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An analysis of the 234Th method for determining the export flux of particulate organic carbon (PPOC) from the upper ocean using in situ pumps or water bottles shows that the accuracy of the method (the ratio of the experimental value of PPOC divided by the true POC flux, FPOC), defined as the p-ratio, is equal to the mean settling velocity of particulate 234Th divided by that of POC. Therefore, PPOC is equivalent to the true POC flux (FPOC) and the p-ratio is equal to unity if, and only if, POC and particulate 234Th have the same mean sinking velocities. A simple particle settling model is discussed that invokes Stokes’ Law settling velocities, volume:surface area (V:SA) fractionation of C:234Th and two assemblages of particles having different sizes and densities. The model is used to illustrate the ranges of parameter values that conform to values of the p-ratio sufficiently close to unity that the experimentally determined POC flux can be considered to be an accurate representation of the true POC flux.Despite the over-simplification of real systems implicit in the model, the results suggest that p-ratios<1, equivalent to an under-estimate of the POC flux, are representative of single particle settling regimes in which the larger particles dominate the vertical flux. This follows from the assumption that the ratio of C/234Th on particles is governed by the volume to surface area (V:SA) ratio of the particles. This results in a greater proportion of 234Th compared to C being associated with the smaller, more slowly settling particles and, as a result, normalization of the POC flux to the 234Th flux provides an under-estimate of the former quantity. However, when the smaller particle assemblage dominates the vertical flux, as could occur in open ocean regimes having high aeolian inputs of dense, rapidly settling, inorganic particles, then the p-ratio could exceed unity (p-ratio >1) resulting in an over-estimate of the POC flux using the 234Th method. High levels of flocculation associated with phytoplankton blooms in productive regions of the ocean are likely to produce p-ratios approaching unity, because flocs would tend to preserve the V:SA partitioning of the original particle size distribution and thereby minimize differences in the mean settling speeds of POC and particulate 234Th (Waite, A.W., Hill, P.S., 2006. Flocculation, phytoplankton and the accuracy of 234Th-based estimates of the vertical flux of particulate organic carbon in the sea. Marine Chemistry in press). Selective sampling of the large particle fraction using, for example, 53-μm screens can produce a more accurate estimate of the true POC flux, but may not entirely shift the p-ratio to a value of unity.  相似文献   

234 Th was utilized as a tracer of particulate organic carbon (POC) export in the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) on the basis of the data collected at four stations during a spring cruise.Depth profiles of dissolved and particulate 234 Th activities were measured in the upper 60 m,showing a significant deficit relative to 238 U over the investigated stations.A stratified structure of 234 Th-238 U disequilibrium was in general observed in the upper 60 m water column,indicating that the euphotic zone of t...  相似文献   

利用234Th-238U不平衡方法研究南沙群岛海域春季真光层颗粒动力学性质,测定了4个站位水柱中颗粒态有机碳(POC)、溶解态及颗粒态234Th和238U的含量,讨论了各站位水柱中234Th/238U)A.R.的垂直分布.运用稳态箱式模型计算各站位不同水层中溶解态234Th相对于清除至颗粒物的平均停留时间和颗粒态234Th相对于迁出作用的平均停留时间.结合POC/234ThP比值,用两种方法估算出各站位的颗粒态有机碳输出通量分别为8.51-34.94和13.28-50.06mmol·(m2·d)-1.两种方法结果一致,说明234Th是表征POC循环的良好示踪剂.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of total 234Th (dissolved+particulate) were collected at Station ALOHA (22°45N, 158°00W) in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre during 9 cruises from April 1999 to March 2000. Samples were collected and processed by a new 2 L technique that enables more detailed depth resolution then previous 234Th studies. Significant zones of particle export (234Th deficiency) and particle remineralization (234Th excess) were measured both temporally and with depth. 234Th derived particulate carbon (PC) and nitrogen (PN) fluxes were determined with steady-state and non-steady-state models and PC/234Th and PN/234Th ratios measured with both in situ pumps and free-drifting particle interceptor traps deployed at 150 m. 234Th based export estimates of 4.0±2.3 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 0.53±0.19 mmol N m−2 d−1, were approximately 60% higher than those measured in PIT style sediment traps from the same time period, 2.4±0.2 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 0.32±0.08 mmol N m−2 d−1. Most of this difference is attributable to two large export events that occurred during October and December 1999, when traps undercollected for 234Th by a factor of 2 to 4. 234Th export (ThE) ratios based on 234Th derived PC flux/14C based primary production ranged from 4% to 22% (average=8.8%). Our results confirm the recent estimates of C export by Emerson et al. (Nature 389 (1997) 951) and Sonnerup et al. (Deep-Sea Research I 46 (1999) 777) and indicate that C export from the oligotrophic ocean must be considered when discussing C sequestration in global climate change.  相似文献   

