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The RbSr age dating method has been applied to a sequence of Carboniferous shales for which some geochemical information was already available. In the marine shales, the Rb/Sr ratio is higher than in the non-marine and brackish water shales. Although the range of values can be attributed to depositional processes, the range of Rb/Sr values is too small to give a depositional isochron, and thus the age of deposition can not be determined. If samples with a variable mineralogy had been selected for the isotope study, the range of Rb/Sr could have been extended. Only by chance, however, would the depositional age have been obtained.A comparison of the RbSr isotope values in the Carboniferous shales with those in probable source rocks shows that a reduction in the Sr87/Sr86 ratio relative to the Rb87/Sr86 ratio may have taken place. Such a reduction could have occurred on the Carboniferous land-mass during the formation of the clay minerals.  相似文献   

Rb–Sr dating of biotite in the northwestern corner of the Yilgarn Craton identified four areas with distinctive age ranges. Biotite in the northwestern area, which includes the Narryer Terrane and part of the Murchison Terrane, yields reset Rb–Sr dates of ca 1650 Ma. In the western area, along the margin of the craton, biotite has been reset to 629 Ma. Eastward of these areas, mainly in the Murchison Terrane, the modal biotite date is near 2450 Ma, though because of a skewed distribution the mean date is closer to 2300 Ma. Dates in a transition zone between the western and eastern areas range broadly between 2000 and 1000 Ma, averaging about 1775 Ma. The western area and the transition zone are continuous with analogous areas south of the limits of the present study. The 1650 Ma dates in the northwestern area are probably related to plutonic and tectonic activity of similar age in the Gascoyne Province to the north. They may represent cooling after thermal resetting during tectonic loading by southward thrust‐stacking of slices of Narryer Terrane and allochthonous Palaeoproterozoic volcanic arc and backarc rocks during the Capricorn Orogeny. This episode of crustal shortening resulted from the collision of the Yilgarn and Pilbara Cratons to form the West Australian Craton. The dates reflect cooling associated with subsequent erosion‐induced rebound. The 2450 Ma biotite dates of the eastern area are similar to biotite dates found over most of the Yilgarn Craton and represent a background upon which the later dates have been superimposed. The origin of dates in the western area is unknown but may be related to an associated dolerite dyke swarm or to possible thrusting from the west. There is some evidence of minor later intrusion of felsic hypabyssal rock between 2000 and 2200 Ma and localised shearing in the Narryer area at about 1350 to 1400 Ma. One small area near Yalgoo with biotite Rb–Sr dates near 2200 Ma may be cogenetic with the Muggamurra Swarm of dolerite dykes.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1626-1640
Dolerite dike swarms are widespread across the North China Craton (NCC) of Hebei Province (China) and Inner Mongolia. Here, we report new geochemical, Sr–Nd–Pb isotope, and U–Pb zircon ages for representative samples of these dikes. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb analysis yielded consistent Permian ages of 274.8 ± 2.9 and 275.0 ± 4.5 Ma for zircons extracted from two dikes. The dolerites have highly variable compositions (SiO2 = 46.99–56.18 wt.%, TiO2 = 1.27–2.39 wt.%, Al2O3 = 14.42–16.20 wt.%, MgO = 5.18–7.75 wt.%, Fe2O3 = 8.03–13.52 wt.%, CaO = 5.18–9.75 wt.%, Na2O = 2.46–3.79 wt.%, K2O = 0.26–2.35 wt.%, and P2O5 = 0.18–0.37 wt.%) and are light rare earth element (LREE) and large ion lithophile element (LILE, e.g. Rb, Ba, and K, and Pb in sample SXG1-9) enriched, and Th and high field strength element (HFSE, e.g. Nb and Ta in sample SXG1-9, and Ti) depleted. The mafic dikes have relatively uniform (87Sr/86Sr)i values from 0.7031 to 0.7048, (206Pb/204Pb)i from 17.77 to 17.976, (207Pb/204Pb)i from 15.50 to 15.52, (208Pb/204Pb)i from 37.95 to 38.03, and positive ?Nd(t) (3.6–7.3), and variable neodymium model ages (TDM1 = 0.75–0.99 Ga, TDM2 = 0.34–0.74 Ga). These data suggest that the dike magmas were derived from partial melting of a depleted region of the asthenospheric mantle, and that they fractionated olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and Ti-bearing phases without undergoing significant crustal contamination. These mafic dikes within the NCC formed during a period of crustal thinning in response to extension after Permian collision between the NCC and the Siberian Block.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - A mineralogical-geochemical study of globular phyllosilicates (GPS) of the glauconite-illite series of the Dolgokta Formation from the stratigraphic well Chunkinskaya Well...  相似文献   

