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Quantitative analysis of nannofossils and microfossils in laminated sediments recovered from the Libeccio Basin of the Bannock area and a comparison with similar laminated sediments from anoxic basins in the Black Sea and the Gulf of Mexico suggest that the laminated sediments in this eastern Mediterranean anoxic basin are the result of cyclic productivity changes. It is suggested on the basis of periodicity estimates of 80 yr that the laminae are related to changes in solar activity (Wolf-Gleissberg cycles) that influenced the Nile discharge and thus the nutrient supply in the water masses.  相似文献   

A semiquantitative X-ray diffraction study of the finer-than-2μ-size fraction of the surface sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Sea has been carried out. On the basis of the abundances and the distributional patterns of the different clay minerals six mineral assemblages are distinguished. These assemblages have distinctive sources and their dispersal reflects different agents of transport in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The Tyro and Bannock Basins, which are depressions in the eastern Mediterranean, contain hypersaline anoxic brines. These brines are of different composition: Tyro brine is primarily an early-stage halite (NaCl) brine, whereas Bannock brine includes the more soluble ions of late-stage evaporite minerals. Accordingly, the Bannock brine contains a much greater sulphate concentration than the Tyro Brine. This difference in sulphate concentration is reflected in the concentrations of ions such as Ca, Sr and Ba, which form sparingly soluble sulphate minerals.Equilibrium calculations using the Pitzer specific ion interaction model indicate that the brines in both basins are saturated with respect to gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O) and supersaturated to saturated with respect to dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). The degree of saturation with respect to dolomite is greater in the Bannock Basin than it is in the Tyro Basin. Correspondingly, recent gypsum crystals and dolomite hardgrounds have been found in the Bannock Basin but not in the Tyro Basin.The Tyro brine is homogeneous in composition, whereas the Bannock brine demonstrates a clear two-layer brine structure. At the interface of the upper and the lower brine distinct positive anomalies occur in the total alkalinity and the concentration of phosphate, and negative anomalies occur in the concentrations of Mn2+ and the rare earth elements (REE). These anomalies and the observed association of gypsum/dolomite in the sediments are all consistent with a recent precipitation of dolomite and gypsum in the Bannock Basin. The brines in both basins are also saturated with respect to barite (BaSO4).The 87Sr/86Sr and δ34S ratios of the Bannock brines are amazingly consistent but differ dramatically from the values for modern or Messinian-age seawater. The Sr concentration and Sr and S isotope ratios in the gypsum crystals indicate that most of these crystals have resulted from precipitation/recrystallization from the brine and not from seawater. The observed variations between crystals are thought to reflect the recrystallization of (sub-) outcropping Messinian gypsum with a low 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the presence of seawater or brine fluids and with different extents of diagenesis.  相似文献   

Several seamounts in the Ionian Sea, the largest unit in the eastern Mediterranean, have magnetic anomalies. The magnetization vectors of six of these seamounts have been calculated. These paleomagnetic data suggest that the Ionian Sea is composed of several crustal units which came to their present location from different directions. This implies that there has been relative motion in the past between various land masses around the Ionian Sea. The possibility that the Ionian Sea is composed of several crustal units is supported by observations of the magnetic field over the area which is of different character in the north and south. The major limitation in applying the paleomagnetic data into an evolutionary scheme is that all the seamounts in the Ionian Sea as well as its crust are undated.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》1999,153(1-4):319-335
Sediments from a boxcore in the previously anoxic brine-filled Poseidon Basin, eastern Mediterranean, have been studied and compared to sediments deposited in a `normal' eastern Mediterranean environment. The boxcore can be divided into three main sedimentary intervals based on AMS-radiocarbon ages, foraminiferal and geochemical zonations. From the base of the core upwards these are: (1) 12.3–31.2 cm, organic-rich sediments redeposited from within the brine; (2) 6.6–12.3 cm, sediment containing a `cold' foraminifera fauna redeposited from above the brine into the basin while the brine was still present; (3) 0–6.6 cm, oxic pelagic sediment accumulated since the reoxygenation of Poseidon Basin which occurred ∼1800 yrs BP. Near the base of the latter unit, a Mn-oxide peak has formed and it marks the present boundary between oxic and suboxic environments. A progressive downward oxidation front, which is usually found in `normal' sapropel S1 sediments, has never formed in Poseidon Basin sediments. This has resulted in the preservation of the relationship between organic carbon and organic-related trace elements, e.g. Se, in the organic-rich sediments of Poseidon Basin, whereas such a relationship has been obliterated in `normal' sapropel S1 sediments. On the basis of the carbonate content as well as the Sr/Ca ratio, preservation of carbonates appears to be better in the brine sapropel sediments of BC15 than it is in `normal' sapropel S1 sediments. The high opal content of BC15 shows that biogenic opal is also much better preserved. The overall lower Corg/Ba ratio in BC15 suggests a better preservation of barite relative to that of organic carbon in shallow brine sediments, but is as yet inconclusive for the organic carbon preservation potential of brine relative to `normal' unoxidised sediments.  相似文献   

