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稳态海面地形(MDT)是大地测量学家和海洋学家共同关心的一个重要物理量。该文基于WHU2009全球平均海面高模型和GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3纯GOCE重力场模型,采用几何法经高斯滤波处理后确定了全球稳态海面地形,与CLS09及DTU10M DTs相比,其差值均方根RMS均小于8 cm,表明该文结果具有较高的精度;根据地转流方程计算了相应的表层地转流,与GRACE重力场模型GGM03S结果相比,GOCE重力场模型所确定的表层地转流在墨西哥湾流、黑潮及厄加勒斯海流等海域均体现了更强的流速和更多的细部特征,验证了GOCE在洋流探测中的优势。  相似文献   

利用GOCE重力场模型确定全球稳态海面地形及表层地转流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳态海面地形(MDT)是大地测量学家和海洋学家共同关心的一个重要物理量.该文基于WHU2009全球平均海面高模型和GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3纯GOCE重力场模型,采用几何法经高斯滤波处理后确定了全球稳态海面地形,与CLS09及DTU10 MDTs相比,其差值均方根RMS均小于8 cm,表明该文结果具有较高的精度;根据地转流方程计算了相应的表层地转流,与GRACE重力场模型GGM03S结果相比,GOCE重力场模型所确定的表层地转流在墨西哥湾流、黑潮及厄加勒斯海流等海域均体现了更强的流速和更多的细部特征,验证了GOCE在洋流探测中的优势.  相似文献   

卫星测高在确定地球重力场中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
翟国君 《海洋测绘》2002,22(2):59-64
根据测高所得的几何量与地球重力场物理量之间的关系,探讨了卫星测高数据在确定地球重力场参数中的应用,主要包括利用卫星测高数据确定海洋大地水准面、确定海洋重力异常和改善地球重力场模型。  相似文献   

卫星测高在海洋学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
讨论了卫星测高数据在确定大洋环流、大洋潮汐、海面风场和波浪中的应用。介绍了基本原理、研究人员普遍采用的方法和普遍为人们所接受的研究成果。  相似文献   

为得到中国近海及邻域精度较高的海面地形,同时尽可能减少滤波对海面地形精度的影响,提出了联合卫星测高潮汐分析与XGM2019e地球重力场模型确定海面地形的方法,首先通过T/P系列(包括Jason-1、Jason-2、Jason-3)卫星测高数据潮汐分析得到沿迹点平均海面高,从中扣除根据XGM2019e重力场模型计算相应沿迹点上的大地水准面高得到沿迹点海面地形,最后通过Kriging插值和Gauss滤波得到研究区域内30′×30′海面地形模型。与DTU22同区域海面地形对比整体差异为±4.49 cm,与沿岸长期验潮站实测海面地形对比整体精度为±4.56 cm,高精度的海面地形为研究海流的变化提供了现实依据。  相似文献   

卫星遥感海面高度数据在渔场分析中的应用综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋婷婷  樊伟  伍玉梅 《海洋通报》2013,32(4):474-480
通过对卫星测高数据进行分析,结合国内外有关海面高度数据在海洋渔场分析方面应用的文献,着重分析了海面高 度数据与常规海洋外界环境因子之间的关系,概括了海面高度数据对海洋渔场资源变化的影响,并综述了西方渔业发达国家 利用测高数据采用直接和间接方法在海洋渔场环境分析及渔情预报方面的研究应用与进展,最后指出我国海面高度数据在渔 场分析方面的应用现状以及存在的问题,并基于国外情况,对我国今后使用卫星测高数据在渔场方面的应用研究提出了几点 建议。  相似文献   

简述了卫星重力梯度测量技术的基本原理和GOCE数据特点;基于三个不同的重力场模型,采用不同阶次,联合卫星测高平均海面高模型分别推算出全球海面地形,并对结果作了比较分析;探讨了卫星重力梯度测量技术在海洋科学各相关领域的具体应用前景,指出卫星重力梯度测量技术的发展将为海洋科学发展带来巨大的变化。  相似文献   

