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The study site located in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea was visited nine times in 2005–2006 to collect water samples from the epi- (5 m), meso- (200, 600 m), and bathypelagic (1000, 2000 m) zone. Total abundance of prokaryotes and viruses was determined by flow cytometry (FCM). Prokaryotic abundance in the epi-, meso-, and bathypelagic varied between 0.9 and 15.9×105, 0.6 and 2.1×105, and 0.3 and 1.3×105 ml−1, respectively. Variation of viral abundance in the epi-, meso-, and bathypelagic was between 1.2 and 57.5×106, 0.5 and 3.5×106, and 0.4 and 1.3×106 ml−1, respectively. The fraction of low (LNA) and high (HNA) nucleic acid prokaryotes averaged 42.9% and 57.1% throughout the water column and did not differ between depth layers. Throughout the water column the fraction of low, medium, and high fluorescent viruses (Vir-LF, Vir-MF, Vir-HF) averaged 66.3%, 30.2%, and 3.5%. Vir-LF and Vir-MF did not differ between depth layers; however, Vir-HF showed a preference for surface waters. The fraction of LNA cells decreased in the epi- and increased in the bathypelagic with decreasing stratification. The fraction of Vir-LF viruses increased in the epipelagic and decreased in the bathypelagic with increasing prokaryotic abundance. Also, the relationship between viral abundance and the bacterial community was different in surface and deep waters. The data suggest that different mechanisms of interaction between viruses and their prokaryotic hosts prevail at the surface and in deep waters.  相似文献   

Direct deposition of atmospheric nitrogen to shallow coastal embayments is usually estimated, since insufficient field measurements are available. Using Waquoit Bay (Cape Cod, MA. USA) as a case study, and a recent review of literature, we determined reasonable bounds on wet and dry inputs of inorganic and organic N. Since precipitation and wind vary daily, we explored the potential of episodic events to stimulate phytoplankton blooms. Many coastal waterbodies like Waquoit Bay are small relative to their watersheds. Nevertheless, direct deposition of NH(3), NO(3)(-), and HNO(3) is significant in the loading budget. For Waquoit Bay, direct deposition was calculated to be 7-15.5 kg total N ha(-1)yr(-1), representing 70-150% of the atmospheric N reported to reach the bay via the watershed, and 20-45% of the total N reaching the bay from all land-based sources. Episodic events were estimated to deliver up to 65 mg N m(-2)day(-1), representing a phytoplankton stock of 12.3 mg Chl m(-2), an amount unlikely to stimulate dense blooms in shallow coastal waters in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

It has recently been postulated that lithogenic particles such as Saharan dust strongly influence particulate organic carbon export to the deep ocean by acting as mineral ballast. However, our understanding of the processes involved remains scant. In the present study, optical measurements were performed to monitor variations in the concentration, composition and size distribution of particles in suspension within the water column after simulating a Saharan dust event in very clear Mediterranean waters off Corsica in June 2010. A new methodology set up in large mesocosms proved very successful in this regard. Values obtained simultaneously from three instruments (WetLabs ECO-BB3, WetLabs ac-9, Sequoia Scientific LISST-100) provided evidence that (1) part of the Saharan dust pool has a rapid settling velocity (∼24–86 m day−1), (2) particulate export following a dust event is a nonlinear multi-step process and (3) export is controlled in part by the formation of organic-mineral aggregates. This experimental study provides the first insight of the complex export processes occurring after a dust event involving both physical and biogeochemical forcings in clear oligotrophic waters.  相似文献   

