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Testate amoebae are informative about palaeoecological conditions, but the methods generally used for their analyses in lake sediments differ from those used for their analyses in peats, making comparisons difficult. This study examines how filter mesh size and total number of individuals counted affect species richness, Shannon diversity, equitability, density and assemblage structure. We analysed the complete testate amoeba contents of six sediment samples from Lake Lautrey, France. The abundance of testate amoebae was high (1,403–10,870 shells cm−3), and species smaller than 63 μm in both length and width represented up to 89% of total abundance and 43% of species richness. A simulation showed that using 47- or 63-μm mesh-size filters reduced inter-sample differences and changed the patterns of abundance, species richness and assemblage structure, causing loss of information and leading to potential erroneous palaeoecological interpretation. Rarefaction analyses suggest that although 170 shells are sufficient to assess the general structure of assemblages, such small sample sizes can underestimate species richness by overlooking taxa with relative abundances <4%. Total counts of 400 shells yield better estimates of assemblage structure and recover at least 50% of total species richness, although species with absolute frequencies below 2% may still be missed. Higher counts are required to obtain reliable estimates of species richness and assemblage structure in samples that have high testate amoeba densities but are dominated by a few small taxa. Further studies should determine the bioindicator value and functional roles of small and/or rare species in lakes and thus to what extent overlooking them affects palaeoecological interpretations.  相似文献   

We measured variability in the composition of diatom and chrysophyte assemblages, and the pH inferred from these assemblages, in sediment samples from Big Moose Lake, in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Replicate samples were analyzed from (1) a single sediment core interval, (2) 12 different intervals from each of 3 separate cores, and (3) 10 widely spaced surface sediment samples (0–1 cm). The variability associated with sample preparation (subsampling, processing, and counting) was relatively small compared to between-core and within-lake variability. The relative abundances of the dominant diatom taxa varied to a greater extent than those of the chrysophyte scale assemblages. Standard deviations of pH inferences for multiple counts from the same sediment interval from diatom, chrysophyte, and diatom plus chrysophyte inference equations were 0.04 (n=8), 0.06 (n=32), and 0.06 (n=8) of a pH unit, respectively. Stratigraphic analysis of diatoms and chrysophytes from three widely spaced pelagic sediment cores provided a similar record of lake acidification trends, although with slight differences in temporal rates of change. Average standard deviations of pH inferences from diatom, chrysophyte and diatom plus chrysophyte inference equations for eight sediment intervals representing similar time periods but in different cores were 0.10, 0.20, and 0.09 pH unit, respectively. Our data support the assumption that a single sediment core can provide an accurate representation of historical change in a lake. The major sources of diatom variability in the surface sediments (i.e., top 1.0 cm) were (1) differences in diatom assemblage contributions from benthic and littoral sources, and (2) the rapid change in assemblage composition with sediment depth, which is characteristic of recently acidified lakes. Because scaled chrysophytes are exclusively planktonic, their spatial distribution in lake sediments is less variable than the diatom assemblages. Standard deviations of pH inferences for 10 widely spaced surface sediment samples from diatom, chrysophyte and diatom plus chrysophyte inference equations were 0.21, 0.09, and 0.16 of a pH unit, respectively.  相似文献   

In recent decades, softwater lakes across Canada have experienced a wide array of anthropogenic influences, with acidification and climate warming of particular concern. Here, we compare modern and pre-industrial sedimentary diatom assemblages from 36 softwater lakes located on the Canadian Shield in south-central Ontario to determine whether lake acidification or reduced calcium availability was the main stressor responsible for recent declines in Ca-sensitive cladoceran taxa. Regional surveys of south-central Ontario water chemistry have identified the pH recovery of many formerly acidified lakes, and our fossil diatom-inferred pH analyses indicate that modern lakewater pH in the 36 study lakes is similar to (or higher than) pre-industrial levels, with diatom assemblages from both time periods dominated by taxa with similar pH preferences. In addition, modern diatom assemblages compared to pre-industrial assemblages contained higher relative abundances of planktonic diatom taxa (e.g. Asterionella formosa and the Discostella stelligera complex) and lower relative abundances of heavily silicified diatoms (e.g. Aulacoseira taxa) and benthic fragilarioid taxa. These taxonomic shifts are consistent with warming-induced changes in lake properties including a longer ice-free period, decreased wind speed and/or increased thermal stability. We conclude that recent changes observed within the cladoceran assemblages of these lakes are not a response to acidification, but are likely a consequence of Ca declines. In addition, our data suggest that regional climate warming is now responsible for the diatom changes observed in this region.  相似文献   

