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Iron in northern Australian shelf waters was found predominantly in fine (< 0.2 μm) 8-hydroxyquinoline-reactive form or in larger (1.0 μm) particulate form. Partitioning into the larger size fraction dominated during a period of high turbidity following a cyclonic resuspension event. Only a small component of the iron pool reacts rapidly with the strong ferrous binding agent ferrozine. The concentration of the ferrozine-reactive component is strongly dependent on light intensity with maximum concentration observed at peak light intensity. The close correlation between ferrozine-reactive iron concentration and light intensity suggests a fine balance between Fe(III) reduction and Fe(II) oxidation with the steady state concentration observed being strongly influenced by light induced changes in redox kinetics. An observed lack of association between particulate iron concentrations and the concentration of ferrozine-reactive iron suggests that the soluble rather than the particulate iron pool is most influenced by light. The chromophore may be an Fe(III)-organic complex with the strong iron binding ligand that is now recognised to be present in seawater.  相似文献   

Marine snow from upper and mid-water (i.e., pelagic) depths on the California margin is texturally and compositionally different from that traveling in the nepheloid layer. Transmission electron microscopy shows that pelagic marine snow consists primarily of bioclasts (e.g., diatom frustules, foram tests), organic matter, and microbes. These components are entrained as discrete particles or small aggregates μm in diameter) in a loose network of exocellular, muco-polysaccharide material. Clays are infrequent but, when present, are constituents of comparatively compact organic-rich microaggregates. Microbes are abundant and appear to decrease in number with increasing water depth. In contrast, marine snow aggregates collected from just above the sea floor in the nepheloid layer are assemblages of clay particles, clay flocs, and relatively dense clay–organic-rich microaggregates in an exocellular organic matrix. Bioclasts and microorganisms occur only rarely. The prevalence of clay–organic-rich aggregates in the nepheloid layer suggests that, prior to final deposition and burial, marine snow from the pelagic zone is subject to disaggregation and recombination with terrigenous detrital material near or at the sea floor. Results have significant implications for the accumulation and burial rates of organic carbon on continental margins and the aging and bioavailability of sedimentary organic matter. Samples examined were collected offshore of northern and central California.  相似文献   

Diel variation in the concentration of marine snow (detrital aggregates >0.5 mm) in the surface ocean has been documented at several locations, but it is not clear whether this water column signal translates into a diel pulse in particle flux out of the upper mixed layer. In this field study we investigated the temporal relationship between the concentration of marine snow in the upper water column and carbon (C) flux as measured by a sediment trap at 100 m in the Santa Barbara Channel, CA. Camera profiles of marine snow displayed two opposing patterns: (1) higher nighttime total (i.e. cumulative) aggregate volume and (2) higher midday total aggregate volume. Increased nighttime total aggregate volume was only observed during a brief study in 1999 and was associated with increased daytime C flux. For the remaining deployments midday increases in total aggregate volume were observed but, depending on the deployment, were associated with (a) higher nighttime C flux, (b) higher daytime C flux, or (c) no diel pattern. Correspondence between water column aggregate concentration and sediment trap flux increased when average aggregate size exceeded a threshold volume of 0.5 mm3 (1.0 mm in diameter). Particles caught in sediment traps generally accounted for a small percentage of decreased marine snow particulate organic carbon (POC) in the upper 100 m. Other aggregate loss terms such as macrozooplankton grazing may dominate. When diel patterns in particle flux did occur, changes between day and night samples ranged from small (14%) to large (>200%). Diel variations in particle flux may impact mid-water and benthic ecology particularly animal grazing strategies, waste production, and reproductive cycles. Pulsed sedimentation may also create patchy vertical distributions of particle-associated biota and remineralization products and pulsed food delivery to the benthos.  相似文献   

