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The Qarun Lake in the Faiyum Oasis (Egypt) provides a unique record of Holocene environmental and climate change in an arid area largely devoid of fossil proxy records. Multiple lithological, palaeontological and geochemical proxies and 32 radiocarbon dates from the 26‐m‐long core FA‐1 provide a time series of the lake's transformation. Our results confirm that a permanent lake appeared in the Holocene at c. 10 cal. ka BP. The finely laminated lake sediments consist of diatomite, in which diatoms and ostracods together with lower concentrations of ions indicate a freshwater environment at the end of the early and middle Holocene. This freshwater supply was closely associated with regular inflows of the Nile water during flood seasons, when the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrated northwards in Africa, although it has probably never reached the Faiyum Oasis. Local rainfall, possibly connected with a northern atmospheric circulation, may have been important during winter. Several phases in the lake's evolution are recognized, represented by oscillations between deep open freshwater conditions during more humid climate and shallow fresh to brackish water during drier episodes. After a long freshwater phase, the lake setting has become more brackish since c. 6.2 cal. ka BP as indicated by diatoms and increasing contents of evaporite ions in the sediment. This clearly shows that since that time the lake has occasionally become partly desiccated. This is a result of reduced discharge of the Nile. In the late Holocene the lake was mostly brackish and then gradually turned into a saline lake. This natural process was interrupted about 2.3 cal. ka BP when a man‐made canal facilitated water inflow from the Nile. The examined FA‐1 core can be used as a reference age model of climate change in the Holocene and its impact on the development and decline of ancient civilizations in northeastern Africa.  相似文献   

In this study, we synthesized the fossil pollen data from 10 lake sediments and 2 land cores to integrate the alteration of forest covered areas in northern Taiwan with changes in humidity and temperature over the last 2000 years. The abundance of arboreal pollen, fern spores and Tsuga pollen in the pollen and spore assemblages were used as indicators. Our results suggested that the climate in northern Taiwan was stably cool and dry during 2000–1000 cal. yr BP, but changed to wet and warm during 1000–500 cal. yr BP, which corresponded to the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). In addition, an increased density and dispersal of Tsuga pollen corresponding to 500–200 cal. yr BP was observed, which corresponded to the Little Ice Age (LIA). In recent years, a decline in Tsuga pollen density and increased fern spore density has been observed, which indicates an increase in temperature associated with elevated rainfall. Based on the synthesized data set, we conducted GIS mapping of such changes in the north of Taiwan over time. The results revealed that the temporal and spatial climate changes could be inferred from the palynological GIS mapping method, and that the fluctuations in temperature over time matched well with the global climate events, including MWP, LIA and recent warming.  相似文献   

A 1520-cm sediment core from Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, is 44,000 yr old at the base. All parts of the core have abundant pollen of Pinus (pine), Alnus (alder), and Quercus (oak) with frequent Abies (fir). The interval dated from 44,000 to 11,000 yr ago has a homogeneous flora characterized by abundant Juniperus (juniper) pollen and frequent Artemisia (sagebrush). It is believed to represent an appreciably drier and colder climate than at present. The Holocene at Lake Patzcuaro is characterized by a moderate increase in Pinus pollen and the loss of Juniperus pollen, as the modern type of climate succeeded. Alnus was abundant until about 5000 yr ago; its abrupt decrease with the first appearance of herbaceous weed pollen may reflect the cutting of lake-shore and stream-course alder communities for agricultural purposes, or it may simply reflect a drying tendency in the climate. Pollen of Zea (corn) appears at Lake Patzcuaro along with low peaks of chenopod and grass pollen at 3500 yr B.P. apparently recording a human population large enough to modify the natural environment, as well as the beginning of agriculture. A rich aquatic flora in this phase suggests eutrophication of the lake by slope erosion. In the most recent period corn is absent from the sediments, perhaps reflecting a change in agricultural practices. The environment changes at Lake Patzcuaro are similar to and correlate with those in the Cuenca de Mexico, where diatom stratigraphy from the Chalco basin indicates fluctuations in lake levels and lake chemistry in response to variations in available moisture. Before 10,000 yr ago climates there were cool and dry, and the Chalco basin was occupied by a shallow freshwater marsh that drained north to Lake Texcoco, where saline water accumulated by evaporation. Increases in effective moisture and possible melting of glaciers during the Holocene caused lake levels to rise throughout the Cuenca de Mexico, and Lake Texcoco flooded the Chalco basin with brackish water. After 5000 yr ago such flooding decreased, and shallow freshwater ponds and marshes were restored in the Chalco basin. This environmental change coincides with the appearance of Zea pollen and suggests cultural control of lake levels and salinity.  相似文献   

