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沿海开发是江苏经济社会发展的重要增长极,建设海洋与渔业强省是江苏省委、省政府的重要战略部署。  相似文献   

沿海开发是江苏经济社会发展的重要增长极,建设海洋与渔业强省是江苏省委、省政府的重要战略部署。  相似文献   

人类为了生存和发展 ,以科学方法和技术手段对海洋中的矿物资源、生物资源、海水资源以及空间资源进行勘探、开采、利用等的全部活动。人类利用海洋的历史已有几千年之久。自“作网罟以佃渔、取牺牲”,经新石器时代、青铜器时代、铁器的使用及至 2 0世纪中期 ,由于经济的发展 ,对矿产资源和能源的需求量不断增加 ,于是便开始大规模转向海洋索取。海洋开发进入一个新的发展阶段 ,以先进的科学技术手段 ,大规模开发海底石油和天然气资源以及固体矿藏 ,海水淡化发电站已开始建设 ,渔业由海上捕捞转向大面积增养殖发展 ,利用海洋空间修建海上人…  相似文献   

近年来休闲渔业与海洋牧场的结合作为新兴的渔业产业模式逐渐发展起来。在生态环境退化和近海渔业资源持续衰退的大背景下,以海洋牧场建设为基础、以休闲渔业和旅游业为带动的渔业模式不断发展。我国近海海岛众多,具备围绕海岛综合开发建设海岛类海洋牧场的天然优势,可以预见以海岛为中心、立足海岛生态开发构建海洋牧场的发展模式将是近海海洋...  相似文献   

作为江苏省重要沿海地区,连云港市一直重视海洋经济的发展,把海洋综合管理和海洋与渔业经济发展紧密结合起来。近年来,连云港市海洋与渔业经济紧紧围绕省、市海洋与渔业经济发展总体战略,牢固树立科学发展观,深化渔业结构调整,加大项目开发,渔业产值稳步增长;严格海洋执法,强化  相似文献   

魏益鲁 《海洋科学》1991,15(1):71-72
作为资源宝库的海洋,早就被人类当作获取食品的场所和交通贸易的通道,对其开发利用也有几千年的历史了。但是,在本世纪60年代以前仅限于“兴渔盐之利,行舟楫之便”的狭窄领域内,人们的海洋意识尚属淡薄。随着海洋科学技术发展的历史进程,海洋开发也从传统的“采集经济”进入了全面开发世界海洋的新阶段,海洋的地位和作用也就倍显重要。分析当前国內外海洋开发现状可以看出以下趋势和特  相似文献   

运用RMP理论,对秦皇岛市的海洋渔业资源和旅游资源进行梳理,根据对目前休闲渔业旅游市场的消费需求和消费特点,在现有的休闲渔业旅游产品的基础上,开发出海洋运动渔业、休闲度假型渔业和大众海洋休闲渔业旅游产品3大类型,丰富了秦皇岛市休闲旅游产品的种类,使休闲渔业旅游产品符合高、中、低档目标市场的消费需求,同时通过产业链的延伸,使休闲渔业充分发挥其强大的经济社会乘数效应。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展和人类对开发海洋的日益重视,一门新兴的学科——海洋生物工程,应运而生。这门新兴学科,是在近代生物工程理论和技术发展的基础上脱颖出来的,是生物遗传工程与海洋生物学相结合的产物,它的主要任务是:加强开发海洋生物的化学资源、改良海洋生物品种、提高渔业产量和获取具有特殊药用价值的生物活性物质。  相似文献   

江苏是海洋与渔业大省,海岸线长954千米,海域面积3.75万平方千米,内陆水域面积1.73万平方千米。发展海洋经济、建设现代渔业,对于江苏经济社会发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚(以下称印尼)以千岛之国而著称于世。其海岸线长达35000公里,仅次于加拿大。陆地面积192万平方公里,群岛水域和领海面积320万平方公里,专属经济区面积为270万平方公里。印尼管理海洋的机构是国家海洋技术委员会,其职能主要是协调海洋学、渔业、海洋环境、沿海海洋开发与近海勘探等活动。 1 海洋渔业与管理 印尼海域为温暖潮湿的热带气候,是世界上物产最丰富的海洋区域之一,也是渔业生产  相似文献   