To characterize environmental factors controlling decadal-scale variations in the buried flux of marine organic carbon(BF_(C_m)) in the eastern shelf sea areas of China(ECSS),four well preserved sediment cores collected from the central Yellow Sea mud(CYSM) area,the Yellow Sea Coastal Current(YSCC) area and the Changjiang River Estuary(CRE) were investigated in this study.In the CYSM,variations in BF_(C_m) were found to be dependent on variations in primary productivity and to exhibit a cyclical trend possibly related to fluctuations in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) and the East Asian winter monsoon index(EAWM).In the YSCC,BF_(C_m) likewise depends on primary productivity.Prior to the 1950s,variations in BF_(C_m) were similar to that of the EAWM.After the 1950s,BF_(C_m) increased rapidly and exhibited maximum values in the surface layer,consistent with an increase in primary productivity caused by the input of terrestrial nutrients associated with China's economic development.In the CRE,variations in BF_(C_m) were affected by several competing factors making it difficult to identify clear relationships between variations in BF_(C_m) and primary productivity.In contrast,long-term variability in BF_(C_m) is more similar to changes in the Changjiang River sediment load.Thus,it is speculated that the construction of dams along the Changjiang River may be the main cause of variations in BF_(C_m) in this area.Given the disproportionate effects of human activities on marine environments and decadal variations in BF_(C_m) in the ECSS,careful attention should be paid to regional differences in organic carbon preservation and environmental changes lest estimates of these values be made imprecise or inaccurate.  相似文献   

Zooplankton biomass, gut fluorescence and electron transfer system (ETS) activity were measured in vertical profiles (0–900 m) in two different size classes (<1 and >1 mm) in Canary Island waters. Both size fractions displayed a typical pattern of distribution with higher biomass, gut fluorescence and ETS in the shallower layers at night. By day, however, the vertical distribution varied between the size fractions, with higher biomass of the small fraction in the 0–200 m and a layer of large organisms at depth (∼500 m). For both size fractions, average ETS activity was higher by day than at night at depths between 200 and 600 m. Similarly, gut fluorescence was slightly higher by day below 200 m. The downward export of respiratory carbon was 1.92 and 4.29 mg C m−2 d−1 for samples obtained southwest of Gran Canaria Island and west of Tenerife Island respectively, being 2.68 mg C m−2 d−1 for the whole area. These values represented 16–45% (22–28% for the area) of the calculated passive particulate export production resulting from primary production. The estimated “gut flux” accounted for 0.35 (western zone) and 2.37 mg C m−2 d−1 (southwest of Gran Canaria), being 1.28 mg C m−2 d−1 for the whole area and represented between 3 and 25% (11–14% for the whole area) of the estimated passive particle export flux. These results agree with previous estimates and suggest that diel-migrant zooplankton can play an important role in the downward flux of carbon.  相似文献   

The Meriadzek Terrace (a 2100m deep plateau on the North-East Atlantic continental slope) was chosen as the experimental site for a multidisciplinary programme to observe the parameters needed for a better understanding of biological processes in the benthic environment.Two approaches were used to study the input of particulate matter to the bathyal seabed: sediment traps and indirect particle concentration measurements with nephelometry. These two technologies do not measure particles of the same size range, but as we are interested in the fluctuations of the particle supply, their results are complementary.Vertical profiles of nephelometry show that over the Meriadzek Terrace there is 125m thick nepheloid layer immediately above the bottom.The dynamics in the deep layer has been determined by measurements made with a Module Autonome Pluridisciplinaire (MAP), an in situ monitoring device developed at IFREMER which measures currents, nephelometry, temperature vertical profile near the bottom.Throughout six months of measurements in 1984, the currents at 0.5m and 120m above the bottom were subject to semi-diurnal tidal oscillations. The intensity of light scattering recorded with the nephelometer on the MAP was highly correlated with current velocities especially with semidiurnal tidal oscillations which seem to induce local resuspension. There are also longer term fluctuations, notably a very strong event which lasted several days during August. This event lagged behind a period of high intensity of internal waves correlated with a reversal in current direction. The sediment trap (Pièges à Particules “PAP”) observations showed that the particle fluxes on the Meriadzek Terrace have a cycle of variation similar to primary production which is characterized by a maximum in May during the phytoplankton bloom and a minimum during January. There was also interannual fluctuation.These two kinds of results point out the different time scales (from some hours to several months) of the large temporal fluctuations which affect the near-bottom particle behaviour.  相似文献   