为充分挖掘海洋重力数据在反演海底地形中的应用潜力,尝试探索利用大地水准面高反演海底地形的技术途径,并以夏威夷—皇帝海山链拐点所在海区作为反演试验区进行验证。首先采用Belikov列推法计算伴随(缔和)勒让德函数,利用EIGEN-6C4地球重力场模型解算获取了分辨率为1'的大地水准面高格网数值模型;然后通过综合分析反演比例函数和转换函数特点、研究海区大地水准面高与海底地形的相干特性以及大地水准面高本身尺度特征,获得了利用大地水准面高反演海底地形的频段范围;最终以试验海区大地水准面高为数据输入,构建了相应的海底地形模型(BNT模型),并与ETOPO1等海深模型进行比对分析。试验结果表明:BNT模型检核差值在一倍均方差范围检核点数量占比70.60%,相比正态分布更加集中;BNT模型检核精度低于ETOPO1等海深模型;海深模型检核精度随着水深增加不断提升,水深小于1 000 m时,海深模型相对误差出现较大发散现象;计算海域ETOPO1模型精度最高,GEBCO模型和DTU10模型检核精度相当。  相似文献   

运用微扰法研究了平面波入射分层介质粗糙面的电磁波透射问题,采用改进的一维分形海面模型模拟实际的分层海面,推导出了平面波入射时的透射系数计算公式.通过数值计算得到了HH极化透射系数随散射角的变化曲线,讨论了中间介质介电常数和厚度、摩擦风速和入射波频率对透射系数的影响,得到改进的一维分形分层海面透射系数的基本特征、分区特征和随频率变化的特征,结果表明透射系数近似具有"量子化"特征.  相似文献   

杨龙  吴永亭 《海岸工程》2003,22(2):31-36
随着GPS技术的发展,具有RTK功能的GPS接收机不但在平面位置上可以达到厘束级,而且以WGS84为参考椭球的垂直高程也可以达到厘束级,因而被广泛地应用于海岸带测量中。本文介绍了RTKGPS在海域勘界、无验潮模式水深测量方面的一些具体应用。  相似文献   

针对平均海平面的定义,分别介绍了利用验潮站资料和卫星高度计资料确立平均海平面的方法原理,并对2种方法的特性及存在的问题进行了比较阐述,确定了以沿岸长期验潮站为控制条件,对卫星测高数据确定的高分辨率高精度的平均海平面网格模型进行改正,最终构建平均海平面与国家大地坐标系关系的研究方法.  相似文献   

海面高对北斗定位精度影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了海面高要素对北斗一号卫星导航定位系统定位精度的影响规律,并进行了仿真计算,利用研制的海上用户接收机进行了陆地试验和海上试验,证明了考虑海面高因素的海上用户接收机能有效地提高北斗定位精度。  相似文献   

As part of the Vertical Offshore Reference Frames (VORF) project sponsored by the U. K. Hydrographic Office, a new model for Sea Surface Topography (SST) around the British Isles has been developed. For offshore areas (greater than 30 km from the coast), this model is largely derived from satellite altimetry. However, its accuracy and level of detail have been enhanced in coastal areas by the inclusion of not only the 60 PSMSL tide gauges with long-term records around the coasts of the United Kingdom and Ireland but also some 385 gauges established at different epochs and for different observation spans by the U. K. Admiralty. All tide gauge data were brought into a common reference frame by a combination of datum models and direct GPS observations, but a more significant challenge was to bring all short-term sea level observations to an unbiased value at a common epoch. This was achieved through developing a spatial-temporal correlation model for the variations in mean sea level around the British Isles, which in turn meant that gauges with long-term observation spans could be used as control points to improve the accuracy of Admiralty gauges. It is demonstrated that the latter can contribute point observations of mean sea level (MSL) with a precision of 0.078 m. A combination of least squares collocation and interpolation was developed to merge the coastal point and offshore gridded data sets, with particular algorithms having to be developed for different configurations of coastal topology. The resulting model of sea surface topography is shown to present a smooth transition from inshore coastal areas to offshore zones. Further benefits of the techniques developed include an enhanced methodology for detecting datum discontinuities at permanent tide gauges.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry allows the study of sea-level long-term variability on a global and spatially uniform basis. Here quantile regression is applied to derive robust median regression trends of mean sea level as well as trends in extreme quantiles from radar altimetry time series. In contrast with ordinary least squares regression, which only provides an estimate on the rate of change of the mean of data distribution, quantile regression allows the estimation of trends at different quantiles of the data distribution, yielding a more complete picture of long-term variability. Trends derived from basin-wide averaged regional mean sea level time series are robust and similar for all quantiles, indicating that all parts of the data distribution are changing at the same rate. In contrast, trends are not robust and diverge across quantiles in the case of local time series. Trends are under- (over-)estimated in the western (eastern) equatorial Pacific. Furthermore, trends in the lowermost quantile (0.05) are larger than the median trend in the western Pacific, while trends in the uppermost quantile (0.95) are lower than the median trend in the eastern Pacific. These differences in trends in extreme mean sea level quantiles are explained by the exceptional effect of the strong 1997–1998 El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.  相似文献   

