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EISCAT radar experiments over a full solar cycle between January 1984 and March 1995 have been used to construct meridional neutral wind patterns in the ionospheric F region. For locally geomagnetically quiet periods the neutral winds have been binned according to season, solar activity, and universal time. The diurnal and seasonal behaviors and the effect of the solar flux are described. An empirical model of the meridional neutral wind for the high latitudes at eight altitudes in the ionospheric F region over a full solar cycle is presented. Results are compared with other recent empirical models.  相似文献   

The passage of a higher pressure solar wind region at the Earths orbit marked the onset of low latitude (L = 1.6) fluctuations in the frequency range (0.8–5.5 mHz) for both the horizontal geomagnetic field components. Spectral peaks mostly occur at the same frequencies as the spectral enhancements which appeared in the long term analysis of experimental measurements from the same station and were tentatively interpreted in terms of ground signatures of global magnetospheric modes. A comparison with simultaneous observations discussed by previous investigations allows us to conclude that the same set of frequencies is enhanced in a wide portion of the Earths magneto-sphere.  相似文献   

Measurements of the electron density at 600 km altitude (N600) were obtained with the Hinotori satellite launched by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan. These measurements were used to check the validity of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model in predicting the electron density at that altitude in the South American peak of the equatorial anomaly. The measurements correspond to the longitude zone from 285 to 369° and −15° geomagnetic latitude. To model the electron density at 600 km altitude, two cases were considered, namely (i) N600 was calculated with the IRI model at 10° intervals within the corresponding longitudinal zone and mean values were obtained, and (ii) N600 was calculated with the IRI using ionosonde data as input coefficients in the model. The data used for this study were measured almost simultaneously with the total electron content data used in a previous work. The results show good predictions at hours of minimum ionisation for the equinox and the December solstice. For the June solstice, the best agreement was obtained around noon. However, strong disagreements were observed in some cases such as the equinox at 15:00 LT, suggesting that there is a need to improve the modeled topside profile.  相似文献   

A sodium resonance lidar at 589 nm has been operated in São José dos Campos, Brazil (23°S, 46°W) since 1972 mainly for studies related to the origin, chemistry and dynamics of the mesospheric sodium layer. Beginning in 1993, the improved laser capability has also enabled the processing of the Rayleigh signal from which the temperatures from 35 to 65 km are retrieved on a nightly mean basis. We used these nightly profiles to determine the monthly temperature profiles from 1993 to 2006. The mean temperature characteristics for each year and for the whole period are obtained. Seasonal thermal amplitude is small (6 K peak to peak at 40 and 60 km). Compared with the MSISE-90 model, a large difference is noted, with temperature lower than the model below the stratopause and higher above. Also the seasonal variation has a large difference with better agreement occurring around local winter, but with temperatures higher by 8–10 K at the equinoxes. The semiannual component is dominant over the annual at all altitudes. Linear trends with decreasing temperature of 1.09, 2.29 and 1.42 K/decade are observed at 40, 50 and 60 km, respectively.  相似文献   

利用COSMIC掩星2009年电子密度剖面数据,筛选数据进行网格划分,网格内数据统计平均,基于球谐函数计算模型值,分析电离层中低纬度地区最大电子密度的地磁季节变化、昼夜测分布相对变化,及地磁活动对电子密度的分布影响.结果表明,最大电子密度昼测值明显高于夜测值,在中纬度部分区域增大明显.电子密度昼测值在地磁活动期间高度150-550 km中低纬度范围为正相扰动,随纬度变化存在区域差异,随高度增加,扰动加强.  相似文献   

Wind observations made at Gadanki (13.5°N) by using Indian MST Radar for few days in September, October, December 1995 and January, 1996 have been analyzed to study gravity wave activity in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Horizontal wind variances have been computed for gravity waves of period (2–6) h from the power spectral density (PSD) spectrum. Exponential curves of the form eZ/H have been fitted by least squares technique to these variance values to obtain height variations of the irregular winds upto the height of about 15 km, where Z is the height in kilometers. The value of H, the scale height, as determined from curve fitting is found to be less than the theoretical value of scale height of neutral atmosphere in this region, implying that the waves are gaining energy during their passage in the troposphere. In other words, it indicates that the sources of gravity waves are present in the troposphere. The energy densities of gravity wave fluctuations have been computed. Polynomial fits to the observed values show that wave energy density increases in the troposphere, its source region, and then decreases in the lower stratosphere.  相似文献   

