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A one-dimensional composition model of Titan's upper atmosphere is constructed, coupling 36 neutral species and 47 ions. Energy inputs from the Sun and from Saturn's magnetosphere and updated temperature and eddy coefficient parameters are taken into account. A rotating technique at constant latitude and varying local-time is proposed to account for the diurnal variation of solar inputs. The contributions of photodissocation, neutral chemistry, ion-neutral chemistry, and electron recombination to neutral production are presented as a function of altitude and local time. Local time-dependent mixing ratio and density profiles are presented in the context of the TA and T5 Cassini data and are compared in detail to previous models. An independent and simplified ion and neutral scheme (19-species) is also proposed for future 3D-purposes. The model results demonstrate that a complete understanding of the chemistry of Titan's upper atmosphere requires an understanding of the coupled ion and neutral chemistry. In particular, the ionospheric chemistry makes significant contributions to production rates of several important neutral species.  相似文献   

Starting from the Vlasov equation the steady state and stability properties of the electron sheet in the Cowley neutral sheet model of the geomagnetic tail are considered. Electrostatic ion plasma oscillations propagating from dusk to dawn are found to be unstable provided the thermal spread normal to the current is sufficiently large. Assuming the population of the neutral sheet to be supplied by the polar wind it is shown how a localisation of the cross tail electric field could lead to the instability first appearing around midnight. It is conjectured that the localisation of the cross tail electric field could continually feed the instability, so leading to enough turbulence to give enhanced reconnection of the magnetic field.List of symbols f distribution function - B magnetic field strength far from the neutral sheet - a sheet half thickness - total potential drop across the tail which is localised to the dusk end of the tail in Cowley's model - potential for the steady state electric field normal to the electron current sheet. This potential exists in that region of the tail that excludes the localised region of cross tail electric field - average velocity across the tail of electrons in the current sheet - v average velocity of the electrons normal to the current sheet - p canonical momentum of a particle - energy of a particle - KT electron energy normal to the sheet (1/2m e v 2 ) - KT i ion energy (1/2m i V 2 ) - electron gyrofrequency far from the neutral sheet - i ion gyrofrequency far from the neutral sheet - Ay steady state vector potential for the magnetic field - A –Ay/aB 0 (normalised vector potential) When perturbing the steady state, dashes have been used to denote the time dependent first order quantities. Where no confusion could arise the dashes are dropped, e.g.Ey=Ey since there is no zero orderEy in the region considered in the stability analysis.  相似文献   

Models of Titan ionospheric chemistry have shown that ion densities depend strongly on the neutral composition. The turbulent diffusion transport conditions, as modeled by eddy coefficients, can spectacularly affect the uncertainty on predicted neutral densities. In order to evaluate the error budget on ion densities predicted by photochemical models, we perform uncertainty propagation of neutral densities by Monte Carlo sampling and assess their sensitivity to two turbulent diffusion profiles, corresponding to the extreme profiles at high altitudes described in the literature. A strong sensitivity of the ion density uncertainties to transport is observed, generally more important than to ion–molecule reaction parameters themselves. This highlights the necessity to constrain eddy diffusion profiles for Titan ionosphere, which should progressively be done thanks to the present and future measurements of the orbiter Cassini.  相似文献   

Fifteen organic and three inorganic compounds were tested for methane (CH4) evolution under simulated martian conditions of 6.9 mbar; UVC (200-280 nm) flux of 4 W m−2; 20 °C; simulated optical depth of 0.1; and a Mars gas composition of CO2 (95.3%), N2 (2.7%), Ar (1.7%), O2 (0.13%), and water vapor (0.03%). All three inorganic compounds (i.e., NaCl, CaCO3, graphite) failed to evolve methane at the minimum detection level 0.5 ppm, or above. In contrast, all organic compounds evolved methane when exposed to UV irradiation under simulated martian conditions. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, pyrene, released the most methane per unit of time at 0.175 nmol CH4 g−1 h−1, and a spectral reflectance target material used for the MER rovers and Phoenix lander released the least methane at 0.00065 nmol CH4 cm−2 h−1. Methane was also released from UV-killed bacterial endospores of Bacillus subtilis. Although all organic compounds evolved methane when irradiated with UV photons under martian conditions, the concentrations of residual organics, biogenic signature molecules, and dead microbial cells should be relatively low on the exterior surfaces of the MSL rover, and, thus, not significant sources of methane contamination. In contrast, kapton tape was found to evolve methane at the rate of 0.00165 nmol CH4 cm−2 h−1 (16.5 nmol m−2 h−1) under the UV and martian conditions tested. Although the evolution of methane from kapton tape was found to decline over time, the large amount of kapton tape used on the MSL rover (lower bound estimated at 3 m2) is likely to create a significant source of terrestrial methane contamination during the early part of the mission.  相似文献   

