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由1991年7月5—6日一次梅雨期暴雨过程的中尺度扰动场分析, 发现高低层重力惯性波的发展与传播和雨带、低涡的发展与传播有密切的联系, 高低层重力惯性波有明显不同的传播形式。结果表明:降水初期, 对流不稳定激发出重力惯性波, 低层南部相对稳定, 有向南传播的重力惯性波, 高层出现传播的重力惯性波, 高低层向南传播的重力惯性波有利于多条雨带的形成; 降水中期, 高层的重力惯性波出现围绕低层涡旋中心逆时针旋转, 降水也开始加大并东移; 高层向北传播的重力惯性波可导致低层的涡旋和降水发展。  相似文献   

影响惯性重力波活动规律的动力学因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过探测发现大气重力波有明显的活动规律:重力波强度在冬、春季强于夏、秋季,在5月和10月发生急剧减弱和加强的转变,无天气过程时晚上比白天强,尤其短周期的重力波,周期为40~80min的重力波平均强度最强,其他较弱。在斜压大气和考虑积云对流加热条件下,运用积云对流参数化、Taylor公式展开等方法,推导出惯性重力波的非线性KdV方程,求出其孤立波解,以此解释以上得出的大气重力波的活动规律:惯性重力波强度随风速垂直切变增大而增大,急流是最重要的惯性重力波波源,是重力波强度在冬、春季强于夏、秋季的主要原因,亚洲急流在5月和10月的北跃和南落,是重力波强度发生急剧变化的原因,急流下方是激发惯性重力波最强的地方。一般情况下,惯性重力波强度随着大气背景流场绝对涡度增大而增大,正涡度对惯性重力波起激发和增强的作用。当惯性重力波向下传播时,波的强度随层结稳定度(N2)增大而增大,由于太阳辐射的作用白天大气层结稳定度比晚上小,这解释了在无天气过程时晚上重力波强度强于白天的原因。惯性重力波强度和波的频率成正比,这解释了周期为40~80 min比周期为140~160 min的重力波强的原因。重力波强度还与非线性积云对流参数常数b及科氏力参数f成正比。  相似文献   

胡伯威 《大气科学》2005,29(6):845-853
采用一个包含简单积云对流参数化的线性模式讨论在长江流域相当正压性质的梅雨锋上,贯穿整个对流层的深厚惯性重力波的发生、传播和频散性质.结果表明,与积云对流加热场有最密切关系的低层湿度条件及其水平分布不均匀性质都对扰动的波速和稳定度有重要影响,最有利出现不稳定发展的地方是在"低层湿度锋区"南界附近,因此这里是中尺度对流系统(MCS)的活跃地带.关于频散性质的分析表明,能允许群速度大于相速度的低层湿度条件及其水平分布的特征值范围比较宽.而在上述稳定度接近中性的条件下最有利于出现沿"湿度锋区"轴向的上、下游效应.这个结果也许能很好地解释:在梅雨锋上,恰恰是当一个旺盛的MCS达到顶点而开始趋向衰减时,在它的上、下游很快发展起新的MCS,新、旧MCS一起形成"云团波串"这样一个重要而有趣的观测事实.  相似文献   

用线性模型讨论了对流和加热对重力惯性波的激发,分别讨论了初始垂直速度扰动和初始位温扰动及大气内部加热在静态层结大气中激发的重力惯性波,及重力惯性波过程引起的大气温压场的变化。得到的结果可以帮助理解中小尺度系统的发生发展,对流过程与环境大气的相互作用。  相似文献   

地形与积云对流对重力惯性波不稳定增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

夏友龙  郑祖光 《气象学报》1993,51(2):159-167
本文用WKBJ方法得到了低纬重力惯性波的方程组,讨论了它的发展和传播,并与中纬的重力惯性波作了比较,给出了低纬与中纬环境场对各自的重力惯性波影响的差异。  相似文献   

采用分层浅水波方程、一简单的二层模式和WKB方法,考虑基本气流的垂直切变,水平切变以及地形的影响,分析了惯性重力波的发展变化,得到有关导式波和曳式波发展的环境条件。  相似文献   

