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Herbert Frey 《Icarus》1977,32(2):235-250
The Earth's original ocean basins are proposed to be mare-type basins produced 4 billion y.a. by the flux of asteroid-sized objects responsible for the lunar mare basins. Scaling upward from the observed number of lunar basins for the greater capture cross-section and impact velocity of the Earth indicates that at least 50% of an original global crust would have been converted to basin topography. These basins were flooded by basaltic liquids in times short compared to the isostatic adjustment time for the basin. The modern crustal dichotomy (60% oceanic, 40% continental crust) was established early in the history of the Earth, making possible the later onset of plate tectonic processes. These later processes have subsequently reworked, in several cycles, principally the oceanic parts of the Earth's crust, changing the configuration of the continents in the process. Ocean basins (and oceans themselves) may be rare occurences on planets in other star systems.  相似文献   

We review the evidence that the Earth's atmosphere is regulated by life on the surface so that the probability of growth of the entire biosphere is maximized. Acidity, gas composition including oxygen level, and ambient temperature are enormously important determinants for the distribution of life. We recognize that the earth's atmosphere deviates greatly from that of the other terrestrial planets in particular with respect to acidity, composition, redox potential and temperature history as predicted from solar luminosity. These deviations from predicted steady state conditions have apparently persisted over millions of years. We explore the concept that these anomalies are evidence for a complex planet-wide homeostasis that is the product of natural selection. Possible homeostatic mechanisms that may be further investigated by both theoretical and experimental methods are suggested.  相似文献   

Detailed magnetic fields in the Earth's tail are calculated from a proposed model containing Beard's tail surface and a current sheet inferred from satellite observations. The component inside and perpendicular to the neutral sheet permits us to construct the drift pattern in the magnetic equatorial plane for charged particles. The computed results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results, although some deviations are noted.  相似文献   

The thermal response of the Earth's ionospheric plasma is calculated for various suddenly applied electron and ion heat sources. The time-dependent coupled electron and ion energy equations are solved by a semi-automatic computational scheme that employs Newton's method for coupled vector systems of non-linear parabolic (second order) partial differential equations in one spatial dimension. First, the electron and composite ion energy equations along a geomagnetic field line are solved with respect to a variety of ionospheric heat sources that include: thermal conduction in the daytime ionosphere; heating by electric fields acting perpendicular to the geomagnetic field line; and heating within a stable auroral red are (SAR-arc). The energy equations are then extended to resolve differential temperature profiles, first for two separate ion species (H+, O+) and then for four separate ion species (H+, He+, N+, O+) in addition to the electron temperature. The electron and individual ion temperatures are calculated for conditions within a night-time SAR-arc excited by heat flowing from the magnetosphere into the ionosphere, and also for typical midlatitude daytime ionospheric conditions. It is shown that in the lower ionosphere all ion species have the same temperature; however, in the topside ionosphere above about 400 km, ion species can display differential temperatures depending upon the balance between thermal conduction, heating by collision with electrons, cooling by collisions with the neutrals, and energy transfer by inter-ion collisions. Both the time evolution and steady-state distribution of such ion temperature differentials are discussed.The results show that below 300km both the electrons and ions respond rapidly (<30s) to variations in direct thermal forcing. Above 600 km the electrons and ions display quite different times to reach steady state, depending on the electron density: when the electron density is low the electrons reach steady state temperatures in 30 s, but typically require 700 s when the density is high; the ions, on the other hand, reach steady state in 700 s when the density is high, and 1500–2500 s when the density is low. Between 300 and 600 km, a variety of thermal structures can exist, depending upon the electron density and the type of thermal forcing; however steady state is generally reached in 200–1000 s.  相似文献   

A. Bar-Nun  A. Shaviv 《Icarus》1975,24(2):197-210
The course of evolution of Earth's primitive reducing atmosphere is shown to possibly have been determined to a large extent by the effect of thunder shock waves, which is comparable to the effect of solar uv radiation. The major chemical reactions occurring during a thunderstorm in the troposphere were pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, their oxidation by water vapor and their reaction with molecular nitrogen. These reactions were studied by the single-pulse shock tube technique and their rates as well as their product distributions were determined.The greenhouse effect of water vapor and acetylene enhanced oxidation by water vapor and prevented the accumulation of large graphite and polymer deposits on the Earth's surface. This is in accordance with their absence on the contemporary Earth. Changes in the frequency and power of thunderstorms, within reasonable limits, affected the rate of evolution but caused only small changes in the concentration profiles of HCN and aldehydes, which are essential for further chemical evolution in the oceans. The surface temperature and relative hydrogen concentration are shown to be of prime importance in determining the course and outcome of atmospheric evolution.  相似文献   

