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This paper presents general relations for the intensity of the resonant transition radiation (RTR) and their detailed analysis. This analysis shows that the spectrum amplitude of the x-mode at some frequencies for high-energy electrons can grow with the magnetic field increase in some interval from zero value; it can even dominate over that for the o-mode. With further magnetic field increase, the intensity of the RTR x-mode decreases in comparison with the intensity of the o-mode and this decrease is higher for higher velocities of energetic electrons. The polarization of the RTR depends on the velocity of energetic electrons, too. For velocities lower than some velocity limit v<v i the RTR emission is unpolarized in a broad interval of magnetic field intensities in the radio source. For reasonable values of indices of the power-law distribution functions of energetic electrons, the RTR is broadband in frequencies (df/f≈0.2−0.4). Furthermore, we show various dependencies of the RTR and its spectral characteristics. Assuming the same radio flux of the transition radiation and the gyro-synchrotron one at the Razin frequency, we estimate the limit magnetic field in the radio source of the transition radiation. Then, we analyze possible sources of small-scale inhomogeneities (thermal density fluctuations, Langmuir and ion-sound waves), which are necessary for the transition radiation. Although the small-scale inhomogeneities connected with the Langmuir waves lead to the plasma radiation, which is essentially stronger than RTR, the inhomogeneities of the ion-sound waves are suitable for the RTR without any other radiation. We present the relations describing the RTR for anisotropic distribution functions of fast electrons. We consider the distribution functions of fast electrons in the form of the Legendre polynomials which depend on the pitch-angle. We analyze the influence of the degree of the anisotropy (an increase of the number of terms in the Legendre polynomial) on spectral characteristics of the RTR. A comparison with previous studies is made. As an example of the use of the derived formulas for the RTR, the 24 December 1991 event is studied. It is shown that the observed decimetric burst can be generated by the RTR in the plasma with the density inhomogeneities at the level 〈ΔN 2〉/N 2=2.5⋅10−5.  相似文献   

Analysis of spectral data of two neighboring infrared lines, Fe I 15648.5 Å (g = 3) and FeI 15652.9 Å (geff = 1.53) are carried out for a simple sunspot when it was near the solar disk center (μ = 0.92), to understand the basic structure of sunspot magnetic field. Inversions of Stokes profiles are carried out to derive different atmospheric parameters both as a function of location within the sunspot and height in the atmosphere. As a result of the inversion we have obtained maps of magnetic field strength, temperature, line‐of‐sight velocity, field inclination and azimuth for different optical depth layers between log(τ5) = 0 and log(τ5) = –2.0. In this paper we present few results from our inversion for a layer averaged between log(τ5) from 0.0 to –0.5.  相似文献   

We have observed about 15 active regions on the Sun, with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and Dick Dunn Telescope at NSO/SP to map the Stokes parameters in the photospheric Fe 6302.5 Å and chromospheric Mg I 5173 Å lines, during 1999‐2002. The observations are corrected for dark current, gain, instrumental polarization and cross‐talk using ASP pipeline. The wavelength calibration is carried out using the O2 telluric line 6302 Å which is also present in the observations. The photospheric and chromospheric longitudinal magnetograms are made from the Stokes V profiles, which were intercalibrated with the Kitt Peak magnetograms. The plasma motions are inferred from the line bisector measurements at different positions of the spectral line. In this paper we present the height dependence of Doppler velocity scatter plots of a sunspot in the photospheric Fe I 6302 Å line.  相似文献   