研究了海面高因素对北斗系统定位精度的影响,并利用“三星+高程约束法”、“星际差分+初始高程约束法”和“余弦定理解析求解法”三种解算方法进行仿真计算,计算结果表明,考虑海面高因素能有效地提高北斗系统定位精度且提高幅度与解算方法有关。  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea Level Project is an international scientific observation program to unify the vertical datums of the countries of the Baltic Sea with GPS measurements. In total, 35 tide gauges on shores and islands of the Baltic were occupied with GPS in 1993. After computing a new gravimetric geoid over the Baltic Sea, it was possible to unify the datums as well as to calculate the orthometric heights and the sea surface topography values for the tide gauge stations. The results obtained are shown.  相似文献   

通过对福建沿岸多年来已有的当地平均海面高程资料和与1985国家高程基准的水准点联测成果,分析并研究了福建沿岸主要验潮站的当地平均海面的高程情况和变化趋势,对福建沿岸当地平均海面的高程(1985国家高程基准)进行了比较深入的研究和探讨,阐述了福建沿岸与浙江、广东沿海平均海面高程的连续性和与我国海区平均海面高程的一致性,论述了当地平均海面高程的应用方法,以解决福建沿海海岸地形图和水深图的基准统一及高度衔接问题。  相似文献   

GPS技术可以确定验潮站水准点的地壳垂直形变,结合验潮数据获得的海平面相对变化,可以确定海平面的绝对变化。采用我国3个沿海验潮站两期GPS观测数据,计算了这些点位的地壳垂直运动速率。提出要监测验潮站的地壳垂直运动,最好采用多年连续GPS观测数据。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to assess the use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as an accurate, reliable, and easy tool for sea level measurement. The GNSS technique was incorporated into a float based tide gauge system. A prototype of such an instrument was developed based on principles of conventional tide gauges, where high frequency noise is reduced mechanically. The ability of the GNSS based tide gauge (GTG) to monitor sea levels was tested in several experiments. The performance of the GTG was compared to that of a traditional tide gauge. The method of data analysis and data comparison between the GPS measurements and the tide gauge data is presented. The results show that the GTG is equal in performance to the traditional float operated tide gauge. It seems that the GTG is capable of delivering the same level of accuracy (1 cm), and its results are as reliable as its competitor, the traditional float tide gauge. The suggested instrument can be easily integrated into the array of permanent GNSS stations and assist in absolute measurements of sea level changes, caused by global warming and the greenhouse effect, for example.  相似文献   

我国海洋卫星体系及卫星海洋应用体系建设进展与建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋卫星体系与卫星海洋应用体系是我国对地观测体系的重要组成部分,也是我国空间基础设施的重要建设目标。它的建立将完善海洋立体监测系统,并推动我国“数字海洋”工程。对该体系的具体内涵进行了描述,同时介绍该体系的进展,并提出了建设该体系的相关建议。  相似文献   

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