On June 20, 1971, an instrumented probe designated PAET entered the atmosphere near Bermuda at a velocity of 6.6 km/sec carrying experiments designed for use at planets other than the Earth. Instruments to measure in situ the structure and composition of the atmosphere included accelerometers, pressure and temperature sensors, a mass spectrometer, and a radiometer (to sense characteristic emission from the probe shock layer at high speeds).The experiments were largely successful. The thermal structure of the atmosphere, including two major reversals in gradient, was shown to be well defined to an altitude of 80 km by comparison with more conventional meteorological soundings. The atmospheric mean molecular weight was defined within a percent by the structure experiment. The radiometers defined the bulk composition accurately and the trace quantity of CO2 to one significant figure. The mass spectrometer functioned properly, but failed to give the correct composition because of problems in its sampling system. Oxygen was depleted, apparently by chemical reactions before reaching the spectrometer, and the inlet leak conductance was reduced from its preflight value by an order of magnitude. There is reason to believe that contamination by large molecules from the heat shield was responsible. This experiment should stimulate intensive laboratory work on sampling systems, so that similar problems do not arise in measurements of atmospheric composition at the planets.Results of auxiliary experiments to measure atmospheric water vapor, vehicle dynamics and heating, and communications blackout are also given.  相似文献   

Using Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck methods and the diffusion approximation, we derive coupled non-linear equations for the first two angular moments of the electron distribution function in the Earth's ionosphere. The theory includes a phenomenological treatment of photionization of the neutral species by an externally produced photon flux; electron-ion recombination; electronneutral particle attachment; elastic, excitation, deexcitation, and ionizing electron-neutral particle collisions; and elastic electron-electron and electron-ion collisions. At high and low energies, we obtain approximate analytic solutions for the steady-state electron distribution function. Under certain conditions we also obtain the standard continuous slowing-down formulae for the steady-state electron distribution function in the diffusion approximation.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Kelvin-Helmholtz magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instability near the low-latitude boundary layer. It is argued that the instability may be responsible both for viscous interaction of solar wind with the magnetosphere and for generation of surface waves over the range of geomagnetic pulsation frequencies. The influence of the inclination angle of the IMF vector with respect to the Earth-Sun line upon the instability growth-rate value is studied numerically. On the basis of the results the morning maximum of surface waves and of geomagnetic pulsations as well as the dependence of the latter on IMF orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

The problem of interaction between the interplanetary shock of 8 March, 1970 and the Earth's bow shock, magnetopause and plasmapause is considered. Estimates are made using existing models of the moments of initial impulsive interaction of interplanetary shocks with the bow shock and of the secondary interaction of the resulting split discontinuities with the magnetopause, plasmapause and a modified bow shock. Using computed data on the plasma's concentration jumps at discontinuities and on the latters' velocities, estimates have been carried out of remote sounding and the response signals' phase difference change rates Δf (which were found to be of the order of ~ 10?3?10?2Hz) appearing on the radio path with a non-coherent response near the subsolar region. It has been ascertained that the non-coherent response method permits, by using generators with a stability of ε =δrffO = 10?11?10?10, effective investigation (with a good time resolution) of the impulsive interaction of interplanetary shocks with the plasma discontinuities of the bow shockmagnetopause-plasmapause system.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is proposed for the interaction of a plane discontinuity in the solar wind with the magnetosphere. The presence of the bow shock and magnetosheath are taken into account, the calculation being based on the Spreiter et al. (1966) gas-dynamic model for a solar wind Mach Number M = 5. The model proposed predicts the manner in which the shape of the interplanetary discontinuity is distorted in its passage through the magnetosheath; it is found that the point of first impact with the magnetopause makes an angle of 56° with the Sun-Earth line for relatively quiet solar wind conditions.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that non-adiabatic particles in the Earth's magnetotail drift across the tail roughly as predicted for adiabatic particles with 90° pitch angles. In this paper we show that this result implies the existence of an approximate invariant of the motion. Adding the effect of convection associated electric fields, we can then obtain the approximate bounce averaged motion of non-adiabatic particles in the magnetotail. Thus the particle motion and energization due to combined magnetic and electric drifts in the magnetotail are easily predicted.  相似文献   

