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In our previous search for magnetic fields in Herbig Ae stars, we pointed out that HD 101412 possesses the strongest magnetic field among the Herbig Ae stars and hence is of special interest for follow‐up studies of magnetism among young pre‐main‐sequence stars. We obtained high‐resolution, high signal‐to‐noise UVES and a few lower quality HARPS spectra revealing the presence of resolved magnetically split lines. HD 101412 is the first Herbig Ae star for which the rotational Doppler effect was found to be small in comparison to the magnetic splitting and several spectral lines observed in unpolarized light at high dispersion are resolved into magnetically split components. The measured mean magnetic field modulus varies from 2.5 to 3.5kG, while the mean quadratic field was found to vary in the range of 3.5 to 4.8 kG. To determine the period of variations, we used radial velocity, equivalent width, line width, and line asymmetry measurements of variable spectral lines of several elements, as well as magnetic field measurements. The period determination was done using the Lomb‐Scargle method. The most pronounced variability was detected for spectral lines of He I and the iron peak elements, whereas the spectral lines of CNO elements are only slightly variable. From spectral variations and magnetic field measurements we derived a potential rotation period Prot = 13.86 d, which has to be proven in future studies with a larger number of observations. It is the first time that the presence of element spots is detected on the surface of a Herbig Ae/Be star. Our previous study of Herbig Ae stars revealed a trend towards stronger magnetic fields for younger Herbig Ae stars, confirmed by statistical tests. This is in contrast to a few other (non‐statistical) studies claiming that magnetic Herbig Ae stars are progenitors of the magnetic Ap stars. New developments in MHD theory show that the measured magnetic field strengths are compatible with a current‐driven instability of toroidal fields generated by differential rotation in the stellar interior. This explanation for magnetic intermediate‐mass stars could be an alternative to a frozen‐in fossil field (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Dynamo action within the cores of Ap stars may offer intriguing possibilities for understanding the persistent magnetic fields observed on the surfaces of these stars. Deep within the cores of Ap stars, the coupling of convection with rotation likely yields magnetic dynamo action, generating strong magnetic fields. However, the surface fields of the magnetic Ap stars are generally thought to be of primordial origin. Recent numerical models suggest that a primordial field in the radiative envelope may possess a highly twisted toroidal shape. We have used detailed 3-D simulations to study the interaction of such a twisted magnetic field in the radiative envelope with the core-dynamo operating in the interior of a 2 solar mass A-type star. The resulting dynamo action is much more vigorous than in the absence of such a fossil field, yielding magnetic field strengths (of order 100 kG) much higher than their equipartition values relative to the convective velocities. We examine the generation of these fields, as well as the growth of large-scale magnetic structure that results from imposing a fossil magnetic field. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Spruit has shown that an astrophysical dynamo can operate in the non-convective material of a differentially rotating star as a result of a particular instability in the magnetic field (the Tayler instability). By assuming that the dynamo operates in a state of marginal instability, Spruit has obtained formulae which predict the equilibrium strengths of azimuthal and radial field components in terms of local physical quantities. Here, we apply Spruit's formulae to our previously published models of rotating massive stars in order to estimate Tayler dynamo field strengths. There are no free parameters in Spruit's formulae. In our models of 10- and  50-M  stars on the zero-age main sequence, we find internal azimuthal fields of up to 1 MG, and internal radial components of a few kG. Evolved models contain weaker fields. In order to obtain estimates of the field strength at the stellar surface, we examine the conditions under which the Tayler dynamo fields are subject to magnetic buoyancy. We find that conditions for Tayler instability overlap with those for buoyancy at intermediate to high magnetic latitudes. This suggests that fields emerge at the surface of a massive star between magnetic latitudes of about 45° and the poles. We attempt to estimate the strength of the field which emerges at the surface of a massive star. Although these estimates are very rough, we find that the surface field strengths overlap with values which have been reported recently for line-of-sight fields in several O and B stars.  相似文献   

In this third paper in a series on stable magnetic equilibria in stars, I look at the stability of axisymmetric field configurations and, in particular, the relative strengths of the toroidal and poloidal components. Both toroidal and poloidal fields are unstable on their own, and stability is achieved by adding the two together in some ratio. I use Tayler's stability conditions for toroidal fields and other analytic tools to predict the range of stable ratios and then check these predictions by running numerical simulations. If the energy in the poloidal component as a fraction of the total magnetic energy is written as Ep / E , it is found that the stability condition is a ( E / U ) < Ep / E ≲ 0.8 where E /U is the ratio of magnetic to gravitational energy in the star and a is some dimensionless factor whose value is of order 10 in a main-sequence star and of order 103 in a neutron star. In other words, whilst the poloidal component cannot be significantly stronger than the toroidal, the toroidal field can be very much stronger than the poloidal–given that in realistic stars we expect E / U < 10−6. The implications of this result are discussed in various contexts such as the emission of gravitational waves by neutron stars, free precession and a 'hidden' energy source for magnetars.  相似文献   