Summary The electron temperature was monitored using a radiofrequency probe situated on the board of satellite INTERCOSMOS-8 from 30th Nov. to 25th Dec., 1972. All data were obtained under quiet geomagnetic conditions Kp<2+. The processing of data enabled us to compare the behaviour of the electron temperature Te under non-stationary conditions of local sunrise and sunset for various geomagnetic latitudes. The results showed a different behaviour of the electron temperature in mid-latitudes and in the region of the magnetic equator in dependence on angle x.  相似文献   

The correlations of occurrence rate of whistlers in January during one solar cycle (1977–1987) at a low latitude station (Yamaoka, geomag. lat. 25°, L=1.26) with thunderstorm activity near its conjugate region and also with solar activity have been investigated, and it is found that the occurrence rate has no correlation with the lightning flashes near the conjugate point, while it is negatively correlated with solar activity. On the basis of these findings it is suggested that the ionospheric absorption is of major importance in the long-term variation of whistler occurrence rate, with the duct formation being of secondary effect, while the lightning activity is only a necessary condition for whistler occurrence.  相似文献   

The systematic time differences observed in the onset of postsunset VHF scintillations recorded simultaneously at Ujjain (Geogr. lat. 23.2N, Geogr. long. 75.6E) and Bhopal (Geogr. lat. 23.2N, Geogr. long. 77.6E), situated at the peak of the anomaly crest in the Indian region, have been analysed to determine the zonal drifts of scintillation-producing irregularities. The method is based on the assumption that the horizontal movement of irregularities does not change while crossing the F-region cross-over points of these stations. The calculated velocities of irregularities indicate an eastward drift decreasing from about 180 m s−1 to 55 m s−1 during the course of night. In the premidnight period, the drifts are reduced under the magnetically disturbed conditions. The average east-west extension of irregularites is found to be in the range of 200–500 km.  相似文献   

Ionospheric data observed in 30 stations located in 3 longitude sectors (East Asia/Australia Sector, Europe/Africa Sector and America/East Pacific Ocean Sector) during 1974–1986 are used to analyse the characteristics of semiannual variation in the peak electron density of F2 layer (NmF2). The results indicate that the semiannual variation of NmF2 mainly presents in daytime. In nighttime, except in the region of geomagnetic equator between the two crests of ionospheric equatorial anomaly, NmF2 has no obvious semiannual variation. In the high latitude region, only in solar maxima years and in daytime, there are obvious semiannual variations of NmF2. The amplitude distribution of the semiannual variation of daytime NmF2 with latitude has a “double-humped structure”, which is very similar to the ionospheric equatorial anomaly. There is asymmetry between the Southern and the Northern Hemispheres of the profile of the amplitude of semiannual variation of NmF2 and longitudinal difference. A new possible mechanism of semiannual variation of NmF2 is put forward in this paper. The semiannual variation of the diurnal tide in the lower thermosphere induces the semiannual variation of the amplitude of the equatorial electrojet. This causes the semiannual variation of the amplitude of ionospheric equatorial anomaly through fountain effect. This process induces the semiannual variation of the low latitude NmF2.  相似文献   

Electric fields in the low and middle latitude ionosphere result from currents driven internally by neutral winds and gravity, and externally by applied potentials. The resulting internal electric polarization fields arise from the need to make the total current divergence free. By considering the current drivers many of the attributes of the observed ion and electron drifts can be understood including the E- and F-region dynamos, the initial growth of ionospheric depletions, and effects from high latitudes. Such an exercise leads to an overall understanding of the governing principles. However, it is necessary to know all the large-scale spatial gradients in the drivers, many of which are presently unknown, in order to unravel the outstanding mysteries of the electrodynamics of the region.  相似文献   

