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In this study, we attempt to put forward a conception of landscape ecological niche, enlightened by international scholars on extending the ecological niche theory from spatial niche to functional niche. That is helpful for comprehensively appraising landscape spatial patterns and ecological functions, also, presents a new method for analyzing landscape features from multidimensional aspects. The practice process is demonstrated by taking Yan'an region in northwestern China as a case. Firstly, the indices system including spatial attribute and functional attribute is established for assessing landscape ecological niche. Additionally, two-dimensional figures are drawn for comparing the spatio-temporal features of landscape ecological niche in 1987 and 2000 among the 13 administrative counties. The results show that from 1987 to 2000, towards Yan'an region, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche changes from 1.000 to 1.178 with an obvious increment, and functional attribute value changes from 0.989 to 1.069 with a little increment, both of which enhance the regional landscape ecological niche. Towards each county, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche increases to different extent while functional attribute value changes dissimilarly with an increment or a decrement.  相似文献   

以Landsat5TM遥感影像、农户调查数据和统计数据为基础数据,运用3S技术提取了案例区河北省文安县1995~2007年土地利用变化信息,分析了杨树扩张的时空格局;并从农户杨树种植决策行为视角,运用数理统计、投入产出法分析了杨树扩张占地的驱动因素。结论如下:(1)杨树林地扩张幅度大、速率快。(2)杨树扩张所用土地92.14%来源于耕地,"杨上粮下"现象突出。(3)杨树扩张速率的空间差异显著。杨树扩张受生产要素、土地产品市场及政策因素的综合驱动,其中劳动力因素和经济因素起主要作用。(4)非农从业人员比率和农民年人均收入越高,杨树扩张速度越快。在劳动力由富余转为相对稀缺的情况下,农户为提高经济收益,倾向选择耗工少,劳动生产率较大的杨树,是杨树扩张占地的根本原因。  相似文献   

Igneous sills and laccoliths emplaced in sedimentary basins may significantly impact petroleum systems, both positively and negatively. Igneous intrusions provide heat to maturate regionally immature organic-rich host rocks, act as fractured reservoirs hosting commercial accumulations of hydrocarbons, and form structures affecting fluid flow and trapping at different scales. Nevertheless, the petrophysical implications of igneous intrusions on their host rock are poorly known. In this study, we analyse 200 wells in the Río Grande Valley oil field, Neuquén basin, Argentina, where the main reservoirs are in fractured igneous sills. This dataset represents a globally unique possibility to characterize the igneous–host rock interaction using both wireline logs and core material. We identify a systematic Contact Low Resistivity Zone (CLRsZ) at both the upper and lower contacts of the sills emplaced in the organic-rich Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations. We characterize the nature of these CLRsZ and their petrophysical properties by integrating resistivity and gamma ray well logs, petrographic analyses, petrophysical tests and geochemical analyses. The low resistivity signal of the CLRsZ is dominantly carried by massive-sulphide deposits, mainly pyrite, observed both in the host rock and the chilled margin of the sills. Well log images and porosity-permeability analysis on core plugs show that both the sills and their associated CLRsZ can act as carrier for fluid flow and reservoir for hydrocarbons storage. The thickness of the upper and lower CLRsZ correlates linearly with the thickness of the sill, and the volume of both the upper and lower CLRsZ represents ca. 40% with respect to the volume of their associated sill. The thickness of the CLRsZ represents ca. 13% of the thickness of contact aureole induced by the sills. In the CLRsZ, a great proportion of kerogen was transformed to hydrocarbon, so that CLRsZ were restricted to the innermost contact aureole of the sills. Our results show that the CLRsZ can have major implications on fluid flow and should be considered in reservoir models in volcanic basins hosting sills emplaced in organic-rich formations.  相似文献   

城市体检是促进中国城市人居环境高质量和提升城市居民幸福感的创新举措,但却很少有研究正面关注城市体检社会评价对居民福祉的影响。论文基于2021年住建部在长三角地区8个样本城市开展的大规模城市体检社会满意度调查数据,采用主成分分析和多元回归分析相结合方法,分别探讨了长三角地区居民的城市人居环境质量感知因子及其对居民幸福感的影响,并从以人为本视角提出长三角地区城市人居环境高质量发展策略。研究发现:(1)城市体检社会满意度评价指标共提取了7个城市人居环境感知评价主成分因子,分别命名为城市管理、城市活力、城市舒适、城市宜居、城市包容、城市安全和城市便利,累计贡献率达到66.767%。(2)城市人居环境感知评价因子均对长三角地区城市居民幸福感具有显著影响,但不同城市人居环境感知评价因子的影响方向却存在差异性。其中,城市管理、城市活力、城市舒适、城市宜居和城市包容等因子显著正向影响幸福感,城市安全和城市便利等因子显著负向影响幸福感。(3)不同城市规模居民幸福感的人居环境主导因子有所不同,同时不同户口和年龄居民幸福感的人居环境影响因素也有差异。研究结果对促进长三角地区城市居民幸福感提升和指导城市人居环境建设具有重要的决策参考作用。  相似文献   

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