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A set of nonlinear equations governing the dynamics of finite amplitude drift-ion acoustic-waves is derived for sheared ion flows parallel and perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field in the presence of Cairns and Kappa distributed electrons. It is shown that stationary solution of the nonlinear equations can be represented in the form of a tripolar vortex for specific profiles of the equilibrium sheared flows. The tripolar vortices are, however, observed to form on a scale of the order of ion Larmor radius ρ i which is calculated to be around a Kilometer for the plasma parameters found in the Saturn’s E-ring. The relevance of the present investigation in planetary environments is also pointed out.  相似文献   

The effect of frictional heating by means of neutral winds on the ion and electron temperature in the undisturbed ionosphere is studied theoretically by solving a system of basic ionospheric and atmospheric equations. The study shows that both the electron and ion temperatures are increased in the night-time ionosphere through friction. In the region between 150 and 200 km Ti may exceed T6 by as much as 130°. The increase of Ti due to friction amounts to about 100–200°, depending on the atmospheric model employed in calculating the neutral wind velocity. It is illustrated that frictional heating may be very important for the determination of the neutral temperature from measured ion temperature values.  相似文献   

Diffusion in a weakly ionized plasma composed of negative ions as well as positive ions is examined using appropriate linearized fluid equations. For initial, electrically neutral, density perturbations of the form exp(ikx) the diffusion process is characterized by electrical non-neutrality and by three stages or time scales. For equal positive and negative ion diffusion coefficients these stages are in general (1) equilibration of the electron gas so that pressure gradient and electric forces are balanced (2) ambipolar-like diffusion of all three species, and concluding with (3) free ion diffusion. The details of the process are governed by the product e (wave number times electron Debye length) and the ambient ratio of negative ion to electron number density. Numerical and analytic results for separate positive and negative diffusion coefficients show added complexity which is briefly described. These results or the more complete numerical solutions find application to the lower D region of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation for electrostatic ion acoustic wave in a three component plasma containing positive and negative ions along with the nonextensive electrons is derived. Fast and slow ion acoustic modes which propagate with different velocities are excited. The effects of variation of quantities like q (nonextensive parameter), Q (mass ratio of positive to negative ion), μ (electron to positive ion number density ratio), θ i (positive ion to electron temperature ratio) and θ n (negative ion to electron temperature ratio) have been presented for fast and slow ion acoustic modes. Both compressive and rarefactive solitons are observed. It is found that the solitary excitations strongly depend on the mass and density ratios of the positive and negative ions as well as on nonextensive electron parameter.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method of solution of the time-dependent continuity and momentum equations for H+ and O+ in mid-latitude magnetic field tubes from the F-region to the equator. For each ion the equations are expressed as an integro-differential equation. This equation is treated as an ordinary differential equation and solved by a searching method. By means of this method, the distribution of H+ in the O+?H+ transition region and the protonosphere can be investigated and the influence of H+ fluxes on the F layer examined.As an example of application of the method a suggestion by Park (1971) about observed night-time enhancements of NmF2 is examined. He suggested that lowering of the F layer some hours after a magnetic substorm may cause NmF2 to increase because of increased ion influx from the protonosphere. In the present calculations the Flayer is maintained around a constant height for some time and then abruptly lowered. Under the conditions adopted the resulting increase in downward H+ flux is sufficient to maintain NmF2 against the increased recombination but not to increase NmF2 significantly. It is emphasised that these results are not conclusive.  相似文献   

The steady state interaction of the solar wind with the Moon is modeled as a uniform, magnetized, quasi-neutral, collisionless, hypersonic, and hyper-Alfvénic flow of an electronproton plasma past a perfectly ion absorbing, non-magnetized sphere. For the temperature of the electronsT much less than that of the ionsT i , steady state equations are derived self-consistently from the Vlasov and Maxwell equations by taking advantage of the fact that the ion gyration ratio is small compared to the radius of the Moon, by employing an ordering which requires different scale lengths along the magnetic fieldB and center of mass velocity, and by expanding in a small parameter ? that measures the smallness of ?B terms compared to a dominant term retained. A partial numerical solution is presented and discussed for the limit in which ? is much less than β=(ion pressure/magnetic pressure). In addition, a simple technique is presented whereby the steady state equations can be approximately extended to cases in whichT?T i for arbitrary ?/β.  相似文献   

The population densities of all levels with principal quantum numbern=2 in a number of helium-like ions with nuclear charge numberZ, in the range 6 to 28 have been evaluated as a function of various parameters, i.e., electron temperature,T e, electron density,N e, radiation temperature,T r, dilution factor,W, and of the state of ionization. The spectral line fluxes from all possible radiative transitions from these levels have been calculated for an optically thin plasma. The effects of cascades following collisional excitation of higher levels or radiative and dielectronic recombination have been computed in detail. Innershell ionization of the lithium-like ion to form the helium-like ion in a 23 S or 21 S state has been considered. It can have a strong influence on the forbidden line intensity in a non-equilibrium plasma. Collisional and radiative coupling of levels of the same multiplicity (e.g. 23 S 1 and 23 P 2,1,0) have been considered as a function ofT e, Ne orT r, W, respectively. The computations were performed both for stationary and time-varying plasmas. In the latter case strong departures from a stationary ionization equilibrium can significantly alter the line fluxes. A few examples of the results are shown and discussed.  相似文献   

