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The intermediate water masses in the eastern Atlantic Ocean between 31°N and 53°N were studied by analysis of the distributions of potential temperature, salinity, dissolved nutrients and oxygen. Sub-surface salinity minima are encountered everywhere in the area. At the northern and southern boundary they are connected with the presence of Sub-Arctic Intermediate Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water, respectively, but towards the European ocean margin the sub-surface salinity minima shift to shallower density levels. The sub-surface salinity minima observed west of the Iberian Peninsula represent a water mass formed by winter convection in the Porcupine Sea Bight and the northern Bay of Biscay. These minima gain salt by diapycnal mixing with the underlying Mediterranean Sea Outflow water and with the overlying permanent thermocline. The core of Antarctic Intermediate Water appears to contribute to the formation of Mediterranean Sea Outflow Water since it becomes entrained into the overflow near Gibraltar. This entrainment gives rise to an enhanced concentration of the nutrients in the Mediterranean water in the North Atlantic. The deep salinity minimum, due to the presence of Labrador Sea Water, is restricted mainly to the Porcupine Abyssal Plain. In the Bay of Biscay this water type is strongly modified by enhanced diapycnal mixing near the continental slope. At all intermediate levels the continental slope in the Bay of Biscay seems to be a focal point for water mass modification by diapycnal mixing. Below the core of the Mediterranean Sea Outflow Water the Labrador Sea Water is also strongly modified. Its salinity is strongly enhanced by diapycnal mixing with the overlying core of Mediterranean Sea Outflow Water. An analysis of the oxygen and nutrient data indicates that the large spatial concentration differences at the level of the Labrador Sea Water are caused mainly by ageing of the water. The youngest water is observed at 52°N, and, especially in the Bay of Biscay and off south-west Portugal, the water at levels of about 1700 dbar are strongly enriched in nutrients and depleted in oxygen.  相似文献   

Particulate fluxes of trace elements (Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Ti, V and Zn) in the northeast Atlantic Ocean (three positions at latitudes from 33°N to 54°N along ∼20°W) were measured using time-series sediment traps between March 1992 and September 1994. Significant variabilities of fluxes with season and depth (1000 m to maximum of 4000 m) were observed only for ‘biogenic elements’, such as Cd, Ni, Zn or P. On the other hand, we found a distinct large-scale increase of fluxes into the deep-sea traps to the south for Al, Co, Fe, Mn and V. We attribute this latitudinal gradient to the increasing influence of the Saharan dust plume. The biogenic flux decreased towards the south. This trend was clearly visible for Cd and P only. The fluxes of other ‘nutrient-like’ elements, such as Ni or Zn, exhibited a general decrease between 53°N and 33°N. We compared our sedimentation flux data with published data from the western North Atlantic basins. For this purpose we corrected the deep-sea fluxes of Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn for their lithogenic fractions on the basis of Al, with average crustal material and granitic rocks as references. The comparison indicates that these ‘excess’ fluxes are a factor of at least 2 higher in the western basins for the selected elements. Estimated fluxes are in good agreement with reported atmospheric deposition in the two areas. The noted imbalance between the non-lithogenic atmospheric input of Mn and the determined ‘excess flux’ in the deep northeast Atlantic indicates an additional input in the form of a lateral flux of dissolved Mn(II) species and scavenging onto sinking particles. With respect to the mechanism of sedimentation, a unique behaviour is noticed for the refractory elements Co, Fe, Mn, Ti and V, which were found to correlate with the vertical transport of Al (clay). The ‘excess’ fluxes of Cu, Ni and Zn are linearly related to Corg, whereas the overall relation of Cd to P fluxes exhibits a molar Cd/P ratio of 2.0×10-4, which is close to the ratio in the dissolved fractions in the northeast Atlantic.  相似文献   

