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The Azas Plateau volcanic field is located in the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. The compositions of the Azas Plateau volcanics include low-viscosity trachybasalt and basanite. Volcanic edifices of Middle-Late Pleistocene age are widely distributed in the southeastern part of the volcanic field. There are subglacial volcanoes among the volcanic edifices, and their formation coincided with extensive ancient glaciations in the region. The dominant subglacial volcanoes in the area are tuyas. The general shapes of the tuyas (flat-tops with steep sides) are due to eruptions into meltwater lakes and confinement of ice walls, and effusive subaerial eruptions of basaltic lavas. There are also non-flat-topped subglacial volcanoes and at least one subaerial volcanic edifice in the area. Degradation appears to have modified the primary shapes of the tuya edifices, and such processes seem to include failures of over-steepened slopes, gully formation due to stream runoff and debris flows, cirque/valley glaciation, and modification by rock glaciers. The estimated thicknesses of the ice sheets covering the subglacial volcanoes during their eruptions range 300–600 m on average.  相似文献   

The paper illustrates the application of high-spatial resolution satellite images in interpreting volcanic structures and eruption impacts in the Tengger-Semeru massif in east Java, Indonesia. We use high-spatial resolution images (IKONOS and SPOT 5) and aerial photos in order to analyze the structures of Semeru volcano and map the deposits. Geological and tectonic mapping is based on two DEMs and on the interpretation of aerial photos and four SPOT and IKONOS optical satellite images acquired between 1996 and 2002. We also compared two thermal Surface Kinetic Temperature ASTER images before and after the 2002-2003 eruption in order to delineate and evaluate the impacts of the pyroclastic density currents. Semeru's principal structural features are probably due to the tectonic setting of the volcano. A structural map of the Tengger-Semeru massif shows four groups of faults orientated N40, N160, N75, and N105 to N140. Conspicuous structures, such as the SE-trending horseshoe-shaped scar on Semeru's summit cone, coincide with the N160-trending faults. The direction of minor scars on the east flank parallels the first and second groups of faults. The Semeru composite cone hosts the currently active Jonggring-Seloko vent. This is located on, and buttressed against, the Mahameru edifice at the head of a large scar that may reflect a failure plane at shallow depth. Dipping 35° towards the SE, this failure plane may correspond to a weak basal layer of weathered volcaniclastic rocks of Tertiary age. We suggest that the deformation pattern of Semeru and its large scar may be induced by flank spreading over the weak basal layer of the volcano. It is therefore necessary to consider the potential for flank and summit collapse in the future. The last major eruption took place in December 2002-January 2003, and involved emplacement of block-and-ash flows. We have used the 2003 ASTER Surface Kinetic Temperature image to map the 2002-2003 pyroclastic density current deposits. We have also compared two 10 m-pixel images acquired before and after the event to describe the extent and impact of an estimated volume of 5.45 × 106 m3 of block-and-ash flow deposits. An ash-rich pyroclastic surge escaped from one of the valley-confined block-and ash flows at 5 to 8 km distance from the crater and swept across the forest and tilled land on the SW side of the Bang River Valley. Downvalley, the temperature of the pyroclastic surge decreased and a mud-rich deposit coated the banks of the Bang River Valley. Thus, hazard mitigation at Semeru should combine: (1) continuous monitoring of the eruptive activity through an early-warning system, and (2) continuous remote sensing of the morphological changes in the drainage system due to the impact of frequent pyroclastic density currents and lahars.  相似文献   

对采自南极乔治王岛柯林斯冰帽小冰穹顶冰芯40~50m深度处黑色沉积物样品进行了内部结构和外部形态的观察和分析。偏光显微镜下光性鉴定表明该样品具有显著的火山喷出物指征性结构。经EPM—810Q型电子探针分析发现了样品较强的火山喷出物形貌方面的指征,全元素定性分析验征了偏光显微镜下观察到的几种特定矿物组成。这是首次在柯林斯冰帽冰芯中发现并得到鉴定的火山喷出物。  相似文献   

This work investigates the initial colonization on recent lahar deposits of the northeast slope of Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico, where 29 circular sample plots (1.57 m2) were established to determine the development stages of colonization in four types of habitats: 1997 lahar, 2001 lahar, margins, and terraces at the channel's bottom. Cluster analysis and the Sørensen Index were used to determine the floristic affinity of these lahars. Richness, frequency, percentage of species contribution, plant cover, density, and stem height were analyzed to determine the composition and structure of plant communities. The distribution of these variables reveals that the communities often have a simple internal structure; however, a relationship has already been established between changes in resilience and the age of the four lahars. Thus, floristic composition develops rapidly (1 sp. in terraces, 11 spp. in the margins, 29 spp. in the 2001 lahar, and 34 spp. in the 1997 lahar). Except for the 1997 lahar, however, structural characteristics are poorly developed in other incipient stages. As colonization advances, the affinity among the various components and sectors of the laharic deposits decreases, thus promoting the gradual incorporation of species found on the adjacent gorge slopes. The Principal Components Analysis used to identify other explanatory factors shows that of 15 variables studied, those associated with the morpho-sedimentology, the hydrovolcanic dynamics and stability of deposits (microtopography, thickness of the deposit, clast shapes, length of the deposit, depth of the gorge, and slope processes) explain a large percentage of variance. Only a few species (Lupinus campestris, Alchemilla procumbens and Penstemon gentianoides), are well adapted to poor soils and the effects of intense erosion caused by the flows.  相似文献   