切变流中的CISK机制与惯性重力波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用板对称,有切变的大气动力学方程组,由行波法导出非线性微分方程,通过非线性稳定性理论讨论方程的稳定性,求解了KDV方程,并讨论了线性CISK,非线性CISK,惯性稳定度参数和大气风速垂切变对惯性重力孤波强度和宽度的影响,目的早通过了解影响惯性重力孤波发展的因子,更深入地理解低纬中尺度天气系统形成和发展的过程。  相似文献   

用线性模型讨论了对流和加热对重力惯性波的激发,分别讨论了初始垂直速度扰动和初始位温扰动及大气内部加热在静态层结大气中激发的重力惯性波,及重力惯性波过程引起的大气温压场的变化。得到的结果可以帮助理解中小尺度系统的发生发展、对流过程与环境大气的相互作用。  相似文献   

地形对重力惯性波发展的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
吴池胜 《大气科学》1994,18(1):81-88
本文研究了具有南北坡的地形对重力惯性波发展的影响。利用WKB方法,建立了含地形作用的重力惯性波能量方程。研究结果表明:在层结稳定的情况下,当扰动“上坡”(沿地形高度的升度方向传播)时,其能量将减少,即扰动将减弱;当扰动“下坡”(沿地形高度的负升度方向传播)时,其能量将增加,即扰动将发展。如层结为不稳定,情形则相反,即扰动“上坡”时将发展,“下坡”时将减弱。此外,文中对波动的稳定性问题也作了一些讨论。  相似文献   

Unstable tropical air-sea interaction waves and their physical mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the tropical air-sea interaction is discussed by using a simple air-sea coupled model, in which the inertia-gravity waves are filtered off and only the equatorial Rossby waves are reserved in both the atmosphere and the ocean. There exist two kinds of air-sea interaction waves in the coupled model, that is, the high-frequency fast waves and the low-frequency slow waves. The phase speed of the fast waves is westward and the frequencies are close to those of the equatorial Rossby waves in the atmosphere. The slow waves propagate westward in the part of short wavelengths and eastward in that of long wavelengths. There exist instabilities for both the westward and eastward propagating slow waves. If the fast waves are filtered off, there is little effect on the slow waves which have great in-fluence on the long range process in the tropical air-sea coupled system. According to the tropical air-sea interaction waves we obtain here, a possible explanation to the propagating process of ENSO events is given.  相似文献   

A mesoscale inertia-gravitational wave at 200 hPa is analysed. The reasons of this wave occurring are also dis-cussed. It is indicated that the occurrence of this wave is due to inertia-gravitational instability, and closely related to horizontal and vertical shear of wind.  相似文献   

Activities of low-frequency waves in the tropical atmosphere and enso   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ENSO, particularly the occurrence of ENSO is still an important research object in climatic variation. Using the ECMWF data, the relationship between ENSO and the activities of low-frequency waves in the tropical atmosphere is analyzed in this paper. It is shown that the occurrence of ENSO is closely related to the intraseasonal oscillation and the quasi-stationary waves (the period > 90 days) in the tropical atmosphere. Associated with the occurrence of El Nino event, the kinetic energy of low-frequency waves has obvious variation: the kinetic energy of atmospheric intraseasonal (30–60 days) oscillation (ISO) decreases abruptly and the kinetic energy of quasi-stationary waves increases abruptly. Moreover, the ISO and quasi-stationary waves propagate eastward clearly corresponding to El Nino; but they clearly propagate westward in La Nina cases.  相似文献   

We show that an arbitrarily oriented ellipsoid of uniform potential vorticity, embedded in a background flow described by a quadratic streamfunction, is an exact solution of the quasigeostrophic equations governing motion in a uniformly stratified, unbounded fluid. This type of flow includes plane horizontal shear and strain as well as uniform vertical shear of a unidirectional horizontal flow. We derive ordinary differential equations describing the motion of such a vortex and discuss some aspects of their solutions. We note the existence of steady states (solutions in which the vortex is in equilibrium with the background flow), of periodic solutions near these steady states, of non-periodic trajectories which nervertheless remain in the vicinity of the steady states, and of solutions which represent the shearing out of the vortex by the background flow. We try to use this information to propose partial answers to the question of when a given horizontal or vertical shear flow is likely to destroy a vortex and when a vortex might survive external shear and strain.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of vorticity driven coastal currents and eddies with topography is studied. The topography is either a semi-infinite escarpment perpendicular to the coast (such that topographic waves propagate toward the coast) or a semi-circular canyon or seamount attached to the coast. Assuming a piecewise constant potential vorticity distribution, the quasigeostrophic equations are solved using contour dynamics. Offshore propagating dipole eddies occur, whenever a coastal current or eddy interacts with escarpment and canyon topographies. The size and frequency at which dipoles form are found to depend on the vorticity of the current and amplitude of the topography. However, for a seamount, little eddy shedding is observed and the coastal current or eddy skirts around topography.  相似文献   