In the framework of the German contribution to the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), deep-water fluxes of particle-associated trace elements were measured in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The sinking particles were collected almost continuously from 1992 to 1996 at three time-series stations, L1 (33°N/22°W), L2 (47°N/20°W), and L3 (54°N/21°W), using sediment traps. The focus of the present study is the temporal variability of the particle-associated elemental fluxes of Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, Ti, V, and Zn at a depth of 2000 m.A clear seasonality of the fluxes that persisted for several years was documented for the southernmost station (L1) at stable oligotrophic conditions in the area of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre East (NASTE). At L2 and L3, an episodic nature of the elemental fluxes was determined. Mesoscale eddies are known to frequently cause temporal and spatial variability in the flux of biogenic components in that area. These events modified the simple seasonal pattern controlled by the annual cycle at L2, in the North Atlantic Drift Region (NADR), and at L3, which was influenced by the Atlantic Arctic province (ARCT). All stations were characterized by an additional episodic lithogenic atmospheric supply reaching the deep sea.The integrated annual fluxes during the multi-year study revealed similar flux magnitudes for lithogenic elements (Al, Co, Fe, Ti, and V) at L2 and L3 and roughly twofold fluxes at L1. Biogenic elements (Cd, P, and Zn) showed the opposite trend, i.e., two to fourfold higher values at L2 and L3 than at L1. For Mn, Ni, and Cu, the spatial differences were smaller, perhaps because of the intermediate behavior, between lithogenic and biogenic, of these elements. Similarly, among the three study sites, there were no noticeable differences in the total annual flux of Pb.The respective lithogenic fractions of the deep-sea fluxes of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, and Zn were subtracted based on the amount of Al, with the average composition of the continental crust as reference. This procedure allowed estimation of the labile trace element fraction (TEexc) of the particles, i.e., TE taken up or scavenged during particle production and sedimentation. The ratios of TEexc/P clearly demonstrated an enrichment of TE over labile P from biogenic surface material to the deep sea for Zn (factor 4–6), Mn (12–27), Ni (3–5), and Cu (9–25); an intermediate status for Co (0.5–2.2); and depletion for Cd vs. P (0.2–0.4). Surprisingly, the recycling behavior of excess Co was found to be similar to that of P. Hence, Coexc behaved like a biogenic element; this is in contrast to total Co, which is dominated by the refractory lithogenic fraction.Moreover, it is argued that these excess elemental fluxes caused a loss of the dissolved elements in upper waters, since their transport reaches the deep-sea waters at 2000 m, a depth far below of deep-winter mixing and upwelling. The annual amount of excess TE exported from surface waters was estimated to be 1.3×109 mol Zn y?1, 4.4×109 mol Mn y?1, 4.9×108 mol Ni y?1, 2.2×107 mol Cd y?1, 7.4×108 mol Cu y?1, and 2.7×107 mol Co y?1 for the whole North Atlantic Ocean. Important primary sources that could replenish these losses are the aeolian and fluvial supply processes.  相似文献   

The study of aerosols and rainwater presented here demonstrates that episodic atmospheric deposition events associated with southeasterly flow are quantitatively significant for large areas of the North Atlantic Ocean. This paper considers aluminium and manganese, with predominantly crustal sources, and lead and zinc, which are mobilised into the atmosphere primarily through anthropogenic activity. High levels of all trace metals are associated with southeasterly flow from Europe as the air passes over heavily populated and industrialised regions before reaching the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Fluxes calculated using the 1% HNO3 acid soluble metal concentration show that, although the climatological norm for this area is westerly flow, short-lived southeasterly transport events dominate the input of trace metals to this ocean region. This material may be toxic to phytoplankton or may be represent a new source of nutrients to the biological community. A significant decrease in atmospheric lead levels in polluted air is seen between June 1996 and May 1997, reflecting the decrease in use of leaded fuels in Europe. Comparing atmospheric flux values to sediment trap metal fluxes shows that the atmosphere represents the dominant source of zinc to the deep ocean, whereas an additional, non-atmospheric, manganese source this required, perhaps from mobilisation of sedimentary material from the continental shelf or long range advection of manganese rich Saharan material.  相似文献   

