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Data from the Topside sounder aboard ISIS II are used to calculate the latitudinal distribution of thermal plasma at 1400 km when the satellite moves along a line of constant geographic longitude. The distribution of thermal plasma is related to the latitudinal regime of the auroral electrojets as inferred from data from a meridian line of magnetometers. It is found that thermal plasma at high altitude tends to be found above the poleward portion of the auroral electrojet. This finding is explained in terms of the spectrum of precipitating electrons across the auroral oval. It is found that the thermal plasma distribution in the post-noon sector is distinctly different from that in the premidnight sector despite the fact that both quadrants feature clear latitudinally confined eastward current flow. This difference can be used to define whether or not the polar cleft penetrates into the local time sector traversed by the satellite. On the nightside, the peak in thermal plasma poleward of the ionospheric trough can be used to identify the magnetic field lines which map to the boundary between the tail lobe and the plasma sheet.  相似文献   

We have studied the extent to which certain transport processes affect ion composition and heat flow in the daytime, topside Venus ionosphere. Particular attention is given to the conditions that prevailed during the Mariner 5 measurements, at which time the topside Venus ionosphere appeared to be in a state of diffusive equilibrium. We have found that the ion composition is sensitive to the ion temperature, the ion temperature gradient, and to relative drifts between the ion species of a few msec. The electron density, on the other hand, is very insensitive to these parameters. As a consequence, ionospheric models of the topside Venus ionosphere are not likely to yield definitive information about the ion composition, the thermal structure or the flow conditions, since at present only electron density profiles are available for testing model predictions. We have also found that a relative drift between the ion species of a few msec induces an ion heat flow that is equivalent to a 1 Kkm temperature gradient. This induced heat flow could influence the energy balance in the topside Venus ionosphere.  相似文献   

Four sounding rocket payloads were launched in early 1977 to measure heating parameters in the auroral oval. Geophysical conditions were different for the four flights: auroral arc substorm main phase diffuse aurora, and auroral arc with negative bay. The conductivity tensor and the heating rates of particle and Joule heating are determined. The heating rates range in the order of a few tens of mWm?2. These magnitudes accord with those determined with the aid of backscatter facilities and other sounding rocket observations.  相似文献   

Topside ionospheric profiles are used to study the upward field-aligned flow of thermal O+ at high latitudes. On the majority of the field lines outside the plasmasphere, the mean flux is approximately equal to the mean polar wind measured by spacecraft at greater altitudes. This is consistent with the theory of thermal light ion escape supported, via charge exchange, by upward O+ flow at lower heights. Events of larger O+ flow are detected at auroral latitudes and their occurrence is found to agree with that of transversely accelerated ions within the topside ionosphere and the magnetosphere. The effects of low altitude heating of O+ by oxygen cyclotron waves, driven by downward field-aligned currents, are considered as a possible common cause of these two types of event.  相似文献   

An intense, localized auroral disturbance observed by Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite in the morning sector at the altitude 850 km is analyzed in detail. The disturbance is characterized by strong “jumps” of electric and magnetic fields reaching ~ 80 mV/m and ~ 100 nT, fluctuations of ion density (Δn/n ~ 70%) and bursts of downward and upward energetic electron fluxes. Electric and magnetic disturbances display a distinct spatial-temporal relationship typical for the standing quasi-monochromatic wave (? ~ 1 Hz, λx ~ 10 km). The ratio of amplitudes of electric and magnetic fluctuations is equal to Alfvén velocity (ΔE/ΔBvA/c). However, a strong parallel component of the electric field (~ 30 mV/m) and large ion density fluctuations indicate significant changes of plasma properties (the effects of anomalous resistivity are possible).  相似文献   

Ambient thermal electrons are found to be heated to temperatures as high as 105 K by the passage of a field-aligned beam of suprathermal electrons through the ionosphere at altitudes over 660 km. These secondary electrons will increase the proportion of 630 nm emission, caused by the primary electron precipitation, and change the secondary electron spectrum observed at lower altitudes from that expected on the basis of atmospheric collisions alone.  相似文献   

The spectra of amplitude fluctuations have been determined using 400 MHz transmissions from the Navy navigation satellite system (NNSS) observed at Spitsbergen. A spectrum model for electron density fluctuations is discussed. It is shown that a typical spectrum cut-off scale is l011 ~5 + 15 km in the direction of the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