Modal metasomatism in the Kaapvaal craton lithosphere is well documented in upper mantle xenoliths sampled by both group I (mainly late Cretaceous) and group II (mainly early Cretaceous to late Jurassic) kimberlites in the Kimberley area. The metasomatic style is characterized by introduction of K, H and large ion lithophile/high field strength (LIL/HFS) elements into the lithospheric mantle leading to the crystallization of hydrous potassic phases such as phlogopite and/or K-amphibole. Textures indicate that the hydrous phases either replace pre-existing assemblages in peridotites, forming the metasomatized peridotite suite (phlogopite–K-richterite–peridotites: PKPs) or crystallize from K-rich melts, forming the mica–amphibole–rutile–ilmenite–diopside (MARID) suite of xenoliths. These K-rich assemblages become potential low melting source components for alkaline incompatible trace element enriched magmas. The timing of metasomatism and its temporal and possible genetic relation to kimberlite magmatism is poorly constrained because of the rarity of phases in the metasomatic assemblages suitable for precise dating. Here we present precise sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb formation ages of 88 ± 2 (1σ=1 standard deviation) and 82 ± 3 Ma data for zircons from a K-richterite–phlogopite-bearing metasomatized peridotite (PKP) and a MARID xenolith respectively, sampled by a group I kimberlite. Both average PKP and MARID zircon ages are indistinguishable from emplacement ages of group I kimberlites in the Kimberley area dated at 83 ± 4 (2σ) and 84 ± 0.9 Ma. One exceptionally old age spot of 102 ± 5 Ma from a PKP zircon provides evidence for modal metasomatism predating group I kimberlite emplacement by several millions of years with minor resetting of the U–Pb isotopic system of most analyzed PKP zircons to a group I emplacement age. Detailed textural and mineral chemical analysis, including high energy X-ray mapping and analysis of fluid inclusion daughter crystals, indicates a complex reaction history for both PKPs and MARIDs. U–Pb zircon ages from this study combined with literature data and experimentally derived models for MARID formation are used to suggest that MARID-formation is concurrent and genetically related to both group I and II kimberlite magmatism in the Kimberley area. MARID and PKP zircon ages are also consistent with the idea first proposed by Dawson and Smith (Geochim Cosmochim Acta 41: 309–323, 1977) that metasomatized peridotites may form from interaction of hydrous fluids expelled by solidifying MARID-type melts with peridotitic wall rocks. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 13 April 2000  相似文献   

The extent of fractionation of Rb and Sr is routinely used in petrogenetic modelling of igneous processes, including internal fractionation of individual pegmatites as well as large-scale evolution of pegmatite groups and fields. However, highly evolved granitic pegmatites may contain as much as 14000 ppm Rb and less than 150 ppm Sr. The total Sr in K-feldspar and micas from geologically old and Rb-rich pegmatites may consist predominantly of radiogenic 87Sr, which obscures the original relationship of Rb to common Sr at the time of crystallization. A subtraction of radiogenic 87Sr calculated from the Rb content and age of emplacement is possible, but it commonly results in negative concentrations of Sr. The relative immobility of Rb, analytically determined isotopic composition of Sr, apparent ages of the Rb, Sr-bearing minerals, high concentration of 87Sr in coexisting Rb-poor phases, and experimental evidence indicate that post-crystallization migration of radiogenic 87Sr is significant. Where isotopic data are not available, RbSr trends in geologically old and highly fractionated pegmatites are misleading and cannot be used for geochemical interpretation of pegmatite derivation or evolution.  相似文献   

