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我国热带生物海岸的现状及生态系统的修复与重建   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张乔民 《海洋与湖沼》2001,32(4):454-464
评述了以红树林和珊瑚礁为代表的我国热带生物海岸的分布及其面积、生物群落的破坏、海岸保护与管理、科学研究等各个方面的现状,以及生态系统修复与重建技术研究进展,指出热带生物海岸及其上的红树林、珊瑚礁热带海岸生态系统具有特殊的资源价值和生态效益,对热带海岸社会经济可持续发展的十分重要;另一方面对日益频繁的人类开发活动和自然环境变异十分敏感和脆弱,而且其直接经济价值相对较低而通常易于被忽视,随着我国自然环境变异十分敏感和脆弱,而且其直接经济价值相对较低而通常易于被忽视,随着我国社会经济近20年来的快速发展,导致热带海岸地区人口、资源、环境压力加剧,热带生物海岸红树林和珊瑚礁资源已经受到生态破坏性开发活动的极大破坏而急需保护。尽管政府采取了保护管理的各种措施,包括相关法律、自然保护区、科学研究、生态系统修复与重建的实验、研究和推广,但是总体上衰退的趋势尚未扭转,热带生物海岸在我国河口海岸生态环境变异和资源可持续利用研究中具有特别重要要的意义,应该加强我国热带生物海岸的调查、监测、评估、研究,以适应热带生物海岸和相关生态系统的保护、管理、恢复、重建和可持续发展的紧迫要求。  相似文献   

长期大规模围填海活动在振兴沿海地区经济的同时,也严重破坏了海岸带生态系统。文章梳理了关于加强滨海湿地保护、严格管控围填海的一系列政策要求与技术指南;以大连港太平湾港区和中新天津生态城为例,分别分析了港口工业区和滨海生态旅游区的围填海历史遗留问题处理与生态保护修复实践,并提出了生态优先,绿色发展;自然恢复为主,人工修复为辅;陆海统筹,生态融合;问题导向,科学修复;科技支撑,示范带动等新发展阶段下海洋生态保护修复的建议。  相似文献   

海洋生态保护修复是破解海洋生态环境污染问题和建设美丽海洋的必然要求,是加强海洋生态系统保护和保障国家生态安全的必要环节,是解决当前社会主要矛盾和为人民群众提供更多生态产品的重要手段。为深入推进我国海洋生态保护修复工作,文章对中央财政支持沿海各地实施的270余个海域、海岛和海岸带整治修复和保护项目以及18个"蓝色海湾"整治行动项目进行系统分析,提出海洋生态保护修复主要包括海域海岸带环境综合整治、海岛整治修复、典型生态系统保护修复和生态保护修复能力建设4个方面;据相关统计,截至2017年年底,全国累计修复岸线260km、沙滩1 240hm~2、海岛近60个、滨海湿地4 100hm~2,多地整治修复效果明显,海洋生态环境呈明显改善和整体趋稳向好的积极态势。与此同时,目前仍存在缺乏具有综合性和系统性的海洋生态保护修复规划、尚未形成多渠道投入机制以及海洋自然修复的研究和实践不足等问题。在此基础上,提出海洋生态保护修复攻坚方向的建议,即做好"三个"转变:保护修复从局部向系统化和高层次转变、资金来源从依靠中央财政向多渠道投入机制转变以及修复模式从人工干预为主向自然恢复为主转变。  相似文献   