It is convenient to use the semi-empirical model (SEM), developed by the authors earlier and describing the relation of the electron density at heights of the middle ionosphere (120–200 km) to the parameters of the thermosphere and the integral flux of the ionizing solar radiation, to estimate the gas composition characteristics using the data of ionospheric measurements [Shchepkin et al., 2008]. The ratios of the concentrations of oxygen atoms and nitrogen molecules to those of oxygen molecules and atoms at a height of 120 km are compared using two SEM versions. The first version is based on the usage of the coefficients obtained from the measurements of N(h) profiles at Moscow observatory. The electron densities at heights of 120–200 km, obtained at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in 2003–2006 using the digisonde, were the experimental data for the second version.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(12-14):1479-1486
This paper discusses the physical nature of neutral wind-induced processes. A simple “pictorial” explanation of the neutral-wind-driven gradient drift and thermal instabilities, originally suggested by Kagan and Kelley (Geophys. Res. Lett. 25 (1998) 4141; J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000) 5291), is developed for the first time. A formula for the growth rate of a neutral-wind-driven gradient drift instability applicable for an arbitrary latitude is presented. The effectiveness of the neutral wind approach to the problem of midlatitude backscatter in the ionospheric E region is discussed. The paper concludes that there are cases when one may experimentally distinguish between electric field- and neutral wind-driven processes and shows that the backscatter character is defined by either the neutral behavior or the structure of ionization clouds but not by the gradient drift process itself.  相似文献   

2015年3月磁暴期间中国中低纬地区电离层变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

2015年3月17日爆发了本太阳活动周最大的地磁暴,Dst指数达到-233 nT.本文利用电离层测高仪foF2hmF2、北斗同步卫星(BDS GEO)TEC以及GPS电离层闪烁S4指数对此次磁暴期间中国中低纬地区(北京、武汉、邵阳和三亚)的电离层变化进行分析,并对此次磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制进行了探讨.磁暴期间,中低纬电离层暴整体表现为正相暴之后长时间强的负相暴.3月17日白天中纬正相暴为风场抬升电离层所致,而驼峰区及低纬地区正相暴由东向穿透电场所引起;3月18日白天长时间的强负相暴为西向扰动发电机电场和成分扰动所引起;3月17和18日夜间的负相暴可能是日落东向电场受到抑制以及赤道向风场对扩散的抑制导致驼峰向赤道压缩所致,同时被抑制的日落东向电场强度不足以触发产生赤道扩展F,导致低纬三亚和邵阳夜间电离层闪烁在磁暴期间受到完全抑制.这是我们首次基于北斗同步卫星TEC组网观测开展的电离层暴研究.


The F2-layer peak density, NmF2, and peak altitude, hmF2, which were observed by 12 ionospheric sounders during the 20 September 1964 geomagnetically quiet time period at solar minimum are compared with those calculated by the three-dimensional time-dependent theoretical model of the Earth's low and middle latitude ionosphere and plasmasphere. The modeled NmF2 are also compared with those measured during the geomagnetically quiet time periods of 12–15, 18–21, and 26 September 1964 to take into account observed day-to-day ionospheric variability. Major features of the data are reproduced by the model if the corrected HWM90 neutral wind is used. The changes in NmF2 due to the zonal E×B plasma drift are found to be less than 20% in the daytime low latitude ionosphere. The model, which does not take into account the zonal E×B plasma drift, underestimates night-time NmF2 up to the maximum factor of 2 at low geomagnetic latitudes. The night-time increase of NmF2 caused by the zonal E×B plasma drift is less pronounced at −20° and 20° geomagnetic latitudes in comparison with that between −10° and 10° geomagnetic latitude. The longitude dependence of the calculated night-time low latitude influence of the zonal E×B plasma drift on NmF2 is explained in terms of the longitudinal asymmetry in B (the eccentric magnetic dipole is displaced from the Earth's center and the Earth's eccentric tilted magnetic dipole moment is inclined with respect to the Earth's rotational axis), and the variations of the wind induced plasma drift and the meridional E×B plasma drift in geomagnetic longitude. The difference between the hmF2 values calculated by including the effect of zonal E×B drift and that obtained when it is excluded does not exceed 19 km in the low latitude ionosphere. Over the geomagnetic equator the zonal E×B plasma drift produces the maximum increase in the electron density by a factor of 1.06–1.48 and 1.05–1.30 at 700 and 1000 km altitude, respectively, and this increase is not significant above about 1500 km. Changes in the vertical electron content, VEC, caused by the zonal E×B plasma do not exceed 16% during the day, while the value of the night-time VEC is increased up to a factor of 1.4 due to this drift. The maximum effects of the zonal E×B plasma drift on the night-time electron density derived from the model results corresponding to solar minimum and maximum are quite comparable.  相似文献   