The structural differences of the ion and neutral composition in the thermospheric region are studied by solving a system of basic ionospheric and atmospheric equations. The study shows that the compositional changes during a magnetic storm arise largely as a result of changes in the neutral composition at the turbopause. A decrease in [O]/[N2] in the lower atmosphere triggers a complex chain of events which results in an increase of the neutral gas temperature, depletion of the O+ layer and enhancement of NO+. The relative changes in these layers occasionally produce a sequence of electron density profiles giving rise to the so-called G condition. It is shown that, compared to the neutral atmosphere, the ionosphere is much more sensitive to the changes in [O]/[N2] in the lower thernaospheric region. Since the ionospheric parameters can be measured much more accurately than the atmospheric parameters, it is argued that they should form an integral part of the observational data required to construct the atmospheric models.  相似文献   

Properties of ion acoustic solitons head-on collision in an ultracold neutral plasma composed of ion fluid and non-Maxwellian electron distributions are investigated. For this purpose, the extended Poincare-Lighthill-Kuo (PLK) method is employed to derive coupled Kortweg-de Vries (KdV) equations describing the system. The nonlinear evolution equations for the colliding solitons and corresponding phase shifts are investigated both analytically and numerically. It is found that the polarity of the colliding solitons strongly depends on the type of the non-Maxwellian distribution (via nonthermal or superthermal electron distributions). Especially the phase shift due to solitons collision is strongly influenced by the non-Maxwellian distribution. A new critical nonthermal parameter β c , characterizing the nonthermal electron distribution, and which is not present for superthermal particle distributions, allows the existence of double polarity of the solitons. The phase shift increases below β c for compressive solitons, but it decreases above β c for rarefactive soliton. For superthermal distribution the phase shift increases rapidly for low spectral index κ, whereas for higher values of κ, the phase shift decreases smoothly and becomes nearly stable for κ>10. Around β c and small values of κ, the deviation from the Maxwellian state is strongest, and therefore the phase shift has unexpected behavior due to the presence of more energetic electrons that are represented by the non-Maxwellian distributions. The nonlinear structure, as reported here, could be useful for controlling the solitons that may be created in future ultracold neutral plasma experiments.  相似文献   

The behavior of quantum dust ion-acoustic (QDIA) shocks in a plasma including inertialess quantum electrons and positrons, classical cold ions and stationary negative dust grains are studied, using a quantum hydrodynamic model (QHD). The effect of dissipation due to the viscosity of ions is taken into account. The propagation of small but finite amplitude QDIA shocks is governed by the Kortoweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdVB) equation. The existence regions of oscillatory and monotonic shocks will depend on the quantum diffraction parameter (H) and dust density (d) as well as dissipation parameter (η 0). The effect of plasma parameters (d,H,η 0), on these structures is investigated. Results indicate that the thickness and height of monotonic shocks; oscillation amplitude of the oscillatory shock wave and it’s wavelength effectively are affected by these parameters. Additionally, the possibility of propagation of both compressive and rarefactive shocks is investigated. It is found that depending on some critical value of dust density (d c ), which is a function of H, compressive and rarefactive shock waves can’t propagate in model plasma. The present theory is applicable to analyze the formation of nonlinear structures at quantum scales in dense astrophysical objects.  相似文献   

The entropy correction of Kerr-Newman black hole is investigated using the Hamilton-Jacobi method beyond semiclassical approximation. To get entropy correction, the inverse of the sum of square of event horizon (r +) and the square of rotational parameter a of the black hole is taken as the proportionality parameter for quantum corrections of the action I i to the semiclassical action I 0. It has been shown that as quantum effects are taken into account the corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the stationary black hole include a logarithmic term and an inverse area term beyond the semiclassical approximation.  相似文献   

The expression for damping coefficients (K i) is derived and discussed numerically, for a cylindrical wave guide, filled with hot collisional and uniaxially magnetised plasma. It is observed that TM modes suffer a very high damping for high values of plasma frequency (w pe/w = 10) and low values of ion collision frequency (v i/v e = 10?3), where as for low values of plasma frequency (w pe/w = 0.1) the damping is low. The damping also increases as the ion temperature increases.  相似文献   