Liu  Shen  Feng  Caixia  Fan  Yan  Chen  Xiaoqing  Yang  Yuhong  Zhao  Huibo  Coulson  Ian M. 《中国地球化学学报》2020,39(6):862-886
Acta Geochimica - This work reports an important episode of extensional, mafic magmatism that impacted the North China Craton (NCC) during the Permo-Triassic and influenced the evolution of this...  相似文献   

On the basis of their textures and mineral compositions spinel-peridotite xenoliths of the Cr-diopside group (group I) from Cenozoic volcanic fields of Arabia can be classified into different subtypes. Type IA is of lherzolitic to harzburgitic composition; mineral compositions are similar to those of group I mantle xenoliths from worldwide occurrences. Type IB xenoliths have lherzolitic to wehrlitic compositions; Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of the clinopyroxenes (0.862–0.916) and olivines (0.872–0.914) are similar too or slightly lower than those of typical IA minerals. Texturally, type IB xenoliths are distinguished from type IA rocks by the presence of intragranular spinel, intragranular relict Cr-pargasite, and subordinate intergranular Ba-phlogopite (11.1% BaO). The hydrous minerals in type IB xenoliths are interpreted to document an earlier metasomatism 1 which did not affect type IA lithospheric mantle. Subsequent recrystallization caused the partial replacement of Cr-pargasite in type IB materials and resulted in the formation of less hydrous mineral assemblages. Some of the type IA xenoliths are characterized by secondary intergranular amphibole which must have formed recently. The absence or presence of this intergranular amphibole is used to distinguish an anhydrous subtype IA1 from a hydrous subtype IA2. Type IB xenoliths may also contain secondary intergranular amphibole (similar to the one in subtype IA2) or they contain abundant formermelt patches now consisting of glass and phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and spinel. The secondary intergranular amphiboles and the former melt patches, both are interpreted as results of a second metasomatism (metasomatism 2). In their trace element and isotopic characteristics, type IA1 and type IA2 clinopyroxenes do not exhibit any systematic differences. Furthermore, type IA2 clinopyroxenes are in Sr isotopic disequilibrium with intergranular amphiboles. This suggests that type IA2 clinopyroxenes were not modified during the second metasomatism 2. All type IA clinopyroxenes have low Sr contents (100 ppm); most of them show Sm/Nd ratios higher than inferred for bulk earth. In their 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios, type IA clinopyroxenes exhibit a large spread from 0.70226–0.70376 and from 0.51375–0.51251, respectively. Highly variable Sr/Nd ratios (5.0–79.3) and variable TUR and TCHUR model age relationships require different evolutions of the respective mantle portions. Nevertheless, all but two type IA clinopyroxenes form a linear array in a Sm–Nd isochron diagram which probably can not be explained by mixing. If taken as an isochron the slope of the array corresponds to an age of around 700 Ma. The mean initial Nd of 5.8±1.7 (1) is similar to values for juvenile Pan-African (i.e. 850–650 Ma old) crust of the Arabian-Nubian shield. It is suggested that type IA lithospheric mantle and the juvenile Pan-African crust are two counterparts fractionated from a common source during the earlier stages of the Pan-African. Type IB clinopyroxenes have high Sr contents (200 ppm), variable Sr/Nd ratios (9–111) and Sm/Nd ratios generally below that inferred for bulk earth, and show a small spread in their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (0.70299–0.70318 and 0.51285–0.51278, respectively). In a Sm–Nd isochron diagram the data points form a linear, horizontal array indicating a close-to-zero age for the earlier metasomatism 1 and suggesting a close genetic relationship to mantle processes related to the formation of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