世界火山分布具有规律性。火山旅游资源具有广泛性和高品味性。火山旅游资源的开发利用需要具有科学的态度和综合性的手段。世界许多国家开发利用火山旅游资源的经济值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

Large sector collapses are a major component of oceanic islands evolution. Here we show that voluminous events such as the Icod landslide on Tenerife (Canary Islands) cause dramatic changes on the magma feeding system and control the subsequent volcanic and geomorphologic evolution of the eruptive complex over a period of more than 150 kyr. Instantaneous unloading by the Icod landslide is marked by the development of a large phonolitic explosive eruption dated at 175 ± 3 ka and interpreted as reflecting the immediate emptying of a shallow pre-existing magma chamber. Geochronological, geomorphological and geochemical analyses, carried out on the post-landslide volcanic succession sampled in a 4.4 km-long underground water-recovery gallery, provide further evidence for an enhanced extrusion of primitive lavas starting in the 10 kyr time interval following the failure. Rapid construction (< 40 kyr) of a thick basaltic volcano in the landslide scar at high eruptive rates (up to 8 km3 kyr−1) increased the lithostatic pressure which then favored the intermittent storage of basic magma under the edifice. This resulted in more episodic construction evidenced by a significant decrease in output rates and the increasing occurrence of lavas with intermediate composition from 117 ± 7 to 52 ± 7 ka. An apparent volcanic gap is observed between 52 ± 7 and 18 ± 1 ka, after which highly differentiated lavas have been dominantly erupted. We propose that part of the gap can be explained by the individualization of a shallow magma reservoir a few kilometers below the base of the Teide volcano. During recent periods, vertical and lateral extrusions of trachytic and phonolitic viscous bodies from this storage area contributed to increase the slope of the main edifice up to 35°, overall favoring its present-day instability.  相似文献   

In order to monitor the Stromboli submarine slope after the 30 December 2002 landslide and tsunami, repeated marine surveys were carried out offshore of Sciara del Fuoco. The morphological changes and depositional processes that brought to the gradual filling of the slide scar have been studied in detail. Thirteen surveys in a period of little more than 4 years provided a unique opportunity to reconstruct the morpho-sedimentary evolution of the submarine slope and its recovery after the mass-wasting event. The scar has been progressively filled with lava and volcanoclastic debris; in the first month and a half, the filling rate was very high due to the entrance of lava flows into the sea and to the morphological readjustment of the slope; in the following months/years the rate dramatically decreased when the eruptive vents moved upwards and the eruption finally stopped. After 4 years (February 2007) more than 40% of the scar was already filled. In early 2007, a new eruption occurred and a lava delta was constructed in the 2002 scar, influencing the natural readjustment of the slope; therefore, our reconstruction only encompasses the period between the 2002 and 2007 eruptions.The swath bathymetry reconstruction of geometry and volume of scar filling during the period 2002–2007 evidenced a punctuated and fast shift of depocenters and debris emplacement through avalanching processes. This process quickly obliterated the features produced by the 2002 tsunamigenic landslide so that a major question about the preservation potential of mass-wasting features on active volcanic flanks emerges.  相似文献   

In addition to surface geologic and geophysical investigations, Panchromatic SPOT and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data were merged using an IHS approach to produce a satellite composite image to use as a basis for structural geologic analysis of the oil- and gas-bearing regions of Azerbaijan, including the South Caspian and Kura Basins. With the development of new exploration technology, various nonseismic reconnaissance methods, such as remote sensing, gravity, and magnetics for oil exploration have been substantiated and improved. The Azerbaijan and surrounding mountain ranges are favorable for studying natural hydrocarbon seepages. Most of the seepage occurs in faulted and mud volcano areas onshore of the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. Determining the geometry of the fault system from analysis of remote-sensing data allows prediction of (1) vertical oil migration from source rocks into tectonic traps in overlying formations and (2) quantitative volume of oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

Volcanic ash can cause physical damage to an aircraft to the point of mechanical and electrical malfunction. In the event of an ash plume, aircraft would likely be diverted or grounded, leading to economic losses. This article presents two indices to compare the economic vulnerability of flight paths to volcanic ash plumes. The first index includes three factors for a flight path: wind direction, distance to the volcano, and flight‐path attributes (i.e., number of flights per day, number of potential passengers, and average ticket cost). The second index compares the threat posed by different volcanoes to an airline flight‐path network. A case study is presented for two airlines in the northwest United States to a Mt. Adams eruption. The results show that although the first airline has more flight paths in the region, the second airline is slightly more vulnerable due to the spatial relationships of its flight paths to the volcano and their attributes.  相似文献   

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