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Corrosion behavior of steel in the juncture area of sea clay and sand was studied. The results show that galvanic corrosion occurred between steel samples buried in sea clay and sand, and that the polarity of the galvanic cell reversed after some testing later. The cause of reversing of polarity is discussed.  相似文献   

INTR0DUCnONAlloycoatingscandetivelyproteCtsteelagainstcormsioninseri0uscormsionenvir-orunent,suchasthedrinesplashandtidalzones-TwoInainhodiptincaldrinumalloycOaingswidelyusedcommroiallyareGalfancoaing(contalningZn-5wt%kl-us)devel-oPedbytheIntemaionaltalZincReenhheZaionandhocoating(c0n-talningZn-55Wt%Al-1.6Wt%Si)develoPedbytheBethlehemSteelCorpOration-Anewrinc-basedalloycOaingdevel0PedbyNortheaStemUniversityisdiscussedinthesPaperbyelecthehendcalmethod.FromSun(l996),welmOWthecorms…  相似文献   

lNTRODUCTI0NSincetheoonceptofrnarinesplashzone(MSZ)wasfirstproposedbyHumble,rnanyresearchesprovedthatthecorrosionofsteelinthesplashzoneisthemostseriousinthemarineenvironninetandthatthisMSZcorrosionhasapeak(Zhu,l995).Howevertheenvironmentalfactorscatisingthecorrosionpeakwasnotkn0wnthen(Niat0,l975,Atsushi,l994)andtherangeoftheMSZwasnotyetdeariydefinedopzkaki,l985).ThispaperexplainsthemaincauseofthecormsionpeakanddefinestheexaCtrangeoftheMSZinsomeofChina'sharbours.MATERIALSANDMET…  相似文献   

hacteria(SRB)canbeashighastenhmesthainseahattOInsetlimentwithouSRB.Theex-perimentsinsimulatingseahattmsedimentswithdifferentconcenhations0fcultUredSRBsh0WedthatheelecthehendcalpoariZaionbehavi0ur0fsteelinseahatt()msedimentwithandwithouSRBwerefferent.SRBalteredthepoarizationbehavi0ur0fsteelsignificanilbyaciopingtheenvironments0thaaP-parenthydrogendepoallzationoccurredandacceleratedthec0meionofsteel.Keywofor:anaerohe,seab0ttomsediment,steelINTRODUCTIONAnaerobesaregenerallypresentins…  相似文献   

ImooUonONSCCisoneofthemosttwortantcausoffailureofstaiuleSsstalequipmentandfacilitieS.Studiesonunh0refacilitiesshowedthatanaddicchloridesolutionfilmcouldbefo~onthescheeofstalandthatstaiuleSSstalisinaCtivedissolutionstateinaedicchloridesolutionopinetal.,l99O;Gnanamoorthyetal.,l99O).ltisgenerallythoughtxthatSCCcannotoimrwhenthematerialisinaCtiveanodicdissolutionstate,soitsomcewithresultingcasualties(0ldfieldetal.,l99O)arousedattentiont0it.SomeSCCmeCanisrnsproposedpeuang,l988,Newmanctal.,…  相似文献   

The rate of regional sea level rise(SLR) provides important information about the impact of human activities on climate change.However,accurate estimation of regional SLR can be severely affected by sea surface height(SSH) change caused by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO-SSH).Here,the PDOSSH signal is extracted from satellite altimeter data by multi-variable linear regression,and regional SLR in the altimeter era is calculated,before and after removing that signal.The results show that PDO-SSH trends are rising in the western Pacific and falling in the eastern Pacific,with the strongest signal confined to the tropical and North Pacific.Over the past 20 years,the PDO-SSH accounts for about 30%-40%of altimeter-observed SLR in the regions 8°-15°N,130°-160°E and 30°-40°N,170°-220°E.Along the coast of North America,the PDO-SSH signal dramatically offsets the coastal SLR,as the sea level trends change sign from falling to rising.  相似文献   