In a closely integrated system, (sub-) littoral sandy sediments, sandy beaches, and sand dunes offer natural coastal protection for a host of environmentally and economically important areas and activities inland. Flooding and coastal erosion pose a serious threat to these environments, a situation likely to be exacerbated by factors associated with climate change. Despite their importance, these sandy ‘soft’ defences have been lost from many European coasts through the proliferation of coastal development and associated hard-engineering and face further losses due to sea-level rise, subsidence, storm surge events, and coastal squeeze. As part of the EU-funded THESEUS project we investigated the critical drivers that determine the persistence and maintenance of sandy coastal habitats around Europe's coastline, taking particular interest in their close link with the biological communities that inhabit them. The successful management of sandy beaches to restore and sustain sand budgets (e.g. via nourishment), depends on the kind of mitigation undertaken, local beach characteristics, and on the source of ‘borrowed’ sediment. We found that inter-tidal invertebrates were good indicators of changes linked to different mitigation options. For sand dunes, field observations and manipulative experiments investigated different approaches to create new dune systems, in addition to measures employed to improve dune stabilisation. THESEUS provides a ‘toolbox’ of management strategies to aid the management, restoration, and creation of sandy habitats along our coastlines, but we note that future management must consider the connectivity of sub-littoral and supra-littoral sandy habitats in order to use this natural shoreline defence more effectively.  相似文献   

海堤在防范海洋灾害,保障生命财产安全的同时,也造成了滨海湿地丧失或破碎化,生物多样性降低,消纳潮功能减弱,水质净化能力减弱等问题。生态海堤是满足海洋灾害防护要求、模拟滨海生态系统结构和生态过程,具有生态功能和美学价值的复合生态系统,具备抵御风暴潮涨水、抵御海浪侵蚀、防止水土流失、维护生物多样性和改善水质等功能,主要包括离岸防护、海向浅滩、海堤堤身三个系统。演替理论、边缘效应理论、中度干扰假说、生态位理论等生态学基础理论为生态海堤建设提供了理论依据。生态海堤建设应遵循防护优先、注重生态、因地制宜、自我维持的原则,通过减缓坡度、恢复植被或生境、增加微生境和提高表面粗糙程度等手段实现。生态海堤的关键技术主要包括设计技术、材料技术、系统集成技术和全过程管理技术。针对生态海堤建设存在的问题,下一步应加强基础研究和关键技术研发,开展生态海堤建设区划,建立标准体系,构建修复物种种质资源库,创新产业化发展模式。  相似文献   

Since Hurricane Sandy, there has been heightened attention to increasing the resilience of coastal communities to extreme events, including storm protection provided by coastal ecosystems. Storm protection benefits (SPB) are the ability of ecosystems, including wetlands, reefs, and beaches/dunes, to attenuate waves and storm surge. SPB are a topic of growing interest in the scientific and policy spheres, including discussions of how to incorporate SPB into existing policies. As an engine for restoration and a leading mechanism for the evaluation of ecosystem services, Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) provides a platform for better internalizing this and other services into decision-making particularly using Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA). HEA does not explicitly account for impacts to ecosystem services that flow from one habitat to an adjacent one. This study examines a hypothetical case study of an oil spill that impacts a marsh with resulting impacts on SPB to the adjacent upland forest. To more fully assess these impacts, a “nested HEA” was developed which accounts for cross-habitat ecosystem service flows. The nested HEA captures the impacts of the marsh loss on the forest due to wave and saltwater intrusion that would not be captured by a traditional HEA. By adapting the HEA approach with a nested HEA, NRDA could quantify direct ecosystem services losses as well as additional cross-service flows between habitats. However, additional data are needed in order to perform a nested HEA, and in the case of SPB, location-specific data likely will be needed to appropriately specify the model.  相似文献   