Mercury speciation and its distribution in surface and deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea were studied during two oceanographic cruises on board the Italian research vessel URANIA in summer 2003 and spring 2004 as part of the Med Oceaneor and MERCYMS projects. The study included deep water profiles of dissolved gaseous Hg (DGM), reactive Hg (RHg), total Hg (THg), monomethyl Hg (MeHg) and dimethyl Hg (DMeHg) in open ocean waters. Average concentrations of measured Hg species were characterized by seasonal and spatial variations. Overall average THg concentrations ranged between 0.41 and 2.65 pM (1.32 ± 0.48 pM) and were comparable to those obtained in previous studies of the Mediterranean Sea. A significant fraction of Hg was present as “reactive” Hg (average 0.33 ± 0.32 pM). Dissolved gaseous Hg (DGM), which consists mainly of Hg0, represents a considerable proportion of THg (average 20%, 0.23 ± 0.11 pM). The portion of DGM typically increased towards the bottom, especially in areas with strong tectonic activity (Alboran Sea, Strait of Sicily, Tyrrhenian Sea), indicating its geotectonic origin. No dimethyl Hg was found in surface waters down to the depth of 40 m. Below this depth, its average concentration was 2.67 ± 2.9 fM. Dissolved fractions of total Hg and MeHg were measured in filtered water samples and were 0.68 ± 0.43 pM and 0.29 ± 0.17 pM for THg and MeHg respectively. The fraction of Hg as MeHg was in average 43%, which is relatively high compared to other ocean environments. The concentrations reported in this study are among the lowest found in marine environments and the quality of analytical methods are of key importance. Speciation of Hg in sea water is of crucial importance as THg concentrations alone do not give adequate data for understanding Hg sources and cycling in marine environments. For example, photoinduced transformations are important for the presence of reactive and elemental mercury in the surface layers, biologically mediated reactions are important for the production/degradation of MeHg and DGM in the photic zones of the water column, and the data for DGM in deep sea indicate the natural sources of Hg in geotectonicaly active areas of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降通量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已改进的Williams模型中,应用GW03海表动力学粗糙度参数化方案,考虑波浪对干沉降速率的影响,结合卫星资料和再分析资料,计算了台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率,并利用2006~2007年走航观测结果计算了台湾海峡总悬浮颗粒物的入海通量.其结果表明:台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率及总悬浮颗粒物干沉降通量具有明显的时空变化特征.台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率范围为5.83~6.17 cm/s,平均值为6.00 cm/s.其中冬季气溶胶干沉降速率最大,平均值为6.08 cm/s;夏季气溶胶干沉降速率最小,平均值为5.85 cm/s.台湾海峡气溶胶总悬浮颗粒物的干沉降通量也呈现出冬季的高[均值为7.31μg/(m2.s)],夏季的低[均值为2.23μg/(m2.s)]的特征.从空间分布上看,台湾海峡海表气溶胶干沉降速率出现1个高值中心,位于台湾海峡北部海域.总悬浮颗粒物干沉降通量出现2个高值中心和1个低值中心,分别位于台湾海峡北部海域、汕头至厦门海域和南海中北部海域.  相似文献   

234Th was used to quantify sinking fluxes and residence times of particles in surface waters of the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Measurements of dissolved and particulate 234Th were made at the DYFAMED station (43°25′N–7°51′E, JGOFS-France program). Sampling covered 1 year on four cruises in 1994 (February 9, April 29, June 3, October 1) and focused on a transition period in mid-spring with six repeated profiles collected during May 1995. 234Th was nearly in equilibrium with its parent 238U most of the year, except in spring. The intensive sampling in May shows a rapid evolution throughout the month from a moderate 234Th deficit to near-equilibrium values. The time-series of 234Th were treated with steady-state and non-steady-state models. 234Th particulate fluxes clearly indicate large variability in export, with the highest values observed in spring. Particle residence times in the upper 40 m range from <10 to >250 days, and could increase by a factor of 10 within 2 weeks. POC fluxes from the upper 40 m and export ratios (ThE: ratio of 234Th-derived POC export to primary production), derived from the 234Th/238U disequilibrium in the water column and POC/234Th ratio on trapped material, decrease from about 9.5 mmol C m−2 d−1 and >22% in early May to less than 5 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 15% after mid-May. The 234Th-derived information is in agreement with the annual variations in Mediterranean Sea productivity.  相似文献   