Testate amoebae are increasingly used in ecological and palaeoecological studies of wetlands. To characterise the amoeba community a certain number of individuals need to be counted under the microscope. To date, most studies have aimed for 150 individuals, but that sample size is not based on adequate evidence. When testate amoeba concentrations are low, it can be difficult or impossible to reach this total. The impacts of lower count totals have never been seriously scrutinised. We investigated the impact of count size on number of taxa identified, quantitative inferences of environmental variables and the strength of the links between amoebae and environmental data in the context of predicting depth to water table. Low counts were simulated by random selection of individuals from four existing datasets. Results show progressively diminishing returns by all criteria as count size increases from low numbers to counts of 150. A higher count is required to identify all taxa than to adequately characterise the community for transfer function inference. We suggest that in most cases, it will be a more efficient use of time to count a greater number of samples to a lower count. While a count of 50 individuals may be sufficient for some samples from some sites we recommend that counts of 100 individuals should be sufficient for most samples. Counts need only be increased to 150 or more where the aim is to identify relatively minor, but still potentially ecologically relevant community changes. This approach will help reduce lack of replication and low resolution, which are common limitations in testate amoeba-based palaeoecological and ecological studies.  相似文献   

Inferences of past climate from the fossil record in lakes rely on the accurate quantification of a relationship of fossilizing organisms to their environment. Whereas the relationship of diatoms to water chemistry parameters has been modeled in many systems, few studies adequately address the relationship of diatoms to physical properties, such as water depth or hydrology, that may be more directly tied to climate. We examined the composition of modern diatoms in surface sediments of 75 isolated ponds (mostly Carolina bays) of the Atlantic Coastal Plain to: (1) assess the influence of physical and chemical variables on the distribution of diatoms among ponds of the region, and (2) develop a model that predicts hydroperiod (a measure of pond permanence) from diatom assemblages. We constructed two hydroperiod calibration models: the first infers hydroperiod from the weighted-average optima and tolerances of taxa along the hydroperiod gradient, the second bases inferences on the hydroperiod estimates of compositionally similar samples. Both approaches incorporate a-priori and post-hoc tests of assumptions often inherent in the construction of transfer functions. Diatom assemblage composition had strong, approximately linear relationships to hydroperiod, water depth, and calcium concentration in non-metric multidimensional ordination space; effects of other variables, including pH, were non-linear or ambiguous. Overall, the assemblages reflected the dilute, acidic chemical characteristics of bays. The assemblages contained differing abundances of euterrestrial, benthic and planktonic taxa, depending on a pond's susceptibility to drying. A weighted-averaging regression model based on taxon-specific hydroperiod optima generated adequate, unbiased hydroperiod inferences from diatom species composition (r2 = 0.81). This model may be used to infer past drought episodes from fossil diatom assemblages at appropriate sites on the Atlantic Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological information is often extracted from diatom records using weighted averaging calibration and regression techniques. Larger calibration sample sets yield better inferences because they better characterize the environmental characteristics and species assemblages of the sample region. To optimize inferred information from fossil assemblages, however, it is worth knowing if fewer calibration samples can be used. Furthermore, confidence in environmental reconstructions is greater if we consider the relative importance of (A) similarity between fossil and calibration assemblages and (B) how well fossil taxa respond to the environmental variable of interest. We examine these issues using ~200-year sediment profiles from four Minnesota lakes and a 145-lake surface sediment training set calibrated for total phosphorus (TP). Training set sample sizes ranging from 10 to 145 were created through random sample selection, and models based on these training sets were used to calculate diatom-inferred (DI) TP data from fossil samples. Relationships between DI-TP variability and sample size were used to determine the minimum sample size needed to optimize the model for paleo-reconstruction. Similarly, similarities between fossil and modern assemblages were calculated for each size training set. Finally, fossil and modern assemblages were compared to determine whether older fossil samples had poorer similarity with modern analogs. More than 50–80 samples, depending on lake, were needed to stabilize variability in DI-TP results, and >110 training set samples were needed to minimize modern-fossil assemblage dissimilarities. Dissimilarities appeared to increase with sample age, but only one of the four studied cores displayed a significant trend. We have two recommendations for future studies: (1) be cautious when dealing with smaller training sets, especially if they are used to interpret older fossil assemblages and (2) understand how well fossil taxa are attuned to the variable of interest, as it is critical to evaluating the quality of the diatom-inferred data.  相似文献   