为维护和改善海岸带生态环境、提升海岸带生态价值、保障海岸带生态安全以及推进海洋生态文明建设,文章分析当前连江县海岸带面临的主要生态环境问题,并提出未来亟须开展的海岸带保护修复重点工程和对策建议。结果表明:当前连江县海岸带面临外来物种入侵、海洋垃圾量大面广、典型滨海湿地生境被破坏、部分岸线和景观受损严重、渔业生产设施无序堆放、海水水质和生态环境质量下降以及台风和赤潮影响生态安全7个生态环境问题;针对上述问题,亟须重点从滨海湿地保护修复工程、海洋环境综合整治工程、岸线和景观保护修复工程以及海岸带监测预警工程4个方面开展连江县海岸带生态保护修复工作,并从明确责任主体和加强组织领导、拓宽资金投入渠道、加强科技支撑、实行目标责任制以及健全监督管理机制5个方面保障海岸带生态保护修复重点工程的顺利实施。  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, export-oriented shrimp farming is one of the most important sectors of the national economy. However, shrimp farming in coastal Bangladesh has devastating effects on mangrove forests. Mangroves are the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics, and blue carbon (i.e., carbon in coastal and marine ecosystems) emissions from mangrove deforestation due to shrimp cultivation are accumulating. These anthropogenic carbon emissions are the dominant cause of climate change, which in turn affect shrimp cultivation. Some adaptation strategies including Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), mangrove restoration, and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) could help to reduce blue carbon emissions. Translocation of shrimp culture from mangroves to open-water IMTA and restoration of habitats could reduce blue carbon emissions, which in turn would increase blue carbon sequestration. Mangrove restoration by the REDD+ program also has the potential to conserve mangroves for resilience to climate change. However, institutional support is needed to implement the proposed adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(10-11):1073-1087
Coastal areas play a crucial role in the economical, social and political development of most countries; they support diverse and productive coastal ecosystems that provide valuable goods and services. Globally flooding and coastal erosion represent serious threats along many coastlines, and will become more serious as a consequence of human-induced changes and accelerated sea-level rise. Over the past century, hard coastal defence structures have become ubiquitous features of coastal landscapes as a response to these threats. The proliferation of defence works can affect over half of the shoreline in some regions and results in dramatic changes to the coastal environment. Surprisingly little attention has been paid to the ecological consequences of coastal defence. Results from the DELOS (Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures, EVK3-CT-2000-00041) project indicate that the construction of coastal defence structures will affect coastal ecosystems. The consequences can be seen on a local scale, as disruption of surrounding soft-bottom environments and introduction of new artificial hard-bottom habitats, with consequent changes to the native assemblages of the areas. Proliferation of coastal defence structures can also have critical impacts on regional species diversity, removing isolating barriers, favouring the spread of non-native species and increasing habitat heterogeneity. Knowledge of the environmental context in which coastal defence structures are placed is fundamental to an effective management of these structures as, while there are some general consequences of such construction, many effects are site specific. Advice is provided to meet specific management goals, which include mitigating specific impacts on the environment, such as minimising changes to surrounding sediments, spread of exotic species or growth of nuisance species, and/or enhancing specific natural resources, for example enhancing fish recruitment or promoting diverse assemblages for eco-tourism. The DELOS project points out that the downstream effects of defence structures on coastal processes and regional-scale impacts on biodiversity necessitate planning and management at a regional (large coastline) scale. To effectively understand and manage coastal defences, environmental management goals must be clearly stated and incorporated into the planning, construction, and monitoring stages.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the coastal wetlands in Korea have been rapidly degraded and destroyed mainly due to reclamation and landfills for coastal development. In order to recover damaged coastal environments and to develop wetland restoration technologies, a 4-year study on ecological the restoration of coastal vegetated ecosystems was started in 1998. As one of a series of studies, a small-scale experiment on salt marsh restoration was carried out from April 2000 to August 2001. The experiment was designed to find effective means of ecological restoration through a comparison of the changes in environmental components and species structure between two different experimental plots created using sediment fences, one with and one without small canals. Temporal variation in surface elevation, sedimentary facies, and benthic species were measured seasonally in each plot and in the adjacent natural reference sites. Monthly exposure occurred from 330 cm to mean sea level, which represents the critical tidal level (CTL) at which salt marsh plants colonize. Vegetation, especially Suaeda japonica, colonized the site the following spring and recovered to a similar extent in the natural marshes 16 months later. The sedimentary results indicated that the sediment fences had effects on particle size and sediment accumulation, especially in the plot with small canals. This experiment also showed that tidal height, especially that exceeding the CTL, is an important factor in the recovery of the benthic fauna of salt marshes. From these results, we suggested that designs for the restoration of salt marsh ecosystems must consider the inclusion of a tidal height exceeding CTL, as this may allow reconstruction of the previous natural ecosystem without artificial transplanting.  相似文献   