We find numerical solutions of the coupled system of Einstein–Maxwell equations with a linear approach, in which the magnetic field acts as a perturbation of a spherical neutron star. In our study, magnetic fields having both poloidal and toroidal components are considered, and higher order multipoles are also included. We evaluate the deformations induced by different field configurations, paying special attention to those for which the star has a prolate shape. We also explore the dependence of the stellar deformation on the particular choice of the equation of state and on the mass of the star. Our results show that, for neutron stars with mass   M = 1.4 M  and surface magnetic fields of the order of 1015 G, a quadrupole ellipticity of the order of 10−6 to 10−5 should be expected. Low-mass neutron stars are in principle subject to larger deformations (quadrupole ellipticities up to 10−3 in the most extreme case). The effect of quadrupolar magnetic fields is comparable to that of dipolar components. A magnetic field permeating the whole star is normally needed to obtain negative quadrupole ellipticities, while fields confined to the crust typically produce positive quadrupole ellipticities.  相似文献   

Photometric and Doppler imaging observations of active binaries indicate the existence of starspots at preferred longitudes (position angles with respect to the companion star). We investigate the stability of magnetic flux tubes in the convection zone of close, fast‐rotating binary stars and explore whether the observed preferred longitudes could be caused by tidal forces and the deformation of the active star. We assume a synchronized binary system with spin axes perpendicular to the orbital plane and a rotation period of a few days. The tidal force and the deviation from spherical structure are considered in lowest‐order perturbation theory. The magnetic field is in the form of toroidal magnetic flux rings, which are stored in mechanical equilibrium within the stably stratified overshoot region beneath the convection zone until the field has grown sufficiently strong for the undulatory instability to initiate the formation of rising loops. Frequencies and geometry of stable as well as growth rates of unstable eigenmodes are determined by linear stability analysis. Particular consideration is given to the question whether the effects of tidal forces and perturbations of the stellar structure can force a rising flux loop to enter the convection zone at specific longitudes.  相似文献   

Recent spectropolarimetric observations of Ap and Bp stars with improved sensitivity have suggested that most Ap and Bp stars are magnetic with dipolar fields of at least a few hundred gauss. These new estimates suggest that the range of magnetic fluxes found for the majority of magnetic white dwarfs is similar to that of main-sequence Ap–Bp stars, thus strengthening the empirical evidence for an evolutionary link between magnetism on the main sequence and magnetism in white dwarfs. We draw parallels between the magnetic white dwarfs and the magnetic neutron stars and argue that the observed range of magnetic fields in isolated neutron stars  ( Bp ∼ 1011–1015 G)  could also be explained if their mainly O-type progenitors have effective dipolar fields in the range of a few gauss to a few kilogauss, assuming approximate magnetic flux conservation with the upper limit being consistent with the recent measurement of a field of   Bp ∼ 1100 G  for θ Orion C.
In the magnetic field–rotation diagram, the magnetic white dwarfs can be divided into three groups of different origin: a significant group of strongly magnetized slow rotators  ( P rot∼ 50 –100 yr)  that have originated from single-star evolution, a group of strongly magnetized fast rotators  ( P rot∼ 700 s)  , typified by EUVE J0317–853, that have originated from a merger, and a group of modest rotators ( P rot∼ hours–days) of mixed origin (single-star and CV-type binary evolution). We propose that the neutron stars may similarly divide into distinct classes at birth , and suggest that the magnetars may be the counterparts of the slowly rotating high-field magnetic white dwarfs.  相似文献   

We reveal sufficient evidence that the physical characteristics of Ap stars are related to binarity. The Ap star peculiarity [represented by the  Δ( V 1- G )  value and magnetic field strength] diminishes with eccentricity, and it may also increase with orbital period ( P orb). This pattern, however, does not hold for large orbital periods. A striking gap that occurs in the orbital period distribution of Ap binaries at 160–600 d might well mark a discontinuity in the above-mentioned behaviour. There is also an interesting indication that the Ap star eccentricities are relatively lower than those of corresponding B9–A2 normal binaries for   P orb>10 d  . All this gives serious support to the pioneering idea of Abt & Snowden concerning a possible interplay between the magnetism of Ap stars and their binarity. Nevertheless, we argue instead in favour of another mechanism, namely that it is binarity that affects magnetism and not the opposite, and suggest the presence of a new magnetohydrodynamical mechanism induced by the stellar companion and stretching to surprisingly large P orb.  相似文献   

