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Electromagnetic radiation anomalies before moderate and strong earthquakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electromagneticradiationanomaliesbeforemoderateandstrongearthquakes关华平,刘桂萍Hua-PingGUANandGui-PingLIU(CenterforAnalysisandPred...  相似文献   

利用电偶极子辐射场的矢势导出了阵列偶极子在导电媒质中辐射场的一般形式,所给出的公式不仅适用于近区、感应区,而且还适用于远区.对阵列偶极子辐射场的相干特性进行了详细的讨论,由所得结果可知,对层状地层通过选择适当的方位可使接收到的电磁信号达到极大,极大值的大小与偶极源的个数成正比.本文的研究对解决地层中电磁信号衰减严重问题提供了一种可能的解决办法.  相似文献   

电磁测深方法研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为能够实施电磁测深新方法的基本原理,并为研制探测仪器提供一些依据,分析和讨论了源信号为尖脉冲时,入射波与地层反射波通过二阶带通滤波器的输出波形;利用反射波与入射波前沿瞬态叠加的波形,反演地层的电导率和厚度的方法及与探测仪器有关的主要问题等内容. 结果表明,反演仍能给出惟一解,并具有可实践性.  相似文献   

煤矿采掘过程中煤岩体电磁辐射特征及应用   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
运用研制的KBD5矿用本安型电磁辐射监测仪测试了煤矿采掘过程中工作面煤岩体的电磁辐射,分析了电磁信号与采掘工艺及煤岩动力灾害危险性等的关系。研究表明,煤矿采掘过程伴随产生电磁辐射,电磁辐射是煤岩体受到采动影响后应力重新分布或变形破裂趋向新平衡的结果;有煤与瓦斯突出和冲击地压危险时,有明显的电磁异常前兆;采取防治措施后,电磁辐射显著下降。电磁辐射技术在煤矿可以用于预测煤与瓦斯突出、冲击地压等煤岩动力灾害。  相似文献   

在城市中进行地球物理勘探,传统的勘探方法是很难做到的,它受到强电磁、地下管线、管道等诸多方面的干扰.无线电频率电磁波法是利用无线电波频率信号进行勘探的一种地球物理勘探新方法,它通过不接地电极和磁道探头接收高频无线电波信号,有效的压制城市中复杂交错的人文电磁干扰,利用相应软件,经过OCCAM算法实现矢量、标量计算,可以得...  相似文献   

AVO属性分析方法的改进及其在煤系地层中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在进行AVO属性分析时,直接应用梯度和截距属性做交会图,往往无法将异常与背景趋势有效的分离开.特别在煤系发育的地层中,由于其顶、底界面通常为良好的波阻抗界面,会形成较强的反射波,从而掩盖周围地层的异常信息.基于以上原因,煤系地层中异常信息的分类提取,尤其是煤层气的识别方法一直备受关注.本文对一项AVO截距斜率交会图技术进行了改进,并深入分析了此方法在煤系地层中的应用.最终本文给出了所选区块不同类型异常的分类方法,并进行了实际验证,结果表明该方法用于异常反演有很好的效果.  相似文献   

频率域线源大地电磁法有限元正演模拟   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:16  
本文介绍了频率域线源大地电磁法有限元正演模拟的研究结果. 在外边界上统一应用适合于人工源的一阶吸收边界条件来形成边值问题,可减小基于平面波假设造成的人为截断边界的影响. 程序编辑中设计了两个二维数组分别存储总体系数矩阵的非零元素和在总体结点编号中的位置,使内存占用量减少,且物理意义明确,方便用高斯-赛德尔等迭代法解有限元方程时调用. 采用视δ函数模拟线源,提高了解方程组的稳定性. 最后通过对1个简单模型和1个复杂模型的模拟,证明所用的方法对异常体能够有明显的反映,说明了该方法的可靠性和有效性.  相似文献   

欧洋  高文利  李洋  王宇航 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3843-3853



瞬变电磁测深中数据处理偏差及修正方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
瞬变电磁测深方法中通常采用阶跃波激励方式的模型进行处理,但在实际应用中,为了便于重复观测,一般采用方波形式进行激励,而依然采用阶跃波模型进行数据处理和解释.这种处理方式理论上是存在比较大的偏差.为了修正这种偏差,本文通过理论计算,建议采用单脉冲电磁测深方法来处理方波激励源的电磁测深结果.通过实例分析,得知该方法可行.  相似文献   

Summary Latest measurements of terrestrial heat flow in the Hungarian and Russian parts of the Carpathian basin confirm previously measured high flow values between 2.0–3.3 cal/cm2 sec. Recent measurement in the Permian anticline structure of the Mecseck. Mts. in Hungary gave 2.4 cal/cm2sec, whereas in the Russian part of the basin, near to the Hungarian border 2.6 cal/cm2 sec was measured in Miocene sediments. For more than 100000 km2 surface of the Carpathian basin covered by Hungary and parts of Slovakia and Russian the high heat flow is an established fact.  相似文献   

A non-contact mine pressure evaluation method by electromagnetic radiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An electromagnetic radiation evaluation method for the relative stress state of coal bed under stress was proposed in this paper. The stress distribution of mine roadway or working face, as well as high stress zone or stress gradient zone, was analyzed by the method. The main advantages of the technique are its characteristics of non-contact, orientability, and regional monitoring. Correlation analysis of electromagnetic radiation with relative stress was carried out in coal mines and tunnels. The results indicate that the electromagnetic radiation technology has a wide application prospect in the evaluation of mine pressure.  相似文献   