A coupled neutral-ionic photochemical model has been used to interpret the ionic composition of the Venusian dayside ionosphere measured by the orbiter retarding potential analyser (ORPA) experiment on board the NASA Pioneer-Venus orbiter spacecraft. The electron and ion temperatures also measured by the ORPA are used for calculating the plasma-diffusion coefficients and scale heights for ions. The neutral temperature profiles and the densities of neutral constituents, particularly CO2 and O, play key roles in the determination of the height profiles of the ionic constituents. All these quantities vary substantially in the Venusian thermosphere near the terminator; the models presented are representatives of the solar zenith angle ~65°. The predicted O2+ densities below ~200km agree particularly well with observations by the ORPA, but the model values are significantly less than those measured by the orbiter ion mass spectrometer (OIMS). Models predict much smaller densities than observed values for all molecular ions above ~200km. The reason for the turn-up trend of the concentration gradient of molecular ions observed at these heights by both ORPA and OIMS is unknown. One of the models can predict O+ ion densities above ~200km compatible with observations, if an effective vertical escape flux (φ108cm?2sec?1) is assumed at the ionopause. The neutral air density required to explain the observed ion composition is about 1.4 times larger than the values measured by the orbiter neutral mass spectrometer (ONMS).  相似文献   

The effect of frictional heating by means of neutral winds on the ion and electron temperature in the undisturbed ionosphere is studied theoretically by solving a system of basic ionospheric and atmospheric equations. The study shows that both the electron and ion temperatures are increased in the night-time ionosphere through friction. In the region between 150 and 200 km Ti may exceed T6 by as much as 130°. The increase of Ti due to friction amounts to about 100–200°, depending on the atmospheric model employed in calculating the neutral wind velocity. It is illustrated that frictional heating may be very important for the determination of the neutral temperature from measured ion temperature values.  相似文献   

A novel two-phase hybrid controller is proposed to optimize propellant consumption during multiple spacecraft rendezvous maneuvers in Low Earth Orbit. This controller exploits generated differentials in aerodynamic drag on each involved chaser spacecraft to effect a propellant-free trajectory near to the target spacecraft during the first phase of the maneuver, and then uses a fuel optimal control strategy via continuous low-thrust engines to effect a precision dock during the second phase. In particular, by varying the imparted aerodynamic drag force on each of the chaser spacecraft, relative differential accelerations are generated between each chaser and the target spacecraft along two of the three translational degrees of freedom. In order to generate this required differential, each chaser spacecraft is assumed to include a system of rotating flat panels. Additionally, each chaser spacecraft is assumed to have continuous low-thrust capability along the three translational degrees of freedom and full-axis attitude control. Sample simulations are presented to support the validity and robustness of the proposed hybrid controller to variations in the atmospheric density along with different spacecraft masses and ballistic coefficients. Furthermore, the proposed hybrid controller is validated against a complete nonlinear orbital model to include relative navigation errors typical of carrier-phase differential GPS (CDGPS). Limitations of the proposed controller appear relative to the target spacecraft’s orbit eccentricity and a general characterization of the atmospheric density. Bounds on these variables are included to provide a framework within which the proposed hybrid controller can effect an extremely low propellant rendezvous of multiple chaser spacecraft to a desired target spacecraft.  相似文献   

B. V. Jackson 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):563-574
The zodiacal light photometers on board the HELIOS spacecraft can be used to form images of coronal mass ejections in the interplanetary medium. Several aspects of these data are unique: they trace coronal mass ejections using Thomson scattering techniques to distances from the Sun greater than 0.5 AU; their perspective from the HELIOS orbits allow information to be gained about the three-dimensional shapes of specific mass ejections viewed both by coronagraphs and HELIOS; the global view afforded by the spacecrafts photometers can image the mass ejection from within and thus relate in situ measurements to the shape of the whole structure. To date, the HELIOS photometers have been used to study coronagraph-observed mass ejections including those which originate at the Sun on 7 May, 24 May, and 27 November, 1979, and 21 May, 18 June, 29 June, and 6 November, 1980. Masses of ejections determined from these data are generally a few times larger than masses determined from SOLWIND coronagraph images.  相似文献   