Beyond the shelf break at ca. 150 m water depth, sulfate reduction is the only important process of organic matter oxidation in Black Sea sediments from the surface down to the sulfate–methane transition at 2–4 m depth. Sulfate reduction rates were measured experimentally with 35SO42−, and the rates were compared with results of two diffusion-reaction models. The results showed that, even in these non-bioirrigated sediments without sulfide reoxidation, modeling strongly underestimated the high reduction rates near the sediment surface. A hybrid modeling approach, in which experimentally measured rates in the upper sediment layers force a model that includes also the deeper layers, probably provides the most realistic estimate of sulfate reduction rates. Areal rates of sulfate reduction were 0.65–1.43 mmol SO42− m−2 d−1, highest in sediments just below the chemocline. Anaerobic methane oxidation accounted for 7–11% of the total sulfate reduction in slope and deep-sea sediments. Although this methane-driven sulfate reduction shaped the entire sulfate gradient, it was only equivalent to the sulfate reduction in the uppermost 1.5 cm of surface sediment. Methane oxidation was complete, yet the process was very sluggish with turnover times of methane within the sulfate–methane transition zone of 20 yr or more.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and gravity data show the eastern Mediterranean Sea to be evolving into several basins as a result of differential vertical movements. The Levantine Basin and deeper Herodotus Basin are separated by a buried ridge (horst? or faulted geanticline?) lying west of Eratosthenes Seamount, which in turn is the more elevated part of a northeast-trending geanticline truncated along its eastern flank by a graben. To the east, gravity trends in the Levantine Basin are parallel to the graben. These features and trends are similar to those seen on land in Egypt and the Levant and imply continuity of structure offshore. Combined with other geological and geophysical information the observations suggest that the eastern Mediterranean crust is the marginal extension of the African continental crust. Although the character of the Florence Rise and Anaximander Mountains, the northward tilting and subsidence of the Antalya and Finike Basins, and the apparent continuation of the Strabo Trench south of the Florence Rise suggest underthrusting of the Turkish plate by Africa, there may be insufficient seismicity. There is no active volcanic arc, and the trench is too poorly developed to confirm active subduction as the sole manifestation of plate convergence. Normal subduction probably ended within the past 5 m.y. with the disappearance of all oceanic crust between Turkey and Africa. Plate convergence continues with only limited underthrusting of Africa along the Cypriot Arc, but with regional deformation along zones of weakness within a wide (300 km?) band stretching from the Herodotus Basin to the east along the northern edge of the African and Arabian plates.  相似文献   