We report the results of our search for magnetic fields in a sample of 16 field Be stars, the binary emission‐line B‐type star υ Sgr, and in a sample of fourteen members of the open young cluster NGC3766 in the Carina spiral arm. The sample of cluster members includes Be stars, normal B‐type stars and He‐strong/He‐weak stars. Nine Be stars have been studied with magnetic field time series obtained over ∼1 hour to get an insight into the temporal behaviour and the correlation of magnetic field properties with dynamical phenomena taking place in Be star atmospheres. The spectropolarimetric data were obtained at the European Southern Observatory with the multi‐mode instrument FORS1 installed at the 8m Kueyen telescope. We detect weak photospheric magnetic fields in four field Be stars, HD 62367, μ Cen, o Aqr, and ε Tuc. The strongest longitudinal magnetic field, 〈Bz〉 = 117 ± 38 G, was detected in the Be star HD 62367. Among the Be stars studied with time series, one Be star, λ Eri, displays cyclic variability of the magnetic field with a period of 21.12 min. The binary star υ Sgr, in the initial rapid phase of mass exchange between the two components with strong emission lines in the visible spectrum, is a magnetic variable star, probably on a timescale of a few months. The maximum longitudinal magnetic field 〈Bz〉 = –102 ± 10 G at MJD 54333.018 was measured using hydrogen lines. The cluster NGC3766 seems to be extremely interesting, where we find evidence for the presence of a magnetic field in seven early B‐type stars out of the observed fourteen cluster members (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Stability of toroidal magnetic field in a stellar radiation zone is considered for the cases of uniform and differential rotation. In the rigidly rotating radiative core shortly below the tachocline, the critical magnetic field for instability is about 600 G. The unstable disturbances for slightly supercritical fields have short radial scales ∼1 Mm. Radial mixing produced by the instability is estimated to conclude that the internal field of the sun can exceed the critical value of 600 G only marginally. Otherwise, the mixing is too strong and not compatible with the observed lithium abundance. Analysis of joint instability of differential rotation and toroidal field leads to the conclusion that axisymmetric models of the laminar solar tachocline are stable to nonaxisymmetric disturbances. The question of whether sun-like stars can posses tachoclines is addressed with positive answer for stars with rotation periods shorter than about two months. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have developed a new numerical scheme for obtaining structures of rapidly rotating stars with strong magnetic fields. In our scheme, both poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields can be treated for stars with compressibility and infinite conductivity. By introducing the vector potential and its integral representation, we can treat the boundary condition for the magnetic fields across the surface properly. We show structures and distributions of magnetic fields as well as the distributions of the currents of rotating magnetic polytropic stars with polytropic index   N = 1.5  . The shapes of magnetic stars are oblate as long as the magnetic vector potential decreases as 1/ r when   r →∞  . For extremely strong magnetic fields, equilibrium configurations can be of toroidal shapes.  相似文献   