在全球气候变化与人类高强度开发的双重影响下,人地复合生态系统和受陆海系统交互影响的海岸带地区生态脆弱性更加明显。如何有效把握人地复合生态系统发展动向,合理规划与调控社会经济活动、促进人地关系协调发展一直是可持续发展领域研究的重点课题。韧性作为系统的内在特征,在防范化解灾害风险、维护区域生态安全中发挥着重要作用,是人地复合生态系统可持续发展能力的重要表现。然而,目前关于人地复合生态系统韧性的内涵、评估方法等方面尚未形成统一的范式,韧性的量化评估方法存在较大差异。通过梳理和归纳现有研究成果认为,韧性经历了从工程韧性、生态韧性到演进韧性的转变,其概念及内涵仍在不断拓展与深化;总结对比了基于过程形成性和状态总结性的韧性评估方法发现,将韧性作为过程与结果的综合评估研究仍较为缺乏;在抵抗扰动、维持稳定和协调发展的韧性理念下,生态系统的保护与修复等将是区域可持续发展应用中人地复合生态系统安全的重要保障。根据人地复合生态系统韧性研究进展的分析结果,结合海岸带生态系统韧性研究的现状及不足,认为未来需要在加强海岸带生态系统韧性内涵挖掘、完善海岸带生态系统韧性评价体系、提高海岸带生态系统韧性监测精度、促进学...  相似文献   

The Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) is a community-based coastal management initiative that has been underway on Canada's east coast for the past 6 years. Coalitions of local stakeholders have been assisted by government in taking a lead role for the planning and management activities in 13 coastal ecosystems throughout Atlantic Canada. The program was initiated and originally facilitated by the federal government (Environment Canada) but has come to be led and owned at the local level. The objective is to have all those affecting and/or affected by local decisions involved in this process. In ACAP, the traditional role of government is shared with the local roundtables that are established in each coastal ecosystem. Instead of government departments being the lead agencies that set policy and priorities, the communities assume this function and the government agencies become partners in responding to their identified needs. ACAP is a practical demonstration of the joint management, or collective governance approach to Integrated Coastal Management and offers lessons to governments and coastal communities looking to establish lasting partnership approaches that have the potential to achieve the sustainable development of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Coastal freshwater and tidal wetland habitats are being transformed as a result of increasing demand for commercial, residential and tourism activities. The consequence is a habitat seascape complex, comprising a mosaic of natural and engineered coastal features. This study used the freely available mapping tool (Google Earth) to define the extent of coastal engineering structures in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBR; Australia), a marine ecosystem of global biodiversity and cultural significance. Continuing threats to the heritage estate concomitant with expanding urban and industrial developments has raised concerns directed at the future conservation and resilience of the reef ecosystems, along with maintaining expected human lifestyles and livelihoods it provides. The data here shows that break walls and pontoons/jetties dominate development, contributing to approximately 10% (equivalent) of the coastline linear length. Most (60%) development occurs along the coastline or within the first few kilometres upstream along estuaries. While conservation and protection of natural coastal habitats is still preferred for the objective of fisheries production and biodiversity, managers must consider seascape implication/benefits more broadly when approving new marine infrastructure rather than a case-by-case approach which further contributes to an ad hoc mosaic seascape of natural and engineered habitats. Not only within the GBR heritage estate, but more broadly, coastal managers need to regard wider seascape connectivity processes during the assessment of any new development. There is an urgent need for policy and planning instrument reform that is inclusive of accumulative impacts of urban and industrial development in this heritage estate. Opportunities to include eco-friendly (green engineering) solutions, in the repair and revitalisation of existing artificial structures, is necessary in any new proposed urban and industrial development and expansion.  相似文献   