A temperature‐time history for the granulite‐hosted Challenger gold deposit in the Christie Domain of the Gawler Craton, South Australia, has been derived using a range of isotopic decay systems including U–Pb, Sm–Nd, Rb–Sr and 40Ar/39Ar. Nd model ages and detrital zircon ages suggest a protolith age of ca 2900 Ma for the Challenger Gneiss. Gold mineralisation was probably introduced under greenschist/amphibolite‐facies conditions towards the end of the Archaean, between 2800 and 2550 Ma. However, evidence for the exact age and P‐T conditions of this event was almost completely removed by granulite‐facies metamorphism during the Sleafordian Orogeny, which peaked around ca 2447 Ma. Cooling to 350°C occurred before 2060 Ma. It is possible that the Christie Domain was then subject to further sedimentation and volcanism in the period ca 2000–1800 Ma before reburial and a second period of orogeny around ca 1710–1615 Ma. During this second orogeny, the eastern Christie Domain experienced heterogeneous fluid‐induced retrograde metamorphism at lower greenschist‐ to amphibolite‐facies conditions, with metamorphic grade varying between structural blocks. At this time, the Challenger deposit was subject to greenschist‐facies conditions (not significantly hotter than 350°C), while at Mt Christie (50 km to the south) lower amphibolite‐facies conditions prevailed and to the west the Ifould Block experienced extensive plutonism. A third very low‐temperature thermal pulse around ca 1531 Ma, which reached ~ 150–200°C, is recorded at the Challenger deposit. It is likely that the global Grenvillian Orogeny (1300–1000 Ma) was a major period of domain exhumation and juxtaposition.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Sr and Nd isotopic composition in different granitoids of the Verkhisetsk, Shartash, Krasnopolsk, Petrokamensk, and Shabry massifs, which were successively formed in the island arc, continental marginal, and collisional geodynamic settings during the period from the Middle Devonian to the early Permian, revealed that 87Sr/86Sr0 values in them vary from 0.70331 to 0.70431 and εNd(t), from +1.9 to +6.2. The two-stage model Nd age of granitoids (938–629 Ma) indicates that their magma originates from material at least Neoproterozoic in age, not younger. The observed variations in the Nd model ages of granitoids and 87Sr/86Sr0 values provide grounds for assuming the primary heterogeneity of the source of granitoid melts.  相似文献   

Biotite from granite and gneiss in the southwestern part of the Yilgarn Craton near Perth has been dated by the Rb‐Sr technique at about 430–500 Ma in a belt at the western edge of the craton. The belt widens southward from 30 km near Perth to 55 km east of Harvey. The eastern boundary of the belt passes along the east margin of the Saddleback greenstone belt. A transition zone 15–40 km wide separates the belt of young dates from an eastern chronological plateau where biotite dates, mainly 2300–2600 Ma, are marginally younger than regional Rb‐Sr whole rock dates which average about 2550 Ma. In contrast to biotite dates, whole rock dates greater than 2500 Ma persist to the western edge of the craton. The 430–500 Ma dates probably represent resetting during uplift in the Early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

Several gateways connected the Mediterranean with the Atlantic during the late Miocene but the timing of closure and therefore their role prior to and during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.97–5.33 Ma) is still under debate. The timing of closure of the Guadalhorce Corridor is especially disputed as the common lack of marine microfossils hampers precise age determination. Here we present new biostratigraphic age constraints on the sediments of the Ronda, Antequera and Arcos regions, which formed the northern part of the Guadalhorce Corridor. The general presence of Globorotalia menardii 4 in the youngest deep‐marine sediments of all three regions indicates a late Tortonian age, older than 7.51 Ma. We conclude that the Guadalhorce Corridor closed during the late Tortonian, well before the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis and that the late Tortonian tectonic uplift of the eastern Betics extended into the western Betics.  相似文献   

Santunying is an important area for revealing nature of the late Neoarchean tectono-magmato-thermal events in the eastern Hebei part of the North China Craton. It is mainly composed of meta-intrusive rocks. Supracrustal rocks sporadically occur in the meta-intrusive rocks. The meta-intrusive rocks are subdivided into the Santunying tonalitic gneiss, Qiuhuayu tonalitic-trondhjemitic gneiss, Xiaoguanzhuang dioritic gneiss and Qingyangshu meta-gabbro. Respectively, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating on fourteen samples yielded weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2525–2537, 2532–2546, 2530–2544 and ∼2531 Ma for magmatic zircons from them. Dioritic gneiss of the Xiaoguanzhuang gneiss contain abundant 2544–3487 Ma xenocrystic zircons. SHRIMP U–Pb dating on a garnet-biotite gneiss sample yielded a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2537 Ma for detrital zircons. All rocks underwent strong metamorphism, deformation and anatexis, resulting in formation of leucosomes and residues, with some leucosomes concentrating to form large veins. They record a strong late Neoarchean event by metamorphic zircon ages of 2489–2519 Ma. Some rocks also record metamorphic zircon ages of 1772–1843 Ma. Magmatic zircons from the magmatic rocks show large variations in εHf(t) values ranging from −1.7 to +8.7. Combined with early studies, conclusions are: 1) Intrusive rocks with the involvement of mantle-derived materials have a narrow range of magmatic zircon ages from 2525 to 2546 Ma, and supracrustal rocks were formed during the same period. 2) Ancient crustal remnants (>2600 Ma) are present, consistent with the late Neoarchean arc magmatism involving older continental crust, similar to Phanerozoic Andean margins. 3) The Archean basement underwent a strong tectonothermal event at the end of the Neoarchean, with the metamorphic zircon ages being 10–30 million years younger than the timing of magmatism, a common feature of the North China Craton. 4) A late Paleoproterozoic tectonothermal event widely occurred in the western part of eastern Hebei, which is linked with regional ductile deformation.  相似文献   