The helioseismic instruments aboard the SOHO satellite make it possible to measure solar oscillations as variations of the irradiance (VIRGO) or as variations of the photospheric velocity (GOLF). Theoretically, phase differences between different photometric bands are expected to be around 0 degrees over the p‐mode frequency range. By using VIRGO (red) and VIRGO (blue) data, we find a mean phase shift of 8.05 ± 1.81°, whereas by using VIRGO (green) and VIRGO (blue) data, we got a mean value of –1.04 ± 0.19°. Hence, when the analysis includes the VIRGO infrared range, the Sun's atmosphere does not follow an exact adiabatic behavior. In this study, we use the phase shifts obtained by VIRGO (green) and VIRGO (blue) to determine the non‐adiabatic parameter phase lag (ψT) as a function of frequency. To this aim, we applied the non radial linearized formula put in the complex form by Garrido: we found a mean value of ψT = 179.95°. The lowest value being ψT = 179.90°, the departure from theoretical predictions is less then a tenth of a degree over the entire p mode frequency range. We can state that the solar atmosphere has a behavior close to the adiabatic case, when the phase shifts and amplitude ratios are computed using VIRGO (green) and VIRGO (blue) data. Nevertheless this small deviation is significant. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in solar coronal loops, which were previously only predicted by theory have actually been detected with space‐borne instruments. These observations have given an important and novel tool to measure fundamental parameters in the magnetically embedded solar corona. This paper will illustrate how information about the magnetic and density structure along coronal loops can be determined by measuring the frequency or amplitude profiles of standing fast kink mode oscillations. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study the relationship between the brightness (I) and magnetic field (B) distributions of sunspots using 272 samples observed at the San Fernando Observatory and the National Solar Observatory, Kitt Peak, whose characteristics varied widely. We find that the I – B relationship has a quadratic form for the spots with magnetic field less than about 2000 G. The slope of the linear part of the I – B curve varies by about a factor of three for different types of spots. In general the slope increases as the spot approaches disk center. The I – B slope does not have a clear dependency on the spot size but the lower limit appears to increase as a function of the ratio of umbra and penumbra area. The I – B slope changes as a function of age of the sunspots. We discuss various sunspot models using these results.  相似文献   

Solar flares are known to release a large amount of energy. It is believed that the flares can excite velocity oscillations in active regions. We report here the changes in velocity signals in three active regions which have produced large X-class flares. The enhanced velocity signals appeared during the rise time of the GOES soft X-ray flux. These signals are located close to the vicinity of the hard X-ray source regions as observed with RHESSI. The power maps of the active region show enhancement in the frequency regime 5–6.5 mHz, while there is feeble or no enhancement of these signals in 2–4 mHz frequency band. High energy particles with sufficient momentum seem to be the cause for these observed enhanced velocity signals.  相似文献   

In order to extend the abilities of the αΩ dynamo model to explain the observed regularities and anomalies of the solar magnetic activity, the negative buoyancy phenomenon and the magnetic quenching of the α effect were included in the model, as well as newest helioseismically determined inner rotation of the Sun were used. Magnetic buoyancy constrains the magnitude of toroidal field produced by the Ω effect near the bottom of the solar convection zone (SCZ). Therefore, we examined two “antibuoyancy” effects: i) macroscopic turbulent diamagnetism and ii) magnetic advection caused by vertical inhomogeneity of fluid density in the SCZ, which we call the ∇ρ effect. The Sun's rotation substantially modifies the ∇ρ effect. The reconstruction of the toroidal field was examined assuming the balance between mean‐field magnetic buoyancy, turbulent diamagnetism and the rotationally modified ∇ρ effect. It is shown that at high latitudes antibuoyancy effects block the magnetic fields in the deep layers of the SCZ, and so the most likely these deep‐rooted fields could not become apparent at the surface as sunspots. In the near‐equatorial region, however, the upward ∇ρ effect can facilitate magnetic fields of about 3000 – 4000 G to emerge through the surface at the sunspot belt. Allowance for the radial inhomogeneity of turbulent velocity in derivations of the helicity parameter resulted in a change of sign of the α effect from positive to negative in the northern hemisphere near the bottom of the SCZ. The change of sign is very important for direction of the Parker's dynamo‐waves propagation and for parity of excited magnetic fields. The period of the dynamo‐wave calculated with allowance for the magnetic quenching is about seven years, that agrees by order of magnitude with the observed mean duration of the sunspot cycles. Using the modern helioseismology data to define dynamo‐parameters, we conclude that north‐south asymmetry should exist in the meridional field. At low latitudes in deep layers of the SCZ, the αΩ dynamo excites most efficiency the dipolar mode of the meridional field. Meanwhile, in high‐latitude regions a quadrupolar mode dominates in the meridional field. The obtained configuration of the net meridional field is likely to explain the magnetic anomaly of polar fields (the apparent magnetic “monopole”) observed near the maxima of solar cycles. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A mechanism of damped oscillations of a coronal loop is investigated. The loop is treated as a thin toroidal flux rope with two stationary photospheric footpoints, carrying both toroidal and poloidal currents. The forces and the flux-rope dynamics are described within the framework of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The main features of the theory are the following: i) Oscillatory motions are determined by the Lorentz force that acts on curved current-carrying plasma structures and ii) damping is caused by drag that provides the momentum coupling between the flux rope and the ambient coronal plasma. The oscillation is restricted to the vertical plane of the flux rope. The initial equilibrium flux rope is set into oscillation by a pulse of upflow of the ambient plasma. The theory is applied to two events of oscillating loops observed by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). It is shown that the Lorentz force and drag with a reasonable value of the coupling coefficient (c d ) and without anomalous dissipation are able to accurately account for the observed damped oscillations. The analysis shows that the variations in the observed intensity can be explained by the minor radial expansion and contraction. For the two events, the values of the drag coefficient consistent with the observed damping times are in the range c d ≈2 – 5, with specific values being dependent on parameters such as the loop density, ambient magnetic field, and the loop geometry. This range is consistent with a previous MHD simulation study and with values used to reproduce the observed trajectories of coronal mass ejections (CMEs).  相似文献   