黏土矿物研究在示踪物源、源区风化历史乃至洋流变迁能力等方面具有重要的作用,尽管目前对南海表层沉积物黏土矿物宏观分布特征已获得了较系统的认识,但在受珠江和海南岛物源共同影响的南海西北部其高分辨率的黏土矿物学工作还未开展。本文对南海西北部表层沉积物中的黏土矿物组成、结晶学特征进行了分析,讨论了研究区黏土矿物的物质来源。结果表明,南海西北部表层沉积物的黏土矿物组成以伊利石为主(平均45%),蒙脱石(平均27%)与高岭石(平均21%)次之,绿泥石含量最少(平均6%)。在区域空间分布上,蒙脱石含量呈现西南高东北低的特征,伊利石含量则与之相反;高岭石含量表现为近岸高离岸低,而绿泥石含量呈现离岸高近岸低的特征。总体上,研究区表层沉积物黏土矿物组成与现代珠江沉积物组成差异较大,而与珠江口2.5 ka前的沉积物黏土矿物组成比较接近,并且结合研究区岩心揭露的全新世以来极低的沉积速率(4 cm/ka)以及上部很薄(小于0.6 m)的泥质沉积,推测该区表层沉积物可能并非是现代沉积的结果,更可能主要来自全新世末期古珠江输送的沉积物。除古珠江作为研究区表层沉积物中蒙脱石的一个主要来源外,海南岛北部河流也贡献了少量蒙脱石到其邻近的东南海域。运用高岭石/伊利石比值和伊利石化学指数等进一步对比分析表明,珠江是研究区沉积物中伊利石、高岭石和绿泥石的主要物源,其次台湾和海南岛也可能分别提供了少量富含伊利石/绿泥石和高岭石的沉积物。本工作对于南海西北部沉积物源-汇过程和相应的古环境研究有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition fluxes of soluble nutrients (N, P, Si, Fe, Co, Zn) to the tropical North Atlantic were determined during cruise M55 of the German SOLAS programme. Nutrient fluxes were highest in the east of the section along 10°N, owing to the proximity of source regions in West Africa and Europe, and lowest in the west, for both dry and wet deposition modes. In common with other recent studies, atmospheric P and Si inputs during M55 were strongly depleted relative to the stoichiometry of phytoplankton Fe, N, P and Si requirements. Atmospheric N inputs were equivalent to 0.1–4.7% of observed primary productivity during the cruise. Atmospheric nutrient supply was also compared to observed nitrogen fixation rates during M55. While atmospheric Fe supply may have been sufficient to support N fixation (depending on the relationship between our simple Fe leaching experiment and aerosol Fe dissolution in seawater), atmospheric P supply was well below the required rate. The stable nitrogen isotope composition of nitrate–N in aerosol and rain was also determined. Results of a simple model indicate that atmospheric deposition and nitrogen fixation introduce similar amounts of isotopically light nitrogen into surface waters of the study region. This implies that nitrogen isotope-based methods would overestimate nitrogen fixation here by a factor of 2, if atmospheric inputs were not taken into account.  相似文献   

The seasonal and year-to-year variation of bulk precipitation as a source of total N, nitrate and ammonia is reported for a 7-year period at the Rhode River, a subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. These values are placed in perspective by comparison with analogous nitrogen loading due to watershed discharges.Although year-to-year variations were important, in an average year about the same amount of readily available nitrogen entered the system via precipitation as entered in land runoff and, during the summer and fall, precipitation was the largest source.  相似文献   

A linear decrease in dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen with increasing salinity offshore from the Georgia coast suggests that organic nitrogen compounds contributed to coastal waters by rivers are stable during the period (2–3 months) of their transfer over the continental shelf. While the C/N ratio decreased with distance from shore, total dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), total amino nitrogen, and primary amino nitrogen showed similar relative decreases, suggesting that nitrogen is associated with refractory organic compounds. Measured amino nitrogen accounted for about 20% of the total DON, leaving about 80% of the organic nitrogen undefined.  相似文献   

测定了义乌市大气颗粒物中总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)及微量营养元素Fe、Mn和Cu的浓度,并对颗粒物粒径分布和外形进行了扫描电镜分析,同时分析了这3种金属的来源和沉降量。结果表明,微量营养元素Fe和Mn主要来源于地壳,而Cu来源于人为污染;Fe与Mn之间的相关性极显著;绝大部分颗粒物的粒径小于9μm;Fe和Mn湿沉降量大于干沉降量,而Cu以干沉降为主。  相似文献   