In this study, we try to refine the relation existing between the exobase temperature and density distributions of atomic hydrogen around the Earth (assuming that the zero net ballistic flux condition is satisfied all over the critical level). We find essentially that neither local heating in high latitude regions, nor the addition of proton fluxes around the Earth, induce large perturbations in the equatorial density distribution (less than 10 per cent). On the other hand, certain local heating can give large perturbations in the global density distribution (more than 50 per cent).The effect of the Earth's rotation is also studied. We find that at the exobase the density distribution of atomic hydrogen lags about one hour behind the temperature distribution. At higher altitudes this time lag increases, reaching 5–6 hr at 20 Earth radii.We show also that, due to a density inversion which takes place at 2 Earth radii, if the minimum of density at the exobase is on the dayside, above 2 Earth radii, a maximum of density is then on the dayside when going higher, due to the rotational effect, that density maximum shifts towards the evening, reaching early parts of the night at 20 Earth radii.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose to review the fundamental aspects of turbulence theories and their relevance to particle distribution functions observed by the cluster satellites in the quasi-perpendicular shock. The paper focusses on the hierarchical model describing the different levels of plasma turbulence; from the linear theory, through the quasi-linear remedy, to strong turbulence theories in the context of the earth's bow shock. We will discuss very briefly the validity of these approximations, and their relevance as far as satellite observations are concerned. In particular, we will discuss the development of non-Gaussian features in the ion distribution functions through the evaluation of higher order moments such as the kurtosis or flatness and the skewness. We have found that the profile of the kurtosis versus skewness tends to collapse to a parabolic line. This in turn allows us to draw analogies with neutral fluid turbulence where such a collapse of the kurtosis-skewness profile has been observed.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional radiative-convective model is used to compute temperature and water vapor profiles as functions of solar flux for an Earth-like atmosphere. The troposphere is assumed to be fully saturated, with a moist adiabatic lapse rate, and changes in cloudiness are neglected. Predicted surface temperatures increase monotonically from ?1 to 111°C as the solar flux increased from 0.81 to 1.45 times its present value. Surface temperatures corresponding to high solar fluxes may be underestimated, however, owing to neglect of H2O continuum absorption outside of the 8- to 12-μm window region. These results imply that the surface temperature of a primitive water-rich Venus should have been at least 80–100°C and may have been much higher. The existence of liquid water at the surface depends on poorly known aspects of H2O continuum absorption and on uncertainties concerning relative humidity and cloudiness. In any case, water vapor should have been a major atmospheric constituent at all altitudes, leading to the rapid hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen. The oxygen left behind by this process was presumably consumed by reactions with reduced minerals in the crust. Both the loss of oxygen and the presently observed enrichment of the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio are most easily explained if oceans of liquid water were initially present.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility to use the neutrinos coming from a future galactic supernova explosion to perform neutrino oscillation tomography of the Earth’s core. We propose to use existing or planned detectors, resulting in an additional payoff. Provided that all of the discussed uncertainties can be reduced as expected, we find that the average matter densities of the Earth’s inner and outer cores could be measured with a precision competitive with geophysics. However, since seismic waves are more sensitive to matter density jumps than average matter densities, neutrino physics would give partly complementary information.  相似文献   

Fast forward interplanetary (IP) shocks have been identified as a source of large geomagnetic disturbances. However, the shocks can evolve in the solar wind, they are modified by interaction with the bow shock and during their propagation through the magnetosheath. A few previous papers refer the inclination and deceleration of the IP shock front in this region. Our contribution continues this effort and presents the study of an IP shock interaction with the bow shock. Since the bow shock is a reversed fast shock, the interaction of the IP shock and bow shock is a problem of interaction of two fast MHD shocks.

We compare profiles of magnetic field and plasma parameters observed by several spacecraft in the solar wind and magnetosheath with the profiles of the same parameters resulting from the MHD numerical model. The MHD model suggests that the interaction of an IP shock with the bow shock results in an inward bow shock displacement that is followed by its outward motion. Such motion will result in an indentation propagating along the bow shock surface. This scenario is confirmed by multipoint observations. Moreover, the model confirms also previous suggestions on the IP shock deceleration in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

Long-period (more than 20 min) quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) occurring in the Earth's magnetic field (EMF) before the proton flare are studied by the method of spectral correlation analysis of geomagnetic field H-component. The corresponding data have been obtained at six stations located from 12°41'E up to 180° 52'E and from 52°04'N up to 68°52'N.QPP space-time distribution is shown to be correlated with that of the Earth's ionosphere current systems. The results obtained indicate that QPP of the EMF are influenced by QPP of the solar X-ray and ultraviolet radiation modulated by oscillation processes in the active solar region.  相似文献   

The possible effects of electron—ion collisions on the diffusion of a cylindrical plasma irregularity orientated at right angles to the geomagnetic field lines, at altitude 300 km, are discussed. The results obtained indicate that the diffusion may proceed at a rate rather greater than for a case for which the effects of collisions of electrons with ions are assumed to be negligible. Furthermore, it is suggested that if the plasma density is great enough, the production of a 'fin' of ionisation along the magnetic field direction may be inhibited by the action of electron—ion collisions.  相似文献   

Using the time observations obtained by 8 instruments in the Chinese Joint System during the years 1966–1980, we analyse the Moon's zonal tidal effect. The results show that the effects of the Mf and Mm waves are obvious. From this, the parameters KC of the zonal tide are estimated and the weighted averages of the 8 instruments are (KC)Mf = 0.909 ± 0.114 and (KC)Mm = 0.905 ± 0.083 respectively.  相似文献   

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