The distribution of 210Pb, 137Cs, and Ambrosia (ragweed) pollen in two sediment cores from Lake Ontario and in three cores from Lake Erie provides independent estimates of sediment accumulation rates. Geochronology with 210Pb is based on radioactive decay of the isotope following burial in sediments. The method can reveal with precision changes in sedimentation occurring over the past 100 yr or so. Geochronologies with 137Cs and Ambrosia are based on the occurrence of a horizon corresponding, respectively, to the onset of nuclear testing 25 yr ago and to regional forest clearance in the middle 1800s. These methods provide estimates of long-term average sediment accumulation rates. In all but one core, the distributions of 137Cs and 210Pb indicate no physical mixing of near-surface sediments. In two cores, including one from central Lake Erie collected by diver, all three estimates of sedimentation rates are in excellent agreement. In two other cores, rates based on 210Pb are significantly higher than those inferred from Ambrosia pollen profiles. Lower average rates appear to result from occasional massive losses of sediments. Such events, apparent in the distribution of 210Pb but not in pollen records, correlate with the occurrence of major storm surges on the lakes during this century. In one core from western Lake Erie, exponential distributions of both 210Pb and Ambrosia appear to be artifacts which may result from extensive biological or physical reworking of sediments in shallow water (11 m). Previous indications of increased sedimentation in Lake Erie since about 1935 based on Castanea (chestnut) pollen data are not substantiated.  相似文献   

Fine-grained lacustrine, riverine and ash-fall sediments of the Shooting Iron Formation, whose late Pliocene age is established by Blancan gastropods and vertebrates, yield a pollen flora that is essentially similar in composition to the modern pollen rain in the Jackson Hole area. The Pliocene assemblage suggests a climate like that of the Jackson valley and foothills today. These spectra also resemble a Pliocene pollen flora from Yellowstone Park dated at ∼ 2.02 Ma. However, the underlying Miocene Teewinot sediments differ by containing pollen of four exotic deciduous hardwoods (Tertiary relicts) that suggest a summer-moist climate, unlike that of today. The Shooting Iron sediments lie with an angular unconformity on and above the Miocene lake sediments of the Teewinot Formation. Both of these deposits probably preceded the main uplift of the Teton Range based on the absence of Precambrian clasts in the Tertiary valley deposits. Because the Pliocene floras were modern in aspect, a Plio-Pleistocene transition would be floristically imperceptible here. The sequence denotes a protracted period of relative stability of climate during Teewinot time, and a shift in vegetational state (summer-wet trees drop out) sometime between the latest Miocene and latest Pliocene. The Pliocene spectra suggest a dry, cooler climate toward the end of Shooting Iron time.  相似文献   

