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An improved interpretation of the largest anomalies of gravity field is presented herewith. The anomalous potential, gravity and deflection of the vertical have been used at a single point. The depth of the sources does not depend on the anomalous density and the form of the body. The interpretation is unique in the physical sense.  相似文献   

A PbSrNd isotope study of South West and East Indian Ridges confirms that the Indian Ocean belongs to a specific regional isotopic domain, as previously suggested by the results from islands of this ocean. The isotopic domain defined by the Indian MORB is indeed different from that of the North Atlantic and East Pacific Oceans. This demonstrates that the convective circulation of the upper mantle does not allow a rapid homogenization from one region to the other.The isotopic data of the Indian ridges can be interpreted by a contamination model, in which the depleted upper mantle (identical to that under the North Atlantic) is contaminated by two different types of contaminant, one corresponding to the source of the “central Indian Ocean” islands (Amsterdam, St. Paul, Marion, Prince Edward, Réunion, Rodriguez, Mauritius), and the other to a source similar to that of Walvis or Ninety East aseismic ridges. These two contaminants would have contributed to the ridge volcanism in different proportions over time.  相似文献   

The lead content of five whole-rock peridotite inclusions (four lherzolites and one harzburgite) in alkali basalt ranges from 82 to 570 ppb (parts per billion). Approximately 30–60 ppb of this amount can be accounted for by analyzed major silicate minerals (olivine ≤ 10 ppb; enstatite 5–28 ppb; chrome diopside ~400 ppb). Through a series of acid leaching experiments, the remainder of the lead is shown to be quite labile and to reside in either glassy or microcrystalline veinlets or accessory mineral phases, such as apatite and mica. The lead isotopic composition of the peridotites (206Pb/204Pb= 18.01–18.90;207Pb/204Pb= 15.52–15.61;208Pb/204Pb= 37.80–38.86) lies within the range of values defined by many modern volcanic rocks and, in particular, is essentially coextensive with the abyssal tholeiite field. In all but one instance, isotopic differences were found between the peridotite and its host alkali basalt. Two of the peridotites clearly demonstrated internal isotopic heterogeneity between leachable and residual fractions that could not simply be due to contamination by the host basalt. However, there is no evidence that these ultramafic rocks form some layer in the mantle with isotopic characteristics fundamentally different from those of the magma sources of volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

We use telluric and magnetic data of the diurnal variation recorded in Europe, Australia and North America to study the magnetotelluric tensor in the 6h–24h period range. We use associate directions and we eliminate the effects of deviation of telluric currents. We thus obtain for each observatory reliable phases and apparent resistivity values representative of the neighbouring stratified substratum. It appears that the values obtained in the four European observatories (Saint-Maur, France; Ebro, Spain; Toledo, Spain; Nagycenk, Hungary) give similar results and that these results are different from those obtained either in Tucson (USA) or in Watheroo (Australia).Using Bostick transform we interpret these phase and apparent resistivity values in terms of conductivity of the upper mantle. We discuss then the conductivity heterogeneities in terms of change either in temperature, or partial melting or percentage of fluids of the upper mantle: at depths of about 300 km, the upper mantle appears to be 100 °C hotter under Australia than under Europe; the probable presence of fluids at depths about 100 km in the southwestern North America upper mantle appears to be responsible for the high observed conductivities. All these conductivity values are coherent with tomography results from Woodhouse and Dziewonsky: high (low) conductivities are cohernet with low (high)seismic wave velocities.  相似文献   

Rayleigh-wave group velocities have been measured along 11 paths on the African continent, north of the equator. The results lead to a division of this part of the continent into three regions: cratonic areas, non-cratonic areas (“mobile zones”), and a region located to the east of the meridian 31°E (Red Sea neighbourhood, Ethiopia, Djibouti). The highest velocities are found beneath the cratonic areas, at ~ 200 km depth (~ 5%). At greater depths, the “mobile zones” exhibit higher velocities than the cratonic regions, but the difference is not as marked (~ 2%) and the resolution is poor. Velocities in the eastern region are similar to those found under young oceanic regions.  相似文献   