Nutrients from the waste products of large seabird colonies can enter freshwater ecosystems, markedly altering water quality and biotic assemblages, especially in nutrient-poor regions like the Canadian High Arctic. Here, we investigate the influence of nutrient-rich seabird wastes on freshwater larval chironomid assemblages from two distinct seabird colonies. The study sites include four ponds dominated by northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) at Cape Vera, Devon Island, as well as one pond near a large group of common eider ducks (Somateria mollissima borealis) on Tern Island (unofficial name) near Cornwallis Island, Nunavut. The rare combination of nutrient-enriched and well-oxygenated waters allowed us to contrast the effects of nutrients, oxygen, and temperature on chironomid community structure in shallow Arctic ponds using sediment cores. Despite highly elevated nutrient levels, the subfossil assemblages were dominated by cold stenotherms typical of oligotrophic waters. Although nutrient inputs appear to have increased chironomid head capsule numbers due to enhanced food availability, the fertilization had little direct effect on assemblage composition, at least at the taxonomic level achievable based on fossil material. The presence of low abundances of eutrophic/anoxic taxa, such as Chironomus plumosus-type, suggests that biogeographic barriers to dispersal are not influencing the assemblages. These data demonstrate that, in the presence of high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, nutrient enrichment had little direct effect on chironomid community composition in shallow Arctic ponds.  相似文献   

Cladocerans are valuable indicators of environmental change in lakes. Their fossils provide information on past changes in lake environments. However, few studies have quantitatively examined the relationships between contemporary and sub-fossil cladoceran assemblages and no investigations are available from Mediterranean lakes where salinity, eutrophication and top-down control of large-bodied cladocerans are known to be important. Here we compared contemporary Cladocera assemblages, sampled in summer, from both littoral and pelagic zones, with their sub-fossil remains from surface sediment samples from 40 Turkish, mainly shallow, lakes. A total of 20 and 27 taxa were recorded in the contemporary and surface sediment samples, respectively. Procrustes rotation was applied to both the principal components analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA) ordinations in order to explore the relationship between the cladoceran community and the environmental variables. Procrustes rotation analysis based on PCA showed a significant accord between both littoral and combined pelagic–littoral contemporary and sedimentary assemblages. RDA ordinations indicated that a similar proportion of variance was explained by environmental variation for the contemporary and fossil Cladocera data. Total phosphorus and salinity were significant explanatory variables for the contemporary assemblage, whereas salinity emerged as the only significant variable for the sedimentary assemblage. The residuals from the Procrustes rotation identified a number of lakes with a high degree of dissimilarity between modern and sub-fossil assemblages. Analysis showed that high salinity, deep water and high macrophyte abundance were linked to a lower accord between contemporary and sedimentary assemblages. This low accord was, generally the result of poor representation of some salinity tolerant, pelagic and macrophyte-associated taxa in the contemporary samples. This study provides further confirmation that there is a robust relationship between samples of modern cladoceran assemblages and their sedimentary remains. Thus, sub-fossil cladoceran assemblages from sediment cores can be used with confidence to track long-term changes in this environmentally sensitive group and in Mediterranean lakes, subjected to large inter-annual variation in water level, salinity and nutrients.  相似文献   