The Zhifang Mo deposit is located in the northeastern Qinling Orogen along the southern margin of the North China Craton. The deposit represents a quartz-vein system hosted in the Mesoproterozoic Xiong'er Group volcanic rocks. We identify three hydrothermal stages (early, middle and late), characterized by veinlets of quartz–pyrite, quartz–molybdenite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–galena–sphalerite, and quartz–carbonate assemblages, respectively. Five molybdenite samples from the Zhifang deposit yield Re–Os ages ranging from 241.2 ± 1.6 Ma to 247.4 ± 2.5 Ma, with an isochron age of 246.0 ± 5.2 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 7.4), and a weighted mean age of 243.8 ± 2.8 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 5.5). The Re–Os age shows that the Mo mineralization occurred during the Indosinian Orogeny, and suggests that the mineralization is unrelated to the Yanshanian magmatism or the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic volcanic–hydrothermal event.This study also reports a new Sr–Nd–Pb isotope dataset from ore sulfides in an attempt to constrain the source of the ore-forming fluids. Ten sulfide samples from middle stage of the Zhifang Mo deposit yield ISr(t) ratios of 0.710286–0.711943, with an average of 0.711004; εNd(t) values between − 19.5 and − 14.8, with an average of − 16.7; and (206Pb/204Pb)i, (207Pb/204Pb)i and (208Pb/204Pb)i ratios of 17.126–17.535, 15.374–15.466 and 37.485–37.848, with averages of 17.380, 15.410 and 37.631, respectively. One pyrite from the early stage yield ISr(t) of 0.722711–0.722855, with an average of 0.722783, which is higher than those of the middle stage sulfides and suggests equilibration with wallrocks. The εNd(t) values are in the range of − 17.3 to − 16.6 with a mean at − 17.0; and (206Pb/204Pb)i, (207Pb/204Pb)i and (208Pb/204Pb)i ratios are 17.386, 15.405 and 37.622, respectively. The ore sulfides show higher Pb-isotope ratios, higher εNd(t) and lower ISr(t) values than the host rocks. The results suggest that the ore-forming fluids had lower ISr(t), and higher εNd(t) values than the ore sulfides, and were possibly sourced from the Dengfeng Complex. The southward subduction of the North China Craton beneath the Huaxiong Block during the Triassic was possibly responsible for the formation of the Waifangshan orogenic Mo system.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Pb–Zn deposits of Jalta district (northern Tunisia) as open space fillings and cements and breccia in the contact zones between Triassic dolostones and Miocene conglomerates along or near major faults provides evidence of the relationship between the mineralization and tectonic processes. Pb isotopes in galena from the deposits yielded average 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.821, 15.676 and 38.837, respectively, implying a well-mixed multi-source upper crustal reservoir of metals. Magmatism and compressional tectonism during the Alpine orogeny favored Pb–Zn mineralization in the Jalta district. The enrichment in Pb, Zn, Cd and Co of the Triassic carbonates and enrichments in Pb, Zn and Cd in Triassic clayey shales is associated with hydrothermal alteration around faults. Alunite in the deposit has δ34S values (−2.5 to −1.5‰ VCDT), which could have been formed at and above the water table in a kind of steam-heated environment, where fluids containing H2S mixed with fluids containing K and Al. The H2S could have been produced by TSR of sulfates at high temperature at depth and then leaked upward through deep-seated faults, whereas the K and Al could have been acid-leached from Miocene volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