Published data showing a linear correlation between initial Nd and Sr isotope compositions in young basalts indicate the existence of a spectrum of isotopically distinct reservoirs in the mantle which represent either (1) mixtures of two homogeneous endmember reservoirs, one of which may be undifferentiated material or (2) fractionated reservoirs all derived from a homogeneous initial reservoir with the same ratio of enrichment factors for Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr. The slope of the correlation, which can be described approximately by (87Sr/86Sr) = ?3.74114 (143Nd/144Nd) + 2.61935orεNd = ?2.7 εSr, places constraints on the origin of these reservoirs and hence on the chemical evolution of the crust-mantle system. The reservoirs could be residual regions of the mantle left after ancient partial melting events. If so, the requirement of constant relative fractionation of Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr in refractory residues is a strong constraint on partial melting models. Calculations suggest that batch melting models are more compatible with this constraint than are fractional melting models, but models incorporating currently accepted distribution coefficients and residual phase assemblages cannot reproduce the observed isotope effects except under highly specific conditions. The slope of the correlation is not consistent with the hypotheses that chemical structure in the mantle is due to accretional heterogeneity or variable loss of elements to the core. If the mantle reservoirs are complementary in composition to the continental crust, and if the crust + mantle has εNd = 0andεSr = 0 and chondritic Sr/Nd, then Rb/Sr in the crust is calculated to be less than 0.10, suggesting that the crust may be more mafic in composition and contain a smaller proportion of the earth's Rb and heat-producing elements than previously estimated.  相似文献   

Adopting the spectral approach, we derive the formulation of angular coherence and transverse coherence of transmission fluctuations. Our derivation and results provide new insight on transmission fluctuation analysis. A review of research work on fluctuation analysis using observations at large seismic arrays such as LASA and NORSAR-follows. We point out that the model of a single-layer Gaussian medium cannot explain the angular coherence of NORSAR data and a more general model of a non-Gaussian, multi-scale, vertically inhomogeneous random media is needed. The model of a two-layer power-law medium proposed by Flatté and Wu is among the simplest of such models.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments are used to illustrate how steady convective flows, while efficient at stirring an initial heterogeneity within a single cell, do not produce dispersal of heterogeneous material over scales large compared to the depth. Long-range dispersal requires that the flow be time dependent on a time scale comparable to the overturn time. Convection in an internally heated layer has this property and numerical solutions are used to study the way in which it disperses a set of neutrally buoyant particles that were initially confined to a small space. The horizontal dispersal of these particles is reasonably well represented by an effective diffusivity of 0.3 cm2/s for a Rayleigh number of 106. The concept of an effective diffusivity is then applied to the isotopic evolution of the Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr systems with spatial variations generated by horizontal variations in degree of melting 1.8×109 years ago. The present-day average ε value one would measure in such a system depends on the average degree of melting, the amplitude and length scale of variations in partial melt, and the effective diffusivity assumed. Especially in the case of Nd the differences in average ε value between a uniform and a spatially variable (but with the same average) melting case can be significant. The range of ε values about the average is controlled by the competing effects of generation by the differences in enrichment factor and decay due to the effective diffusivity.  相似文献   

An assessment of local and regional isotopic equilibrium in the mantle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The assumption of local equilibrium during partial melting is fundamental to the interpretation of isotope and trace element data for mantle-derived rocks. If disequilibrium melting is significant, the scale of the chemical and isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle indicated by the data could be as small as the grain size of the mantle rock, and the isotope data themselves are then of doubtful value to the understanding of mantle processes. To assess the scale of isotopic heterogeneity in a partially molten asthenosphere we review the Sr isotopic data of volcanic rocks from oceanic regions and the available experimental data on diffusion kinetics in minerals and melts similar to those existing in the mantle. Although diffusion data are scarce and afflicted with uncertainties, most of the diffusion coefficients for cations in mantle minerals at temperatures of 1000–1200°C appear to be greater than 10?13 cm2 s?1. Sr diffusion in liquid basalt is more rapid, with diffusion coefficients of D = 10?7 to 10?6cm2s?1 near 1300°C. Simple model calculations show that, with these D values, a fluid-free mantle can maintain a state of disequilibrium on a centimeter scale for periods of 108 to 109 years. The state of disequilibrium found in many mantle-derived xenoliths is thus easily explained. A partially molten mantle, on the other hand, will tend to equilibrate locally in less than 105 to 106 years. The analytical data on natural rocks likewise indicate that the inhomogeneities are both old (>FX1.5 b.y.) and regional in character and that the consistent isotopic difference between ocean island and ocean floor volcanics cannot be explained by small-scale heterogeneity of the source rock.  相似文献   