The Retarding Potential Analyzer aboard OGO-6 sometimes recorded marked depressions of ion temperature as the satellite crossed the equatorial region. These “Ti troughs” occur at heights between about 700 km and the satellite apogee at 1100 km. At the centre of a trough, close to the dip equator, Ti is frequently 500–1000 K below its value at the northern and southern edges, which are usually 15°–20° in latitude from the centre of the trough. At a given season and local time, the occurrence, symmetry, depth and position of the troughs often vary markedly with longitude. The troughs have no particular association with equatorial troughs of ion concentration Ni.As suggested by Hanson, Nagy and Moffett, the Ti troughs appear to be caused by transequatorial winds that drive F region plasma along geomagnetic field lines. The plasma is adiabatically cooled as it is driven upwards on the “upwind” side of the dip equator, and heated as it descends on the “downwind” side. The available data on the occurrence of troughs at different longitudes, local times and seasons are reasonably consistent with wind directions deduced from Jacchia's model and the OGO-6 thermospheric model of Hedin et al., and with the north-south asymmetries of the tropical 630 nm airglow observed by OGO-4 and OGO-6. Factors determining the latitudinal extent of the troughs are discussed and some questions for further study are listed.  相似文献   

Proton cyclotron echoes and spurs are phenomena related to the proton cyclotron frequency discovered on topside sounder ionograms from Canadian Alouette satellites. The echoes and spurs appears on the ionograms at apparent ranges which lead to a frequency close to the proton cyclotron frequency; the frequency is obtained by taking the reciprocal of the time elapsed between the transmission of the sounder pulse and the reception of the signal at the satellite. Aloutte II and ISIS and II ionograms for about sixty satellite passes were scaled to study the charateristics of these phenomena. Generally, proton cyclotron echoes and spurs occured on the ionograms at frequencies below the electron plasma frequency fN, the echoes predominantly slightly above the electron cyclotron frequency fH and the spurs just below fN. They appeared most often when a harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency nfH(n = 1, 2, 3, 4) was approximately equal to one of the other characteristic frequencies, that is: (1) nfHfN, (2) nfHfzS, the frequency of the Z wave at the heght of the satellite, and (3) nfHfT, the upper hybrid resonance frequency.Proton cyclotron echoes, spurs and protein cyclotron wave patterns have many features in common in addition to their fundamental relationship with the proton cyclotron frequency. The echoes and spurs are observed most often when when nfH overlaps one of the other characteristic frequencies, that is: nfHfN, nfHfzS, and nfHfT. The proton cyclotron wave pattern is observed under the first of the three conditions. It appears that the occurence of the phenomena is related to the plama conditions, the geographic location not being important in itself except that reflects different plasma conditions. Although proton cyclotron echoes and spurs were observed more often near the geomagnetic equator, consistent with the results of Matuura and Nishizaki,(8) they still observed at high latitudes even near the north geomagnetic pole.The echoes and spurs occur at frequencies below fN, the echoes predominantly slightly above fH and the spurs just below fN. Generally it is easy to distinguish between the two since usually they appear separately or, if together, often an echo would terminate and a spur begin at a slightly different apparent range. But it is not always easy since sometimes it appeared that a proton cyclotron echo and a spur formed a continuous trace, suggesting that perhaps they may be different manifestations of the same phenomenon. Work is continuing in an attemp to understand the origin of proton cyclotron echoes, spurs, and proton cyclotron wave patterns.  相似文献   

Results of analysis of about 150 autocorrelation functions are presented for the period from about 2300 hr on 5 October to about 1200 hr on 7 October 1967. A large percentage concentration of helium ions are observed. It reaches a value as high as 50 per cent with a maximum at around 800 km. Downward heat fluxes deduced from the temperature variations yield a value of about 2–2.5 × 109 eV cm?2 sec?1 during the period 1200–1600 hr and a value of about 1.5 × 108 eV cm?2 sec?1 during the period 0100–0400 hr at night. These agree well with other measurements. The O+ ions are found not to be in diffusive equilibrium, and from the O+ fluxes and the electron density profiles, the O+ drift velocity has been estimated. It is found that the speed can be as high as 1–5 × 103 cm sec?1 even at altitudes as high as 700 km.  相似文献   