Peatland testate amoebae are sensitive indicators of local hydrology and have been used as proxies for surface moisture conditions in fossil studies. However, few regional calibration datasets exist in North America, and knowledge of testate amoeba ecology and distribution patterns are limited. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the relationship between testate amoebae, environment, and Sphagnum species in Michigan peatlands; (2) generate transfer functions from this dataset that can be applied to fossil data; and (3) describe vertical variation of testate amoebae inhabiting Sphagnum moss. Testate amoeba assemblages from 139 microsites within 11 peatlands in Michigan were compared to assess variability between and within peatlands. Most peatlands contained similar testate amoeba assemblages, although within individual peatlands the amount of assemblage variability is correlated to the amount of environmental heterogeneity. Of the measured environmental variables, depth to water table showed the strongest relationship with testate amoebae. Depth to water table can be reconstructed from fossil data with a mean error of ±7.5 cm, although predictive ability deteriorates in extremely dry environments (>30 cm water table depth). Vertical variation in testate amoeba assemblages was investigated at 89 Sphagnum-dominated microsites by directly comparing amoeba assemblages and the abundance and frequency of common taxa in upper and lower portions of the Sphagnum stem. Except for extremely dry microsites, considerable vertical variation in assemblage composition exists. Many agglutinate taxa are more abundant on lower portions of the Sphagnum stem, and taxa containing symbiotic zoochlorellae are more abundant on upper portions. Refinements in sampling procedures and analysis may improve the predictive ability of transfer functions.  相似文献   

Diatom and geochemical data from Crawford Lake, Ontario, have been used to document limnological responses to periods of cultural disturbance resulting from native Iroquoian occupation of the watershed (1268–1486 AD) and Euro-Canadian agriculture and deforestation (1867 AD–present). Here, we further develop the high-resolution nature of the Crawford Lake sediment record to examine the physical, chemical and biological aspects of limnological response to human disturbances in the lake catchment area with exceptional detail. We report detailed diatom abundance and flux data for individual taxa from Crawford Lake, and further describe the relationship between assemblage composition and environmental conditions using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Diatom assemblage data are used to calculate diatom inferred-total phosphorus (DI-TP) concentrations for the past ∼1,000 years. We also examine the diatom community response during and after periods of disturbance by Iroquoian and Euro-Canadian populations, and compare this response to existing geochemical proxies of lake production and new elemental geochemical indicators of catchment area erosion. In particular, we explore the differing limnological response to the two distinct periods of cultural eutrophication and examine the limnological processes that occurred during the period of␣low (or no) human activity (1487–1866 AD), when geochemical indicators of lake production recovered to pre-disturbance conditions, but diatom assemblages notably did not. Our results illustrate the highly susceptible nature of diatom communities to periods of anthropogenic disturbance, and emphasize that ecological indicators (such as diatom assemblages) should be included with other proxies (such as nutrient concentrations and physical characteristics) when assessing disturbance and recovery in lake systems.  相似文献   