Iodate (IO3) is the predominant dissolved species of iodine in the oxygenated waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Iodide (I) is present in significant quantities (up to 65 nM) in oxygenated waters in the photic zone and near the interface above the anoxic and saline Bannock Basin. Lesser quantities of I (< 10 nM) are found throughout the rest of the oxic water column. An additional unidentified dissolved iodine species is present immediately above the anoxic interface.Total dissolved iodine (ΣI) increases dramatically across the seawater/brine interface. Part of this increase is undoubtedly the result of the dissolution of iodine-rich evaporites during formation of the brine bodies at the Tyro and Bannock Basins. The vertical distribution of ΣI and other dissolved chemical species (particularly PO43−) in the Bannock Basin brine, however, suggests an additional, present-day, diagenetic source of dissolved iodine to the brine. Based on the increase in the concentration of the most soluble major ions across the seawater/brine interface, 5–7 μM of the 11.5-μM increase in ΣI concentration must be attributed to diagenesis.  相似文献   

On the passive margin of the Nile deep-sea fan, the active Cheops mud volcano (MV; ca. 1,500 m diameter, ~20–30 m above seafloor, 3,010–3,020 m water depth) comprises a crater lake with hot (up to ca. 42 °C) methane-rich muddy brines in places overflowing down the MV flanks. During the Medeco2 cruise in fall 2007, ROV dives enabled detailed sampling of the brine fluid, bottom lake sediments at ca. 450 m lake depth, sub-surface sediments from the MV flanks, and carbonate crusts at the MV foot. Based on mineralogical, elemental and stable isotope analyses, this study aims at exploring the origin of the brine fluid and the key biogeochemical processes controlling the formation of these deep-sea authigenic carbonates. In addition to their patchy occurrence in crusts outcropping at the seafloor, authigenic carbonates occur as small concretions disseminated within sub-seafloor sediments, as well as in the bottom sediments and muddy brine of the crater lake. Aragonite and Mg-calcite dominate in the carbonate crusts and in sub-seafloor concretions at the MV foot, whereas Mg-calcite, dolomite and ankerite dominate in the muddy brine lake and in sub-seafloor concretions near the crater rim. The carbonate crusts and sub-seafloor concretions at the MV foot precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with bottom seawater temperature; their low δ13C values (–42.6 to –24.5‰) indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane was the main driver of carbonate precipitation. By contrast, carbonates from the muddy lake brine, bottom lake concretions and crater rim concretions display much higher δ13C (up to –5.2‰) and low δ18O values (down to –2.8‰); this is consistent with their formation in warm fluids of deep origin characterized by 13C-rich CO2 and, as confirmed by independent evidence, slightly higher heavy rare earth element signatures, the main driver of carbonate precipitation being methanogenesis. Moreover, the benthic activity within the seafloor sediment enhances aerobic oxidation of methane and of sulphide that promotes carbonate dissolution and gypsum precipitation. These findings imply that the coupling of carbon and sulphur microbial reactions represents the major link for the transfer of elements and for carbon isotope fractionation between fluids and authigenic minerals. A new challenge awaiting future studies in cold seep environments is to expand this work to oxidized and reduced sulphur authigenic minerals.  相似文献   

Two cores recovered in the eastern Mediterranean were analysed for major, minor and trace elements. The primary chemical composition of the sediment is different at each location, probably because the lithological sources and the relative biogenic contributions differ.

Carbonates are important for the concentration of Ca, Mg and Sr, whereas aluminosilicates determine the concentration of Si, Al, K, Li, Y and Be, and to a lesser extent that of Fe, Cr, Ti, Mg, Zn and Zr. In sapropels, organic carbon and sulphur seem to be closely related. Bromine, Mo, P, Fe, V, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni and Cr are closely associated with organic and sulphidic compounds. The concentration versus depth profile for organic carbon in two sapropels points to a rapid establishment of conditions that gave rise to sapropel formation, followed by a gradual transition back to “normal” conditions.