Observations made by the ASPERA-3 experiment onboard the Mars Express spacecraft found within the martian magnetosphere beams of planetary ions. In the energy (E/q)-time spectrograms these beams are often displayed as dispersive-like, ascending or descending (whether the spacecraft moves away or approach the planet) structures. A linear dependence between energy gained by the beam ions and the altitude from the planet suggests their acceleration in the electric field. The values of the electric field evaluated from ion energization occur close to the typical values of the interplanetary motional electric field. This suggests an effective penetration of the solar wind electric field deep into the martian magnetosphere or generation of large fields within the magnetosphere. Two different classes of events are found. At the nominal solar wind conditions, a ‘penetration’ occurs near the terminator. At the extreme solar wind conditions, the boundary of the induced magnetosphere moves to a more dense upper atmosphere that leads to a strong scavenging of planetary ions from the dayside regions.  相似文献   

Solar and shock-accelerated protons were observed by the interplanetary S/C GIOTTO and aboard the Earth orbiting satellite IMP-8 during solar minimum conditions in February 1986. Forward and reverse shock configurations developed on 9–11 February, 1986 and could be recognized by sunward and anti-sunward proton propagation. The results are consistent with a general east-west asymmetry in particle fluxes observed within a distance of 1 AU from the Sun and caused by quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel shock configurations in the interplanetary magnetic field. The high-energy protons (>1 GeV) measured simultaneously by ground-based neutron monitors showed a complementary enhanced amplitude in the diurnal variation on 9 February, 1986.  相似文献   

We report on sorting of small grained material under simulated martian conditions in order to better understand the nature of particle movement in the acquisition-to-analysis chain for future martian missions. We find that triboelectric charging when material is sieved is a major phenomenon that has to be understood and mitigation strategies explored in order to be able to successfully move particles under these types of conditions while minimizing cross sample talk. In different experimental set-ups, we have observed such phenomena as caking of the sieve, adhesion of particles to hardware, clodding of dry fines, and electrostatic repulsion. These phenomena occur when different experimental testing is performed with varied configurations and environmental conditions. Identifying these electrostatic effects can help us understand potential bias in the analytical instruments and to define the best operational protocols to collect samples on the surface of Mars. These experiments demonstrate the need for end-to-end system testing under the most realistic environmental conditions and platforms before mission configurations can be demonstrated before launch.  相似文献   

In the paper of L.V. Ksanfomality published in this issue of the journal, some objects observed in the TV panorama sent by Venera-9 are interpreted as possible specimens of the Venus fauna. Our analysis of this panorama, supported by comparisons with various objects observed on the surfaces of Earth and the Moon, shows that all objects seen in the Venera-9 panorama are probably objects of an abiotic nature. These are polygonal fragments of basaltic lavas, platy fragments of lithified deposits of fine-grained fraction of ejecta from distant impact craters and more rare fragments of rounded appearance, probably, volcanic breccias.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1315-1335
The Venus Express Radio Science Experiment (VeRa) uses radio signals at wavelengths of 3.6 and 13 cm (“X”- and “S”-band, respectively) to investigate the Venus surface, neutral atmosphere, ionosphere, and gravity field, as well as the interplanetary medium. An ultrastable oscillator (USO) provides a high quality onboard reference frequency source; instrumentation on Earth is used to record amplitude, phase, propagation time, and polarization of the received signals. Simultaneous, coherent measurements at the two wavelengths allow separation of dispersive media effects from classical Doppler shift.VeRa science objectives include the following:
  • (1)Determination of neutral atmospheric structure from the cloud deck (approximately 40 km altitude) to 100 km altitude from vertical profiles of neutral mass density, temperature, and pressure as a function of local time and season. Within the atmospheric structure, search for, and if detected, study of the vertical structure of localized buoyancy waves, and the presence and properties of planetary waves.
  • (2)Study of the H2SO4 vapor absorbing layer in the atmosphere by variations in signal intensity and application of this information to tracing atmospheric motions. Scintillation effects caused by radio wave diffraction within the atmosphere can also provide information on small-scale atmospheric turbulence.
  • (3)Investigation of ionospheric structure from approximately 80 km to the ionopause (<600 km), allowing study of the interaction between solar wind plasma and the Venus atmosphere.
  • (4)Observation of forward-scattered surface echoes obliquely reflected from selected high-elevation targets with anomalous radar properties (such as Maxwell Montes). More generally, such bistatic radar measurements provide information on the roughness and density of the surface material on scales of centimeters to meters.
  • (5)Detection of gravity anomalies, thereby providing insight into the properties of the Venus crust and lithosphere.
  • (6)Measurement of the Doppler shift, propagation time, and frequency fluctuations along the interplanetary ray path, especially during periods of superior conjunction, thus enabling investigation of dynamical processes in the solar corona.

