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Successive measurements of the size distribution and abundance of marine snow in the upper 100 m of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, with an in situ still camera system following 11 tagged water masses revealed a consistent pattern of nighttime decreases in the abundance of large particles. A net nocturnal reduction in particulate flux from the upper 100 m as calculated from camera profiles occurred in 75% of the day–night comparisons, and nighttime aggregate carbon losses resulted in a 38% average reduction in camera-derived aggregate flux. Intensive investigation of three stations for 24–48 h each indicated that nighttime decreases in aggregate concentrations and derived aggregate flux could be registered throughout the observed water column. Nocturnal decreases in marine snow concentration are unlikely to result from diel variations in the production of marine snow either as feeding webs of zooplankton or through variations in aggregation rates of smaller particles. Moreover, measured diel variations in the intensity of surface mixing and convective overturn during one of the 24 h deployments were not intense enough to produce aggregate fragmentation and reduced aggregate flux. Nighttime increases in large crustacean zooplankton (i.e., euphausiids and the large copepod Calanus pacificus) could explain some or all of the reduction in aggregate abundance at most stations. Fragmentation and consumption of marine snow by migrating macrozooplankton could produce our observed synchronous diel cycles in marine snow concentration. This is the first empirical evidence of a diel pattern in the concentration and calculated particulate flux of large sinking particles in near-surface waters. The data presented here are consistent with the only other existing diel study, which also reported decreases in marine snow abundance at night at 270 m depths in the oceanic north Atlantic. Diel variations in the sizes and concentrations of marine snow may impact water column processes dependent upon particle availability and size, such as grazing and remineralization, and may generate a diel cycle of food availability to the benthos.  相似文献   

Diel variation in the concentration of marine snow (detrital aggregates >0.5 mm) in the surface ocean has been documented at several locations, but it is not clear whether this water column signal translates into a diel pulse in particle flux out of the upper mixed layer. In this field study we investigated the temporal relationship between the concentration of marine snow in the upper water column and carbon (C) flux as measured by a sediment trap at 100 m in the Santa Barbara Channel, CA. Camera profiles of marine snow displayed two opposing patterns: (1) higher nighttime total (i.e. cumulative) aggregate volume and (2) higher midday total aggregate volume. Increased nighttime total aggregate volume was only observed during a brief study in 1999 and was associated with increased daytime C flux. For the remaining deployments midday increases in total aggregate volume were observed but, depending on the deployment, were associated with (a) higher nighttime C flux, (b) higher daytime C flux, or (c) no diel pattern. Correspondence between water column aggregate concentration and sediment trap flux increased when average aggregate size exceeded a threshold volume of 0.5 mm3 (1.0 mm in diameter). Particles caught in sediment traps generally accounted for a small percentage of decreased marine snow particulate organic carbon (POC) in the upper 100 m. Other aggregate loss terms such as macrozooplankton grazing may dominate. When diel patterns in particle flux did occur, changes between day and night samples ranged from small (14%) to large (>200%). Diel variations in particle flux may impact mid-water and benthic ecology particularly animal grazing strategies, waste production, and reproductive cycles. Pulsed sedimentation may also create patchy vertical distributions of particle-associated biota and remineralization products and pulsed food delivery to the benthos.  相似文献   

Vertical carbon fluxes between the surface and 2500 m depth were estimated from in situ profiles of particle size distributions and abundances me/asured off Cape Blanc (Mauritania) related to deep ocean sediment traps. Vertical mass fluxes off Cape Blanc were significantly higher than recent global estimates in the open ocean. The aggregates off Cape Blanc contained high amounts of ballast material due to the presence of coccoliths and fine-grained dust from the Sahara desert, leading to a dominance of small and fast-settling aggregates. The largest changes in vertical fluxes were observed in the surface waters (<250 m), and, thus, showing this site to be the most important zone for aggregate formation and degradation. The degradation length scale (L), i.e. the fractional degradation of aggregates per meter settled, was estimated from vertical fluxes derived from the particle size distribution through the water column. This was compared with fractional remineralization rate of aggregates per meter settled derived from direct ship-board measurements of sinking velocity and small-scale O2 fluxes to aggregates measured by micro-sensors. Microbial respiration by attached bacteria alone could not explain the degradation of organic matter in the upper ocean. Instead, flux feeding from zooplankton organisms was indicated as the dominant degradation process of aggregated carbon in the surface ocean. Below the surface ocean, microbes became more important for the degradation as zooplankton was rare at these depths.  相似文献   