Changes in fossil pollen assemblages from a 2-m core from Linsley Pond, North Branford, Connecticut, are compared with historically documented land use changes in the lake watershed. Dating with 210Pb and 14C reveals two sedimentation rate changes in the core which are associated with the arrival of European farmers; the building of cabins and suburban housing subdivisions on the lake shore. At European settlement in 1700 Ambrosia and Rumex pollen first appear, Gramineae-type pollen increases, and Tsuga decreases. Just before the beginning of agricultural disturbance Fagus pollen declines. The chestnut blight of 1913 causes a reduction of Castanea pollen and a subsequent vegetational succession through Betula to Quercus. The sedimentation rate determined by the chestnut blight horizon is consistent with the rate deduced from 210Pb analysis.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of 1.5m deep sediment core from Sapna Lake, Betul District (M.P.) has demonstrated that between 3,800 and 2,700 yr BP, open Acacia-dominant scrub forests interspersed with stretches of herbaceous vegetation comprising grasses, sedges, Asteraceae, Cheno/Am, etc., occurred in the region under a regime of dry climate. A few trees of Madhuca indica, Holoptelea, Shorea robusta, Lagerstroemia parviflora, etc. were also sparingly distributed therein. The vicinity of the lake was under cereal-based agricultural practice as portrayed by the presence of Cerealia and other culture pollen taxa viz., Cheno/Am, Caryophyllaceae, Artemisia and Cannabis sativa. Around 2,700 to 1,260 yr BP the Acacia-dominant scrub forests were succeeded by the open mixed deciduous forests as evidenced from the improvement in frequencies of Madhuca indica, Sapotaceae, Holoptelea, Shorea robusta as well as sporadic invasion of Terminalia, Mitragyna, Flacourtia, Grewia, Lannea coromandelica, etc. This enhancement in the forest floristic reflects the initiation of a warm and humid climate possibly in response to increasing monsoon precipitation. Owing to the prevailing favourable climatic condition there was acceleration in the agricultural practice as indicated by the rising trend of Cerealia and other culture pollen taxa. Since 1,260 yr BP onwards the depletion in the prominent forest constituents such as Madhuca indica, Sapotaceae, Shorea robusta, Holoptelea and other associated trees implies that the forests turned more sparse and less diversified due to the inception of a warm and less humid climate, attributable to reduced monsoon precipitation. However, the agricultural practice continued with almost same intensity as before, because the Cerealia and other culture pollen taxa remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Twelve fossil species of Proteaceous pollen, predominantly attributable to Proteacidites and Beaupreaidites, were recovered from the Maastrichtian-Paleocene sedimentary succession of the Garden Cove Formation on Campbell Island, the southernmost landmass of the Zealandia continent. Among these are two new species, Proteacidites campbellensis and Proteacidites hortisinus. The high diversity of Proteaceae pollen in the sediments encompassing the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary on Campbell Island is consistent with the fossil record from neighbouring landmasses but strongly contrasts with the impoverished record of the family in the extant New Zealand flora. Examples of Beauprea- and Knightia-like pollen in the Campbell Island assemblages confirm the presence of these lineages on Zealandia by the end of the Cretaceous and suggest that their present endemism in New Caledonia and New Zealand can be explained in terms of relictual vicariant distributions, perhaps modified by northward tracking of warmer climates on Zealandia through the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):287-299
High-resolution seismic data from Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile in northern Ethiopia, reveal a deep sedimentary sequence divided by four strong reflectors. Data from nearshore cores show that the uppermost strong reflector represents a stiff silt unit, interpreted as a desiccation surface. Channel cuts in this surface, bordered by levee-like structures, are apparent in the seismic data from near the lake margin, suggesting fluvial downcutting and over-bank deposition during seasonal flood events. Periphytic diatoms and peat at the base of a core from the deepest part of the lake overlie compacted sediments, indicating that desiccation was followed by development of shallow-water environments and papyrus swamp in the central basin between 16,700 and 15,100 cal BP. As the lake level rose, open-water evaporation from the closed lake caused it to become slightly saline, as indicated by halophytic diatoms. An abrupt return to freshwater conditions occurred at 14,750 cal BP, when the lake overflowed into the Blue Nile. Further reflection surfaces with downcut structures are identifiable in seismic images of the overlying sediments, suggesting at least two lesser lake-level falls, tentatively dated to about 12,000 and 8000 cal BP. Since Lake Victoria, the source of the White Nile, was also dry until 15,000 cal BP, and did not reach overflow until 14,500 cal BP, the entire Nile system must have been reduced to intermittent seasonal flow until about 14,500 cal BP, when baseflow was re-established with almost simultaneous overflow of the headwater lakes of both the White and Blue Nile rivers. Desiccation of the Nile sources coincides with Heinrich event 1, when cessation of northward heat transport from the tropical Atlantic disrupted the Atlantic monsoon, causing drought in north tropical Africa. The strong reflectors at deeper levels in the seismic sequence of Lake Tana may represent earlier desiccation events, possibly contemporaneous with previous Late Pleistocene Heinrich events.  相似文献   

The Eocene rocks exposed in the Fayum Area, Egypt, are well known for their fossil vertebrates but in recent times the sharks and rays have been largely neglected. Extensive surface collecting, supplemented with bulk samples, has produced large collections from the Midawara, Gehannam, Birket Qarun and Qasr el-Sagha formations, spanning the Bartonian and Priabonian stages and from palaeoenvironments varying from open muddy shelf to very shallow estuarine systems. In total about 90 species of sharks and rays are recorded, many of them previously unrecognised, resulting in some of the most diverse fossil chondrichthyan assemblages known from the Tertiary. Teeth of these species suggest that they occupied a wide range of ecological niches from top predator to tiny benthic invertebrate feeder to planktivore. Many of the species are limited in their stratigraphical range and show potential to be used, at least locally, as biostratigraphical indicators for stratigraphically poorly constrained vertebrate sites elsewhere in North Africa. Distinctly different faunas from different sedimentary environments indicate a strong environmental control on the distribution of many species.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the pollen records from lake sediments is always hampered by a lack of information relating to different pollen production, transportation, deposition, and preservation. It is important to understand the modern process of pollen sedimentation and its climatic implications. This paper presents results from a palynological study on 61 surface sediments samples from Bosten Lake, the largest inland freshwater lake in China. Our results suggest that Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia dominate the modern pollen assemblages and have stable percentages at most sites of the lake basin except for the estuary area. Pollen Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio is about 0.5, indicating the dry climate of the region. Principle Components Analysis (PCA) of pollen data can identify the pollen samples as several ecological groups from different parts of the lake. Pollen transportation dynamics and the mixing effect of lake currents and waves on pollen deposition have affected the pollen assemblages. The distribution of Typha pollen seems to be affected by the location where the parent plants grow. Picea pollen has higher percentages at estuary area, suggesting fluvial transport. Pollen concentration has high values at the central part of the lake basin due to the sedimentation focusing process effect. Our results suggest that the pollen assemblages of the sediment core from the central part of the lake can potentially record the regional vegetation history.  相似文献   