The interaction between non-uniform near-surface currents and long surface waves is shown to produce large-scale secondary circulations. The circulations are caused by the Craik–Leibovich vortex force imposed on the existing non-uniform current by the surface waves. The current could be produced by different types of sources, such as by ship wakes or by river and sewer outflows. In this paper the circulations are considered for three representative types of currents: a near-surface jet, a shear current, and an underwater jet. A model similar to the model of Langmuir circulations is formulated and studied numerically. The general model takes into account the effect of viscosity on the main current as well as the effect of the circulation-related advection on the main current and secondary flow itself. A simplified model that describes the initial stage of the development of circulations was used in order to demonstrate the strength of the phenomenon and its dependence on some parameters of the problem. At this initial stage, the effect of viscosity on the main current as well as the effect of advection caused by the circulations was neglected (under assumption that the perturbation velocity is small). The effect of the viscosity on the circulations was included in the solution, and it was shown that initial development of the circulations is practically independent of the viscosity. This fact simplifies the solution of the problem and removes the uncertainty related to the value of the turbulent viscosity at the initial stage of the circulations. The results obtained demonstrate that strong circulations are generated under very realistic assumptions regarding the parameters of the current and the surface waves. The maximum velocity at the surface produced by such circulations can easily reach several centimeters per second. A circulatory flow with this magnitude of velocity at the surface can significantly affect short surface waves and, correspondingly, radar and optical signatures produced by the initial currents on the sea surface. Some important conclusions about the nature of these signatures are made based on numerical results and simple qualitative arguments. Theoretical predictions include, for example, the asymmetry of centerline ship wakes and the difference in the width and length between images of two wakes of similar ships moving in opposite directions when ambient surface waves are present.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of Wu and Blumen's work (1982) on the geostrophic momentum approximation (GMA) in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and Tan and Wu (1992, 1994) on the Ekman momentum approximation (EMA) in the PBL, some improvements about the eddy exchange coefficientK, the advective inertial force and the lower boundary condition of the PBL are developed in this paper: (1) apply theK which is a gradually varying function of height instead of a constant value in the Ekamn layer, and introduce a surface layer; (2) take the effect of the vertical advective inertial force into account; (3) the solution technique is extended from level terrain to orographically formed terrain. Under the condition of the equilibrium among four forces (the pressure — gradient force, Coriolis force, eddy viscous force and inertial force including horizontal and vertical advective inertial forces), we have obtained the analytical solutions of the distributions of the wind and the vertical velocity. The computation of an individual example shows that: (1) both the wind velocity near surface and the angle between which and the non-viscous wind are more consistent with usual observations than that of Wu and Blumen (1982); (2) comparing with the horizontal advective inertial force, the vertical advective inertial force can not be neglected, when the orography is considered, the effect of the latter is even more important than the former.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

把经验模态分解(EMD)方法用于波流相互作用的大气动力系统,对不同系统状态的流甬数解序列求其本征模态函数(IMF)分量,分析系统状态与IMF之间的关系,揭示流甬数的振荡结构.结果表明:随着系统的复杂性增大,构成解序列的IMF分量的个数相应增多.对于系统的定常态(Hadley流),每个流函数ψ分量的各个IMF分量都趋于零均值线;对于周期态(Rosssby流),ψ分量由1个周期性的高频IMF分量构成;对于振荡态,分量主要由2-3个较高频IMF分量构成;对于非周期流,ψ分量由多个非周期的IMF分量构成;对于周期-非周期状态,其本征模态有的有周期性,有的没有周期性.低频IMF分量表现ψ序列的长时间尺度的变化.  相似文献   

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