234Th is widely used to quantify the magnitude of upper ocean particulate organic carbon(POC)export in oceans.In the present work,the rates of particulate organic carbon export were measured based on the distribution patterns of234Th/238U disequilibrium in the water column within the continental slope of the East China Sea(ECS)during May 2011.The profiles of particulate and dissolved234Th activities at all three stations showed a relative deficit with respect to238U in the upper 100 m of the water column.The dissolved234Th scavenging rates and the particulate234Th removal rates and their residence times were calculated by a one-dimensional steady state model.The results showed that the dissolved234Th scavenging rates and the particulate234Th removal rates ranged from 12.4–61.4 dpm/(m3·d)andfrom3.8–21.8 dpm/(m3·d),respectively.The residence times of dissolved and particulate234Th were in the range of 3.4–158 d and 63.7–96.5 d,respectively.Combined with the measurement of POC/234Th ratios of suspended particles,POC export flux(calculated by carbon)from the euphotic zone was estimated in the study region,which ranged from 4.14–14.7 mmol/(m2·d),withanaverageof8.21mmol/(m2·d),occupying35%oftheprimeproductivity in the study area.The results of this study can provide new information for better understanding the carbon biogeochemical cycle within the continental slope of the ECS.  相似文献   

对厦门湾塔角附近海域某站位叶绿素 a、POC、初级生产力、234Th/238U不平衡进行的周日变化研究表明,POC含量介于14.4~34.6 mmol/m3之间,其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳所占份额分别为74%~92%和8%~26%.POC垂直分布呈现由表及底降低的趋势,且白昼期间POC含量高于晚间,说明研究海域POC含量与生物过程具有密切联系.初级生产力水平在1d之中变化达5倍,垂直分布亦随深度增加而降低,与叶绿素a的变化相对应.短时间(2h)培养获得的初级生产力水平明显高于长时间培养(24 h)的结果,证实部分新固定的碳被优先呼吸排出.结合234Th/238U不平衡法获得的颗粒态234Th输出通量及输出界面颗粒物中的POC/PTh比值,可计算出真光层 POC的垂向输出通量为16.0mmol/(m2·d),其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳贡献的数量分别为13.3和2.7mmol/(m2·d).POC输出通量与初级生产力的比值(ThE比值)平均为0.31,真光层POC停留时间平均为11d.上述结果与Aksnes和Wassmann[1]的模型计算结果相吻合,但与其他大多数模型的结果仍存在一定的差异.  相似文献   