Observations during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the northeast Atlantic between March and May 1992 in the Biotrans region at 47°N, 20°W, are presented. During most of the observation period there was a positive heat flux into the ocean, winds were weak, and the mixed layer depth was shallow (<40 m). Phytoplankton growth conditions were favourable during this time. Phytoplankton biomass roughly doubled within the euphotic zone over the course of about 7 days during mid-April, and rapidly increased towards the end of the study until silicate was depleted. However, the stratification of the water column was transient, and the spring bloom development was repeatedly interrupted by gales. During two storms, in late March and late April, the mixed-layer depth increased to 250 and 175 m, respectively. After the storm events significant amounts of chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon and biogenic silica were found well below the euphotic zone. It is estimated that between 56% and 65% of the seasonal new production between winter and early May was exported from the euphotic zone by convective mixing, in particular, during the two storm events. Data from the NABE 47°N study during spring 1989 are re-evaluated. It is found that convective particle export was of importance during the early part of that bloom too, but negligible during the height of the bloom in May 1989. The overall impact of convective particle export during spring 1989 was equivalent to about 36% of new production. In view of these and previously published findings it is concluded that convective transport during spring is a significant process for the export of particulate matter from the euphotic zone in the temperate North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 (expressed as per mille deviations from Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, δ18O) is reported for seawater samples collected from seven full-depth CTD casts in the northern North Atlantic between 20° and 41°W, 52° and 60°N. Water masses in the study region are distinguished by their δ18O composition, as are the processes involved in their formation. The isotopically heaviest surface waters occur in the eastern region where values of δ18O and salinity (S) lie on an evaporation–precipitation line with slope of 0.6 in δ18O–S space. Surface isotopic values become progressively lighter to the west of the region due to the addition of 18O-depleted precipitation. This appears to be mainly the meteoric water outflow from the Arctic rather than local precipitation. Surface samples near the southwest of the survey area (close to the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone) show a deviation in δ18O–S space from the precipitation mixing line due to the influence of sea ice meltwater. We speculate that this is the effect of the sea ice meltwater efflux from the Labrador Sea. Subpolar Mode Water (SPMW) is modified en route to the Labrador Sea where it forms Labrador Sea Water (LSW). LSW lies to the right (saline) side of the precipitation mixing line, indicating that there is a positive net sea ice formation from its source waters. We estimate that a sea ice deficit of ≈250 km3 is incorporated annually into LSW. This ice forms further north from the Labrador Sea, but its effect is transferred to the Labrador Sea via, e.g. the East Greenland Current. East Greenland Current waters are relatively fresh due to dilution with a large amount of meteoric water, but also contain waters that have had a significant amount of sea ice formed from them. The Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW, δ18O=0.22‰) and Northwest Atlantic Bottom Waters (NWABW, δ18O=0.13‰) are isotopically distinct reflecting different formation and mixing processes. NEADW lies on the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line in δ18O–salinity space, whereas NWABW lies between NEADW and LSW on δ18O–salinity plots. The offset of NWABW relative to the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line is partially due to entrainment of LSW by the Denmark Strait overflow water during its overflow of the Denmark Strait sill. In the eastern basin, lower deep water (LDW, modified Antarctic bottom water) is identified as far north as 55°N. This LDW has δ18O of 0.13‰, making it quite distinct from NEADW. It is also warmer than NWABW, despite having a similar isotopic composition to this latter water mass.  相似文献   

At 3000 m depth the downward flux of particulate matter shows substantial seasonal and interannual variation. Complete annual records for eight of the past 14 years have been examined in the light of mixing depths derived from the OCCAM general circulation model and euphotic zone chlorophyll concentration and productivity, which were derived from the SeaWiFS satellite colour sensor. The annual flux was particularly high in 2001 due to a late summer deposition exceeding previous records several fold and this year was also characterised by very early shoaling of the mixing depth in spring and a very high surface spring chlorophyll concentration. Other years that were somewhat unusual in having either high or low flux at depth were not in general associated with unusual patterns of mixing or productivity. The percentage of the annual organic carbon primary production which reaches 3000 m varies from 0.6 to 1.2% except in 2001 when it reached 3.4%. A mechanistic relationship between upper-ocean processes and deep-ocean particle flux remains elusive and various explanations are suggested for this which need now to be addressed. In the spring, the timing of first shoaling of mixing, enhancement of productivity and increased particle flux at depth have all advanced during the 14 years of study by about 2 days per year, suggesting a similar trend as has been observed for surface phytoplankton, mesozooplankton, fish and seabirds probably caused by wide-scale environmental changes.  相似文献   