Temperatures measured by the OGO-6 satellite using the 6300 Å airglow spectrum are compared with temperatures derived from total densities and N2 densities. It is shown that while the variation of the total densities with latitude and magnetic activity agree well with values used for CIRA (1972), the temperature behavior is very different. While the temperatures derived from the N2 density were in much better agreement there were several important differences which radically affect the pressure gradients. The variation of temperature with magnetic activity showed seasonal and local time variations. Neutral temperature, density, pressure and boundary oxygen variations for the storm of 8 March 1970 are presented.  相似文献   

We present results from an investigation of the plasma sheet encounter signatures observed in the Jovian magnetosphere by the Energetic Particles Detector (EPD) and Magnetometer (MAG) onboard the Galileo spacecraft. Maxima in ion flux were used to identify over 500 spacecraft encounters with the plasma sheet between radial distances from Jupiter from 20 to 140RJ during the first 25 orbits (4 years of data). Typical signatures of plasma sheet encounters show a characteristic periodicity of either 5 or 10 hours that is attributed to an oscillation in the relative distance between the spacecraft and the plasma sheet that arises from the combination of planetary rotation and offset magnetic and rotational axes. However, the energetic particle and field data also display much variability, including instances of intense fluxes having little to no periodicity that persist for several Jovian rotation periods. Abrupt changes in the mean distance between the plasma sheet and the spacecraft are suggested to account for some of the transitions between typical flux periodicities associated with plasma sheet encounters. Additional changes in the plasma sheet thickness and/or amplitude of the plasma sheet displacement from the location of the spacecraft are required to explain the cases where the periodicity breaks down but fluxes remain high. These changes in plasma sheet characteristics do not display an obvious periodicity; however, the observations suggest that dawn/dusk asymmetries in both the structure of the plasma sheet and the frequency of anomalous plasma sheet encounters are present. Evidence of a thin, well-ordered plasma sheet is found out to 110RJ in the dawn and midnight local time sectors, while the dusk magnetosphere is characterized by a thicker, more disordered plasma sheet and has a potentially more pronounced response to an impulsive trigger. Temporal variations associated with changing solar wind conditions are suggested to account for the anomalous plasma sheet encounters there.  相似文献   

The Viking missions to Mars failed to detect any organic material in regolith samples. Since then, several removal mechanisms of organic material have been proposed. Two of these proposed methods are removal due to exposure to plasmas created in dust devils and exposure to UV irradiation. The experiments presented here were performed to identify similarities between the two potential removal mechanisms and to identify any compounds produced from these mechanisms that would have been difficult for the Viking instruments to detect. Five organic compounds, phenanthrene, octadecane, octadecanoic acid, decanophenone and benzoic acid, were exposed to a glow discharge plasma created in simulated martian atmospheres as might be present in dust devils, and to UV irradiation similar to that found at the surface of Mars. Glow discharge exposure was carried out in a chamber with 6.9 mbar pressure of a Mars like gas composed mostly of carbon dioxide. The plasma was characterized using emission spectroscopy and found to contain cations and excited neutral species including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. UV irradiation experiments were performed in a Mars chamber which simulates the temperature, pressure, atmospheric composition, and UV fluence rates of equatorial Mars. The non-volatile residues left after each exposure were characterized by mass loss, infrared spectroscopy and high resolution mass spectrometry. Oxidized, higher molecular weight versions of the parent compounds containing carbonyl, hydroxyl and alkenyl functional groups were identified. The presence of these oxidized compounds suggests that searches for organic material in soils on Mars use instrumentation suitable for detection of compounds which contain the above functional groups. Discussions of possible reaction mechanisms are given.  相似文献   

The surface of Mars is covered by weathered material. Mars' rusty red colour in particular is commonly ascribed to ferric iron-bearing minerals. The planet's surface is generally iron rich. Mössbauer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for quantitative mineralogical analysis of Fe-bearing minerals. Consequently, the miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II is part of the payload of NASA's twin Mars Exploration Rovers “Spirit” and “Opportunity”, and ESA's ill-fated Mars Express lander “Beagle 2”. Both Mars Exploration Rovers are currently conducting successful surface operations on Mars. In this paper, we give a brief insight into mission operations with respect to the reconstruction of local weathering scenarios at the landing sites, which in turn will help to illuminate the climatic history of the planet. Mössbauer spectra obtained in preparation of the mission from the SNC meteorites Nakhla, Dar al Gani 476, and Sayh al Uhaymir, show weathering and other alteration features. Preliminary results of laboratory weathering experiments on Fe-bearing minerals (olivine and pyroxene) show the importance of analysing individual minerals to understand weathering of more complex mineral assemblages like, e.g., basalt.  相似文献   

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