对厦门湾塔角附近海域某站位叶绿素 a、POC、初级生产力、234Th/238U不平衡进行的周日变化研究表明,POC含量介于14.4~34.6 mmol/m3之间,其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳所占份额分别为74%~92%和8%~26%.POC垂直分布呈现由表及底降低的趋势,且白昼期间POC含量高于晚间,说明研究海域POC含量与生物过程具有密切联系.初级生产力水平在1d之中变化达5倍,垂直分布亦随深度增加而降低,与叶绿素a的变化相对应.短时间(2h)培养获得的初级生产力水平明显高于长时间培养(24 h)的结果,证实部分新固定的碳被优先呼吸排出.结合234Th/238U不平衡法获得的颗粒态234Th输出通量及输出界面颗粒物中的POC/PTh比值,可计算出真光层 POC的垂向输出通量为16.0mmol/(m2·d),其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳贡献的数量分别为13.3和2.7mmol/(m2·d).POC输出通量与初级生产力的比值(ThE比值)平均为0.31,真光层POC停留时间平均为11d.上述结果与Aksnes和Wassmann[1]的模型计算结果相吻合,但与其他大多数模型的结果仍存在一定的差异.  相似文献   

We utilized 234Th, a naturally occurring radionuclide, to quantify the particulate organic carbon (POC) export rates in the northern South China Sea (SCS) based on data collected in July 2000 (summer), May 2001 (spring) and November 2002 (autumn). Th-234 deficit was enhanced with depth in the euphotic zone, reaching a subsurface maximum at the Chl-a maximum in most cases, as commonly observed in many oceanic regimes. Th-234 was in general in equilibrium with 238U at a depth of ∼100 m, the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this study the 234Th deficit appeared to be less significant in November than in July and May. A surface excess of 234Th relative to 238U was found in the summer over the shelf of the northern SCS, most likely due to the accumulation of suspended particles entrapped by a salinity front. Comparison of the 234Th fluxes from the upper 10 m water column between 2-D and traditional 1-D models revealed agreement within the errors of estimation, suggesting the applicability of the 1-D model to this particular shelf region. 1-D model-based 234Th fluxes were converted to POC export rates using the ratios of bottle POC to 234Th. The values ranged from 5.3 to 26.6 mmol C m−2d−1 and were slightly higher than those in the southern SCS and other oligotrophic areas. POC export overall showed larger values in spring and summer than in autumn, the seasonality of which was, however, not significant. The highest POC export rate (26.6 mmol C m−2d−1) appeared at the shelf break in spring (May), when Chl-a increased and the community structure changed from pico-phytoplankton (<2 μm) dominated to nano-phytoplankton (2–20 μm) and micro-phytoplankton (20–200 μm) dominated.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):185-196
Large-volume sampling of 234Th and drifting sediment trap deployments were conducted as part of the 2004 Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) spring (May 15–June 23) and summer (July 17–August 26) process cruises in the Chukchi Sea. Measurements of 234Th and particulate organic carbon (POC) export fluxes were obtained at five stations during the spring cruise and four stations during the summer cruise along Barrow Canyon (BC) and along a parallel shelf-to-basin transect from East Hanna Shoal (EHS) to the Canada Basin. 234Th and POC fluxes obtained with in situ pumps and drifting sediment traps agreed to within a factor of 2 for 70% of the measurements. POC export fluxes measured with in situ pumps at 50 m along BC were similar in spring and summer (average = 14.0 ± 8.0 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 16.5 ± 6.5 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively), but increased from spring to summer at the EHS transect (average = 1.9 ± 1.1 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 19.5 ± 3.3 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively). POC fluxes measured with sediment traps at 50 m along BC were also similar in both seasons (31.3 ± 9.3 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 29.1 ± 14.2 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively), but were approximately twice as high as POC fluxes measured with in situ pumps. Sediment trap POC fluxes measured along the EHS transect also increased from spring to summer (3.0 ± 1.9 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 13.0 ± 6.4 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively), and these fluxes were similar to the POC fluxes obtained with in situ pumps. Discrepancies in POC export fluxes measured using in situ pumps and sediment traps may be reasonably explained by differences in the estimated POC/234Th ratios that arise from differences between the techniques, such as time-scale of measurement and size and composition of the collected particles. Despite this variability, in situ pump and sediment trap-derived POC fluxes were only significantly different at a highly productive station in BC during the spring.  相似文献   