应用Argo资料分析西北太平洋冬、夏季水团   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,分析了西北太平洋海域冬、夏季的温、盐度分布、水团结构及其分布。首先采用T-S点聚图法分析了该海域水团分布的基本情况,由点聚分析结果可知,该海域至少存在6种以上水团;再用模糊聚类软化法对水团作进一步划分,分别计算了该海域6至11类水团的F和△F值,结果表明,冬、夏季的△F值都以划分为8类时为最大,这与大洋水团的稳定性是一致的,因此,该海域冬、夏季水团以划分为8类最佳,它们分别是北太平洋热带表层水、北太平洋次表层水、北太平洋中层水、北太平洋副热带模态水、北太平洋深层水和赤道表层水,以及南太平洋次表层水和南太平洋中层水。  相似文献   

A novel autonomous free-fall lander vehicle, with a capability down to 6000 m, was deployed off Cape Verde for studies on bioluminescence in the deep sea. The system was equipped with a high-sensitivity Intensified Silicon Intensified Target (ISIT) video camera, a programmable control-recording unit and an acoustic current meter with depth and temperature sensors. The ISIT lander was used in three modes: (1) free falling at 34 m min−1, with the camera looking downwards at a mesh screen, recording impacts of luminescent organisms to obtain a vertical profile down to the abyssal sea floor, sampling at >100 l s−1; (2) rotating, with the lander on the sea floor and the camera orienting to the bottom current using a servo-controlled turntable, impacts of luminescent organisms carried by the bottom current onto a mesh screen mounted 0.5 m in front of the camera were recorded to estimate abundance in the benthic boundary layer; (3) baited, with the camera focused on a bait placed on the sea floor.Profiles recorded abundance of luminescent organisms as 26.7 m−3 at 500–999 m depth, decreasing to 1.6 m−3 at 2000–2499 m and 0.5 m−3 between 2500 m and the sea floor at 4046 m, with no further detectable significant change with depth. Rotator measurements at a 0.5 m height above the sea floor gave a mean abundance of 0.47 m−3 in the benthic boundary layer at 4046 m and of 2.04 m−3 at 3200 m. Thirty five minutes after the bait was placed on the sea floor at 3200 m, bioluminescent fauna apparently arrived at the bait and produced luminescent displays at a rate of 2 min−1. Moving, flashing light sources were observed and luminescent material was released into the bottom current.  相似文献   

Redfield stoichiometry has proved a robust paradigm for the understanding of biological production and export in the ocean on a long-term and a large-scale basis. However, deviations of carbon and nitrogen uptake ratios from the Redfield ratio have been reported. A comprehensive data set including all carbon and nitrogen pools relevant to biological production in the surface ocean (DIC, DIN, DOC, DON, POC, PON) was used to calculate seasonal new production based on carbon and nitrogen uptake in summer along 20°W in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The 20°W transect between 30 and 60°N covers different trophic states and seasonal stages of the productive surface layer, including early bloom, bloom, post-bloom and non-bloom situations. The spatial pattern has elements of a seasonal progression. We also calculated exported production, i.e., that part of seasonal new production not accumulated in particulate and dissolved pools, again separately for carbon and nitrogen. The pairs of estimates of `seasonal new production’ and `exported production’ allowed us to calculate the C : N ratios of these quantities. While suspended particulate matter in the mixed layer largely conforms to Redfield stoichiometry, marked deviations were observed in carbon and nitrogen uptake and export with progressing season or nutrient depletion. The spring system was characterized by nitrogen overconsumption and the oligotrophic summer system by a marked carbon overconsumption. The C : N ratios of seasonal new as well as exported production increase from early bloom values of 5–6 to values of 10–16 in the post-bloom/oligotrophic system. The summertime accumulation of nitrogen-poor dissolved organic matter can explain only part of this shift.  相似文献   