The effect of water temperature on gut mass and digestive enzyme activity in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, including relative gut mass (RGM), amylase, lipase, pepsin and trypsin activities were studied at temperatures of 7, 14, 21, and 28°C over a period of 40 days. Results show that RGM significantly decreased after 40 days at 21°C and markedly decreased over the whole experiment period at 28°C; however, no significant effect of duration was observed at 7 or 14°C. At 14°C, trypsin activity significantly decreased over 10 and 20 days, then increased; amylase and trypsin activity significantly decreased after 40 days at 28°C. However, no significant effect of duration was found on amylase, pepsin or trypsin activities in the other temperature treatment groups. At 28°C, lipase activity peaked in 20 days and then markedly decreased to a minimum at the end of the experiment. On the other hand, pepsin activity at 28°C continuously increased over the whole experimental period. Principle component analysis showed that sea cucumbers on day 40 in the 21°C group and in the previous 20 days in the 28°C group were in the prophase of aestivation. At 28°C, sea cucumbers aestivated at 30–40 days after the start of the experiment. It is concluded that the effect of temperature on the digestion of A. japonicus is comparatively weak within a specific range of water temperatures and aestivation behavior is accompanied by significant changes in RGM and digestive enzyme activities.  相似文献   

注射黄芪多糖对吉富罗非鱼c型溶菌酶基因表达量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将黄芪多糖(APS)用无菌生理盐水配制成2 mg/mL和20 mg/mL针剂,腹腔注射吉富罗非鱼,以注射无菌生理盐水为对照。24 h后分别提取吉富罗非鱼鳃、头肾、肝脏、脾脏等组织中的总RNA并反转录成cDNA,利用Real-time PCR方法对不同组织中基因表达进行定量分析。结果表明:吉富罗非鱼腹腔注射20 mg/mL高剂量APS后,其鳃、头肾、肝脏等三个组织中的Lysozyme-c基因表达量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);注射2 mg/mL低剂量APS后,Lysozyme-c基因表达量仅在脾脏中出现显著上调(P<0.05)。APS可通过诱导Lysozyme-c基因在鳃、头肾、肝脏和脾脏等组织在的表达量,来提高吉富罗非鱼的机体免疫力。  相似文献   

Agricultural land use and management practices may affect soil properties,which play a critical role in sustaining crop production.Since the late 1970s,several new agricultural land use types had been introduced in the rural areas of China.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of these land use changes on the soil properties,nu-trient absorption rate,and nutrient use economic efficiency ratio in an agricultural area of Beijing.Specifically,the cropland,the orchard and the vegetable field were examined.Results of this study suggest that land use and farming management practices significantly affect the content of soil organic carbon (SOC),total nitrogen (TN),total phos-phorus (TP),and available phosphorus in the surface layer of 0-25 cm (p<0.05) in the Yanqing Basin,northwestern Beijing.Soil nutrients in each agricultural land use type decrease rapidly with the increasing soil depth.Orchard and vegetable field tend to have higher soil nutrients than the cropland does.However,the soil nutrient-absorption rate (NAR) of the orchard and vegetable field is lower than that of the cropland,even though orchard and vegetable field may provide much higher economic benefit.While increasing SOC,TN,and TP in the orchard and vegetable field by intensive farming may be a valuable option to improve soil quality,potential increase in the risk of nutrient loss,or agricultural non-point source pollution can be a tradeoff if the intensive practices are not managed appropriately.  相似文献   

Shrimps( Litopenaeus vannamei) were intensively cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system for 98 days to investigate effects of 0.3 mg/L Cu on its performance, Cu budget, and Cu distribution. Shrimps in Cu-treated systems had greater mean final weight(11.10 vs 10.50 g), body length(107.23 vs 106.42 mm), survival rate(67.80% vs 66.40%), and yield(6.42 vs 5.99 kg/m 3), and lower feed conversion ratio(1.20 vs 1.29) than those in control systems but the differences were not significant. Vibrio numbers remained stable(10 4 –10 6 colony forming units/mL) in the rearing tanks of both control and treated systems. Total ammonium-N, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, pH, chemical oxygen demand, 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids were similar in controls and treatments. Dissolved Cu concentration in the treated systems decreased from 0.284 to 0.089 mg/L while in the control systems it increased from 0.006 2 to 0.018 mg/L. The main sources of Cu in the treated systems were the artificially added component(75.7% of total input), shrimp feed(21.0%), water(2.06%), and shrimp biomass(1.22%). The major outputs of Cu occurred via the mechanical filter(41.7%), water renewal(15.6%), and draining of the sediment trap(15.1%). The foam fractionator removed only 0.69% of total Cu input. Harvested shrimp biomass accounted for 11.68% of Cu input. The Cu concentration of shrimps in the Cu-treated systems(30.70 mg/kg wet weight) was significantly higher than that in control systems(22.02 mg/kg). Both were below the maximum permissible concentration(50 mg/kg) for Cu in seafood for human consumption in China. Therefore, recirculating systems can be used for commercial on-growing of Litopenaeus vannamei without loss of shrimp quality, even in water polluted by 0.30 mg/L Cu. The mechanical filter is the main route for Cu removal.  相似文献   

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