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1. IntroductionUnder the background of global warming in the20th century, it was also getting warmer of 0.2-0.7°C/100 yr over China for the last 100 years, espe-cially for the last 50 years (0.6-0.9°C/50 yr) based onthe instrumental observations (Wang and Gong, 2000;Ren et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2004). In another way, itwas noticed that the concentration of greenhouse gasesand sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere increased by thehuman emissions. Some new evidences indicated thatthe greenho… 相似文献
中国-斯里兰卡联合科教中心成立于2015年8月,为中斯两国间科教合作搭建平台,并在南亚季风爆发核心区域建立海洋大气相关实地观测系统。中心承担每年一度的印度洋科学考察航次,在赤道和北印度洋等海域布设潜标和临时观测站,研究印度洋环流动力构成和相关海洋动力特征。并在斯里兰卡布设了多种探测季风和近岸海洋观测仪器,为斯里兰卡提供了多次度和多分辨率的"斯里兰卡周边区域海气数值预报系统"。中-斯中心在2015年和2016年连续举办两届中-斯联合季风气候和海洋环境研讨会,会议促进了两国间的海洋大气科学研究的交流。在联合硕士计划备忘录的签订后,2015年15名硕士研究生新生被中国科学院大学录取。 相似文献
1. IntroductionFor the latest 15 years, the climate change hasbeen paid more attention by the policy-makers, scien-tists, and the public. The global warming of 0.4-0.8°Cfor the 20th century has been measured by the instru-mental observations. The atmospheric concentrationof CO2 increased from 280 ppm for the period 1000-1750 to 368 ppm in the year 2000 with an increase of27%-35%. In the light of new evidence and taking intoaccount the remaining uncertainties, most of the ob-served warming o… 相似文献
Future changes in the climate regimes over China as measured by the Kppen climate classification are reported in this paper. The analysis is based on a high-resolution climate change simulation conducted by a regional climate model (the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) RegCM3) driven by the global model of Center for Climate System Research (CCSR)/National Institute for Environment Studies (NIES)/Frontier Research Center for Global Change (FRCGC) MIROC3.2_hires (the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate) under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario. Validation of the model performances is presented first. The results show that RegCM3 reproduces the present-day distribution of the Kppen climate types well. Significant changes of the types are found in the future over China, following the simulated warming and precipitation changes. In southern China, the change is characterized by the replacement of subtropical humid (Cr) by subtropical winter-dry (Cw). A pronounced decrease of the cold climate types is found over China, e.g., tundra (Ft) over the Tibetan Plateau and sub-arctic continental (Ec) over northeast China. The changes are usually greater in the end compared with the middle of the 21st century. 相似文献
The extent to which the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is influenced by changes in the ocean state is an issue that has attracted much recent attention. Although there have been counter claims, the weight of evidence clearly suggests that forcing by the ocean of year-to-year changes in the NAO is a weak influence by comparison with atmospheric internal variability. The NAO is thus very different in character to the Southern Oscillation (SO), and its predictability—at least on seasonal-to-interannual timescales—is almost certainly much lower.Although weak, the influence of the ocean on the NAO is not negligible. In a previous study we found that wintertime North Atlantic climate, including the NAO, was significantly influenced by a tripole pattern of North Atlantic SST anomalies. Here we report the results of experiments to further elucidate the nature of this influence. We show that the tripole pattern induces a significant response both in the tropical Atlantic and at mid-to-high latitudes. The low latitude response is forced by the low latitude SST anomalies, but the high latitude response is influenced by the extratropical SST anomalies as well as those in the tropics. Furthermore, we find evidence of nonlinear interaction between the influence of the tropical and extratropical SST anomalies. Lastly, we investigate the feedback from the atmosphere onto the SST tripole. We find that the expected negative feedback is significantly modified at low latitudes by the dynamical response of the atmosphere. 相似文献
By growing awareness for and interest in climate change, media coverage enlarges the window of opportunity by which research can engage individuals and collectives in climate actions. However, we question whether the climate change research that gets mediatized is fit for this challenge. From a survey of the 51,230 scientific articles published in 2020 on climate change, we show that the news media preferentially publicizes research outputs found in multidisciplinary journals and journals perceived as top-tier. An in-depth analysis of the content of the top-100 mediatized papers, in comparison to a random subset, reveals that news media showcases a narrow and limited facet of climate change knowledge (i.e., natural science and health). News media selectivity reduces climate change research to the role of a sentinel and whistleblower for the large-scale, observed, or end-of-century