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大地电磁法三维共轭梯度反演研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
Based on the analysis of the conjugate gradient algorithm, we implement a threedimensional (3D) conjugate gradient inversion algorithm with magnetotelluric impedance data. During the inversion process, the 3D conjugate gradient inversion algorithm doesn' t need to compute and store the Jacobian matrix but directly updates the model from the computation of the Jacobian matrix. Requiring only one forward and four pseudo-forward modeling applications per frequency to produce the model update at each iteration, this algorithm efficiently reduces the computation of the inversion. From a trial inversion with synthetic magnetotelluric data, the validity and stability of the 3D conjugate gradient inversion algorithm is verified.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法和统计学的电阻率测深二维反演研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了一种以遗传算法和统计学为基础的反演方法,该方法利用一维反演结果的统计学特征确定地层电性结构并设计初始模型,使用遗传算法修改模型,经过二维有限单元法正演达到拟合误差最小,从而完成电阻率测深数据的二维反演.这个方法的优点在于不需要解大型线性方程组,降低计算量,先判断地层电性结构,反演后给出用地电断面表示的直观的解释结果.理论模型试算和模型实验证明该方法效果较好.  相似文献   

庐江-枞阳矿集区是长江中下游成矿带内的一个重要的多矿种成矿区.为揭示矾山-将军庙地区的地质结构以指导找矿,首先,在庐枞矿集区北部的矾山-将军庙地区开展了三维音频大地电磁数据采集工作,采用Rhoplus方法进行AMT数据死频带校正保证数据质量,利用相位张量分析地下介质的维性特征;其次,利用模块化三维反演并行代码ModEM开展了实测数据的三维反演,获得了一个典型的具有双层结构特征的火山岩盆地三维地下电性模型;最后通过电性模型及其他地质资料的综合解释,依据反演模型中近地表的低阻层和深部的高阻隆起区,分别勾画出了火山岩地层的厚度和深部侵入岩的分布范围,并在小岭地区发现地表浅部下方存在一个含矿次级火山机构的高导体.  相似文献   

On the basis of the dispersion relation of magnetotelluric response functions (MTRF), a filter coefficient algorithm has been made, with which the corresponding impedance phase data can be estimated using a set of apparent resistivity data. The tests of theoretical models and observed magnetotelluric (MT) data show that this algorithm is effective. Comparing the impedance phase estimated using dispersion relation with the observed phase, it can be checked whether the dispersion relation between the observed apparent resistivities and phase data was satisfied. The use of phase data corrected using the dispersion relation in the joint inversion for MT impedance is advantageous to obtain more reliable inversion results. The problems on the one-dimensional joint inversion for the (MT) apparent resistivity and the apparent resistivity of the frequency electromagnetic sounding (FEMS) with horizontal electric dipole, whose observed frequency bands are linked up each other, are studied. The observed data of two kinds of electromagnetic (EM) methods at two sites are used to inverse, the comparison with the drilling data show the results are more reliable. To supply the phase data of FEMS using the dispersion relation, for the apparent resistivity-phase data and impedance real part-imaginary part apparent resistivities of two kinds of EM methods the imitated MT joint inversions are made, and more similar results also are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 91–96, 1993. The projects sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

反射地震数据的逐层波形反演   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文针对层状介质并结合梯度法波形反演,提出逐层波形反演的方法. 首先给出介质扰动响应的概念,并在此基础上分析了梯度法波形反演方法. 波形反演实质上是将实测地震记录和预测地震记录的波形残差信息转化为实际地质模型和预测地质模型的模型残差信息. 波形反演的优点是利用大量振幅相位信息得到高分辨率的反演结果, 其缺点是运行耗时大;当初始模型和实际模型相差较大时,迭代算法容易陷入局部极小点,这是因为目标函数和初始模型同实际模型间的差异是非线性的关系. 逐层波形反演方法是使自上而下每一层的目标函数最小,这样总的目标函数也是最小的. 利用二分法速度扫描确定每一层速度不仅提高了运算速度也避免了迭代算法陷入局部极小点的问题. 结合介质扰动响应和目标函数值变化可以更为准确迅速地确定每一层速度和该层界面位置.  相似文献   