We compute model spectra of the beam attenuation coefficient in surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. These spectra are used to determine the contribution of the components of seawater (suspended matter, yellow substance, pigments of phytoplankton, and pure water) to the beam attenuation coefficient in different types of seawater. For the surface waters, we establish the relationship between the light scattering coefficient and the attenuation coefficient at a wavelength of 547 nm and determine the background (limiting minimum) value of the coefficient of absorption by the yellow substance in waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is compared with the values of the same parameter for some other basins (Black Sea, Lake Baikal, Baltic Sea, and oceanic waters).  相似文献   

The activities of two hydrolytic enzymes (leucine aminopeptidase and β glucosidase), belonging to the particle-bound enzymatic fraction, were measured in open-sea surface waters. Samples were collected along a transect crossing the Indian Ocean during the early NW monsoon period (November and December 2001). The latitudinal pattern of the ectoenzymatic activities highlighted a generally increasing trend of glycolysis approaching the equator, with significantly higher β glucosidase activity (0.79–3.00 nmol l−1 h−1) within the latitudinal range from 12°N to 16°S. In this area, the surface waters coming from the Indonesian Throughflow and the Bay of Bengal carry a considerable quantity of carbohydrates (38.9–41.9 μg l−1), which stimulated glycolytic activity and its cell-specific rates scaled to bacterial abundance. On the other hand, in the Central Indian Ocean, the proteolytic activity was considerable (0.91–2.03 nmol l−1 h−1), although the particulate proteins did not show significant increases and the dissolved proteinlike signal was one of the lowest of the entire transect (0.7 mg l−1 on average compared to the 1.4–1.6 mg l−1 of the adjacent areas). Therefore, in this area, the two ectoenzymes studied did not respond to the same stimulatory effect (namely the specific substrate concentrations). The time needed for the hydrolysis of macromolecules within the particulate and dissolved organic substrate fractions, although these measures are affected by a number of assumptions starting with the potential nature of the ectoenzymatic determinations, confirms these observations. The Central Indian Ocean displayed the lowest values, from 8 to 26 days for particulate and dissolved organic carbon, respectively. As observed in the equatorial areas of the Atlantic Ocean, the relevant degradation activity of the central area of the Indian Ocean Basin suggests a notable heterotrophy based on a faster turnover of organic substrates.  相似文献   

In situ experiments using isotopically labeled mercury species (199Hg(II) and Me201Hg) are used to investigate mercury transformation mechanisms, such as methylation, demethylation and reduction, in coastal and marine surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this work is to assess the relative contribution of photochemical versus biological processes to Hg transformation mechanisms. For this purpose, potential transformation rates measured under diurnal and dark incubation conditions are compared with major biogeochemical parameters (i.e. hydrological and biological data) in order to obtain the relative contribution of various biotic and abiotic mechanisms in both surface (high light) and bottom (low light) waters of the euphotic zone. The results demonstrate that coastal and marine euphotic zones are significant reactors for all Hg transformations investigated (i.e. methylation, demethylation, reduction). A major outcome demonstrates that Hg methylation is taking place in oxic surface seawater (0.3–6.3% day− 1) and is mainly influenced by pelagic microorganism abundance and activities (phyto- and bacterioplankton). This evidences a new potential MeHg source in the marine water column, especially in oligotrophic deep-sea basins in which biogeochemistry is mostly governed by heterotrophic activity. For coastal and marine surface waters, although MeHg is mainly photochemically degraded (6.4–24.5% day− 1), demethylation yields observed under dark condition may be attributed to microbial or chemical pathways (2.8–10.9% day− 1). Photoreduction and photochemical reactions are the major mechanisms involved in DGM production for surface waters (3.2–16.9% day− 1) but bacterial or phytoplanktonic reduction of Hg(II) cannot be excluded deeper in the euphotic zone (2.2–12.3% day− 1). At the bottom of the euphotic zone, photochemical processes are thus avoided due to the attenuation of UV-visible sunlight radiation allowing biotic processes to be the most significant. These results suggest a new potential route for Hg species cycling in surface seawater and especially at the maximum biomass depth located at the bottom of the euphotic zone (i.e. maximum chlorophyll fluorescence). In this environment, DGM production and demethylation mechanisms are thus probably reduced whereas Hg methylation is enhanced by autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. Experimental results on mercury species uptake during these investigations further evidenced the strong affinity of MeHg for biogenic particles (i.e. microorganisms) that correspond to the first trophic level of the pelagic food web.  相似文献   