在全球珊瑚礁生态系统面临退化威胁的情况下,珊瑚礁生态修复工作成为人类帮助珊瑚礁恢复健康的重要手段之一,并且在全球各个珊瑚礁区域都得到广泛应用.我国近岸珊瑚礁生态系统退化严重,本实验探讨利用珊瑚移植技术在三亚市蜈支洲岛典型的近岸珊瑚礁环境下恢复造礁石珊瑚的覆盖率,希望推动企业参与海洋生态保护并从中受益.在与当地旅游公司的...  相似文献   

滨海湿地是雁鸭类水鸟的重要栖息地,然而高强度的海岸圈围工程对滨海湿地生态系统和鸟类栖息地造成了显著影响,因此分析和研究海岸圈围对雁鸭类水鸟种群及栖息地的影响,对水鸟保护和滨海湿地资源可持续利用具有重要的理论和实践意义。位于长江口的横沙东滩,于2003年启动了海岸圈围促淤工程,工程的实施导致湿地生境和水鸟种群都发生着快速变化。本研究分别对2013、2015、2016和2017年,横沙东滩雁鸭类水鸟种群和生境因子的时空变化进行了调查与分析,通过拟合回归分析得到两者的相关关系,进一步探讨海岸圈围后生境的快速演替对雁鸭类水鸟种群产生的影响,从而提出海岸带圈围后水鸟栖息地的保护与管理对策。结果表明:1)海岸圈围工程的实施显著改变了滨海湿地的水鸟生境及种群特征。随着工程的推进,自然潮滩的盐沼湿地呈动态变化趋势;促淤区则随着泥沙的补给,新生了大面积的沼泽湿地;成陆区逐渐向淡水生态系统演替。伴随着生境的变化,雁鸭类水鸟种群逐渐从成陆区和自然潮滩向促淤区转移。2)不同生境类型影响雁鸭类种群数量特征的生境因子不同。未实施圈围的自然潮滩影响雁鸭类水鸟数量的主要因素是海三棱藨草/藨草群落面积;正在实施圈围的促淤区的主要影响因素是挺水植物面积、植被归一化指数(NDVI)和无植被覆盖水域面积;已圈围的成陆区主要影响因素为沉水植物面积。综上,雁鸭类水鸟偏向选择具有开阔水域、充足食物供给和相对较低植被盖度的生境类型。对于海岸圈围区域,若能合理利用圈围土地,保留部分区域为湿地,并根据水鸟的生境需求,适当营造水鸟适宜的栖息地,可在一定程度上减缓圈围工程对水鸟的影响,实现滨海湿地水鸟栖息地保护和湿地资源可持续利用的动态平衡。  相似文献   

Tropical fisheries are in decline around world as a result of diverse anthropogenic threats. These threats are intimately linked to biodiversity and conservation values because of the heavy dependence of both fisheries and high value marine and coastal wetlands on coastal ecosystem health. Consequently, if the widespread degradation of coastal ecosystems can be halted and remediated, there are substantial benefits to fisheries output, ecosystem resilience, food security, livelihoods, recreation and the protection of ecological assets of national and global significance. The extent, intactness and quality of Australia׳s tropical coastal ecosystems has declined markedly since European settlement, due to the cumulative impact of many small encroachments and local barrier construction on the extent and productivity of coastal wetlands, mangroves and seagrass meadows. Additionally, coastal ecosystem dependent biota has been excluded from large areas of critical habitats. Despite these changes, coastal fisheries show no clear declines that could not be explained by changes in effort. This lack of detectable decline is probably partly attributable to the short history of available fisheries catch data. However, it is also likely that it reflects the offsetting of lost natural productivity by greatly increased anthropogenic nutrient loads; a substantial problem as governments are committed to large scale, long term efforts to reduce discharges of nutrients to coastal waters. This possibility underlines the importance of rejuvenating lost coastal productivity. Evaluation of past remediation efforts show that documented success is rare, due to a complex of factors including ineffective prioritisation, a lack of necessary knowledge and resources, and inefficient monitoring and evaluation. Past experiences from Australia׳s tropics and around the world, together with current ecological understanding, suggests some generally desirable characteristics to enhance the likelihood of successful remediation and repair actions.  相似文献   