Short-term iron enrichment experiments were carried out with samples collected in areas with different phytoplankton activity in the northern North Sea and northeast Atlantic Ocean in the summer of 1993. The research area was dominated by high numbers of pico-phytoplankton, up to 70,000 ml−1. Maximum chlorophyll a concentrations varied from about 1.0 μg l−1 in a high-reflectance zone (caused by loose coccoliths, remnants from a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi) and about 3.5 μg l−1 in a zone in which the phytoplankton were growing, to about 0.5 μg l−1 in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. From the high-reflectance zone to the northeast Atlantic Ocean, nitrate concentrations increased from 0.5 μM to 6.0 μM. Concentrations of reactive iron in surface water showed an opposite trend and decreased from about 2.6 nM in the high-reflectance zone to <1.0 nM in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. In the research area, no signs of true iron deficiency were found, but iron enrichments in the high-reflectance zone, numerically dominated by Synechococcus sp., resulted in increased nitrate uptake. Ammonium uptake was hardly affected. Strong support for the effect of Fe on cell physiology is given by the increase in the f-ratio. Net growth rates of the phytoplankton (changes in cell numbers over 24 h) were almost unchanged. Phytoplankton collected from the northeast Atlantic Ocean, did not show changes in the nitrogen metabolism upon addition of iron. Net growth rates in these incubations were low or negative, with only slightly higher values with additional iron.  相似文献   

An analysis of the water mass structure of the Atlantic Ocean central layer is conducted by applying optimum multiparameter (OMP) analysis to an expansive historical data set. This inverse method utilises hydrographic property fields to determine the spreading and mixing of water masses in the permanent thermocline. An expanded form of OMP analysis is used, incorporating Redfield ratios and pseudo-age to correct for the non-conservative behaviour of oxygen and nutrients over large oceanic areas.Three water masses are considered to contribute to the central layer of the Atlantic Ocean. One of these is formed in each hemisphere of the Atlantic Ocean and the other advects around the southern tip of Africa from its formation region in the Indian Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is analysed on a fine three-dimensional grid so that at every grid point the relative contributions of each water mass and the pseudo-age are determined.The model is remarkably successful in verifying many accepted circulation features in the Atlantic Ocean, including the large-scale circulations of the subtropical gyres, the zonal flows of equatorial currents at the equator, and a cross-equatorial flow of the water masses formed in the southern hemisphere near the western boundary. The inter-hemisphere flow is so important that almost half of the thermocline waters in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico are supplied by the two water masses formed in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This provides support for an upper-layer replacement path for the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water. Further east, the sharp front at about 15°N between North and South Atlantic Central Waters is clearly discriminated throughout the thermocline. The central waters of the South Atlantic thermocline are found to be highly stratified, with central water formed in the Indian Ocean underlying the South Atlantic Central Water. At around 5°N a strong upwelling zone is identified in which the central water formed in the Indian Ocean penetrates towards the surface. The pseudo-age results allow pathways for the flow of water masses to be inferred, and clearly identify circulation features such as the subtropical gyres, the Equatorial Undercurrent, and the shadow zones in the eastern equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Water mass renewal in these shadow zones occurs on considerably longer time scales than for the well-ventilated subtropical gyres.  相似文献   

The mean horizontal flow field of the tropical Atlantic Ocean is described between 20°N and 20°S from observations and literature results for three layers of the upper ocean, Tropical Surface Water, Central Water, and Antarctic Intermediate Water. Compared to the subtropical gyres the tropical circulation shows several zonal current and countercurrent bands of smaller meridional and vertical extent. The wind-driven Ekman layer in the upper tens of meters of the ocean masks at some places the flow structure of the Tropical Surface Water layer as is the case for the Angola Gyre in the eastern tropical South Atlantic. Although there are regions with a strong seasonal cycle of the Tropical Surface Water circulation, such as the North Equatorial Countercurrent, large regions of the tropics do not show a significant seasonal cycle. In the Central Water layer below, the eastward North and South Equatorial undercurrents appear imbedded in the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current. The Antarcic Intermediate Water layer contains several zonal current bands south of 3°N, but only weak flow exists north of 3°N. The sparse available data suggest that the Equatorial Intermediate Current as well as the Southern and Northern Intermediate Countercurrents extend zonally across the entire equatorial basin. Due to the convergence of northern and southern water masses, the western tropical Atlantic north of the equator is an important site for the mixture of water masses, but more work is needed to better understand the role of the various zonal under- and countercurrents in cross-equatorial water mass transfer.  相似文献   