The lakes of the Himalaya are degrading due to increase in toxic heavy metal loading. This study reports the last 50-year heavy metal pollution loading in the Rewalsar Lake, Himachal Pradesh, India. Sediment cores were recovered to study the pollution loading in the lake sediments. The 137Cs and 210Pb isotope-based sedimentation rate suggest rapid sedimentation in the lake during the last ~50 years. The concentrations of Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr metals in the lake sediments owe its contributions both to the natural and anthropogenic sources. Prior to ca 1990 AD, metal loading was dominated by the lithogenic input, whereas post ca 1990 AD the metal loading was controlled by the anthropogenic factors. The Pb concentration in the lake gradually increased during 1990–2004 and then decreased significantly till present. The higher concentration of Pb seems to be derived from the fossil fuel burning, while the Cr concentration in the lake indicates the use of fertilizer in the catchment area. The lowest concentrations of elements around ca 1990 AD seem to have occurred due to channelization of the lake feeding system.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that, in the tropics, mangroves are typically pollinated by a range of generalist pollinators, whereas in temperate populations, pollination biology is largely unstudied. We predicted that, for the mangrove Avicennia marina in temperate southeast Australia, pollinator diversity would be low and its pollination system modified by the exotic honeybee Apis mellifera. Multiyear surveys and experiments were used to test these hypotheses by determining the identity and frequency of flower visitors, quantifying pollinator foraging behaviour, determining the species composition of pollen loads, and demonstrating pollen removal and deposition. We identified 38 species that visited flowers, but only A. mellifera was a significant pollinator. It was the only species to carry large amounts of pollen and forage in a manner permitting transfer of pollen to stigmas. Moreover, A. mellifera was the numerically dominant flower visitor and was effective in both pollen removal and deposition. This study demonstrates the importance of distinguishing flower visitors from pollinators and emphasises the surprisingly widespread influence of the exotic A. mellifera. Finally, our study and a worldwide review of the literature on the pollination of mangroves reveal that the pollination biology of other mangrove systems requires similar scrutiny.  相似文献   

The data obtained from investigation of the Middle and Late Neopleistocene lake sediments in the European Subarctic Region of Russia are reported. Chirva, Rodionovo (Scklov), Sula (Mikulino), and Byzovaya (Leningrad) sediments were subject to palynological analysis and investigation of particle size distribution and mineral composition. The spore–pollen spectra of the Chirva sediments demonstrate two climatic optima: the lower optimum is dominated by the pollen of Pinus sylvestris and broad-leaved species (up to 10%); the upper optimum is dominated by Picea sp. and Pinus sylvestris, while the pollen of Picea sect. Omorica and broad-leaved species are sporadic. The Rodionovo flora is characterized by a more xerophilous composition relative to the Chirva flora and a higher pollen content of pine, birch, wormseed plants, and wormwood. The climatic optimum of the Sula interglacial is distinguished by boreal vegetation, including spruce, birch, and birch–spruce forests with sparse broad-leaved species. The Byzovaya interstadial is marked by seven stages of changes in the vegetation: from tundra and forest-tundra communities to taiga forests with some broad-leaved species. The natural climatic sedimentation conditions in the Middle and Late Neopleistocene interglacial periods are reconstructed. The mineral composition of sediments was largely formed owing to underlying deposits.  相似文献   

The use of high‐resolution and highly precise age models is essential for quantitative environmental reconstructions. To assess the reliability of pollen as a chronometer in laminated lake sediments, pollen traps and lake cores, statistical methods were used to study seasonal pollen signals. The results showed that (a) the pollen assemblages from air traps and lake/reservoir surface sediment traps in the north‐western Loess Plateau of China displayed distinct seasonal patterns, which were confirmed by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS); and (b) The pollen assemblages of the dark and light layers in the Zhenhu Lake cores allowed detection of the seasonality of sediment deposition based on the results of the pollen traps. The NMDS method also showed statistically significant differences between the pollen assemblages of the dark and light layers. Furthermore, instrumental monitoring data and characteristic time markers of historical events (1958 and 2011) were used to cross‐check the chronologies obtained by the pollen assemblages, and the results strengthened the credibility and reliability of pollen as a chronometer.  相似文献   