The primary composition is overprinted by diagenetic processes. Sulphate-reducing conditions occurred during and just after sapropel deposition. A progressive oxidation front mechanism, which became active after sapropel deposition, is responsible for additional major geochemical changes. This diagenetic phenomenon has strong implications for the chemistry of Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Zn, Cu, Cr, V, U, As and Sb.  相似文献   

The shore-zone sediments between Jeddah and Yanbu, west coast of Saudi Arabia, are composed mostly of skeletal carbonate sands. The nearshore sediments containing benthic foraminifera, algal fragments and molluscs are multimodal, the mean grain size varying between 0.76 and 2.35 ø. The beach sediments, except samples dominated by cerithid gastropods in some localities, are relatively finer than the nearshore sediments. Although the beaches to a great extent comprise sand-sized material, fine lime muds and coarse clastic gravels occur in certain areas. The dune sediments comprising mostly algal grains and ooids are very fine with 50 percent of the material in the 0.25–0.18 mm size grade. Except a general northward decrease in mean grain size, regional trends in the textural parameters of the sediments between Jeddah and Yanbu are not quite apparent. Lateral variations in the textural characteristics suggest a landward migration of the sediments in the shore zone under the influence of northerly and northwesterly winds. The carbon and oxygen (δ 13C + 4.80 to 4.84‰ PDB) (δ 13O − 0.04 to + 0.53‰ PDB) isotopic ratios of the lime muds occurring in certain shallow margins in the shore-zone, which are much higher than those of the green algae, indicate that the fine carbonates are at least in part inorganic in origin.

Like the shallow-water carbonates in tropical seas, aragonite and high Mg-calcite are the dominant carbonate minerals in the shore-zone sediments. There is a landward increase in aragonite contents caused by the landward migration of fine material from the nearshore. The dominant clay mineral in the nearshore sediments is kaolinite with subordinate swelling chlorite and little illite. Kaolinite is contributed by the coastal regions under the sub-tropical humid climate. Swelling chlorite is considered to have been formed in the nearshore by mechanical mixture of chlorite and montmorillonite derived from the metamorphic and igneous terrains of the Tertiary mountains bordering the coastal plain.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》1999,153(1-4):103-116
Diagenetic dissolution of magnetic minerals has been widely observed in organic-rich sediments from many environments. Organic-rich sediments from the eastern Mediterranean Sea (sapropels), recovered during Leg 160 of the Ocean Drilling Program, reveal a surprising catalogue of magnetic properties. Sapropels, from all sites studied across the eastern Mediterranean Sea, are strongly magnetic and the magnetization is directly proportional to the organic carbon content. The magnetization of the sapropels is dominated by a low-coercivity, probably single domain magnetic mineral (with an inverse magnetic fabric) that exhibits a clear decay in magnetic properties when exposed to air. During heating, the magnetic particles irreversibly break down between 360 and 400°C. The contrast between the magnetic properties of sapropels and surrounding sediments is marked, with remanence intensities of sapropels often being more than three orders of magnitude higher than those of underlying sediments. The contrast between the magnetic properties of sapropels and the surrounding sediments is apparently controlled by non-steady-state diagenesis: sulphate-reducing conditions dominated during sapropel deposition, while overlying sediments were deposited under oxic conditions. The mineral responsible for the magnetic properties of sapropels is most likely to have formed under sulphate-reducing conditions that existed during times of sapropel formation. Attempts to identify this mineral have been unsuccessful, but several lines of evidence point toward an unknown ferrimagnetic iron sulphide phase. The influence of diagenesis on the magnetic properties of cyclically-deposited eastern Mediterranean sedimentary sequences suggests that magnetic parameters may be a useful proxy for diagenesis in these sediments.  相似文献   

In the Russian sector of the Gdansk Basin (Baltic Sea), high organic matter influx fuels microbial processes resulting in the formation of reduced sediments with elevated methane concentrations. Investigated areas of geoacoustic anomalies (~245 km2) were found to contain three distinct geomorphologic structures (pockmarks), with a total area of ~1 km2. Methane anomalies recorded in the water above one of these pockmarks were traced as high as 10 m above the bottom. In pockmark sediments, sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) occurred at high rates of 33 and 50 µmol dm?3 day?1, respectively. Integrated over 0–180 cm sediment depths, AOM exceeded methanogenesis almost tenfold. High AOM rates resulted from methane influx from deeper sediment layers. The δ13C signature of methane carbon (?78.1 to ?71.1‰) indicates the biogenic origin of pockmark methane. In pockmark sediments, up to 70% of reduced sulfur compounds was possibly produced via AOM.  相似文献   