The evolution of size, sinking velocity, and dry weight of aging discarded appendicularian houses, a component of marine snow, were examined in laboratory experiments. The sizes of discarded houses decrease over time, with a rapid deflation during the first hour, followed by a slower rate of compression leading to a total of 60% and 87% decrease in diameter after 1 h and 5 d, respectively. The initial rapid deflation of the houses is accompanied by a massive loss of its particle content and a 10–63% loss in weight. The initial weight loss is left as a trail of elevated particle and solute concentration in the wake of the sinking house. Subsequently the house weight decreases at a much lower rate that is consistent with bacterial degradation. The combined effect of weight losses and deflation–compression process is an increase in the sinking speed of the houses, by a factor of 1.7–6 after 1.5–3 d. These processes can provide a new insight on the sinking dynamic and flux of appendicularian produced marine snow from in situ observations. We applied our laboratory derived rates to field data from the East Atlantic Ocean and estimate that large (2000–4000 μm) houses account for about 1/3 of the 300–500 μm particles in the upper 100 m and loose 30% of their mass before leaving the upper 200 m. The observed deflation–compression process may have several consequences on the dynamics of appendicularian-derived marine snow particles. First, it may explain field observations that marine snow sinking velocities increase with depth. Second, an initial rapid loss of weight and particles will decrease the potential vertical flux of particulate carbon due to appendicularians. And finally, the trail of particles and solutes may guide zooplankton to the sinking house, and further increase its degradation due to grazing by detrivorous organisms.  相似文献   

We compared wintertime depth distributions of the mesozooplankton community and dominant copepods between the subtropical (S1) and subarctic (K2) Pacific Oceans to evaluate the relative importance of actively transported carbon by vertical migrants to sinking particulate organic carbon flux. Primary production was higher and the ratio of sinking particulate organic carbon flux to primary production was lower at S1 compared with those at K2. The mesozooplankton community was lower in abundance and biomass at S1 compared to K2. Copepods were the dominant group among both mesozooplankton abundance and biomass throughout the water column down to 1000 m at both sites. The depth distribution showed that diel vertical migration was obvious for the mesozooplankton abundance and biomass at S1 but was not apparent for the abundance at K2, because the dominant component was diurnally migrating species at S1 and overwintering species residing at mesopelagic depths at K2. The major components of diel migrants were copepods and euphausiids at S1 and only euphausiids at K2. Respiratory flux by the diurnally migrating mesozooplankton was estimated to be 2 mgC m−2 day−1 at S1 and 7 mgC m−2 day−1 at K2. The respiratory flux was equivalent to 131% of sedimentary fecal pellet flux at S1 and 136% of that at K2. Because pathways of downward carbon flux are facilitated by the mesozooplankton community, the actively transported carbon (respiration of dissolved inorganic carbon, excretion of dissolved organic carbon and egestion of fecal pellets at depth) might be larger during winter than the flux of sinking fecal pellets.  相似文献   

This overview compares and contrasts trends in the magnitude of the downward Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) flux with observations on the vertical profiles of biogeochemical parameters in the NE subarctic Pacific. Samples were collected at Ocean Station Papa (OSP, 50°N, 145°W), between 18–22 May 1996, on pelagic stocks/rate processes, biogenic particle fluxes (drifting sediment traps, 100–1000 m), and vertical profiles of biogeochemical parameters from MULVFS (Multiple Unit Large Volume Filtration System) pumps (0–1000 m). Evidence from thorium disequilibria, along with observations on the relative partitioning of particles between the 1–53 μm and >53 μm classes in the 50 m mixed layer, indicate that there was little particle aggregation within the mixed layer, in contrast to the 50–100 m depth stratum where particle aggregation predominated. Vertical profiles of thorium/uranium also provided evidence of particle decomposition occuring at depths ca. 150 m; heterotrophic bacteria and mesozooplankton were likely responsible for most of this POC utilisation. A water column carbon balance indicated that the POC lost from sinking particles was the predominant source of carbon for bacteria, but was insufficient to meet their demands over the upper 1000 m. While, the vertical gradients of most parameters were greatest just below the mixed layer, there was evidence of sub-surface increases in microbial viability/growth rates at depths of 200–600 m. The C:N ratios of particles intercepted by free-drifting and deep-moored traps increased only slightly with depth, suggesting rapid sedimentation even though this region is dominated by small cells/grazers, and the upper water column is characterised by long particle residence times (>15 d), a fast turnover of POC (2 d) and a low but constant downward POC flux.  相似文献   