中国第22次南极科学考察(2005年11月至2006年3月)期间,测定了南极普里兹湾海域5个站位的从表层至150 m水深的不同层位水样中溶解态和颗粒态234Th,238U的放射性比活度以及颗粒有机碳.利用234Th/238U在上层水体中的不平衡,计算了南极普里兹湾上层水体中234Th的平均停留时间和输出通量.结果显示,随着纬度的增加,上层水体中颗粒态和溶解态234Th的平均停留时间总体趋向减小,并在中纬度站位出现了最低值,分别为1~8和29~48 d,而颗粒态和溶解态234Th的输出通量则在中纬度站位出现了最大值,分别为21~38和26~39 dpm/(m3·d).运用箱型清除模式,利用两种不同的方法估算了各水柱中从真光层底部输出的POC通量,平均值分别达到104.7 mmol/(m2·d)(E法)和120.6 mmol/(m2·d)(B法),表明南极普里兹湾夏季存在很高的新生产力,它将会对该海域碳的生物泵过程产生重要作用.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2002,80(1):11-26
Profiles of particulate and dissolved 234Th (t1/2=24.1 days) in seawater and particulate 234Th collected in drifting traps were analyzed in the Barents Sea at five stations during the ALV3 cruise (from June 28 to July 12, 1999) along a transect from 78°15′N–34°09′E to 73°49′N–31°43′E. 234Th/238U disequilibrium was observed at all locations. 234Th data measured in suspended and trapped particles were used to calibrate the catchment efficiency of the sediment traps. Model-derived 234Th fluxes were similar to 234Th fluxes measured in sediment traps based on a steady-state 234Th model. This suggests that the sediment traps were not subject to large trapping efficiency problems (collection efficiency ranges from 70% to 100% for four traps). The export flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) can be calculated from the model-derived export flux of 234Th and the POC/234Th ratio. POC/234Th ratios measured in suspended and trapped particles were very different (52.0±9.9 and 5.3±2.2 μmol dpm−1, respectively). The agreement between calculated and measured POC fluxes when the POC/234Th ratio of trapped particles was used confirms that the POC/234Th ratio in trap particles is representative of sinking particles. Large discrepancies were observed between calculated and measured POC fluxes when the POC/234Th ratio of suspended particles was used. In the Barents Sea, vertical POC fluxes are higher than POC fluxes estimated in the central Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort Sea and lower than those calculated in the Northeast Water Polynya and the Chukchi Sea. We suggest that the latter fluxes may have been strongly overestimated, because they were based on high POC/234Th ratios measured on suspended particles. It seems that POC fluxes cannot be reliably derived from thorium budgets without measuring the POC/234Th ratio of sediment trap material or of large filtered particles.  相似文献   