Summary Utilising two years data collected at two tropical coastal stations, Madras (13°04N, 80°15E) and Waltair (17°42N, 83°18E) and for one tropical continental station, Nagpur (21°09N, 79°07E), the authors have re-evaluated the constants ofBrunt's regression equation. Analyses of the observations for Waltair and Nagpur show good correlation coefficients (r) between the values of the effective emissivity of the atmosphere (the effective emissivity is the ratio of incoming long-wave sky radiation at the surfaceR s , to black body radiation T 4) and the square root values of surface vapour pressuree (mb). The value ofr for Waltair from radiometer observations is 0.98. It is also determined for Waltair and Nagpur from Ångström compensation pyrgeometer observations as 0.83 and 0.91 respectively. A low correlation co-efficient 0.56 is obtained for Madras. It might be due to higher surface vapour pressure values at Madras than at Waltair and Nagpur. The applicability of the reduced regression equations are examined for different years for the different stations. The agreement between the computed values with the new regression equations and the observed long-wave sky radiation at the surface seems to be quite good.  相似文献   

The main character of melange strata in an orogenic belt is the integration of mixed materials due to the superposition, displacement or loss of various tectonic slices (blocks) of different origins and environments, different scales, different grades of deformation and metamorphism, and different stages of tectonic evolution. The approach to non-Smith strata in an orogenic belt is to focus on the understanding of the age, facies, tectonic setting of the original formation and the process of deformation-metamorphism of each tectonic slice, reconstruct the history of dispersal and integration of these tectonic slices in time and space, i.e. 4-dimensional. This paper studies the age and facies of the original formation of tectonic slices in the A’nyêmaqên melange belt based on new data of radiolarians, sporo-pollen and trace fossils, and cast new lights on the research of the evolution process of that belt.  相似文献   

位移保护下力-控制拟动力试验方法的原理   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文提出了大刚度多自由度钢筋混凝土结构和砌体结构的拟动力试验技术新方法,即以力控制方式为基础的力-位移混合控制方法。这种新方法能实现大刚度多自由度钢筋混凝土结构和砌体结构的拟动力试验。  相似文献   

结构振动的模糊状态控制法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种模糊状态控制法,将结构的状态(即反应)进行模糊化,按照某种经验法则对结构反应进行控制。使用这种方法使得振动控制计算简便、控制直接和控制效果显著。  相似文献   

地震叠前反演,要求做到保持地震振幅的相对变化关系,因此在处理过程中的质量监控就变得尤为关键.我们主要方法是选取若干关键处理步骤作为质量监控的控制点,由点到线,到面对每一个控制点进行质量监控,保证每一个处理步骤能够最大限度地保持振幅的相对变化关系.经过实际应用见到初步效果,今后考虑处理解释一体化的方法来定量反应处理步骤对...  相似文献   

地震电磁辐射观测对短临预报非常有意义,讨论了以计算机为核心的数字化观测系统的可行性与必要性,并给出了实际观测系统的设计方法。数字化系统具有观测灵敏度高,便于观测信号的实时分析识别,便于应用算法提取短临预报的有用信息和便于观测台网间数据交流与处理等优点,基于对观测信号的时域,频域分析的比较,给出干扰信号与异常电磁辐射信号的判别方法。  相似文献   

Electromagnetic methods in applied geophysics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Applied electromagnetic research in recent years has been influenced by the growing importance of geothermal energy, coal, and permafrost, in addition to the traditional area of minerals. The interest in near-insulators such as coal and ice encouraged development of radars and other VHF-UHF techniques. Interpreting such measurements required reliable physical properties data for those materials over a frequency range of 6–10 decades. The utility of the high frequency field data has been improved through the use of transient techniques for data acquisition, and data processing schemes similar to those used in reflection seismology. The major developments in the more usual frequency range of applied geophysics (30 Hz—3 kHz) have also dealt with transients. In certain circumstances they appear to have a fundamental sensitivity not readily obtained by discrete frequency methods. Computer modelling of 3-D problems is progressing slowly. Improved 2-D inversion programs are in use, but their capabilities are very limited. Superconductivity plays a role in several new instrument developments. SQUIDs, and SQUID gradiometers have improved considerably since the last Workshop. Robust SQUID magnetometers having noise levels of \(10^{ - 5} - 10^{ - 6} nT/\surd Hz\) can now be obtained commercially. Gradiometer sensitivities have improved accordingly. A superconducting loop 3 metres in diameter, to be test flown early in 1979, is the prototype of a new low frequency system to map conductivity from a helicopter. It is expected to have greater depth penetration in conductive terranes than the best existing systems, because of the low frequency and anticipated low system noise. A new magnetotelluric procedure, using a remote field reference, reduced the scatter in apparent resistivities and other response functions to a few percent. Further improvements must now be made in modelling and interpreting MT results if we are to benefit from this development.  相似文献   

Berktold  A. 《Surveys in Geophysics》1983,6(1-2):173-200
Surveys in Geophysics - During the past 25 yr, nearly all available electromagnetic and geoelectric techniques have been tested for their usefulness in geothermal exploration and exploitation....  相似文献   

The results of electromagnetic researches at sea and in the oceans are considered. Those in the U.S.S.R. are given particular attention.  相似文献   

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