We compared cladoceran assemblages in modern and pre-industrial sediments from cores taken in 48 softwater lakes located in four main regions of Nova Scotia (Canada) to evaluate the impacts of acidification and other recent environmental stressors. Lakes in Kejimkujik National Park showed significant increases in Holopedium relative abundances and significant decreases in Alona and other chydorids since pre-industrial times, which appear to be related to declines in pH and calcium (Ca) concentrations caused by acidic deposition. Lakes in Bridgewater also showed a significant decrease in Alona, as well as a significant increase in macrothricid (Acantholeberis and Ophryoxus) taxa that cannot be explained by declines in pH, although declines in [Ca] have been recorded. Lakes in Yarmouth did not show any significant regional changes in major cladoceran species groups. Still, pre-industrial assemblages in these lakes significantly differed from modern assemblages, with assemblage changes being lake-specific and likely related to interactions between local and regional stressors acting on individual lakes. Finally, lakes in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, located on the taiga plateau, have received historically lower levels of sulphate deposition relative to other regions in the province, and recorded a significant decrease in Alona similar to Bridgewater lakes. The province-wide decrease in Alona across different acid deposition rates suggests that limnological changes related to climate warming may be responsible. Overall, this study shows that acidification history is an important predictor of cladoceran assemblage changes since pre-industrial times in Nova Scotia lakes, although multiple stressors result in complex Cladocera responses in some regions.  相似文献   

Subarctic and arctic lakes are the focus of many paleolimnological studies, as they are still among the least impacted lakes by humans. Hence they provide an excellent setting for studies on long-term climatic variability without the overriding effects of direct anthropogenic perturbation. On the other hand, these ecosystems are highly vulnerable to even moderate anthropogenic influence like long-distance airborne transport of nutrients and pollutants. The paleolimnological studies conducted in these areas usually include a multitude of different proxies, but so far only few have used the green algal group of Pediastrum Meyen. These algae, however, preserve well in sediments and can be identified to species level, which lends them potential as a paleo-proxy. In this study we analysed the present Pediastrum assemblages from surface-sediments of 16 subarctic lakes in Finnish Lapland as well as bottom samples from the same sediment cores, which are “spot” samples from the recent past. We found a total of 14 Pediastrum taxa, five of which occurred at moderate to high relative abundances. The majority of the taxa showed distinct relationships to environmental variables measured. Of these, pH and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) explained most of the variance in the distribution of Pediastrum and generally summarised the main environmental gradients in our data set well. Five of the studied lakes lacked Pediastrum taxa altogether, and Pediastrum occurred at low abundances in four additional lakes. All of these nine lakes have extremely low nutrient concentrations and generally lowest pH and DOC in the data set and were defined by barren catchment areas and scarce lake macrophyte growth. According to a top–bottom analysis of sediment cores, the Pediastrum assemblages of the study lakes have changed moderately, suggesting changed environmental conditions in the lakes. Although these changes appear to be climate-related, more studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

中国北方森林群落现代花粉与植被和气候的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
来自中国北方10 座山地16 个森林群落53 个样点的表土和Tauber 捕捉器花粉研究揭示了中国北方森林群落的花粉组合特征及其与植被和气候的关系。捕捉器花粉组合与表土花粉组合具有较好的相似性, 花粉组合中共有类型80 个, 共有类型花粉百分比占总数的90%以上, 植被中的优势种通常也是花粉组合的主要类型。松林中松花粉浓度和通量均较高, 表明花粉产量与保存能力均较高; 云、冷杉林中云、冷杉花粉通量较低, 但花粉浓度较高, 显示虽然花粉产量较低, 但花粉保存能力较好; 栎林、桦林中, 栎属和桦属花粉通量较高, 但花粉浓度较低, 说明虽然花粉产量较高, 但花粉保存能力较差。花粉与植被关系判别分析表明, 表土样品与捕捉器花粉组合均能较好地反映不同区域森林群落特征及其差异, 但表土样品能 更好地反映植被的优势成分。花粉组合与样点气候因子的DCCA 分析表明, 花粉组合与最冷月温度相关最显著(相关系数: 捕捉器0.84, 表土0.72), 其次为年降水量(相关系数: 捕捉 器0.73, 表土0.71)。  相似文献   