Measurements of 234Th/238U disequilibria and particle size-fractionated (1, 10, 20, 53, 70, 100 μm) organic C and 234Th were made to constrain estimates of the export flux of particulate organic C (POC) from the surface waters of the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Aegean Seas in March–June 2004. POC exported from the surface waters (75–100 m depth) averaged 9.2 mmol m−2 d−1 in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas (2.3±0.5–14.9±3.0 mmol m−2 d−1) and 0.9 mmol m−2 d−1 in the Aegean Sea. These results are comparable to previous measurements of 234Th-derived and sediment-trap POC fluxes from the upper 200 m in the Mediterranean Sea. Depth variations in the POC/234Th ratio suggest two possible controls. First, decreasing POC/234Th ratios with depth were attributed to preferential remineralization of organic C. Second, the occurrence of maxima or minima in the POC/234Th ratio near the DCM suggests influence by phytoplankton dynamics. To assess the accuracy of these data, the empirical 234Th-method was evaluated by quantifying the extent to which the 234Th-based estimate of POC flux, PPOC, deviates from the true flux, FPOC, defined as the p-ratio (p-ratio=PPOC/FPOC=STh/SPOC, where S=particle sinking rate). Estimates of the p-ratio made using Stokes’ Law and the particle size distributions of organic C and 234Th yield values ranging from 0.93–1.45. The proximity of the p-ratio to unity implies that differences in the sinking rates of POC- and 234Th-carrying particles did not bias 234Th-normalized POC fluxes by more than a factor of two.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of total 234Th (dissolved+particulate) were collected at Station ALOHA (22°45N, 158°00W) in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre during 9 cruises from April 1999 to March 2000. Samples were collected and processed by a new 2 L technique that enables more detailed depth resolution then previous 234Th studies. Significant zones of particle export (234Th deficiency) and particle remineralization (234Th excess) were measured both temporally and with depth. 234Th derived particulate carbon (PC) and nitrogen (PN) fluxes were determined with steady-state and non-steady-state models and PC/234Th and PN/234Th ratios measured with both in situ pumps and free-drifting particle interceptor traps deployed at 150 m. 234Th based export estimates of 4.0±2.3 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 0.53±0.19 mmol N m−2 d−1, were approximately 60% higher than those measured in PIT style sediment traps from the same time period, 2.4±0.2 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 0.32±0.08 mmol N m−2 d−1. Most of this difference is attributable to two large export events that occurred during October and December 1999, when traps undercollected for 234Th by a factor of 2 to 4. 234Th export (ThE) ratios based on 234Th derived PC flux/14C based primary production ranged from 4% to 22% (average=8.8%). Our results confirm the recent estimates of C export by Emerson et al. (Nature 389 (1997) 951) and Sonnerup et al. (Deep-Sea Research I 46 (1999) 777) and indicate that C export from the oligotrophic ocean must be considered when discussing C sequestration in global climate change.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotopic composition of particulate organic matter in the ocean, δ13CPOC, shows characteristic spatial variations with high values in low latitudes and low values in high latitudes. The lowest δ13CPOC values (−32‰ to −35‰) have been reported in the Southern Ocean, whereas in arctic and subarctic regions δ13CPOC values do not drop below −27‰. This interhemispheric asymmetry is still unexplained. Global gradients in δ13CPOC are much greater than in δ13CDIC, suggesting that variations in isotopic fractionation during organic matter production are primarily responsible for the observed range in δ13CPOC. Understanding the factors that control isotope variability is a prerequisite when applying δ13CPOC to the study of marine carbon biogeochemistry. The present model study attempts to reproduce the δ13CPOC distribution pattern in the ocean. The three-dimensional (3D) Hamburg Model of the Oceanic Carbon Cycle version 3.1 (HAMOCC3.1) was combined with two different parametrizations of the biological fractionation of stable carbon isotopes. In the first parametrization, it is assumed that the isotopic fractionation between CO2 in seawater and the organic material produced by algae, P, is a function of the ambient CO2 concentration. The two parameters of this function are derived from observations and are not based on an assumption of any specific mechanism. Thus, this parametrization is purely empirical. The second parametrization is based on fractionation models for microalgae. It is supported by several laboratory experiments. Here the fractionation, P, depends on the CO2 concentration in seawater and on the (instantaneous) growth rates, μi, of the phytoplankton. In the Atlantic Ocean, where most field data are available, both parametrizations reproduce the latitudinal variability of the mean δ13CPOC distribution. The interhemispheric asymmetry of δ13CPOC can mostly be attributed to the interhemispheric asymmetry of CO2 concentration in the water. However, the strong seasonal variations of δ13CPOC as reported by several authors, can only be explained by a growth rate-dependent fractionation, which reflects variations in the cellular carbon demand.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate thorium-234, particulate organic carbon in the upper 150 m of water columns from five stations in the Prydz Bay, the Southern Ocean were determined during the 22nd Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (from November 2005 to March 2006 ). The disequilibria between thorium-234 and its parent uranium-238 in upper layer was used to derive the averaged residence time of thorium-234, which decreased along with the latitude to the south and a minimum value, 1 - 8 d for particulate thorium-234 and 29 - 48 d for dissolved thorium-234, appeared at the medium latitude station, and the export fluxes of thorium-234 were calculated too and 'a maximum value, 0. 35 -0. 63 Bq/(m^3 · d) for the particulate thorium-234 and 0. 44 -0. 65 Bq/ (m^3 ·d) for the dissolved thorium-234, appeared at the same station. The export fluxes of particulate organic carbon at different water columns were derived by two methods with irreversible scavenging model, and the averaged values were 104. 7 mmol/ ( m2 · d ) ( E method) and 120. 6 mmol/( m2·d ) ( B method ), respectively, indicating that a relatively high new production would exist in summer in the Prydz Bay where it will play a potential significant role in sequestering the absorption CO2 to deeper ocean.  相似文献   