Mass heterogeneities in the earth's mantle are retrieved from the gravity data and the topography of the core-mantle boundary as well as the topography of the earth's surface. A mantle circulation induced by the heterogeneities is modelled by solving the Stokes problem for incompressible Newtonian fluid. The derived models of mantle motions correlate well with the plate tectonics and point at a close relation between the surface tectonic activity and the processes in the vicinity of the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes separated from two hydrous and four anhydrous ultramafic nodules, selected from a suit of xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher (DW), West Germany, have been studied for Nd and Sr isotopic composition. Nd exhibits a range of εJUV(T) from 0 to +12.4 and 87Sr/86Sr varies between 0.70185 and 0.70400. TICE model ages for anhydrous nodules indicate that the mantle underlying DW was originally depleted ?2 AE ago. Correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with Sm/Nd in this group of samples suggests that a second partial melting event occurred about 560 m.y. ago resulting in LREE enrichment of at least part of the anhydrous mantle. During a later episode, probably contemporaneous with the eruption of the host basalt in Quaternary times, most of the spinel peridotitic upper mantle below DW was modified. This metasomatism led to hydration and incompatible element enrichment of originally anhydrous mantle. The isotopic data for the anhydrous nodules again demonstrate that oceanic-type mantle underlies at least some continental areas. It is apparent that the separation of subcontinental mantle regions from an initially chondritic reservoir may occur in several discrete episodes. However, differing histories of depletion and/or enrichment will produce isotopically distinct mantle reservoirs. Therefore, basalts extracted from these mantle reservoirs will scatter about an average Nd-Sr trend line reflecting the nature of the differentiation in their source regions.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic data on pargasite Iherzolite inclusions, kaersutite megacrysts and their host alkali basalts are presented here to clarify some questions regarding isotopic equilibration during mantle metasomatism and the role of metasomatism in basalt genesis. Five alkali basalts from Nunivak Island within the Aleutian back-arc basin, have87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70251–0.70330 and143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.51289–0.51304. On a Nd versus Sr isotope composition diagram the basalts overlap the fields of MORB and ocean island basalts. Pargasites and mica separated from hydrous nodules found in these basalts have a range in87Sr/86Sr of 0.70256–0.70337 but identical143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.51302. The metasomatic fluid represented by the pargasite is in isotopic equilibrium, both for Sr and Nd, with the dry mantle as represented by diopside. Eight alkali basalts from the Ataq diatreme, South Yemen, have87Sr/86Sr range of 0.70335–0.70426 and143Nd/144Nd range of 0.51252–0.51305. On a Nd versus Sr isotope composition diagram the basalts from Ataq plot in two distinct fields, (1) within the field of ocean island basalts, and (2) within the range of continental rift basalts but to the left of the Nd-Sr correlation line, somewhat similar to the Skye and Oslo rift basalts. Diopside and pargasite separated from three nodules at Ataq have a more complex history than those at Nunivak. Two nodules contain pargasite and diopside with identical87Sr/86Sr ratios but different143Nd/144Nd ratios. A third nodule contains diopside with a143Nd/144Nd ratio similar to that of other diopsides.The Nunivak basalts are derived from a source with a time-integrated light-REE depletion, in contrast to the light-REE-enriched nature of the basanites. This is best explained by a recent metasomatic event in the source region which increased the LIL element content of the peridotite thus accommodating higher degrees of melting. The Ataq volcanic rocks seem to tap different sources characterized by both light-REE enrichment and depletion, in contrast to the uniform source of the Nunivak basanites. Production of the Ataq basanites is believed to involve anataxis of metasomatically veined continental mantle where local mantle heterogeneities survived the melting event.  相似文献   