Predictive pH models developed using scaled chrysophytes (Synurophyceae, Chrysophyceae) have thus far been based on the relative abundance of scales and not whole cells. This paper examines the effects of transforming scale to cell numbers on the predictive abilities of pH inference models, and the effects of logarithmic and square-root transformations of the species data on the predictive abilities of pH inference models.Very similar pH inference models were developed based on either the relative abundance of scales or cells. Thus, in this data-set, there appears to be no statistical advantage in transforming raw scale counts to cell counts prior to calculating the relative abundances. However, if one wishes to compare paleochrysophyte populations to actual long-term limnological chrysophyte collections, a scale-to-cell transformation would be desirable. Logarithmic and square-root transformations of the species data improve the pH inference models. These transformations increase the effective number of occurrences of chrysophyte taxa when compared to the untransformed scale and cell pH models. The logarithmic and square-root transformations improve the pH inference models because the dominant taxa, which are often pH generalists, are down-weighted in comparison to the more pH specialist, sub-dominant taxa. We suggest researchers use either a logarithmic or square-root transformation on chrysophyte scale data to improve quantitative reconstructions of lakewater pH and possibly other variables.  相似文献   

Mollusc assemblages were studied in two marl deposits at Kitchener and Cambridge, in southwestern Ontario. Lacking datable terrestrial plant material, a chronology was determined by pollen analysis. Similarities in mollusc assemblages and changes allowed five equivalent mollusc assemblage zones to be identified in the two deposits, spanning approximately 12 to 7 ka. In total, 34 mollusc taxa were identified, with 19 common to both sites. Overall, the most abundant taxa were Valvata spp., Gyraulus parvus, Pisidium casertanum, and P. ferrugineum. Terrestrial molluscs (four taxa) were rare. Overall, cool, shallow water with abundant vegetation and quiet conditions were indicated. At around 9 ka, a marked decrease in mollusc abundance and diversity, but relatively stable percentages, is noted at both sites. We speculate this was caused by an increase in sedimentation rate, perhaps caused by a brief warming.Inconsistencies in assemblages at marl sites may be partly attributable to sampling, but a chance factor in dispersal is also suggested. A minimum of two sampling sites at a given sedimentation basin, nearshore and mid-basin, are recommended to maximize assessment of assemblages. More detailed data from living molluscs are needed to enhance paleoenvironmental interpretations.  相似文献   

Floodplain lakes are rarely analysed for fossil chironomids and usually not incorporated in modern chironomid-climate calibration datasets because of the potential complex hydrological processes that could result from flooding of the lakes. In order to investigate this potential influence of river inundations on fossil chironomid assemblages, 13 regularly inundated lakes and 20 lakes isolated from riverine influence were sampled and their surface sediments analysed for subfossil chironomid assemblages. The physical and chemical settings of all lakes were similar, although the variation in the environmental variables was higher in the lakes isolated from riverine influence. Chironomid concentration and taxon richness show significant differences between the two classes of lakes, and the variation in these variables is best explained by loss-on-ignition of the sediments (LOI). Relative chironomid abundances show some differences between the two groups of lakes, with several chironomid taxa occurring preferentially in one of the two lake-types. The variability in chironomid assemblages is also best explained by LOI. Application of a chironomid-temperature inference model shows that both types of lakes reconstruct July air temperatures that are equal to, or slightly underestimating, the measured temperature of the region. We conclude that, although there are some differences between the chironomid assemblages of floodplain lakes and of isolated lakes, these differences do not have a major effect on chironomid-based temperature reconstruction.  相似文献   

Microfossil remains of siliceous scale-bearing members of the Synurophyceae and Chrysophyceae have become of increasing importance in paleolimnological studies, especially ones involving the reconstruction of historical lakewater pH. Since the numbers of scales per cell for individual taxa are not known, inference models have been based on the relative abundances of scales, not cells. Theoretically, inference models based on the relative numbers of cells would be more appropriate. Morphometric characteristics of scales and cells were used to estimate the mean numbers of scales per cell for 38 taxa. The mean numbers of scales per cell ranged from a low of 27 to a high of 214; over 80% of the taxa had fewer than 100 scales per cell. A highly significant model for estimating the numbers of scales per cell was developed based on scale and cell surface area measurements. The application of the model in order to estimate the number of scales per cell for additional taxa, or ones found to have different morphometric measurements, is discussed.  相似文献   