In this study at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site we demonstrate that the polonium–lead disequilibrium system may perform better as a tracer of organic carbon export under low-flux conditions (in this case, <2.5 mmol C m?2 d?1) than under bloom conditions in an oligotrophic setting. With very few exceptions, the POC flux predictions calculated from the water-column 210Po deficit were within a factor of 2 of the POC flux caught in surface-tethered sediment traps. However, we found higher correlation between size-fractionated particulate 210Po activity and POC concentration in November 2006 (r=0.93) than in January (r=0.79) and during the spring bloom in March 2007 (r=0.80). We suggest that this is due to the ability of polonium to distinguish between bulk mass flux and organic carbon export under oligotrophic and lithogenic-driven flux regimes. Further, we found that the POC/Po ratio on particles was largely independent of size class between 10 and 100 μm (P=0.13) during each season, supporting the notion that export in this oligotrophic system is driven by sinking aggregates of smaller cells and not by large, individual cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of sediment reworking fauna and hydrodynamics on mobilization and transport of organic matter and fine particles in marine sediments. Experiments were conducted in an annular flume using lugworms (Arenicola marina) as model organisms. The impact of lugworms on sediment characteristics and particle transport was followed through time in sediments experimentally enriched with fine particles (< 63 μm) and organic matter. Parallel experiments were run at low and high water current velocity (11 and 25 cm s 1) to evaluate the importance of sediment erosion at the sediment–water interface. There was no impact of fauna on sediment composition and particle transport at current velocity below the sediment erosion threshold. At current velocity above the erosion threshold, sediment reworking by lugworms resulted in dramatic particle transport (12 kg dry matter m 2) to an adjacent particle trap within 56 days. The transported matter was enriched 6–8 times in fine particles and organic matter when compared to the initial sediment. This study suggests that sediment reworking fauna is an important controlling factor for the particle composition of marine sediments. A. marina mediated sediment reworking greatly increases the sediment volume exposed to hydrodynamic forcing at the sediment–water interface, and through sediment resuspension control the content of fine particles and organic matter in the entire reworked sediment layer (> 20 cm depth).  相似文献   

The natural isotope 234Th is used in a small-scale survey of particle transport and exchange processes at the sediment–water interface in the Benguela upwelling area. Results from water and suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the uppermost and lowermost water column as well as the underlying sediment of three stations are compared. The stations are situated in different sedimentological environments at 1200–1350 m water depth at the continental slope off Namibia. Highly differing extent and particle content of the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) are determined from transmissometer data. Three models are presented, all explaining the 234Th depletion of the BNL and 234Th excess of the surface sediment that were observed. While the first model is based solely on local resuspension of surface sediment particles, the second evaluates the influence of vertical particle settling from the surface waters on the 234Th budget in the BNL. The third model explains 234Th depletion in the BNL by sedimentation of particles that were suspended in the BNL during long-range transport. Particle inventory of the BNL is highest at a depocenter of organic matter at 25.5°S, where strong deposition is presently taking place and lateral particle transport is suggested to predominate sediment accumulation. This is supported by the high settling flux of particles out of the BNL into the sediments of the depocenter, exceeding the vertical particle flux into sediment traps at intermediate depth in the same area by up to an order of magnitude. High particle residence/removal times in the BNL above the depocenter in the range of 5–9 weeks support this interpretation. Comparison with carbon mineralization rates that are known from the area reveals that, notwithstanding the large fraction of advected particles, organic carbon flux into the surface sediment is remineralized to a large extent. The deployment of a bottom water sampler served as an in situ resuspension experiment and provided the first data of 234Th activity on in situ resuspended particles. We found a mean specific activity of 86 disintegrations per minute (dpm) g−1 (39–339 dpm g−1), intermediate between the high values for suspended particles (in situ pump: 580–760 dpm g−1; CTD rosette: 870–1560 dpm g−1) and the low values measured at the sediment surface (26–37 dpm g−1). This represents essential information for the modeling of 234Th exchange processes at the sediment–water interface.  相似文献   