We derive general equations for axisymmetric Newtonian magnetohydrodynamics and use these as the basis of a code for calculating equilibrium configurations of rotating magnetized neutron stars in a stationary state. We investigate the field configurations that result from our formalism, which include purely poloidal, purely toroidal and mixed fields. For the mixed-field formalism, the toroidal component appears to be bounded at less than 7 per cent. We calculate distortions induced both by magnetic fields and by rotation. From our non-linear work, we are able to look at the realm of validity of perturbative work: we find for our results that perturbative-regime formulae for magnetic distortions agree to within 10 per cent of the non-linear results if the ellipticity is less than 0.15 or the average field strength is less than 1017 G. We also consider how magnetized equilibrium structures vary for different polytropic indices.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the presence and the strength of magnetic fields in intermediate‐mass pre‐main‐sequence stars remains very poor. We present new magnetic field measurements in six Herbig Ae/Be stars observed with HARPS in spectropolarimetric mode. We downloaded from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) archive the publically available HARPS spectra for six Herbig Ae/Be stars. Wavelength shifts between right‐ and left‐hand side circularly polarised spectra were interpreted in terms of a longitudinal magnetic field 〈Bz〉, using the moment technique introduced by Mathys. The application of the moment technique to the HARPS spectra allowed us in addition to study the presence of the crossover effect and quadratic magnetic fields. Our search for longitudinal magnetic fields resulted in first detections of weak magnetic fields in the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 58647 and HD 98922. Further, we confirm the previous tentative detection of a weak magnetic field in HD 104237 by Donati et al. and confirm the previous detection of a magnetic field in the Herbig Ae star HD 190073. Surprisingly, the measured longitudinal magnetic field of HD 190073, 〈Bz〉 = 91 ± 18 G at a significance level of 5σ is not in agreement with the measurement results of Alecian et al. (2013), 〈Bz〉 = –10 ± 20 G, who applied the LSD method to exactly the same data. No crossover effect was detected for any star in the sample. Only for HD 98922 the crossover effect was found tobe close to 3σ with a measured value of –4228 ± 1443 km s–1 G. A quadratic magnetic field of the order of 10 kG was detected in HD 98922, and of ∼3.5 kG in HD 104237. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Collapse calculations indicate that the hot young neutron stars rotate differentially so that strong toroidal magnetic field components should exist in the outer shell where also the Hall effect appears to be important when the Hall parameter = ωBτ exceeds unity. The amplitudes of the induced toroidal magnetic fields are limited by the current‐induced Tayler instability. An important characteristics of the Hall effect is its distinct dependence on the sign of the magnetic field. We find for fast rotation that positive (negative) Hall parameters essentially reduce (increase) the stability domain. It is thus concluded that the toroidal field belts in young neutron stars induced by their differential rotation should have different amplitudes in both hemispheres which later are frozen in. Due to the effect of magnetic suppression of the heat conductivity also the brightness of the two hemispheres should be different. As a possible example for our scenario the isolated neutron star RBS 1223 is considered which has been found to exhibit different X‐ray brightness at both hemispheres (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We re‐discuss the evolutionary state of upper main sequence magnetic stars using a sample of Ap and Bp stars with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes and definitely determined longitudinal magnetic fields. We confirm our previous results obtained from the study of Ap and Bp stars with accurate measurements of the mean magnetic field modulus and mean quadratic magnetic fields that magnetic stars of mass M < 3 M are concentrated towards the centre of the main‐sequence band. In contrast, stars with masses M > 3 M seem to be concentrated closer to the ZAMS. The study of a few known members of nearby open clusters with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes confirms these conclusions. Stronger magnetic fields tend to be found in hotter, younger and more massive stars, as well as in stars with shorter rotation periods. The longest rotation periods are found only in stars which spent already more than 40% of their main sequence life, in the mass domain between 1.8 and 3 M and with log g values ranging from 3.80 to 4.13. No evidence is found for any loss of angular momentum during the main‐sequence life. The magnetic flux remains constant over the stellar life time on the main sequence. An excess of stars with large obliquities β is detected in both higher and lower mass stars. It is quite possible that the angle β becomes close to 0. in slower rotating stars of mass M > 3 M too, analog to the behaviour of angles β in slowly rotating stars of M < 3 M. The obliquity angle distribution as inferred from the distribution of r ‐values appears random at the time magnetic stars become observable on the H‐R diagram. After quite a short time spent on the main sequence, the obliquity angle β tends to reach values close to either 90. or 0. for M < 3 M. The evolution of the obliquity angle β seems to be somewhat different for low and high mass stars. While we find a strong hint for an increase of β with the elapsed time on the main sequence for stars with M > 3 M, no similar trend is found for stars with M < 3 M. However, the predominance of high values of β at advanced ages in these stars is notable. As the physics governing the processes taking place in magnetised atmospheres remains poorly understood, magnetic field properties have to be considered in the framework of dynamo or fossil field theories. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a new approach for measuring the mean longitudinal magnetic field and net linear polarization of Ap and Bp stars. As was demonstrated by Wade et al., least-squares deconvolution (LSD; Donati et al.) provides a powerful technique for detecting weak Stokes V , Q and U Zeeman signatures in stellar spectral lines. These signatures have the potential to apply strong new constraints to models of stellar magnetic field structure. Here we point out two important uses of LSD Stokes profiles. First, they can provide very precise determinations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field. In particular, this method allows one frequently to obtain 1 σ error bars better than 50 G, and smaller than 20 G in some cases. This method is applicable to both broad- and sharp-lined stars, with both weak and strong magnetic fields, and effectively redefines the quality standard of longitudinal field determinations. Secondly, LSD profiles can in some cases provide a measure of the net linear polarization, a quantity analogous to the broad-band linear polarization recently used to derive detailed magnetic field models for a few stars (e.g. Leroy et al.). In this paper we report new high-precision measurements of the longitudinal fields of 14 magnetic Ap/Bp stars, as well as net linear polarization measurements for four of these stars, derived from LSD profiles.  相似文献   