consequences of climate change for natural Earth system components. The social, economic, technological, and energy aspects of climate change are curtailed through mediatization, as well as local and short-term scales of processes and solutions. Reviewing the social psychological mechanisms that underlie behavioral change, we challenge the current criteria used to judge newsworthiness and argue that the consequent mediatization of climate change research fails to breed real society engagement in actions. A transformative agenda for the mediatization of climate change research implies aligning newsworthiness with news effectiveness, i.e., addressing the extent to which communication is effective in presenting research that is likely to produce behavioral change. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has promised to stop the ongoing spiralling down of the U.S. coal industry. We discuss the origins of the decline and assess the effects of policy interventions by the Trump administration. We find that, with fierce competition from natural gas and renewables, a further decrease of coal consumption must be expected by the old and inefficient U.S. coal-fired electricity generation fleet. By contrast, we consider the overly optimistic (for coal producers) view of the U.S. Energy Information Agency, and test whether the tide for the U.S. coal industry could turn as a result of three potential support measures: (i) revoking the Clean Power Plan (CPP); (ii) facilitating access to the booming Asian market; and (iii) enhanced support for Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage (CCTS) technology. We investigate the short-term and long-term effects on U.S. coal production using a comprehensive partial equilibrium model of the world steam coal market, COALMOD-World (Holz, Haftendorn, Mendelevitch, & von Hirschhausen, 2016). We find that revoking the CPP could stop the downward trend of steam coal consumption in the U.S., but even allowing for additional exports, will not lead to a return of U.S. coal production to the levels of the 2000s, that is, over 900?Mt per year. When global steam coal use is aligned with the 2°C climate target, U.S. steam coal production drops to around 100?Mt per year by 2030 and below 50?Mt by 2050, even if CCTS is available and exports via the U.S. West Coast is possible. Key policy insights Declining U.S. coal use is primarily caused by competition from natural gas and renewables not by environmental regulation of the coal sector. Without substantial policy support, U.S. coal-fired generation capacity will continue to decline rapidly. Revoking the Clean Power Plan will lead to about one eighth higher U.S. coal production in the next years. Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage does not prevent the rapid decline of coal use required under stringent climate policy. Even in the most extreme pro-coal scenarios with additional export possibilities, U.S. coal production will not return to its pre-2010 levels. 相似文献
The Greenland ice sheet holds enough water to raise the global sea level with ??7 m. Over the last few decades, observations manifest a substantial increase of the mass loss of this ice sheet. Both enhanced melting and increase of the dynamical discharge, associated with calving at the outlet-glacier fronts, are contributing to the mass imbalance. Using a dynamical and thermodynamical ice-sheet model, and taking into account speed up of outlet glaciers, we estimate Greenland??s contribution to the 21st-century global sea-level rise and the uncertainty of this estimate. Boundary fields of temperature and precipitation extracted from coupled climate-model projections used for the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, are applied to the ice-sheet model. We implement a simple parameterization for increased flow of outlet glaciers, which decreases the bias of the modeled present-day surface height. It also allows for taking into account the observed recent increase in dynamical discharge, and it can be used for future projections associated with outlet-glacier speed up. Greenland contributes 0?C17?cm to global sea-level rise by the end of the 21st century. This range includes the uncertainties in climate-model projections, the uncertainty associated with scenarios of greenhouse-gas emissions, as well as the uncertainties in future outlet-glacier discharge. In addition, the range takes into account the uncertainty of the ice-sheet model and its boundary fields. 相似文献
观测表明近百年全球在变暖,特别是自1970年以来更加明显,相应海平面上升、冰雪融化、异常与极端天气以及气候事件频发,给社会与经济造成极大影响。值得注意的是,在21世纪的未来80年是否会继续保持增暖的趋势,以及这种变暖在历史上的地位和从古气候暖期所获得的启示,本文将集中在这个问题上。 相似文献