We report here dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) levels as a function of plankton communities and abiotic factors over a 12-month cycle in the Mediterranean oligotrophic coastal and shallow ecosystem of Niel Bay (N.W. Mediterranean Sea, France). Total particulate DMSP (DMSPp) and DMS concentrations were highly seasonal, peaking during a spring (April) bloom at 8.9 nM and 73.9 nM, respectively. Significant positive correlations were found between total DMSPp concentration and the abundance or biomass of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum compressum (Spearman's rank correlation test: r = 0.704; p = 0.011). Similarly, DMS concentrations peaked during the development of blooms of P. compressum and Gymnodinium sp. There seemed to be a positive relationship between the chlorophyll a to pheopigment ratio and DMS concentrations, suggesting that DMS was released during phytoplankton growth. High DMS levels recorded in the shallow Niel Bay may also result from the activity of benthic macroalgae, and/or macrophytes such as Posidonia spp., or the resuspension of sulfur species accumulating in sediments. The fractionation of particulate DMSP into three size classes (>90 μm, 5–90 μm and 0.2–5 μm) revealed that 5–90 μm DMSP-containing particles made the greatest contribution to the total DMSPp pool (annual mean contribution = 62%), with a maximal contribution in April (96%). This size class consisted mainly of dinoflagellates (annual mean contribution = 68%), with P. compressum and Gymnodinium sp. the predominant species, together accounting for up to 44% of the phytoplankton present. The positive correlation between DMSP concentration in the 5–90 μm size class and the abundance of P. compressum (Spearman's rank correlation test: r = 0.648; p = 0.023) suggests that this phytoplankton species would be the major DMSP producer in Niel Bay. The DMSP collected in the >90 μm fraction was principally associated with zooplankton organisms, dominated by copepods (nauplii and copepodites). DMSP>90, not due to a specific zooplankton production, resulted from the phytoplankton cells ingested during grazing. The concomitant peaks of DMS concentration and zooplankton abundance suggest that zooplankton may play a role in releasing DMSP and/or DMS through sloppy feeding.  相似文献   

Changes in phytoplankton composition and degradation of particulate organic matter (POM) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea were studied using time-series sediment trap samples collected during the spring of 2003 at the DYFAMED station. Lipid biomarkers (pigments, fatty acids, sterols, acyclic isoprenoids, alkenones and n-alkanols) were used to identify the main contributors to the POM produced during two phytoplankton blooms, while the effects of photooxidation, autoxidation and biodegradation were differentiated using characteristic lipid degradation products. Traps collected material corresponding to pre-bloom, bloom and post-bloom periods. Pigment analyses in the integrated (0-200 m) water column samples indicated that diatoms dominated the initial stages of the bloom event, with smaller amounts of haptophytes and pelagophytes. During the second part of bloom event there was a switch to haptophyte dominance with significant contributions from diatoms and pelagophytes, and an increased contribution from cryptophytes. Fatty acid distributions in the trap samples reflected contributions from marine bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton. Photooxidation and autoxidation products of monounsaturated oleic, cis-vaccenic and palmitoleic acids were detected along with photooxidation products from the chlorophyll side-chain. The relatively good correlation between the variation of U37K′ index and specific phytol autoxidation product percentage allowed us to attribute the alterations of U37K′ observed during the pre-bloom period and in the deeper traps to the involvement of selective autoxidative degradation processes. A variety of sterol oxidation products formed by biohydrogenation, autoxidation and photooxidation were detected. Sterol degradation products appeared to be less suited than oxidation products of monounsaturated fatty acids for the precise monitoring of the degradation state of POM, but their stable functionalized cyclic structure constitutes a useful tool to estimate the part played by biotic and abiotic processes. In these waters, biotic degradation generally predominates, but abiotic degradation is not negligible and, as expected, the extent of biotic degradation increases with depth. To obtain a more complete picture of POM degradation, the use of a pool of lipid degradation products (i.e. from unsaturated fatty acids, the phytyl side-chain and sterols) should be employed.  相似文献   