In the anoxic hypersaline Tyro and Bannock Basins of the eastern Mediterranean, extremely high concentrations of Co (0.015%), Cu (1.35%) and Zn (0.28%) were found in suspended matter collected at the sharp interface between seawater and the anoxic brine. The high particulate Co, Cu and Zn concentrations can be explained by the sharp increase in dissolved sulphide at these interfaces, and the resultant precipitation of metal sulphides. The particulate As, Sb and Mo concentrations also showed a sharp maximum at or close to the interface. However, the contributions of As, Sb and Mo contents in suspended matter to the total concentrations in the water column are small. Scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDAX) of suspended particulate matter from the Tyro Basin revealed spherical particles strongly enriched in Fe, Cu and Zn at the seawater-brine interface.  相似文献   

Chemical extraction techniques show that the majority of the arsenic in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments is associated with an iron phase compositionally similar to that found in deep-sea ferromanganese nodules (As/Fe ~ 11 · 10?4) and is probably of seawater origin. Some sediments also contain As associated with Fe oxides produced by continental weathering. A minority (~8%) of the arsenic is of detrital origin but is not associated with Fe or Mn oxides; it has a content (1.7 ppm) similar to the average crustal abundance. In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, near-shore sediments contain As associated with land-derived Fe oxides (As/Fe ~ 2 · 10?4), but As/Fe ratios increase to ~ 13 · 10?4 in deep-sea sediments as the contribution of seawater derived arsenic becomes dominant. Arsenic is enriched in metalliferous sediments (As/Fe ~ 20?50 · 10?4) but As/P ratios of metalliferous sediments, deep-sea ferromanganese nodules and deep-ocean water are all similar. Although a hydrothermal contribution cannot be discounted, it is likely that the arsenic is also of seawater origin, suggesting that hydrothermal iron oxyhydroxides remove As more efficiently from seawater than do iron phases (goethite) in deep-sea sediments and nodules. Arsenic accumulates in deep-sea sediments (~ 6 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at sediments (~ 120 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at rate sufficient to balance river input input (~3 · 1010 g yr?1). These estimates give an oceanic residence time for arsenic of 1–2 · 105 yr.  相似文献   

Clay minerology of sediments are useful in determining distribution,sources and dispersal routes of fine-grained sediments.In the present paper,clay minerals of surface sediments throughout the eastern part of Beibu Gulf has been investigated to reveal sources and transport of detrital finegrained sediments.Four distinct clay mineral suites were observed from cluster analysis of clay mineral compositions of the samples.From the distribution pattern of clay minerals,we conclude that kaolinte in the eastern gulf is mainly derived from South China Landmass;Smectite could not be transported mainly by surface current from north-western Hainan Island,and maybe minor portion of it from Red River;Illite is mainly transported by the currents from South China Sea.Chlorite has two sources,namely South China Sea and South China Landmass.The Zhujiang River derived sediments could not be one of the sources for the clay mineral here,because of very different composition and ratios.The distribution pattern of clay minerals in the eastern Beibu Gulf is mainly controlled by fine-grained sediment source and local currents.The Silt/Clay,Smectite/Kaolinte,and Smetite/(Chlorite+Illite) ratios could be used as indicators of fine-grained sediment dispersal in the gulf.  相似文献   

南海北部湾东部海域表层沉积物地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对南海北部湾东部海域61 个站位表层沉积物粒度和地球化学组成的相关分析和因子分析,探讨了其空间分布特征、元素相关性以及元素组合特征, 揭示了元素在区域上的分布规律和主控因素。结果表明: 绝大多数常微量元素具有相似的平面分布特征, 而MnO、Zr、CaO 和Sr 空间变异系数较大,在部分区域出现了异常高值, 表明其沉积环境受到正常陆源沉积以外其他因素的影响。元素和Al2O3的比值分布特征表明, 广西和海南岛近岸沉积物主要由陆源碎屑沉积组成, 在潮汐和近岸径流作用下,由近岸向远海输送; 而研究区西部海域沉积物主要为来自红河的物质。元素相关分析和因子分析结果表明, 研究区表层沉积物中绝大多数常微量元素主要受沉积物粒度的控制; CaO 和Sr 含量主要受生物活动活跃程度控制; Zr 含量分布主要受控于源区母岩矿物组成以及自源区的搬运距离; 而MnO 含量则受陆源、海底热液以及自生作用等多种来源共同影响。  相似文献   