This paper examines the way that transition region surface waves, generated in 2‐D numerical simulations of the nonmagnetic solar atmosphere when various synthetic photospheric drivers are applied, drive the granulation of the transition region/lower coronal region into convection cells. It is shown that these cells are generated by both synthetic point drivers and synthetic horizontally coherent p‐mode drivers. These cells cause the conversion of driven signals in vertical velocity into coronal signals predominantly in horizontal velocity, which if carried over to a case with a magnetic field included could cause mode conversion. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of the magnetic field and density of non-thermal electrons in the source of solar microwave bursts are studied by the gyrosynchrotron model, using the observations of the high-resolution spectrometer at the Owens Valley solar interferometer. The general results are consistent with the previous knowledge about these parameters. For example, the magnetic field decreases with increasing radio flux, and the distribution gradually flattens, so that the non-uniformity of the magnetic field decreases gradually, meanwhile the density increases, and the nonthermal electrons propagate from lower to higher levels. It is interesting that the oscillation of the density is detected at lower frequencies, and there is a correlation between the density and the energy index. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a diagnostic method for the basic plasma parameters in solar flares.  相似文献   

Low‐frequency instabilities of plasma waves in the arch structures in solar active regions have been investigated before a flare. In the framework of mechanism of “direct initiation” of instability by slowly increasing (quasi‐static) large‐scale electric field in a loop the dispersion relation has been studied for the perturbations which propagate almost perpendicularly to the magnetic field of the loop. The case has been considered, when amplitude of weak (“subdreicer”) electric field sharply increases before a flare, low‐frequency instability develops on the background of ion‐acoustic turbulence and thickness of this turbulent plasma layer plays the role of mean characteristic scale of inhomogeneity of plasma density. If the values of the main plasma parameters, i.e. temperature, density, magnetic field amplitude allow to neglect the influence of the shear of magnetic strength lines on the instability development, then two types of the waves can be generated in preflare plasma: the kinetic Alfvén waves and some new kind of the waves from the range of slowly magneto‐acoustic ones. Instability of kinetic Alfvén waves has clearly expressed threshold character with respect to the amplitude of “subdreicer” electric field. This fact seems to be useful for the short‐time prediction of a flare in arch structure. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Spectropolarimetric observations of a sunspot were carried out with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter at Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, Spain. Maps of the physical parameters were obtained from an inversion of the Stokes profiles observed in the infrared Fe I line at 15648 Å The regular sunspot consisted of a light bridge which separated the two umbral cores of the same polarity. One of the arms of the light bridge formed an extension of a penumbral filament which comprised weak and highly inclined magnetic fields. In addition, the Stokes V profiles in this filament had an opposite sign as the sunspot and some resembled Stokes Q or U. This penumbral filament terminated abruptly into another at the edge of the sunspot, where the latter was relatively vertical by about 30°. Chromospheric Hα and He II 304 Å filtergrams revealed three superpenumbral fibrils on the limb‐side of the sunspot, in which one fibril extended into the sunspot and was oriented along the highly inclined penumbral counterpart of the light bridge. An intense, elongated brightening was observed along this fibril that was co‐spatial with the intersecting penumbral filaments in the photosphere. Our results suggest that the disruption in the sunspot magnetic field at the location of the light bridge could be the source of reconnection that led to the intense chromospheric brightening and facilitated the supply of cool material in maintaining the overlying superpenumbral fibrils. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Data collected recently by the helioseismic experiments aboard the SOHO spacecraft have allowed the detection of low degree p‐modes with increasingly lower order n. In particular, the GOLF experiment is currently able to unambiguously identify low degree modes with frequencies as low as 1.3 mHz. The detection of p‐modes with very low frequency (i.e., low n), is difficult due to the low signal‐to‐noise ratio in this spectral region and its contamination by solar signals that are not of acoustic origin. To address this problem without using any theoretical a priory, we propose a methodology that relies only on the inversion of observed values to define a spectral window for the expected locations of these low frequency modes. The application of this method to 2920‐day‐long GOLF observations is presented and its results discussed. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) originating from regions close to the center of the Sun are likely to be responsible for severe geomagnetic storms. It is important to predict geoeffectiveness of HCMEs by using observations when they are still near the Sun. Unfortunately, coronagraphic observations do not provide true speeds of CMEs because of projection effects. In the present paper, we present a new technique to allow estimates of the space speed and approximate source location using projected speeds measured at different position angles for a given HCME (velocity asymmetry). We apply this technique to HCMEs observed during 2001 – 2002 and find that the improved speeds are better correlated with the travel times of HCMEs to Earth and with the magnitudes of ensuing geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