Direct earthquake-to-station Rayleigh and Love wave data observed on high gain broadband records are analyzed in order to improve the lateral resolution of the uppermost mantle in the southwest Pacific region. We used data of nine permanent Geoscope and Iris stations located in the southern hemisphere and nine other stations as part of two temporary networks, the first one installed in New Caledonia and Vanuatu (hereafter named Cavascope network) by ORSTOM and the EOST from Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg (France) and the second one installed in the Fiji, Tonga and Niue islands (hereafter named Spase network) by Washington University in St. Louis (USA). In order to collect more significant details on the surficial structures, we included the analysis of short period waves down to 8 s. A multiple frequency filtering technique has been used to recover phase velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves for selected earthquakes with magnitude greater than 5.5 and with known centroid moment tensor (CMT). About 1100 well-distributed seismograms have been processed in the period range 8–100 s and corrections for topography and water depth have been applied to the observed phase velocities. The geographical distribution of phase velocity anomalies have then been computed using the tomographic method developed by Montagner [Montagner, J.P., 1986a. Regional three-dimensional structures using long-period surface waves. Ann. Geophys. 4 (B3), 283–294]. Due to a poor knowledge of dense, well-distributed, crustal thickness values and corresponding velocity models, we did not perform or speculate on the construction of an S-wave 3D velocity model; therefore, we limited this study to the interpretation of the phase velocity distribution. The location of phase velocity anomalies are well determined and the deviations are discussed within the framework of the geological context and compared with other tomographic models. At long periods, from 40 s to 100 s, our results agree well with most of previous studies: the tomographic imaging shows a large contrast between low and high phase velocities along the Solomon, New Hebrides and Fiji–Tonga trenches. The lowest phase velocity anomalies are distributed beneath northern and southern Fiji basins and the Lau basin (corresponding to the volume situated just above the dipping slabs), whereas the highest values are displayed beneath the Pacific plate and the eastern part of Indian plate downgoing under the North Fiji basin. At shorter periods, our results show that the phase velocity distributions are well correlated with the large structural crustal domains. The use of local temporary broadband stations in the central part of the studied area gives us the opportunity to observe surface waves showing well-dispersed trains, allowing extended velocity measurements down to 8 s although aliasing due to multipaths become important. The continental regions (Eastern Australia, New Guinea, Fiji islands and New Zealand) show low velocities which are likely due to thick continental crust, whereas the Tasmanian, D'Entrecasteaux, and the Northern and Southern Fiji basins are characterized by higher velocities suggesting thinner oceanic crust. Additional analysis including the anisotropic case and S-wave velocity inversion with depth is in progress.  相似文献   

The neodymium-strontium isotopic correlation observed in most of the Earth mantle materials is evaluated by means of direct modelling. Several geochemical models are quantitatively developed to explain the observations. The main results of this modelling are that such a correlation is not geochemically trivial and that it corresponds to specific conditions in chemical fractionation. These specific conditions seem to be satisfied by solid-liquid partitioning in magmatic conditions. The discussion of the experimental data supports a continuous convecting-magmatic fractionation model for a large proportion of the mantle.  相似文献   

Carbonatites are mantle-derived, intraplate magmas that provide a means of documenting isotopic variations of the Earth's mantle through time. To investigate the secular Li isotopic evolution of the mantle and to test whether Li isotopes document systematic recycling of material processed at or near the Earth's surface into the mantle, we analyzed the Li isotopic compositions of carbonatites and spatially associated mafic silicate rocks. The Li isotopic compositions of Archean (2.7 Ga) to Recent carbonatites (δ7Li = 4.1 ± 1.3 (n = 23, 1σ)) overlap the range typical for modern mantle-derived rocks, and do not change with time, despite ongoing crustal recycling. Thus, the average Li isotopic composition of recycled crustal components has not deviated greatly from the mantle value (~ + 4) and/or Li diffusion is sufficiently fast to attenuate significant heterogeneities over timescales of 108 years. Modeling of Li diffusion at mantle temperatures suggests that limited δ7Li variation in the mantle through time reflects the more effective homogenization of Li in the mantle compared to radiogenic isotope systems. The real (but limited) variations in δ7Li that exist in modern mantle-derived magmas as well as carbonatites studied here may reflect isotopic fractionation associated with shallow-level processes, such as crustal assimilation and diffusive isotopic fractionation in magmatic systems, with some of the scatter possibly related to low-temperature alteration.  相似文献   