Expected seasonal variations in methane concentrations and diffusive fluxes from surficial sediments into near-bottom waters were investigated in autumn 2012 and winter 2013 in the Curonian and Vistula lagoons of the Baltic Sea, expanding on earlier findings for summer 2011. Methane concentrations in bottom sediments (upper ca. 2 cm) generally ranged from ca. 1 to 1,000 μmol/dm3, and in near-bottom waters from ca. 0 to 1 μmol/l. Highest concentrations were found in the Curonian Lagoon, plausibly explained by the influence of freshwater conditions and finer-grained, organic-rich sediments. Vistula Lagoon methane concentrations and fluxes are dampened by periodic saline water inflow from the open sea, intensifying sulphate reduction. Calculated diffusive methane fluxes from the upper sediment layer (usually 0–5 cm, i.e. excluding any fluffy layer) into near-bottom waters were highest—2.48 mmol/(m2 day)—in clayey silts of the Curonian Lagoon in autumn (September) 2012, contrasting strongly with the minimum value of 0.002 mmol/(m2 day) observed there in February 2013 under ice-covered conditions. Seasonal and even weekly variations in methane dynamics can be largely explained by two main drivers, i.e. wind and temperature, operating at various spatiotemporal scales via, for example, wind wave-induced resuspension of bottom sediments, and involving regional weather patterns including autumnal low-pressure zones over the Gulf of Gdansk.  相似文献   

In order to study temporal variations of the genetic material in the continental shelf and deep-sea sediments of the extremely oligotrophic Cretan Sea, samples were collected on seasonal basis from August 1994 to September 1995, with a multiple corer, at seven stations (from 40 to 1540 m depth). Surface sediments (0–1 cm) were sub-sampled and analyzed for nucleic acid content (DNA, RNA) and bacterial density. DNA concentrations in the sediments were high (on annual average, 25.0 μg g-1) and declined with increasing water depth, ranging from 3.5 to 55.2 μg g-1. DNA concentrations displayed wide temporal changes also at bathyal depths confirming the recent view of the large variability of the deep-sea environments. Also RNA concentrations decreased with increasing water depth (range: 0.4–29.9 μg g-1). The ratio of RNA to DNA did not show a clear spatial pattern but was characterized by significant changes between sampling periods. DNA concentrations were significantly correlated with protein and phytopigment concentrations in the sediment, indicating a possible relationship with the inputs of primary organic matter from the photic layer. Bacterial densities were generally high (range: 0.9–4.6×108 cells g-1) compared to other deep-sea environments and decreased with increasing water depth. Estimates of the bacterial contribution to the sedimentary genetic material indicated that bacterial-DNA accounted, on annual average, for a small fraction of the total DNA pool (4.3%) but that bacterial-RNA represented a significant fraction of the total sedimentary RNA (26%). Bacterial contribution to nucleic acids increased, even though irregularly, with increasing depth. In deep-sea sediments, changes in RNA concentrations appear to be largely dependent upon bacterial dynamics. Estimates of the overall living contribution to the DNA pools (i.e. microbial plus meiofaunal DNA) indicated that the large majority (about 90%) of the DNA in continental and deep-sea sediments of the eastern Mediterranean was detrital. The non-living DNA pools reach extremely high concentrations up to 0.41 g DNA m-2 cm-1. Thus, especially in deep benthic habitats, characterized by low inputs of labile organic compounds, detrital DNA could represent a suitable and high quality food source or a significant reservoir of nucleic acid precursors for benthic metabolism.  相似文献   

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