Ion velocity distributions in the auroral ionosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For application to studies of the auroral ionosphere we have calculated the velocity distribution of the ions in a weakly-ionized plasma subjected to crossed electric and magnetic fields. We have retained enough terms in the series expansion of the distribution to enable us to determine under what conditions departures from the Maxwellian form become significant and what the nature of these departures is, but we cannot calculate precise values of the distribution function when the departures are large. Departures are negligibly small under conditions appropriate to the auroral ionosphere at low altitudes, where the ion-neutral collision frequency is much larger than the ion cyclotron frequency. At altitudes above about 120 km, however, the magnitude of the departures varies little with altitude. Electric fields greater than 25 mV m−1 cause departures from the Maxwellian distribution that are greater than 20 per cent at random velocities equal to or greater than twice the mean thermal speed of the ions. Under almost all conditions we find that the distribution is depleted in ions moving parallel to the magnetic field relative to those moving perpendicular, an effect that might be detectable in ionospheric measurements of ion temperature.  相似文献   

Equations governing the large-scale electrodynamic processes in the auroral ionosphere are systematically discussed and the limits to drawing conclusions from incomplete sets of equations are evaluated. The vectors of electic current density,j, and electric field,E, are expressed as explicit functions of the densities, pressures and velocities of the constituents of the ionosphere.The equation div (·E)=0 is an identity satisfied by any solution of the full set of equations governing the problem and cannot be treated as a differential equation forE in which the components of the conductivity tensor are given parameters. The concept of the height-integrated conductivities and the conclusions based on it are inconsistent with the equations of momentum balance for the ionospheric constituents.The global structure of the auroral ionosphere is determined by the state of equilibrium between the pressure gradients, the inertial forces and thej×B-force associated with the auronal electrojets flowing along the auroral oval. The time-averaged, global, electric field is directed across the auroral oval. Its value is substantially affected by the motions of neutral particles. The velocity vector of the neutrals has a substantial component directed across the oval.  相似文献   

The transient response of the topside ionosphere to precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical time-dependent model of the topside and F-layer ionosphere is used to describe how the density of O+ ions and the plasma temperatures change as a result of transient electron precipitation with a soft energy spectrum (ca. 100 eV per electron). The response time for electron gas heating is about 2 min; for changes in topside scale height it is from 5 to 15 min, depending on altitude; and for changes in F-layer peak density, it is more than an hour. The low-density topside ion gas is thermally isolated on a short time scale; consequently the ion temperature responds almost adiabatically to volume changes. A transient precipitation event (of, say, 10 min duration) initiates a disturbance that propagates upward at approximately the sonic upeed in the plasma (ca. 2km/s), growing in amplitude with height. Such an event has little effect on the density at the peak of the F layer. An element of ionosphere that drifts horizontally in an antisunward direction through the magnetospheric cleft and into the polar cap recieves some ionization from the cleft, but not enough to be decisive in its survival. The collapse of the topside when heating is removed increases temporarily the density of the F layer.  相似文献   

We have studied the extent to which diffusion-thermal heat flow affects H+ temperatures in the high-latitude topside ionosphere. Such a heat flow occurs whenever there are H+?O+ relative drifts. From our study we have found that at high-latitudes, where H+ flows up and out of the topside ionosphere, diffusion-thermal heat flow acts to reduce H+ temperatures by 500–600 K at altitudes above about 900 km.  相似文献   

The physical properties of plasma bubbles in the topside ionosphere near the dawn terminator are investigated. It is assumed that the bubbles result from either a Rayleigh-Taylor or an E × B instability on the bottom side of the F-layer. While the E-region is in darkness, the top and bottomsides of the ionosphere are electrically decoupled and the motion of bubbles can be described by non-linear, two-dimensional theory. After sunrise, electric fields within the bubbles discharge through the conducting lower ionosphere. The upward drift of the bubbles is effectively halted. To achieve a dayside state of diffusive equilibrium the bubbles slowly begin to collapse from the bottom.  相似文献   