VSP资料钻前预测的关键在于高精度的波阻抗反演,本文针对VSP资料高分辨率、高信噪比以及能精确地分离出上、下行波的特点,提出了一种利用VSP资料进行井底以下钻头前方地层波阻抗反演的方法。该方法首先对VSP走廊叠加记录采用非线性迭代反演方法反演地下地层的波阻抗;通过在迭代过程中不断修改阻尼因子,以及引入预条件共轭梯度法求解方程组,增强了解的稳定性和收敛速度。理论模型与实际资料的处理结果表明该方法具有较好的效果,并在VSP资料钻前预测研究中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

It is proposed that the Straightforward Inversion Scheme (SIS) developed by the authors for 1D inversion of resistivity sounding and magneto-telluric sounding data can also be used in similar fashion for time-domain induced polarization sounding data. The necessary formulations based on dynamic dipole theory are presented. It is shown that by using induced polarization potential, measured at the instant when steady state current is switched off, an equation can be developed for apparent ‘chargeability–resistivity’ which is similar to the one for apparent resistivity. The two data sets of apparent resistivity and apparent chargeability–resistivity can be inverted in a combined manner, using SIS for a common uniform thickness layer earth model to estimate the respective subsurface distributions of resistivity and chargeability–resistivity. The quotient of the two profiles will give the sought after chargeability profile. A brief outline of SIS is provided for completeness. Three theoretical models are included to confirm the efficacy of SIS software by inverting only the synthetic resistivity sounding data. Then one synthetic data set based on a geological model and three field data sets (combination of resistivity and IP soundings) from diverse geological and geographical regions are included as validation of the proposal. It is hoped that the proposed scheme would complement the resistivity interpretation with special reference to shaly sand formations.  相似文献   

地磁测深研究的周期范围通常为10~5~10~7s,缺少反映浅部电性结构的短周期信息,而C-响应受浅部电阻率影响明显,因此本文提出在反演中增加浅部(约200 km)电阻率约束以提高深部反演的稳定性和可靠性.在磁层环状电流满足P_1~0假设的条件下,球坐标系中一维导电薄球层状地球的C-响应和电导率分布关系由边界条件通过递推的方法计算得到.反演采用有限内存拟牛顿(L-BFGS)法;浅部电阻率约束通过将目标函数对模型参数的梯度设为零来实现;通过置信区间分析评价约束反演结果的可靠性.合成数据的无约束反演虽然最终的拟合效果很好,但浅部电阻率受初始模型影响,差异较大;采用浅部约束后,反演结果对初始模型依赖性明显减小,同时还能显著提高200~600 km范围内反演结果的准确性.对全球近地轨道卫星观测的C-响应数据约束反演后结果与前人一致,表现为地幔电导率整体上随着深度的增加而增加.参数置信区间分析表明,由于约束反演加入了浅部信息,电阻率的变化范围更加紧致,说明反演结果更加可靠.因此,有必要通过其他地球物理方法,如长周期大地电磁测深等获得浅部电阻率分布,作为先验信息参加反演,进行浅部约束的C-响应反演,获得更可靠的一维全深度电性结构,为地磁测深数据解释奠定基础.  相似文献   