Conifer fossil woods from the Santonian to lower Campanian Santa Marta Formation are anatomically studied in detail. The wood flora is dominated by conifers, mainly Araucariaceae. Conifer fossil woods represent 84% of the samples (26 of 31) of the assemblage. The remaining samples are dicotyledon woods which are not included in this study. Woods are mostly calcified and preservation is often excellent. Fossil woods include three species of Agathoxylon, Phyllocladoxylon antarcticum, Cupressinoxylon hallei and a new species of Cupressinoxylon, C. rotundum Pujana sp. nov. The conifer-dominated forests are consistent with the pollen and macrofloras previously described from sediments of the same stratigraphic unit. This fossil wood assemblage contributes to understand the floristic changes that took place in the Cretaceous forests.  相似文献   

We present a record of monsoon variations for the early and middle Holocene that is inferred from the geochemistry of sediment cores from Ahung Co, a lake in central Tibet. The resolution of this record is better than 50 yr and the age model is derived from radiocarbon ages of terrestrial charcoal, which eliminates errors associated with the lake hard-water effect. We made down-core geochemical measurements of % carbonate, % organic carbon, C/N and δ13C of bulk organic matter, δ13C and δ18O of carbonate, and % dolomite. Proxy calibration and modern water-balance reconstruction show that these are proxies for lake depth and the amount of monsoon precipitation. We find that lake level and monsoon precipitation have been decreasing at Ahung Co since the early Holocene (∼7500 cal yr B.P.). Superimposed on this trend are rapid declines in monsoon rainfall at 7000-7500 and 4700 cal yr B.P. and seven century-scale wet-dry oscillations. The cores do not contain sediment from the last ∼4000 yr. Surface sediments from the lake accumulated during the 20th century, however. From this, we argue that lake levels have risen again recently following a late Holocene dry period.  相似文献   

A paleolimnological study was undertaken to investigate changes in three Minnesota lakes over the last 100 years and to demonstrate the stratigraphic effects of cultural eutrophication in two of them. The study combined the analysis of the lake sediment from short cores with stratigraphic analyses of pollen, plant macrofossils, mollusks, diatoms and certain other algae, chydorid Cladocera, and Daphnia ephippia.The rise of Ambrosia type pollen (ragweed) marks the onset of interference with the landscape by European man, which can be closely dated. Calculations of sedimentation rates from this base gave reasonable correlations of other stratigraphic events with historical events.Elk Lake is considered “unpolluted” today and was chosen as a control. Man's effects are limited to logging some of the surrounding forest and to the construction of a dam. Small changes in the lake's fauna and flora are demonstrated, showing the sensitivity of the lake to changes in its catchment area.Lake Sallie and St. Clair Lake, in the same watershed as the city of Detroit Lakes, have been affected not only by logging but also by addition of nutrients from agricultural runoff and sewage effluent. Considerable responses by the lake organisms are apparent. In Lake Sallie the changes were gradual, but in St. Clair Lake they were very abrupt because the lake was partially drained at the same time and the water volume was thereby reduced.The merits of such an integrated study, the types of information gained from the analyses of the various fossils, and the wider application of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The Middle-Upper Eocene rocks of the Fayum District are represented by Gehannam, Birket Qarun and Qasr El-Sagha formations. Both field studies and laboratory analyses on the concerned rocks have enabled to distinguish six lithofacies: (1) sheet-like grey silt-shale, (2) large-scale trough cross-bedded sandstone, (3) successive varicolored mud-shale/siltstone intercalation, (4) dark grey to black mud-shale/sandstone intercalation, (5) thinly bedded sandstone-shale intercalation and (6) very large-scale cross-stratified sandstone. These lithofacies proved that the present rocks were deposited in transitional paralic environment of active northward-prograding deltaic subenvironments contemporaneous with rabid but gradual sea level drop. The depositional system started with the delta front silt-shale (Gehannam Formation) of 20 m thickness, followed by distributary mouth bars of cross-bedded sandstone (Birket Qarun Formation, 50 m thick). Both the lower and upper delta plains attain thicknesses of 99 and 38 m, respectively, and are represented by the lower part of Qasr El-Sagha Formation. The deltaic sequence is topped with 45-m-thick eolian sandstones representing the upper part of Qasr El-Sagha Formation. This unit represents an extensive desertification phase that closes the depositional history of the succession examined.  相似文献   

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