Summary In low latitude the spatial distribution functions of the source field over the surface and the dimensions of the source, are important in any theory of electromagnetic induction developed for studying the conductivity structure of the Earth. The author has built up a mathematical structure for a theory of electromagnetic induction in anyn-layered earth model in low latitude. No simple solution is assumed for the horizontal distribution function of the source field and no assumption is made about the horizontal gradients of the source. The mathematical structure involves the concept of downward continuity of the field equations inside then-layered earth model. The resulting mathematical functions derived for anyn-layered earth model are complex. Hence a new matrix algebra of complex numbers is introduced by the author and this is built into the theory. From the upward continuity of the field equations, an inequality equation is derived in order to determine the heighth 0 at which the induction field of the earth becomes negligible compared with the source field. The comparison of such heights at two or more stations under the same influence of the source field can be used for the resolution of the lateral distribution of the earch conductivity structure at these stations. The application of the theory will follow in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

日偏食对低纬地磁场的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995年10月24日日偏食期间,我们在海南省琼中进行了地磁场总强度的观测和分析,同时运用该地磁台三分量磁照图,分析了地磁D场D、H、Z三分量在日偏食期间的变化特征。结果表明:日偏食期间,磁偏角初亏后逐渐偏东,食甚后偏西;水平强度和总强度初亏后逐渐变小,食甚后上升;垂直强度初亏后逐渐变大,食甚后约1个小时变小。  相似文献   

The variation of plasmaspheric electron content (PEC) is an important parameter for studying the effects of space weather events in the low latitude ionosphere. In the present study, the vertical TEC (VTEC) measurements obtained from co-located dual-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) and Coherent Radio Beacon Experiment (CRABEX) systems have been used. The daytime PEC variations under different geophysical conditions have been estimated (around the magnetic equator) over the Indian sector, for the first time. The first observations of the nighttime PEC variations over the Indian sector are also estimated from the simultaneous measurements of Faraday rotation, differential Doppler and modulation phase delay made using the CRABEX system on-board the Indian geostationary satellite GSAT2. The study shows that the PEC varies over a range of 10–22% (of the total electron content (TEC)) during daytime of magnetically quiet period. There is an increase in PEC with latitude during magnetically quiet period. During a magnetically disturbed period of 9 November 2004, the PEC increased to ∼30% of the TEC over the magnetic equatorial location of Trivandrum (8.5°N, 76.9°E, dip 0.5°N), while at Bangalore (13°N, 78°E, dip 10°N) it showed a large depletion. The implications of the new observations are discussed.  相似文献   

A slow drift mirror (SDM) instability has been analyzed in the scope of kinetic approximation, with accounting for the electron pressure for different particle distribution functions. The dependence of the SDM instability increment growth rate on the parameters of the anisotropic κ distribution with the loss cone, which is used to model real space plasma particle distributions, has been studied. An analysis indicated that the appearance of the loss cone in the ion distribution function results in a decrease in the SDM mode frequency, and an enhancement of the suprathermal tail (a decrease in κ) increases the SDM mode frequency as compared to the Maxwellian distribution. In other words, particle redistribution from the region of low velocities into that of high velocities results in an increase in the SDM mode frequency.  相似文献   

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