A basin-wide ocean general circulation model of the Pacific Ocean was used to investigate how the interior restoration in the Okhotsk Sea and the isopycnal diffusion affect the circulation and intermediate water masses. Four numerical experiments were conducted, including a run with the same isopycnal and thickness diffusivity of 1.0×103 m2/s, a run employing the interior restoration of temperature and salinity in the Okhotsk Sea with a time scale of 3 months, a run that is the same as the first run except for the enhanced isopycnal mixing, and a final run with the combination of the restoration in the Okhotsk Sea and large isopycnal diffusivity. Simulated results show that the intermediate water masses reproduced in the first run are relatively weak. An increase in isopycnal diffusivity can improve the simulation of both Antarctic and North Pacific intermediate waters, mainly increasing the transport in the interior ocean, but inhibiting the outflow from the Okhotsk Sea. The interior restoration generates the reverse current from the observation in the Okhotsk Sea, whereas the simulation of the temperature and salinity is improved in the high latitude region of the Northern Hemisphere because of the reasonable source of the North Pacific Intermediate Water. A comparison of vertical profiles of temperature and salinity along 50°N between the simulation and observations demonstrates that the vertical mixing in the source region of intermediate water masses is very important.  相似文献   

Physical regularities of water exchange between the North Atlantic (NA) and Arctic Ocean (AO) in 1958–2009 are analyzed on the basis of numerical experiments with an eddy-permitting model of ocean circulation. Variations in the heat and salt fluxes in the Greenland Sea near the Fram Strait caused by atmospheric forcing generate baroclinic modes of ocean currents in the 0–300 m layer, which stabilize the response of the ocean to atmospheric forcing. This facilitates the conservation of water exchange between the NA and AO at a specific climatic level. A quick response of dense water outflow into the deep layers of the NA through the Denmark Strait to the variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index was revealed on the monthly scale. A response on a time scale of 39 months was also revealed. The quick response on the NAO index variation was interrupted in 1969–1978, which was related to the Great Salinity Anomaly. It was shown that transverse oscillations of the Norwegian Atlantic Current significantly influence the formation of intermediate dense waters in the Greenland and Norwegian seas (GNS). The dense water outflow by bottom current (BC) to the deep layers of the NA through the Faroe Channels with a time lag of 1 year correlates with the transversal oscillations of the Norwegian Current front. The mass transport of the BC outflow from the Faroe Channels to the NA can serve as an integral indicator of the formation and sink of new portions of dense waters formed as a result of mixing of warm saline Atlantic waters and cold freshened Arctic waters in the GNS.  相似文献   

Eighteen Degree Water (EDW) is the dominant subtropical mode water of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre and is hypothesized as an interannual reservoir of anomalous heat, nutrients and CO2. Although isolated beneath the stratified upper-ocean at the end of each winter, EDW may re-emerge in subsequent years to influence mixed layer properties and consequently air–sea interaction and primary productivity. Here we report on recent quasi-Lagrangian measurements of EDW circulation and stratification in the western subtropical gyre using an array of acoustically-tracked, isotherm-following, bobbing profiling floats programmed to track and intensively sample the vertically homogenized EDW layer and directly measure velocity on the 18.5 °C isothermal surface.The majority of the CLIVAR Mode Water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE) bobbers drifted within the subtropical gyre for 2.5–3.5 years, many exhibiting complex looping patterns indicative of an energetic eddy field. Bobber-derived Lagrangian integral time and length scales (3 days, 68 km) associated with motion on 18.5 °C were consistent with previous measurements in the Gulf Stream extension region and fall between previous estimates at the ocean surface and thermocline depth. Several bobbers provided evidence of long-lived submesoscale coherent vortices associated with substantial EDW thickness. While the relative importance of such vortices remains to be determined, our observations indicate that these features can have a profound effect on EDW distribution. EDW thickness (defined using a vertical temperature gradient criterion) exhibits seasonal changes in opposition to a layer bounded by the 17 °C and 19 °C isotherms. In particular, EDW thickness is generally greatest in winter (as a result of buoyancy-forced convection), while the 17°–19 °C layer is thickest in summer consistent with seasonal Ekman pumping. Contrary to previous hypotheses, the bobber data suggest that a substantial fraction of subducted EDW is isolated from the atmosphere for periods of less than 24 months. Seasonal-to-biennial re-emergence (principally within the recirculation region south of the Gulf Stream) appears to be a common scenario which should be considered when assessing the climatic and biogeochemical consequences of EDW.  相似文献   

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