The last 20 years have seen a fundamental shift in fishery management from reliance on open access and regulated open access to systems based on individual user rights. In some cases, the allocation of harvest rights to defined harvest or community sectors has served as a catalyst to drive the formation of voluntary agreements among fishermen in creating self-governed systems of catch shares. A number of voluntary cooperatives including the Pacific Whiting Conservation Cooperative – which served as the model for the American Fisheries Act – provide examples of self-governing systems which have successfully achieved management objectives including greater economic performance, equity, and conservation. Cooperative arrangements have functioned to devolve some of the responsibilities of management to the cooperative – allowing fishermen greater operational flexibility in achieving individual or community goals, while reducing the burden of management on formal managing bodies. Analysis of voluntary cooperatives shows that their success is based on the existence of certain core conditions including relatively small homogeneous groups of players, secure sector-allocated and divisible rights, and the ability to form binding contracts among coop members. Cooperatives, however, face a number of internal and external threats that can undermine their success and existence. Whether voluntary or designed through regulation, cooperatives may be a promising approach for addressing challenges in non-industrial fisheries in the United States including the Western Pacific – especially if coupled with user rights based on geography, territory, and culture. However, the sheer geographical size and cultural diversity of regions such as the Western Pacific suggests that no single approach may be appropriate throughout the entire region.  相似文献   

Much of the research that concerns the impacts of management measures in the eastern Baltic cod fishery has focused on fish stock rather than understanding fishermen's attitudes towards regulations. Hence, there is little information available on fishermen's responses although they are the ones whom the regulations affect most profoundly. This study analyses the views of fishermen towards management measures with an emphasis on fishing closures (marine protected areas, MPAs). Swedish log-book data from 1996 to 2005 were used to describe MPA induced fishing effort displacements. Fishermen argued that MPAs have been inefficient in conservation of cod stock. The enlargement of Bornholm MPA in 2005 caused substantial effort displacement towards areas dominated by smaller sized fish. This contributed to the increased discarding of juvenile cod. Enlarged MPAs also intensified competition between different fleet segments and reallocated fishing areas. To reduce fishing mortality, fishermen suggested days-at-sea (effort) regulation and an effective landings control system for all fleets that exploit cod stocks in the Baltic Sea Main Basin. These measures would better motivate fishermen for mutual rule compliance, which is a prerequisite for a sustainable cod fishery.  相似文献   

The European common fisheries policy (CFP) advocates measures to sustain small-scale fisheries; hence, in the European Commission's proposal for a reformed CFP, these are exempted from a mandatory system with tradable fishing concessions. This opens up for management actions designed for small-scale fisheries, but also implies new management issues. This article provides insights into the topic based on a Swedish small-scale herring fishery in the western Baltic Sea that was exempted from an ITQ-system. The fishery has been profitable since the system was introduced, and the increasing effort of both incumbent fishermen and new entrants implies a situation where fishermen compete for a limited quota. The migratory pattern of the herring implies high densities in the southern parts of the fishing areas during spring and in the northern parts during autumn. This forms the basis for two different fisheries in the area, as well as for the current management proposal to divide the quota into a spring and an autumn part. This and other management proposals are discussed in the paper. The main conclusion from the case study is that, when exempting a fishery from tradable fishing concessions, it is important to build other institutions dealing with the fundamental problem of access to the quota. Failure to do so might result in an over-capacity issue and threaten the long-run development of an otherwise successful small-scale fishery.  相似文献   

This study analyzes how overall changes in political and economic life during the last decade have affected the Estonian coastal fishery of the Baltic Sea. At the beginning of the nineties, the opportunity to export fish to the European market emerged. Opening of this new market resulted in rapidly increasing pressure on fish stocks. Some of the most important coastal fishery resources were over-fished because of high export market demand coupled with insufficient resource management and ineffective control and enforcement mechanisms. The costs associated with fishery have grown much more than the first-buyer prices. Additionally, dynamic development of the Estonian economy has resulted in substantial increases in earnings in other economic sectors and therefore the relative wealth of fishermen has steadily declined. This has resulted in increasing social problems. In conclusion, countries in transition may encounter serious difficulties in the fisheries sector, arising from privatization and economic reforms, which may affect the fisheries even years after the establishment of new ruling principles.  相似文献   