The activity of the Damavand volcano (Central Alborz, northern Iran) began 1.8 Ma ago and continued up to 7 ka BP. Although the volcanic suite is clearly of shoshonitic affinity, only two petrographic types can be distinguished in the studied lavas: (1) weakly differentiated absarokites (49 < %SiO2 < 51), scattered around the volcano but with a regional extension, (2) highly differentiated banakites (59 < %SiO2 < 63), which form the bulk of the 4,000 m thick volcanic pile. All lavas are alkalic (3.7 < %K2O < 5), REE and LILE-rich (e.g., 85 < La < 148 ppm; 9 < Th < 32 ppm) and show highly fractionated REE patterns (69 < La/Yb < 115) and pronounced Nb–Ta negative anomalies. The absarokites are characterised by Sr (0.7045–0.7046) and Nd (0.51266–0.51269) isotope compositions close to the Bulk Earth values, and distinct from those of the banakites (0.7047 < 87Sr/86Sr < 0.7049, 0.51258 < 143Nd/144Nd < 0.51262). The Pb isotope ratios are also slightly lower in the absarokites than in the banakites (18.71 < 206Pb/204Pb < 18.77, 15.62 < 207Pb/204Pb < 15.63, 38.85 < 208Pb/204Pb < 38.91, and 18.77 < 206Pb/204Pb < 18.84, 15.62 < 207Pb/204Pb < 15.64, 38.94 < 208Pb/204Pb < 39.06, respectively). Overall, there is a clear tendency towards higher Sr, Pb and lower Nd isotope ratios with increasing degree of differentiation. This study suggests that the absarokites result from a low degree of partial melting (∼5%) of a highly metasomatized mantle source, which inherited its characteristics from an old subduction setting. The initiation of volcanic activity 1.8 Ma ago results from variations in the lithospheric thermal regime, probably related to lithospheric delamination as proposed for Anatolia (Pearce et al. 1990). The banakites are mainly generated by extensive fractional crystallisation (∼70%) of the absarokitic magma, with a limited amount (a few percents) of assimilation of an old crustal component, in the form of bulk assimilation or AFC processes, which both can explain the Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data.  相似文献   

The Anna's Rust Sheet (ARS) and a suite of mineralogically and chemically related intrusions in the core and collar of the Vredefort Dome (in particular, the Vredefort Mafic Complex: VMC) represent a newly recognised type of high Ti gabbro in this central part of the Kaapvaal Craton. This lithology, referred to as the Vredefort Type IV mafic intrusion, is distinguished from chemically similar Type V intrusions (the Karoo dolerites) by the presence of glomeroporphyritic plagioclase and higher Th content and from Type III intrusions (≈ 1600 Ma gabbro) by the lack of cross-cutting pseudotachylitic breccia veinlets. Petrographic features and both major and trace element compositions of all Type IV intrusions are very similar. Based on its Rb-Sr isotope age and character, a gabbroic intrusion from Majuba Colliery (Mpumalanga Province) is also thought to belong to the ARS (Type IV) suite of tholeiitic intrusions. Rb-Sr isotopic analysis resulted in a preferred age of 1052±11 Ma (2ω) for biotite and plagioclase data for ARS, VMC and Majuba samples. The Rb-Sr age for the ARS is further supported by 40Ar-39Ar stepheating ages for plagioclase and pyroxene separates from two ARS and VMC samples, which favour formation of this gabbroic intrusion at ca 1000 Ma ago. These results suggest that an ≈ 120 m thick sheet intrusion may be present throughout a major part of the Vredefort Dome. While Kibaran-age (ca 1–1.2 Ga) alkaline, both mafic and felsic, magmatism, as well as tectonic and hydrothermal activity at that time, have been known in the central Kaapvaal Craton, a widespread tholeiitic magmatic component has now been added to this record. There is a strong likelihood that this magmatic event occurred throughout the southern African subcontinent and perhaps into Antarctica.  相似文献   