为研究海洋附着细菌的群落结构及动态变化,在厦门近岸海区进行挂板实验.将无菌玻璃板浸没于海水中,连续放置14 d.分别于放置1 h和7、14 d后取玻璃板上附着生物样品.用细菌通用引物构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库,每个克隆文库随机挑选约40个克隆子测序,序列同源性分析和系统进化分析结果表明,所有的克隆子可分为六大类群:γ-变形菌纲(γ-Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、α-变形菌纲(α-Proteobacteria)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)和真核硅藻类叶绿体,各类群分别占42.0%、4.5%、2.2%、2.2%、1.1%和45.0%.γ-变形菌纲变形斑沙雷氏菌(Serratia proteamaculans)为优势附着细菌,占测序克隆子的31.5%.这类细菌在1 h样品中的比例超过一半,说明变形斑沙雷氏菌在生物膜形成初期发挥着重要作用.随着挂板时间延长,检测到的细菌类群有所增加:附着7 d后检测到拟杆菌门细菌,附着14 d后检测到厚壁菌门细菌.γ-变形菌纲细菌所占比例随挂板时间的延长而逐渐降低,从挂板1 h的81%降至7 d的21%,14 d的18%.另外,在各阶段的附着样品中,都检测到较多的真核克隆子序列,约占16%~64%.本研究为进一步阐明海洋附着细菌的附着动态及其在生物膜形成过程中的作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

林龙  赵进平 《海洋学报》2018,40(11):23-32
雪热传导系数是海冰质量平衡过程中的重要物理参数,决定了穿透海冰的热传导通量。北冰洋海冰质量平衡浮标观测获得多年冰上冬季温度链剖面可以明显地区分冰雪界面。本文考虑到冰雪界面处温度随时间变化,再根据冰雪界面热传导通量连续假定,提出了新的雪热传导系数计算方法。受不同环境因素影响,多年冰上各个浮标的雪热传导系数在0.23~0.41 W/(m·K)之间,均值为(0.32±0.08) W/(m·K)。北冰洋多年冰上冬季穿过海冰的热传导通量最大发生在11月至翌年3月,约14~16 W/m2。结冰季节,来自海冰自身降温的热量对穿过海冰向大气传输的热量贡献逐月减少,从9月100%减小到12月的35%,翌年的1月至3月稳定在10%左右。夏季,短波辐射通能量通过热传导自上而下加热海冰,海冰上层温度高于下层,热量传播方向与冬季反向,往海冰内部传递。直到9月短波辐射完全消失,气温下降,热量再次转变为自下往上传递。从冰底热传导来看,夏季出现海冰向冰水界面传递热量现象。由于雪较好的绝热性,冰上覆雪极大地削弱了海冰上层热传导通量,从而减缓了秋冬季节的结冰速度。尽管受雪厚影响,多年冰上层热传导通量与气温依旧具有很好的线性关系,气温每降低1℃,热传导通量增加约0.59 W/m2。  相似文献   

1IntroductionRemote sensingis an effective approach for esti-mation of the sea surface temperature(SST),andadvanced very high resolution radiometer(AVHRR)and moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS)thermal infared(TIR)data are widelyused in th…  相似文献   

基于2013年8月琼东海域两个连续站的观测资料,对比分析了近岸站位和陆架站位的营养盐和叶绿素a浓度周日变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:在垂直分布上,近岸站位S1与陆架站位S2的温跃层减弱了营养盐的向上输运;在时间变化上,S1站底层硅酸盐、硝酸盐和磷酸盐浓度具有半日波动的特点,而S2站的营养盐则不具有周日波动的现象,这说明近岸站位的营养盐受到潮汐作用的影响更显著。S1站的叶绿素a分层不明显,夜间的低值可能体现浮游动物的摄食作用,S2站位的叶绿素a分层明显,夜间没体现浮游动物的摄食作用。总体上,琼东海域近岸站位S1和陆架区站位S2叶绿素a和营养盐周日波动都受到温跃层、潮汐、生物作用和光照的影响,但S1站受潮汐作用影响更显著,且S1站叶绿素a浓度还受到浮游动物摄食作用影响。由于叶绿素a和营养盐受到多种环境要素的影响,使得两者相关性不显著。  相似文献   