A statistical examination of isotopic distributions for MORB from various ocean ridges leads to the “blob cluster model”, in which the oceanic crust accreting at ridges results from the mixing of two components within the ascending mantle. These are (1) upper mantle material and (2) discrete rising blobs of more radiogenic material. The blobs are fractionated to a variable degree and are distributed in the upper mantle circulation in a manner that is related to the spreading rate.(1) Themean values of the isotopic distributions allow us to calculate the probabilities of the two types of material within the mantle. The results show that theproportion of asthenospheric material in the mixtureincreases with the spreading rate, in agreement with the hypothesis of blob dilution within the upper mantle convection.Mass fluxes can be estimated for the rising blobs from these probabilities, which depend on the respective concentrations in the sources of the two types of material. If the blobs originate in the lower mantle, this flux estimation would suggest that a significant part of the lower mantle has been injected into the upper mantle during earth history.(2) Thestandard deviations of the distributions depend on the “efficiency” of the mixing process:the more imbricated are the asthenospheric and blob materials in the mixture,the smaller is theisotopic spread. This efficiency parameter is shown to increase with the spreading rate, as already suggested by previous comparisons between the East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Moreover, this feature may also be correlated with other data such as ridge bathymetric variations.  相似文献   

Investigations of Rb-Sr systematics of basalts from the Afar depression (Ethiopia) indicate the presence of a heterogeneous mantle source region. The Sr isotopic compositions of the basalts from the Afar axial and transverse ranges identify source regions which are enriched in LIL elements and radiogenic Sr (axial ranges) and others which are relatively depleted (transverse ranges). Sr isotopic composition of basalts from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Gulf of Tadjoura, which range from 0.70300 to 0.70340 are also reported and compared with the more radiogenic Afar region, which is characterized by87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.70328 to 0.70410.Available geochemical and isotopic data suggest that a relation exists between magma composition and the advancement of the rifting process through progressive lithosphere attenuation leading to continental break-up. However, the petrogenetic process is not simple and probably implies a vertically zoned mantle beneath the Afar region. Sr isotopic evidence suggests that the vertically zoned mantle is more radiogenic and enriched in LIL elements in its upper part.  相似文献   

The temperature and degree of melting in an upwelling diapir in the mantle may be considerably less than that anticipated from an adiabatic cooling curve. Several geological and thermodynamic parameters may be incorporated to produce a more realistic melting model in diapirs. The latent heat of fusion of mantle material is the greatest buffer on degrees of melting. Models are presented which suggest that an uprising diapir intersecting the anhydrous solidus of mantle material at 50 kbars may be only 29% melted on reaching the surface. A diapir initiated at 100 kbars may be 69% melted. These are maximum values. These calculations imply that the generation of komatiitic liquids by diapiric uprise alone demands that the diapir originate at depths in excess of 300 km. Melting of mantle with an irregular geotherm is preferred for the origin of these liquids.  相似文献   

A seismological study of the upper mantle under the Kamchatka volcanoes using body waves from nearby earthquakes has shown local heterogencities consisting of materials with reduced elastic properties at depths from 30 to 90 km. The estimated value of the upper limit of viscosity,η, is about 6 × 1020 pois for the material of the mantle aseismic zone under the Kamchatka volcanoes at depths of ~ 70–150 km. It is suggested that the magmatic chambers are rooted in the mantle heterogeneities filled with substance of reduced elasticity and viscosity.  相似文献   

A finite element 2D Monte Carlo approach is used to evaluate the sensitivity of groundwater contaminant discharges to a Damkohler number ω and spatial variability in aquifer hydraulic conductivity, initial microbial biomass concentrations, and electron acceptor/donor concentrations. Bioattenuation is most sensitive to spatial variations in incipient biomass and critical electron donors/acceptors for ω ≥ 1 (i.e., when pore-water residence times are high compared to the time needed for microbial growth or contaminant attenuation). Under these conditions, critical reaction processes can become substrate-limited at multiple locations throughout the aquifer; which in turn increases expected contaminant discharges and their uncertainties at monitored transects. For ω ≤ 0.2, contaminant discharge is not sensitive to incipient biomass variations. Physical heterogeneities expedite plume arrival and delay departure at transects and in turn attenuate peak discharges but do not affect cumulative contaminant discharges. Physical heterogeneities do, however, induce transect mass discharge variances that are bimodal functions of time; the first peak beings consistently higher. A simple stream tube model is invoked to explain the occurrence of peaks in contaminant discharge variance.  相似文献   

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