During convergence of Gondwana-derived microplates and Laurussia in the Palaeozoic, subduction of oceanic and continental crusts and their sedimentary cover introduced material of regionally contrasting chemical and isotopic compositions into the mantle. This slab material metasomatised the local mantle, producing a highly heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath the European Variscides. The eastern termination of the European Variscides (Moldanubian and Saxo-Thuringian zones of Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland) is unusual in that the mantle was modified by material from several subduction zones within a small area. Orogenic lamproites sampled this lithospheric mantle, which has a chemical signature reflecting extreme depletion (low CaO and Al2O3 contents and high Mg-number) followed by strong metasomatic enrichment, giving rise to crust-like trace element patterns, variable radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr(330) (0.7062–0.7127) and non-radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(330) =  2.8 to − 7.8), crustal Pb isotopic compositions, and a wide range of δ7Li values (− 5.1 to + 5.1). This metasomatic signature is variably expressed in the lamproites, depending on the extent of melting and the nature of the source of the metasomatic component. Preferential melting of the metasomatically enriched (veined) lithospheric mantle with K-rich amphibole resulted in lamproitic melts with very negative, crust-like δ7Li values, which correlate positively with peralkalinity, HFSE contents and lower εNd. Both the higher degree of melting and progressive consumption of the metasomatic component reduce the chemical and isotopic imprints of the metasomatic end member. The very positive δ7Li values of some lamproites indicate that the source of these lamproites may have been modified by subducted oceanic lithosphere. Fresh olivine from the Brloh (Moldanubian) lamproitic dyke shows very high Fo (up to 94%) and very high Li contents (up to 25 ppm), demonstrating that the extremely depleted and later enriched lithospheric mantle may have contributed significantly to the Li budget of the lamproites. The regional distribution of lamproites with contrasting chemical and isotopic fingerprints mimics the distribution of the different Variscan subduction zones.  相似文献   

The Tianqiao Pb–Zn deposit in the western Yangtze Block, southwest China, is part of the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou (SYG) Pb–Zn metallogenic province. Ore bodies are hosted in Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks, structurally controlled by a thrust fault and anticline, and carried about 0.38 million tons Pb and Zn metals grading > 15% Pb + Zn. Both massive and disseminated Pb–Zn ores occur either as veinlets or disseminations in dolomitic rocks. They are composed of ore minerals, pyrite, sphalerite and galena, and gangue minerals, calcite and dolomite. δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from + 8.4 to + 14.4‰ and display a decreasing trend from pyrite, sphalerite to galena (δ34Spyrite > δ34Ssphalerite > δ34Sgalena). We interpret that reduced sulfur derived from sedimentary sulfate (gypsum and barite) of the host Devonian to Carboniferous carbonate rocks by thermal–chemical sulfate reduction (TSR). δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of hydrothermal calcite range from –5.3 to –3.4‰ and + 14.9 to + 19.6‰, respectively, and fall in the field between mantle and marine carbonate rocks. They display a negative correlation, suggesting that CO2 in the hydrothermal fluid was a mixture origin of mantle, marine carbonate rocks and sedimentary organic matter. Sulfide minerals have homogeneous and low radiogenic Pb isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.378 to 18.601, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.519 to 15.811 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.666 to 39.571) that are plotted in the upper crust Pb evolution curve and overlap with that of Devonian to Carboniferous carbonate rocks and Proterozoic basement rocks in the SYG province. Pb isotope compositions suggest derivation of Pb metal from mixed sources. Sulfide minerals have 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7125 to 0.7167, higher than Sinian to Permian sedimentary rocks and Permian Emeishan flood basalts, but lower than basement rocks. Again, Sr isotope compositions are supportive of a mixture origin of Sr. They have an Rb–Sr isotopic age of 191.9 ± 6.9Ma, possibly reflecting the timing of Pb–Zn mineralization. C–O–S–Pb–Sr isotope compositions of the Tianqiao Pb–Zn deposit indicate a mixed origin of ore-forming fluids, which have Pb–Sr isotope homogenized before the mineralization. The Permian flood basalts acted as an impermeable layer for the Pb–Zn mineralization hosted in the Devonian–Carboniferous carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

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