In the traditional inversion of the Rayleigh dispersion curve, layer thickness, which is the second most sensitive parameter of modelling the Rayleigh dispersion curve, is usually assumed as correct and is used as fixed a priori information. Because the knowledge of the layer thickness is typically not precise, the use of such a priori information may result in the traditional Rayleigh dispersion curve inversions getting trapped in some local minima and may show results that are far from the real solution. In this study, we try to avoid this issue by using a joint inversion of the Rayleigh dispersion curve data with vertical electric sounding data, where we use the common‐layer thickness to couple the two methods. The key idea of the proposed joint inversion scheme is to combine methods in one joint Jacobian matrix and to invert for layer S‐wave velocity, resistivity, and layer thickness as an additional parameter, in contrast with a traditional Rayleigh dispersion curve inversion. The proposed joint inversion approach is tested with noise‐free and Gaussian noise data on six characteristic, synthetic sub‐surface models: a model with a typical dispersion; a low‐velocity, half‐space model; a model with particularly stiff and soft layers, respectively; and a model reproduced from the stiff and soft layers for different layer‐resistivity propagation. In the joint inversion process, the non‐linear damped least squares method is used together with the singular value decomposition approach to find a proper damping value for each iteration. The proposed joint inversion scheme tests many damping values, and it chooses the one that best approximates the observed data in the current iteration. The quality of the joint inversion is checked with the relative distance measure. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is performed for the typical dispersive sub‐surface model to illustrate the benefits of the proposed joint scheme. The results of synthetic models revealed that the combination of the Rayleigh dispersion curve and vertical electric sounding methods in a joint scheme allows to provide reliable sub‐surface models even in complex and challenging situations and without using any a priori information.  相似文献   

双感应测井资料的快速近似迭代反演   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文给出一种双感应资料快速近似迭代反演技术. 首先建立Fréchet导数的快速算法,保证在反演过程中能够同时获得测井响应相对于地层电阻率和层界面的偏导数,并给出用规范化处理与奇异值分解技术进行迭代反演的具体过程. 为了对理论模拟和井场实际资料进行反演,利用综合分层技术从双感应曲线中提取层界面初始位置和地层电阻率初值,通过单独迭代反演中感应资料,修改层界面和地层电阻率实现中感应资料的最佳拟合,得到探测深度相对较浅的地层电阻率,然后固定层界面位置,再迭代反演深感应资料,得到另一组探测深度相对较深的地层电阻率. 理论和实际资料处理结果证明,两个不同探测深度的电阻率反演结果的相对大小能够准确地反映地层真实的侵入特征.此外,由于深感应仪器具有较深的探测深度,不论在高侵或低侵地层上,深感应反演结果与地层原状电阻率的差异大大小于视电阻率的差异,所以利用反演结果也能得到更好的地层原状电阻率的估计值.  相似文献   

大地电磁测深资料的二次函数逼近非线性反演   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
将二次函数逼近非线性优化首次应用于大地电磁测深反演问题,该反演方法利用二次函数有唯一最小值的特点进行逼近大地电磁反演模型,从而避免了常规的迭代反演过程中陷入局部极小问题,实现了对目标函数求全局极小,较好地解决了非唯一性问题;同时该方法不用求灵敏度矩阵,且对初始模型无任何要求。通过理论模型检验、井旁MT点反演结果与测井曲线的对比及MT测线的反演电阻率深度剖面与地震测线的时间剖面对比均表明,本文方法取得较好的应用效果。  相似文献   




In this work a new algorithm for the fast and efficient 3D inversion of conventional 2D surface electrical resistivity tomography lines is presented. The proposed approach lies on the assumption that for every surface measurement there is a large number of 3D parameters with very small absolute Jacobian matrix values, which can be excluded in advance from the Jacobian matrix calculation, as they do not contribute significant information in the inversion procedure. A sensitivity analysis for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous earth models showed that each measurement has a specific region of influence, which can be limited to parameters in a critical rectangular prism volume. Application of the proposed algorithm accelerated almost three times the Jacobian (sensitivity) matrix calculation for the data sets tested in this work. Moreover, application of the least squares regression iterative inversion technique, resulted in a new 3D resistivity inversion algorithm more than 2.7 times faster and with computer memory requirements less than half compared to the original algorithm. The efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm was verified using synthetic models representing typical archaeological structures, as well as field data collected from two archaeological sites in Greece, employing different electrode configurations. The applicability of the presented approach is demonstrated for archaeological investigations and the basic idea of the proposed algorithm can be easily extended for the inversion of other geophysical data.  相似文献   