Upper-ocean fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and biogenic silica (bSi) are calculated from four US JGOFS cruises along 170°W using a thorium-234 based approach. Both POC and bSi fluxes exhibit large variability vs. latitude during the seasonal progression of diatom dominated blooms. POC fluxes at 100 m of up to 50 mmol C m−2 d−1 are found late in the bloom, and farthest south near the Ross Sea Gyre. Biogenic Si fluxes also peak late in the bloom as high as 15 mmol Si m−2 d−1, but this flux peak occurs at a different latitude, just south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), which is centered around 60°S along this cruise track. The ratios of both POC and bSi export relative to their production rates are large, suggesting an efficient biological pump at these latitudes. The highest relative bSi/POC flux ratios at 100 m are found just south of the APF, coincident with a bSi/POC flux peak seen in 1000 m traps during this same program by Deep-Sea Research II (Honjo et al., Deep-Sea Research II 47, 3521–3548). These data suggest that efficient export at these latitudes can support the high accumulation rates of bSi found in the sediments under and south of the APF, despite the generally low biomass and productivity levels in this region.  相似文献   

The natural isotope 234Th is used in a small-scale survey of particle transport and exchange processes at the sediment–water interface in the Benguela upwelling area. Results from water and suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the uppermost and lowermost water column as well as the underlying sediment of three stations are compared. The stations are situated in different sedimentological environments at 1200–1350 m water depth at the continental slope off Namibia. Highly differing extent and particle content of the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) are determined from transmissometer data. Three models are presented, all explaining the 234Th depletion of the BNL and 234Th excess of the surface sediment that were observed. While the first model is based solely on local resuspension of surface sediment particles, the second evaluates the influence of vertical particle settling from the surface waters on the 234Th budget in the BNL. The third model explains 234Th depletion in the BNL by sedimentation of particles that were suspended in the BNL during long-range transport. Particle inventory of the BNL is highest at a depocenter of organic matter at 25.5°S, where strong deposition is presently taking place and lateral particle transport is suggested to predominate sediment accumulation. This is supported by the high settling flux of particles out of the BNL into the sediments of the depocenter, exceeding the vertical particle flux into sediment traps at intermediate depth in the same area by up to an order of magnitude. High particle residence/removal times in the BNL above the depocenter in the range of 5–9 weeks support this interpretation. Comparison with carbon mineralization rates that are known from the area reveals that, notwithstanding the large fraction of advected particles, organic carbon flux into the surface sediment is remineralized to a large extent. The deployment of a bottom water sampler served as an in situ resuspension experiment and provided the first data of 234Th activity on in situ resuspended particles. We found a mean specific activity of 86 disintegrations per minute (dpm) g−1 (39–339 dpm g−1), intermediate between the high values for suspended particles (in situ pump: 580–760 dpm g−1; CTD rosette: 870–1560 dpm g−1) and the low values measured at the sediment surface (26–37 dpm g−1). This represents essential information for the modeling of 234Th exchange processes at the sediment–water interface.  相似文献   

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