Neutron stars contain persistent, ordered magnetic fields that are the strongest known in the Universe. However, their magnetic fluxes are similar to those in magnetic A and B stars and white dwarfs, suggesting that flux conservation during gravitational collapse may play an important role in establishing the field, although it might also be modified substantially by early convection, differential rotation, and magnetic instabilities. The equilibrium field configuration, established within hours (at most) of the formation of the star, is likely to be roughly axisymmetric, involving both poloidal and toroidal components. The stable stratification of the neutron star matter (due to its radial composition gradient) probably plays a crucial role in holding this magnetic structure inside the star. The field can evolve on long time scales by processes that overcome the stable stratification, such as weak interactions changing the relative abundances and ambipolar diffusion of charged particles with respect to neutrons. These processes become more effective for stronger magnetic fields, thus naturally explaining the magnetic energy dissipation expected in magnetars, at the same time as the longer-lived, weaker fields in classical and millisecond pulsars. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study the effect of the magnetic field geometry on the oscillation spectra of strongly magnetized stars. We construct a configuration of magnetic field where a toroidal component is added to the standard poloidal one. We consider a star with a type I superconductor core so that both components of the magnetic field are expelled from the core and confined in the crust. Our results show that the toroidal contribution does not influence significantly the torsional oscillations of the crust. On the contrary, the confinement of the magnetic field in the crust drastically affects the torsional oscillation spectrum. A comparison with estimations for the magnetic field strength, from observations, excludes the possibility that magnetars will have a magnetic field solely confined in the crust, that is, our results suggest that the magnetic field in whatever geometry has to permeate the whole star.  相似文献   

We investigate equilibrium sequences of magnetized rotating stars with four kinds of realistic equations of state (EOSs) of SLy, FPS, Shen and LS, employing the Tomimura–Eriguchi scheme to construct the equilibrium configurations. We study the basic physical properties of the sequences in the framework of Newtonian gravity. In addition, we take a new step by taking into account a general relativistic effect to the magnetized rotating configurations. With these computations, we find that the properties of the Newtonian magnetized stars, e.g. structure of magnetic field, highly depends on the EOSs. The toroidal magnetic fields concentrate rather near the surface for Shen and LS EOSs than those for SLy and FPS EOSs. The poloidal fields are also affected by the toroidal configurations. Paying attention to the stiffness of the EOSs, we analyse this tendency in detail. In the general relativistic stars, we find that the difference due to the EOSs becomes small because all the employed EOSs become sufficiently stiff for the large maximum density, typically greater than  1015 g cm−3  . The maximum baryon mass of the magnetized stars with axis ratio   q ∼ 0.7  increases about up to 20 per cent for that of spherical stars. We furthermore compute equilibrium sequences at finite temperature, which should serve as an initial condition for the hydrodynamic study of newly born magnetars. Our results suggest that we may obtain information about the EOSs from the observation of the masses of magnetars.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present new spectropolarimetric observations of the planet-hosting star τ Bootis, using ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimeters at Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope and Telescope Bernard Lyot, respectively.
We detected the magnetic field of the star at three epochs in 2008. It has a weak magnetic field of only a few gauss, oscillating between a predominant toroidal component in January and a dominant poloidal component in June and July. A magnetic polarity reversal was observed relative to the magnetic topology in 2007 June. This is the second such reversal observed in 2 years on this star, suggesting that τ Boo has a magnetic cycle of about 2 years. This is the first detection of a magnetic cycle for a star other than the Sun. The role of the close-in massive planet in the short activity cycle of the star is questioned.
τ Boo has a strong differential rotation, a common trend for stars with shallow convective envelope. At latitude 40°, the surface layer of the star rotates in 3.31 d, equal to the orbital period. Synchronization suggests that the tidal effects induced by the planet may be strong enough to force at least the thin convective envelope into corotation.
τ Boo shows variability in the Ca  ii H & K and Hα throughout the night and on a night-to-night time-scale. We do not detect enhancement in the activity of the star that may be related to the conjunction of the planet. Further data are needed to conclude about the activity enhancement due to the planet.  相似文献   

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