An analysis of published papers containing magnetovariation sounding data (MVS) is carried out. A catalogue of the most trustworthy MVS parameters' values covering periods from 6 hours up to 11 years is compiled. With the help of averaged data of the magnetovariation sounding a planetary geoelectric profile is constructed meeting the requirements of up-to-date understanding of the physical processes in the Earth.  相似文献   

Interpretation of a single geophysical data set is not sufficient to get complete subsurface information. Cooperative or joint inversion of geophysical data sets is the preferred method for most case studies. In the present study, we present the results of the cooperative inversion approach of direct current resistivity and gravity data. The algorithm uses fuzzy c-means clustering to determine the petrophysical relationship between density and resistivity to obtain the similarity. Synthetic data set has demonstrated that the cooperative inversion approach can produce more reliable and better resistivity and density models of the subsurface as compared to those obtained through individual inversions. To utilize the presented cooperative inversion algorithm, the number of geologic units (number of clusters) in the study region must be known a priori. As a field study, the cooperative inversion approach was used to identify the extension of uranium-bearing target rock around the Beldih open cast mine. We noted the inconsistencies in both resistivity and density models obtained from the individual inversions. However, the presented cooperative inversion approach was able to produce similar resistivity and density models while maintaining the same error level of the respective individual inversions. We have considered four geologic units in the presented cooperative inversion as a field case study. We have also compared our cooperative results with drilled borehole and found to be a reliable tool to differentiate between the target rocks (kaolinite and quartz–magnetite–apatite rocks) and the ultramafic rock (host rock quartzite/alkaline granite). However, this study is subject to certain limitations such as the inability to differentiate between closely spaced kaolinite and quartz–magnetite–apatite rocks.  相似文献   

SOTEM数据一维OCCAM反演及其应用于三维模型的效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文



粘弹性参数变得越来越重要,其反演算法也逐渐成为众多研究者的研究热点。而遗传算法是一种随机、自适应、启发式的算法, 具有很好的鲁棒性和全局收敛性, 本文基于VSP直达波方程,引入了遗传算法来进行粘弹参数反演, 首先将频率域直达波方程表示为复速度的函数,然后通过遗传算法反演出复速度。而复速度和品质因子又是复速度的函数,从而便可很容易的得出。但若直接反演复速度, 反演参数太多, 不容易实现, 所以又将复速度表示成参数C0和C∞的函数,以减少反演参数数量。最后给出了理论模型实验,以证明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

重力与地震资料的模拟退火约束联合反演   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
联合反演是综合地球物理研究的重要定量解释手段.本文在总结和分析重力与地震资料联合反演的研究现状基础上,利用改进的全局寻优的快速模拟退火算法,实现了重力和地震资料的约束同步联合反演.针对性地设计了密度和速度界面不完全一致的模型,理论模型的试验说明了方法的效果和适用性.结合最近完成的广东徐闻地区实际资料的处理和解释,表明该方法可准确确定复杂构造物性界面的密度和速度结构,在该地区的油气勘探中发挥了作用.在先验信息约束下,该联合反演方法要明显优于单独的重力反演.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,大地电磁测深数据的各种反演方法得到空前发展。对于反演过程中的网格剖分问题,前人研究有限。本文就此进行研究,确定影响网格剖分方式的因素,找到一种合适的网格剖分方法。为此,设计一个复杂模型,对正演模拟得到的数据加入随机噪声作为反演的输入数据,选择不同的网格剖分方式,使用DASOCC与NLCG反演方法,以相同参数分别进行反演,对所得结果进行对比分析。结果显示,在设定的模型及参数条件下,针对DASOCC反演方法,纵向及横向网格均不加密,反演效果比较理想,即横向采用一个测点对应一个网格的剖分方式,纵向采用表层加密,100 m以下后一网格为前一网格厚度1.1倍的剖分方式;针对NLCG反演方法,纵向与DASOCC反演方法相同,采用不加密网格的剖分方式得到的结果较好,而横向则建议采用一个测点对应一个网格,并在2个测点之间插入一个网格的剖分方式。  相似文献   

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