Data is presented for the concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen, and C:N ratios, in marine particulate matter, and for POC and PN, from surface waters collected in the northeastern Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean and China Sea.The organic carbon content of this particulate matter varies between 4.6% and 29.9%, and has an average of 17.8%. The average organic carbon content of particulate matter from the various oceans decreases in the order: Northeastern Atlantic > South Atlantic > Indian Ocean > China Sea.The nitrogen content of the particulate matter varies between 1.0% and 3.9%, with an average of 2.2%, and in general follows the same trend as that of organic carbon.C:N ratios vary between 5.1 and 10.6, and have an average of 7.9.The POC contents of the oceanic waters vary between 6.6 and 211 μg/l, with an average of 52 μg/l. The concentrations in the surface waters decrease in the following order: Northeastern Atlantic τ China Sea > South Atlantic > Indian Ocean.The concentrations, and compositions, of particulate matter from various coastal localities are given for comparison with the oceanic values.  相似文献   

In order to examine temporal variations of the surface oceanic and atmospheric fCO2 and the DIC concentration, we analyzed air and seawater samples collected during the period May 1992–June 1996 in the northwestern North Pacific, about 30 km off the coast of the main island of Japan. The atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased secularly at a rate of 1.9 ppmv yr−1, and it showed a clear seasonal cycle with a maximum in spring and a minimum late in summer, produced mainly by seasonally-dependent terrestrial biospheric activities. DIC also showed a prominent seasonal cycle in the surface ocean; the minimum and maximum values of the cycle appeared in early fall and in early spring, respectively, due primarily to the seasonally-dependent activities of marine biota and partly to the vertical mixing of seawater and the coastal upwelling. The oceanic fCO2 values were almost always lower than those of the atmospheric fCO2, suggesting that this area of the ocean acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2. Values varied seasonally, mainly reflecting seasonal changes of SST and DIC, with a secular increase at a rate of 3.7 μatm yr−1. The average values of the annual net CO2 flux between the ocean and the atmosphere calculated by using the different bulk equations ranged between −0.8 and −1.7 mol m−2yr−1, and its magnitude was enhanced and reduced late in spring and mid-summer, respectively, due mainly to the seasonally varying oceanic fCO2.  相似文献   

The paper reports on new data focusing on organic carbon contained in aeolian material and precipitation falling on coastal and water areas of the northeastern part of the Sea of Azov. Atmospheric deposition was sampled in 2006–2014. The particulate organic carbon content varied from 4 to 27% in aeolian dust samples. The concentration of the organic carbon dissolved in rainwater was from 1.6 to 4.3 mg C/L, and from 0.9 to 16.6 mg C/L in snow. The particulate organic carbon content varied from 2 to 43% in snow. Intensity of aeolian dust settling decreased from 178 to 33 mg/m2 per day with distance from a source of dust; in contrast, the relative content of organic matter increased. In a spring–summer season the aeolian organic carbon fluxes varied from 12 to 18 mg C/m2 per day in Rostov-on-Don, from 28 to 48 mg C/m2 per day on the Gulf of Taganrog coast, and from 20 to 80 mg C/m2 per day in the water area of the Gulf of Taganrog.  相似文献   

南沙珊瑚礁对大气CO2含量上升的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用南沙海域的碳酸盐化学以及相关调查资料,分析了表层CaCO3饱和度的分布特征,通过碳酸盐的热力学计算模式,定量评估了未来大气CO2增加对表层CaCO3饱和度的潜在影响,利用CaCO3饱和度与珊瑚钙化速率的经验关系式,进一步预测了珊瑚礁对大气CO2上升可能产生的生物地球化学响应.初步结果显示,工业革命前至2100年,南沙海域的CaCO3饱和度将下降43%左右,从而将引起珊瑚礁的平均钙化速率减少33%.如果未来大气CO2浓度继续保持目前的上升趋势,南沙海域珊瑚礁可能会停止生长,甚至某些造礁生物面,临灭绝的危险.  相似文献   

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