In a recent study of trends and low frequency variability of extra-tropical cyclone activity in the ensemble of Twentieth Century Reanalyses, we concluded that “For the North Atlantic-European region and southeast Australia, the 20CR cyclone trends are in agreement with trends in geostrophic wind extremes derived from in-situ surface pressure observations”. This conclusion has been challenged by Krueger et al. (Clim Dyn, submitted, 2013b), because a recent study (doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00309.1, by the same lead author) comparing annual 95th percentiles (P95) of geostrophic wind speed (geo-wind) derived from surface pressure observations and from the 20CR found that “20CR-geostrophic storminess deviates to a large extent from the observation-based curve” in the period prior to 1950. In this reply, we show that our conclusion is valid; and we clarify that several factors contribute to the reported inconsistencies between the 20CR and observation-based geo-wind extremes. These include the choice of index that is used to represent the temporal variation of extremes (e.g., annual vs. seasonal percentiles), the use of different sampling intervals (6-hourly vs. 3-hourly), and the presence of very large errors in the observations that were not identified, corrected, or excluded in any of the previous studies of observation-based geo-wind extremes. We show that the time series of consecutive seasonal P95 geo-winds derived from the observations and from 20CR are in good agreement back to about 1893, with some deviation earlier when the observations (especially digitized data) remain limited and are more uncertain. We find that the correlation between the 20CR and observation-based geo-wind extremes (P95) time series for the full 134-year record is highly significant statistically, with and without the correction or exclusion of the newly identified erroneous SLP values. The agreement between 20CR and observations is further improved after the correction or exclusion of these erroneous values. 相似文献
This study presents a dynamically downscaled climatology over East Asia using the non-hydrostatic Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model, forced by the Twentieth Century Reanalysis(20CR-v2). The whole experiment is a 111-year(1900–2010) continuous run at 50 km horizontal resolution. Comparisons of climatic means and seasonal cycles among observations, 20CR-v2, and WRF results during the last 30 years(1981–2010) in China are presented, with a focus on surface air temperature and precipitation in both summer and winter. The WRF results reproduce the main features of surface air temperature in the two seasons in China, and outperform 20CR-v2 in regional details due to topographic forcing. Summer surface air temperature biases are reduced by as much as 1°C–2°C. For precipitation, the simulation results reproduce the decreasing pattern from Southeast to Northwest China in winter. For summer rainfall, the WRF simulation results reproduce the correct magnitude and position of heavy rainfall around the southeastern coastal area, and are better than 20CR-v2. One of the significant improvements is that an unrealistic center of summer precipitation in Southeast China present in 20CR-v2 is eliminated. However, the simulated results underestimate winter surface air temperature in northern China and winter rainfall in some regions in southeastern China. The mean seasonal cycles of surface air temperature and precipitation are captured well over most of sub-regions by the WRF model. 相似文献
The critical comments to the publications by the authors ofthe present paper that were given in [10] (the publications deal with the possible effects of gravity field inhomogeneities in the atmosphere and ocean) are discussed. In the authors' opinion, some remarks are groundless. At the same time, the authors agree with one of the important remarks that the results of their paper concerning studies of the ocean disturbances are to be reconsidered. 相似文献
The historical simulation of phase five of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP5) experiments performed by the Beijing Climate Center climate system model(BCC_CSM1.1) is evaluated regarding the time evolutions of the global and China mean surface air temperature(SAT) and surface climate change over China in recent decades.BCC_CSM1.1 has better capability at reproducing the time evolutions of the global and China mean SAT than BCC_CSM1.0.By the year 2005,the BCC_CSM1.1 model simulates a warming amplitude of approximately 1℃ in China over the 1961-1990 mean,which is consistent with observation.The distributions of the warming trend over China in the four seasons during 1958-2004 are basically reproduced by BCC_CSM1.1,with the warmest occurring in winter.Although the cooling signal of Southwest China in spring is partly reproduced by BCC_CSM1.1,the cooling trend over central eastern China in summer is omitted by the model.For the precipitation change,BCC_CSM1.1 has good performance in spring,with drought in Southeast China.After removing the linear trend,the interannual correlation map between the model and the observation shows that the model has better capability at reproducing the summer SAT over China and spring precipitation over Southeast China. 相似文献
The estimates of spatiotemporal variability of climatic parameters in West Siberia are obtained over the period of 1976-2014. It is revealed that this variability is affected by the parameters of atmospheric circulation such as wind speed components, relative vorticity, and large-scale circulation indices. It is found that in winter the warming changed into the cooling that is particularly associated with the change in atmospheric circulation patterns described by the SCAND index. 相似文献