基于2020年1—12月在赤道印度洋中部海域获取的沉积物捕获器时间序列样品,分析了沉降颗粒物与颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon, POC)通量的季节变化特征,并结合卫星遥感、数值模式及再分析数据探究上层物理过程对生物泵输出通量的调控作用。结果表明,2020年赤道印度洋中部海域的沉降颗粒物总通量与颗粒有机碳通量的变化范围分别为4.57~35.75 mg/(m2·d)\[(18.94±10.18) mg/(m2·d)\]和0.27~2.97 mg/(m2·d)\[(1.09±0.66) mg/(m2·d)\],两者均呈现显著的季节变化特征。总体上,1—3月、6月和9—11月呈现出3个显著的高通量事件。通过分析发现混合层深度变化与营养盐跃层波动的耦合作用可能是调控中深层通量变化的主要原因。与此同时,西南季风流(Southwest Monsoon Current, SMC)与赤道Wyrtki急流生消也可能通过改变温跃层或营养盐跃层深度对沉降颗粒物通量强度和季节变化起调控作用。  相似文献   

太平洋东南海域表层地转流场的季节及年际变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1992~2001年Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计遥感资料分析了太平洋东南海域(5°~55°S,70°~120°W)表层流场的季节及年际变化特征。结果表明,南赤道流的季节变化主要体现在流速上,而秘鲁海流和西风漂流主要体现在流轴位置的移动上。表层流场的年际变化受El Nino影响,在El Nino期间,南赤道流和秘鲁海流均发生流向偏转现象,大部分海区流场被削弱(除低纬度海区外),而在其后的1998年La Nina期间,流场则重新被加强,西风漂流无明显的年际变化。  相似文献   

A newly standardized 60-minute sea urchin (and sand dollar) sperm bioassay was used to measure the toxicity of sewage at each stage in the treatment process. The sensitivity of the sperm bioassay was compared to the results of 48- to 96-hour bioassays with sea urchin and oyster embryos and crab zoeae in side-by-side tests of each sewage type. These data were then used to estimate the dilutions necessary to protect sensitive life stages of marine animals around a proposed sewage outfall in Puget Sound and to select the best bioassay procedure for a post-discharge program for monitoring water column toxicity.Results showed that very little acute toxicity was removed by the primary treatment process but that toxicity was greatly reduced by secondary treatment. A high degree of toxicity was reintroduced by chlorination but this source of toxicity was essentially eliminated by dechlorination. The simple and rapid sperm assay proved more sensitive to all stages of sewage than did the longer embryo and larval assays. Based on the results of the comparative testing and the ease, rapidity and year-round availability of the sea urchin sperm assay (sea urchins in winter, sand dollars in summer), this test was recommended for post-discharge monitoring of sewage effluent-related toxicity in the receiving waters.  相似文献   

采用福建沿海4个站点(包括浮标)2016年的实测水文气象数据,初步分析了不同天气系统影响情况下海表温度的变化特征。研究结果表明:福建沿海月均海温日变化和气温日变化有一定关系,二者都有明显的日变化周期,海温的日变化的峰值略滞后于气温日变化的峰值;无明显天气系统影响时,海温和气温的变化趋势比较一致,有冷空气或台风系统影响时海温和气温的变化趋势不再一致;冷空气系统影响时气温下降的时间从北到南依次滞后,而海温的下降从北到南延迟不明显;7月上升流的作用使得古雷浮标附近海表温度降低,并且周期发生明显改变。  相似文献   