海草是一类生活在近海区域的高等被子植物,初级生产力高,是全球重要的碳汇之一,具有净化水质、消浪固滩,以及为珍稀濒危海洋生物提供栖息地和保护地的功能。无节制的人类活动和频发的极端气象灾害导致近岸海洋污染加剧、海洋生态系统退化和海草床大面积消失。本文以相关海草床修复生态学基础理论为出发点,在自然因素和人为因素两个方面归纳了海草修复需要考虑的因素,梳理了国内外海草修复实践和技术理论方法,提出了利用营养物质、植物激素和物种共生关系等人为促进海草床生长的技术方法,并从法律角度、技术体系、保护体系和科普宣传等方面提出了促进我国海草床修复的建议,以期为我国海草床保护与修复工作提供理论基础和技术参考。  相似文献   

Marine habitats worldwide are increasingly pressurized by climate change, especially along the Antarctic Peninsula. Well-studied areas in front of rapidly retreating tidewater glaciers like Potter Cove are representative for similar coastal environments and, therefore, shed light on habitat formation and development on not only a local but also regional scale. The objective of this study was to provide insights into habitat distribution in Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica, and to evaluate the associated environmental processes. Furthermore, an assessment concerning the future development of the habitats is provided. To describe the seafloor habitats in Potter Cove, an acoustic seabed discrimination system (RoxAnn) was used in combination with underwater video images and sediment samples. Due to the absence of wave and current measurements in the study area, bed shear stress estimates served to delineate zones prone to sediment erosion. On the basis of the investigations, two habitat classes were identified in Potter Cove, namely soft-sediment and stone habitats that, besides influences from sediment supply and coastal morphology, are controlled by sediment erosion. A future expansion of the stone habitat is predicted if recent environmental change trends continue. Possible implications for the Potter Cove environment, and other coastal ecosystems under similar pressure, include changes in biomass and species composition.  相似文献   

随着沿海经济带的开发建设,海洋生态环境承受着巨大压力,湿地、河口、海湾、海岛等重要生态系统面临前所未有的威胁。对海洋生态的保护修复已经迫在眉睫、刻不容缓。文章基于辽宁省海洋资源环境的特征,结合海域开发利用及海洋生态修复现状,探索辽宁省海洋生态修复工作面临的主要问题,并提出生态修复重点及对策建议,截至2017年,累计整治修复岸线长度约140km,整治修复海域面积超过50km~2。辽宁省海洋生态修复工作面临的主要问题有:近岸局部海域水体污染、生态受损;湿地、滩涂面积有缩减趋势;河口生态系统脆弱,生物多样性指数降低;海湾生态功能退化;海岛生态环境失衡。辽宁省应重点开展海湾环境综合治理以及滨海湿地、岸滩、岛礁等整治修复工作。  相似文献   

滨海湿地是地球上十分重要的一类生态系统, 可为人类社会提供诸如调节气候、降解污染、碳汇氮汇等众多生态服务功能。近年来, 由于气候变化和围填海等开发活动的影响, 我国滨海湿地面积锐减, 功能退化, 面临多种生态问题。为应对滨海湿地退化及日益凸显的生态环境问题, 滨海湿地保护和修复工作逐渐受到重视, 滨海湿地生态修复工程项目的数量和规模也随之急剧增加。滨海湿地生态修复技术规范对滨海湿地生态修复工作具有重要意义, 然而我国滨海湿地生态修复领域规范体系尚不完善, 导致滨海湿地生态修复项目实施无序以及生态修复成效低等问题。本文全面搜集了我国滨海湿地生态修复领域规范, 对检索到的规范进行分类统计与分析, 从而揭示其存在的问题, 主要包括规范体系系统性不足、生态修复理念滞后、规范之间缺乏协调性、规范可操作性差、规范更新迟滞等。针对存在的问题提出了相应的对策建议, 为完善我国滨海湿地生态修复领域规范体系、不断推进我国生态文明建设进程提供参考。  相似文献   

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