A significant relationship between the distribution and abundance of chironomids and water depth has long been recognized. Few studies on this topic, however, have been carried out in arid regions where the chironomid community is usually controlled by water salinity. Bosten Lake, northwest China, the largest inland freshwater lake (~1,260 km2) in the country, provides a unique opportunity to investigate this relationship in an arid region. A total of 42 surface sediment samples from water depths of 0.9–17.0 m, and 12 chironomid taxa, were used in the analysis. The first principal component analysis (PCA) axis explained 59.3 % of the variance in the chironomid assemblage and there was a significant correlation between PCA axis 1 scores and water depth (R2 = 0.84, P < 0.001). The chironomid assemblages change significantly at 8.0 m water depth. This threshold corresponds to an abrupt change in the basin slope and the spatial distribution of aquatic vascular plants. Redundancy analysis showed that abundances of Chironomus plumosus-type, Microchironomus and Cryptochironomus are positively correlated with water depth, whereas abundances of Tanytarsus, Polypedilum nubifer-type, Cricotopus and Psectrocladius sordidellus-type are negatively correlated with water depth. These ecological relationships are supported by published data. Qualitative chironomid-inferred changes in lake level and diatom-inferred changes in salinity from sediment core BSTC001 were compared. Close agreement in trends for these two variables validates the use of chironomid assemblages to study palaeo-hydrological variability in this westerlies-dominated, arid region of central Asia.  相似文献   

Fragilarioid diatom taxa are often deemed ubiquitous in shallow lake systems. Their presence has been described as contributing to statistical noise in paleolimnological studies of cold-temperate lakes. In shallow, warm-temperate lakes of Florida, long-term transitions from assemblages dominated by Aulacoseira spp. to fragilarioid taxa, particularly Pseudostaurosira brevistriata, Staurosira construens var. venter, and Staurosirella pinnata, often occur. Distinctly higher limnetic nutrient optima are demonstrated by these fragilarioid taxa than by planktonic Aulacoseira spp. Community successions occur during eutrophication, and progressive replacement of Aulacoseira spp. and other planktonic taxa by fragilarioid taxa is concurrent with and apparently related to the onset of cyanobacterial dominance. We examine successions from Aulacoseira-dominated to fragilarioid-dominated assemblages in sediment cores from subtropical Florida lakes that have undergone eutrophication. Diatom profiles are compared with sedimented pigments, nitrogen stable isotopes of organic matter, and with silica accumulation rates. These study lakes have little if any macrophyte presence. Their light-extinction depths are extremely shallow, yet diatom communities are dominated by bottom-dwelling rather than planktonic taxa. Frequent wind-generated mixing, sometimes to lake bottoms, is sufficient to sustain the light needs of benthic and tychoplanktonic taxa. We conclude that assemblage changes generally are not caused by reduced water depths, silica limitation, nor increased incipient stratification, but that cyanobacteria are responsible for reducing planktonic Aulacoseira in favor of fragilarioid taxa. Cyanobacteria blooms persist over a wide seasonal range because of warm climate and high limnetic nutrient concentrations in Florida lakes. Cyanobacteria progressively displace and outcompete Aulacoseira and other planktonic taxa as eutrophication proceeds. Reduced light availability, changes in mineral/nutrient availability, and other aspects of competitive exclusion, such as cyanobacterial allelotoxins, might contribute to observed changes. Climate warming is not likely to account for Aulacoseira reduction as in colder regions because it is less pronounced in this subtropical district. Lakes with low nutrient levels and less cyanobacteria still sustain large Aulacoseira populations, and decreases in limnetic nutrients sometimes lead to the return of planktonic Aulacoseira. Rather than simply representing statistical noise for paleolimnological reconstructions, shifts to certain fragilarioid taxa indicate when subtropical Florida lakes progressed to hypereutrophic conditions that were marked by cyanobacterial proliferation.  相似文献   

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