In situ buoy observation data spanning four years(2008-2011) were collected and used to perform a composite analysis of the monsoon onset process in the Bay of Bengal(BoB).The sea surface temperature(SST) in the central BoB increases dramatically during the monsoon transition period and reaches its annual maximum just before the onset of the monsoon.This process is illustrated by the northward-propagating deep convection phase of the intraseasonal oscillation and the establishment of a steady southwest wind.It is argued that the SST peak plays a potential role in triggering the onset of the monsoon in the BoB and its vicinity.The general picture of the BoB monsoon onset summarized here reveals the possibility of regional land-ocean-atmosphere interaction.This possibility deserves further examination. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The authors explored the connection and transition chains of the Northern Oscillation (NO) and the North Pacific Oscilla tion (NPO), the Southern Oscillation (SO), and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) on the interannual timescale in a companion paper. In this study, the connection between the transition chains of the four oscillations (the NO and NPO, the SO and AAO) and the El Nifio/La Nifia cycle were examined. It was found that during the transitions of the four oscillations, alternate anticyclonic/cyclonic correlation centers propagated from the Western Pacific to the Eastern Pacific along both sides of the equator. Between the anticyclonic/cyclonic correlation centers, the zonal wind anomalies also moved eastwardly, favoring the advection of sea surface temperature anomalies from the tropical Western Pacific to the Eastern Pacific. When the anti cyclonic anomalies arrived in the Eastern Pacific, the positive phase of NO/SO and La Nifia were established and vice versa. Thus, in 4-6 years, with an entire transition chain of the four oscillations, an E1 Nifio/La Nifia cycle completed. The eastward propagation of the covarying anomalies of the sea level pressure, zonal wind, and sea surface temperature was critical to the transition chains of the four oscillations and the cycle of E1 Nifio/La Nifia. Based on their close link, a new empirical prediction method of the timing of E1 Nifio by the transition chains of the four oscillations was proposed. The assessment provided confidence in the ability of the new method to supply information regarding the long-term variations of the ocean and atmosphere in the tropical Pacific. 相似文献
The United States’ decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement (pending possible re-engagement under different terms) may have significant ramifications for international climate policy, but the implications of this decision remain contested. This commentary illustrates how comparative analysis of US participation in multilateral environmental agreements can inform predictions and future assessments of the decision. We compare and contrast US non-participation in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, focusing on four key areas that may condition the influence of US treaty decisions on international climate policy: (i) global momentum on climate change mitigation; (ii) the possibility of US non-participation giving rise to alternative forms of international collaboration on climate policy; (iii) the timing and circumstances of the US decision to exit; and (iv) the influence of treaty design on countries’ incentives to participate and comply. We find that differences across the two treaties relating to the first three factors are more likely to reduce the negative ramifications of US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement compared to the Kyoto Protocol. However, the increased urgency of deep decarbonization renders US non-participation a major concern despite its declining share of global emissions. Moreover, key design features of the Paris Agreement suggest that other countries may react to the US decision by scaling back their levels of ambition and compliance, even if they remain in the Agreement. Key policy insights Increasing global momentum on mitigation since 1997 means that US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is potentially less damaging than its non-participation in the Kyoto Protocol Despite the declining US share of global emissions, greater urgency of deep decarbonization means that the non-participation of a major player, such as the US, remains problematic for global cooperation and achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals Differences in the design of the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement suggest that US non-participation is more likely to prompt reluctant countries to stay within the Paris framework but reduce levels of ambition and compliance, rather than exit the Agreement altogether 相似文献