Latitudinal characteristics of ELF hiss in mid- and low-latitudes have been statistically studied by using ELF/VLF electric field spectra (50 Hz-30 kHz) from ISIS-1 and -2 received at Kashima station, Japan from 1973 to 1977. Most ISIS ELF/VLF data observed in mid- and low-latitude include ELF hiss at frequencies below a few kHz. The ELF hiss has the strongest intensity among VLF phenomena observed by the ISIS electric dipole antenna in mid- and low-latitudes, but the ELF hiss has no rising structure like the chorus in the detailed frequency-time spectrum. The ELF hiss is classified into the steady ELF hiss whose upper frequency limit is approximately constant with latitude and the ELF hiss whose upper frequency limit increases with latitude. These two types of ELF hiss occur often in medium or quiet geomagnetic activities. Sometimes there occurs a partial or complete lack of ELF hiss along an ISIS pass.Spectral shape and bandwidth of ELF hiss in the topside ionosphere are very similar to those of plasmaspheric hiss and of inner zone hiss. The occurrence rate of steady ELF hiss is about 0.3 near the geomagnetic equator and decreases rapidly with latitude around L = 3. Hence it seems likely that ELF hiss is generated by cyclotron resonant instability with electrons of several tens of keV in the equatorial outer plasmasphere beyond L = 3.Thirty-seven per cent of ELF hiss events received at Kashima station occurred during storm times and 63% of them occurred in non-storm or quiet periods. Sixty-seven per cent of 82 ELF hiss events during storm times were observed in the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. This agrees with the previous satellite observations of ELF hiss by search coil magnetometers. The electric field of ELF hiss becomes very weak every 10 s, which is the satellite spin period, in mid- and low-latitudes, but not near the geomagnetic equator. Ray tracing results suggest that waves of ELF hiss generated in the equatorial outer plasmasphere propagate down in the electrostatic whistler mode towards the equatorial ionosphere, bouncing between the LHR reflection points in both the plasmaspheric hemispheres.  相似文献   

Published experimental data on ion composition in the topside ionosphere are examined. For certain features (the light ion trough, the high-latitude trough, the high-latitude hole and the mid-latitude total ion concentration trough) it is pointed out that the number of major ions present may be 3 or more. Transport equations derived by Schunk and co-workers are extended to include the case of three major ions in the topside ionosphere. Specific calculations are made for the O+, H+ and He+ ions and the behaviour of the diffusion coefficients is discussed. From a model of the high-latitude ionization hole, described by Heelis et al., representative concentration and temperature profiles are obtained. These profiles are used to demonstrate further the behaviour of the ion diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

For application to the mid-latitude topside ionosphere, we have derived diffusion and heat flow equations for a gas mixture composed of two major ions, electrons and a number of minor ions. These equations were derived by expanding the velocity distribution of each constituent about its 13 lower order velocity moments. As a consequence, each constituent was allowed to have its own temperature and drift velocity. The restriction to mid-latitudes results because we have assumed that the species temperature and drift velocity differences were small. In deriving the diffusion and thermal conduction equations, we have discovered some new transport effects. For the major ions, we have found that: (1) a temperature gradient in either gas causes thermal diffusion in both gases; (2) a temperature gradient in either gas causes heat to flow in both gases; and (3) a relative drift between the major ion gases induces a heat flow in both gases. Similar transport effects have also been found for the minor ions.  相似文献   

The mapping of the spectra of electrostatic field below 300 km altitude is theoretically calculated for a horizontally stratified auroral ionosphere. Perpendicular electric fields of large scale size are the same for different altitudes of the ionosphere. However, electric fields of small scale size vary with altitude and decrease drastically when the scale size is smaller than a certain value which depends on altitude. These results are similar to those observed by satellites above 300 km altitude. In the case of a homogeneous anisotropic ionosphere, analytical results are obtained for the penetration of electric field into the ionosphere as a function of wavenumber. The “smoothing” of the electric field when penetrating a horizontally stratified ionosphere is demonstrated. The smallest possible scale of parallel electric field structure within the ionosphere is found. Also presented is a method of finding the smallest horizontal length with which the electric field can penetrate the ionosphere with little distortion. For an average conductivity model, this length is found to be about 1 km. Finally, the mapping of packets of electric field to the ground is constructed.  相似文献   

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