Sinking particles were collected every 4 h with drifting sediment traps deployed at 200 m depth in May 1995 in a 1-D vertical system during the DYNAPROC observations in the northwestern Mediterranean sea. POC, proteins, glucosamine and lipid classes were used as indicators of the intensity and quality of the particle flux. The roles of day/night cycle and wind on the particle flux were examined. The transient regime of production from late spring bloom to pre-oligotrophy determined the flux intensity and quality. POC fluxes decreased from, on average, 34 to 11 mg m−2 d−1, representing 6–14% of the primary production under late spring bloom conditions to 1–2% under pre-oligotrophic conditions. Total protein and chloroplast lipid fluxes correlated with POC and reflected the input of algal biomass into the traps. As the season proceeded, changes in the biochemical composition of the exported material were observed. The C/N ratio rose from 7.8 to 12. Increases of serine (10–28% of total proteins), total lipids (7–9 to 14–28% of POC) and reserve lipids (1–5 to 5–22% of total lipids) were noticeable, whereas total protein content in POC decreased (20–27 to 18–7%). N-acetyl glucosamine, a tracer of fecal pellet flux, showed that zooplankton grazing was a major vector of downward export during the decaying bloom. Against this background pattern, episodic events specifically increased the flux, modifying the quality and the settling velocity of particles. Day/night signals in biotracers (POC, N-acetyl glucosamine, protein and chloroplast lipids) showed that zooplankton migrations were responsible for sedimentation of fresh material through fast sinking particles (V=170–180 m d−1) at night. Periodic signatures of re-processed material (high lipolysis and bacterial biomass indices) suggested that other zooplankton fecal pellets or small aggregates, probably of lower settling velocities (V<170 m d−1), contributed to the flux during calm periods. At the beginning of the experiment, during the development of a prymnesiophyte bloom in the upper layers, the sterol signal with no periodicity enabled us to estimate high particle settling velocities (⩾600 m d−1) likely related to large aggregate formation. A wind event increased biotracer fluxes (POC, protein, chloroplast lipids). The rapid transmission of surface signals through extremely fast sinking particles could be a general feature of particle fluxes in marine areas unaffected by horizontal advection.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition and productivity of winter and spring phytoplankton in a eutrophic estuary have been investigated in order to elucidate the carbon flux under conditions of limitation by physical factors – light and temperature. In spite of the important differences in nutrients, solar radiation and water temperature between winter and spring season, mean concentrations of particulate organic carbon were equal to 13.2 and 13.0 mgC l−1, respectively. Chlorophyll a averaged at 79 μgChl l−1 in winter, that is 69% of spring. Although community respiration accounted for only 6–26% of light saturated photosynthesis, integrated net primary production of the 1.2 m deep water column was negative until April. High attenuation of the water body (Ko = 2.9 m−1) lead to a negative carbon balance (net heterotrophy) below 35 cm for all sampling dates. Thus, the high winter POC and phytoplankton values can only originate from summer or autumn primary production. This assumption was supported by a carbon loss rate of just 3% of total organic carbon per day for the whole water column. The composition of phytoplankton was very constant through both seasons: 39% Chlorophyceae, 33% Cyanobacteria and 25% Bacillariophyceae. As expected, phytoplankton was low light acclimated, having high α values (slope of light limited photosynthesis), but moderate maximum photosynthesis rates at saturating irradiances, which were heavily affected by temperature. Calculation of net carbon flux yet showed net heterotrophy of the Bodden waters in winter and early spring were caused by external physical limitation (low surface irradiance and low temperature) in combination with a high light attenuation of the water body.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and temporal changes in aggregate abundance and sizes were measured in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, during two field seasons, one in austral spring 1994 and one in early summer, 1995/96. Aggregate abundance, size and potential sinking rates were determined by photographic techniques. Measurements of water column parameters, including particulate organic carbon concentrations, were assessed simultaneously, as was the flux of organic matter with floating sediment traps. The numbers of aggregates (and to a lesser extent their size) increased with time, although there was substantial spatial variability in these variables at any point in time. Some aggregates appeared to sink extremely rapidly, and for these, our photographic measurements were able to estimate only a minimum sinking rate, which equaled 288 m d−1. Estimates of aggregate organic carbon flux were compared to those determined by floating sediment traps. From these results, aggregate fluxes appear to have dominated the vertical export of organic matter from the euphotic zone. The genesis and flux of aggregates in the Ross Sea are the critical processes controlling the export of biogenic material from the surface layer.  相似文献   