We investigated the horizontal and the vertical component of the Evershed flow (EF). To this end, we computed average Stokes V profiles for various velocity classes in penumbrae at different heliocentric angles. Our results show that for blueshifted profiles an additional lobe with the same polarity as the spot is present in the blue side of the average Stokes V profile. The amplitude of the additional lobe grows with increasing blueshift and with increasing heliocentric angle. For small redshifts, the profiles show an additional lobe with the opposite polarity as the spot on the red side of the average Stokes V profile. Even at disk center, the original polarity of the average Stokes V profile is reversed for strong redshifts. The transition between the different types of Stokes V profiles is continuous and indicates that not only the vertical, but also the horizontal EF is a magnetized stream of plasma in a magnetic background field (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results obtained from a statistical analysis carried out by correlating sunspot‐group data collected at the INAF‐Catania Astrophysical Observatory and in the NOAA reports with data on Mand X flares obtained by the GOES‐8 satellite in the soft X‐ray range during the period January 1996–June 2003. These results allow us to provide a quantitative estimate of the parameters typical for an active region with very energetic flares. Moreover, the analysis of the flare productivity as a function of the group evolutionary stage indicates that the flaring probability of sunspots slightly increases with the spot age during the first passage across the solar disk, and that flaring groups are characterized by longer lifetimes than non‐flaring ones. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report in this paper the analysis of the evolution of a magnetic fragment observed in NOAA 9445 on 5 May, 2001. This magnetic fragment emerged laterally to a filament which later split into two parts. The bifurcation site coincided with the magnetic fragment location and the part of the filament which split was later destabilized and a flare occurred. The magnetic flux variations in the magnetic fragment and in the surrounding area were analyzed and, considering their trends and other observational signatures (Hα brightenings and associated plasma motions), we could infer that it was a cancelling magnetic feature (CMF).We determined some geometrical and physical parameters of the CMF (area, magnetic flux variation, cancellation speed and flux cancellation rate) using high resolution magnetograms taken by BBSO. We compared the observed parameters of the CMF with the parameters of low‐lying reconnection current sheets given in the model proposed by Litvinenko (1999) and found good agreement between observed and theoretical values. Therefore, we conclude that a low‐lying magnetic reconnection process might be the cause of the filament activation. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

本文主要从理论上用解析方法讨论日珥视向速度随深度变化对谱线轮廓对称性的影响,得到的结论具有普遍性。第二节的分析表明,日珥的谱线轮廓可表示为二项叠加,其中第一项与源函数无关,只依赖于速度场模型,源函数分布仅通过第二项对谱线轮廓产生影响。然后在源函数不随深度变化的假定下,讨论各种速度场模型的谱线轮廓是否对称。得到的结论为:(1)常源函数与常速度场结合的谱线轮廓为对称轮廓;(2)常源函数与线性对称速度场结合的谱线也是对称轮廓;(3)常源函数与线性非对称速度场结合的谱线轮廓为不对称轮廓。最后,用数值计算对理论分析结果进行了检验。  相似文献   

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