(即鲍马序列和浊积扇模式)的驱动和浊积岩思维定势的影响,自1970s浊流与浊积岩的概念逐渐扩大,特别是通过"高密度浊流"术语的引入,以及将水下浊流与陆上河流的错误类比,使得一部分碎屑流与底流的沉积被认为是浊积岩。随着现代观测设备的应用以及详细的岩芯观察,碎屑流(特别是砂质碎屑流)和浊流被重新认识。浊流是一种具牛顿流变性质和紊乱状态的沉积物重力流,其沉积物支撑机制是湍流。碎屑流是一种具塑性流变性质和层流状态的沉积物重力流,其沉积物支撑机制主要是基质强度和颗粒间的摩擦强度。浊流沉积具特征的正粒序韵律结构,底部为突变接触而顶部为渐变接触;碎屑流沉积一般具上、下两层韵律结构,即下部发育具平行碎屑结构的层流段,上部发育具块状层理的"刚性"筏流段。但当碎屑流被周围流体整体稀释改造且改造不彻底时,强碎屑流可变为中—弱碎屑流,相应自下而上可形成逆—正粒序的沉积韵律结构,其中发育有呈漂浮状的石英颗粒和泥质撕裂屑等碎屑颗粒,明显区别于浊流沉积单一的正粒序韵律结构特征。碎屑流沉积顶、底部均为突变接触。浊流的沉积模式为简单的具平坦盆底的坡底模式,而碎屑流则为复杂的斜坡模式。  相似文献   

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