We sampled zooplankton and fecal pellets in the upper 200 m of Monterey Bay and nearby coastal regions in California, USA. On several occasions, we observed high concentrations of large pellets that appeared to be produced during night-time by dielly migrating euphausiids. High concentrations of pellets were found in near-surface waters only when euphausiids co-occurred with high concentrations of large (>10 μm) phytoplankton. Peak concentrations of pellets at mid-depth (100 or 150 m) during the day were consistent with the calculated sinking speeds of pellets produced near the surface at night. At these high flux locations (HI group), pellet concentrations declined below mid-depth. In contrast, at locations where the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by small phytoplankton cells (<10 μm), pellet production and flux were low (LO group) whether or not euphausiid populations were high. Protozooplankton concentrations did not affect this pattern. We concluded that the day and night differences in pellet concentration and flux in the HI profiles were mostly due to sinking of dielly-pulsed inputs in the surface layer, and that small zooplankton (Oithona, Oncaea), heterotrophic dinoflagellates, and bacterial activity probably caused some pellet degradation or consumption below 100 m. We estimated that consumption of sinking pellets by large copepods was insignificant. High fluxes of pellets were episodic because they required both high concentrations of large phytoplankton and large stocks of euphausiids. Under these conditions, flux events overwhelmed retention mechanisms, resulting in large exports of organic matter from the upper 200 m.  相似文献   

In September 2004, an extensive survey of a cold-core eddy in the Canada Basin, western Arctic was carried out with high-horizontal-resolution physical and chemical sampling and lower-horizontal-resolution biological sampling. The eddy was located over the continental slope north of the Chukchi Shelf and had a radius of ∼8 km. Its core was centered at a depth of ∼160 m. Water mass characteristics and the presence of copepods from the North Pacific Ocean (Neocalanus flemingeri and Metridia pacifica) demonstrated that the core contained water of Pacific origin. Vertical distributions of zooplankton were associated with the physical structure of the water column. For most taxa, concentrations in the eddy core were elevated compared with those in similar density water in the surrounding Basin. Based on tracer-age estimates and previous observations of eddy formation, the eddy is believed to have been formed during the previous spring/summer from the Chukchi shelfbreak jet. Surprisingly, the eddy also contained elevated abundances of Arctic-origin copepods (Metridia longa and Calanus glacialis). Analysis of a shelf–basin transect occupied in the region in August 2004 showed that these species were present in high abundances in relatively shallow water (50 m) inshore of the shelfbreak due to upwelling of deeper basin water, and copepods, onto the shelf in response to easterly winds. If the formation of the observed eddy occurred during, or shortly after, a period of such winds, upwelled Arctic-origin copepods on the shelf might have been entrained into the feature. Our observations suggest that formation and subsequent migration of such eddies may provide a mechanism for transporting zooplankton from the Chukchi Shelf into the interior Canada Basin. The periodic input of high abundances of zooplankton from productive shelf areas could affect food webs in the less productive basin.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》1986,16(3):147-194
During the past decade data from a variety of sources have been obtained which show conclusively that the relatively rare, large particles sinking through the water column are responsible for the majority of the downward vertical mass flux in the sea. This finding has important implications for understanding the transfer, distribution and fate of elements and organic compounds in marine waters. The “large” (> 100 μm) detrital particles responsible for vertical flux are primarily biogenic and range in size and composition from small, discrete fecal pellets and plankton hard parts to large, amorphous aggregates or “snow” which contain both organic and inorganic constituents. Depending on size, shape and density, these particles sink at rates ranging from <1 to >1000 m day−1. Several methods have been developed for sampling these particles of which in situ sediment trapping has probably furnished the most comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information on the role large particles play in material transport. Flux studies have highlighted the importance of marine heterotrophs in packaging fine, suspended particulate matter into large rapidly sinking particles which accelerate the movement of incorporated materials to depth. Large particle production via biological packaging is not restricted to the euphotic zone but can occur at all depths and information is now accruing on rates of production of large particles in the water column. Chemical analyses of sedimenting particles collected in sediment traps and those sampled by other means have allowed quantifying vertical fluxes and residence times of elements, radionuclides and organic compounds (natural and anthropogenic) in various oceanic regimes. Pertinent studies dealing with the above aspects are reviewed and several areas for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