The relationship between the spring bloom along the Primorye coast and the sea ice of the Tatarskiy Strait in the northern region of the East/Japan Sea, a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the North Pacific, was investigated using the ten-year SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a concentration data and DMSP/SSMI sea ice concentration data from 1998 to 2007. Year-to-year variations in the chlorophyll-a concentrations in the spring were positively correlated with those of the sea ice concentrations in the Tatarskiy Strait in the previous winter with a correlation coefficient of 0.77. Abrupt increases in nutrients, essential for the spring bloom in the upper ocean during spring, were supplied from sea ice-melted waters. Time series of vertical distributions of the nutrients indicated that phosphate concentrations were extremely elevated in the upper ocean (less than 100 m) without any connection to high concentrations in the deep waters below. The water mass from sea ice provided preferable conditions for the spring bloom through changes in the vertical stratification structure of the water columns. Along-coast ratios of stability parameters between two neighboring months clearly showed the rapid progression of the generation of a shallow pycnocline due to fresh water originating from sea ice. This study addressed the importance of the physical environment for biogeochemical processes in semi-enclosed marginal seas affected by local sea ice.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the abundances and size distributions of marine snow (aggregated particles >0.5 mm in diameter) in the upper 100 m of the water column at ten stations off Southern California in the late afternoon with those in the same parcel of water the following morning, after nocturnal vertical migration by zooplankton had occurred, revealed the existence of a previously undescribed process affecting marine particle dynamics. Aggregate abundances increased overnight and changes were positively and significantly correlated only with the abundance of the common euphausiid, Euphausia pacifica, and with no other biological or physical factor. Moreover, mean aggregate size decreased and aggregate size distributions shifted toward smaller size classes when euphausiids were abundant. The only conclusion consistent with these findings was that euphausiids were physically disaggregating marine snow into smaller, more numerous aggregates through shear stresses generated while swimming. Video-recording of both tethered and free-swimming E. pacifica in the laboratory dramatically confirmed that aggregates passing within 8–10 mm of the animal's abdomen were fragmented either by entrainment and direct impact with the beating pleopods or by eddies generated during swimming. At the abundances observed in this study, swimming E. pacifica would have sufficiently disturbed 3–33% of the water column each night to disrupt the aggregates contained therein. This is the first evidence for the fragmentation of large particles by the swimming activities of zooplankton and suggests that macrozooplankton and micronekton play a significant role in the particle dynamics of the water column regardless of whether they consume particles or not. Disaggregation of marine snow by swimming and migrating animals may alter the sizes of particles available to grazers and microbial colonizers and reduce the flux of particulate carbon by generating smaller particles, which potentially sink more slowly and reside longer in the water column. This newly discovered process reduces carbon flux while simultaneously conserving carbon and provides a previously unconsidered link between animal behavior and the biogeochemistry of the sea. It may help explain the exponential reduction in particle flux with depth observed in parts of the ocean and help balance oceanic carbon models.  相似文献   

九龙江河口水体叶绿素a含量和初级生产力的时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年春(5月)、夏(8月)、秋(11月)在九龙江河口水域进行的生态安全示范区综合外业调查资料,研究了九龙江河口水体叶绿素a含量和初级生产力的时空变化.结果表明,九龙江河口水体叶绿素a含量变化范围为0.77~15.89mg/m。,平均含量为3.11mg/m。;初级生产力变化范围为19.05~332.91mr,/(m。·d),平均值为103.51mg/(m。·d).叶绿素a含量均值以夏季的为最高(4.01mg/m。),其季节变化呈夏季〉春季〉秋季;初级生产力均值以春季的为最高[112.16mg/(m。·d)],季节变化呈春季〉夏季〉秋季的趋势.与本研究区上世纪90年代的调查结果比较,本次调查的表层水叶绿素a含量均值(3.11mg/m’)为1990年均值(2.24mg/m。)的1.3—1.6倍,而初级生产力均值[103.5mg/(m。·d)]则比1990年的[151.6mg/(m。·d)]降低了约32%.叶绿素a含量与初级生产力、可溶性硅酸盐含量、水温在这3个季节均显著正相关,与浮游植物密度的分布并不一致,二者的相关性并不显著.在高无机氮和高可溶性硅酸盐含量状态下,水温与活性磷酸盐含量对九龙江河口水体叶绿素a含量和初级生产力的时空变化起调控作用.  相似文献   

Observations of downward radiative flux at the sea surface generally contain uncertainty due to limited numbers of observations and limitations of auxiliary equipment. The lack of shading from direct solar radiation and ventilation systems causes bias or random errors. To evaluate the error of radiation measurements at buoys, downward shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes are compared with International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA55), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) retrieved model calculations of 3-h and daytime averages. Cloud masking is evaluated by a combination of MTSAT-1R and in situ observations. Coincident observations from a land-surface station located near the buoy observatories are compared with satellite and reanalysis products. The bias at buoys, compared with retrievals, approximately over- and under-estimate for longwave and shortwave fluxes, respectively. The bias at buoys is larger and smaller than the land by 23–34 W m?2 for longwave and 13–51 W m?2 for shortwave radiation using 3-h averages under clear-sky conditions. The differences in bias decrease when using daytime averages for longwave, but the difference for shortwave increases with daytime averages. To evaluate the effect of environmental factors on buoy observations, we compared rainfall, wind speed, and solar zenith angle with the biases. We found that rainfall and wind speed affect buoy pyrgeometers such that they overestimate the longwave flux. The cosine of solar zenith angle does not cause overestimation for longwave flux, and the effect of dome heating is small. The strong wind causes underestimation of the shortwave radiative flux due to tilting. The effect of wind is reduced when daily averages are used.  相似文献   

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