We have solved the coupled momentum and continuity equations for NO+, O2+, and O+ions in the E- and F-regions of the ionosphere. This theoretical model has enabled us to examine the relative importance of various processes that affect molecular ion densities. We find that transport processes are not important during the day; the molecular ions are in chemical equilibrium at all altitudes. At night, however, both diffusion and vertical drifts induced by winds or electric fields are important in determining molecular ion densities below about 200 km. Molecular ion densities are insensitive to the O+ density distribution and so are little affected by decay of the nocturnal F-region or by processes, such as a protonospheric flux, that retard this decay. The O+ density profile, on the other hand, is insensitive to molecular ion densities, although the O+ diffusion equation is formally coupled to molecular ion densities by the polarization electrostatic field. Nitric oxide plays an important role in determining the NO+ to O2+ ratio in the E-region, particularly at night. Nocturnal sources of ionization are required to maintain the E-region through the night. Vertical velocities induced by expansion and contraction of the neutral atmosphere are too small to affect ion densities at any altitude.  相似文献   

Dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail plasma sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a THEMIS study of a dipolarization front associated with a bursty bulk flow (BBF) that was observed in the central plasma sheet sequentially at X=−20.1, −16.7, and −11.0RE. Simultaneously, the THEMIS ground network observed the formation of a north-south auroral form and intensification of westward auroral zone currents. Timing of the signatures in space suggests earthward propagation of the front at a velocity of 300 km/s. Spatial profiles of current and electron density on the front reveal a spatial scale of 500 km, comparable to an ion inertial length and an ion thermal gyroradius. This kinetic-scale structure traveled a macroscale distance of 10RE in about 4 min without loss of coherence. The dipolarization front, therefore, is an example of space plasma cross-scale coupling. THEMIS observations at different geocentric distances are similar to recent particle-in-cell simulations demonstrating the appearance of dipolarization fronts on the leading edge of plasma fast flows in the vicinity of a reconnection site. Dipolarization fronts, therefore, may be interpreted as remote signatures of transient reconnection.  相似文献   

Measured fractional abundances for stratospheric positive ions are reported for the first time. The measurements which were obtained from balloon-borne ion mass spectrometer experiments relied on recent simulation studies of electric field induced cluster ion dissociation conducted at our laboratory.The ion abundance data provide strong support for identifications of the observed ions as H+(H2O)n and Hx+xL(H2O)m proposed previously. Moreover, it is found that x most likely cannot be identified as NaOH or MgOH which implies that gaseous metal compounds do not exist in the middle stratosphere in significant abundances.Implications of the present findings for the composition and chemistry of stratospheric ions as well as for stratospheric aerosols are discussed.  相似文献   

B. R. Durney 《Solar physics》1973,30(1):223-234
The two-fluid equations for the solar wind are written down in a simplified form, similar to that suggested by Roberts (1971) for the one-fluid model. The equations are shown to depend only on one parameter, $$K = GM\kappa _e m_p (\varepsilon _\infty T_0 )^{{3 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {3 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} /4k^2 Fe,$$ , where G is the gravitational constant, M the mass of the star, κ e the thermal electron conductivity, m p the proton mass, k the Boltzman constant, k? T0 the residual energy per particle at infinity and F e the electron-particle flux. For a variety of values of the density and temperature at the base of the corona we compute the solutions of the two-fluid solar wind model and compare the predicted and observed solar wind parameters at the Earth.  相似文献   

Double layers (DLs) structures in a collisionless Lorentzian plasma consisting of warm ions and two-temperature superthermal electrons are studied by using the reductive perturbation method. The basic set of fluid equations is reduced to extended Korteweg-de Vries (EK-dV) equation. It is shown that in temperatures lower than critical value for densities around first critical concentrations of cold electrons ( \(d \to d_{c_{1}}\) ) DL structures coexist. The effects of cold to hot electron density ratio d, cold to hot electrons temperature ratio σ, spectral index of cold and hot electrons κ c and κ h , ion temperature δ on DLs structure are also, discussed.  相似文献   

The Head on collision of dust ion acoustic solitary waves (DIASWs) in a magnetized quantum dusty plasma is investigated. Two sides Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations are obtained, the analytical phase shifts and the trajectories after the head-on collision of two DIASWs in a three species quantum dusty plasma are derive by using the extended version of Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo (PLK) method. It is observed that the phase shifts are significantly affected by the quantum parameters like quantum diffraction, the ion cyclotron frequency and the ratio of the densities of electrons to ions.  相似文献   

The reaction of CN? with cyanoacetylene (HC3N), has been studied as a function of the HC3N pressure in a quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer. The mass spectra revealed the fast depletion of the CN? parent ion and formation of larger anions of rapidly growing size. Most of the ions observed were found to belong to two series of products: (HC3N)x·C2p+1N? and (HC3N)x·C2pN? resulting from the sequential additions of HC3N molecules and loss of HCN or HCCN molecules. The mechanism and energetics of the first two reaction steps are briefly discussed. The laboratory data are compared with those from the Cassini CAPS-ELS spectrometer. It is believed that the reactions observed could account for the growth of anions in Titan’s ionosphere.  相似文献   

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