We present barium data for sediment traps deployed in a northeast Atlantic margin environment (Bay of Biscay). Fluxes of excess barium were measured with the objective of calculating carbon export production rates from the surface mixed layer and thus contribute to the understanding of organic carbon transport in a margin environment. Therefore, it was necessary to properly understand the different processes that affected the barium fluxes in this margin environment. Seasonal variability of POC/Ba flux ratios and decrease of barium solubilisation in the trap cups with increasing depth in the water column probably indicate that the efficiency of barite formation in the organic micro-environment varies with season and that the process is relatively slow and not yet completed in the upper 600 m of water column. Thus barite presence in biogenic aggregates will significantly depend on water column transit time of these aggregates. Furthermore, it was observed that significant lateral input of excess-Ba can occur, probably associated with residual currents leaving the margin. This advected excess-Ba affected especially the recorded fluxes in the deeper traps (>1000 m) of the outer slope region. We have attempted to correct for this advected excess-Ba component, using Th (reported by others for the same samples) as an indicator of enhanced lateral flux and assigning a characteristic Ba/Th ratio to advected material. Using transfer functions relating excess-Ba flux with export production characteristic of margin areas, observed Ba fluxes indicate an export production between 7 and 18 g C m−2 yr−1. Such values are 3–7 times lower than estimates based on N-nutrient uptake and nutrient mass balances, but larger and more realistic than is obtained when a transfer function characteristic of open ocean systems is applied. The discrepancy between export production estimates based on excess-Ba fluxes and nutrient uptake could be resolved if part of the carbon is exported as dissolved organic matter. Results suggest that margin systems function differently from open ocean systems, and therefore Ba-proxy rationales developed for open ocean sites might not be applicable in margin areas.  相似文献   

Zooplankton in the coastal upwelling region off northern Chile may play a significant biogeochemical role by promoting carbon flux into the subsurface OMZ (oxygen minimum zone). This work identifies the dominant zooplankton species inhabiting the area influenced by the OMZ in March 2000 off Iquique (20°S, northern Chile). Abundance and vertical distribution studies revealed 17 copepod and 9 euphausiid species distributed between the surface and 600 m at four stations sampled both by day and by night. Some abundant species remained in the well-oxygenated upper layer (30 m), with no evidence of diel vertical migration, apparently restricted by a shallow (40–60 m) oxycline. Other species, however, were found closely associated with the OMZ. The large-sized copepod Eucalanus inermis was found below the oxycline and performed diel vertical migrations into the OMZ, whereas the very abundant Euphausia mucronata performed extensive diel vertical migrations between the surface waters and the core of the OMZ (200 m), even crossing it. A complete assessment of copepods and euphausiids revealed that the whole sampled water column (0–600 m) is occupied by distinct species having well-defined habitats, some of them within the OMZ. Ontogenetic migrations were evident in Eucalanidae and E. mucronata. Estimates of species biomass showed a substantial (>75% of total zooplankton biomass) daily exchange of C between the photic layer and the OMZ. Both E. inermis and E. mucronata can actively exchange about 37.8 g C m−2 d−1 between the upper well-oxygenated (0–60 m) layer and the deeper (60–600 m) OMZ layer. This migrant biomass may contribute about 7.2 g C m−2 d−1 to the OMZ system through respiration, mortality, and production of fecal pellets within the OMZ. This movement of zooplankton in and out of the OMZ, mainly as a result of the migratory behavior of E. mucronata, suggests a very efficient mechanism for introducing large amounts of freshly produced carbon into the OMZ system and should, therefore, be considered when establishing C budgets for coastal upwelling systems.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to assess primary production and associated export flux in the coastal waters of the western Antarctic Peninsula at an oceanographic time-series site. New, i.e., exportable, primary production in the upper water-column was estimated in two ways; by nutrient deficit measurements, and by primary production rate measurements using separate 14C-labelled radioisotope and 15N-labelled stable isotope uptake incubations. The resulting average annual exportable primary production estimates at the time-series site from nutrient deficit and primary production rates were 13 and 16 mol C m−2, respectively. Regenerated primary production was measured using 15N-labelled ammonium and urea uptake, and was low throughout the sampling period.The exportable primary production measurements were compared with sediment trap flux measurements from 2 locations; the time-series site and at a site 40 km away in deeper water. Results showed ∼1% of the upper mixed layer exportable primary production was exported to traps at 200 m depth at the time-series site (total water column depth 520 m). The maximum particle flux rate to sediment traps at the deeper offshore site (total water column depth 820 m) was lower than the flux at the coastal time-series site. Flux of particulate organic carbon was similar throughout the spring–summer high flux period for both sites. Remineralisation of particulate organic matter predominantly occurred in the upper water-column (<200 m depth), with minimal remineralisation below 200 m, at both sites. This highly productive region on the Western Antarctic Peninsula is therefore best characterised as ‘high recycling, low export’.  相似文献   