分析日本渔业协同组合的建立对日本渔业管理活动的改进,针对这种政府、渔业协同组合和渔民的行为选择结果能够达到相对均衡状态,并且能够有效弥补政府单一监管模式的不足的管理模式,本文从博弈论角度分析渔民、政府、渔业协同组合的行为选择依据,得出了渔业协会是政府有效监管的必要前提,进而对我国渔业管理提供很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

研究海洋渔业产业结构优化对碳排放的影响,对于促进海洋渔业高质量发展具有重要的现实意义。文章基于2008—2017年我国沿海9省(自治区)的面板数据,运用数据包络方法计算海洋渔业碳排放效率,并采用空间计量模型,探讨海洋渔业产业结构优化对碳排放效率的影响。研究结果表明:我国海洋渔业碳排放效率的地区差异显著,除河北和广西外,其他地区均具有较高的海洋渔业碳排放效率;从空间特征看,海洋渔业产业结构优化水平具有显著的空间集聚性,海洋渔业碳排放效率也存在一定的空间依赖性,碳排放效率的"高-高"集聚特征较为明显;从回归结果看,海洋渔业产业结构优化和海洋渔业经济水平对海洋渔业碳排放效率具有显著的正向影响,这种影响不仅作用于本地区,而且辐射和扩散到邻近地区;渔民收入、渔业科研投入和渔业对外开放水平对海洋渔业碳排放效率存在一定的负面影响。  相似文献   

Harvest cooperatives were implemented in several US fisheries over the last decade during a period when US law prohibited implementation of any new individual fishery quota (IFQ) systems. Harvest cooperatives provided an alternative to individual quotas as a means to end the race for fish and increase fishery profitability. The prohibition on new IFQ systems in the US was lifted, but harvest cooperatives remain a more feasible and perhaps a superior alternative to IFQs for some fisheries. The New England Fishery Management Council is on the verge of implementing a new management system for the groundfish fishery based on harvest cooperatives known as “sectors”. This paper describes the New England sector management system and discusses a number of advantages but also some drawbacks relative to IFQs. It argues that a hybrid of the two approaches could have advantages over either.  相似文献   

To sustain fishery development and ensure the supply of fish, the role that a sustainable development indicator system plays in the evaluation of fishery management performance is becoming increasingly important. A sustainable indicator system based on the Pressure–State–Response (PSR) framework was developed for local fisheries in Gungliau, Taiwan, between 1995 and 2003. Factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis were also applied to aggregate indicators and analyse the linkage of indicators. The most serious problem facing fishery system in Gungliau is conflicting local and higher levels of enforcement that result in the problems of effort, harvest and fleet age composition related to the pressure component. Fishery resources and the state of ecosystem were also affected by marine environmental change, especially by El Ñino. Consequently, fishermen adjusted their effort and investment to the variation of Fishery resources, leading Gungliau fisheries to unsustainability.  相似文献   

The exclusive economic zone (EEZ) became accepted internationally in the 1970s. This transferred resource wealth to the coastal states establishing such zones. The history of the EEZ is reviewed, and its impact on the economic development of the Pacific island states considered. The growth performance and the tuna fishery development of these states are reviewed and possible causes of limited success discussed. The use of trust funds to increase the resource wealth of the Pacific island states is briefly considered.  相似文献   

滩涂围垦在缓解人地矛盾、促进社会经济发展的同时,也使当地渔民面临失海问题。根据江苏沿海滩涂围垦现状的最新统计结果,结合江苏"908专项"调查成果,分析滩涂围垦基本情况及盐城滩涂围垦开发利用现状;通过实地调研,总结滩涂围垦开发对渔民的影响。最后针对渔民用海补偿、民生就业、社会保障三大问题,提出相应建议对策:提高用海补偿标准,建立经济补偿制度,提取自留地;提供技能培训,拓宽就业渠道;建立失海渔民最低生活保障政策,构建渔民社会养老保险制度,提高渔民医疗保险政策,完善渔民就业保障政策。  相似文献   

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