An array of four sediment trap moorings recorded the particulate flux across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) at 170 °W, between November 1996 and January 1998, as part of the US JGOFS-Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) program. The trap locations represent sampling within the Polar Frontal Zone, the Antarctic Polar Front, the Antarctic Zone and the Southern Antarctic Zone. Here we report observations from 1000 m below the sea-surface compared to seafloor and surface water distributions. Sub-sample splits from each trap were obtained and total diatom flux and species composition were determined. The diatom fluxes were quantified using both a dilution and a ‘spike’ method to allow for the rapid repeatability of measurements. Diatom flux was found to be highly seasonal across the ACC particularly at higher latitudes. Marine snow aggregates of intact diatom cells and chains were the major components of the biogenic flux. Siliceous particle size was noted to decrease with increasing latitude, which could be aligned with a shift of the diatom assemblage to small-size species/sea-ice affiliated species. A ‘double-structured’ diatom flux was recorded at the location of the Antarctic Polar Front trap, with a shift in the diatom assemblage from larger to smaller diatoms in the second flux episode. The sediment trap assemblage shows deviations from the surface water assemblage, while surface sediment samples indicate that significant dissolution occurs after 1000 m and at the sediment–water interface. Estimation of diatom biovolumes across the ACC shows that large diatoms have the potential to greatly impact biogenic fluxes to the ocean interior despite their low fluxes. Small species of the genus Fragilariopsis could potentially export as much Corg as Fragilariopsis kerguelensis near the retreating ice edge. However, their low abundance in the surface sediments also suggests that these diatoms are a shallow export species.  相似文献   

Quantifying relative affinities of Po and Pb in different populations of marine particulate matter is of great importance in utilizing 210Po as a tracer for carbon cycling. We collected and analyzed water samples for the concentrations of dissolved and total 210Po and 210Pb from the upper 600 m of the water column at Bermuda Time-series Study site (September 1999–September 2000) to investigate their seasonality of concentrations and their activity ratio (210Po/210Pb activity ratio, AR). Sinking particles collected in sediment traps at depths of 500 m, 1500 m, and 3200 m from the Oceanic Flux Program (OFP) time-series sediment traps were analyzed over a period of 12 months (May 1999–May 2000). The objective was to compare the deficiencies of 210Po with respect to 210Pb in the water column to that measured in the sediment traps and to assess the relative affinities of Po and Pb with different particle pools.Inventories of 210Po in the upper 500 m water column varied by a factor of 2, indicating seasonal variations of particulate flux dominated the removal of 210Po. The 210Po/210Pb ARs in the dissolved phase were generally less than the secular equilibrium value (1.0) in the upper 600 m, while were generally greater than 1.0 in the particulate phase, indicating higher removal rates of 210Po relative to 210Pb by particulate matter. The measured fluxes of 210Po and 210Pb in the 500 m, 1500 m, and 3200 m traps increased with depth, while the 210Po/210Pb ARs decreased with depth except from May–August 1999. From the measured fluxes of 210Po and 210Pb at these three traps and the concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb in the water column, this region appears to be a sink for 210Pb which is likely brought-in by lateral advection.  相似文献   

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